Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Oct 12, 2014


Calm Before The Storm by Max Millan

The break in the Spring was on everyone sight. Matt was planning to spend some time in Cancun, Mexico together with Shawn and Reed. Tim and the rest of the gang had their own places to go. I had to sit it. It was beyond my means. Matt really wanted me to come along with them, but I declined his offer of helping me out. Even his parents were happy to get me where ever Matt was going. It was my pride in some way that got in the way. I was not going to let someone else do things for me. It was enough for me to spend the break with my family knowing that I was helping a little. I told Matt that I wasn't going, and he was a little sad. He was telling me how fun it was going to be and the many things I was going to miss.

I heard my phone ringing. It was Matt giving me an update on what was going on. He said that the placed my packed, and there was some celebrity hosting the event. Then later that night I received a text message, "just getting drunk tonight."

The second day, "lot's of hot girls, but me and my hand tonight."

The third day, "just got wasted."

The third day, "score!!!" I just laughed which my dad saw while I was helping him with one of his projects.

"What are you laughing at?" my dad asked me.

"Matt was just sending me his update. They're in Mexico right now," I replied.

My dad sensed a little bit of disappointment from the tone of my voice. "You should have told me that you wanted to go," he said.

"It's OK dad."

"I have some money saved up. You should have told me," he insisted.

"It's cool dad maybe next year," I just said.

For the rest of the Spring break. Matt kept on sending me updates on what he was doing including some detailed description of sexual experience he engaged in. I relived his experiences as if they were my own. Oh, I would have like to be there. Maybe next year, I kept telling myself. When the school resumed, Matt was just so happy to tell me more of what they did. Maybe I'll join them next year I told him.

Just like that my first ear of college was over and the base training was my next stop. I was to go in one of the bases somewhere out West I was told by the ROTC office. Matt will be back in school for preseason training camp and also to catch up with some of his required courses. He said that it's a mandatory requirement for them to have academic assessment in the summer. The midshipman training was going smoothly for me. I was much easier just going with the flow, so I was pretty much on cruise control. By the end of the day, I was tired most of the time. The training was very hands-on. We always had something to work on it seemed like. It wasn't until the Marine portion of my summer training that I gained access to some form of civilian communication. I checked my emails. I had quite a few from my family and Matt asking me how I was doing.

I clicked on Matt's email saying, "How are you buddy? Email me when you get the chance. - Matt"

"Other than I haven't nutted for two weeks, I'm doing fine. Life here is pretty much tightly scheduled but it is pretty predictable. I'm beat most of the time that even my dick surrendered. How about you? - Joe"

He answered back a day later,

"Training is going great, but it's very grueling. We were putting in probably about 20 hours a week of football training. Too much running and lifting weights. I'm also tired by end of the day, but I got you beat. I'm still able to empty my nut sack regularly.

By the way, I'm using your bed most of the time. Don't worry it will be thoroughly cleaned before you get back. - Matt"

Since Matt is staying for the summer, he had the option of keeping our room assignment. Using his informal privilege for being a varsity player, he was able to also let me stay in the room which would have been normally cleared for possible summer occupant.

"Better be, I'll give it a proper military inspection. I'll make you pay for any spot on it. - Joe"

"Jeez, I'll make sure to clean the spots. - Matt"

Fall semester rolled in. The second year of college was when I had no another choice but to take my required courses for my major. It was the first the time in my life that I would tested to my limits.

We arrived at the school at different times after the summer break. I was there earlier. He arrived during the night. We were debating on what to do with the couch. Matt decided to acquired a leather bean bag for some reason. With our recliners and additional bean bag it would be too crowded in the room to keep the couch.

After Matt's unsuccessful postings during the summer to give away the couch, we had to find other means of getting rid of it. "Tim, do you need a couch?" I asked. "It's a good couch," I added trying to sell the couch to him

He declined saying that he already has one. "You know you can leave it outside, and someone will very likely pick it up," he suggested.

Late night Matt and I sneaked out carrying the couch, and left it at the parking lot. It's a leather couch so we were not really too worried that it would become too dirty outside that no one would pick it up.

Matt and I were joking that hopefully they didn't shine a black light on it first. With our combined man seed on it, it would probably have glow like Christmas lights.

"Hey Matt, one day you might just get a call," I said.

"About what?" he asked puzzled by it.

"That you got someone pregnant because she sat on the couch."

"Hey now, you have some of yours there too."

"Yeah, but mostly yours."

"What if that actually happened," I mulled over it. "How are you going to explain it to the kid?"

"Your mom sat on my couch," he answered then he snorted a laugh.

We decided to setup the room the same way just the bean bag replacing the couch. Familiarity helps. It's time again to designate our sleeping arrangement. Matt wasn't as adamant as before to occupy the top bunk, but he was not willing to give it up easily. After a coin toss, he again had the luck of sleeping the top bunk.

"Next year I want the top bunk," I said in protest.

"Well, let's worry about that next year."

