Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on May 7, 2017


Blissful Paradise (M-Radio)

M-Radio by Max Millan

The Saturday morning was extra warm. Dom stretched outside to get his blood flowing. The last night's party went longer than usual. Their foreman had a birthday party, and he wouldn't be the first one to bail out. Maybe he was still trying to make an impression. The sun started to bite on his bare shoulder. He gave out one long yawn before going back into his basement apartment. He sat down on the lone furniture in his living room, an old leather recliner a remnant from his past, and turned on his TV but nothing's on. He fiddled with the remote hoping to find something interesting. Morning shows didn't interest him. He settled on the Saturday cartoon shows must be for the nostalgia it gave him. He remembered a glimpse of him when he was little. He could not wait to wake up early in the morning and ran to their living to catch first cartoon show. His mom could not fry him of the television even for breakfast that she often set his breakfast on the floor, two pieces of toast and an orange juice. He lost his interest and phases back and forth between his living room and his bedroom divided by a Japanese panel another memento from his travels when he used to be in the service.

"Oh shit," he exclaimed when he noticed that he left his computer on. Its monitor went to sleep but the white box holding the brain was still buzzing. He moved the mouse and brought everything back to life. Something of a habit, he dialed up for connection. Laying on the keyboard was that piece of napkin where Carson scribbled his personal website. He smiled and typed the web address on the browser. He wondered if his interesting friend had put in more of his musings.

It was a short entry of him talking about his morning boner and having quick rub before going to work. There was nothing really unusual, but the corresponding comments were more interesting. It was long with many different people putting in their thoughts so it seemed at least. You may never know. Many of those names could be the same person. Some of them were normal just telling their own morning boner experience. Some requests for Carson to post a picture of his dick. One particular entry caught his eyes. It said, "Damn, I'll pay to hear you moaning while you jack off."

"For realz!!!" was another entry followed by "That will cost you a ton. He-he." That must be Carson responding.

"Where I should send the money?" the poster replied in jest.

By the look of it, he was gaining more followers. How they able find Carson's website was a mystery to him.

The uneventful weekend passed by, and Dom was looking at the custom building slowly taking its final shape as he followed the foreman around. He's been shadowing the man for several months, picking up any skill he could observe and others that were voluntary shared with him. He, a man in his early forties, was already divorced twice. And supporting a kid from his first marriage. He often told people that he was not taking the plunge again that he had enough drama in his life. Dom looked at the man, he was probably an inch or two taller than him and average built, not slim but not muscular either. His receding hairline was made less noticeable by the buzz cut that he wore. His strong brows and a goatee with dust of white hair made him looked fierce and commanded respect from other. Dom found some semblance of direction in his life when he landed the job. It's much better that jumping from one odd job to another. Maybe it came with age, but he was glad to finally have what you call a regular job. The foreman probably sensed that he was, and the slightly older man had been very helpful to Dom ever since he started working for the construction company.

"Windows and doors are coming in today," the foreman told the people working on the window opening.

"I hope it gets here early. We're ahead of schedule," the man who looked to be managing the other laborers replied.

"Hey Jim, I think that's the delivery," Dom said pointing at the approaching delivery van.

"Go ahead and bring some people with you," Jim commanded Dom.

"Right away, chief," Dom replied and salute like he used to do.

The same familiar van pulled in.

"So this is your new project," Carson said as he approached after seeing Dom waiting.

"What happened to the other guy?"

"Why? You don't want to see me or something," he joked.

Dom just brushed it of.

"He called in sick, and I'm here to save the day," Carson said while stepping out of the van. "I think your boss has some connection in my company. Jeez, they had me unload my other delivery for this one. I was already getting out of the gate when they told me to turn around."

"That sucks."

"You tell me."

The men Dom brought with him dutifully unloaded the delivery while the two stepped out of the way. They stood and watched the men carry the never ending parade of windows and doors.

"So what you got here?" Carson asked.

