Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Feb 9, 2017


Blissful Paradise (M-Radio)

Let's Get It On by Max Millan

Dom glistened from the sweat slowly dripping between his muscular chest. He braced himself on the back of the couch. It was going in easier now. The pain of the initial entry had long passed and only the feeling of tightness remained. His eyes slightly closed and breathing through his mouth. The heavy breathing was punctuated by occasional grunts. He looked down at the two big hands grabbing the side of his waist controlling the rhythm. The burning feeling crept into his big round thighs. The burly man was supported by the equally thickset man slump down the couch. He massaged his thighs trying to relieve it.

"Need a break?" Carson asked him.

"Yeah, It's been a while since I had to bend my legs that much."

"It was your choice. You said it would be easier for you," Carson said and laughed.

Dom seeing his friend laughing sort of took out the heat of the moment and stepped out from straddling him. He laid along the couch to catch his breath. Carson stood up to get out of his way and walked to kitchen. The sound of the flicking rubber echoed as he snatched the condom off his still hard cock then it was followed by the trash can lid opening and closing.

Carson opened his fridge and leaned with his right hand over the top of the fridge's door. The light coming from inside the fridge spread out outlining his lower body, and the roundness of his smooth behind was gloriously on display for his friend to lust over if Dom was looking. After moving some of the left over out of the way he found what he was looking for.

"Hey, I still have a six pack lying around. You want some?" Carson shouted from the kitchen.

"I wouldn't mind having one or two," Dom accepted.

Carson came back to Dom who was still laying on the couch. Dom grinned at his friend who was holding two bottles of beer. Carson, on one end of the couch, stared at him grinning back. His once raging manhood was now hanging freely between his legs that swung ever slightly when he moved. The man lying down could not help but checked out his friend who was unconsciously displaying his body. His legs parted and biceps flexed as he held bottles of beer closed to his chest.

Carson was a man of average height. He stood about five foot eleven inches. Although not barrel chested his he looked round and sturdy with wide shoulders and strong chest. His arms were not muscular but still look strong. He would have been your regular looking blue collar man toned by hard work and manual labor if not for his thighs and well developed calves sculpted by long hours of walking and lifting his designated haul. He often joked that his legs were like tree trunks. His wrist was thick and hand that looked like they could crush you by a mere handshake was made to look stronger by the veins on its back. His whole frame was of a wide strong man who's been primed by back breaking labor but who would not turn down slices of pizza. His square shaped face with round chin hid behind the half cheek stubble of blonde hair with small ears that lay close to the side of his head. The side and back of his head revealed by the high and tight haircut that he wore were still whiter than his skin. His smiles were naughty like a boy. Those green glassy eyes and upturned nose made him looked like your buddy from next door.

"What are you looking at? Here," Carson cut him off from his silent admiration.

Dom sat up to reach for the bottle of beer he was offered while Carson went straight to his recliner. He brought one leg up while nursing his beer to make sure that his friend could see him and full view. Dom picked up on it and returned the favored by leaning back and spreading his legs to make himself as open as possible.

They've seen each other naked many times and directed one other when they recorded their masturbation sound clips. The last one was them jerking off side by side on the same couch. This was the first time they went far. And farther they went. A chance question from one of their listeners had clicked something in them. Six months was already gone since they started the broadcast of their internet radio. A fan wanted to know if they had done it with each other. They answered no, but the shared giggling inside their rented studio revealed what they had been missing.

"That was unexpected," Carson said.

"What was?" Dom replied.

"You, receiving. I thought you're gonna ask for mine first."

"Ha-ha, I'm not as green as you might think, although, it's been really a long time."

"How long?"

"Maybe three years."

"That long without sex?"

"Hell no, that long the last time I let someone in there."

"Got it."

"How about you?"

"It's been months for me too, . . . maybe six or seven months. My buddy Hunter dropped by."

"Really? How come you didn't tell me?"

"He was just here for a day. Business trip he said."

"So, who was the lucky guy who popped your cherry?" Carson returning back the conversation and continued his inquiry. He's quite curious. They've been hanging out for sometime now but he still hardly knew anything about him except for his own stories while he was serving.