I carefully inspected my beddings to make sure that it was clean like he promised still complaining about him getting the top bunk. Since the housing office allowed us to keep the room for ourselves again, there was no need to removed our stuff from the room.

"To make you feel better, I'll let you choose your recliner," he offered as a compromise.

I immediately chose the one closer to the wall which was Matt's spot, and placed the mini-fridge right next to it. After a few tests of the recliner, I rightfully claimed it. Matt replaced his old bed sheet and pillow cases with new ones but somehow he was lying on my bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Are you still spying on me from here," he said.

"Huh?" I responded.

"Jeez, as if I still need to spy on you when I can do this," I replied then grabbed him. He wasn't even a little bit surprised of what I did.

I told him I want to lay down but he won't move. I tried pushing him out of my bed, but he made himself heavy.

"Damn it, Matt. Move!" but he didn't. "OK, then I'm taking the top bunk."

That made him move and said, "no, you won't."

I was tired from the trip and my eyes were getting heavy. I told Matt that I'm done. I saw him finishing up unpacking the rest of his stuff and placed his clothes in the open closet. His athletic supplies went to the upper storage. No sight of his DVD porn stash.

Morning came, and we checked if the couch had been taken, and it was to our relief. We arrived at the campus earlier than most students. Matt had to check in early for football practice. I still had few days before I report to my ROTC officer. Good thing the cafeteria was also open early. Some students might have complained last year about the delayed opening of the cafeteria.

"Joe, let's get some breakfast," Matt suggested. "I have to run some lapses today."

We scouted the spot where we normally sat. The cafeteria was very quiet with only few students. We saw Shawn sitting in our usual spot. He saw us approaching the table.

"What's up?" he greeted us.

"Sup? Shawn," Matt replied. "Can we join you?" Matt asked.

"Go ahead. Plenty of seats," Shawn said pointing at the empty seats.

"How's your arm?" Shawn asked.

"It's good as new. There won't be any problem with me playing this season," Matt replied. "Where is Reed?" he continued.

"Not yet here. He's coming in maybe tomorrow or the next day. Are you guys looking for an apartment?"

"No, we're staying in the dorm." Matt and Shawn carried on with their conversation while I ate my breakfast.

Shawn's last neighbors were seniors, so he was trying to see if he could convince us to take apartment right next to theirs. Matt declined.

"So is this your breakfast spot?" Shawn said.

"Pretty much," Matt replied.

"Cool, can I join you guys? I'm getting tired of eating cereal in the morning."

"The more, the merrier," Matt and I said.

Shawn finished his breakfast and had to go back to his apartment to get ready for practice, "see you guys tomorrow. Matt see you at the practice."

"See yah," Matt responded.

Our group just increased by one. We now had two players to humiliate with our very personal cheering style during game.

I met up with Tim, Ashley, Mike and Daisuke in the student center that afternoon. Matt was already sequestered by football from then on. For the most part of Fall semester, I only see Matt in the morning during breakfast and later in the night after dinner which he spent with his teammates. This allowed me to hang out more with some other people.

"So have you decided on your major?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, Naval Engineering," I replied.

"Nice" he said without even knowing what it really entailed. To be honest, I was not exactly sure too. All I knew at that point was that there's a lot of Math involved.

"Well, if you need any help. You know where to find me," Tim gave his friendly offer.

Tim was a physics major. He's plenty smart. Something that I should have kept in mind.

We decided to watch a movie at the dollar movie house for students. The movie was already a year old old, but the start of the school year offered few options of things to do. The line was long. The locals also frequented the place. Even though they pay extra, it was still a good deal for small college town that doesn't have much. When the movie was over, we all ate our dinner then we parted for the night.

I got back in the room. Matt was taking a nap on the recliner. He was still wearing his workout clothes. It's the first week of practice, so he was probably pretty worn out still trying to get to use to the grind. When I closed the door, he must had sensed me because he woke up. Like someone in auto-pilot, he removed his soiled clothes and put on just his cargo pants and went to my bed and lay down.

"I nudged him. Your in the wrong bed," I told him.

"Sorry," he said.

He was probably sore that he didn't feel like climbing up his bed. He went back to the recliner. Reclined it all the way and lay down.

"Are you OK?" I asked showing some concern.

"All parts of my body are hurting," he grunted.

"Better get used to it."

"I know. But I might die before that happens."

Then silence.

"Your birthday is coming up," I reminded him. "Got any plans?" I asked.

"Nothing yet," he replied.

"It's on Saturday, and it's a home game. You can stay up late."

"True. And I can buy beer anytime I like," he said while thinking then I saw him grinned.

"You know what?" he said.

"What?" I replied.

"I might claim my bet winning during our hunting trip for my birthday."

"What the hell?" I sort of replied to show my feign objection. When it came down to it, I wouldn't mind doing it.

"A bet is a bet."

"Jeez, I thought you had already forgotten about it."

"Nope, I made a mental note of it." He turned around and looked at me. I wasn't aware that I was rubbing myself the whole time the topic came up, so there was no hiding my boner.

