Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jan 2, 2018


Blissful Paradise (M-Radio)

Activism by Max Millan

Mike sat in his warm makeshift music recording studio inside his garage with a headphone on his ears listening to what was playing on his computer. He tried to remember if he paid his electricity bill last month. He water was almost cut off that day if he was a few minutes behind talking to the nice old lady at the utility office. Behind by a month once again was the emerging story of his life. His history degree that he earned had long been shelved for his dream of making it big in the music industry. He could hear his single room air-conditioning unit humming that he just installed couple of days, and surmised that it might just be sweltering hot outside. The poor insulation and heavy drapes hanging on the walls of his garage to dampened any echo were enough to keep his equipment from being ruined. His garage became an extra room when he was forced to rent out the second bedroom on the first floor. His basement had long been lost to a renter, another one of his friends who needed help after a divorce. They all seemed to be decent hardworking people but somehow found their lives stuck on the runway and no sign of taking off. Rummaging through the clutter on his desk, he finally found what he was looking for. He reached for the new recording of Dom and Carson's show.

It had been two months when Dom and Carson told him about the ordinance. He asked himself why he was putting his foot forward for the two men because, by any measure, they were just acquaintances who he received a small token of appreciation for editing their show. He had no stake on the matter and not even slightly into the usual contents of the show, but here he was helping them. He did not know if it was just the frustration of not making it big-time and looking to find something else that would fill the void, or his progressive spirit was being stirred. Just two weeks ago, he joined Dom and Carson in the studio. When the two forgo replying to the city's request to stop the show inside the city limit, the power that be sent a sanitation inspector their way looking for any violation no matter how small. Mike knew that the city had no power to stop the show, so the city found a round-a-bout way of dealing with something they did not like. The owner was there too. It was a surprise that he was siding with his renters. Honestly, all he needed to do was to stop renting the place to Dom and Carson, and his problem would go away. He was furious when the inspector mentioned about telling the upstairs neighbor on what was going on inside the studio after finding nothing to cite. He drove them away. He told Dom and Carson to continue whatever they were doing as long as the rent was paid.

Dom and Carson were wondering why they were being targeted. Their first impression was some religious zealots who were not agreeable to what they were doing who decided that they should not exist. In all honesty, their show went over the boundary of a normal radio show and oftentimes involved some discussions or even display of human interaction that some people found inappropriate to be aired. Mike told them that it would have been easier if they were dealing with value crusaders in the city-hall. He asked around who was the main proponent of the closure. It became cleared to him that they were dealing with another form of religious zealousness. The kind that worshiped the almighty dollar. The man behind their problem was the president of the property owners in the area. He hid his true intentions behind the veil of protecting the population from bad influence, all the while calculating the possibility of real-estate value of the buildings inside the busy business enclave going down if rumors spread about the elicit show operating within the area. Dom and Carson were dealing with an opponent of the greedy kind. He had done it before with businesses that he found would lower the value of his real estate investments. He once successfully ran out those street-food vendors who legally setup shop on the busy corners because he thought they were eyesores.

Mike wondered what the city would throw on Dom and Carson next. He fiddled with the tapes. Dom and Carson produced two sixty minutes tapes for him to look at. Another long wait for him copying the content of the tapes to his computer. He popped one of tapes into his cassette player that was connected to his computer. It was a minute or two before the conversion program picked up some sounds. It started with some rumblings from Dom and Carson getting ready for their show. It would be a while, so he decided to give Dom, who was the more attentive of the two about what was happening, a call while waiting. He had the feeling that the city would be doing an audit on taxes and permits that they should be paying. Carson just greeted their listeners as Mike was stepping out of his garage back inside the house.

CARSON: How are you doing shiny happy people? How are you liking this fine day? Welcome to the gathering place of people who like their alone time once or even multiple times a day. Nothing wrong with that. Enjoy it while you can still make that dick hard. . . . This is your host, Carson, and the man kneeling under the desk is my co-host, Dom.


DOM: "Negative on the last part, people. He wishes, I were, but not after he returns my yoga pants. If you are just tuning in, this is M-Radio. Yes, that M is for masturbation. Glad to see new people joining the M-nation where we talk about getting your rocks off. Did you it today? Yesterday? Or Last year? It doesn't matter. Just keep cranking. It feels good and it's free. The cheapest entertainment available for any grown man. And it doesn't get old."

CARSON: "Damn, you will do anything for that yoga pants."