"Let me think."

"LOL, you couldn't even remember."

"Shut up! I'm trying to think of his name," Dom paused and then blurted the name of the person who made crossed the line, "Shawn. Yeah Shawn. I was drunk that night." Dom once more paused and in deep thought trying to recall that fateful night. "Damn. If you think we're both big guys. You'll look like a kid next to him."

"Big dick?" Carson interjected.

"No! He is big. I mean yeah, a really thick eight incher he got. That dude, I tell you, was as wide as a door," Dom recalled with his hand gesturing the size of the man.

"You're the last one I would guess to be a chubby chaser," Carson joked.

"You're making it sound like it's a bad thing. Some men can carry those wait nicely," Dom replied while running his hands through his mid-section. "No, the guy was a college linebacker, or a defensive end. I can't remember now. He was like six-four." Dom stood up with his hand showing how tall the man was compared to him.

"Some of those bastards could be big," Carson said. "Did you get man-handled?" he continued teasing his friend.

"No, he was actually quite accommodating, took me a while to get him inside me. Damn, I was so cocky that I could take him, so I had to man up."

"Ha ha. Must have hurt after."

"Alcohol saved me that night. All I know was the feeling on being opened up wide."

"Loved it ever since?"

"I wouldn't say that, but considered it a lot."

"How come?"

"I dunno. I'm a little picky I guess."

"So how did it come about?"

"It was one summer. We just checked in to a roach motel from our trip out West for the night. We had a long drive back to our base. Damn, I remember that it was so hot. The air-condition in the car was about to give up. There was a bar close by walking distance from the motel, so we decided to hang out there for bit. On our way out, we heard a raucous by the laundramat."

"LOL, you picked up someone doing laundry," Carson interjected.

"Well not exactly but I sorta did later." Dom chuckled naughtily. "So we checked what was going on. Some college kids teasing someone about his extra smelly socks. We struck a quick conversation and told them we were to the bar. They could join us if they want to," Dom continued on like it happened just yesterday as he vividly recalled the night he went over the line.

"I walked into, together with my buddies, Sawyer and Tom. It was fairly small and a little too dark inside and was very outdated like time had forgotten. Looking around the place, it might have been there since the sixties. On one of the corners close to the door on the opposite end of the bar was a jukebox. The bar area that spanned the whole length of the building was sparsely occupied. There was a young couple with their hands all over each other. Those two should just get a room. I told you. Then there was a middle-aged couple cursing at the television. I think they were gambling. Three old timers exchanging stories about Vietnam. And two guys still wearing their shipping uniform stared at us like they were undressing us."

"What, their tongue out salivating?" Carson interjected again.

"No, but one was licking his lips and gave us a wink. Nothing much to do but play some pool. We took over the pool area. The lady behind the bar was happy to see us. She said the bar was slow and was glad to see new faces. Sawyer won most the games, so I let him and Tom play each other. I quit. Then sometime later that night, I saw the three college kids walked in. Apparently, they were there also to get some sleep after a long drive. Tom shouted for them to join us by the pool table."

"Who were with you?" Carson asked.

"Tom introduced us. He's a corporal in the Navy. Sawyer was my barracks mate in the Marines. We're from a joint base. Our new friends introduced themselves, Matt, Shawn and Joe. Joe was our height, well-built. Matt and Shawn were varsity football players, huge guys. They joined us playing pool. Sawyer and Tom were and little cocky until the guy named Joe took the table. I remember Tom and Sawyer asking the bartender for change the whole time. They probably spent ten bucks trying to take Joe out from the table. He was quite good. I intentionally sidelined myself, their buddy, Shawn, had the same idea. It would be futile to compete against Joe. Shawn and I were standing by the opening at end of the bar leading to the kitchen to out of way. The pool area was a tad bit small. Shawn was the most outgoing out of the three. He joked a lot. I learned that driving back from a long trip of their own, and Joe was in the ROTC to be a Marine officer."

"I never had a road-trip before?" Carson said.

"Oh, they were pretty much just driving around."

"That sounds fun."