"I can't go back to sleep," he said.

"What are you proposing?" I asked.

"Let's test out the new seating arrangement."

"I thought you're tired?"

"Yeah, but not too tired for that."

The wintry weather had long been forgotten and our usual cargo pants and sometimes oversized basketball shorts were back in fashion. I took off my shirt and joined Matt on the recliners. It didn't take long when we were both feeling each other through our shorts. Matt turned on the TV to see what was on, while I was undoing his shorts to have an easier access to his big dick. He asked me to take mine out too. With my left hand giving him slow strokes and his wrapped around mine making the loose skin slide up and down the head, we continued our chat about really nothing at all. We would glance at each other to see how each other was doing. Although we were both sporting a hardon getting off wasn't really our goal, we're just hanging out with our cocks out.

"So same room agreement applies," I asked.

"Of course, and don't forget my cock leans left if you have to look for it." He winked at me.

"Be careful what you say. I might get tempted doing the same thing as the last time."

"Oh yeah, have I told you that I was so sore the next day? When we were in the parking lot by the diner showing you boner, I was still sore."

I reached with my right hand leaning over a little and slowly caressed the underside of his dick. "Poor guy. I promise not to do that again." I said talking to his dick.

"Thank you. I felt my dick accepted your apology," Matt joked.

We went back just stroking our own to get ourselves a little closer to orgasm.

"Are you really planning on making me service you for the whole night?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I'll be nice. Maybe three loads," he said. "Remember it's Saturday night. That's at least three days of built up horniness," he added laughing still rubbing it on me.

I gave him the finger.

"Hhhmm, sipping some cold beer while my buddy gives me the best hand job," he said. "What about it? You cool?" he added making fun of me.

I had no answer but just flipped him again.

We had already forgotten what was showing on TV and both building a good sweat on our foreheads. Our conversation turned to alternate sensual moans. We had made ourselves horny with with the banter about the bet.

"Matt, let me shoot first," I told him.

He offered his hand, so I can humped it like before. I was shooting my load not long after. My first cumshot burst out of my cock and landed on my shoulder, and the rest oozed onto Matt's big hand.

It's his turn. I watched Matt stroked himself to completion which ended up covering his big strong chest and stomach. Two squirts actually made it to his chin.

After the mandatory inspection of his mess, he extended his hand for a fist bump to close out the night. We were now keeping paper towel for this kind of thing instead using our shirt or bath towel. I cleaned myself. When I tried to hand him the roll, he just waved it away and closed his eyes. He was really beat because of the practice, but just too horny not to jack off.

In no time, the school had became busy once more. The air was filled by shouts and noises from every directions. The student center was even crowded. Our school just increased the enrollment by a couple of thousands students. The news of growth was not really surprising. It's been talked about many times as new academic buildings rose up in the campus. A full nursing degree was now being offered. They even have their own mini-campus donated by very generous donors. They even built a full scale lab for mechanical and naval engineering students.

Days passed, Matt and I had our routine figured out. It wasn't really so different from last year. Except that we now both accept party invites more often, and sometimes we even searched for them. Shawn became a regular in the group. We ate breakfast with him then hanged out with rest of the group in the student center. Reed would join us from time to time. Reed was Shawn's best bud, so Shawn still rode to parties or events with him although we normally ended up in the same place. Wannabe rockstars were all over the place now playing in one of the bars that there were always something to do when the school day wrapped up. They had band names too, although Mike's band remained nameless being a realist. Sundays were the only time when the place quieted down. The only time a lot of students could recoup some energy aside from occasional naps during the day.

There seemed to be some magic that attracts girls when a man donned a uniform. Matt by this time was once again using his "gimme 30" more than during his off season, and those were legit ones balling someone as I sometimes walked into him relieving himself between classes, so I knew that he no longer used the safe word if he just need to take care of his daytime spell of horniness. He didn't need to use it anymore when he wanted his personal time. Before bed was my usual. His varied depending on his schedule and how tired he was. Most Fridays I was left alone on the recliner even when he was around watching TV or playing his video games while I watched some porn. But when he was away for football, Matt would sometime irritate me by calling when he thought I was already on my way to my personal heaven just to ask what time it was. I happened to indulge him for some reason since I could just easily shut off my phone. I would answer the phone and complained how an asshole he was for calling in the middle of my jack off session. And the bastard would even try to carry on a conversation about something I didn't care about. He would sometimes tell Shawn to say hi.

I wasn't doing too bad in getting attention from girls either. The days spent working out with Matt last summer and his knowledge of nutritional supplements were paying off big time, although it's another year before I finally settled on the body that I maintained through out my life. I was filling my ROTC uniform nicely. My pants were tighter on me specially in the thighs, and I'm stretching the dark green shirt that I wore. I could now hold my ground when Matt and I had our spate of roughhousing, although I still ended being pinned down most of the time.