DOM: "I missed that yoga pants."

CARSON: "What is this talk about yoga?"

DOM: "Nothing really, just the first thing that came to my head. You know, yoga will make you more flexible."

CARSON: "Hold that thought. I think my back just broke just thinking about it. Picturing those weird yoga positions just made my joints hurt. I'll pass."

DOM: "But before we go on talking about the many benefits of yoga, I just want to clarify something with you, our listeners. The show is not shutting down. For those of you who just joined us or haven't listened to our last show, there have been some talks about the city shutting down the show. To be honest, it is true that someone in the city hall doesn't like us. He is the president of the real-estate organization and is using his position as a councilor to get what he wants. The bastard had been pestering us for the two months. But as promised, we are not going to back down, and we will continue marching on."

CARSON: And we are going to prevail. The law is on our side. Rest assure, we will be there on your time of personal release. So when you crank one later, do it for the show. Have you jerked off today? Dom, how about you? Have you spanked the monkey yet?

DOM: Not yet, but don't worry it will get some attention that's for sure.

CARSON: I'm ahead of you buddy. It's the best way to get rid of your morning wood.

DOM: So you woke up with a boner today?

CARSON: Not sure why, but I'm having a frequent early boner for the last few days. And I tell you, it's rigid hard.

DOM: Too much porn before bedtime?

CARSON: Nah, just tired after work. I've been missing on my nightly routine before bed.

DOM: Tired of bending over and hauling load?

CARSON: I'm afraid not the good one kind. Business has picked up and we're all busy at work.

DOM: Too bad. . . . For some good news, we have another treat for you in the following week or two. It's not yet set, but the man that made you jerked off nonstop last month is coming back.

CARSON: Seriously, this city-hall business had been a pain in our behind. But yes, Clark West is coming back for a visit. And once again, he is open to your suggestion. Tell us what you think in the comment section once we post this show.

DOM: Cool guy. Somehow he got a wind of our situation and decided to join us again as show of support. He called me two days ago.

CARSON: Why don't I get a call?

DOM: Because I'm the who has our business phone. You are welcome to have it.

CARSON: On the second thought, you can keep it. I might say something stupid to someone if I answer the phone.

DOM: I commend you for knowing your limits.

CARSON: How is our boy Rick?

DOM: Never heard from him. He is staying away from the website too. I haven't seen him post any comments. Probably avoiding questions from other people. Although, Clark told me, he dropped by at his place a week ago, stayed for a day before heading home for Summer break.

CARSON: Wow, a little bump and grind before the boring stuff.

DOM: You can say that. The kid, he said, was still uneasy on his feet when he left.

CASON: Must have been quite a romp. Doesn't he already get enough?

DOM: He is in between work. He told me. By the way, he is going to Europe to film a new movie and staying there for a few months. That's why his decision to visit was a little rush.

CARSON: He is always welcome to drop by. Maybe he can give us some play by play the next time he visits.

DOM: You can tell us what you think, folks. Send us your email to get in touch with us.

CARSON: And if you want to touch us in person, we preferred a steak dinner and unscented lube.

The tape paused for a bit before picking some rustling. Carson was setting up his computer on the table.

DOM: What you got there?

CARSON: My hard fat dick.

DOM: Not that. I know, you're always hard, no need to tell us over and over again.

CARSON: You are about to burst out yourself. Are you going commando? You can even trace the shape of your dick. Those jeans are way too tight for you buddy.

DOM: I'm a big man what can I say. What are you looking on the computer?

CARSON: Just browsing through the comments.

DOM: Anything good.

CARSON: This one is interesting. He said he has been lusting over his buddy of thirty years that he would gladly bend over if his friend will just give him a sign.

DOM: I don't know what to say. Maybe he can throw some bones hoping his friend might them pick up.

CARSON: If it was me, I'll just say it straight on.

DOM: That's why you are not qualified to give any advice.

CARSON: What wrong with being straight forward? Your friend might weird out. . . . Well that.

DOM: LOL, you even answered your own question.

CARSON: What about you? Do you have anyone that you wouldn't say no to?

DOM: Big Ben can bend me over anytime. I adore that guy.

CARSON: That's more like a fetish thing though.

DOM: So sports heroes don't count?

CARSON: There are many guys who would gladly bend over for that guy if he wanted them to.

DOM: True. So who is the one that gets yours with no questions?

CARSON: Matt can do me anytime.