"I bet, it would be fun just to go places."

"What were you doing out West anyways?"

"Trying to earn quick bucks."

"Whoring yourselves?" Carson joked.

"Close. We did some male modeling work," Dom laughed a little when said it. It's a code word for those who were familiar with the porn industry.

"You did? How much they paid you?"

"Good enough, I guess. We're not really sure how much you we get paid anyways."

"What did you have to do?"

"Well, we had a three way jerk-off on a small couch while they were doing some sort of interview. The camera guy slash director offered some money if we do something special."

"I figured. Those people are good sweet talking you to doing pretty much anything," Carson commented.

"I know."

"What do you have to do?"

"So camera guy had me moved to a bedroom. We were shooting in a house. I think it's the guy's actual house by the look of it. I was laying on the bed when he threw some stuff between my legs."

"What were they?" Carson asked.

"Dildos. I was like, hell no in my head, even my own fingers never ventured in that area. He said, try the slender blue one first to see how it feels. I was telling myself, it's not gonna happen, but I was looking and applying lube all over it. No harm knowing how it feels like. He set the camera at the end of the bed when he saw me aiming it to my asshole. It felt funny feeling something going in the opposite direction. I had some appreciation on how strong our muscles in there. It was so slick but I was having trouble pushing it deeper. The guy threw a tube, he said to try it then give it a go again after five minutes."

"The magic ointment. I used one before," Carson said laughing.

"Yeah, damn, it made my ass relaxed and numb. I didn't know they make stuff just for that."


"So the guy left me on the bed when I finally able to insert the whole thing to check on Tom and Sawyer who were still on the couch. He said to just vocalize it when I felt the tightness. So I decided to put on a little show for the camera. Not long after, I was trying out a medium size dildo."

"Felt good?" he friend butted in.

"Not so sure, but I was feeling more adventurous."


"I know. It was crazy after discovering that area was something you can play with."

"Did you try going for something bigger?"

"I did try to use a one that looked like a real dick. That was a challenge. I was poking myself when the guy came back. He said, Tom and Sawyer are going at it hard."

Carson was extra curious, "you mean someone was getting pounded hard?"

"Tom was."

"You weren't surprised one bit?"

"Oh, I know Sawyer will swing that way from time to time long before we became roommates. I was actually more surprise when I learned that he was banging Tom. I thought he was just hanging out with us. Tom was your standard man's man, gym rat, very athletic. One time, I went home. Sawyer and Tom were by the porch. Tom was someone you will not catch with one misplaced crease on his uniform. But that late afternoon, I told you, his white tops was ruffled and soiled somewhat."

"He got some action from Sawyer?"

"Action he got. Sawyer told me he was extra horny after work, so he picked up our buddy Tom. They never made it to the bedroom and had him right there on the living room floor still in uniform. That's when Sawyer told me that they were doing it before he even started hanging out with us."

"Wow," Carson said.

"I know. Sawyer was actually affront about it when we first met. He made a passing remark about 'that guy can bend me over whenever he wants' while we were watching a game, talking about his favorite quarterback after making a good play."

"What did you say?"

"I said, 'I know you will' jokingly. He smiled and sipped on his beer and said, 'I would in a heartbeat.' Then he winked at me. For some reason, it didn't bother me much. Then he became one of my regular people I go out with in the base."

"Have you done it with Sawyer?"

"Not really, the closest thing we did was jerked off watching porn. We had porn TV subscription, so it's not uncommon to see us jerk one out."

"Not even a handjob?"


"So you actually went from zero to sixty?"

"Ha ha, you can say that," Dom was also amused of what he had gone through in a short span of time that summer.

Dom continued on with his story picking up where he left off. "So the guy came in, right, and saw me about to try out one of the realistic dildos, maybe a seven incher. He said it was so hot seeing me try it and asked if he could do it for me. I said go ahead, so pulled the back of my knees as close as possible to my chest. I felt him lubing up my behind then he gently poked on the hole with the head of the dildo just ever slightly putting pressure on. I think he knew when I was relaxed because I tell he was timing it. He would stop pushing when my ass tightened then pushed some more. When the head got in, damn, I was painful but felt nice at the same time. I might have passed out in between because when I came to, he said 'all in buddy, good job.'"

