Blood Sex and Magic

By Phunk Factor

Published on Feb 10, 2023


Disclaimer; This is a story about characters from the television show True Blood. It is a work of fiction and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of actors appearing in the show, also this story implies nothing about their sexuality. I do not own these characters, adapted for television by produced and created by Allan Bal, and is loosely based on the series of novels by Charalaine Harris. It is produced by Ball's production company, Your Face Goes Here Entertainment.

Note from Author; This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, continue reading and please comment. I'll be delighted to hear your opinions and suggestions about it at . Happy reading! :)

Bill walked into Fangtasia, wondering how the night would end. He knew that his sentence won't be small for killing a fellow vampire, even though his attack was justified as he was protecting his human. There were a number of reasons why Bill avoided Fangtasia as much as he could, he didn't like the place at all. The vampire who inhabited the place had only three things on their mind feeding, fucking and frenzy killing. It was everything these vampire lived for. Bill couldn't blame them for that. When you're immortal pretty soon everything becomes too boring or too old for you. It was only their hunger that kept up with them. And with this hunger, came the side-effect of extreme sexual needs. Frenzy killing was like a fetish for some, but it was something every vampire had done once in their life.

Eric, the sheriff of Shreveport, had done an admirable job of keeping everything in check. He was indeed a figure of authority. Bill couldn't think of any other vampire who could have done this job any better. Eric did indeed have a way about things. But he was also the reason why coming to Fangtasia hurt him so bad. The bar had indeed gone through major modifications, but he remembered the days when there were only a handful of vampires who inhabited it. All of them left or killed one by one, it was only Eric and Bill that remained in the end. And together they rebuilt it.

However even the best of companionship, also fall short at some point. It was a cold day in the winter of 1941 that Bill left Fangtasia, promising never to return again. Eric had not tried stopping him. Nor did anybody else. They were all jealous of the time Bill had shared with Eric. They all knew with Bill out of the picture, they could have a chance to get closer to the sheriff and that would establish them as a superior over the rest. Both the vampires older and younger to them. However Eric didn't let anyone come close. Only once Pam arrived at Fangtasia did Eric get his right-hand. Eric knew Pam would keep things strictly professional. She had no desire of power at all.

It was nearly sixty years later that Bill found himself lying in Fangtasia. During his period of absence, he had not once been in contact with the place. When he left, he admits that a part of him wanted to go back. But Bill was never one of those to give in and let another person walk over what he believes. The pangs to get back to Fangtasia wore him down initially in his journey, but it wasn't long before they became a distant memory. Bill had locked them in some part of his brain. They only surfaced when he was mentally unguarded, that is his sleep. What may seem like dreams to ordinary people, to Bill Compton they were the worst of the nightmares.

As soon as he had regained consciousness, Bill wanted to leave Fangtasia but Eric told him he's far too weak to go anywhere. The human he fed on recently was infected him Hepatitis D and it had weakened him greatly. Any phasing or physical exertions could kill him. Eric had to do a whole lot of convincing for Bill to agree to stay. While Bill stayed at Fangtasia regaining his lost strength, Eric tapped into their connection. Eric didn't dare dive into anything sensitive, he would not like to anger Bill or raise any question which would have a response that would cause him to loose it.

Once Bill was all fine, Eric let him go. He made it clear that Bill was welcome anytime he felt like coming. It was his second home and he will always be welcome. Many vampires present in Fangtasia at that time didn't know who Bill was, but knew that they had never seen Eric this easy-going and compassionate ever before. There must have been something about Bill.

"Bill! Bill! Wake up, Night Dreamer!", Pam shrugged him. Bill couldn't help it. Everytime he stepped into Fangtasia, he felt himself recall more and more of his history here. If Pamela had no disturbed him, he would have gone on further.

"Sorry! Wandered off in my thoughts! Is Eric ready?", Bill asked.

"The summon has been canceled! Eric had to pull a few strings to make it happen, but he managed it well!", Pam asked snobbishly.

"The summon is canceled?!", Bill asked in disbelief. "Eric canceled the summon!", Bill repeated to himself slowly to understand what had just happened. This was nothing like the Eric he had known. Eric is extremely strict when it comes to practicing the traditions laid out by the Elders, something must have gone horrible wrong. "Is Eric..?", he was cut short in his question.

