Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Sep 23, 2014



This novella is a work of fiction. Any similarities with real life is of pure coincidence. This story contains homoerotic encounters between college age adults. Acts include masturbation, mutual masturbation and touching of male genitalia.

Copyright 2014 Max Millan


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Bromance by Max Millan

I woke up around eight in the morning with my head aching like someone hit me in the head. The alcohol from last night did not sit well. Beer and liquor is a potent combination specially when you are downing beer one after another. You don't feel the effect until it hits you.

I grabbed some Aspirin and swallowed more than what was normally recommended. "Maybe a warm shower will do," I said to myself. I fetched my shower pail and headed out to the dorm shared bathroom. On typical days, you would need to wait for your turn if you happened to be one of those people who like to shower in the morning. I was lucky that there's an available shower stall. It would have been a bitch standing there with my throbbing head. The shared bathroom was a busy place even during the lull of the day. We all knew that some guys do more than just taking a shower in there. You should always wear your flip-flops and touch as little as possible the inside of the shower stall or risk leaving the shower with someone's liquid deposit. I was in and out of the shower that quick. Some people call it a bird bath which was a skill that came in handy when I went into the service later on.

When I came back into the room, Matt was already awake examining his t-shirt. He slept with his shirt from last night.

"Was it good?" I asked.

"I'll say 6 out of 10. But beggars can't be chooser, so I'll take what I can get," he replied brushing off the incident like it's nothing.

It's the last Friday of the month and he hardly had any clean clothes left, so he rummaged through his pile of used shirts and picked one that didn't smell then he put on a clean pair cargo pants. Same pants were worn for days just make sure to air it out, so clean one was not hard to come by if you really one but shirt sometimes was a different story. He went to the restroom to brush his teeth, and like many college kids that's all the preparation that was needed to start a school day. Shower can wait.

By nine, we were out to our first class. I had a back to back class in the morning. Matt had a nine and an eleven class. My headache wasn't going away. I was feeling miserable by the time my next class rolled in. On top of that I was so hungry. I knew I should have eaten breakfast.

Our scholarship covered three cafeteria meals. However, Matt and I only ate breakfast when our first class was later in the morning or in between classes if there was time. Lunch was a different story, we always made sure not to skip it that's the only time when the cafeteria offered something different each day. There's less options for breakfast and dinner. During football season, Matt usually ate dinner with his teammates after practice. It was good since I was able to get to know other people in some occasions. But for the past few weeks, Matt had been tagging along with me during dinner. He's pretty useless without his right arm, or at least, how he made it appeared to be. He probably had good and bad days because, one time, he braved not wearing his harness but by the end of the day his shoulder had gotten swollen real bad, so he never dared try doing it again.

That afternoon, I tried to get some sleep to get rid of my headache.

"Hey, sleepy head," I heard Matt waking me up.

"What time is it?" I asked.

He looked at the alarm clock, "it says 6:30," he answered. "You've been here the whole afternoon? I was looking for you in the student center."

Feeling my head a little bit, "Yeah, I had a bad headache this morning."

"Still feeling sick?"

"I think it's gone."

"Well, how about we get something to eat. It might help."

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

We sat our usual location on one corner of the cafeteria where the international students usually congregate. The subdued giggling and whispered conversations were missing. We might had came in early since our table neighbors weren't there.

I probably brought in more food than usual because Matt made a comment about it. "Wow, are going to eat all that?" he asked.

"Hell yeah, I didn't get to eat much this afternoon."

"Oh I thought you are just trying to load up some energy for tonight," he said while making a jerking off motion with his hand.

When it comes to pun it's always been my domain, so I was not willing to concede, "I don't see a problem with that," I answered him with a straight face.

Sensing that his attempt to put me in the defensive was a lost cause, he replied, "nothing at all."

"So I talked to Tim about that Japanese word we were debating the other night," he continued trying to change the subject.

Feeling a little bit concerned that what I told him was wrong, I said, "what about it?"

"You're right . . . . . . ," he paused, "it means boyfriend."

"You don't believe me? What I tell you," sticking it to him.

As we were getting ready to leave, some of the international students that we knew were taking their seats. After a brief his and hellos, we were off.

The weather was starting to get colder each day. Winter was fast approaching and the semester was drawing to a close. One more week of school which meant the dreaded finals.

"It's fucking cold out here," I said in my exaggerated intonation. We picked up the pace to get to the relative comfort of our dorm.

"No shit," he replied. "I think my balls just went hiding."

What normally was a leisurely walk now felt like a labor. It was the humidity and cold they said. "Fuck humidity," I said.

"Got plans for the Christmas vacation?" Matt asked.

"Nothing big. Just the usual." I replied.

"How about you?"

"Well, my mom will not let me go anywhere until my shoulder is fully healed. Normally I visit my cousins. Their parents own a log cabin," he paused, "more like log mansion, . . . . log something." He was having trouble finding the right term ". . . regardless, it's bigger."

"We get to stay there and spend most of the winter. We go hunting for deer and turkey. It's by the lake too, so we can skate when it's frozen."

"Cool, that sounds awesome."

Matt's grandfather owned the biggest farm land in town, so Matt's parents and his uncle were doing better than most, not exactly rich, probably above middle class.

Seeing his disappointment, "you should come with us on our hunting trip. It's not as fancy as a log house but it's still going to fun," I offered.

He sounded excited, "oh, where do you guys go?"

"At the reserve, they have a camp ground that you can rent for the weekend then you can go hunting or fish. We go there before it's too cold."

"They let you hunt at the reserve?"

