Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Sep 30, 2014


Blissful Paradise By Max Millan

The latter part of the winter had many warm spells that Spring thaw came early. New shoots of grass had already peeked out covering the land like a green velvet carpet. The air was cool as Winter tried its hardest to stay, but the new beginning was also making its presence known. Unlike the never ending cycle of the seasons, this particular time of my life looking at the meadows of the town that I'd only known would only be repeated several times before I had to replace it with another sight and smell of places that were foreign to me. For the moment, I was very excited driving back to the school. The apprehension that I had when I started college was gone. I couldn't wait to get there and once again see the new people that I'd gone to know, but my stomach had to be satisfied first. We pulled into the same diner for early lunch and was greeted by the same old lady.

"My boys are back" was her greeting. She lead us to an empty table then proceeded to wipe it clean while trying to get our order.

"Do you want the same thing?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Matt and I answered in unison.

"Heading back to school?"

"Yes, ma'am," we both answered at the same time again.

"Apple pie on the house again."

"Yummy," Matt said.

She placed our order and came back with our cold sweet tea.

"What some nice looking fellas," she said. "Don't go breaking young girl's heart," she continued.

"Matt was planning to do that," I said.

She waved her finger to Matt, "be a gentleman, would you?"

"I'll try," Matt responded which was probably the wrong answer because he received a little bit of scolding after he said it. I was chuckling the whole time while the old lady was reprimanding him for such ungentlemanly response.

"Hush," she said when she caught me. "You behave too."

We both bowed our heads. When the old lady left to fetch our order, we both tried to stop ourselves from laughing.

The lady came back and laid the plates on the table. "Tell me if you need anything."

"Thanks, ma'am," I said.

The food was gone in a instant. We were both just as excited to get to the school that we finished our food in a hurry. The apple pie went down even quicker. We paid our check and walked out of the diner. I took sniffed of the cool Spring air then another. It dawned on me that I was already starting to bid my goodbye to this town. It won't be long that I would have to leave this place for good. Matt caught me spacing out.

"What up?" I heard Matt.

"Nothing," I said.


"I'm fine."

The school was still almost empty when we arrived. The parking lot of our dorm was empty. The locks still weren't changed back that we needed to go to the housing office, so we could get in. During breaks door locks were switched out temporarily. Matt and I hauled the new addition to our room. The couch was moved aside to make room for the recliners. I tested it out.

I reclined the seat and tried to find the best angle. When it was to satisfaction, I spread my legs a little bit and mimed jacking off. "Sweet," I said.

"I knew it," Matt said.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"That's what you have in mind when you asked if we can bring the recliners here."

"Well, it's so comfy."

Matt joined in and took the other recliner. I guessed we were both tired that we dozed off. A knock on the door woke us up. It was Tim, Mike and Daisuke. They were checking if we were back. It was almost nighttime, and the dorm was finally alive with noises from the other students checking in. We showed the gang our new recliners, and they took turns trying it out.

"Sweet," Tim said. "I might just have to live here too," he continued.

"What about your girlfriend?" I asked.

"This is so comfy. She will understand," he replied.

Then Reed and Shawn showed up. They were Matt's teammates who he hanged out with. When they saw the recliners, they also took turns trying it out.

"Sweet," Shawn said.

I just laughed because he was the third person to say the same thing.

It would be a week before all the university services were restored that meant the cafeteria was still close, so we all decided to eat at one of the joints inside the student center. It looked like all the students had the same thing in their minds. The placed was packed. We stood in line and caught up with what everyone did during the break.

"How was the break?" Shawn asked.

"Daisuke spent the Christmas with us back in Florida," Mike said.

"Do you have Christmas in Japan?" Shawn asked Daisuke.

Daisuke was a little puzzled because he was a Christian, but he knew the drill of someone looking exotic to most, so he just answered Shawn's question with a simple, "yes."

"Me and Reed just spent the whole break drunk. Reed just turned legal," Shawn proclaimed proudly.

"Mexico was nice," Tim said. "They're most festive there than here during the Christmas season. It's crazy," he added.

"Did you stay there the whole break?" Shawn asked continuing his interrogation.

"Nah, we just stayed there for few days," Tim replied.

"How about you two?" Shawn turned to us.

"I mostly helped out my dad with some of his projects," I said.

"I went camping with Joe and some of his folks," Matt added.

"Camping? Wasn't it cold?" Shawn asked. Even though we lived in the same state, the difference between the northern and southern weather was sometimes so dramatic.

"It was still cool we're we at," I said.