Matt's birthday was getting closer. The game would be played at home, and it's also the alumni homecoming game. I was trying to find a way to get out of the deal that Matt wanted for his birthday. Luck struck about noon on Thursday, I was eating lunch with one of fellow cadets and his girlfriend joined us. I was quiet curious why she was avoiding looking at me. That's when I recognized her. She used to hang out around Matt last year with emphasis on around Matt, not with Matt, around Matt.

Her boyfriend stood up to get some desert, and I tried to struck a conversation with her.

"How are you?," I asked.

"I'm fine," she replied.

"How long you two have been going out?"

"About six months."


"So how's Matt?" she asked with a little twinkle in her eyes.

"Same old, same old. Very excited about the coming game. I think he's even more excited because he is turning 21 on Saturday," I replied.

"His birthday is Saturday?" she asked.

"Yeah, we're still thinking how to celebrate it after the game."

"Give me a call, maybe I can meet you guys up at a party."

"What party?" I heard from above. Her boyfriend was back.

"Party after the game," I said.

"Cool. We should check it out," he said to her girlfriend.

"No problem. I'll give guys a call." She sent me a message, so I could save her phone number.

We parted after lunch. I was thinking that there might be a chance that I could convince her for an after hours party. I set out the thought for the next day. Late afternoon, I gave her a call.

"Hello," I heard from the other line.

"Hey! this is Joe, Matt's roommate,"

"Hey Joe. What's up."

"Are you still down going to the party Saturday?"


"Cool . . . . I called to ask you if you wanna join us for the after hours."

She paused for a bit. "Let me think. I have a boyfriend now."

"Nice," I said to myself. She figured what I was hinting at.

"Matt will be happy if you do. It's his birthday."

"I don't know," she replied and giggled.

"C'mon. It will be fun."

"Not sure. I've been with Matt . . . . . " She paused.

"You don't have to be shy around me coz I won't," I told her laughing.

"LOL, you're being funny."

"I'm not joking."

"I know you're not."

"So what about it? You think you can come?" I insisted a little bit.

"Not sure. I don't quite know you," she said.

"Ouch!" I replied.

"That's not what I mean," she said apologetic.

"Do you wanna know me a little bit better?"

"I guess, we can break the ice. You're looking cute now than before." She giggled.

"What about I drop by, and we can chat some more?" I suggested.

"Not sure, my boyfriend will be back from work in about an hour."

"That's plenty of time to get to know each other."

She gave me her address, and I was there in no time. She was looking pretty when she opened the door. There's really no need to talk, so we immediately started making out in the couch, and our hands explored each other body. When the nervousness of initial contact was gone, we went inside the room that she shared with her boyfriend. We had sex. She just wanted know how I was like in bed maybe she's afraid that I might get too freaky and creepy. When it came to casual sex, to tell you honestly, we're both tame. Aside from giving me an expert blow job, the most exotic thing we did was sixty-nine. We finished off while I was entering her from behind. I shot my load on her back, and she was fine with it. Well, she probably had plenty of those from Matt anyways. I was dressed in no time, and left the apartment in a rush. Pulling out of the parking lot, I saw her boyfriend's car pulling in. I just grinned.

I drove back to the dorm with my new plan in mind. Matt was chilling in my bed waiting for me. It's almost dinner time.

"Where have you been?" he greeted me I opened the door.

"You're back early," I responded. He normally had his dinner with the team.

"Coach let us out early."

He noticed my big smile. "What are you so happy about?" he asked.

"Matt, pull your pants down. I have a better idea for your birthday."

He didn't really get what I said, so I sat right next to him, undid his trouser and pulled out his dick.

"What's my dick has to do with what you're gonna tell me."

I started playing with his dick, and told him the new plan for Saturday night.

"You know that girl that was around you all time during same time last year."

"What about her?"

"I saw her yesterday at the cafeteria."

"And . . ." he said waiting.

"Are you up for some threesome after the game?"

"This is getting interesting," he replied.

"So are you?"

"Of course, why will I turn that down?"

"Well, you might have to fork over for the hotel bill."

"It's a bad deal for me, but I'll bite."

"How did you know she's gonna go for it?" he asked.

"I just closed the deal five minutes ago."

"You did? She gives a good head, doesn't she?" He winked.

"That and some more."

"So she knows what's gonna go down."

"Oh yeah. When I told her it's your birthday, her eyes twinkled. . . . I think. She'll meet with us at Mike's party. I'll take care of her boyfriend. He's coming with her."

"She's seeing someone now. No wonder, she just disappeared." Matt reminiscing his encounters with her in his head.

"You might have to hawk over her, so she won't change her mind."

"OK, considered it accomplished," he said with confidence.

I stood and said, "let's go, I'm hungry."

"Hey, what the hell?" he said.

I looked at him confused what it's all about. I asked, "what?"

He was there with his hands pointing at his raging hard on and said, "aren't you going to finish it?"

"Calm down, it's just Friday. You're not supposed to." I just had the idea of checking his reaction to my proposition but somehow I got him going.

He pulled his pants up and tucked in his penis still muttering something.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am," he responded. ". . . wasting a perfectly good boner," he muttered.