"Not all the time, but they do let people hunt to control the deer population. Duck is always a fair game."

Matt was getting more interested, "so you go pitch tent and stuff like bonefire?" he asked.


"My cousin's place, they have a backyard fire pit. It's gas, so it doesn't feel like nature."

"You should be out of your harness before we go so I'll give you a heads up when," I gave him my assurance.


"By the way, you will need a hunting license if you want to shoot some deer. Do you have one?"

"No, we just go out hunting as long as I can remember."

"I think you can do that if you own the land but definitely not in public land."

"I guess that's true. So where do you get the license?"

"Walmart, the sporting goods guy will set you up."

It was unusually cold outside that we were both shaking when we got to the dorm. Matt grabbed his shower pail and decided to take a quick warm shower.

It's already 8:30 PM, and my dick like clockwork was starting to twitch. Tomorrow, Saturday was my last ROTC formation of the school year. Supposedly, you just show up to get your grade, but I really didn't know what to expect, so I was not risking going there late. I followed Matt's lead and took a quick shower myself.

When I came in, Matt was sitting on the couch with his towel covering his lap. Mine was wrapped around my waist.

"I need help to put this back," he said talking about his harness.

I went ahead and help him. He was still extra careful not to move his right arm unnecessarily. The swelling was almost gone, but he said it was still feeling tender.

When I finished securing the harness I heard him say, "can I join you tonight?"

"You sure can, but can you keep up 'til midnight?" I answered.

He counted, "oh, that's not new to me."

"Should we use inspirational material?" I joked.

"Yeah. You still need to show me the website remember. I might need it this coming break."

Matt grabbed his laptop and turned it on then he set it on his desk chair that he already placed in front of the couch. I went ahead and opened the porn website that I visited often.

"Here, look for the ones that you like, and I promise not to say anything for whatever you are into." He started browsing through the available videos looking for one that interest him. The anticipation had my cock peeking through the towel already. Matt's was making a tent with his towel that was still covering his lap. I pulled Matt's towel off him while he was still busy searching among the tons of videos available for him. I got out of mine and hanged both of our towels on my desk chair. I tried to position my right leg under his left leg. When he felt my leg under his, he spread his legs a little bit more. He was taking longer than I expected choosing an inspirational material, so I lifted his left to my lap and waited for him while slowly rubbing his thighs just stopping short by the base his cock.

"I'm ready," I told him. "Just a sec. Lot's of good one, I can't decide," he said.

"Pick one and watch the other ones later," I said.

Matt was determined to find the one that he liked. While waiting I found myself twitching my cock which caused it to hit his thigh. When he didn't seem to mind it, I started slapping my cock on it. He still had not settled on a video, so I kept on slapping my cock on his thigh and sometimes slowly rubbed the underside of my cock on it trying to feel the soft blond hair that's decorating his thigh.

Without looking he said, "don't get too excited."

"Found one yet?" I asked.

"Yeah," he finally said.

I went to his drawer to get the bottle of KY Jelly that we used before, but I changed my mind when I saw the Vaseline.

"Hey Matt, do you wanna use the Vaseline instead?" I asked.

He looked at me, "for what?" he asked.

"What do you mean what?" I asked back. I was a bit puzzled.

I saw his tortured expression, so I clarified the situation that he wasn't grasping, "as lube."

"I never used that before. I used lotion when I was younger and then KY Jelly but not Vaseline."

"So why do you have it?" I asked.

"I use it to avoid chaffing when wearing my uniform."

Well that made sense. If you think about it, I was the one using it for a non-intended purpose.

"I have smaller one in my locker in the gym, that one came with my Dad's sent way package."

"What's in the package?"

"A Playboy magazine with a note that said 'read only for the articles,' and Trojan condoms."

I almost drop on the floor laughing, "dude, he meant you to use it for jerking off," I told him.

Then he finally got it.

"It's a little oily, but you don't have to keep reapplying it, so you wanna try it?"

He said, "OK."

"Damn, I can't believe that you don't know that you can use this as lube," I said wondering about his reaction to the idea of using the Vaseline.

"I know. I just have KY with me all the time, so I never had the use for it."

I scooped some of the petroleum jelly and kneaded it in palm until my fingers were gliding nicely. I wrapped my hand around my cock twisting back and forth to spread the lube all over my shaft. Being uncut, I only need a little buffer between my hand and the head of my cock which becomes extra sensitive. I scooped some more lube and apply it on my knob. When it was to my liking, I took my spot in the couch. Matt was leaning forward and still checking out video to see if it had the parts that he was looking for, so I just reached under his left arm and started spreading some of the lube on his cock. Once I got him hard, the lube wasn't enough. Some more lube and my hand was gliding effortlessly through the full length of his cock.

"I guess you are driving the computer then," I said.

"You got some good stuff here. I might crash it." He laughed.

He stood to get the computer mouse then grabbed one of his pillows. He told me to scoot over to the other side. Then he assumed the position that he had the last time he joined me. I was practically lying and his leg left behind me. His right leg stretched by the edge of the couch instead of hanging down like before, so my legs were resting over it. He tried out using his right thigh as a mouse pad.

As he was getting into the his receiving position, I couldn't help but check him out again. His stubble had now grown to full bread and his hair has grown a little longer. He still wear his hair mussed up.

I also got to appreciate how a few pounds can make your body look bigger. Matt's body was almost covering the couch. If he was just some inches shorter, he might look stocky. Because of his height, he looked more proportionally big. Like I mentioned before Matt was not ripped, but he was packing some muscles and a flat stomach. He just had some what Matt called extra padding making him look heavy.