"Here, look at the buck I downed," Matt said showing the picture of me and him holding the buck's antlers on his phone to everyone.

"Wow, that's a big one," Reed commented.

"Joe, did you catch a big one too?" Shawn asked.

"No," I replied.

It's was our turn to order our food. Matt and I were standing behind the group. He leaned and whispered to my ear, "don't lie, you caught a big one too." I elbowed him on his stomach.

When we finished our meal, Reed invited us to their apartment for some celebration before the classes started. There were already several people at their place when we arrived. Some of the football players were there gathered by the front porch which gave me a pause. Matt sensed my trepidation.

"They don't bite," Matt said.

"Cool kids hanging out," I whispered for some reason. Unlike the kind of parties that we regularly go to where only one or two of them would show up. This looked like a jock party.

"It never occurred to me that you are one easily intimidated," he commented.

"Nothing, just reminded me of high school when you guys blocked the hall by the locker area."

"What we did?"

"Do you know that you guys were making fun of other students when they passed you?"

Matt was looking clueless when he said, "I don't remember doing that."

I let go of the subject. Like many things in our young lives, those that we thought were funny were meant just to be funny that we didn't think about it too much.

Shawn saw us and shouted for us to get in. Matt grabbed something from the backseat. It was his varsity jacket. He was entering his natural habitat I guess. After several high fives and nonsensical talks, we made it inside the apartment. To my elation there were other students that I recognized from many parties that I'd been to. Tim and Mike showed up later. Daisuke was skipping the festivities to hang out with the other foreign students. Even in this situation, the place was naturally divided into the players and non-players groups. Sometimes some intermingling happened but the topic of the conversation seemed to decide how long the interaction would be. Matt was already corralled by Reed and the other players who were very curious if he would be playing next season. Reed was more comfortable hanging out with his jock buddies. Shawn, on the other hand, was more outgoing and had no problem socializing with every people in room.

"Joe!" I heard Shawn calling from the back patio.

I walked to where he was. "What up?" I asked.

"This is Shane, he's in the army. Shane that's Joe, he would be joining the service after college."

"Which branch?" Shane asked.

"Marines," I replied.

"Cool," he replied.

I wondered why he's in school. "I didn't know they have army program here."

"I'm in active duty just taking advantage of the back to school benefits."

"They allow you to do that?"

"Army does, not sure about the Navy."

"That's cool. How does it go?"

"Pretty much, my job is to be a student," he said laughing.

"Don't you have post duties?"

"I do, but I'm currently manning the recruitment office nearby."

"Are there other army peeps attending this school?"

"A few. I knew two who are taking computer science degree."

"Do you need to be in specific area of studies to be approved for school?"

"Not really, but technical degree is preferred."

"Are you living inside the base?" I was curious how come he was able to stay out late.

"Off base, I just report for my guarding duty sometimes during weekend, but I mostly stay in town. So how long before you join the service?" he asked after my own interrogation.

"Just started my ROTC program," I replied.

"Nice, I suggest you take the off base option when you join the service. You have an option if you're an officer."

"Isn't it cheaper to live inside the base?"

"A little but not that much, really."

Shawn was on the side trying to follow our conversation manning the keg.

"Beer anyone?" I heard him say during the lull in our conversation.

"How did you end up hanging out with this loser," I said pointing at Shawn.

"Parties. It's cheaper to get drunk here than going to bars. Ha-ha"

"True, that's why I'm planning to enjoy it. More beer please," I said giving my cup to Shawn.

After we had our refill, we went back inside. I joined Tim and Mike while Shawn and Shane joined Reed's company.

When Shane joined them, I can't help but notice how small he looked compare to most of the players. Reed who was the same height as Shawn but slightly smaller in size was a linebacker. Shawn who was also a defensive end was almost as big as Matt but an inch shorter. The rest were just as big. Even among the jocks, there was probably some sort of grouping because Matt's group was where most of the bigger guys were at, and another group just right next to them were composed mostly of the smaller but more agile member of the team.

The place became louder as the night went by. The music was also getting louder it seemed like. The crescendo of the party reached its peak early on. This might just be the first stop of the night long partying for most of the people in the apartment. The high pitched environment died down just as quickly when one by one people left for the next stop of their night. The place was almost empty by midnight. Matt was finally freed by his fellow jocks and made his way to where I was and Tim. Mike had already left.

"Having a good time?" he said.

"Sure," I said.

"We're going to have several tryouts this Spring. Fresh meat," he said showing his excitement on breaking in newbies.

"Don't go crying if you bust your shoulder again."

