Blood Moon

By Lucky Venym

Published on Apr 29, 2009



All characters of the Twilight series are property of the author Stephanie Meyers. I only use them to tell a further story and respectfully thank her for spinning such a wonderful story. All characters in the story are fictitious. Thus this is a fan's work and feel free to email comments or suggestions. This piece takes place after Breaking Dawn.

If you were looking for a spank bank story you might want to keep going. Well this chapter gets good, but don't expect it every round. Gratuitous sex isn't my strength in writing. Secondly, this story deals with homosexual relations between men above the age of 18. Thus if such material is deemed unlawful in your area, you might want to switch to a different story. If you're under 18, same advice.

Next, I have no idea if the actors/ actresses of Twilight are gay. Quite frankly they are not the point of this story. Thus I make no assessment of their sexuality.

Lastly, to everyone who keeps hounding me for more chapters two things: Thank you and RELAX. I love hearing all of the praise and such. It is very flattering and motivates me to keep going. However I just was picked up by a new company and am keeping my two other jobs Ð thus I have worked over 1250 hours since January. Thus publishing has not been on the top of my to do list. I apologize for the delay.

Blood Moon Chapter 5 Ð Tempting Atropos

"Edward!" I roared. I heard the chuckling and shot down the hallway. He was standing outside of he and Bella's room. "Are you insane? What if he had busted you?" I growled while stalking ever closer to him. Edward laughed and darted out on the back porch. I didn't wait to see where he was going.

"Boys behave" Esme called from upstairs. This rang of some vampiric Leave it to Beaver episode.

"Hey Emmett come here for a second." Edward called from the beach.

"What for you steal his shorts too?" I grumbled.

"No but you'll be interested in what's out here." I made my way to where my brother was squatting. He turned his head laughing. "And here I thought I was helping you with some spanking material. Lord you're such a pussy." Edward chuckled.

I wound up and cranked him straight in the face. He obviously thought he deserved it because he had to have known it was coming. Edward rolled to a stop and looked up with a shit-eating grin. "OK we're even. Now smell over where I was at." Edward motioned over to a small jeddi.

Sure enough the same odor that was permeating my room was waifting through the air over the jeddi. Edward had only what could be described as a devilish grin glued to his face. "Oh this is just too goodÉ Wanna see where he sleeps?" Edward asked already knowing the answer.

He took off following what was left of the lingering scent and I wasn't far behind. Edward darted down an ill lighted street in the general direction of some newer condos. After looking closer I spotted McLain's truck and figured out which was his condo.

"You know Emmett, stalking is a crime." Edward was again laughing. This time however I wasn't nearly as occupied with what he was saying as I was with what laid on the other side of the wall. If Scott ever found out about this gross invasion of his privacy, I'd have a restraining order against me ASAP.

It had been ages since I had scaled into a home. My place was traditionally knocking in the front door. Edward was the stealthy one. After making our way up the balconey, Edward quietly snapped the locking mechanism on the door with a flick of his wrist. He motioned for me to go on in. "This is where I leave you. I'm sure I don't want to know anything else." Edward threw his legs over the railing and landed like a cat off a windowsill. I turned, entered and shut the door behind me.

The house smelled of McLain, cleaning supplies and some other scent I had yet to identify. The house was immaculate, even the glasses were organized by size. The floor had not a particle of dirt on it. As I made my way through the house I noticed a small bowl with keys in it. I'd have to remember to swipe one on the way out and make a copy. Breaking locks every time gets you caught.

I turned down the hallway and saw a closed door with a gentle beating behind it. The staccato rhythm I had desired laid behind that door. Fumbling for the knob I reminded myself a few more hours and I could eat. As I entered the pictured that laid before me would have sent Michalangleo into rapture. Scott was laying naked in the middle of the bed. He was obviously not a still sleeper. He had thrown the comforter, along with the majority of the pillows, on the floor. The white sheet covered his right thigh, but dipped low on his left hip. The gentle groove of his groin line looked as if a master sculptor had chisled it. With his arm behind his head I could see his axillary artery gentle beating, signaling I was not dreaming. I stood glued to the floor becoming more and more hypnotized by the gentle beat.

Scared that I would not be able to control myself I remained frozen where I was at. I had given him a 24 hour heads up. It would be unfair to revoke my warning now. I couldn't move though. Something about his tanned skin stretched around that tight package was captivating. The white cotton of the sheets seemed to excentuate the hardness that was his body.

