Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jun 9, 2017


Blissful Paradise (M-Radio)

Things to Come by Max Millan

It seemed like yesterday when the two set out to create their Internet show. It was wishful, an idea that was never given a serious thought other than mere dream of what could it become. But days, months and year rolled by and the two not only gained ample listeners and followers, but have moved from Carson's basement to a recording studio. It was a rental, but it showed what they have accomplished in a short amount of time. Hidden under a bakery shop in a busy business enclave, they pursued their dream of making their show enough to be truly called a business. It paid the bills to cover their expenses, and a little sum of money would sometime end up in their pockets.

"Now that everything checked, let's get moving," Dom interjected on his own microphone.

"Well, people thanks for sending those sound clips. And if you just stumbled into our show they can be accessed through the member area. Lot's of good stuff people. If you wanna hear someone masturbate that's the place to go, some really intense and some stuff are funny," Carson continued on with the broadcast.

"That's right. And we have two free DVD coupons for the first listener to tell us which clip was Carson. Just add a comment to the contest banner on the website. It's not there yet. But you don't need to wait for long."

"We still have that?" Carson said of the unexpected promo plugged by Dom.

"Yeah, in it's full glory," Dom replied.

"That was first audio clip we uploaded. People would have heard it already."

"I did some edit, so it will be like brand new."

"That's cheating."

"Well, do you have a new one to share?"

"Nah. Why just me? Where is your clip?"

"My audio clip? You never know, there might be one there already with me busting my nuts."

"What's it like? Can you give us a hint?"

"I'm not telling. It will be like scavenger hunt."

"Not even a tini-tiny hint? Are you a moaner or very vocal? Do you make sloppy sounds when you crank it out?"

"That's for you to figure out." Dom dodged all his friend's question to make it more exciting. He might had posted one or maybe not, but the thought of him sharing some intimate details should be enough to titillate their listeners.

"So who's giving away DVDs?" Carson asked.

"It's courtesy of our sponsor Nick's Bookstore by the 134th and Leavenworth. For your viewing pleasures, check out Nick's Bookstore. They have a good selection of DVDs and even adult toys to spice up your sex life. Bring your girlfriend for 20% discount, or a buddy. They are opened late for any supplies after a drink around town. Nick's Bookstore, your boner store."

A quick ad now made its way to their conversation. They came in at the right time during the days when big contents were too expensive to produce and hosting sites charge an arm and leg for storage. Their mix of standard text based web content and MP3 formatted audios were just right. Not too mention the the non-studio appeal that the show offered for people who were slowly getting tired of seeing and hearing same thing over and over again from companies catering to their fantasies. Just two regular guys talking about sex and their inclination for self pleasure.

Carson continued on with his own news, "So fellow wankers, we had an interesting week. No, it doesn't include Dom bending over but fun nonetheless."

"What was that you said?" Dom jumped in.

"You bending over."

"You got that right. But yeah, fun weekend. So to cut to the chase, we were invited to the an annual adult industry convention, not the big one out West, just a regional event. Who would have guesses that the South-Eastern seaboard is the one of the largest porn markets. Lot's of horny people around here. Not sure how they found our number, but I received a call while at work from the organizers. They offered us a steep discount," Dom said.

Carson butted immediately, "But you know folks, I've finally seen Dom's dick for the first time. I mean hard, so that doesn't include when I take a peek during bathroom breaks."

"Damn, so you've been checkin' my junk?"

"It's a nice looking dick."

"Stop that. You're making me blush."

"As if you don't do the same. I caught you a few times looking."

"Just checking if what you've posting are true."

"What do you think?"

"Guys, he is telling the truth. He's a girth-y bastard."

"Oh, you're just exaggerating now."

"What do you want me to tell them? It's average."

"I have a porn-star dick," Carson said and giggled to his own amazement.

"We are getting ahead of ourselves. Tell the people why we decided to go," Dom replied.

"Well, like Dom said, we were offered a steep discount. Still a ton of money, but we are curious to see what goes on in a porn party, err . . . porn convention. The clincher was our personal hero Pete Townsend will be one of the guests, and no, not the famous musician, the porn star."

"I'm sure you've seen him in action. He does straight porn, but we learned from the convention that he has some movies released outside the country doing bi-scenes. Yup, man-man-and-female. He's a greedy man, sure is, experiencing the best of worlds. If you are not familiar with the guy, search him. He is famous for orgasm that shoots out like a water pistol. A man's man, I should say," Dom continued.

