Blood Sex and Magic

By Phunk Factor

Published on Feb 6, 2023


Disclaimer; This is a story about characters from the television show True Blood. It is a work of fiction and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of actors appearing in the show, also this story implies nothing about their sexuality. I do not own these characters, adapted for television by produced and created by Allan Bal, and is loosely based on the series of novels by Charalaine Harris. It is produced by Ball's production company, Your Face Goes Here Entertainment.

Note from Author; This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, continue reading and please comment. I'll be delighted to hear your opinions and suggestions about it at . Happy reading! :)

Sam's mind had flooded with thoughts. The harder he tried to suppress them, the more they crashed into him. He wished he could erase the memory of having sex with Jason Stackhouse. He was bloody scared what would happen if Sookie read his thoughts and found out he had slept with her brother. He sat there naked on the bed right besides the figure of sleeping Jason.

More bizarre than what had just happened was how it had happened. How did he just transform into Eric without his will. And even more crazy was the thought of how Jason was involved with the Vampire Sheriff himself. Jason was either incredibly stupid or amazingly cunning to have managed that. Another thought that was haunting him was that how he had liked it all. He was ashamed to admit it, but a part of him enjoyed fucking Jason. Sam is a very busy man, not only with running the busiest bar in Bon Temps but also trying to keep an eye on Sookie. It was very often that he had the opportunity to get laid. On more nights than he could count, it had been Sam and his hands. Sam's dick had gotten hard at the memory of fucking Jason. He tried to block out the memory of Jason going up and down on his dick, but he couldn't help it. The velvety warmness of Jason's ass felt so good that it could make even the most composed men like Sam, loose control.

Suddenly his skin started feeling tickling all over and he released what was happening. Jason was getting up again and he was once again transforming into Eric against his will. He felt his skin go white and more elastic. He felt his muscles grow and become toned. His waist decrease as his intestines pulled in and his abdominal wall toughen and sculpt. His dirty blond hair morph into a sleek of beautiful blond hair and his facial hair shrink and disappear. Finally the balls shrunk, but his dick lengthen and get thinner. The transformation was complete. Sam had transformed into Eric.

He felt two fingers walking up his back. He shuddered at the sensation that were driving him crazy. Jason bought his hand around Sam's neck and bit his ear. "I missed you!", he whispered. Sam gulped. Should he tell Jason who he really was? Would he believe him?

Jason was now kissing alongside his neck and pinching Sam's nipples. Sam felt a surge of blood to his penis as it got harder than ever before. His breathing grew heavy. He realized that Jason had complete control over his body, thoughts and emotion. Jason's power of seduction was like nothing he had ever experienced in his life. Jason was still working on Sam's neck and nipples. Then Sam felt Jason's hand stroll down and past his belly button. He felt Jason's hand wrap around his, or Eric's, cock and the strokes. "Why the silence treatment, Love?", Jason cooed.

He has no idea what is happening, Sam thought. He doesn't know that his thoughts had transformed him into his lover. While on the outside he could pass for another Eric, his insides were still his own and he still possessed the ability to distinguish the thoughts. He felt Jason entice him more and more. He had to take control back somehow.

"Jason, stop!" Sam raged and got up from the bed. "Please stop!", he repeated trying to sound as assertive as possible. His breath was so heavy and rapid that he could feel his chest and dick heave up and down with his breathing movements. Jason got up from the bed, he was hard. This was tempting beyond belief. Here was the most gorgeous guy in Bon Temps standing before him naked wanting to make love to him. And it wasn't like this had not happened before. Sam had more than once transformed into some body's fantasy and gotten into the bed with them for a one night stand. It was a win-win situation, the person got to sleep with their dream and he got laid. But that was the young reckless Sam, that was before he had met Sookie.