"Custom house," Dom replied.

"That's a house. That looks more like a castle." Carson amazed by the enormity of the structure being built.

"Well, some people find money underneath their bed."

"What the owner does for a living?"

"He's a banker, I think. He made lot's of money with Internet stocks."

"That's the future my friend."

"Is that why you seemed to be busy with your website?"

"You've been checking it out? Are you a fan now?"

"Shit no. Why would I like reading about you choking your chicken?"

"Some people like it," Carson said dejected a little.

"Seriously, you might be able to make some money out of it. I think you found a niche market. You just didn't recognize it."

"You sounded so certain about."

"I've picked out quite a few tricks while living out West."

"Are you sure just few tricks?"

Dom grinned and said slipping a tidbit of his former life, "Maybe first hand knowledge."

"Care to elaborate," Carson asked inquisitively.

"Ooops, they're done," Dom mentioned when he saw the men unloading the last piece.

"C'mon, what did you do?"

"Maybe next time," Dom shouted as he followed his men back inside.

"I'm dropping by the bar after work," Carson shouted back.

"I'll be there," Dom responded and waved goodbye.

Dom rummaged through his closet looking for something to wear. Laundry day had been delayed again for the second or third time. His work clothes would have been fine, but the sudden rain caught them off guard outside at work. An old shirt with a faded sign should do for now. Dom drove to his watering hole for a few drink before calling it a day. Normally, he would be there before Carson, so it was a change of scene when he walked in and Carson was already sitting at their usual spot.

"Where have you been?" Carson asked as the other man sat next to him.

"I needed a change of clothes. We were soaked by the rain."

"That's what you get around here. Don't get fool by the sun."

"I know, right? You looked awfully cheerful today."

"What's wrong? A guy can't be happy once in a while."

"Nothing. You're one quite bubbly dude."

"So I checked out some bikes today. I think I know what I'm going to get."

"You keep telling me that. Why don't you just buy one? They are not that terribly expensive."

"I know but I decided to pay it in full."

"Bad credit?"

"Not anymore. Learned my lesson that's why if I can't pay for at least half the price, I don't buy things."

"I understand. I'm still paying for things that I don't have."

"Seems to be the story of us. Once we get out of the service, boom! We are suddenly in so much debt."

"I burnt through my savings so quickly by partying non-stop."

"Same here, I felt like I had some catching up to do."

For most them, life was just starting when they joined the force then they came out of it a man. With nothing but the camaraderie of other men, many found it difficult to transition back into regular civilian life. Most specially, the trappings of having more time to enjoy themselves. A very structured life replaced by some sense of freedom. Freedom that often times could be very costly.

Carson sipped on his usual Jack and Coke before asking Dom, "So do you think I could make money from my website?"

"I think so."

"How do you go about it? What do I need to do?" Carson became more serious. He never thought of his endeavor other than a fun thing to do during his down time.

"You get your site registered with a payment company that handles sites like yours. They pretty much do most of the work and for a cut."

"Really? Can you help me set it up?"

"How much are you going to pay me?"

"I have a better offer, you can be my business partner."

"Why do you think I'll be interested telling other people about me spanking my monkey."

"I was just thinking about you handling the site, and I make sure to come up with the stuff. But if you wanna join in, be my guest. The more the merrier."

"Leave me out of it," Dom said brushing him off.

"Oh c'mon, it will be fun."

"I'll think about it."

As the night grew older with every glass they finished, their talk was relegated to another one of those what could have been. Carson sat on his leather computer chair getting ready to add more entries. He was surprised to see a new page that he hadn't seen before. It was asking for some credential of some sort. He was annoyed that he couldn't get in. He didn't remember adding one. His frustration was interrupted by his ringing phone. It was another week before Carson heard again from Dom.

"What's up?" he answered.

"You sound a little grampy today," Dom replied on the other end.

"Someone is messing around with website. I can't get in."