"Nah, I'm good as new. And they are going to get the Matt treatment."

Shawn interjected, "we are going to punish them until they are ready to quit."

Matt and Shawn did their chest bump which shook the place when they landed then yelled out "yeeaaahhh!"

"Stop that. You are going to break the place," I said which just encouraged them to do it again.

Matt and Shawn provided us some entertainment when they decided to out tackle one another. Reed stopped them before they break anything inside the apartment. Like kids who still wanted to play, but their parents will not let them, they were mime rushing each other that they headbutted when they did it at the same time.

I could hear Reed saying while Matt and Shawn were lying on the floor in pain, "stupid fuckers."

Matt finally had enough, so we bid our farewell and went back to the dorm. The next morning Matt was sporting a bruise on his forehead that he was carefully inspecting on the mirror.

I looked at his forehead and commented, "that looks it nasty."

"Yeah, it is. It still hurts," he replied.

"You keep injuring yourself."

"Nah, this is nothing," he said then I heard "ouch!"

"Stupid! Stop playing with it."

He grabbed a cold can of soda from the mini-fridge and used it to numb the pain.

I asked him what's his plan for the day because I still needed to register for my classes.

"We can check out the dollar movie theater," he suggested.

"I can't. I have to register for classes this afternoon."

"You haven't register for classes?" he was sounding a little surprise.

"Not yet," I replied.

"You didn't do your early registration last semester?"

"No, it's only available for main courses."

"Oh OK, I'll just tag along with you then."

"I had to go to the ROTC office first. I'll meet you up at the center around lunch time."

The ROTC office that once made me nervous now felt like any other building in the campus. I walked in and checked in with the secretary. She gave me the schedule for the semester and reminded me that I would be reporting to the base the following summer. The schedule was pretty much the same as last semester half day on Wednesdays and full day on Saturdays. Summer was when I would start my training in the base together with the other enlisted personnel but my mind was still too far away from it. I couldn't afford to think about it for now, I had to survive the second half of my first year in college.

I sent Matt a message to know where he was. He replied that he was by the arcade area.

"How long you've been here?" I asked.

"Not long. Five minutes, maybe," Matt replied.

"Hungry yet?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I am. Wanna go to Bubba's Grill?"


The place was busy when we got there, but it didn't take long before we were offered a table. It was warm inside that I couldn't wait to remove my coat. I hanged my jacket on the back of my chair and Matt did the same thing. The waitress asked for our drinks. We both asked for sweet tea. Matt caught me looking at him.

"What are you looking at?" he asked.

"Is that the same blue shirt you're wearing?"


"I thought so."

"What's wrong with my shirt?"

"Did you wash that several times?" I joked.

He took a sniffed and said, "smells fresh to me."

"How many times that shirt suffered?"

"Many times," he answered casually. I just laughed.

"Don't get any ideas," he warned.

"Too late. It's already in my head," I replied.

"Damn, my best friend is a pervy."

"You started it," I said.

"No, I did not," he protested.

Our food was ready and the waitress gently placed the plates of steak on our table and left some condiments. After making some comment about how tasty it looked, we went in for the kill and never stopped until the last piece of steak was gone. All the while, I gave him some more hard time about the shirt while we were eating.

"Matt, that shirt needs to go in a different laundry pile."

"I don't care. It's my own mess," he said sounding irritated, so I stopped pestering him.

"Are you still tagging along with me this afternoon?" I asked to change the subject.

"I got nothing. Might as well," he said.

We finished up our lunch and went back to his car and drove to the campus. While he was driving, he gave his shirt another sniffed which made me chuckled.

"I like this shirt," he said.

"I believe you." When he looked at my way, I gave him a grin.

"Don't get any wild ideas," he warned again.


"Yeah, you!"

"'What are you waiting for? Bring your cot over here'," I said mimicking his voice.

"Hush!" he said. "Was fun though," he added and let out an exaggerated laugh.

It took a while before I was able to register. The line was long. Good thing that Tim and Mike were also there to keep us company cursing the cold weather in the middle of the day. Tim needed to reschedule a class, and Mike was dropping one. Mike asked what was our plan for the night. He said that his band was playing in one of the bars and we should check it out. This was one of his gigs that people had to pay five dollars to get in. It was how Mike covered some of his expenses. We agreed to meet up in front of our dorm which was walking distance to the bar he was going play in. By next week when classes started, all the bars were no longer allowed to serve alcohol during weekdays only Friday nights and weekends, so we might as well take advantage of it.

Matt gave Shawn and Reed a call to see if they wanted to join us. They said that Mike already told them about it and would be there.

