Blood Sex and Magic

By Phunk Factor

Published on Feb 17, 2023


Disclaimer; This is a story about characters from the television show True Blood. It is a work of fiction and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of actors appearing in the show, also this story implies nothing about their sexuality. I do not own these characters, adapted for television by produced and created by Allan Bal, and is loosely based on the series of novels by Charalaine Harris. It is produced by Ball's production company, Your Face Goes Here Entertainment.

Note from Author; This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, continue reading and please comment. I'll be delighted to hear your opinions and suggestions about it at .

I"I'm Not Dead" by P!NK has sort of inspired this chapter, so possibly you can enjoy reading it more as you listen to the song. Happy reading! :)

Eric got up and slammed the door so hard that the lock broke. He was seething mad, he wanted to phase after Bill and throw him personally out of Fangtasia. The beast inside him was uncurling quickly, there were so many thoughts washing over him at the same time. It was impossible to follow all of them, even for a vampire. Kill Bill! Kill Sookie! Kill Jason! Start war! Kill all humans in Bon Temps! Eric was capable of doing just about anything right now.

As much as he hated to agree with Bill, he simply could not let the vampire go wild on a crazy killing spree. Even the elders won't be able to control this one and it would inevitably turn into a massive chaos attack. He was pretty certain that vampires would emerge victorious given they were physically superior to humans, even though far fewer in numbers. Eric left for his room, where he slept during the day. Perhaps the best thing to do right now is to go to sleep. But would he be able to sleep with a broken heart. Eric hated himself for getting so close to someone, getting so close to a human. A mere mortal. Eric was abit of a masochistic person, but he loved Jason for real. Just like he had loved Bill Compton last century.

It all seemed so long ago, but Eric remembered it all so well. They were a group of four Eric, Bill, Philip and James. Though all were converted at different points from different parts of the world, by appearance all were young. Bill was their newest addition, having helped the three escape from a hunt gone wrong. Vampires were still living in shadows then and needed some place for refuge. James and Philip also wanted Bill to be a part of the group, especially since he seemed to be the only one to calm Eric down with his logical reasoning.

Eric being the eldest had stumbled upon an abandoned place, that was to become a Fangtasia in a few years. Unfortunately another group of vampires had been eying the same place. Eric suggested that they inhabit the place together after all vampires needed to stick together.

However the leader of this group didn't like that. He was much younger to Eric in vampire years, but demanded that he was to be made the leader of the pack. Eric who was the eldest of all present then said it was against the vampire traditions, but the young vampire wasn't willing to listen. In one conversation, Eric knew he wasn't one who followed rules. All of the vampires in his pack had been transformed by him. He liked to be the dominating force. When a settlement couldn't be reached, they decided to hold a fight. No vampire has to be killed. But just as Eric had forethought, the young vampire was out for blood. It didn't take much effort or time for Eric to tear him apart literally. However as soon as he did so, the dead leader's pack jumped onto Eric intending to kill him.

James, Philip and Bill had to intervene. Eric wanted to throw them all out, but Bill reasoned that they all are new converts and it would wrong to evict them. They are as much of a dangerous to themselves as the world outside. Eric agreed and let them stay. That night while Bill nursed Eric's wounds, Eric first felt an odd attraction to the younger vampire. His uncanny thinking and genuine concern for all had amazed Eric. Unsure of what to do or how to process these feelings, Eric leaned in and kissed Bill.

Bill was caught off-guard by what had just happened. Ever since he was forced to leave his family and later on his maker, Lorena, Bill had omitted the possibility of finding someone to love. Death wasn't an option as Bill felt he was much too scared to die again. All he felt, thought and did was for those surrounding him. His physiology may have changed, but his psyche had not. The human, he once was, still lurked inside of him. Eric was very much drawn to this trait. Having been converted centuries ago in the cold lands of Scandinavia and having spent more time as a vampire than as a human, Eric had forgotten how it was to feel like a human. To still be one from the inside. Also having witnessed how cruel humans could be to their kins, had made Eric believe there isn't much difference between them. But how Bill functioned was something Eric was attracted to. And he could not deny it.