"Man, you are huge," I uttered.

Which he apparently heard and replied, "Thank you. It's about 8.5 inches long, 6 inches round and the head just little under 6 inches round." giving me the dimensions of his cock.

"I'm not talking about that. I mean you are a huge dude." I said to clarify things.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" he protested while flexing his left arm.

"Oh shut up," I said.

"So you found a good video yet?" I continued.

"Yup, good to go. Good blow job scene on this one,"

I relaxed my body and proceeded to stroke my cock to get it hard again. Matt's warm leg on my back was a nice addition. Matt started playing the video. It was a delivery guy and a lonely wife role play.

Then I heard Matt, "hey bud, it is still your night, so you can concentrate on pleasuring yourself more just don't leave me hanging."

I scooped some more lube and placed it on my left hand. I stroked my cock with my left and stoke Matt with my right hand. I'm ambidextrous when it comes to jerking off, so it's not a problem for me.

"Hey bud, your hand feels good. That Vaseline feels warmer too," he said.

"Yeah, that's why I like using it."

"I see that you are still working out," he said as he looked at my hand going up and down his shaft.

"Your arms are looking much bigger now," he continued.

"Thanks, strong and big arm to better serve my needy friend," I replied.

"Asshole," he said then we laughed.

"If you feel like cumming just tell me, I normally edge then go for it at the end," I warned him just in case he was wondering when to shoot his load.

"Got yah!" he said then he winked.

"By the way, don't be shy. I like it when you moan and groan," I told him.

Half way through the video the wife was giving the delivery man a blow job on the couch. This was when I felt Matt thrusting his hip to meet my downward stroke and he was moaning and groaning. I had to stop stroking myself because I was getting close quicker than I expected. I gave Matt my undivided attention for a bit. I learned that he was somehow turned on by a blow job scene that was taken from above where you can see the guy's thighs and the girl was between the his legs going down on his fat hard cock.

"So you like that, huh?" I told him trying to get a confirmation.

"Oh yeah, you can imagine that that's your dick getting sucked if you set the laptop on your chest," he answered thrusting his hip into my hand.

He saw me not stroking my cock and made a sign that I should keep stroking. When I wrapped my hand again on my cock, he continued watching the video. I concentrated a bit on my own cock. I was stroking it full length and twisting when I reached the head of my cock. This sent a pleasure through my body that I gave out a long "aaaahhhhh." Matt responded with his own moan. This went on for a while. When I moaned, Matt moaned. When I gave out a grunt, he responded with his own grunt. Then the video wrapped up. He clicked on another video, this time was frat buddies double teaming a girl. We got our rhythm back. As the video got to end when the two frat buddies were shooting their load on the girls breast that's when I felt his cock becoming stiffer signaling that he was getting close. I looked at him to give the clue that I was aware. I pulled his cock so his load would land between us to avoid staining his harness. He tilted his head back knowing it was safe to let his load fly out. His moans had turned to successive "aaaahhhhs."

"Keep stroking buddy. I'm gonna cum," he warned. I felt that his lower body stiffened and then his load started flying hitting mostly my arm and the side of my body. I kept stroking him until his grunting slowed down and was replaced by heavy breathing.

I looked at the mess he made on my arm.

"Sorry about the mess, bud," he said as he finally came down from his orgasm.

Amazed by the mess he made, I said, "no problem, bud, but I'm still can't believe how much you cum."

"Eat more vegetable I guess," he said jokingly.

"Any trick to making it go more smoothly."

"That's for next time, but don't worry about it for now when I have my other arm back, I'll show you how to control my cumshots," he said laughing.

"Well, it's a good time for me to take a break," I said.

He reached for his towel and gave it to me. I wiped his cum off me then I wiped off some on his thighs and some that oozed down his cock.

"Thanks," he said when I was done cleaning him.

He switched back to the sitting position. And we both laid back for a bit.

"Any regrets that we are doing this?" I asked him.

"This? Don't worry about it. I just feel like I can do this thing with you, nutting together for fun," he looked serious about it. "How about you?"

"Me, I'm enjoying it so far," I answered.

"We cool," he said extending his fist.

We fist bumped, it was then that we settled that we could be open about our sexual experiences. I was worried that this experience might became something odd between us, but tonight I knew that we were at the same wavelength. You could say that we are friends with benefits, but we don't hang out just for the sake of nutting.

I stood up to get the blood flowing through my legs. I did some stretching.

"You're looking good," I heard Matt say.

"You already told me that," I replied.

"I mean, you did bulk up some. Your pecks are wider now."

I started examining myself on the mirror flexing my muscles. I was a bit lankier looking before, but now my body had some definition. Then I saw Matt standing behind me, he's truly a heavily built guy and was towering over me.

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself," he said while grabbing my bicep.

"Look at that," he added. I know that he's joking by now.

"Hush," I said.

"Are you planning to get big like me?"

"Jeez, I would look like a freak if I do that. . . . I still need to work on my chest and legs though. Matt you need to get better fast, so you can be my spotter."

"Sir, yes sir!" he answered and saluted me.

We chatted a bit more about working out. He said that I should try the training regiment his trainer was using on him. He also gave me some pointers about carb and protein powder to use and when to use them for better result. I sat back on the couch. It's eleven and I still hadn't cum but had edged several times already, so I was ready for the second round. Matt put away the laptop and moved the chair back to his desk. We didn't need it this time.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yup," I answered.