"Nice," I said. Getting to the bar was not a problem. Getting some beer was. Reed who just turned twenty one during the break was our ticket to score some booze.

One by one the group assembled in front of the dorm. Tim and his girlfriend were the first ones to show up. Then Mike, Daisuke and Ashley were next. Not long after, we heard Shawn and Reed calling us from the corner of the street. Shane was with them who was also willing to buy us beer. We all went into the bar. Mike saw us walked in and gave us a shout out. His band was already playing some alternative rock music on a makeshift stage. There was a beer-pong setup by the end of the bar which we immediately claimed. Reed and Shane went ahead to the bar to start the flow of beer. Tim, his girlfriend, Ashley and Daisuke took the opposite ends of the beer-pong table. They were going to teach Daisuke how to play the game. Reed and Shane came back with our first score of the night. After filling up our cups, we gathered close to the makeshift stage to cheer on Mike until their first break.

From the beer-pong table, I could hear Shawn calling and challenging us for a drinking match. It would be him and Matt versus Shane and I. We took the opposite ends of the beer-pong table and two pitchers of beer were already set aside for the match. Matt and Shawn were so confident that they would easily beat us. After several games, the pitchers were emptied. We won all the games by 3 to 5 cups. Shawn not willing to finish the match without even winning one game, asked Shane to fetch more beer. The more we played the more beer they had to drink and the drunker they got which made the successive wins a lot easier for us. "Jocks got killed by the soldiers," Shane kept teasing them. Matt was the one to concede their lost. Shawn started drinking from the pitcher not willing to share to get us back. We again took a spot to cheer Mike on during their last set which was probably a bad idea because we were just noisy that annoyed some of the students who were there. When the band stopped playing, the place also emptied out which signaled the end of our night's festivities.

"Hey Joe," I kept hearing Matt.

I would replied "what?"

Then another "hey Joe." It was a predictable sign that Matt was drunk when he kept on repeating something for no specific reason. On our way back to the dorm when I was out of sight, he would call out, "Joe, where are you?" I would reply from behind. He would turn around and put his arm around my shoulder.

"There you are. What's up, buddy?" he would say. This was repeated for several times before reaching our room.

Like the many occasions when he came back drunk, the recliner was Matt's bed for tonight. I took off my shoes and lay face down on my bed ready to pass out. As I was about to doze off , I heard Matt muttering something from the recliner.

"What's wrong now?" I asked.

"It's not staying hard," he replied.

"Matt, just get some sleep," I said sounding annoyed.

In his slurry voice I heard him said, "but it was hard just a moment ago."

"Quit it, you're drunk just do it tomorrow."

Then I heard him said, "shit" then some more muttering from him before he gave up. And just like that he passed out. It was almost noon when I woke up. Matt was still on the recliner sleeping with both hands inside his undone pants that he managed to slip half way down his thighs. I grabbed my shower pail and went ahead to get some needed scrubbing, The night's sweat had made my body sticky and the musky smell was a little too strong. When the soothing warm shower had done its work, it's time for some grooming. With my boxers on and my towel over my shoulder, I proceeded to one of the sinks. I looked around, and the place was empty except for one of the stalls that was still in used. I watched myself on the mirror checking to see the result of my effort as I shaved away the stubble from my face revealing the squareness of my jaw that neatly showed my strong looking chin. The short dark blond tuft on my head had been properly trimmed to military approved length a few days ago. I checked my midsection and tried to feel the little remaining discernible fat. It made me smile, an exaggerated smile, showing my straight set of pearly whites that forced me to squint a little. I took a quick glance of both of my arms and flexed them some to see how they're developing.

From behind me, I heard Matt said, "looking good blue eyes."

I turned to see him coming out of the other shower stall with his towel wrapped around his waist. He must have sneaked in while I was still in the shower.

"You like?" I said.

"You look yummy," he replied chuckling. I gave him the finger.

He took the sink right next to me and proceeded to brush his teeth. The stubble that he kept was still nicely trimmed and shaped like many times coming from break. His mom didn't like it when he just kept a permanent 4 o'clock shadow without keeping it looking neat. I couldn't help but notice that he and I shared the same country boy look. It's hard to describe really. It's more of a feeling I guess. If not for my whitewall haircut and my face always shaved clean, you might say that I was a mini-Matt. I was not a small guy by your average standard, but around Matt I was. Some even had mistaken us as brothers.

"What's your plan for today?" I asked Matt while I shaved the few remaining spots under my chin.

"Nothing. Probably just play some video games. How about you?"

