Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Sep 21, 2014


Matt's Dilemma by Max Millan

It had been several days when I received the call from Coach Fox about Matt. Since Matt was still having problem with his shoulder that slight bump could send him reeling in pain, the doctor scheduled a more thorough X-ray this time. There was some swelling. I sat in the waiting room hoping that nothing was terribly wrong.

An hour later, I saw Matt being wheeled out. I asked what happened. The nurse assured me that it was just the effect of the pain killer. They had to give him one during the examination, I guess. I asked Matt if he could still stand. He said he was fine, but that was just him trying to act tough. It was obvious that the medication had made him sleepy. The nurse told me that the X-Ray result wouldn't be ready in another hour. Since they couldn't release the test result to me, Matt has to be there to get it. She kindly suggested that Matt could use one of the empty room while waiting which was the best option.

Raising my voice a little bit, "Matt just call me when you're done here." He gave me a salute, so I knew that he understood me.

It was already 5:30 when I finally got a call from Matt. The sun had long set and the cold wind of Fall was starting to bite. It was also the signal of the semester drawing to a close. It felt like a moment ago when I was standing with the other students registering for my classes ready to embark on the next stage of my life when Matt shouted my name from the crowd. I grabbed a coat and also took Matt's varsity jacket with me. Living in the South offered some unusual experience when it came to the weather. The temperature fluctuated often that it might be warm during the day then cold at night. It was only during Winter when the weather finally became predictably cold.

He said that the doctor had gone over the result of the exam with him, and he was ready to go. I was off to the hospital and Matt was already waiting outside. This was probably one other thing that made living in a small city a little different. People seemed to be a little laid back. The hospital was really accommodating to Matt when they let him stayed in the hospital to wait for the result of his examination.

"How did it go?" I asked him as he climb up the passenger seat.

He handed his X-ray. "You see that, the doctor said I have a parallel hairline fractures on top of my shoulder socket."

"That looks nasty," I said after seeing the X-ray which was probably a bad choice of words in this case.

"I know. I have to wear this stupid harness longer than expected. It sucks," he said looking downtrodden.

"For how long more?"

"Maybe 2 or 3 more weeks."

"That will include a good part of the school break."

"Yeah, that's why it sucks."

Matt disappointment wasn't really the fact that his arm was still busted. We had a bad season last year. This would have been the first time that he could have played in the championship. On top of that, we were favored to win.

"What do you want to eat tonight? My treat," trying to cheer him up.

"Hhmmm, I would like to have some juicy steak right now. Let's go to Bubba's Grill."

Bubba's Grill was the only restaurant near the campus. Most of the restaurants were located downtown which was really just another 10 minute drive. There were several fastfood restaurants scattered around, but Bubba's would suffice for now. We arrived at the restaurant, and it was already filled with loud college students. We saw a spot by the bar area and immediately claimed it. The air was very festive. The semester was almost over and some students who were graduating early or were set back for extra semester by many reasons, were having the start of their final hooray before finally saying goodbye to the place that had became their second home for a good part of their lives. Some were planning their last road trip, which place to go, what activities to partake in, and exchanging their contacts information even when most of it would be lost or forgotten. For most students, graduation was both the best and worst part of someone's life. It was a sign of accomplishment when you transition the what many people called the real world. As for Matt and I, we still had few more years before contemplating of what was going to happen next. For now, I was planning on enjoying the final chapter of my youth in this blissful paradise called college.

We got back to our dorm by nine o'clock. I sat by my desk and opened my laptop and decided to work on my paper that was due the next day. Matt lay down on the couch examining his X-ray through the ceiling light as if he could will his bone to heal. He did that for a while punctuated by some curse words here and there. He still couldn't believe that a dislocated shoulder could be that bad. I couldn't blame him. Most of the time you just pop it back into the socket and a day or two of soreness then you are good as new. It was a pure bad luck that he had to suffer a fractured shoulder.

"Are you OK?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Matt replied.

"You sound mad at something."

Showing the X-ray to me he said, "not really. Just looking at this. Of all the bad luck, I got screwed."

"What happened anyway?"

"My pads weren't secured enough and landed on my shoulder."

"Ouch!" I said grimacing about the pain.

"Then I got piled on. They thought it was funny."

"Ouch again!"

"It hurt so bad. I almost passed out."

"That bad?"