He took his spot on the couch, but I told him to scoot down and lay down instead of leaning by the corner. I copied his position, but I was propped up a little bit. He rolled a little bit to make room for my right foot between him and the back of the couch. I rested my left leg on his other leg. This time our cocks were just inches away. Matt scooted down a little bit more so our cocks were now touching. I wasn't planning to go that far.

"No reason to be shy now," he said and handed me the jar of Vaseline.

I scooped a good amount of lube for both of my hands. Our cocks still had lube from earlier, so there was no need to prime either of our cocks. I hold both of our cocks with my right hand, and started stroking. I tried one hand on his and one on mine.

"How is the new position?" he asked looking attentively at what I was doing.

"Much better, I have more options," I answered. "I wanna try something."

I switched back to holding both of our cocks then I suggested for him to start thrusting his hip.

"I like that," Matt said smiling showing his approval.

At this position I was able to compare our manhood. I encircled his shaft with my thumb and my middle finger then I slipped it on mine. The base of his cock was slightly bigger than mine, but the head of my cock was slightly bigger than his. As for the length, he was an inch longer.

Noticing what I was doing, "you know, you don't have to be jealous, you're always welcome to play with mine."

"You sure?" I said sounding like a warning of what would happen.

"I'm game," he responded.

Instead of going straight to stroking him, I made some effort to feel his dick and played with it some while I was stroking mine. I made a circling motion with my thumb where the head of his cock and shaft met. Matt seemed to respond to it as he let out soft moans. The night went more casual than usual. We were chatting a little bit in the beginning. Matt would say "I like that" or "please, do that again" instead of his usual moans, and he was also looking the whole time instead of tilting his head back when he finally felt a pleasurable sensation. I got to see his sex face again. I was enjoying the whole thing too. I switched to stroking both of our cocks, one hand on mine and one on his. Then switched to holding our cocks at the same time wen one of arms was tiring. He would occasionally thrust his hips when the sensation was undeniably good.

I told Matt that I could no longer hold back. He said he was too. I handed him my towel to cover his harness since I didn't think I will able to control where his cum would land. We both tilted our head back and worked on our climax. Not long after we were shooting our loads together. I kept stroking both our cocks until our breathing subsided. We stayed in our position for a little longer surveying the mess we made chuckling as I smear some of it around my belly button. When strength of my legs were back, I stood up.

"That was some good shit," I told him.

"I agree," he said. "But I'm beat, I think I'll stay here and sleep."

I took my towel off him, got up and wiped myself clean. However he told me that he'll just take a shower first thing in the morning when I handed him my towel.

I put on my boxer and climbed on my bed. I said, "goodnight," and he answered, "thanks, bud." We both went to sleep.

I woke up early the next day. Matt was still sleeping soundly on the couch. He's always been a sound sleeper that he hardly change position once he fall asleep. I smiled when I saw the dried up juice from last night's merriment was still on his stomach below his navel and few spots on his thighs. The couch would need some cleaning too.

After a quick shower, I put on my uniform and went out for my formation. I didn't see anyone on the field, so I went to the ROTC office.

"You're early today, cadet Shelton," my drill sergeant said.

"No formation on last week of the semester. You need to concentrate on your finals. Can you do that cadet?" he said in his regular loud voice.

"Sir, yes sir," I replied.

"Since you are here already, here is your ROTC grade. And you are dismissed."

I saluted him and made my way back to the dorm. That was stupid of me I kept thinking to myself. Matt was not in the room when I got back. I probably woke him up when I was getting ready.

I examined the couch and sat avoiding the visible stains. My ROTC slip was stamped with word PASSED. Students had to take four PE classes as a requirement for graduation. For us who were in the ROTC program we could use our training to fulfill our PE requirements.

The door opened and Matt walked in with a shirt on, and his towel wrapped around his waist.

"You're back early," he said while handing me his still damped wash clothe.

I proceeded to wipe the couch. "No formation today as it turned out," I answered then I handed him back his wash clothe. "We're free on finals week," I continued.

"That's cool," Matt replied.

"What do you do on Saturdays?" I asked him.

"I normally sleep in then play some video games. I go to the student center sometimes," he answered.

For the most part of the year, his Saturdays were spent out on the road. If they had no game that weekend, they practiced instead. He had some times at the beginning of the school year after the summer training camp but the day was mostly spent sleeping after partying the previous night. The beginning of the year was also when he went prowling for action. During football season, they were not allowed or, at least, suggested not to engage in any sexual activities three days before any game. Coach Fox said to build their aggression. So I was curious on what he was doing lately.

Our conversation continued on about what to do next, since this was the first time that we had Saturday off at the same time. I looked at him and his towel was already part of the laundry pile. He asked me for the towels that we used last night which were still on the floor and threw them to his hamper. By now, I was used to him taking his sweet time before putting his clothes on after taking a shower. I did the same thing anyways. Before, in a shared room, putting your clothes on felt like a race sometimes.

"Is that your uniform?" he asked about my solid green camouflage.

"Just for ROTC. You get to wear the nice looking one when you're full time."

"If I ever get married, you can wear your dress uniform."

"Does that mean I got the best man position secured already?" I joked.

"I'll hunt and kill you if you don't show up," he replied.

"Go, get change. Let's get some breakfast," he said rubbing his stomach.

I got out of my uniform and slipped on a shirt and my workout pants. My choice of trouser prompted him to put on the same thing. Matt was no longer apprehensive about his package mound being noticeable, although he still preferred loose jeans or slacks.

A quick detour to the dorm laundromat and we're off to the cafeteria. The campus was pretty much dead in the morning, except for the cafeteria. Life seemed to start stirring after lunch, and the stillness of the morning was replaced by noises coming from kids that didn't seem to run out of energy.