"Maybe just hang out by the student center and see what comes up."

"When is your training going to start?" he asked.

"Next week. How about you?"

"Mostly maintenance workout this semester. We have several weeks before we are required to meet with our respective trainer. Good thing we don't do any post-season games or else all my college life will be nothing but football."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"Yeah, it doesn't."

Our conversation about his football schedule went on until we were back in our room. Matt just casually removed his towel, sat down on the couch and dried his legs and feet. It used to be that we tried not to look at each other as much as possible when either one of us was completely naked in the room but both of our reservations were gone by now. I had, from time time, made some comment on how good he looked naked which he would sometimes respond by flexing his muscles or pose like a bodybuilder. He was still going on and on about the football workouts he had to do when I put my clothes on. I asked him if he was coming, but he decided to skip lunch, so I went to the student center alone. I stumbled upon Shawn and asked him where's Reed. He said that they continued the party in their apartment after coming back from the bar. Reed was still passed out. I told him Matt was staying in the room probably still tired.

"You seemed to be awake?" I asked him.

"I'm cool. I can hang with the best them when it comes to drinking," Shawn bragged.

"I believe you," I said.

"Reed and Matt are pussies. Reed will probably keep complaining about how his head hurts the whole day when he wakes up. How about you?"

"I'm fine. You guys drunk most of the beer last night," I said.

"Oh that, I couldn't believe we lost all the games. We're pros."

"We're just more skilled," I said.

"Better be. You guys might have to dodge bullets someday."

"Don't remind me."

"Are you guys showing up tonight?" Shawn asked. Mike would be playing again but in another bar.

"We are."

After our lunch, we looked around to see what was going on. The arcade area was having a back to school event. All their games were free including the pool tables. But since most students were probably still tired from last night, the arcade wasn't busy during that part of the day. Shawn and I claimed one of the pool tables.

"No more football games for you?" I asked after breaking the balls.

He took his aim and said, "Yeah, for a while. Summer is when we get back to training again."

"Are you looking forward for the tryouts?"

"Hell yeah, the best part if you ask me."

"You and Matt seem to be hell bent on punishing the newbies."

"Oh, we will."

"Do you get a lot of them trying out?"

"We do. The athletic scholarship here is good plus the schedule is not as hectic as the big school."

"How many you need?"

"Don't know. We lost four seniors, but we already have reserves ready, so we might just be looking for reserves this year. Then they just join us for drills this semester."

"Too bad for your adoring fans," I said jokingly.

"Well, just have to hunt a little," Shawn said. "Repeat performance is not bad either," he added.

"Ha-ha. No uniform, no girls."

"I wouldn't say that just need a little work."

"Matt will go crazy," I said.

"Not me, I keep some numbers with me. As if we are the only ones that use our uniform to get laid. Don't they call your dress uniform the panty-dropper?"

"I don't know. I haven't worn one yet," I countered.

After several pool games, I had to call it a day and told Shawn that I was still tired from last night. I let him know that we were going tonight. I came back to our room and Matt was sitting on the recliner playing some video games. Wrappers of junk food were littering the floor.

"If you're that hungry, how come you just didn't come with me for lunch," I said.

"Just feeling lazy," he said.

"What are you playing?"

"Just trying to finish my season," he said while he carefully inspect his team standing in the game. "I'm playing against Reed in the semi-final."

"I'm playing the computer," I said.

"That sucks, that is much easier. That's not fair," he complained.

"Not my fault, I'm just good." The video seeded the team like the real game. The higher you are in the standing the easier your opponent.

He had his team setup and ready to play the next opponent in his conference.

"Hey Matt, I'm bored. Does this count as watching football?" I said out of nowhere as I sat down on my spot.

Matt had picked up some of my hints, "for you bud, it counts."

I found his inner thigh and gave it a few massage. He reclined a little to get ready to play his match. I tried going in through the leg of his short first but it was a little tight because of how he was sitting, so I went for the most obvious option. I lifted the waistband of his shorts and took a quick peek before I encircled the base of his cock with my fingers.

"I caught a big one," I joked.

"Enjoy," he said.

So I watched him play his match while I rubbed his now semi-hard cock inside his shorts. I would move it from side to side so the head of his cock would brush against his silky basketball shorts his favorite choice of apparel when just hanging out in our room. It didn't take that long when he scored his first touchdown and started celebrating like it was for real. When he finally settled down and sat back on the recliner, my hand also went back inside his shorts massaging his cock. A wet spot was forming on his shorts. During the halftime of the his video game, I pulled his dick out of his shorts and gave it slow strokes. Precum was now leaking from the tip his cock. I dabbed my index finger on it and watch the sticky substance form a string between the tip of his cock and my finger.