"Mmmm" he murmered suddenly and flipped over in his bed. His ass was now fully exposed. I felt my pants constrict. He kept murmering and arching his back a fraction of an inch. Each time I was greeted by a surprise; lust. I hadn't intended on lusting after him. Granted he was attractive enough, but with his butt exposed I wanted nothing more than to bury myself into him. I inhaled sharply as these new feelings took over. That was not the wise thing to do.

The aroma of his skin destroyed what few inhibitions I had left. I carefully stalked forward and extended my hand to the back of his thigh. His skin shuddered under my touch and small downey hair raised in gooseflesh. He groaned a little and pushed back into my hand. This boy was a heavy sleeper. His flesh felt as if it were on fire. I moved my hand up to his ass and gently cupped it. At this point his arching back had changed from a fraction of an inch to an all out gyrating. His balls were contracting as I continued to fondle his ass. He kept nudging my fingers, guiding them to his hole. His breathing deepened. A gutteral groan escaped his lips as I brushed his hole. At this point he was leaking on the sheets. I dipped my fingers in it and brought it to my lips. Quickly deciding against tasting it, because I was unsure of my reaction, I put my fingers back on his anal muscles. He moaned again pushing against them, wanting something inside him. I ever so carefully began to stretch out his muscles and enter him when he gasped "EmmettÉ"

The sound of him saying my name shook me out of my wanton trance. I quickly pulled back and moved toward the door. I fluidily darted out of his room and paused at the key bowl. Grabbing all the keys I continued out the porch door and leapt down off the building. So many things were going through my head. What the hell was happening? I just about fucked a guy. I wanted nothing more than to bury my dick in his ass and seed him. This was somewhere between infuriating and incredibly sexy. It was like I was playing on the darkside and found out it wasn't so bad. Was this what Alice had seen? Was this what my family wanted? I wasn't sure I could control myself. What happens if I loose it and fuck him in the middle of the street. It hadn't been like this with Rosie. Well I guess it had at first. Then as we grew to know each other it became less passionate and more romantic. Would that be what happened with Scott?

The questions all seemed to revolve around each other and the confusion and clouding kept getting worse. I made my way to the local hardware store and proceeded to get copies of the entire keychain. Thirty dollars and one lame story later about losing my keys and how my mom was going to kill me, I had my own set of keys into McLain's life. I knew that I should have just asked, but I was not going to be denied.

Somewhere between ACO and the McLain residence, I had pieced a couple of things together. First, the problem regarding what to do about Scott had been resolved Ð I would drink of him and turn him. Second the longest I would have to wait was 12 precious hours. Third he would be with me. Granted I didn't really know what the last one meant but I could see myself having whatever Scott wanted. Granted a hot fuck was at the top of my listÉ Now to watch and wait. ***

I had followed Scott to the gym. I was hoping to catch him for a spot partner but realized that would seem a bit stalkerish. So I waited from my spot atop the building. He seemed to be a bit dazed and really thinking about some stuff. I laughed and thought about how he wasn't the only one. When I saw him hit the showers I followed him into the locked rooms. I caught a whiff of him and quickly decided against it. Catching my breath and walked out. I paced up and down the hallway a minute gaining control of my reactions. I needed to be calm to deal with him in a state like this. As I walked in the shower I heard some muffled heavy breathing and scuffling down in the showers. "Scott you in there?" I called knowing full well he was. "Hey you almost done in there?" I asked. Obviously, I had busted him jerking off in public. Thing is he wasn't even bashful.

"Dude I need to finish up in here. I'm a mess right now." he called peeking out of the bottom of the curtain. "Gimme a minute" I started putting stuff in the locker and pretended to watch the TV in the corner. I was listening waiting for a sign that he was climaxing. Apparently I had busted him at just the wrong time because it never came. Instead he began to walk down the hall and left the water running.

"Hey did you need something Em?" he asked. His cock was in obvious need of attention. He was rock hard walking back and without a towel. He seemed bashful but refused to acknowlege it. He smelled clean his usual self with a hint of something else. I couldn't place it but it smelled musty compared to the scent of soap. I started to strip and refused to hide my bulge for his benefit.

