Blood Sex and Magic

By Phunk Factor

Published on Sep 25, 2009


Disclaimer; This is a story about characters from the television show True Blood. It is a work of fiction and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of actors appearing in the show, also this story implies nothing about their sexuality. I do not own these characters, adapted for television by produced and created by Allan Bal, and is loosely based on the series of novels by Charalaine Harris. It is produced by Ball's production company, Your Face Goes Here Entertainment.

Note from Author; This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, continue reading and please comment. I'll be delighting to hear your opinions and suggestions about it at . Happy reading! :)

Jason Stackhouse was in the verge of breaking down into complete untamed sense of delusion upon learning that Lafayette won't cut him some V for free. Although his first experience with the substance was a complete disaster, Jason just couldn't help but to want more once he experienced how it felt when taken in correct doses. He had tried to worm out Lafayette's supplier but was unsuccessful on that part as well. It's not an easy job to fool Lafayette. He's wise to everyone.

Jason was flustered. And that was to describe his state in a much understated way. He was feeling restless, agitated, and breathless. It was as if his body wanted to accomplish an orgasm but his penis just wasn't willing to discharge any of his man seed. After a lot of thinking, that was a big accomplishment for Jason. Being the bonehead sucker he is, even a little thinking was a lot for him. You could paint him green and put a club in one of his hand, and voila! You'd have a real life ogre in front of you! A very sexy ogre at that!

He was not sure where he could land his hand on some more V. He had given up all hopes from Lafayette when even the best of his puppy dog looks failed to bless him with any positive results. So he just sat there, his mind running in circles. But you know what they say?! Opportunity can come knocking at any moment. It was then at that very moment that four vampires walked into Merolette; Bill Campton was the only one he was familiar with. The other three seemed to be completely new faces. The first one was a tall, muscular, blonde male who seemed to have cast a brooding presence over the entire joint. Every single eye was on him. The men were terrified of him. The women were lusting over him that is those who weren't shit scared. And the children were awe-struck. Those few who weren't fixated on him, couldn't help but notice the tall, statuesque, copper headed female standing next to him eyeing the whole place as if it was a dump. To her it was just that, a dump! A dump full of useless life force that was meant to wind up on her or someone else's dinner plates sooner or later. The last one stood a little away from the door and was not at all of a looker compared. He was short, fat and most of all seemed disinterested in the happenings.

Bill had disappeared into Sam's office, along with Sam. The tall male and female were handing out what appeared to be pamphlets of their bar, a place named Fangtasia. It was located somewhere in Shreveport. Jason had heard of this name before from the two girls he had slept with in the last couple of days, both of whom had winded up dead a few hours later. Jason knew that in that bar somewhere had to be someone stupid enough to con into handing over some V for him to use.

As he was scheming, the tall male walked past him and handed him a pamphlet. He stopped to look into Jason's eyes for a second or two as if he was scanning him. Jason felt a sudden urge to start a conversation with him but just then Bill emerged from the office and exited with his fellow vampires. Jason pocketed the pamphlet and drank the last of his beer. He was determined now. Tonight was his night! Jason slapped the money for the beer and left. He jumped into his truck and headed straight for Fangtasia.

An hour or so later, Jason found himself at that very place which he loathed. He was in some deep trouble because of the murders of those two girls and he knew that both of those two ladies had been here at some part of their short-lived lives. An image flashed across his mind of him lying naked on his bed, strangled to death like the two girls were. But he quickly brushed it off. His hunger for V was so strong, he couldn't think about anything else at all. Taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat off his brow, he made his way to the entrance.

The female vampire at the entrance looked at him in amusement; she couldn't believe somebody could be so foolish to walk into a bar full of vampires and expecting to come out without a puncture mark on the neck. However she was not the one to stop him, so she let him inside wishing him luck, only half heartedly.

Once inside Jason looked around scanning the place for potential 'donors' of V. The place was littered with vampires, fang-bangers (The official term for humans who have had sex with vampires on will) and soon-to-be-drained fools. This isn't going to be easy, Jason thought. How's he going to manage to extract from V out of them all on his own. But his thirst was too strong. His head kept rotating from one side to the other scanning for anyone that could help him out.

Jason felt that someone was looking at him. And it was then that he spotted the very same male vampire who had handed out pamphlets in the bar. He was seated in a far corner of the place, looking right into Jason. Just when Jason took notice of his gazing, he looked away and began to scan the crowd. Justin thought of going up to him and introducing himself, but just then a girl stepped up to him and started flirting with him. The vampire seemed repulsed and revolted by her, he ordered his subjects to take her away.