"Sorry, coach's order," I said.

When he stood up, he gave the side of my arm a good swing. It hurt, but I just laughed on how frustrated he was acting.

Game day came and we were behind the team area again. Shawn saw us and came to talk to us.

"Shawn, don't encourage them," Matt shouted.

We just responded, "go! Matt go!" and some people sitting close to us joined in. Matt just looked away.

The game was going great for us. We were winning and there was no chance of us losing. The team was playing great. Matt was still out of shape for the game since he Coach Fox was too cautious to let him have his full strength training. He was sidelined most of the game, so we were cheering mostly for Shawn. We would chant "put in Shawn!, put in Shawn!" even when it was not his turn to play. He had the first taste of our very personal cheers especially when his teammates would look at our direction when we did it. He was embarrassed by it too like Matt. There were over thirty players in the team, but his name was being shouted way too much from behind.

We got out of the stadium early like we normally did to avoid the rush of people, and proceeded to Mike's apartment. I told Mike and Tim about the plan for tonight that I was gonna hook up with a girl tonight but his boyfriend would be there too. I didn't mention about it being a threesome though. We would try to get the boyfriend drunk and as soon as possible too. There were quite a few people now in the apartment that even the bedrooms of the apartment were occupied. I scouted the area looking for her. I saw the boyfriend and chatted with him. I didn't want to ask him where his girlfriend was to avoid looking suspicious, so I asked him if he wanted a shot of tequila instead which he agreed to. Not long after Tim was offering him another shot then Mike did the same. I walked around for bit still looking for her that's when I found her at the back of the apartment by the keg area talking to some people. I said hi to her. She said hi back. The night was still young, so there was really no rush to bring up the subject. The place went suddenly went roaring. We all went inside and saw Reed, Shawn and Matt by the door getting peppered with congratulations and cheering from the party people. They were wearing their varsity jacket which made them stood up even more.

"Keep an eye on your girlfriends because we're here," Shawn shouted. I chuckled.

"And we're ready to parteeeehhh! Where's the booze." Reed added.

The three of them went to the keg area to get some booze and were followed by their adoring fans. The boyfriend also showed up and joined us. I went back to the kitchen and poured another shots of tequila. I poured water in mine. I'm sticking with beer tonight. I offered the shots to her and her boyfriend.

"What was that?" she exclaimed while making a face.

"It's tequila, babe" her boyfriend responded.

I saw Shawn walking towards us.

"Who you got here, Joe?" was his greeting then he saw her. "Hi there pretty thing?" he said to the girl.

She grabbed onto her boyfriends arm to give Shawn a hint.

"I'm cool. I'm cool. Just saying hi," he said trying to recover.

I tried to introduce them to each other but Shawn someone knew her and mentioned her name.

I whispered to Shawn, "do you know her?"

"Oh, I know her very well," he said with enunciating the word very. "Anyone want a shot of tequila?" he asked.

I had the feeling that he knew something was up maybe Matt told him. He came back with four shots. I declined and pointed at Matt. Matt joined us and took the shot with them.

"Cheers birthday boy, I hope you have a very fun time tonight," he said to Matt.

"Oh, I will. I hope," Matt replied and looked at her.

Her boyfriend was now being chatty. He asked me to get some more beer. I didn't know if he was old enough to drink unlike me because he having his fill for the night like there won't be tomorrow. I looked back. The girl, Matt and Shawn seemed to be having a ball. She gave Matt arm a slapped then giggled between two big strong men. She about the height of Matt's chest. I looked at the boyfriend wondering if he knew that he just left his girlfriend with two guys that she used to hook up with. And probably tonight with the guy standing right next to him. He was so intent of getting wasted tonight.

The night went by, and the boyfriend was now telling everyone how wasted he was. It was Matt's clue to seal the deal then he worked his magic.

"So it's a go?" I asked Matt.

"Oh yeah. Ready to watch me ball a girl like in the porn you watch?" he joked.

"It's supposed to be threesome, Matt."

"It's my birthday. Can I get a one on one first? You can pretend you need to take a shower or something."

"Hhhhmm, OK since it's your birthday," I said.

Her boyfriend was now slipping in and out of sleep in the couch trying not to pass out. It's a good time to leave the party. We helped her get her boyfriend to her car. We followed her to her place, and carried her already passed out boyfriend in the bedroom. Matt gave me the key to his car, and both of them climbed into the backseat. Matt made his move and it didn't take long that she sitting on his lap while they suck each other faces. They got into it so quick. On our way to the motel, I was checking the rearview mirror to see what's going on. Matt was still making out with the girl, but his hand already found the inside of her pants. She squirmed a little bit when Matt's finger went in and out of her.

I checked in before the game, so I already had the key. I grabbed the six pack that I brought with us then entered the motel through the side door.

We got in the room. I opened a can of beer for each of us.

"Joe will be taking a shower. He will join us after," Matt said giving me the eye to get into the shower.