"Nah I was hoping that I could grab you and use you as a spotter. I couldn't sleep so I came over to check out the gym. Once I pulled in I saw your car and got my hopes up." I continued to strip, and continued to get harder and harder. Scott was obviously staring at my dick and enjoying it. He kept trying to look at my face but he had wandering eyes. Gotta say the boy knows what he likes. "What you think you're the only one to walk around with a hard on? Sorry bro doesn't work that way." I smirked and started to throw on some gym duds.

He was so cute. He was flustered by me looking at him and him looking at me. It was like watching a kid who was busted with his hand in the cookie jar. I took mercy on him. I leaned in and cpiked him up and said quietly "Sorry to interrupt your morning wank. Hopefully, the free sneak peek was enough to make amends." I set him down and nonchalantely called "By the way, I like how you start off your last day."

"Umm it can't be my last day, tomorrow we are suppose to work out." He jabbed quickly. I turned around and was a bit shocked. He just flipped from quiet to assertive.

I asked "Was that a question, statement or command?"

"More of a statement. See you here tomorrow at 4:45 AM if I happen to make it through the day." He laughed. I nodded, smiled, then walked onto the floor for a quick run. I liked the fact he was simple at times, and complex in others. It kept me guessing.

So the rest of the morning started out as mundane as ever. I spent the day hanging out in the woods with Jacob and Edward. Edward was wearing a smirk all afternoon. My mind kept wandering back to my decisions and he clearly approved. Not much was said except when Jacob finally smacked him upside his head and scolded "Quit gloating."

Inside the classroom, McLain had spent the morning reading to the kids about being a good person and what that meant. He then showed the kids the movie adaptation of the book Devil's Arithmetic. Several of the children had only heard of the Holocaust but didn't understand the severity of it. Edward was grimacing thinking about his hunting in Germany during the time. The SS were deserving of brutal deaths. A couple of the kids were whispering about what they were seeing and asking if it was real. Once they had seen the ending with the main character sacrificing herself to save her cousin, a few of the students were quietly weeping. Among them was Nessie.

Scott began by consoling the children and asking what they thought the point of the movie was. Several piped up with we should love everyone, tolerance, and sacrifice. Nessie spoke quietly and answered bravery. Scott asked her to elaborate. Nessie told of Rosie who had saved her from being kidnapped, hurt, or even killed from strangers. Nessie told them what happened or at least what she could tell them. Nessie bared her soul to them. And to their credit there wasn't a single question or comment from the children. Only the shuffling of chairs to embrace her as she was obviously upset. Scott paced the room and picked her up in massive hug. Jacob and Edward both were preparing to run directly into the building and pull Nessie into their safety.

"Hold on guys." I put my hand to both of their chests. "Nessie has got to handle this one on her own. How crazy would it look for her two older brothers to coming rushing in just when she needs it? It's better to just wait and pick her up at the end of the day like you planned. Besides it sounds like McLain has got it." Jacob bared his teeth showing he could careless, but nodded that he understood. Edward was just as reluctant but agreed to stick to the plan.

The children began to share their own stories of sacrifice or stories that they knew that involved sacrifice. It wasn't condescending or bragging, rather it was a gentle pat on the shoulder saying "I may not understand completely, but I want to." Nessie relaxed sitting almost in McLain's lap and listened to the other students share. Many said that Rosie had to have been the bravest woman in the world to protect her niece like that. I smiled when I heard that one. I know Nessie did. In truth she was brave. Then the children suddenly became quiet as everything soaked in.

"Guys, today we have had a lot to take in and a lot of this stuff was pretty heavy. I showed, read, and talked with you about all of this because people quite frequently forget that kids do have to deal with these things. It's not pleasant, nor is it something that you should have to deal with. But the reality is Ð life isn't fair. The best that you can hope for is that you did right. That you made the world a better place. That you touched lives in the best way that you could. If you did those three things then you were brave, because you dared to be yourself." The kids perked up and were now listening intently. He was like a preacher on a roll during a Sunday service. "So here is what we are going to do. Everyone in here knows someone who has been brave. Done something courageous not because it was easy, but because it was right. They did it because it needed to be done. We are going to thank them. We are going to write a letter to them and tell them how much we value them and give them that letter tonight. If we can't give it to them we'll see if we can call them on the phone and read it to them. What do you think? Does this sound like something worthwhile? Should we let people we know and love who are brave, know how much we appreciate them?" McLain asked rhetorically. However there was a chorus of "YES" from each kid ready to write their little hearts out.