"Yeah, one of the trainers popped my arm back into my shoulder but it was still hurting so bad, so Coach Fox took me directly to the emergency room."

"How's is your shoulder now?"

"Still swollen, but it just tingles at the moment. Pain comes and goes."

"Did they give you anything to take for the pain."

"Yeah, but just over the counter meds. Not the strong ones like before that made me sleepy."

Matt put away the X-ray and went back on the couch to lay down and turned on the TV. I went back to my paper trying to finish it, so one of our friends could look at it tomorrow, but I was having a mental block and could not finish my paper when I heard Matt muttered something.

"Hey bud, I think I'm fine with your proposition." I heard him say from behind me.

I turned around, "which proposition?" I asked.

"You know the one you asked for in return," he replied.

I was amazed that he really did think about it. "Any reason?" I tried to make sure that he wasn't joking.

He grabbed his injured shoulder and said, "I might need your help anyway."

"That's funny," I said sarcastically.

"What, you're not going to help your bestest bud?"

"Really? I'm your bestest bud or bestest hand?" I joked.

"I don't mind having both. He-he-he." He paused a little bit, "by the way, It's leans left. What about you?"

"Let me check." I stood up and pulled down the waistband of my shorts. After some examination, "well, I guess also left."

We filled the room with our naughty laughter. The agreement actually went both ways. He was welcome to do it to me too. We had many moments of horsing around and grabbing my crotch hard was his weapon of choice to stop me from annoying him. The idea of being allowed to do it was what made it exciting.

Matt was still tired from the medical exam today and was slowly drifting to sleep, so I went back to working on my paper. I tried as hard I could to finish my paper that night. Matt was already asleep on the couch by the time I gave up on my paper.

I managed to survive Thursday. I finished my paper, but I was not confident about. "It would do for now," I said to myself. I was mostly free on Thursday afternoon, so I often spent my time hanging out by the student center watching TV, playing in the arcade or chatting with some students who I got to know. I received a text message from Matt asking where I was. I was in one of the TV viewing areas watching a tennis match. Ten minutes later, Matt showed up and took the available spot at the front end of the couch opposite me. The warm spell of the season normally happened during the middle of the week that you can still wear shorts during the day. I sent Matt a text telling him to look at my direction. He looked while I pretended watching TV then my phone buzzed.

"Nice view," said his text message.

From the corner of my eye I saw him adjust his shorts pulling the groin area to the right. I turned towards his direction, and he slowly swung his left leg to my direction giving me a good view of his dick. I could even see his balls. He grinned but sort of kept his eyes on the TV above. I brought up my left leg on the couch but kept my right knee towards Matt's direction to look more natural. There were other people in the room. It would be quite interesting if they found out, but since we both occupy the front ends of the couch, we're not in danger of being found out. We kept the peek-a-boo game during whole tennis match. When it was over, we stood up and left the viewing area. We both made a quick trip to the restroom to relieve ourselves. Matt and I took two urinals right next to each other. There was no need to look high up to avoid being accused of peaking. Matt and I were looking down and occasionally at one each other while we empty our bladder recalling what we did in the viewing area with glee. I was already intentionally showing myself to Matt, so he swung his body a little bit to give me a better view.

"Nice dick, bud," I said.

"Yours looks good too," he replied. "No undies today?" he added.

"Yeah, I do it sometimes too," I said.

"I tell you what. It just gets on the way."

We waited for each other to finish and shook our dick at the same time then we proceeded to the arcade area laughing. We had a few rounds of pool games then watched some of the students blow their money on the new fighting game. There was Rich who we knew was handing out invites to a party that night.

When he saw us he said with a loud voice, "Joe, Matt come to the my party," then he gave us the direction.

"Will check it out," I said.

"Party starts when you get there. Make sure to bring five bucks for the beer cup," he said on his way out.

The afternoon was going slow. We look around for some of the people that we hanged out with, but they were not there. Matt and I decided to just chill a little bit in dorm to kill time. The lounge area was also empty. We were hoping some of the night crowd were at least there, but even late afternoon was really just the time when many college kids reached the middle of their day. Most of the mornings were spent sleeping away the tiredness from last night. We made our way to our room when nothing interesting was panning out. Matt laid down on the couch like he always did and turned on the TV then complained that there was nothing good on TV.