"That guy can cum like no other. There is one movie I saw where he hit the headboard from the foot of the bed over the girl," Carson butted in.

"I think I've seen that one two. The other guy had to dodge it, funny as hell."

"Yeah, it's that one. You could tell the other man was waiting for it. He was ready to dodge it."

"I like to know what he eats. Anyway, peeps, we got there early to check out the trade show. I heard it's always a blast."

"That's what they told me. So we got to our hotel, it's a nice break from my usual choice of accommodation of cheap motels. It's an actual hotel, and you know what the first thing Carson did when we arrived?"

Carson quickly jumped in to fill the gap, "I masturbated on the bed. I don't know why but those neatly done hotel bed gets my blood flowing."

"He placed his luggage by the foot of his bed then climbed on the bed. I thought he was tired and going to take a nap then I heard his belt buckle clicking and before I knew it his pants were by his ankles with his stiff dick in his hand."

"You already knew what I was doing, but you still asked."

"I bet you've been thinking about it from the beginning."

"You got that right. I started getting a boner when the pilot mentioned that we were close to landing."

"No shame at all."

"What? Don't tell me you haven't jerked off with other people in the room," Carson defended himself.

"Jerking off with buddies around while watching porn that's a different case."

"Same difference."

"We still needed to register, and you already got distracted by a nicely made bed."

"Lol, you could have went downstairs to register. But no, you stayed and nagged me to finish quick."

"You're so determined. It's as if you couldn't do it later."

"You got to do what you got to do. Yeah, I whipped one out before heading out to register for the event." They shared a good laugh before Carson continued, "So folks, do you have your own interesting bit about what gives you the stiffy. And while you're at it, tell us the most unusual place where you unloaded. Add them to the comment section of this broadcast."

"He left some spots on his shirt and he didn't even care. And something I learned about my friend here, his legs grow stiff and shake when he's about to cum."

"What can I say, it was a good one."

Dom told more of their adventure. "After registering we checked out the trade area. Damn, the place was packed. I thought they were offering us discount just to fill up their reservations. Lot's of stuff to see. Surprisingly, everyone was dressed. The only ones who were almost naked were some of the booth attendants, mostly in costumes."

"A lot to see. But the ones that I found particularly interesting were the booths displaying some movies only available in some countries. And I thought porn is porn. No, people, there are specific porn in every corner of the world. There were places were you can only show as much. And regions with very particular demand with regards to their porn. I couldn't imagine that people can do it in very unusual location. Sometimes you can't even fit a single person, but they figured out how to do it anyways," Carson continued.

"No bullshit, parta-pottie, that smelly literal of a shit hole you find in the every outdoor concert. Damn, there are people who get their rocks off watching people doing it in there. I'm not talking about a studio setup. It's for real. People were waiting outside while a couple was going at it inside. And they came out of the that thing as if nothing happened. Unless your a connoisseur of porn, what you considered hardcore porn are pretty tame compare to some of the things they are showing overseas."

"So Dom, tell them about the product section. What did you do?"

"Are you sure?"

"If you are not going to tell them, I will."

"Well, go ahead then."

"So we were standing at this particular booth displaying some colorful dildos. Not that we were shopping for one. We noticed several guys going to back of the booth then a few minutes later would stepped out with grin on his face. It's a porn trade show, so you're imagination could go wild easily. So we staked out the booth trying to figure out what was going on. A guy came out of the curtain from the back and walked in front of us. We asked him what he did. He told us he picked up a dildo for his wife. That's not so unusual but why the need to go inside and stay for a minutes. So stood there puzzled until the girl with piercing in every freakin' part of her face stepped out and asked 'do you guys want to be molded?' Dom and I were looked at each other. So to make the story short, the booth was offering custom dildo molded from your own dick. Well, not to be a fun killer, I volunteered Dom to do it."

"I had no idea how were you able to talk me into it. What will I do with a dildo that look like my own dick?"