"Do you leak a lot?" I asked.

"I do. Squeeze it a little bit and more will come out," he said which I did. More of his pre-ejaculate flowed out his cock.

"How was last night?"

"It was a bust," he said.

"It won't perform?" I joked.

"No, it won't," he replied.

"What got you horned up?"

"Our talk about my blue shirt," he answered sheepishly.

"You really wanted it stain again, don't you?"

"I wasn't thinking about it at first. I just like the shirt for some reason. I was actually waiting for you to get some naughty idea after you pointed it out."

"You said, you don't want to."

"As if it's going to stop you," he said.

"So you still want to stain it?" I asked.

He looked at me and said, "should we?"

I stood up and rummaged through his drawers and found a small unused jar of Vaseline. He had taken the liking of using Vaseline after I used it on him. When he saw what I was doing, he changed to his blue shirt. I sat back on the recliner with the jar of Vaseline in hand. Matt was still standing when he started the second half of his game. He moved in front of me still facing the TV. Not wanting to miss his video game, he made a gesture of pulling down his shorts. I leaned forward and reached for the waistband and slowly pulled it down. First revealing his smooth round ass then his thighs then I let the shorts fell down to his feet. Matt stepped out of his shorts and went back to his recliner. He tried to recline once again but he was having some trouble with the game.

"No need to rush. Go ahead play your game," I said. Matt when back to upright position and concentrated on the game. I reached between his legs and started spreading some lube all over his cock giving it a stroke from the base to the head in one direction. That was enough to kept him excited while he fiddled with the game controller. My stroking was only interrupted when he scored touchdowns which he celebrated now by doing hip thrusts. He finished the game and won his match.

He reclined all the way back and place his hands over his head. His leg parted apart with one resting on my lap and said, "I'm ready for my reward."


"For winning my game."

It didn't even make sense but I just began stroking him full length like before which seemed to work on him best then I heard him said, "hey bud, can you use both hands?"

"Jeez, too demanding," I said. Having no choice but to comply, I lubed up both of my hands and ran them down his shaft alternately until both of my hands were gliding effortlessly. Matt, for some reason, was leaking a good amount of precum.

"You're making a mess already," I said while dabbing my fingers on his precum playing with it.

"Let it go for bit. I'll show you something," he said.

He tensed a little bit and more precum gushed out of his cock that was lying on his stomach. I traced the sticky puddle and smeared it on his stomach.

"Wow," I said.

"Something I learned I can do," he said. "You can check it out next time you see me just playing with my dick. I sometimes just do it to relieve my frustration before the game day."

"You don't even need lube after that."

"It's a little tiring though."

"Is that what you're doing when you take it out while we chatted before bed?"

"Yeah," he said.

"I've been wondering how come you're just looking at it most of the time."

I noticed him twitching his cock up and down slapping his stomach. His way of showing that he wanted some attention.

"Nice cock, buddy," a phrase that he had heard many times coming from me.

"You like?" was his normal response.

I wrapped my left hand close to the base and my right hand by the head of his cock. Matt gave out a soft moan when he felt my hands going up and down the shaft of his throbbing cock.

"It shouldn't take long. You got me going good already," he said.

I increased the pace while I twist my right hand when I get to the head of his cock. Matt was grunting and asking me to keep on stroking him. The twisting motion of my hand made the head of his cock sensitive which caused him to raise his legs a little trying to fight the extra sensation.

"You OK?" I asked.

"Yeah, just keep going," he mumbled.

Every time my right hand touched the head of his cock he would lift his legs followed by a deep "aaahhhh." He was now grabbing the arm rest of the recliner. The extra sensation was too much for him that he could no longer hold back.

"Buddy, I'm gonna cum," he said that's when I switched to normal up and down stroke to allow him to relax a little bit. Not long after, I was watching him spewing his strings of load all over his chest. I kept on stroking until he came back down from his orgasm.

"You soaked that sucker," I said commenting about the mess he left on his blue shirt.

He lifted his shirt to inspect it and said, "Yup, I did."

"When was the last time you nutted?"

"Three days ago," he said.

"You good?" I asked.

"Pretty good. I owe you one. Remind me when you want me to return the favor."

"I'll keep that in mind," I said.

I grabbed his towel and wiped my hands clean then threw it to him. He took of his shirt and also wiped himself clean. He picked his shorts on the floor and put it back on. The relieved frustration from last night was clearly shown on his smiling face.