"LOL, I couldn't believe you took it the first time. I remember spending long showers loosening mine up," Carson revealing one of his shower preoccupations.

"Damn, I know. I guess my dignity has a price."

"Cheap too."

"Not that cheap, at least couple of of hundreds. Well that was the easy part. He asked me if I could shoot with my ass stuffed like that. I somehow managed it. Damn, I was walking funny after the shoot. I joined Sawyer and Tom in an open shower. I guess it was part of the shoot. Then the guy took us out that night taking some pictures of us."

"Oh shit," Dom blurted out and Carson was grinning.

"Shawn asked the same question and we all just chuckled instead of answering. I told Shawn we did some modeling and he took it like it was a joke, so stopped asking question. Matt, Tom and Sawyer needed a break from their frustration, so they asked me to play a game. I got so close to beating Joe, but I sunk the 8-ball too early. On my way back, Shawn was leaning on the bar. His arms on the bar clutching his bottle of beer with one leg bent by the side of the bar, and the other stretched out. He's probably relieving his tired legs from the long car ride. He was wearing basketball shorts, so there was no escaping what he was displaying when he switched to stretching his other leg. He filled those shorts amply. He was showing, so I looked. I think he saw me looking because he grinned wide without looking at me when I approached to take my spot back. He just stepped back and stood closer to the bar edge trying to hide what his packing from view."

"I have the same problem with my uniform. The front folds some as if I have a constant boner," Carson said commenting about his work shorts.

"It wasn't long before the beer that had been accumulating in our stomach started pushing on our bladders. It so funny when it happened, it's contagious. One by one, we made our way to the restroom I was the last one. Matt and Shawn joked about our weak bladders. But even them succumbed to it. I saw Shawn walked in and took the other urinal. He was like 'what's up?' I'm not sure what to make of it so I just said, 'your friend Joe can play.' Did you see that last shot? It was crazy. He replied, 'I know, I couldn't believe he made it.' Shawn stared at the wall and fished his dick out through the leg of his shorts. I didn't know if it was on purpose. Being several inches shorter than him, I could easily see him. I said, 'Good view' on my way out, and was surprise when he responded, 'Do you like the view?' I sort of fluttered, so I just walked of the restroom. Shawn slowly closed the door behind him. I was back in my spot by the end of the bar. He looked at my direction. I gave him a quick wide grin flashing my pearly whites. He just smiled back.

The pool table was still busy with Sawyer now taking on Joe. Shawn sat on the seat by the end of the bar close to where he used to stand. I didn't know what went into my head, but I told him we are having after hours in our hotel room. Shawn swung the chair to face me asking if it would more drinking. 'Pretty much,' I said. We bought quite few bottles of vodka, rum and beer before checking in to the hotel. I think he already figured out that I was checking him out and was happy to show. He relaxed a little bit on his seat. He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest then parted his legs enough that his bulge was more noticeable. He was going commando and he was stretching his soft satin shorts that I could even trace the shape of his dick and big balls. I gave him another grin then looked down between his legs, which he replied with his own."

"Damn, he was game?" Carson interrupted.

"Sure he was. I think I was the one who slowly got there. I invited them maybe expecting something."

"Expecting, getting' sumptin' sumptin'?"

"Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking."

Matt and Joe went back to the motel to pick up their laundry then joined us later. Shawn went with us. The place was pretty desolate, so it was very quiet and very still. Crickets from the marshland behind the building gave us company. Well, and the two truckers that we saw in the bar. They were standing by the side of one of the buildings. Tom thought that they were spying on us. Joe joked that they were probably cruising. To bad for them, I had another plan. LOL. Shawn even butted in telling me that they probably want to suck on my dick, which his friends immediately recalled that Shawn had cruising experience of his own. In the first rest area where they stopped for the night, he got a very interesting proposition from a trucker too. They said the trucker was very direct. The guy was looking at Shawn's dick while he was peeing then invited him to his rig. That was hilarious. All Shawn all could do was to give his friends the double middle fingers.