"So I went in with Dom because I wanna see how it's made. And not long after receiving a brief instruction from the pierced -face-girl, Dom was jacking off on what looked like a massage bed but it had a hole in it. And he was the one to say that I have no shame. Not only that he's dealing with a stranger, the back of the booth wasn't really closed off completely. I mean, if those people walking around happened to pass by close to the curtain cover, you'll see him stroking his dick. Then the girl showed up with a black cylindrical container with some greenish looking stuff in it. She asked him to turn over and slipped his dick through the hole. She warned Dom that he needed to stay hard or else it would not work. How were you able to stay hard by the way?"

"Well, let's just say I have no performance anxiety."

"Dom turned to his stomach showing his smooth behind. You were smirking and looking relax on your elbows looking around. We laughed when the girl slipped the mold and made a squeezy sound. How did it feel?"

"Very sloppy. It was warm and sloppy."

"It's the funniest thing ever when the girl finally let go, and it stayed stuck with your dick, must be one hell of a raging hard-on."

"The girl joked that Dom had some staying power. She said it should fall off by now. We need to come back an hour later to pick it up she told us."

"She never told me how long it would take. Damn, I was searching my brain for more inspiration. I don't want it to come out like a deformed banana. I have some pride. I will tell you though, if you are planning to have your dick molded, shave. It's a pain in the behind picking those molding residue off your pubic hair."

"He-he. So where is it now?"

"Still in its bag."

"Never tried comparing it to the real thing?"

"That I did. It's surprisingly accurate."

"Now, you have two dicks," Carson joked.

"The next day was the official event. It's very professional, although, it was a treat from time to time to catch a glimpse of people that you jerked off to in real life. Most of the speakers talked about the status of the industry specially laws that were progressing through the system that could affect the business. We never cared much about it. It was boring at times. The meet and greet was a blast, got a picture of Carson worshiping Pete. We are posting some of the convention pictures later, so keep checking," Dom mused.

"We landed two commitments from potential sponsors. It was a productive weekend, I should say."

"Yes, it was."

"Hey Dom, why don't we just give away your dick? What do you think folks? Do you want Dom's cock?"

"I'm happy to part with it. It's a little too creepy for me looking at it anyways."

"No plan of using it?" Carson replied.

"Hell no. It's creepy if you think about it."

"It's your dick?"

"That's my point. Just saying."

"I got you. So it's official, Dom's Dick Giveaway in the future."

"Oh the horror, what horrible things people will use it for."

"Hopefully, for their own pleasure. I must say is a good size, nice shape and smooth like a baby's skin."

They went for a commercial break. And not just commercials found their way to their broadcast, they also had their own station ID. A nice jingle composed by Mike who was very happy to take their money regardless of what they were doing. Mike was a dreamer, thinking of someday making it big. Most of his money were spent supplying his makeshift music studio in his garage. So he was not going to pass up even a small change.

"Anniversary is coming soon," Dom mentioned off the air.

"Can you imagine? It's already a year," Carson replied.

"I know, and we are still broke."

"Well, don't quit your day job."

"No shit."

"Speaking of work, I think we have a follower where I work," Carson mentioned.

"No shit!"

"Yeah, fellow delivery guy."

"Does he know it's you?"

"Dunno, he never said anything about it. I just caught a wind of him listening to one of our recordings on our company computer. Crazy guy. He'll get found out one of these days."

"Don't be mean to him. He is one of the lifelines."

"I'm not. Just weird knowing an actual listener."

"Got anything good planned?" Dom asked.

"I haven't even thought of it until just now. We'll figure something out."

The last note of the commercial track faded away, and it's time to the next segment.

"So us promised, we are taking calls today. We posted the time on our website. We're hoping you can join us," Carson said.

As if they had an actual audience Dom added, "Don't leave us hanging. I know a lot of you posted that you joining us this afternoon."

"What are we doing exactly?" Carson asked.

"We asked our listeners to share how they have gotten off when the urge got the better of them."

"Oh yeah, the riskier the better, add some juicy details and definitely no creepy places or behavior though. We don't want people talking about visiting their local middle school or high school unless you actually go to school there. "

They muted their microphones waiting for the assigned time to come. Both were excited to hear what their listeners were willing to share. It was little bit of a gamble. They had really not much interaction with their slow growing list of paying customers, but all the same, they waited anxiously wondering if someone would actually make a call. A few minutes passed by the assigned time, and Carson was starting to be disappointed. He said, "Do you think they will call?"

"Let's wait a few more minutes, no one's probably wanted to be the first one. We can just continue on as usual if no one calls."