Matt was feeling more excitable than usual. Tonight was the championship game. He kept mentioning how disappointed he was about not being able to play. After breakfast we decided to check out the student center.

Out of nowhere we heard, "Go, Matt go!"

Matt's personal cheering squad was there; Tim and his girlfriend, Ashley another student from our high school (as I recalled, there were a lot of Ashleys in our high school), Daisuke and his roommate Mike. I was the defacto squad captain.

We joined them. Ashley was helping Daisuke with his English essay. The rest were enjoying their morning coffee.

"Got any plans for winter?" I asked.

Daisuke would be spending Christmas with Mike's family in Florida. Ashley was just going to visit New York for a little bit. Tim and his girlfriend were going to Mexico.

"How about you?" Tim asked.

"Staying home," I replied. Being from a family with moderate means I didn't have much options when it came to traveling. "Probably go hunting and fishing," I added to make things sound more interesting.

"I'm home bound too," Matt interjected holding his shoulder. "Mom's request."

"Oh so cute, baby's back," Ashley joked, and Matt's face turned red from embarrassment.

Matt is the youngest of four siblings. He has three older sisters, so he is the perpetual baby of the family. I, on the other hand, is the oldest. I have a sister and a brother who were much much younger.

We stayed with the group 'til noon, and we all went to the cafeteria for lunch. A good part of the afternoon was spent throwing frisbee in front of the library where there was an artificial lake. The clear sky and constant running made the cold weather more bearable. Matt tried to join, but immediately withdrew when the he jerked his shouldered in an unpleasant way. After a while, Matt and I called it a day, and went back to the student center to rest and watched TV. There were five viewing areas. We passed by an empty one and decided to go in to watch something that we like.

"Excited about the game tonight?"

"I am," Matt responded.

"You don't look happy?"

"I was hoping I could play."

"Maybe next year."

"I hope so."

"I think you guys are going to make it again. We still have most of the main players next year."

He went silent. I guessed he was really disappointed that he could not play. It was his second year and only two more chances to actually play in the championship.

The afternoon quickly passed by, and it was time to get ready for the game. We made a quick trip to the cafeteria to eat dinner then went straight back to dorm. Matt and I took a shower to freshen up and remove the grim from the afternoon running.

Matt's uniform was neatly laid on his bed. Being more comfortable with each other, helping Matt to put on his uniform went faster this time. I was like a page helping a knight put on his armor. He even asked me to position himself properly inside his jockstrap. I also just went ahead and pulled up his game pants and secured it for him. In no time we're at the stadium. Coach Fox met with us and told me that he would give Matt a ride back after the game. He was so confident of winning that he had already planned a victory team portrait after the game. It's time to look for Matt's cheering squad. They found another good spot behind the team. We were having trouble during the first half of the game, but that did lessen our enthusiasm to cheer. Just like before, they would show players on the jumbo-tron and when they show Matt, we again caused a raucous behind. Matt just ignored us this time. We had a close game but won the championship. Everyone was in celebration mode, so we left the stadium after the trophy was awarded. We checked out some parties after the game. Around midnight almost a hour after the game, the stadium lights were still on and I could hear the PA system going that meant the celebration was still going strong. I went back to the dorm about to two in the morning a little drunk then passed out on the couch. Matt woke me up with his loud cheering.

"Yeah, We won! We won!" he shouted then started singing We are the Champion. It's payback for us embarrassing him on the field.

I woke up and gave him the finger. I was not having any of it because I was groggy. I took off my shoes and clothes leaving my boxers on then climbed up to my bed.

I could still hear him singing then it died down. "Your no fun," I heard him say.

The next day Matt was still elated and would not stop talking about the game. Even though he did not play he seemed to have a lot of things to say about it. I went along with him for the most part just nodding and responding with "yeah" from time to time. I told him I was going to the library to study to get away from his constant talk about the championship game and previous other games. Even if he decided to come, he had to keep quiet so I knew I could catch up with my studies. You see Matt was not stupid as I made him sound. He's actually a better student than me that he could cram to pass his exams. He was a little naive but definitely not stupid. I, on the other hand, needed to put some effort with my studies. He decided to stay.

My day was spent in the library studying. The third and fourth floor of the library had been converted to archived area, so it was really cramped. The aisle between the shelves were just enough for one person to squeeze through. There were sitting areas scattered around for students who liked extra peace and quiet. The floors had no windows and illuminated by lines of florescent lamps. The shelves were stacked high that even the lights were not enough to illuminate the floor completely just enough to see what you were doing. Hours could pass by without you noticing. My brain started to feel like Jello which was my cue to head back to the dorm.

I checked the time on my phone. "10 o'clock already," I mumbled.

When I got back to our room, Matt was by his desk also studying. I turned on the TV looking for something to watch. There's really nothing good on, so I decided to go to the dorm lounge area hoping to see people that I know. The piano was unoccupied. There where several students also preparing for their final exams. I saw the Asian students that Matt was chatting with last week.

I said, "Hi."

Surprisingly they were friendly and said "hi" back at me.

I told them I'm Matt's friend then they started laughing.

"He is funny," one of girls said.

I asked them about the word that they taught Matt. I learned that they tried to teach him a lot of words. It looked like Matt remembered the word but mismatched the meaning. Poor Matt, "that's what he get for acting smart when he's drunk," I said to myself.

Several minutes later, I saw Matt walking into the lounge.

"This is where you at. I thought I saw you came in then you're suddenly gone," he said.

He took a spot. The sections of the big couch were now separated into several groups.

"I thought you're studying," I said.