By three o'clock, we were starting to feel stupid drunk that me, Sawyer and Joe had a streaking competition through the walkway. Tom joined our nakedness, always happy to show off his ripped body.

Tom issued a fall in line command and Joe ,Sawyer and I rushed to form a plank and stood in attention arm-length away. Matt and Shawn leaning by the metal railing watched our impromptu military drill. Sawyer tripped. It was a three naked men pile up."

With his usual interruptions, Carson asked, "You guys drunk outside naked?"

"Yeah, we stayed outside naked. If people were to pull in, they would not miss our display of manliness. Those two truckers were probably having one hell of a jerk off session peeking through their window . . . not that I mind."

"What? You like people looking at you?"

"Let's just say I find it titillating that I can give grown men a rise."



"So what happened next?"

"Well, we stayed outside for a bit like I said. Good thing the motel was slow. The Joe had to cut his adventure for the night. He said his body was beginning to shutdown. The long drive had finally took a toll on him. Joe fetched his clothes and told Matt and Shawn that he was turning in for the night. Matt and Shawn stayed with us. I guess their big bodies could tolerate more alcohol while us just had more practice. They were leaning by the railing with making sure their bottle of beer was constantly replenished. I was standing by the door talking to them. Neither one of them were showing slight embarrassment talking to someone with his dong hanging in front of them. Damn, I was even sporting a semi-hardon. Shawn took the last swig from his bottle and I had to step back when he went inside to fetch some more. Sawyer and Tom also went inside to mix some drinks. A few minutes later, I felt the warmth of human body behind me. It must be Shawn because I could tell from Matt's naughty smile. They were having a silent conversation over me, literally over me. I felt Shawn bumping me from behind before saying, 'Excuse me,' then tapped on my shoulder to get through.

Tom from inside the room asked Matt, 'Want something stronger?' We have some soda. If you want to mix it up.' Matt accepted the invitation and the three them were off mixing their alcoholic concoction. Shawn went leaning by the rail with his legs wide apart stretching his shorts over the bulge forming inside his shorts. He was displaying himself like before. And I looked shamelessly. I don't know what went through my head. All I knew was his showmanship was taking effect on me.

I turned around to look at Sawyer, Tom and Matt and said some lame joke about how they eager to finish every bottle of alcohol available. I gave Shawn a wink and asked, 'How the view from there?'

'Very nice,' he said. I walked closer to him my behind was brushing on his bulging groin.

'Be careful. That's a fat one,' he joked.


'You can find out yourself,' he suggested.

I reached and felt him and asked him, 'How big of a trouble I'm in?'

'About eight and a half inches.'

Things finally unrolled when I said that I could take him.

He must had recalled own conversation from earlier because he asked, 'What exactly the kind of modeling did you guys do?'

'The naked kind,' I told spilled. My inhibition had been long ago. It was a trend in the porn industry to recruit servicemen who wanted to earn quick money.

He might be looking forward to it too because he got a little more inquisitive about my buddies being there. 'What about your buddies?,' he asked.

I told him, 'Those two will go at it before the night is over. What about your friend Matt?'

He made some assurance. 'No worries, he knows me very well.' He shouted at his friend, 'Matt, isn't that right?'

Matt looked at him and knew exactly what was going on. He just shook his head when he saw me standing close to his friend who had his hands holding my waist. Matt flicked his hand as if to say 'Do whatever you want.'

'So it's on, big guy?'

'You bet,' Shawn said and slapped my ass before I stepped away from him when everyone from inside started making their way out.

'Don't get too carried away. You're on driving duty tomorrow,' Matt told Shawn. Matt sensed where the party was headed and told everyone he was turning in too after his glass. I think the motel had the same thing in mind that one of the flickering lights went out. We got busy. Like I said my buddies went right into it right after the door closed. The bed creaked when they fell together on the bed. Sawyer, with his pale white skin, lay on his back with one arm wrapped around holding the back of Tom's head, who was giving him pecks on his neck. Tom, on his side, stroked Sawyer's cock to attention. When his erection was to his liking, he turned to his face and met Tom's lips with his then his hand easily found the muscular man's waiting cock. They made out while they stroked each other. I think the two were more than buddies by the way they went about it. They were making love.