He lay down on the bed, and she sat on top of him. They continued their make out session while I made my way to the shower. I heard the clicking sound of a belt being undone then Matt gave out a big moan. I turned on the shower.

I took my time cleaning myself to give Matt his requested one on one with the girl. I probably scrubbed every crevices of my body when I decided get out of the shower. Matt sex talk was filling up the room, but since she's not responding, I had some idea on where they're at.

"Suck it, babe," Matt was muttering.

"Oh yeah, I love it when you do that." It must be her taking as much of Matt as she could.

"Do it again babe."

I heard some gagging noise, so I went to see them while I was still drying myself. They were now both naked with Matt laying down on the bed and her between his legs going down on him. He saw me walked out the shower. He pointed at her then a thumbs up.

He lifted her and repositioned her across the bed with her head towards me and her legs hanging on the side of the bed. Matt moved between her legs standing by the side of the bed. He begun to tease her with the tip of his hard cock tracing the shape of her pussy. He looked at me and we had a mental conversation. He's waiting for me to give the signal to enter her. I made a fist and inserted my middle finger then move it in and out with my face telling him "fuck her." I threw a condom right next to them. He picked it up and opened it with his mouth. And just using one hand, the condom was tightly unrolled on this manhood. That's when he lifted one of her legs and slowly eased his dick inside her.

"Yeah babe, fuck me," she muttered.

Matt lifted both of her legs to his shoulder, and pushed his hip to get every inch of his cock inside her. She moaned when she felt Matt's manhood was deep inside her. Matt ground his lower body which just made her moaned even more then he switched to slow thrusts pulling his dick almost out of her then slowly pushed it back in. He kept doing it for a bit.

"Matt, babe, please fuck me," she's had enough with the teasing.

Matt pulled out once more and shoved his cock back in with some force. She writhed with pleasure to the initial assault on her pussy. He picked up his pace. His lower body was busy making a slapping noise when it hit her buns.

"Do you like that?" Matt would asked her when slammed his dick in her.

"Oh yeah, babe. Harder," she said coaxing Matt to go faster.

Matt gave her what she wanted. He hugged both of her legs to his chest and pounded away. Her moans turned to whimpers when Matt went faster. He would slow down to catch his breathe then picked up the tempo again. Matt was groaning with lust. This was a different kind of moans and grunts that I heard from him. It showed some level authority almost the same way when my drill sergeant yell at us. It's as if he was telling her "this is what you want my big cock pounding your pussy." Her ecstasy was also undeniable. The sheets were being ruffled as she clawed unto them. When she felt that certain sensation that caused her body to tense, she would try to get up trying to grab onto Matt, but the position Matt had her would not let her to fully get up. She would fell back to the bed. Matt hold on to her legs watching her do the same move over and over with a big grin on his face. He would slow down and something gave her a kiss on the lips to let her catch her breathe. She would give him a light slap on the face to tell him how naughty he was for doing what he did to her. He responded by giving her a big smile then did the same thing again.

I think Matt was getting close. He took a break invading her.

"Hey Joe, wanna join in" pretending I just got out of the shower.

I lay down by the edge of the bed and grabbed the pillows to propped myself up. She turned herself over to face my waiting hard cock.

"Drive him crazy, babe," Matt said to encourage her to start sucking on my dick.

She wrapped her slender fingers around my cock and gave it some good strokes.

"Hi there Joe. I didn't notice before that you have one hot body," she said teasing me. She wouldn't have noticed it in the first place I was lankier when she saw me last year.

"How come you never said that to me?" Matt interjected.

"Oh no sweetie, you're a hunk of juicy meat," she replied.

I was enjoying the back and forth.

"Really?" Matt said grabbing her waist.

She parted her legs a little bit waiting for him to enter her once more. When she felt the head of his cock pushing into her, she started flicking her tongue across the head of my cock then teased the piss slit a little. She never did that during our first encounter. All the while Matt was still standing by the bed giving her slow full length thrusts. She begun licking my dick to get it wet. I knew it just a matter of time when she put it in her mouth. I felt her warm mouth around the head then a little more each time she came down. I moved her long hair to other side, so I could see what she was doing then she took it all in.

"Oh yeah, that felt good," I said catching my breathe a little bit. Sometimes the anticipation was just as good as the actual act. I closed my eyes when she finally got into the rhythm of going down on me. I opened my eyes to not only enjoy the sensation but also the visual image of my cock disappearing in her mouth. I looked at Matt and he extended his hand for a fist bump. He was fucking her steadily from behind then do some poses showing off his sweat covered body when I looked at him, and she sucked on my cock harder when Matt went faster. I looked at Matt once again then he put his hand on top of other then he showed me his doggy-style dance. I was very tempted to laugh instead I concentrated on guiding her head up and down my shaft giving her the proper encouragement from time to time.

"Babe, is that ready?" Matt asked her.

She looked at me and said, "I think Joe is ready to go."

Matt turned to me and said, "Joe, get ready. You will be taking over pretty soon." I could tell that he could no longer hold back his pent up frustration that had built up for three days. Like I said before, Matt followed the coach's order regarding sex before any game.