"Oh that."

"What do you mean 'oh that?'"

"I forgot to tell you. I registered it."

Carson still annoyed, "Registered for what?"

"The one we talked about last week."

He faced lit up some after hearing what friend was saying. "Idiot. You should have told me. I was about to smash my computer."

"Well, I'm not really sure if it's going to work or not."

"So how do I get in now?"

"Do you have a pen and paper handy. Here is the login and password."

"Wait a sec."

After some more exchanges of "what again" and "u-huhs," Carson was able to finally get in.

"Are you set?"

"Yeah, what about the visitors? How can they see my posts?"

"I'm going to rearrange some pages, so they can keep reading about you masturbating." Carson snickered from the other after hearing his friend's comment. "Think of something for the member's only. Make us some money."

"Got it. What do you think I should start it with?"

The two chatted more about their new venture. They both shared big ideas about it. Their small talk became something huge in their heads then small again then big again. It seemed that the prospect of their website was getting ahead of them. They just barely started, and all they could talk about was making it big. For the past few days, they were busy updating the site. Dom knew what he was doing, which piqued Carson, but even his curiosity had to be sidelined, they had a lot to do.

"What you got to start with?" Dom asked Carson who was standing behind him looking at what he was doing. Carson's basement became their temporary office.

"Maybe some kind of introduction," Carson said.

"That's not going to be enough," Dom told him.

"Maybe some pictures this time."

"That's a start. Just make sure you come up with something quickly."

"Maybe you can help," Carson suggested once again for Dom to join him.

This time Dom wasn't playing coy, "Hmmm, that might work."

"You think?"

"Why don't we post a sound clip talking about masturbation?"

"Are you saying record us jerking off?"

"No. . . " Dom paused then continued on, "Maybe. But I have better idea. We could source most of those from your listeners. There's a lot of people who are willing share if you just give them the opportunity."

"That's sneaky."

"It's called crowd sourced content."

"Well, I recorded myself last night."

"You did?"

Carson smiled then said, "Yeah, the last few minutes. I don't know what to do with it though."

"Where is at? Let me make a copy. I can convert it using my computer."

"It's on the computer."

Dom popped in a recordable CD and waited for the copy to finish. "I pretty much have everything setup, but I think we need a different title."

"Jerk-off Buddies," Carson said. It must been on his mind from the start.

"We need a little more generic than that, or else, they might expect only us jerking off."

"So you are not opposed to contributing?"

"Well, I'm not. Who doesn't like masturbating? What about Masturbation Radio?" Dom suggested.

"But we are not a radio."

"They call it creative license. Ha-ha."

"Damn, you seemed to know a lot of things. What you've been doing before?"

"That might be a topic for later episodes," Dom segued himself out of his friend's question. That's when M-Radio was born. A serendipitous dream that was form out of helping Carson. "Well, it's getting late. I'm going to convert this, so you can upload it later," Dom said talking about the sound clip.

When he got home, Dom fired up his computer to start the conversion. The raw format was a big file by the look of it, and it would take some time. He wasn't really quite why, but he set his program to be able to hear what was being converted. Maybe he was just as curious as anyone who had the chance hearing someone else as he went about squeezing that juice out from his loin. It started with a long "oh, yeah" then some moaning. For the most part, it was normal as it could be. He let it played on and found himself with his pants down to his ankles. Laying by the foot of his bed with his legs dangling, he matched the sloppy sound Carson's was making as he stroke his manhood. He broke a smile when he started imagining how Carson looked like. There was no reason to stop what he was doing. He crawled up his bed towards one of his night stand and took the bottle of lube out from the drawer. He already applied it on his right hand when he noticed he was still wearing his work boots. He shrugged his shoulders and carefully pulled his feet to part his knees. He fiddled with the hair just below his navel. He inspected his ample sacs with his left hand, massaging them a little. He had neglected trimming himself. He'd kept himself bare for the longest time. It's been quite a while the last time he needed to tend it. Carson became more verbal, trying to put on a show.