I sat by the foot of the other bed. Shawn wasted no time to also start. He stood in front of me and what was just a bulge between his legs was now a tent. I pulled down on the waistband of his short to free him. Well, there was no turning back. I wrapped my hand around it and started stroking. 'Damn, you weren't kidding when you said it's fat,' I told him. He grinned wide when I aimed it to my mouth. The tip of his dick was leaking already, and I licked the salty clear fluid off it. I had not tried going down on someone before. He knew that he would be the first, and he would be a challenge. Getting in the head was no problem but taking more in was. He held onto my head and helped m out a bit by pushing himself in ever slightly whenever I went down on him. I immediately gagged when the head of his cock hit the roof on my mouth.

'Damn, it's fat,' I said while going up for some air.

'You're doing good,' he encouraged me while taking off his shirt.

I inspected his member lifting it up to his stomach to get a better look at it. He was uncut. I flicked my tongue over the pink skin of his unrolled foreskin. Shawn moaned. I opened my mouth and guided it back in.

He said, 'Feels good.' Shawn said. He was probably just being nice.

I looked at him, and he smiled back. I took whatever I could with one hand synchronously going up and down by the base of his cock. I increased my pace a little. My lips felt numb being stretched that long. I pulled his shorts down to the floor and he stepped out of it. He lifted me by my underarms telling me to climb up to the middle of the bed. 'My turn,' he said.

I placed two pillows to propped myself up and watched Shawn crawled from the foot of the bed. Even with the amount of alcohol in my blood, my cock responded to his teasing. 'Oh, shit,' I exclaimed when Shawn took all of it inside his mouth on his first go. You can tell that I'm no slouch in that area, but he took in seven and a half inches of manly goodness with no problem. He was experienced and knew what he was doing. He rubbed my balls while going down on me. I wasn't really expecting anything from Shawn. I had no problems if he just wanted to use me. I wonder if I was really just waiting for that moment. All I wanted was to get him in bed and satisfied my fantasy. He fancied a big man taking him to town. I became more relax and hold onto his shoulder squeezing the muscles right below his thick neck. He was doing wonders on my cock that I almost forgot that we had company.

'Stick it in me,' Tom, on all four, told Sawyer who was slowly pushing his cock in him. With that, Sawyer slammed the last few inches. A sharp grunt came out of Tom's mouth, and the muscles of his arms tensed as he crumpled the bed sheet in his hand.

'Is that what you want?' Sawyer told him.

'Yeah,' Tom replied.

'What a sweet ass,' Sawyer told the panting man. It was an interesting sight to see the stronger looking man begging for his friend's cock.

Seeing where the other men in their joust, Shawn begun to play with the entrance of my hole with his middle finger. I grabbed a tube of lubrication on the side table. On it were packets of condoms in full view with two or three empty wrappers. Shawn squeezed a few drops on my shaft and spread it all over until his hand was gliding smoothly along the full length of my hard cock. A little more dub on his fingers, and I felt the cold slick lube being applied around my hole. With his right hand, he continue stroking me while his other hand was testing my experience. His middle finger went deeper this time. It felt good that I let out a soft moan. He held his finger to get me used to it then I felt his warm mouth on my stiffness. He was experienced in handling one, not that I care, but the thought of this big man between my legs, getting it on with another grown man, was a big turn on. His finger started to slide in and out of my well lubed hole. He looked up and gave me a wide grin then I felt another finger stretching me. It's an understatement to say just two fingers. Shawn was a man with matching big hands and thick round fingers to go with his physique. He let me get used to it again while he nursed my stiffness until I my natural relax to clench faded away. He looked at me again and gave me the same naughty grin. I knew what he was thinking, he wanted to push me farther by adding another finger, I had to stop him. I knew it won't be easy, but I had this thought at the back head about experiencing the sensation of being penetrated for the first time by the real thing. He sat up and his fingers moved faster, twisting it as he went in and out. I begun to grunt, and when my grunting turned to soft moan after getting used to the sensation, he asked, 'Ready?'