DOM: You mean the actor?


DOM: Yours is just as fetish as mine. You don't strike me as a celebrity chaser.

CARSON: Not really. Don't know why.

DOM: Knowing you, I can see why. He's good looking but not, like, pretty good looking. He could pass as your neighbor if he wasn't such a big celebrity.

CARSON: That might be. Although, I don't care much about the movies he makes.

DOM: The action flick he just did was good.

CARSON: I guess, . . . . except that one, but I don't get the story. Fight scenes were good though.

DOM: Ever read the book?

CARSON: Oh, it's a book? No wonder I don't get it.

DOM: You and your self deprecation, what else you got?

CARSON: Aside from my hard fat dick?

DOM: Yes, Carson, aside from your hard fat dick.

CARSON: This one is more of a question than a comment. 'So my buddy and I that I've been fooling around for a while now would like to do more. Unfortunately, we only have some time during shift change just after meal time. Should you try letting someone in when you just ate?'

DOM: Maybe immediately after, but I would say no. Just maybe. Well, at least know your body. For a normal human being, I suggest waiting for a few hours to let things pass, or else, you might have a stinky accident. Like any of us, once you had your meal, your body goes ahead of what it's supposed to do. There is no escaping it.

CARSON: Be regular, try not to eat spicy food the meal before and take it slow. You can always have another go at it. Oh, by the way, not to scare you or anything, it will hurt some. If you can't take it, make him pull out then go again slowly. It shouldn't take long to get used to it. You'll be enjoying it in no time. If it's too tight, you guys can start with a little finger action. . . . Let's see what else we got here. Hmm, this one's for you. 'Are you guys stroking when recording?'

DOM: No we don't. Recording the show is actually more involved than it may sound. Although, I wouldn't lie that our junk sometimes need to be freed from their encasement specially when we review some porn for you guys.

CARSON: I do take mine out when things get constricting in there, give it a few stroke but that just about it. I know it doesn't sound too exciting.

DOM: That sounded funny from the guy that doesn't take much to get excited. Just mentioning anything remotely sexual, he gets a boner.

CARSON: You mean like this?


DOM: Yeah, just like that. Put that thing away. We still have work to do.

CARSON: Dom is a little shy sometimes.


CARSON: This question keeps coming back. 'Which one is Dom's jack off sound clip?'

DOM: Keep looking. I promise you, there is one in there.

CARSON: How many clips do we have?

DOM: We have a lot now.

CARSON: Good luck finding Dom's grunts and moans then. He won't even tell me which one is his. Anyway, we have another call-in show today. I hope you will join us and have a little chat in our next segment. But before that, you guys should check our friends at Novelties and Desire.

DOM: Spice up your sex life with a wide assortment of toys and costumes. You can be a cop one night then a cowboy the next night.

CARSON: Or a nurse if you are into that kind of stuff.

DOM: You should also try checking out their custom beds. Built for punishment, enough to accommodate up to six of your friends.

CARSON: That's one sturdy bed.

DOM: That's right my friend. Novelties and Desire. They're there to please you.

CARSON: And on your way out, grab some One-Love condoms.

DOM: Right here in my hands is the official condom of M-Radio. We just received our complimentary supply yesterday from the maker of One-Love.

CARSON: Personally tested. They have all kinds for your bedroom pleasure.

DOM: Play it safe people. Don't let something bad goes in between you and your fun.

CARSON: Condoms are available for all sizes. Specially try the pre-lubricated ones. It's a good one to keep inside your pocket for the time when you just have to do it behind the warehouse or between buildings.

DOM: LOL, yeah, between buildings. Which one is your favorite?

CARSON: Love the thin kind for almost skin feeling.

DOM: Same here. Try it out people, and find something you like. One-Love, the official condom of M-Radio.

Their broadcast went silent for a bit, and the two proceeded to setup the phone for their next segment. The same story that was bothering Mike continued with the two.

"So they are fussing about the fact that we owe then fifty dollars," Carson said. The city was adamant that they should have a business permit to operate. A fact that was still being debated all over the country. The new digital form had caught many jurisdictions off guard. There were no laws regarding amateur shows done over the Internet.

Dom replied, "Yeah. But technically, our website is not anywhere in the city."

"Should we pay them?" Carson asked.

"I'm not sure what is this business permit that they are talking about. We're technically a talk radio. We paid the fees when we registered our company name. Damn, as if we are making tons of money from this," Dom said streaming his thoughts.