"Upstairs! In his room. He's devastated!", Pam reported, her voice was heavy with grief. This had to be something unbelievably serious, if Pam showed sadness something big must have happened. He looked around and saw all the important members of Fangtasia present. "He didn't tell you about it! But Eric had a human lover!" Pam replied.

"Eric had a human lover?", Bill asked. His surprise was evident.

"It was a fairly new development, but Eric was deeply involved. I know it's unlike him, but it's true." Pam said not looking at Bill. A tear of blood rolled down her nose. Bill phased into Eric's room.

"Come in!", came a voice. It was Eric. He knew Bill was coming, even before he had touched the door knob.

"How did you know it was me?", Bill asked.

"Bill! Your curiously amuses me as much as your blunt stupidity!", Eric responded with an expressionless face. "After knowing you for almost hundred years, I know each and every action of yours!", he raged.

Bill realized Eric was mad and sad at the same time. A wrong comment would probably result in him being thrown through the french door. He stood there in silence with respect. "Tell me, Bill!", Eric ordered. "What is it about your human companion that makes you love her so much?", Eric asked.

"In all respect, Eric, she has a name and I know you know it!", Bill said his eyes glaring with anger.

"Do not dodge my question!", Eric stated.

"Sookie and I have a connection. We love each other. We care for each other. We want to be together more than we can manage. I am not afraid of whatever my vampire brethren think of my relation with her and nor is she affected by what her human friends feel about it.", Bill reasoned in a strict no-nonsense tone. "Sure, we fight like all couples. But we also make-up!", he completed.

"Spare me the dramatics! You think I didn't do that for my human companion?", Eric asked in anger.

"In all fairness, it came in my knowledge today about your...", Bill paused, "Relation.", he completed his sentence. "I don't even know who she is!", Bill said.

"Obviously!" Eric taunted. "Your far too busy ripping about your vampire brethren and making love to her, you don't care what goes on in my world!", Eric shouted.

Bill lost his composure and moved forward. He slammed a fist on the table, making a hole in it. "I made it clear to you in 1941 that I don't care what goes on with you! It's not my fault, you have not gotten it into that thick head of yours!", Bill spat in anger. "And it's not of your concern, what I do with Sookie or how many vampires I slay for her.", he completed.

"Slay?!", Eric repeated in mockery. "So the blood sucking demon becomes the knight in shining armor! Oh look at me, Sookie. I can tear apart a vampire with my bare hands!", he mocked. Eric stopped laughing. "You're right! You're absolutely right in saying whatever you do with her is not my problem! But it does become my problem when I don't see why can't I eradicate their whole species. I'm sure your vampire brethren would enjoy that very much!"

"You wouldn't do that, Eric! It would trigger a whole out war. The apocalypse would dawn upon the world!", Bill reasoned. He sensed that Eric was deeply hurt at the moment, and right now he was very capable of doing something just like that. The worst part is, if he was to survive it, he won't regret it. "Not all humans all bad!", he reasoned. "Tell me who she was. Sookie could reason with her. Or if you are fine with it, she can read her mind and get to know why she hurt you."

"For your information, it was a 'He'!", Eric stated. He was puffing from rage.

"He?!", Bill repeated. He was taken back. Eric's had a male human companion. Bill found this a little unsettling, Eric's last male lover was himself. Bill could only wonder who was the new man in Eric's life. It kept getting freakier by the minute, Bill thought. "Well, Sookie can still help if you would allow!"

"Oh, that would be a gem! Telling Sookie to scan her brother's mind for her illicit gay relationship with the sheriff vampire!", Eric mused.

"Jason Stackhouse?", Bill asked. "You were in relation with Jason Stackhouse?" Bill paused for a moment to process all the information. This was most definitely the straw that broke the camel's back.

He phased to the other side of the desk and grabbed Eric by his shirt and slammed him into a near by wall, "I don't know what sick scheme you are running in that twisted, perverted mind of yours, Eric! But I warned you to stay away from Sookie and her family! And I meant it!", he raged. "You want to call a war! Call it! You know on which side you'll find me!" he completed before throwing Eric down.

Bill moved towards the door and began to walk out. "The difference between what you and I had and what Sookie and I have is that, you and I never made-up. And I don't think we ever will!" and slammed the door shut on Eric's face.

Next: Chapter 14

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