'Yeah,' I replied. I tossed him a condom from the stash. His cock needed some attention, so I lower myself in front of him almost knee-chest and gave the big man's cock one last taste. With a little bit of help, Shawn had his raging erection back. A flicking sound echoed inside the room as he fitted the thin rubber on him. He laid on the bed telling me to ride him. I applied a good amount of lubrication on Shawn's hard cock and a little more to my own hole before I mounted him. It took a few tries of his cock slipping out before I was able to insert the head. I let out a gasp. Shawn supported me with his hands, grabbing me by the waist. His legs parted apart bent on his knees with thighs brushing on my ass cheeks. I begun with a slow calculated grinding of my hips to slowly to ease more and more of the thick meat.

'Fuck, that's big,' I told him.

'Why? Having a second thought, soldier?' Shawn teased me.

I kept saying fuck for every progress I made in conquering his manhood. I said, 'I told you. I can take yah,' was my attempt to man up.

I leaned forward and rested my hands on his big chest. It's not all the way in but enough to ride it. I continued grinding my hips. The real things feels so much different from the dildos I tried during our my side work. The softness and hardness was just right. It took a little bit of threading carefully before I was able to move up and down in a good rhythm. It was a signal for Shawn to join in. He pushed up to meet my downward motion. Not long after, I stopped for a bit and found the courage to lower myself down his throbbing cock completely. It was painful at first, and Shawn grabbed onto my waist harder pushing me down. I cursed and cursed, but I had no choice but to wait for the pain to subside and replace by just the feeling of tightness. I let out a long 'aaah' when he pushed himself deeper until I could feel his sac bumping into my ass. He was balls in deep.

'Great job,' Shawn acknowledged my effort.

My sweat started flowing profusely. I wiped the some that were about to drip down my eyes. My arms lost a little bit of strength and slumped on Shawn's chest with my forearm preventing me from slumping any further. Shawn seeing me conquered on his chest, grabbed my ass cheeks and played with them spreading them apart before slowly thrusting up.

All I could say was fuck he got into the rhythm. Shawn increased the pace, which prompted me to sit up allowing him to bury more of him on every stroke. With the help of alcohol, I was able hold my own. I tried riding Shawn once again. This time feeling the full length of his cock.

'C'mon, soldier, ride that cock,' he kept telling me, which I obliged. I increased my pace. The bed creaked when Shawn joined in thrusting himself up to meet me. For a good while, there was no talk from both of us just the sloppy sound of his cock penetrating me intermingled with our sexual utterance. My legs begun to strain. Shawn told me to lay on my side and he spooned me from behind.

Our neighbors, on the other hand, had a different plan. Sawyer was standing by the side of the bed facing us and holding Tom's legs up in the air. 'Stick your dick back in there buddy,' Tom coaxed him. Sawyer did and like before slammed the last few inches in him, which made Tom exclaimed another sharp grunt then Sawyer parted the man's legs and leaned forward holding his shoulders. With his buddy deeply inside him again, Tom wrapped his legs around the man on top of him. Sawyer begun his conquest again, and he looked at me and Shawn. He gave us a wink and plowed Tom to submission putting on a little bit of a show.

From behind me, I felt Shawn trying to enter me once more. I hooked one of my legs with my arm to let him in. The tightness was still there, but Shawn had no problem pushing in after adding more lube. Shawn reached around and found my cock that had already lost its hardness. He stroke it and responded with no problem. I hold onto his wrist when the he started thrusting. I was ready for it now that the once was an uncomfortable feeling of Shawn extra girth was replaced by pleasurable tightness. Shawn was also hitting the right spot with our new position. We watched Sawyer and Tom like a real life porn. Not that we needed more inspiration, but the sight of Sawyer manhandling the more muscular Tom was a treat on its own.

Shawn curled up his arm under mine resting his hand just below the base of my neck. I whimpered on his arm when he started thrusting harder. Then only the sound of sex emanated from both beds.