"What did Mike say about it?"

"He is not sure either. Normally, the license we will need comes from some other agency and not from the city. I'll try to pick up an application tomorrow and see if it really does apply to us. It sounds so shady."

"This is bullshit. Should we just move it back to my basement? Acoustic is not that good, but it should do." Carson commented seeing his hobby was taking so much heat. He wasn't ready for it and, in his head, just wanted it back to the way it was, just curious postings of his sometimes mundane and naughty thoughts.

"He will just follow us. What a greedy asshole."

"It sucks. Are you done with that?" Carson asked Dom, who was setting up the mic and phone.

"It's ready. We still have some time."

"Did you figure out how to connect the phone to the system?" Carson asked to clear off his mind somewhat.

"Not yet, but I'm fairly sure it is possible."

"They're all probably calling now."

"Ha-ha, excited to be the first one to share his personal moments with us. This is going to be crazy."

"Crowd sourcing is the best thing ever. So are you finally going to tell me how do you know all these things?" Carson tried piquing into his friend's mind. He was fairly sure what his friend did back out West but didn't know the extent of it.

Dom pretended he did not hear the question and turned on the phone. They both settled back into their seats with the mics in front of them ready to answer their avid followers. Talking to their listeners had become a regular occurrence in their show. Ever since the first time they tried including other people in, they did not lack any willing hot-blooded men who were eager to share their stories of intimate details about them. It did not take long before the phone started ringing the moment it was turned on.

Carson started of the conversation, "Well, well, well. This is M-Radio. Who has come to join us today?"

"Oh, hi. I've been trying to call for a long time. I finally got through," the caller blurted out excitedly.

"Slow down there buddy. How many times you tried calling?"

"Like a million."

"LOL, we posted when we are going to start taking calls. We keep the phone off 'til then."

"I know, just couldn't hold back," the caller snickered.

"Who's joining us by the way?" Dom cut in.

"Oh sorry, I'm Logan from the website."

"How's it going, Logan?" Dom continued.


"What do you mean messy?"

"I had an early explosion."

"Oh, that's not what we agreed upon. You're supposed to let us hear what you're like when you are about to blow your load."

"I know, I was working on it for good bit and planning to, but my hand screwed up the timing," the caller said then laughed.

"So you already shot your load?"

"Pretty much, two minutes before you guys picked up."

"Damn, this is probably the first case of premature ejaculation jacking off," Carson teased the man on the other side.

"I don't know why but calling in made me so excited."

"Since you are done. Why don't you describe to us how it looks?" Carson told the man.

"I had some that landed between my hairy chest. Most are on my stomach."

"You on your bed, watching porn?"

"I don't need porn for this. Just my comfy recliner and I'm good to go. Damn, nice way to relax after work."

"What kind of work to you do?"

"Construction. In fact, I'm still in my boots and shiny orange work vest."

"Love our blue-collar men, they know how to handle their tool."

"You got that right," the caller replied.

"Except you," Carson teased him again.

"Man gotta go when he gotta go. You know what I mean," the caller defended himself.

"It happens to even to the best of us," Dom interjected. "Thanks for sharing Logan," he added.

"Next time, we'll get it on air," was the caller's final shot.

The phone immediately rung right after Dom hanged up on their first caller. "This is M-Radio. What you have in store for us?" Dom answered.

"Hi Dom. Hi Carson. I hope you guys are doing fine," the next caller replied.

"We are doing great. May we know who's on the line?" Dom asked.

"It's Mike64."

"How are you doing Mike?"

"Pretty good," the caller replied then took a deep breathe before adding, "Feeling good."

"I'm hearing that familiar shortness of breathe. Are you preparing to give us a good show?" Carson mentioned.

"That's the plan."

"Good. What are you doing now? I mean, are you watching porn, naked, in bed? Something like that just to let others know what's going on," Dom told the caller.

"Chilling on my leather couch in the basement. My shirt is still on."

"Do you have a pleasure dungeon or something?" Carson joked.

The man laughed and before answering, "No. But it is your standard man cave."

"Fully decked out?"

"Oh yeah, a bar area, pool table and a big screen TV with surround sound and all, good for watching sports . . . and porn."

"That sounds cool, Mike. Are you stroking? Are you getting close?" Carson asked.

"Not close yet but getting there. And Oh, I'm not stroking."