Carson stared at the phone waiting for it to show some life. When they were about to give up, it rung.

"Holy shit! Someone is calling. What should we do?" Carson almost jumped up off his seat and fumbled picking up the phone.

"Place you microphone over and answer it," Dom instructed.

Carson did what he was told and answered, "Hello, this is your host, the left-handed bandit, Carson. What you do have to share with us and your fellow listeners?"

"Oh shit, I thought you guys were joking. Damn, I need to find some parking. Can you gimme a minute?"

Dom and Carson answered in unison, "By all means. "

They looked at each other then laughed at what they just did. They could still hear the car running over the phone, so they waited for the first caller to find a parking spot.

"Hey, what's up?" The caller responded.

"Cool, you're back. This is Dom by the way. Can you tell us who is calling?"

"Hey Dom. Hey Carson. Love your website. I'm probably one of your first readers. It's BigGuy56 from the website by the way."

"Nice, so what you got for us, BigGuy56?" Carson replied.

"Oh I got some story to tell."

"Go on," Dom said.

"Way back when people still took trains, I normally caught a ride home by train. I heard some hitchhiked or took the bus. I wasn't sure if some people were just too stingy those days or money was just short like always. Flying was a little bit of a luxury for many in the base."

"So you used to be in the service?" Carson asked.

"Sure am, Army," the caller replied.

"Nice, fellow army man."

"Yup, that's why I started following your posts. I wonder what young servicemen do these days for a little fun." "Well, to tell you honestly, I don't know the inside of a train. If I ever suddenly wake up in one, I will never know where I'm at," Carson said. "Have you ridden one, Dom?" he asked his friend.

"Yeah, once when I was really young. I slept most of the way."

"I should try it at least one time just to see how it is." Going back to the person on the line, "So you jerked off inside a train?" Carson asked.

"You can say that."

"How about the other passengers? What did you do to not get caught?"

"Well, I usually left the base the first minute I was allowed too, which was usually at night. I could catch a train leaving early in the morning, so most passengers were probably sleeping or, at least, trying to. "

"Got yah," Dom replied. "Aren't train seats pretty open," he added.

"Yup, but when the train leaves the station you are free to move around. They don't care much especially if you tell them you are in the service looking for some open seats to sleep in. They will leave you alone for the most part."

"So you scout each car for a good place to jack off?" Dom asked.

"That's the trick. But one night, I wasn't having any luck, so I went to the mess hall to get some coffee. There were some people in there. I guess it's hard to miss a fellow serviceman because a guy at the end of the car waved at me and offered to share his booth. He was from the same base visiting home also."

"Hmm, getting interesting," Carson said.

"Well, it did. So we chatted about what unit were assigned and where we're heading to. He was going to a town just after mine. 'Looking for a place to lay down?' he asked. I said, 'Yeah.' Well, he knew what I was really after. The train wasn't really full just sparsely occupied. 'I'm looking for one too. It's always busy at home. It might be nice to catch some sleep even a quick one, a good quick one,' he said with emphasis on the last statement. 'I'm with you on that,' I said. The waitress heard our conversation while she was filling our coffee cups. And said something about the conductor was there, maybe he could hook us up for a good place to lay down. Not long after a middle-aged black man in uniform approached us. He asked how long was our ride. Mine was about five hours and my new acquaintance was another hour or so. He said that they were light on long distance passengers and some of the sleeping cars were not being used."

"So the man hooked you up," Dom said.

"He sure did. So my buddy and I went back to our seats and picked our Army issued duffle bags and followed the conductor. He showed us a room with two facing benches normally for people traveling in group. For me that would have been enough if I really wanted to get some sleep. He told us how to convert them to sleeping configuration before leaving."

"'This is nice and comfy,' I told my new friend."

"I sat close to the window while he stayed next to the door on the other bench. Although it was spacious, but it was still quite awkward to sit facing each other."

"So how did the interesting started?" Carson cut to the point.

"Well, I needed to take a potty break and went out for a bit to use the restroom. When I came back, I slowly walked in and slid the door back not looking inside just watching my steps. I said, 'Dude, this car has a shower . . .' then I looked up. He was grinning at me. He was now seating by the window and his pants were hanging on the seat right next to him. He was rearing to start, I guessed. He had a blanket covering him. I told him, 'I might as well.' So I grabbed my blanket and proceeded to undo my pants underneath it. I was harder that I thought, so I stood up and pulled it down. I didn't care if he saw my dong hanging. I'm used to seeing other men naked it in the shower, and probably him too."