Sawyer had Tom again on all four by the edge of the bed. 'Damn, don't stop. You are going to make me cum,' Tom warned. The intense look on Sawyer face also showed his desire to unload his seed. Tom stroke himself and shot his load under him making a pool on the bed. Sawyer was not far behind. When he said he was ready, Tom slid out of the bed and kneeled on the floor with his mouth open and tongue sticking out asking for Sawyer to cum on his face. A few squirts splashed on his left cheek and forehead then more oozed out of Sawyer's cock landing on his waiting tongue. Tom finished Sawyer's orgasm in his mouth cleaning every drop of Sawyer's seed. They really went at it like there was no tomorrow, or they were just too drunk to care.

It's been fun, but all good things must come to an end. The sight of the two other men reaching their plateau was contagious. Shawn had me on my back with my legs placed on his shoulders. I knew that he was getting ready for his own release. I egged him, 'Give it to me big guy.' I could fell him slapping his dick on the lips of my man hole. And in one slow push, he was in me once again. It started slow but quickly gained speed. He was staring past me with his mouth open groaning his breath. The big man was on his own world now pounding me. Shawn pushed himself in deep on every stroke. With my legs still on his shoulder, he leaned forward to grab onto my shoulders bending my body forward and raising my ass for better shot at it. With full body thrusts rocking me back and forth, he edged ever closely to his release. It must have been his own way of showing off his large stature. I grunted while he moaned. Our combined sound of sex was drown out by the sound of skin hitting another skin as the urgency begun to peak. He sat up, held the lower part of my thighs and pulled me as close to him as possible. He never let up and continued on until the slapping sound ended with Shawn gasping for air on top of me. Damn, he was heavy. He lost some strength when his strong release came to pass. Once he regained his composure, he sat on his legs looking at me working for my own release. With Shawn still inside me, I stroke my cock until I spew streams of my load onto my stomach. He waited for me to calm down before pulling himself out.

'How was it?' he asked.

'Other than I might be sore for the next few days, it was amazing,' I told him.

He gave my ass as good slapped then made his way to the bathroom to flush the well filled condom that still on his cock. Sawyer and Tom were already on their way to a needed sleep, with Sawyer partly laying on top of Tom with their hands clasped together. It's not hard to tell that the two had something going on.

I told Shawn, "Thanks for the good time," as he picked his clothes up on the floor and put them back on.

"Oh shit," Dom blurted after finishing his story.

"That was hot," Carson said about his friend's story. "I'm so fucking hard right now," he added.

"I can tell," Dom replied.

Carson, who was between his friend's legs on the couch, pushed down on his friend's thighs bringing his feet up in the air, and he picked up on his slow pace that he was maintaining while Dom was telling him his story of crossing the line. By the middle of the story, Carson was so turned that he wanted his buddy again. He pulled Dom who was sitting on the coach until he was laying on it and legs on his shoulders. From there, he had no problem making his way back into Dom.

Dom was Carson size and height. They were almost like brothers from different mothers. He had broad round shouldered like him. His mid-section was showing a little neglect now being free from the constant physical training of military life but still tight from the muscle underneath it. Whatever was left with his high and tight black hair and the black brows lining his deep seated hazel eyes laid flat on his skin wet from the sweat he worked up. His straight understated nose was framed nicely with his squared jaws that were accentuated by neatly trimmed jaw line beard, and the matching fine lips cut through his mustache. Although his skin was fairly white, the slight olive tone of his shaved private region revealed the strong Italian blood that he inherited from his grandmother.

A few minutes passed, Carson was strutting naked by the kitchen to look for something to drink. Dom, who was putting on his socks, laughed when he scratched his behind. Carson came back with two bottles of beer and gave one to Dom. The other man stood up and finished tucking in his shirt before accepting the cold one.

"Where you up to now?" Carson asked.

"Nowhere but go home to my miserable apartment."

"I thought you are looking for a house."

"I do. Just can't the time."

"Well, I guess, see you next week then."

"Think of something to talk about. I don't have any idea in mind."

"Will do."

Dom finished the rest of his beer with one long swig before heading out.

Next: Chapter 36: M Radio 3

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