Kids began to feverishly scribe their feelings onto papers. Some spoke of relatives that had survived cancer, some had wrote to parents who were abused as kids, and some wrote to policemen that protected their neighborhoods. The kids shared their writing with each other and became more passionate. Each was gaining ideas and thought from the others. The children continued to write, pushing and prodding each other when they became tired, blocked or distracted. The students were passionate about what they were writing and each completed at least one letter, while most completed two or three. And while most would assume that the quality would suffer, each letter rang true to what the kids felt. Most of the kids were crying or smiling sharing in each other's stories and triumphs. The rest of the days the children spent sharing with each other developing who they wanted to be as they got older. Rarely does anyone get to witness a seed get planted, and sprout in a matter of hours. Edward, Jacob and I watched 28 in the matter of 2 hours.

"I like him." Jacob said as the bell rang. Edward smiled and followed Jacob into the school. I just sat on the tree stump and thought. For someone to be so raw, was intriguing. McLain did it like a master. Every single kid in that room felt the genuine raw emotion and understood it. They no only felt it, they connected with it and embraced it. Something gave me more hope than ever that things would be ok.

Nessie came walking up the sidewalk with a serene smile, carrying two small envelopes with her. She ran to me and gave me a huge hug. "I know you heard everything and I know that had to be hard. These are for you." She shoved the two small envelopes in my pockets and grabbed Jacob's hand. "Don't open them now wait till you get home and have some time to read them." She couldn't meet my eyes which had me worried. Edward was almost crying, but smiling. These had to be good. We walked home in silence. It was far from uncomfortable. It was like snuggling up by the fire with a good book. The occasional crackle of the flame reminded you where you were but otherwise you were wrapped up in your own thoughts, comforted by gentle glow. My warmth was my family walking with me. As we went in I walked out to the beach. For whatever reason I felt safe in the open expanse of water. I opened the first envelope which had my name scrawled in Nessies immaculate handwriting.

Uncle Emmett-

Aside from Rosie, I think that you are the single bravest person that I know. Rosie gave up her life for me, and when she left you gave up your heart. You hurt more than I think anyone could imagine. You did this in silence so that you didn't hurt me. I'm sorry.

Then we moved here to Port Jeddo, and you started to live again. You have decided to face the world that you ARE a part of and face life. I think that your heart is starting to grow back and I'm happy. I think that Rosie would be happy to. Everyone loves you so much, and knows that you deserve to spend the rest of you life happy. ;-) I'm a very special girl to be surrounded by so many brave and courageous people. I'm even luckier to have a fighter for an uncle. I love you.


Crying was simply not me, but it needed to happen. These were the tears of happiness that I never thought would come again. The grieving was over. I knew I would always love her but it was ok to move on. I looked at the next letter. The script was a slanted severe script. Neat and clear. I had a guess who this one might be from.


Today I told the children to write to the bravest people that they knew. Nessie told the full story about what happened to Rosaline. Words can never make up for the loss of a life. Condolenses aren't enough. Bravery is a rare and precious gift that everyone has but few ever use.

I wish that I could have met your Rosaline, I think that we would have been great friends. She sounds like a person who speaks their mind and acted on what she believed. With her act of selfless bravery, she blessed the world with a very special little girl. She also blessed my life with the presence of your family.

For that I will be eternally in her debt. You do well to show us her legacy even after she has left.


This confirmed what I already knew. This was it. As natural and good as any person could get. This soul wasn't trying to replace anybody. He was trying to help me celebrate her life. But would I be destroying who he was in the process? I knew what happened after the change. You priorities changed. There was the hunger. It was instinctual. There were no ethics when it came to feeding. It was simple kill, eat. Could I reduce McLain to something that base?

"You really think that he wouldn't pull through it?" I heard Edward call from behind me with Alice in tow.

"Is it worth risking someone that precious?" I asked aloud this time. Alice nodded with a somber look. Edward stared out into the water.

"Now you know how I was with Bella. This was a risk. She knew the score and wanted it. I begged her not to because it was a gamble. Her being human was a guarantee. I could protect her and she would be as safe. She knew that she wouldn't change. That was why she fought so hard. She knew that she had the strength. Maybe you should talk with him. See what he makes of the situation. As much as you want this you know it effects his life more."

"Edward it isn't that easyÉ" I started.

"Actually Emmett it is that easy. You tell him, you let him decide." Alice interrupted. I turned away from the lake and began walking towards McLain's home.

Thanks for reading hopefully 6 gets put together quicker =) As always encouragement is great appreciated.

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