"I'm gonna cum!!!" he blurted out.

"Go ahead buddy. Give it to her," I said.

He pulled out his dick and removed the condom then shot his load on her back. Matt was just showing off, he would have cummed inside her if I wasn't there. She just continued sucking on my cock as ropes on cum landed on her back. Matt squeezed out the last few drops on her ass cheeks. He looked exhausted but satisfied as sweat run down from his forehead.

Matt slumped down in the middle of the bed.

"It think it's just proper to have the lady have hers too," he said to me with pretend modesty.

He told her to lay back on his stomach between his legs. She laid on Matt's stomach then Matt wrapped his arm around her chest. I grabbed a condom and put it on my raging hard on. I think Matt wanted me to fuck her missionary while he played with her breasts. I got into the position where I was sitting on my own legs and gently pushed my cock in her wet pussy. I went all the way in without any teasing. Matt already got her going. I grabbed onto her waist and quickly settled into a nice rhythm.

She was also getting into it as she moaned out "yeah" every time my cock went in. She was firmly grabbing on Matt's arm as I pounded her. I went into thrusting with my full body trying to bury mine deep in her. Matt licked his fingers and placed them right at the top of her pussy and started massaging her clit. That sent her to overdrive. I could feel her trying to move her body side ways, but I hold on to her waist a little tighter and I fucked her faster. Her pleasure was mounting then she was reduced to a whimpering girl. She came. The combine sensation from me and Matt probably gave her what looked like an orgasm that she hadn't had in a while, orgasm brought on by someone else during sex.

"Keep fucking me, Joe" she instructed me as she came down from her orgasm.

The scene also brought me to my orgasm. I kept on fucking her. One long groan and I was emptying my load inside her.

I stood and picked up the towel I used to dry myself and threw it to Matt. I went into the restroom to flush down the cum filled condom that I was wearing. I took a leak then flushed the condom. I went back to the room and they were cuddling in the bed while she stroked his cock. I opened the remaining cans of beer. I sat down right next to them, and we sipped on our beer. She wasn't making any move to get dress, so I figured there would be a second act.

"How's your birthday going so far?" I joked.

"Mighty fine," he said.

"I hope you don't mind if I give the birthday extra attention," she said. Then she moved between Matt's legs once again and went down on him.

"Not at all," I said.

Matt and I took our time finishing our beer. He put his arm around my shoulder as we both exchanged glances while we watched her sucked his cock. Matt would groan when she took it all in just to let her know that he's paying attention. I nudged Matt to show that I had my hard on again. With his hand, he told me to go behind her. I grabbed another condom from the nightstand and put it on then climbed the bed behind her. She adjusted her position for me. When the head of my cock found her opening, she backed into it. Like Matt, I started with slow full length thrusts meanwhile Matt had his hand on the back of her head slowly guiding her as she went up and down his shaft.

I'll be honest. The second session was really just me and Matt trying to enjoy our first threesome. I was so turned by the whole thing that I begun pounding her hard. The slapping sound of my thighs hitting her behind was intoxicating that I was in danger of unloading too soon.

"Matt, wanna take over?" I asked him.

Unfortunately, he was enjoying the head he was receiving that he told me to keep fucking her for a little bit longer. Since extra stimulation would put me over the edge, I leaned over and reached for her breasts. I massaged one of her breast then licked my fingers. I placed her hard nipple between my middle and ring fingers and gently played with it. She seemed to like it. She groaned "oh yeah" as she came up for breathe. Matt moved her hair to one side to give me a better view. That's when I noticed that she was not cheating while giving Matt a head. Although she's holding the base of his cock, her mouth did all the work.

Matt finally had his fill of oral sex. "Thanks babe. You're awesome."

"Just for you, Matt," she said.

He stood and put on a condom. A tap on my back and went behind her. From then on, we alternated. When we got close, we pulled out to let the other had her then other would watched from the chair. It was sometimes funny because when Matt's on top of her, you can hardly see her. It's like Matt was humping something invisible. I got there first then Matt blew his load not long after. He was exhausted and fell on top of her but he intentionally broke his fall with his arms. He sort of know that he was a big guy and putting his full weight on her was not a good idea. He stayed in her for a little longer. This was when I confirmed what he was talking about him needing to be careful when he shoots his load in a condom. When he pulled out, some of his load were already half way through the condom.

We all took a quick shower together.

I asked her if she wanted to stay, but she declined worrying that her boyfriend might wake looking for her. It was already three o'clock in the morning. We needed to take her back to their apartment, but the clerk might find it odd that I was checking out early in the morning. Matt said not to worry about it. The motel was used to it. We were not the first students to use the motel for that purpose.

As we're dropping her off I asked, "did you have a good time too?"

"Oh yeah. You two were my first threesome experience."

"It's our first time too," I replied.

"Don't kid me," she said not believing what I just said.

"It's true," Matt said.