"So were you sitting facing each other?" Carson asked again.

"No, this time I was the one sitting close to the door. He was close to the window. Not to far apart though because we sometimes bumped into each other leg. So we stroked underneath our blankets just smiling at each other. 'This was an upgrade from my last trip,' he said. 'Do you ride train just to jack off,' I joked. 'Nah, just occasionally,' he replied then laughed. 'Same,' I said. 'Do you have some masturbation supplies? I forgot to bring one,' he told me. I stood up once again to reach for my bag and fished out a jar of vaseline. There was no hiding my boner. I was many pounds lighter then and looking good, but still a big man."

"How tall are you?" Dom asked.

"Six-two, two twenty pounds."

"You are a big guy. Is that how much you weigh now?"

"Oh no, I broke past that a long time ago," the caller said and laugh at himself.

"I know the feeling. It's hard to keep it off now," Carson butted in.

"It's called growing old. That's why I tell people to enjoy their youth. It will be gone quick before you know it. So the days of my youth, I was sharing a room in a train with a fellow military man catching some needed relief. 'Will this do?' I handed him the jar for lubrication. 'That will do nicely,' he said. He kneaded the oily substance on this hand until it was feeling slick. He added some more before letting his blanket dropped to the floor. 'Damn, I'm having a slight case of penis envy now,' I told him. He spread the lubrication on it and answered, 'we're just about the same size.' I sat back and placed my legs on the bench where his pants were laid down. I lubed mine. He was slapping his dick on his palm. Length wise we're the same but he definitely out-manned me when it came to the girth. He had one that was almost the same girth from the base up. It made the head looked a little flattened."

"So you were checking your new friend while you jacked off." Carson said.

"I was just curious," the caller giggled. "That was the first I've seen another man's hard dick in real life. 'It ain't that big,' he said while he squeezed the base with thumb and index finger making it even bigger. 'Yes, it is,' I told him before he replied, 'I guess it is. Yours is not bad either.' Well, I just said, 'Thanks.' He never covered himself back with his blanket and proceeded to stroke his cock in the open. I checked him out some more. He was just a few inches shorter than me with a very light blonde hair. Being unshaven back then was not that unusual, but his hair was so light that you could easily see his low hanging balls. His body hair down there thinned out by the middle of his thighs."

"You really were checking him out." Carson teased.

"It's not like I could avoid it anyways. We're both half naked in a small room stroking our cocks. He was average built with a battle scar on his right side, a four inch gash. I wondered how he got it. I forgot to ask."

"How about you, how do you describe yourself back then?"

"Like I said, I'm a big man. Wide. I don't ever remember being small. Hairy too. It's a little embarrassing to admit, but I had to do some manscaping."

"LOL, I hope you don't shave close to skin because the will be odd for a man," Carson said.

"Just my chest and the nether regions. No, not my legs. That will be truly odd."

"Did you do anything with your new friend?"

"Unfortunately no. We just jerked off glancing at each other from time to time asking if were getting close. After a while, we were just concentrating on our own erection. For a good while, we moaned out out pleasure until couldn't hold back anymore. Damn, I made a messed on my shirt. Not long after, he did the same. We both pointed out the mess on our shirt. I don't recall cumming that much before. We had a change of clothes and finally used the room for what it was made for. We both dozed off on our side without converting the seat to a bed."

"Did you see him again in the base?" Carson asked.

"Yah, I ran into him several times in a bar outside the base. We never talked it. Damn, I tell what, though, I still jacked off these days thinking about that time I shared a room with him."

"Now I need to watch out for cum stains on train seats," Carson said.

"Ha-ha, we'll guys I need to be somewhere. I hate to cut this call but I need to go."

"Thanks for sharing. I'm sure other folks will find this really interesting. Don't forget to check the rest of the broadcast. It will be posted soon," Dom replied.

"I will. Happy masturbation, people," the caller said before hanging up.

Dom and Carson sat back on their chair. Even if that is only the call they got, they would be happy with it. Carson blurted out, "That turned me on."

Dom replied, "Got a boner?"

"I sure am," Carson replied tracing his cock over his jeans.