"Damn, this feels so good. I'm leaking good too," the recording said.

Dom squeezed the head of his cock to check if he was too. With his finger, he dubbed on it before spreading it on the head of his cock.

"Never gets old, I tell you," it followed. Carson said more tidbits about what he was doing before urge to moan overcame him. Minutes passed and Carson signaled his impending release. He was grunting loud with every spasm still putting on a show. "What a mess. I guess that's a wrap," Carson said.

Dom looked down to see two streams of bodily fluid on his own stomach. Some even made it to his shirt that he pulled up just above his chest. More dripped down by his belly button. With his shirt already stained, he took it off and used it to wipe himself. He jumped out of his bed with his legs still constricted by his pants. After pulling them up, he went back to his computer and finished converting the file.

It was several days before they met up for drink in their watering hole. Carson showed up in his uniform like he always. Dom was sitting by the far end of the bar already had an almost empty glass in his hand.

"What's up?" Carson said as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Did you wash your hand?" Dom joked before extending his own hand.

It didn't take before the bartender offered him his usual drink. The same group of younger kids occupy the other end of the bar area close to the door. The older regulars were also on one of the tables, reminiscing about the days gone by.

Carson was a little puzzled and said, "What's wrong with my hand?"

"Never mind," Dom responded when his friend didn't get his reference about his proclivity to masturbate.

"Were you able to convert the file?"

"Yeah, I have it in my car."

"Cool. I can't wait to upload it. I'm getting a lot of emails about the membership."

"That's good. Anyone signed up?"

"No. Just emails asking me about what it supposed to be."

"Well, maybe you can entice them with your sound clip."

Carson ran his hands over his head, feeling his short hair. He smiled. For some reason, he was slightly embarrass with the recording he made.

Dom easily picked up on it, "Why you? LOL, you've been writing about it endlessly and you are feeling embarrassed."

"It just sounds funny for some reason."

Dom sipped on his glass before saying, "It might just work."

"You think."

"I'll tell you a secret." Dom leaned closer and whispered, "It got me rubbing one out just by listening."

"Was it a good one?"

"Like you said at the end, messy."

"So are you open to contributing one?"

Dom playing coy said, "Maybe." He knew that if their venture takes off, he had to anyways. "Let's record something less scandalous."

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"You might need to introduce me to your readers."

"That's great idea. Maybe you can give an interview or something."

"Cool, I'll try to be interesting."

Now that things were rolling, they sat silently and watched the game on television, nursing on their glasses until the next ones were handed to them.



Good day sunny state! This is your humble host Carson. Welcome to the inaugural launch of the M-Radio, M for masturbation. That's right folks, we'll be talking about the our most favorite and treasured pastime, and anything related to it. And there is better way to get your fix from an avid practitioner. But before I go further, I have a pleasant surprise for you. Someone else is joining the team. Without further adieu, I want to introduce to you the new member of the team, my buddy, Dom. Say hi to our listeners.




[Laughter] You're supposed to say more than that.


Hi folks, I'm Dominic. You can call me Dom. I'm happy to join the team. I hope we all have a fun time.


Are you up for the job?


Oh, I'm very qualified.


How qualified are you?


About four times a week qualified and more.


That doesn't so unusual. I sometimes do it twice in a day, and what do you mean "and more?"


That will be for another time. Let's just say it is interesting.


Inside Carson's basement the sound of laughter could be heard. They found what they were doing somewhat uncomfortably funny. Playing pretend was harder than expected.

"I really have nothing beyond that," Carson revealed.

"Neither do I. You didn't think about it? It's your show," Dom replied.

"What do you mean my show? You're in it now."

"LOL, you haven't posted it yet."

"Too late, I already told them about you with the last post I made. What about some background info?"



OK then. Why don't you tell us little things about yourself. Where are you from?