"Matt, move!" I told him to make room on the couch. My legs were also tired standing and walking around.

"Aww, but this position is so comfy," he said.

"C'mon, move! I wanna sit down too. My legs are killing me."

"Well, just go ahead and sit."

He moved his right leg out of the way to make some room but left his other leg on the couch. I had no choice but to just put up with him. I sat down and leaned back on his leg. I finally was able to stretch my leg.

In my guttural voice, I groaned out my satisfaction, "aahhh, that feels good" then I turned to Matt. "What are you watching?" I asked.

"Nothing, just flipping channels," he complained.

"Should we get cable?"

"Nah, it just extra expense."

"Why do you complain about it all the time then?"

"I know, but it just sucks that nothing is normally good over the air."

"There are some good ones later on."

"Shit, I want it now."

"Ssshh, keeping looking then."

By this time, the leg of his basketball shorts had slipped down his thigh exposing himself to me, and I had a good look at it. Matt turned his head to respond to me, but saw me looking at his exposed cock. He just turned his eyes back on the TV. After having an eyeful of Matt, I decided to watch some TV too waiting for him to settle on any channel. I felt his leg bumping my back. I thought he was just adjusting himself, so I just ignored it but then I felt another bump.

"What?" I asked him.

He looked at me then grin. "What are you waiting for?" he said. "It should keep you from getting bored."

"Well," I just said.

I moved my right hand and gave the inside of his thighs a few rubs before finally slipping my hand through the leg opening of his shorts. I easily found the base of his cock which I encircled with my fingers.

"Enjoy," Matt said then he continued watching whatever was on TV.

I got bolder and just slipped the leg of his shorts all the way down so I could take his cock and nuts out.

"So are you really still have trouble jacking off on your own?" I asked him while curiously checking the way his uncut cock look like. The carefully moved the head of his cock inspecting the missing skin running my finger over it to see how it felt like. I was a kid fascinated by my new toy.

"Yeah, it still hurts when I do it," he responded.

"You can join me on Friday if you want." I said to him.

"Nice," he said.

My exploration of his manhood lead me to his shaved balls. I started feeling its smoothness. "You shave your nuts?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

"You seem to have light pubes," I commented as I continued to feel his balls and pulled down the waistband of his shorts to reveal his navel.

"It's been like that as long as I can remember."

"Mine gets a little bushy. It needs some care," I said.

"I still shave my balls. I hate it when pubes get stuck in my jock strap."

"LOL," was my respond knowing the feeling he was talking about.

"Have I told you that I refrained from nutting during football season later in the week?" Matt said.

"You might have mentioned it before."

"Coach's request. No hanky-panky of any kind for three days before the game."

"And you are able to follow it?" I replied teasing him.


"I don't believe you."

"I swear. I'm not kidding," he said with conviction.

"So do you wanna get off?"

"You can try, but I wanna watch some TV right now."

"You sure?"


I tried to see if I could get him going, but he found something to watch and was able to take his mind out of what was happening. When my scheme didn't work, I joined him watching what was on TV while my hand was giving his semi-hard cock slow strokes and some soft squeeze from time to time. He would react a little bit when I massaged the underside of his cock with my thumb, and he would gently rub my forearm giving me his approval. It was sure a nice way to pass time. When we got tired of watching TV, it was already time to get ready for the party.

"Good self control," I told him.

"Practicing," he replied.

"What do you mean practicing?"

"I have the feeling I will have to suffer many more."

"You mean enjoy?" I instantly corrected him.

"...enjoy many more," he responded then winked.

We arrived at Rich's apartment around 8, and there were already quite a few people there now. Some of kids who were there were newly experiencing the joy of finally downing alcohol whenever they want to. It was one of the dangers of college life. It's a hole that someone could easily fall into if one was not careful, but for now, enjoying the benefit of living on their own was the agenda of the night. As the party went on, it seemed that when some people leave another would come to replace them. That was how it normally went in a college town. There were several parties going on at the same time, and people hopped from one party to another. The state trooper were always roaming around looking for underage drinkers. If I recalled it correctly, I didn't actually see anyone getting arrested although I'd seen them shutting down a party if it was rumored that there were underage drinkers inside.