With obvious sign of abrupt breathing of someone pleasuring himself, "What you mean?" Carson asked a little puzzle.

"Someone's keeping me company today," the caller revealed.

"Sweet. Is he a buddy?"


"Is he stroking it for you?"

"Way past that now," the caller said and laughed a naughty laugh.

"Nice," Dom finally cut in. "How is he doing?" he added.

"Excellent. I would have came already if we weren't planning on calling you guys."

"Can we talk to him?" Carson asked.

"Sure. He's also one of your followers by the way."

"Sup," the other man greeted Dom and Carson.

"You have something good in your hand?" Dom said.

"You can say that," the other man replied.

"You like taking care of your buddy?"

"Yeah, he has a nice looking dick," the man said chuckling.

"How big are we talking about?"

"I don't know, maybe a good eight. It's a mouthful."

"Can you tell us your name?" Carson butted in.

"I'm the poster named Toddster."

"Oh, you are the one who works as an outside contractor for the Department of Defense."

"That's me. Actually I just came back from the Middle East last night. Mike gave me a nice long welcome after picking me up from the airport. I'm returning the favor today."

"Sweet. So how long you've known Mike?"

"About ten years or so."

"So you are good friends?" Dom asked.


"How did you two meet?"

"We are front door neighbors. I live just across the street."

"Cool, you can just walk for some some. He-he. So how long before you two started fooling around?"

"LOL, not long. I first met him the day I moved to my house. Stroked each others dick the next day."

"You two didn't wait long, did you?"

"No, I was recently divorced when I met him. I had some needs. He-he. Mike was still renovating his basement. His kid just moved out to college and was happy to be single and alone again. I helped him installed his TV that night. He found his boy's porn stash after demolishing the extra room downstairs. So we popped it in and several grins later we were trading hand jobs."

"Porn must be good then?"

"Just your usual studio porn. Nothing really new. It must have been used quite a lot. Label was almost faded."

"Ha-ha. That reminds of the skin mag that was passed around while I was deployed. It seemed like anyone who touched it left a little souvenir on it." Carson laughed at what he heard. "Before we bore everyone with our chat, I think we need to get back to the task at hand. Are you up for it. Todd?"

"Yeah, always ready to please."

"Good. Can we talk to Mike again?" Dom cut in. A little squeaking from someone who was adjusting himself against a leather couch briefly cut into the phone conversation.

"I'm back. Just scooted down a little getting more comfy," Mike responded.

"Where is Todd?" Carson asked to help their listeners a little on what was going on.

"Between my legs licking my balls."

"Go ahead, don't mind us and don't be shy."

"I won't I promise," Mike replied followed by a deep gasp. "He just took it all in. Damn that felt good. Never gets old I tell you."

"Go on," Carson egged them.

The two became quiet inside the studio and waited for the two callers to reach the eventual conclusion, and the only sound was the sexually exchanges from the phone. Carson and Dom listened to the two callers as they went along with their very public business. Then the last few exchanges finally came signaling the point of no return.

Mike in his short deep breaths said to his friend, "I'm getting close."

"Where do you wanna shoot," Todd replied.

"You know how I want it." Not a few more seconds passed when Mike was grunting out his pleasure then the breathing subsided.

"Welcome back to Earth, Mike," Dom resumed talking.

Mike naughtily chuckled his respond, "That was awesome as always."

"Great show there buddy, do you ever get that loud usually?"

"Ha-ha, just trying not to disappoint. It was good. Damn my dick is still throbbing."

"And we should probably thank Todd for that."


"Can we talked to him before we let you two go."


"Sup Todd, good job."

"Thanks, I always try to please."

"I hope Mike didn't over do it."

"Nah, I don't mind when he hold on to the back of head that long. I kinda like it when gets carried away shooting his load. He thinks it's cheating if I just jerk him off to completion."

"You were gagging quite a bit," Carson butted in pointing the obvious like always.

"I received plenty. He said, he saved up a week load for when I get back."

"How about you? Are you planning on shooting your own load for us?"

"Maybe next time."

"That's too bad. So do you have other plans for tonight?"

"Yeah, Mike will get some good pounding later."

A burst of laughter from the callers' end faded into the background as Carson and Dom bid farewell. They were ecstatic about what the two callers contributed. It was one of those few contents that made their show popular to some circles. It would definitely become a hit. At the same time, it was the kind of content that some people in the city-hall often objected to. They entertained a few more calls from their followers who were willing to share their intimate moment with others. Nothing were out of the ordinary. Most were actually just eager to finally had a little chat with the hosts as they cranked one out.