"Matt, you wore me out. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when it's time for dinner."

"Will do," he said then he went back to playing his video game.

Our free time before class started was gone in a moment. The campus was again busy and bustling with young college kids trying get through this important stage of their lives. High school gave some opportunities to fail, to make some mistakes, and to learn some lessons. College on the other hand was less forgiving, if you decided to pursue higher education, it would prove costly if you fail. Some even had to give up because its too much.

Matt and I finally got our routine back. Matt still had busier schedule than me with his football drills. He made sure to join me as much as possible working out in the public gym. He had taken the duty of making sure that I was taking my protein supplements properly, and used some of the training regiment he learned on me. My arms were first to show some improvements. My arms were now sporting a slight permanent bend instead of just hang straight down. Then my chest was next to developed which Matt for some reason would punch when he saw me flexing them. My midsection was now flat and tight, even though, it was still far from being riffed. I told Matt I want to keep it that way.

Weekends was treasured. Since Matt had no games, his weekends were now open for more revelries. It was truly the time when we felt we're invincible.

I had gone more accustom to my ROTC formation that I couldn't wait for my summer base training. By the middle of the semester, Matt's team was getting ready for the tryouts.

"You feeling extra excited today," I said while Matt's was laying on his bed playing with his training helmet.

"Tryouts start tomorrow," he said.

"Isn't it too late in the week to start on Friday?" I asked.

"Nah, any day is fine."

"Sometimes I don't get your schedule."

"I don't ask," he replied. "So do you want me to stay away for a bit tomorrow?' he added.

"Up to you, I'll have my alone time no matter what. You know me."

Matt had learned to give me some space on Friday. He did join me several times, but he still asked my permission before he does. He knew I designated it to be my special night because I chose not to do anything crazy before the next morning's ROTC formation.

Friday night came, Matt was still out for the tryouts. The seat had been reclined to the most comfortable position. Porn was playing on my laptop laid on the other recliner. My clothes had been absent for most of the night after taking my shower, and my uncut jewel was already hard waiting for my attention. I slapped my cock on my stomach as if telling it to get ready to perform. My right hand was already lube. I slapped my cock on my palm before wrapping my hand around it. I worked the lube until the slickness was to my liking. A big man on the video was giving a petite girl some good pounding in a missionary position. The girl on scene was squealing on every thrust was enough to get my attention. I stroked my cock at the same pace as the man's thrusting. When the man on the video slowed down, I slowed down. When he increased his speed, I increased my assault on my raging hard dick. The first of the several gushes of precum of the night oozed out of the tip of my cock making it glistened. The video was good, but I was not yet ready to surrender my load. I waited for the scene to wrapped up and proceeded to browse for another video. After some clicking and scanning of the content, I again found something that interested me. There seemed to be a common theme to what I was picking that night a big man having his way with a smaller partner. Just a little bit passed an hour of stroking, pulling and tugging my balls to loosen them up when I heard the door clicked. I knew it was Matt, so I just continued on.

He walked in and immediately closed the door behind him. "Sup, bud?" he said.

"Just having fun," I replied still looking at the porn playing on my laptop stroking myself.

He moved closer to check on what I was watching. The size of the guy on the video didn't escape him. "That's probably how it looks like when I pound someone," he chuckled.

Knowing that I could not escape his chit chat, I just carry on the conversation with him while stroking myself. He was still wearing his soiled training uniform. "What up?" I asked.

"I'm beat. I didn't know we had a lot of people trying out. We even had some folks from other schools not just incoming freshmen."

He sat down on the couch trying to get out of his football uniform. First was his cleats then his pants revealing his jockstrap and groin protector. In no time, his uniform was carefully piled in one spot of the room to avoid dragging some of the mud and grass all over the place. He removed his groin protector and sniffed it which made him grimaced. Not sure why men do it even when we know something is going to smell bad.

"LOL," I said.

"The sweet man smell," he sad.

He was now sitting on the couch massaging his feet just wearing his jockstrap oblivious of the fact that I was still stroking my cock in front of him. He got up took off his jockstrap and wrap his towel around his waist.

With his shower pail in hand he said, "I'm partying tonight."

"I thought you're tired a moment ago."

"Nah, it's just the usual. I'm huntin'," he said. That's what he said when he's about to do some tomcat-ing.

"Good luck," I said.

I went back to watching the video to get my hardon back. About 30 minutes later, he came back looking refresh. When he noticed that I was grunting and moaning, he decided not to bother me anymore and just put on some jeans, t-shirt and his hypnotic accessory, his varsity jacket.