I'm from the Mid-west, corn fed. Just your regular farm boy.


I heard you were in the Marines.


You got that right, Semper Fi! Three tours of duty and still alive.


Good to hear, buddy. So you are from the Mid-west. I just got to ask. Do you like corn hauling?


LOL, I get that a lot when I tell people where I came from. It seems that people equate the Mid-West with corn. We plant some other stuff.


OK then, you're a follow wanker. Check!


That's not a very unique qualification.


True, it's good to know you are practicing what you are going preach. . . . So let's get something more personal. When did you lose your virginity?


I was fourteen.


Wow, that young. You had an early start. It must have just a few months the first time you had an ejaculation. You didn't shoot blanks, did you?


LOL, that's funny. When did you?


Sixteen. Prom night.


With your prom date?


No, with her best friend.

[Laughter from both of the men]

Enough about me. They probably already know way too much. How did that come about?


She's my babysitter.


For real?


Yeah. She's my older sister's friend actually. She used to babysit me and my little sister when my parents went out for the night.


You made a move on her immediately after hitting puberty, huh?


You can say that. What can I say? I couldn't hide my erection around her.



I hope you lasted more than a minute.


You have to give me more credit than that. I'll say maybe ten minutes. LOL. Shoot, I don't remember. All I knew was we had to do it quick before my folks show up. We didn't even get naked. What a bummer.


It could never compare to jerking off once you had the taste of sex.


I wouldn't say that. I probably jacked off more after losing my virginity.


Nah, at that age, everybody does. It's like a new toy. You can keep playing with it, and it never gets old. So where is your favorite place to whip that thing out and spank it?


And you never stop.


Got that right. Who does anyways? So do you a special place behind the barn?


No need. My bedroom served its purpose for that.


Nobody interrupted you? I had a hard time finding my own time even in my own bedroom. Not until, my dad suggested for me to take the extra room in the basement.


Sounds like your dad is very accommodating.


He sure was.




He passed away just a year ago. Lung cancer.


I'm sorry to hear that.


It was no surprise. He was a chain smoker. Well, let's not be a downer to our listeners. So what are you saying about your bedroom as your personal heaven.


Like I said, I'm a farm boy. Early to rise. Early to bed. So cranking my shaft was not a problem. And when the sudden hormonal urge kicked in during the day that's when the pile of hay bale in the barn gets to see some action.




Why are you laughing"


Why for some reason hearing the word farm Crisco came into my head.


I wouldn't say, I didn't try.


I hope you mean cooking, right?


Yeah, cooking sausage and eggs. It has some funny after smell. Hard to clean too.


Ha-ha. Never tried myself, but I'll take your word for it.


Well, a guy got to do what he got to do.


I assume you are cut?


I am.


I am too. Huge? If I may ask.


Straight to the point there body.


They probably will be glad to know. It's easier in the imagination.


I don't know. I have not measured mine. I wouldn't say big. Maybe seven and a half hard. A little on the thicker side I guess.


Hmm, good lookin' and above average dick, nothing to complain about.


Who says I'm complaining? I'm not.


A little enthusiasm might help.


LOL, I've read some of your posts, and you're not the one to shy away bragging about yours.


It's what I've got. And I'm happy with it.


Carson checked the recording. "Do you think that's enough?"

"It's a little short," Dom replied.

"I know, but the file is big. We don't have much storage."

"Once we convert it to MP3, it will be smaller."

They sat on the chairs staring on the spinning circle as the computer screen slowly converted the file. Dominic sat the chair backwards. Carson leaned on his computer monitor excited. He couldn't wait for the conversion to finish.

"Do you think this will work?" Carson asked his friend who was also excited of the measly recording they produced.

"I don't know. Maybe." Dom also contemplated on it. It's just a gamble, but everyday, he was starting to think more of of it. In his mind, it might just work. Who knew where their creation will take them.

Next: Chapter 37: M Radio 4

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