"LOL, that was just the first caller."

Another call came in. Some guy who would only watch a chick-flick with his girlfriend only if she would play his dick while watching. Then another call came after that. In just twenty minutes, they already had five callers.

"I didn't expect that we'll get quite a few," Dom said.

"And I was about to give up. It would really suck if our first event bombs. What do you think? Should we take one last caller?" Carson said.

"It's ringing now. We might as well," Dom agreed.

"Hello, this is Dom. How's it going?"

"What's up Dom."

"This is Carson."

"What's up Carson."

"Who is joining us for nice chit-chat about jacking off?"

"It's VideoMan from the website."

"Hey there, VideoMan. What you got for us?" Carson asked.

"Nothing particularly unusual just a memory from my college days," the caller replied.

"Oh college kid, the young and full of horniness," Dom quipped.

"Not anymore. It's been good seven years."

"Do you have any interesting story from college, Dom?" Carson asked his friend.

"I wished I had, but I went straight from the farm to the service. Did you?" Dom replied.

"Same here. No college wanted to take me in," Carson joked. The two contemplated their shared lack of higher education. Dom, like many from his family, joined the service. It was more uncommon to see any male from their family ever finishing college. Carson was, on the other hand, a lost cause according to his father. The lack of direction and focus did him in. An easy-go-lucky guy that if was not for his spot in the high school football team, he would have been booted a long ago. His dad one day drove him to the recruitment office when the call for more able bodied young men to prepare for war quickly trickled to the entire population. It was a time of great confusion and anger.

"So what you've got for us? Where was the place? And was it good?" Carson asked again before giggling like a kid.

"It was in a bus," the caller replied.

"What is with people's dick and public transportation?" Dom joked.

"No, it wasn't like that. It was in our varsity bus."

"Jiminy-Cricket, I hope you didn't caught and was forever known as the wanker for the rest of your college life," Carson said.

"Ha-ha, never got caught, or I was the first one to do in there. Just don't make it a habit."

"It's bound to happen I guess when you put testosterone filled young kids in a bus for a long trip. Go on."

"We had a late away game one night and had to come back the same day. I went to a community college, so we have no money for extended stay. Our bus was a re-purposed school bus. It's not the most spacious. Damn, that thing would shake when we started moving."

In which Dom replied, "I could see that. You guys were all probably pushing two-twenty pounds and some of you were probably a hefty three hundred pounder, all jammed pack inside a small bus."

"True. I was one of the smallest and slowly getting there. I often times cursed the taste of protein shakes. It was almost torture chugging on those every day, every fuckin' day."

"I tried doing that for almost a year when I decided to get rid of my developing love-handle and had to stop every now and then," Dom butted in. "It's not the most pleasant," he continued.

"I know, right? It's not even a taste that you can acquire."

"So did guys have a special spot in the bus where you couldn't be seen?" Dom asked.

"It was when I was a sophomore. The pecking order had been set before I even joined the team. The seniors normally had the first choice of seats followed by junior an so forth. By the time it got to us, even sophomores, we had slim pickings. Behind the bus we piled extra equipment, bags and what not that couldn't fit under the bus."

"So you guys sat at the back among the smelly socks and football equipment?" Dom asked.

"Pretty much. You get used to the smell of sweaty socks and jocks after a while. It's no different inside the dorm anyways," the caller said and laughed at himself.

"Oh socks, why that sounds so familiar?" Carson said.

"Ha-ha. Second usage. No mess," the caller answered him.

"The best way to catch spillage," Carson agreed.

"Yup, then straight to the laundry basket."

"C'mon Carson, let the guy continue on with his story. I think our listeners already know too much about you," Dom said.

"Just trying to have some conversation here," Carson complained.

"Anyway, don't you normally have to sit with someone? Were you engaging in some form of pocket pool?" Dom asked.