He replied "yeah," he paused then continued on "but I'm done for tonight. I only have one exam tomorrow."

He joined the conversation with the group. Matt was less talkative and more cautious to not look like a fool. He somehow was able to convince them again to teach him some more words. We both tried to pronounce the words, but we both butchered them which made the our language tutors laugh on our very labored attempt to copy the sounds they were making. The rest of the weekend was spent studying and a trip to the lounge when our brain could no longer take it.

Monday came and I survived my first and second college final exams. I was so relieved, but the celebration had to wait. There were more studying to be done. I spent my time in the library. The growling my stomach was good sign for to take a break and to meet up with Matt in the cafeteria for dinner. Matt and I were debating if we should score some booze for football night. But we came to the conclusion that it was a bad idea get drunk during the final week More exams were waiting for us tomorrow. There were more studying to do but football night was football night. With nothing else to do but wait for the game time, we took our time eating dinner. We probably had gone through all the desserts being served that night. When it was almost game time, we headed back to our room.

Matt found the remote and turned on the TV. The absence of alcohol was driving me crazy. It didn't seem to bother Matt. He was sitting comfortably on the couch with his hand inside his undone pants and was into the game.

I opened our mini-refrigerator hoping to see left over beer and rummaged through the suitcase that we used to hide booze.

"We should have at least bought a six pack," I started complaining.

"I thought you said you don't wanna get drunk tonight."

"I know, but it's not the same."

I slouched on my desk chair when my search for left over booze came up empty. I looked at Matt who was fixated on the TV enjoying the game. "What the heck," I said to myself. I joined him on the couch. I tapped on his hand that was in his pants. He pulled it out and rested his arm behind the couch. I moved my hand in to replace his. I gave the head of his cock a good squeeze. He looked at me.

"Ooops sorry, I was carried away," I apologized. I might had squeezed it a little too much.

"No, I just wasn't expecting it," he said to assure me that it was no problem to keep doing it. "Tug on my nuts a little too," he requested.

The game today was much more action packed than the last Monday's game. We were both into the game. However without booze I kept on looking for something to do during commercials.

"Matt, take off you pants, and let me play with your dick," I bluntly told Matt.

He raised both of his legs straight. I stood up in front of him and slowly slipped his pants off. He was now half naked.

"Have fun," he said.

"You bet I will" was my respond to his encouragement.

So during the game I mostly tugged on his balls, gave his cock short strokes, and sometimes slapped his stomach with his dick. To avoid his cock from getting sore from the attention it was getting, I would massage his dick with the palm of my hand. Since he was tuned in more with the game, his dick would sometimes go soft. During commercial, I would stroke him a little to get it hard again. He leaked some precum which I smeared all over the head of his cock.

"How you liking it so far?" I asked him.

"Definitely much better than just your hand in my pants."

"So will this be our new routine for Football night?"

"I have no problem with that," he said smiling.

The game wrapped up. Matt put on his basketball shorts getting ready to catch up on his own studies.

"Wanna go to the library?" I suggested because I still had more chapter to study for my next test.

"That's a good idea," he agreed.

"Are you going to put your pants? It's freezing cold outside."

"Nah, this will do." Matt grabbed his varsity jacket and and walked with me outside to my pickup complaining how cold it was.

"I told you but you won't listen," I said admonishing him for complaining on something that he already knew was going to happen.

We went to the fourth floor and found available bean bags. The library was open 24/7, but they did close the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors at 1AM. We found a nook with unclaimed oversized bean bags. From my spot, I could see if someone was coming. The other spot where Matt was sitting was more hidden, the person had to be by the nook to see the person occupying his end. There were only few students who ventured into the 3rd and 4th floor because it's not all well known that that floors were available for use. When I took out my book, Matt was already browsing through his book.

The stillness of the library was a welcome change from our earlier activity. I was able to get some studying done. The creaking of the bean bag when Matt moved was the only that sounds that broke the monotony of silence. I look at Matt direction to check on how he was doing. He seemed to be deep into his own predicament. Finals week, for many students, is always been the most dreaded part of college life. The uneasiness never goes away no matter if you were a freshman or a senior. The night passed by, and I was ready to wrap up just a few more pages to go.

"Hey Matt, take a look," I urged him to look at my direction.

He grinned when he saw my cock hanging out of my undone pants. He reached through one of the legs of his short pants and pulled out his too. Then he went back reading his book, but I was almost done and had the luxury to chill out a little bit.

"I heard some nasty rumors about his place," I told him.

"What about it?" he asked curiously.

"This placed is so secluded that there were students who took advantage of it."


"I heard but maybe it's just really a rumor," I replied not really sure if what I was saying was true.

"I can see that happening. This place looks like a dungeon," Matt said.

"LOL, my head just got filled with so many porn scenarios," I said chuckling.

"Oh, I'm not surprise," he replied.

I was not willing to let him the last pun. "It's called jack off inspiration reserve."

"What you mean?" he asked.

"Don't you have a scene that you play in your head while you stroke?"

"I have plenty," he responded.

"Perv," I joked.

"When did you start jacking off anyway?" he asked.

"I think 9 or 10 when I learned that guy can play with his dick, but it was 12 when I really did go at it. How about you?"

"I started earlier maybe 10. I developed early," he said with a wide smile.

"You mean that's when you started shooting?"

"Pretty much. One morning, I woke up with sticky leakage. I was actually fearful about it that I told my dad. He almost choked on his coffee. He said that I was just growing up. I heard some of the older kids in school talking about jerking off, and how fun it was. One night instead of just usual rubbing because it felt nice, I stroke myself waiting for the part they were talking about and ,boom, I ended up staining my shirt and my bed sheet."