"OK, drive safe," she said sending us away. She whispered to me, "don't be a stranger."

We got back to our room. While we're changing into our sleeping clothes, Matt said, "did you just stole my girl?".

"You're girl?" I asked with sarcasm.

"Don't be a stranger was what she said to me too."

"Matt, I think she's not a stranger to many guys. I know at least one other guy."



We laughed. Despite being exhausted, the thought of the experience kept us awake as we chilled in our bed.

"Hey bud, I know what you did there," I heard him say from above.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"The threesome was a ruse, so you can get out of the bet."

"Damn," I said to myself. He already caught on. "No siree! It's a legit gift to my best bud" was my response.

"Oh, I appreciate it very much, but it will probably keep me horny for several days, and I'm still planning to collect on my winning."

"Go to sleep, Matt," I said brushing it off.

It's a thing that he hold over me and was never collected. It's an albatross that he cherished that flies over me. He would bring it up many times later to shut me down or to win some arguments, debates and what not.

I was still horny, so I decided to whipped it out and stroked myself. Not long after I could hear Matt's moaning and grunting from above.

It was already past noon when we woke up. If not for incessant bugging from Shawn's calls, we probably would have slept the whole day. We hanged out with Reed and Shawn that day going from one place to another without really having any point at all. One time we're at the student center chatting and watching TV then another to their apartment bullshitting some more. I was in the danger of becoming a fixture of the football team. It was something that I was not really too keen about. It's not that I didn't like their company it's just that I didn't like being seen as a hanger on. Later that night, we hanged out by the dorm lounge. The usual muffled giggles by the Asian students that we knew from our old dorm wasn't there. There were students who were in the viewing area. They were accommodating to let us join their conversation. The piano that was occupied by a student playing some classical tunes while being accompanied by a guy with a cello. That time the tunes were played to completion.

Matt disappeared for little bit and came back wearing a different shirt.

"Our room might be smelling a little bit funny," he whispered to me.

"That's the third time today."

"I warned you last night."

"I believe you."

I found the lounge less interesting without the foreign students, so I told Matt I was just going to play some video games. He stood up and followed me.

"That seems like a better idea," he said.

Well, he wasn't kidding about the smell of the room, but I'm used to it. Sometimes I didn't even particularly notice the sex smell.

"What the hell?" I blurted.

"Souvenir," he said laughing.

He laid his stained shirt on my bed. I crumpled it and threw at his face. My bed was luckily spared from any fresh stains.

I turned on the game console and popped in a shooting game. He was not to play in my squad was his punishment. He was cursing on his computer begging me to be let in.

The first few weeks of the semester went along smoothly. I was able to follow along my engineering class, and I felt complacent about it. I was thinking that school would be the same as last year. The only thing that changed was that alcohol had become more available now that Matt could acquire them easily. Even football night was started earlier drinking beer. Yes, I would still keep Matt's crotch warm for him when I felt like it mostly when the game was not so exciting. He would do the same to me just out of his own habit. There were times when one of us had to be relieved because of too much stimulation. We did try our mischievous extra curricular activity when studying in the library a few times, but that became old for some reason.

The availability of alcohol came with some people who wanted to join us watch football. First was Shawn then Mike and Tim. That year only Reed, Mike and Matt were of legal age to drink, and Shawn was later in the school year. Our room became a place where people hanged out just to chill out, play video games or just chat. It was fun. We were alive.

We were invincible. There days that we went out and drunk almost every night. There were many times when we saw each other only in the morning when we ate our breakfast even that was often times forgone. I noticed that Matt also started going out on Fridays then after the game on Saturdays. It's something that I brushed off on the side. He was a big strong guy after all. He could take the punishment. A message of "gimme 30" was coming in more frequent. I thought to myself, "damn he is one busy dude."

I was so caught up with new life in college that I didn't even remember that most of my days were spent in trance, dazed. I was operating on auto-pilot. Like Matt, my Fridays were now spent partying. My drill sergeant that I could ignore ever since I started in the ROTC program was now irritating me. I had become a handful.

One day, I was standing at the door of one of my professors messaging my hands ready to knock on the door. I had to drop one of my classes. Those days that I spent in revelries meant less days spent with my studies. Dropping one course was not too bad, I convinced myself. I could always catch up next semester. Well, that's taken cared off meant more time for fun. I called Matt to check if wanted to hangout. I told him what I did. Unbeknownst to me, he already dropped two of his classes that same semester.

We continued on with how things were going even stronger than ever. Some nights, we would tease each other for being drunker than the other. Getting up during the day to get to our classes was becoming a labor. We were the poster boys of partying college kids.

I failed my first engineering class. We lost the championship game that season.

Walking by the ROTC office, I saw Sgt. Pinski removing some protest signs that were placed last night. The war effort had been going for years now, and the news of the pretext for the war was proven to be a lie. The campus became a place for small protests when some students started mobilizing after hearing that even with the deception we were still planning on for a massive build up of troop. The war finally became real to me. The college was just delaying the inevitable.

Next: Chapter 9

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