"It started that way. My buddy, who joined the team same time as me, was complaining about the long ride. We won the game but everyone was so exhausted to enjoy the win that many fell asleep quickly or was trying to. My buddy and I remained wide awake. He was going on and on about not being able to fall asleep. The front of the bus already grew silent fifteen minutes into the ride. One of the strength trainers was actually sitting on the same row on the other side of the bus already slobbering on the window passed out from exhaustion. He made a joke about the first thing he will do when we arrived at our school was to jack off. He said, 'It makes him sleep better.' Who doesn't anyways? I said, 'You got that right.' It was a good four hour ride, so it would be early morning by the time we get back right about the time the school cafeteria opened for breakfast, so I told him, 'You might have to wait after breakfast.' He scratched his head and said, 'Shoot.' I was seating by the window and he was by the aisle. He peeked through the aisle and looked at the seat where our trainer was seating making sure the coast was clear then he said, 'Don't say anything.' I saw his hand slipped into his pocket and started fondling himself. We were both wearing our athletic sweat pants and probably just the jockstrap being not having much time to change after the game. Like any good friend in that situation I told him, 'Do you wanna switch place?' He said, 'he was good.'"

"Did you sit there and watch him?" Carson asked.

"That's the thing. I decided to go on commando and before I knew it, I was sporting a tent. I tell you, sex is contagious. I don't know but our body emits that special warm feeling that you only get when you are horny. He nudged me and said, 'What's that?' I told him with no hesitation, 'A boner.' 'Are you going to take care of that?,' he asked. 'Nah, It will calm down in a bit,' I said. He told me, 'your lost.'"

"He wanted you to do a side-by-side JO?" Carson commented.

"I guess," the caller replied.

"I had couple of those back in my Army days. It's a fun way to bond," Carson said.

"Yeah, it's fun with the right people," Dom butted in.

"So I'm not the right person? That's why you complained when I squeezed one out in our hotel room," Carson pretended an admonition.

"Nah, you're just one horny bastard with no sense of timing."

"You can't blame a horny guy," Carson replied then turned back to the caller. "So what happened next?"

"He continued playing with himself through the pocket then I noticed him lifting the front and adjusted himself. 'Much better. Jockstrap on the way,' he commented. His full length was now straining by the left side of his sweat pants. He must have free himself from his jockstrap. Without any shame at all, he stroke himself right beside me."

"So you watched him jerked off?" Dom interrupted.

"It's hard not too. His arm was bumping into mine."

"I think he was egging you to join him," Dom said.

"Well, it worked if he was trying to. My boner never subsided, and it was raring to come out. So I did what had to be done. I was sitting by the window and much a safer place from other people's view. I just took mine out in the open."

"There you go," Carson said. "How big is junior if you don't mind me asking?"

"Eight in a good day," the caller laughed.

"Was it a good day . . . or night?" Carson continued his inquiry. "Yup, it was. I was rock hard that my foreskin retracted on its own."

"What did your buddy said?"

"Nothing. He looked around the bus again then took his out too."

"Big dick?"

"Let's just say I got him beat size wise, but he had nothing to be embarrassed about. He was uncut too."

"Then the fun began?" Dom cut in.

"It did. We were both wondering though if we could actually finish. I mean, most were probably sleeping, but it was still a bus full of people."

"Did you?"

"We both did. It was one of the quickest jerked offs I ever had, maybe under ten minutes. Just right about when the driver decided to stop for some gas."

"Finished in the nick of time."

"We did and never had the time to wipe our jizz. If you look closely, you would notice the stains on our sweat pants. Good thing it was dark outside."

"Cool, so you shot your load at the same time. It's feels a little icky though if you don't wipe it out," Carson said.

"I know, right? And the smell is hard to hide. I think our trainer, who was sitting on the other side, got a whiff of it when we were taking our seat. He shook his head and said, 'Behave.' We both looked at him and chuckled. He just crossed his arms and proceeded to continue with his nap."

"I think he knew what you guys did?" Dom said.

"Ha ha. He probably did but never said anything about it," the caller said.

"Fun stuff," Dom finishing the call.

But before the caller hung up he asked them, "So you guys seem like well-rounded and open-minded people, I think most of your followers want to know if you two are doing it."

"You mean me and Carson getting it on?" Dom asked.

"Yeah," the caller replied.

"Negative," Carson said. "Although I've seen his dick, and he had seen mine. Well, and a special sound clip coming up. You can hear Dom in the background while I was jacking off in my recliner. He dropped by at my house unannounced one day while I was recording myself for my regular post. But no, we have not done a two-man tango."

"No shit?" the caller commented.

"I swear, lighting hit me now," Carson said.

It was good five minutes when the last caller hung up. Dom and Carson was looking at each other giggling like school kids who were about to do something naughty.

Next: Chapter 38: M Radio 6

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