"LOL, really? You asked your dad." I was in wonder because I would have been so embarrassed if I did the same thing.

"My dad is cool," he said. "He was my accomplish when I sneaked in girls in my room."

"Was it already that much?"

"I can't remember, but I had to throw away my shirt in the garbage can that night. I don't know what to do with it."

"Well, you've always been a big guy for the longest time I've known you."

"Yep, I got there pretty early and had a lot fun with it," he said laughing. "How was it when you first came?" he prodded.

"I had to do it in the shower when I finally started shooting. I read about it, so it wasn't as a surprise to me on what was going to happen. I was so happy when I finally saw it came out of my dick. I've been trying and waiting for it after many dry orgasms."

"When I think about it now, I think, my parents left me alone every time I locked myself in my room after my conversation with dad. They would just remind me what time is dinner."

"Have you pretended studying but was actually jacking off when you were younger?" he continued.

I was not sure where his questioning was going, so I just played along. "I tried to study at least then jack off as a reward for myself," I said.

"Cool, you wanna put a rest on the rumor about this place?" he asked sounding a little naughty.

"Do you want us to spy on people?"

"That's not what I meant. Your cock's hard and twitching the whole time. Jack it off," he suggested.

"Funny, Matt."

"We can switch places. I'll be your look out," Matt said.

"Why me? You looked just as excited." My objection was for nothing because he already crawled to my spot and pushed me to his original spot. I was now sitting at the safer spot.

"Go for it, buddy," he said egging my to start stroking.

"Don't get me caught, Matt"

"I promise," Matt gave me another grin.

I begun stroking my cock while he pretended reading his book while he watched me. He would gently kick my leg when someone was close by. Our game went for 30 minutes, I whispered to him that I was close.

"He gave me a thumb up" to signal that it's safe.

My soft moans became muffled series of short grunts then I spewed my load. The first cumshot was a streak that flew about 3 feet in front of me then another to my thigh then the rest were on my pants. I kept stroking until my orgasm was over.

"Good job, buddy," Matt cheered silently. He pointed where my cum landed.

"Happy now?" I said then flicked my hand in his direction.

He tried to avoid the incoming drops of cum on his way. "Stop that," he begged.

"Matt, look what you made me do pointing at my pants."

He laughed. "Do you think I should do the same?" he said.

"That will be scandalous with how much stain you are going to leave."

The PA system announced that the area where we at was closing, so we made our way down the building.

Inside the elevator I told Matt, "well, I guess it's not a rumor anymore. We should do it again." We both laughed.

We walked out of the library and backed to our room. Matt put away his bag and lay down on his bed.

"KY Jelly or Vaseline?" I asked him.

"Vaseline from now on," he responded.

I pulled down his shorts to his ankle. Matt bent his knees and let it fell side ways.

"This is going to be quick," he said.

It didn't take long when drops of his own release were messily splattered all over his stomach and his still throbbing cock. Much of it was collected at the base and few drops landed on my forearm. He asked me to help him get out of his cum soaked shirt then cleaned himself with it. He's feeling lazy to reach for his shorts that he just took it off with his legs and kicked it to the floor. I reached for his shirt and wiped my hand clean.

Next night, we claimed the same spot and proceeded with our study. That time, I just started playing from the start instead of waiting for the last minute. Matt joined in the fun and also stroke himself through his pants. He would occasionally warn me when someone was approaching. When we heard the 15 minute closing warning, it was my cue to shoot my load. Like before, the first cumshot flew and the rest landed on my pants. After a quick inspection on where my cum landed, we headed back to our room then it's Matt's turn to shoot his load on the couch.

By Thursday we were both done with our finals and nothing to do besides roaming around the campus waiting for our exam results to be posted.

"Joe, let's go to the athletic department and pick up my car," Matt requested.

His car had been sitting there since when he was injured. There's a security guard manning the area all the time, so it's a much safer place to leave his car. It's where the staff and students leave their cars when they were playing on the road.

Matt's ride was a Toyota SUV that his dad used to drive, so it's upscale than most student's car. My pickup was a ten year old hand me down from my uncle, a graduation gift.

"I think your dad really set you up to get laid." I commented.

"How?" he asked.

"Look at this car, it's sweet. Leather seat . . . Fully loaded . . . Smells nice too."

This wasn't the first time I rode in his car, so I knew my way around the intricate stereo system. I turned on the radio and searched for some alternative rock station. I found a good station and started jamming with the music with the my air guitar which made Matt laugh. Since I wasn't used to not having any class on weekdays, it was boring me to death. Matt took the brunt of my boredom.

"Have you had a blow job in here?" I asked.

He turned on the ignition and answered, "no."

"Not even a hand job?" I continued my line of questioning.

He looked at me and he sort of guess where things were going and answered, "no."

"How come?"

"I like to keep it fresh."

"What the hell, it's OK for you to stink up my car but not yours?" I protested.

"But we're in the open," he said. His response was betrayed by the knee swinging he was doing. He looked back at the guard station and said, "I don't know."

"You need to warm up the engine, so we should be cool."

I looked at the guard station and the security guard was reading some magazine. Matt's car was also facing the other way. He undid his belt and unzipped his pants. I took his cock out and leaned closer. I wrapped my left hand on his still soft cock, and gave it short strokes. It wasn't too long before it's in full mast. I switched to my right hand, and concentrated my short strokes right below the head of his cock. Giving an uncut dick a full length stroke dry was not really the best idea unless you wanted your buddy to get sore. The best option was to stroke it lightly with your fingers touching the under size of the penis which I started doing on Matt's. His left hand that was rubbing his thigh seemed to get tensed. He's getting ready to shoot. I increased the pace of my stroke a little bit then he spewed three streams of his juice then more oozed out.