By ten PM, Matt was nowhere in sight. He must have went ahead and checked out another party with some other people. He would show up eventually or else he would send me a message that someone would be giving him a ride home. Most of the time, it was his jock buddies. I stayed mostly by the kitchen chatting with Rich and his friends. They were quite disappointed that Matt was injured and couldn't play for the championship. They were curious about his condition. I told them about Matt's fractured socket and some funny details about his struggle to cope with using only one arm. The same line of questioning was repeated many times whenever a new occupant joined us in the kitchen. I was wondering how come Matt hadn't send a message yet if he still need a ride back to the dorm then I saw him entering the apartment. He made a beeline to the kitchen and was wearing the biggest smile.

"I'm good for the night," he told me.

"I think I am too. I'm buzzed," I replied wondering why he was a little bubbly and fidgety at the same time.

"What's with that grin?" I asked.

"I had an accident," he said while pointing at a few spots on his his jeans and shirt.

"How did that happen?"

He answered by making an oral sex gesture. "Pity sex is the best," he jested.

So to avoid some embarrassment I agreed to call it a night. We went out the backdoor to avoid being stopped by the crowd gathered in the living room. We walked to my pickup and when I opened the door I was greeted by a very familiar smell of sex.

"Mmmaaaatttttt! What did you just do?"

He looked at me and said, "nothing."

"What do you mean nothing?"

As it turned out, he used his injury to get some action in the parking lot because when we got inside my pickup the passenger seat was still reclined and the smell of bodily fluid was evident. Somewhere inside the apartment was some girl who was willing to put out with him. Alcohol was the best inhibitor of decency, I guess.

I looked inside and saw my gym towel out of my bag. "Aww, that's a fresh towel. Asshole! Note to self: make sure to lock the doors or else Matt will turn my pickup to his own personal sex motel," I protested.

"Too late," he replied. "Damn, it was good," he continued.

"Why did have to do it in my pickup?"

"It's obscured enough," he replied.


We got in to pickup and settled in. Matt was still quite proud of his accomplishment that he was rubbing himself. His cock was still noticeably hard inside his jeans and a wet spot was forming where the trace of the head of his cock could be seen. He rested his left arm on back of the driver seat. Except for his sometime out of nowhere joke about giving him a hand job, Matt never actually asked about being touched, but I learned from experience that he sometimes look forward to it. His biggest give away was when he moved his arm out of the way or positioned his body to be easily accessible. So when he placed his hand on the driver seat, I figured it was my cue. After shifting my pickup to drive, my hand went straight to his crotch giving it a squeeze then started running my hand from the head of his cock down to to his sack. He looked down and moved his lower body slightly forward and let me unzipped his pants, so I could slip my hand in to get a feel of him. He even undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants to make it easier for me to play with his dick. I ended up shifting two shafts while driving. Along the way, one of Matt's teammates who was parked by the gasoline station flagged us. I stopped when we heard the call. Matt rolled the window down and had a little bit of shouting conversation with his teammate. His buddy wanted to know why we were leaving early. For fun, I started stoking Matt inside his pants to see if he would break character. Astonishingly, he remained composed throughout their conversation. Matt just said that we were at the party early. They exchanged the usual "see yah later," then we're off. Matt turned to me and punched my shoulder.

"Ouch! That hurt," I exclaimed with an exaggerated expression of pain. "What was that for?" I asked while rotating my aching arm.

"I felt what you did. Are you trying to get us caught?" he said.

"Ooops, sorry. I got carried away."

"Stupid fuck," he replied then he paused a little. "It was fun though," he continued.

"Continue then?" I asked.

"No one's stopping you," he replied.

My hand once again found his waiting cock inside his pants. It had gone soft after the interruption, so I just cuffed his cock and his balls. Once we arrived at the dorm parking lot, Matt reached over and found my straining cock under my pants. He gave me a quick groin check to see if I was turned on by what he just did in my pickup.

"Look at what we have here. You are hard under there," he said while giving my crotch a good squeeze then he added, "maybe next time, I'll let you watch," he continued

"Tell me, you liked what I did?" he asked egging me to admit I was turned on by what he did.

"No, I don't. Making my pickup stinks, you jerk wad," I replied.

"Yeah, you do. You are hard," he countered while trying to unzip my pants for confirmation.

"No, I don't," I said again but the smile on face was telling a different story. When he was sure about it, he stopped trying to free my cock.

He just asked, "are you gonna rub one out tonight?"

Next: Chapter 5

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