"See you later, bud. Don't wear yourself too much. You have early day tomorrow," he said on his way out.

After some more videos, the evidence of my night's self exploration was splattered on my stomach and chest slowly dripping down my body. I laid there playing with my bodily fluid tracing my finger around my belly button. "What a nice way to relax for tomorrow," I said to myself.

My Saturdays had become more and more routine to me even with the new drill sergeant. The new drill instructor had taken the duty from Sgt. Pinski as the drill became more and more physically demanding. A much younger sergeant who's hell bent on breaking us. We now start the day by running around the campus before our regular marching drill. It used to be that we avoid the general population as much as possible. The new instructor had a different idea. He wanted some of our humiliation to be in plain sight. On the hindsight, it helped us in accepting our place and be proud of it. Shyness and shame have no place in the military he often mentioned. I had no problem with it.

Saturday was also the part of the week when the campus stayed alive until dawn. Parties never seemed to end. Keg party was the main destination. With just five dollars in your pocket, you could drink all night which leave us enough money for a trip to the diner after. An early breakfast was always a welcome idea since the next day would be spent sleeping. For many students, Sunday was the only day left to recharge before the cycle was repeated the next week.

Coming from our own choice of watering hole, the gang was assembled in one of the only two diners that was open for 24 hours. The placed was busy with people coming in and out trying to get a quick bite before finally taking a short hibernation. Some people were probably mad at us that we were taking our sweet time. Tim, Mike and Ashley were busy debating how Charlton Heston became a prominent figure of the conservative movement when he starred in many thought provoking movies with liberal undertone while a clueless expression was painted on Daisuke's face not knowing who they were talking about. We were waiting for Matt to arrive before ordering our food. We were on the verge of consuming all the all-you-can drink coffee in the diner when he finally sent me a message saying only "be there in 30 minutes." His hunt was probably successful tonight. We went ahead and ordered our usual steak, eggs and hash-brown breakfast. Not long after, like many nights before, Daisuke was admonishing Mike for mixing his eggs and ketchup until it looked like something that came out someone's other end which never failed to give us a few laughs no matter how old the joke had became. Halfway through our meal Matt came in the diner looking for us. One quick shout of his name over the other noisy occupants of diner was enough. He sat right next to me and asked how everyone's night was. The group was curious what took him so long to get there. I was about to spill the beans when I felt him stepping on my foot. He said that Shawn was way too drunk to drive.

"Which party did you go to?" Ashley asked Matt.

"It's the jock party. Invites only," Matt replied hesitantly. He was clearly embarrassed.

"Even me was not allowed," I said.

"LOL, just like those frat lame-o party," Tim interjected.

"Hey now, I was also just an invitee. I didn't make the rules," Matt said in defense.

"What do you guys do in those 'invites only' parties?" I asked.

"They probably hire a stripper," Tim said.

"OMG! A sex party," Ashley blurted out.

"It's just a regular party," Matt said. "Some guys just don't want everyone showing up, They said that sometimes too many people show up if it was open." he added.

"Where did you guys go?" Matt asked.

"Me and Dai went to see Mike's band," Ashley said.

"I went to Rich's apartment with Tim," I replied.

After a few more inquiries if anything exciting happened, Tim, Ashley and Mike were back to talking about Charlton Heston with Daisuke still looking lost. The conversation changed to what we should do tomorrow. It's the middle of the semester and the weather was fine for some afternoon frisbee fun in front of the library. It's was almost 4PM when we left the diner. Matt and I walked into our room. By the way how my bed looked, it was a witness to Matt's dirty work that night. He had done it before, but his sheepish smile was his way of pointing it out.

"Matt, you should at least laundry my beddings tomorrow."

"Why? Except for that spot, it's mostly clean," he joked.

"For the life of me, why did I agree for you to have the top bunk."

"She wanted missionary. She said it feels more special," he said.

"I don't think it's the girl's fault Matt."

"Jeez, I'll laundry them tomorrow."

"And this one too," I said pointing at his used condom on his desk. He must have forgotten to flush it down in the bathroom on his way out.

"That's doesn't look like your usual," I commented.

He grabbed it and when ahead to flush it down. He was back not a moment later sporting a sheepish grin again on his face. "Well, it wasn't my first of the night," he said.

"Freakin' horn-dawg."

Sunday came and the group was assembled by the front of the library playing under the sun. The shadow of what was to come started its move in the campus. A seemingly innocent sign that said "make love not war" with the familiar hippie peace sign dominating most of it.

Next: Chapter 8

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