As she was removed from the scene, the vampire gave Jason another look. This time Jason was sure it meant something but he was scared. He didn't want to be carted away like that girl into some corner and possibly be fed upon. But the vampire gave Jason a reassuring look, as if telling him via brainwaves that everything is okay. Jason felt a tease all of a sudden and made his way to him.

"Jason Stackhouse, a pleasure to meet you!" he greeted in a cold, sarcastic tone. Jason was surprised as to how did he know his name.

"How did you know my name?" Jason asked all flustered and confused.

"You Stackhouses are a famous bunch of people amongst us lately!" he replied back not looking at Jason. He took a deep breathe, though he didn't need any oxygen. Clearly bored, he fixated his eyes upon Jason with a small smile spread on his face, "So what can I do for you?" he asked.

"You know my name but you don't know what I happen to be looking for?" Jason asked.

"I do know what your looking for!", he said. After a brief pause that made a point that he wasn't very much into making people welcome, "But I didn't think anyone would be a fool enough to ask the Sheriff for some V?"

"What's a Sheriff?" Jason asked.

The vampire shot Jason what seemed to be an innocent smile. But there was nothing innocent about him when he laughed under his breath, "My foolish boy! My foolish, pretty little silly boy! A sheriff is the king of a district! All of these vampires you see before you are under me! None of them can even touch you unless I allow them! If they do so, the consequences will be.." he paused looking for a suitable word. "Most unpleasant and extremely brutal!" he coined.

"That's a mighty big job you got right there!" Jason confirmed.

Looking somewhat amused, the vampire responded. "Yes, but then occasionally once in awhile I have my retreats of enjoyment!" at the final word, he looked at Jason from head to feet. Jason felt a chill run across his spine.

Shrugging it off, he got to the point. "So you know where I can get some V around here?" he asked.

The vampire who was still looking at Jason sitting down from his chair finally stood up. "Jason! We're Vampires! We feed on human! You are a human! Humans do NOT feed on vampires!" he said making a definite statement. Jason gulped. A trickle of sweat ran down the left side of his head, it was a good thing the crowd around him was busy in their own business. He would've died had the people fixated their orbs on them.

"Okay! I guess then I better get going!" Jason excused him with a smile. He turned around to leave and he felt the cold grip of the vampire on his wrist. With a swift movement, he spun Jason around.

"You didn't let me finish!" he growled. Jason felt his balls and dick shrink into his body. The vampire looked at the crowd once more before returning to Jason. He looked at Jason right into the eyes and told him to go up the stairs. Once he was there, he was supposed to go into the very last room, if anybody stopped him along the way all he had to say was 'I'm for the Sheriff!' and they would not disturb him. He ordered Jason to wait for him in the room and that he'll be there shortly.

Jason made his way to the room. As he climbed the stairs, he felt as if he was climbing it hell. All around him were vampires feeding on humans. Some were giving up their blood willingly. From some it was being taken by force. Another activity that was taking place more than sucking blood was sex. So many people and vampires around him were looking into sex.

As he made his way a few vampires broke off from their entrees and partners, only to proceed to Jason. In order to ward them off, he kept muttering as loud as he could what the vampire had told him. After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally reached the room.

The room was different. Very different from the bar! It looked like a modern study you would find in some mansion of a billionaire. Jason was just looking around when he found the lock being twisted and the door open. From the brief light that illuminated the room, Jason saw the vampire enter. His face was expression less but his eyes looked cold. Jason panicked for a moment but then an odd sensation swept over him. It was as if a voice from the Heave was whispering to him that everything will turn out for the better.

The vampire said nothing. He slipped his hand into his pocket and took out a small vial. Then he opened one of the drawers and took out a small knife. With a swift motion he punctured the tip of his finger and then jammed it into the vial. His face remained expression less and he kept looking at Jason. He kept stroking the punctured finger with his thumb.

After a few moment the vial was filled to a quarter and a half of it's capacity the Vampire withdrew his finger and sealed the vial shut. He sucked on his finger for a minute and then placed the vial on the table. Jason's eyes were now fixated on the vial. He then looked at the vampire who was smiling. Jason smiled back. His hands reached out for the vial and just then the vampire in one swift motion grabbed him by his wrist. He was still smiling.

"Not so soon, Stackhouse! I need a little something in return!" he stated with a small twisted smile on his face.

Jason's mind raced to a thousand conclusions. "What is it that you want from me?" he asked.

"I want you to be a fang-banger for me!" he replied in the same twisted manner.

Next: Chapter 2

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