Mike returned to his makeshift studio and watched the tape wound down then low a click muffled by the curtains lining the wall of his garage. He popped the second tape then waited once again.

Dom was waiting at his usual watering hole when Mike showed up to give him the edited recording. He noticed the flyers Mike was holding when he handed his payment.

"I see you you have a new band," Dom told Mike. "Where is the gig?" Mike looked at the pieces of paper in his before answering, "I'm afraid it's not for a new band. I'm in semi-retirement, remember."

"What it's for then?" Dom asked showing some interest.

"It's nothing."

"Can I see?" Dom continued showing interest.

"Well, I guess you probably should as it concerns you anyway."

"How so?" Dom read the piece of paper. "Interesting. Where is this? The place sounds familiar. I might have heard it before."

"You should be. I believe your very interesting guest, Rick, attends the same school."

"Oh, you are right. That's quite a drive."

"I know. It's a little of a learning experience and a little nostalgia for me. I graduated from the same school."


"That's where I got the band-fever."

"So what it's about?

"Well, I'd done some reading after learning about your predicament. It's not just you guys apparently. It's happening all over the place. Someone is going to talk about it in the college. If you have time, you should come with me and some of my friends. Don't worry. You'll find them more agreeable, free-speech crusaders."

Dom smiled.

"That or they just don't have anything else productive to do."

"Sounds good. I'll see if I can ask for some time-off from work."

The sun rays shined through the window of the old blue sedan. They finally reached their exit to the small town that housed the ever growing university. White cotton flowers covered the landscape on both sides of the road like a white linen. The scene was interrupted by sparse line of pine trees. Mike was sitting on the passenger side listening to his friend. Sounding like a kid who already knew everything, she kept on yammering about the ills of a close-minded society, the virtues of a free society and rights that came with it. To some, she was inspired. To others, she was an annoyance. She was a young heavy set girl. Hair dyed jet-black because she thought her natural blonde hair made her look dumb. A little flicker of light reflected through the rear view mirror every time the sun hit her shiny nose piercing. Looking exasperated against an unknown debate opponent, she fiddled with the earrings lining her right ear. On Dom's left was another one of Mike's friends, who agree wholeheartedly with her. His long hair, clean but tattered shirt, ripped jeans, and handwoven bracelets made him looked like he was plucked from another time.

The student auditorium was already packed with students and other free speech fighters from neighboring cities. Dom checked his phone. Carson just sent another message trying to confirm if he would be dropping by the bar he normally frequented. Knowing Carson, he thought that his friend would probably less about attending the event, but he probably should have mentioned it. He just sent a short message telling his friend no when the program announcer told everyone to take their seats. The symposium was about to start. The first speaker gave the audience a brief summary of what the talk was about, and how the program was going to proceed. First was a talk by the guest speaker followed by a group chat with some other experts on the subject.

Mike attentively listened to the guest speaker soaking in every morsel of information he could get. The problem, he learned, was not a your usual case of speech suppression. The actual case that was proceeding through the justice system was about how much people could dictate the affairs of their community. Does the community have a say on what kind of people can live in their neighborhood? Can it decide what is acceptable for everyone? And more importantly, can the community decide on what is immoral act?

All in all, it was a very productive trip for both Mike and Dom. Questions raised during the chat portion of the program made many of their concerns clear. Among the attendees were business owners that would be directly affected by any ruling limiting the right to free-speech. There were video rental and bookstore owners and one particular attendee was an amateur porn producer. It was already dark when the program wrapped. With no competition from other light sources, the neon sign of the the three main bars that serviced the university shined brightly. Mike brought Dom and his friends to the bar where he used to play. Dom waiting for his drink, a middle-aged man lined up behind him waiting for his turn. The place was suddenly busy and caught the bar off guard that drinks and cocktails were coming in late. The man commented about the slow service. Dom turned around and smile to show his agreement. The man asked if Dom was one of the attendees after a brief introduction.

"So what brought you here?" the man asked as they walk back to join the crowd.

"City-hall is on our backs because of a silly website," Dom replied.

"What kind, hardcore?" the man joked.

"LOL, no. It's silly that it's almost mundane." Dom told him about the site. The man couldn't believe why the city was pursuing them. In his case, it wasn't as surprising. He was producing and selling porn. He went around some poor neighborhood and recruit his actors and actresses for a quick buck.