Eric ran a hand behind Bill's neck as he kissed him again. He unbuttoned Bill and slid the plaid cotton shirt off Bill's thin hairy frame. Eric ran his fingers on Bill's chest feeling his skin. Bill's chest hair slipped between Eric's fingers. Eric had made love before and had been close to another man, but there was never an attraction. There was never a need to feel. It was always so physical. But not this time, it felt different. It felt right.

He took Bill's shirt off completely and threw it away. He had been looking at Bill so intently, as if trying to photograph the other man in his mind. The pink lips. The intoxicating eyes. The shallow cheeks. The trussed hair. The slightly muscular frame. He grazed the underside of Bill's chin and bought it closer. He asked and kissed, Bill responded with a much enthusiastic response. "You ever kissed a man before?", Eric asked.

"Never!", Bill complied breathless. "You?", he asked.

"I just did!", Eric smiled. Bill couldn't look at Eric in the eyes. The larger man was clearly overpowering in the most subtle unsaid ways. Bill began to unbutton Eric and took off the shirt. He had to exert a little force as the shirt was snug around Eric's muscled arms. Eric was apparently hairless, perhaps he was converted very young. He didn't have hair then as a human, and therefore his vampire form would never have hair either.

"What are you looking at?", Eric asked.

"You!", Bill answered.

"Why are you not looking up?", Eric said asking another question. And so Bill looked up. Eric took the opportunity and kissed him again. Eric undid Bill's pant and put him on the bed. He lay on top of him and started to kiss his neck. Bill couldn't help but let Eric do as he wanted. Eric pushed down Bill's pants. His legs had hair on them as well. Eric wrapped his hands around Eric's long stiff penis and began to gently jerk him off. Bill had been very busy being on the run from Lorena to be concerned about his sex life. It didn't take much for him to ejaculate.

"Eric!", Bill whispered, "Be gentle!"

Eric blinked in agreement and slid his pants off. He placed his penis at Bill's anal entrance and scooped him up in his arms. Bill sank his hands into Eric's muscular shoulders to ease himself as Eric pushed into him inch by inch. Eric was making love after many days. This was to make a connection, not for carnal pleasure. He felt Bill's cold skin graze against his and set all his senses on fire.

Eric was trying his best not to put Bill through any pain, but no matter how much he tried there was some element of pain that irked Bill and caused suffering to Eric. Everytime Bill's penis poked his ribs hard, Eric knew Bill was hurt even if he didn't say so from his mouth. Eric grazed against Bill's insides and once he was all inside Bill, he lay Bill down again and started pumping in slow motion. Bill still wasn't used to Eric's monster girth and length but it had gotten somewhat better. And then a few moments later, Eric cummed into Bill.

If the actual insertion and the motions were a pain, the solid ropey cum shots left them far behind on the pain chart. Bill accidentally bit into Eric's flesh, Eric groaned in pain. Fortunately he didn't go much deep to cause any harm.

Eric withdrew his dripping penis and lay next to Bill. "With you, I'm not dead!", Eric whispered to Bill and kissed him. The two went to sleep after making love for the very first time. Here on began the love between the two adult vampires. They didn't hide it from the rest. While Eric was prone to favor, Bill made sure he was given no special treatment by Eric.

The vampires other than Eric, Bill, James and Philip though were under the leadership of a new vampire, they were still very much loyal to their former leader. They also were not very fond of the extreme closeness between Eric and Bill. Plus their irregular and completely demonic hunting habits put them at the sword ends of James and Philip. In a fight that occurred, all of them were killed. James also died in that fight. Philip left soon after that claiming that he needs to find a place of his own.

As Philip left in the dark of the night, Eric turned to Bill, "It's just us now. You know what this means, don't you?", Eric asked.

Next: Chapter 15

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