Jason started moving towards Sam, Sam had no option but to move backwards. However he found himself leaning against a wall as Jason continued to progress towards him. Seconds later, he could feel Jason's breath wash all over him. He felt Jason's dick poke him on the thigh. He was dangerously close. He felt Jason's hand creep to the back of his head and grab his hair. Next thing he knew was that Jason was deep tonguing him. That kiss was the deal breaker. Sam felt his defenses crumble and he literally sank into Jason's mouth.

Sam broke the kiss. The inner animal had taken over him. He lifted Jason off the ground and took him to the bed. He laid him down gently and grabbed his legs. He put them on his shoulders and placed his dick at Jason's anal entrance. He towered upon Jason and looked into those puppy dog eyes of his. And he lost all motive to fuck the brains out of him. He folded Jason's legs and laid down besides him.

"What wrong, Eric?", Jason asked. Jason knew that turning down a hot fuck wasn't like Eric. Eric is an extremely sexual person and couple it with the fact of how insanely horny vampires are, Eric is sex walking on two legs.

Sam hoped that he would change back into his original form, this would probably make the situation somewhat easier. But then it had amazing potential to mess up Jason further. "Nothing, Jason! I just don't feel like doing it today!", Sam reasoned.

"Your dick seems to disagree with you!", Jason cooed wrapping his hands around Sam's cock. He started nibbling again.

"I'm serious, Jason! I'm not in the mood today!", Sam replied in a strict monotone. "Don't screw with me today!"

Jason got irritated. "Fine! Just give me some V and I'll go! I thought we had.", he was cut short by Sam.

"You take V?", he asked estranged.

Jason looked at him in disbelief. "You're asking me this?!" Jason asked to make sure. "I drink your blood!" he said slowly and loudly, as if Sam was a small kid who was being explained a rather easy maths problem.

"Since when?", Sam asked. He had propped himself on his elbows and was towering over Jason, who was lying flat on his back staring at the ceiling.

"Well, I had initially taken some V from Lafayette! But when he didn't give me any so I went to Fangtasia hoping to sucker some vampire into giving me some and..", Jason was cut short again.

"You went to Fangtasia?", Sam asked in anger.

"What are you so angry about? We officially met there first time and you fucked me that night!", Jason said trying to explain the rather obvious. "Honestly, what has gotten into you today?", he asked.

"Nothing! I'm just having a bad day!", Sam apologized. This situation was getting more and more out of hand. "What else has happened between us?" he asked.

"Well, you've fucked me about three to four times. And I've sucked you. You could potentially be my boyfriend! And you have summoned me to your place, but I sort of don't remember what happened after that." Jason said filling in the gaps.

Sam ran the detail over and over in his head. Eric had fucked Jason. Jason had sucked Eric. Eric had fed Jason his blood. Jason has drank Eric's blood. No wait, that was still not determined. Gathering all his courage he asked perhaps the most crucial question, "Have I drank your blood?", Sam stammered.

"Surprisingly, you haven't!" Jason responded. "Do you want to drink my blood?", Jason asked wondering if that moment was finally here.

"What?!", Sam asked in surprise. "No! No! I don't want to!" Jason didn't like the distanced Eric, he rolled on to his side and looked at him directly in the eyes. Before Sam could respond to Jason's gaze, Jason had forced his lips onto Sam and was kissing him wildly. Sam's dick had gone a little soft, but Jason stimulated it back to life within a matter of seconds. And once it was hard, Jason wasted no time in swallowing it. Sam gasped at the enveloping warmness, his breathing rate shot to the sky as Jason blew him.

"Jason, please! Stop!", Sam whined. This felt so right and so wrong at the same time. Sam grazed his hands into Jason's dirty blond locks and wanted to rip him away from his cock. But he found his hands urging Jason to take more and more of his cock in.