"Damn," Dom said.

"No shit. I tell you, sex and money are the best motivators," the man said.

"True," Dom agreed.

"You know something I learned from dealing with regular people. They bitch about their partner cheating but many of them actually fantasized seeing their wife getting in on with their best bud."

"No shit!"

"I'm kidding you not. The last one I filmed was a foursome with the wife, the husband and two brothers who the husband worked with. The three even showed up still in their constructions gears. I thought there was gonna be a fight when one of the brothers confessed that he had slept with the wife in several occasions."

"What did the husband said?"

"He said, 'just don't get her pregnant or something.' Then the younger brother said, 'can I invite her to my place too?' The husband just gave him the finger, but we all knew the deal."

"Ha-ha, crazy shit. It's no wonder they are trying to run you out."

"Those bat-shit hypocrites, one of the councilmen actually had bought some videos from my site. And when I told them about it, you know what he said, 'he was just doing his research.' And they fuckin' believed him. Then they started floating the rumor that I dated an underage fifteen year old, but they failed to mentioned that I was only seventeen at the time."

"Did someone do a background check on you?" Dom asked.

"Someone did as if I'm going to be ashamed about what I did. They even tried dragging down my buddy Mark. He's married with four kids. They tried presenting my history with Mark as an evidence that I'm a persona non grata."

"Who's Mark?"

"He was a sheriff deputy. I fooled around with him when I was in my late teens. It was consensual. I was already eighteen when we first met, and he was in his mid-twenties. He just joined the police force when we bumped into each other inside a video rental store late at night. I was looking for a good stoner's movie. He looked kinda young for his age, so I asked him if he ever smoked weed."

"He didn't bust you?"

"No, he actually joined me in my apartment and burnt some. Then he told me he was a cop. Well, if he wasn't already popping out smoke rings, I would have been scared shit."

"Is that what you mean by fooling around?"

"Oh, we did more than smoking weed. Let's just say we smoked each other and then some. Went on for two years until I had unhindered access to booze, which he said was my new best friend. We became more of a drinking buddy."

"How did they know find out?" Dom was extra curious.

"Someone from the sheriff's office thought that it was a good idea to divulge a sealed information. It was when the chief's son was caught asking for sex in exchange of writing ticket. So stupid I tell you, he threw the used condom on the sidewalk and left the kid on the road. The kid picked it up and lodge a complaint. There was a department-wide investigation just to make sure the allegation was not systemic. I told Mark if he had to mention something about me, I didn't mind at all. They must have asked him. The only thing that saved Mark was when one of the councilmen asked where the information came from. It was obvious that someone leaked it from the sheriff's office. They were so scared of being sued for a good chunk of dough"

"Sneaky bastards, aren't they?"

"Yeah, first they try scaring you. If it doesn't work, blackmailing you. So be careful."

Dom let the odd but informative conversation settled in as he nursed his drink. Mike shouted from the other end of the bar. It was getting late, and the girl who drove them had to go back to work the next day.

The wind blows hotter than normal. The heat wave sweeping the Southern continent drifted farther up. It was El Nino season, and the lack of rain was a welcome sight for many builders.

"This house is coming along quick," Carson told Dom as he hauled glass panels out of his delivery van.

"Are those the special sound-proof glass panels?" Dom replied.

"Oh, they're what these are. This is the first time I've seen something like this. They are pain in the ass. Damn, heavy," Carson complained.

"Be careful," Dom warned him.

"Shut up before I accidentally drop this."

"You pay if you break it."

Carson set the first panel on the ground and wondered loudly, "Let see, this is your first project being the foreman. What would happen if you find yourself behind schedule?"

"Don't even think about it, idiot."

"What was that important event you said were at couple of days ago?" Carson asked.

"I went to Mike former university with him and his friends. There was a symposium about free speech."

"Wow, that sounds serious stuff. Free speech and all . . ."

"Which reminds me, here," Dom handed him two CDs. "I was supposed to drop them yesterday at your house. So before I forgot again, I'm giving them to you now."

Carson looked at the shiny CDs only marked with numbers wondering, "What's in it? Songs? Porn?" he said joking.

"It's not recommended for public viewing."

"Sounds like a jerk off material."

"I'll leave that decision up to you," Dom replied somewhat serious. Winking at his friend he continued, "Video number 245 is the best."

Next: Chapter 40: M Radio 8

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