"Now, you car has been baptized," I joked.

He looked at his shirt and said "shit."

"Not your usual puddle," I said.

"Just a little nervous," he replied while he put his dick back into his pants. He pulled down his shirt to cover his undone zipper then pulled out of the parking spot. We drove to our room so Matt could change his clothes. We decided to hang out at the student center to kill time. On our way in, he made a detour to the restroom which just gave me another dirty idea, so I followed him. After we're done emptying our bladder, I grinned at Matt while he's jiggling the last few drops of the golden liquid off his cock. Through out the course of day, Matt ended up putting up with my naughty request.

"Don't tell me" he pleaded.

I just smiled. "No one's here."

"What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing, just bored," I said.

"Can we wait for a bit? Just give me time to recover," he said knowing the situation he was in. It did not seem to bother him by the idea of me jacking him off to alleviate my boredom.

The student center was busy. The bustling sound of students filled the area like place was ready to explode. The excitement was undeniable. The finals week was coming to an end and school break was just around the corner. Everyone was ready to celebrate. We received a few invites for a party. Even the international students were throwing their own party which interested us. Our plan for the night was set. We were looking for the gang but they were nowhere to found. Phone was available, but there still some novelty in just stumbling with people. We settled in one of the viewing area which was packed with students shouting and cheering at soccer game on TV. Matt found a spot to sit down. I stood behind the room and watched the game. The room was very loud. It must had been a very important match. I could see Matt having trouble getting into the game. His excruciating expression trying to make sense of the game was clearly shown on his face. He looked at me, and I gave him a big grin. He looked away and smiled. He tried watching the game, but he just couldn't get it a true sign of a football fanatic. Like many Americans, Matt just couldn't make himself like the kind of sport he was currently watching. He looked at me again and I gave him another big grin. He stood up and went out of the viewing area. I followed.

"You don't like the game?" I asked.

"I don't get it. They are just running around."

We walked to the other end of the building while Matt complained about the game. We went into restroom to empty our bladder. That section of the building was seldom used when there was no school play. The restroom was empty. Matt picked the urinal by the partial wall. I took the one right next to it.

I heard Matt said, "I would rather have whatever you have in mind than watch the game."

When I was done relieving myself, I went closer to Matt to his left and put my right hand on his shoulder. He was still squeezing all the content of his bladder that was coming out in spurts. He moved his left hand out of the way as the last few drops trickled out his dick. I moved in with my hand and flicked his cock for him.

"Ready?" I asked.

He put his left hand around my shoulder and said, "go ahead."

Time was of the essence. I placed my fingers underneath just below the head and my thumb on top and proceeded to gently stroke his cock. Matt was liking it and was hard in no time.

"This is actually making me really horny," he said.


After a while, I felt Matt's hand squeezing my shoulder with every stroke I was making. There was no need for a warning because when Matt's hand hold on to my shoulder I knew he reached the point of no return. I pick up the pace a little bit, and he begun squirting his load. He was heaving and breathing heavy. I kept stroking him until he finally calmed down.

"How was it?" I asked.

"Felt good. Thanks bud."

"No, thank you I said."

I washed my hand while Matt was tucking in cock back into his pants right beside me.

"Let's go back to dorm when you get naughty again," he said.

"Why wait?" I asked letting him know that more was coming.

"We might need to use lube next time."

That day when he saw me grinning at him, he knew to go back to our room. Much of it was spent on the couch with him grunting and moaning before surrendering his sweet load. By night time, my boredom had subsided and Matt was out of his predicament. The day of fooling around did make me horny. So after dinner, I was ready to unload. I told Matt I was going to jerk off before going to the party. I immediately made my way to our couch and took off my pants. Matt sat down right next to me to watch some TV while waiting on me. He would try to start a conversation, but I wasn't having any of it. I needed own my release. My moans and grunts were becoming closer and closer signaling my impending climax.

"Are you getting close?" Matt asked all of a suddenly.

"Getting there," I replied in between my moans.

I started thrusting into my hand getting ready to shoot my load that's when suddenly Matt grabbed my cock. I was taken by surprise.

"What are you doing? You interrupted me," I said annoyingly.

He didn't answer, so I asked him, "are you going to stroke it?" He was firmly holding my cock but he was not making a move, and he won't let me take his hand off.

"What are you doing?" I asked again.

Then he finally replied, "payback" then started laughing.

"Oh no, you don't," I said then I hold on to his hand and started thrusting into it. I could feel his arm pushed me down, so I couldn't use his hand, but I was already cumming.

"Buddy, your hand felt good," I told him. My cum all over his hand was a reminder of his unsuccessful attempt to throw me off my orgasm.

He was a little disappointed that his scheming did not work. He squeezed my still semi-hard cock hard and only let it go when he knew I was really in pain.

"Sore loser," I said.

He took out a shirt from his hamper and wiped his hand then handed it to me. I wiped myself clean and threw it back to his hamper.

"C'mon, let's go to the party. You already wasted a lot of time," he said.

"Sore loser," I said rubbing it into him.

He just gave me the finger.

Friday came and we were just busy packing our stuff. We both passed all our classes. I had two Bs and two Cs. Matt did better. He had an A and two Bs. We decided to leave for home that night. I was to follow him just in case he had any trouble.

Next: Chapter 6

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