Sam dick was so hard, he was afraid that any swift movement would cause it to break. He dragged Jason's mouth off his dick and told him to bend over. Jason obeyed the command and turned around, with his ass in the air and face buried in the pillows. Sam ripped open a condom from the bedside and wore it. Gripping Jason by his waist, he aimed for the hole and drove his entire cock inside. Jason yelped with pain. Sam was very rough, he had thrown all inhibitions and guilty feelings out of the window. All he cared about right now was to shoot a huge load into the condom and get some gratification. He didn't quite care how Jason was feeling.

Jason was very much used to rough fucking but this was a completely different feel to him. He was trying to hold on to bed as tightly as he could. The whole bed was shaking wildly as Sam was fucking him. Jason felt the dick hit all the right spots inside him. It fit so well into his ass that he couldn't believe it, literally pushing around into the sides and forcing them apart. Jason moaned with pleasure. Everytime Sam pulled him back, Jason felt the fat head of the dick touch his prostrate. Everytime Sam pulled out, Jason felt his anal walls squeeze back only to be forced apart seconds later. This was such an incredible feeling to Jason. Eric was fucking him like never before.

"Take the condom off!", Jason ordered between his pants. He was breathless from the fucking.

"You want me to come inside you?", Sam asked.

"You always come inside me! What is wrong with you?!" Jason asked in a rather obvious tone. "Quickly! Before you ejaculate!"

Not being one to argue during sex, Sam pulled his dick out and ripped the condom off. He forced the dick back into Jason. Jason crooned as he felt the flesh pierce him once more. A few more minutes of fucking and Sam was all ready to coat Jason's insides with his hot spunk. He forced it deep into Jason and felt his dick fire shots deep into Jason's bowels. Both men sighed in peace.

"What the fuck?! Sam?!", Jason bellowed.

Sam didn't understand for a moment what just happened. Somehow he had turned back into himself. He didn't remember feeling the change come over. It must have happened while they were having sex. His hands were still gripping Jason by the waist. Jason pushed Sam down and quickly stood up. "What the fuck are you doing fucking me?", Jason screamed wrapping a towel around his privates.

Sam was lying in all his naked glory on the bed. His mind was still somewhat blank from the much active session with Jason. Plus since Jason kept firing questions at him, he couldn't fix his mind on one thing long enough to respond.

"Answer me, Sam! Or I swear I will kill you at this very moment!", Jason bellowed.

Sam got up, his dick still slightly hard. Jason gulped looking at it's thickness. He couldn't help but to feel slightly drawn towards Sam. There was a certain maturity in him with that slight drizzle of chest hair and facial hair. In that one look, Jason counted six differences between Eric and Sam. But that still didn't provide him with how he was getting fucked by Sam just a few minutes ago. Especially since he remembered that it was Eric who was fucking him in the first place.

It took sometime for Sam to explain to Jason what had happened in the room within the last few hours. Sam really couldn't decide what was the hardest part of the conversation. Quite possibly, the hardest was the part where he had to reveal to Jason that he was a shape shifter, which Jason decided to test. It was a really strange sight to see to grown men talking naked and unknown to them, someone had been spying on them.

"Okay, so I get how you ended up fucking me! But how did you transform into Eric?", Jason asked with a towel around his waist. Sam was sitting naked on the bed.

"That's something even I haven't understood fully yet! But I know somebody who can help us!", Sam answered.

"Who?" Jason asked.

"Bill!", Sam replied in a monotone. Oh great, Jason thought. My little romance is about to go all over Bon Temps. Starting with Sam, soon Bill will know and then Sookie will find out. And she'll confess to Tera who would spread it all over the place.

"You want to come along?", Sam asked finally putting some clothes on.

"No!", Jason replied firmly. "I'm going to Fangtasia!", Jason responded also putting his clothes on.

"You're not going to Fangtasia, Jason!", Sam commanded sternly.

"Oh yeah?! Who are you to stop me?", Jason shot back in disgust.

"You even take a step towards that vampire hole and I'll tell Sookie everything!", Sam threatened. Jason knew Sam wasn't kidding with it. Not in agreement, but he decided to stick around whatever place this was.

Next: Chapter 13

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