Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Nov 13, 2016


M-Radio Max Millan

One Fine Day

"Good morning, sunny state. I hope you are all doing mighty fine today. This is your host Carson, and the man under the desk at the moment is Dom," Carson blurted out through the microphone.

"Hey folks, this is Dom, the left-handed bandit. That last statement needs some clarification," Dom greeted the unseen audience.

"No need to explain," Carson cut him.

"Yes, if you only knew that certain plug goes to specific hole."

"That sounded more sexual than being under the desk."

"Remind me to label these cords for you. We've been doing this for almost year now, and you still don't know how to set things up. Folks, he doesn't even know if we are actually recording most of the time," Dom spoke to his own microphone to the unseen audience.

It was almost a year now when they started renting the radio studio for an hour each week. The loaner studio used to house a public-access radio show. The man running the show had long deserted the format for a more mainstream programming when he was offered a job by a local FM radio station. The studio had been sitting ideal, and the owner, who had no use for it, kept it open for extra cash. The good acoustic offered up and coming artists a place to record the album that would hopefully launch their career. But like the season of the year, they came and went. One day, they were all lining up for a spot, and some days, the place sits idly. So when the two approached the owner for a regularly scheduled recording, he was happy to let them have the studio even offering them a discount if they rent longer.

Tucked underneath a busy bakery above, the only sign of its existence was stairs leading down to the basement of a four story concrete building situated in an enclave of old looking buildings. Like many of its kind, the enclave used to be the heart of the area until it was swallowed up by the expanding city. The town with a big road cutting through it where cars flew by and connecting the town to the busier downtown had seen its share of decay and revival. It had became the surrogate place for people who were not too keen about hunting for parking spot downtown. The strip mall that was added nearby offered a less busier atmosphere, but it's far from being a slow town by the number of people walking the streets during the day and the non-stop honking of delivery trucks filling the shelves of stores, restaurants and bars lining the streets.

Thanks to the march of progress that place had changed, but it was far enough that it retained its own brand of politics. Just last year, there was a big fuzz about a new chain restaurant opening in what they considered the sacred historic area. After several lawsuits from influential people against the desecration, the company left empty-handed.

Under the bakery, Carson and Dom continued on with their recording for new contents to their online endeavour. What used to be Carson's personal website had generated quite a following. It wasn't after a chance encounter with Dom that the idea of creating the online radio show came to fruition. Carson worked as a delivery truck driver for a company that supplied materials to building contractors. After his stint in the army, he dreamed of buying a street bike, a crotch-rocket, and riding it on streets by a beach. A simple thing like that, almost a wimp, brought him to this sunnier state. Dom, on the other hand, took a detour out West before settling in the same city.

Dom stood outside wearing a white hard hat and a neon yellow vest waiting for the new delivery to come in. The frame of the building was all finished, and they were now ready to install the windows. Carson stepped out and shook the assistant foreman's hand. Dom, with his own history with the service, had help him found the job through an employment service offered by a nonprofit organization helping veterans when he decided to move. He needed a change when he saw his savings quickly drying out without anything to show.

"Are these the windows?" Dom asked Carson.

"Yes, they are. I will need two more trips though."

"Well, let's have these unloaded quickly then." Dom pointed where Carson should park his truck.

Dom went inside the building and called out some names. Not before long, four came out to help hauling the windows.

"Are you the big shot around here?" Carson told Dom as they watched the men emptied out the truck..

"I wouldn't say that. Let's just say a tad bit higher in the pecking order," Dom joked.

"How many of those can you put in? Just figuring out how long I have."

"Two hours give or take then we are ready for the next floor."


"No rush. We are ahead of schedule. It looks big, but it very standard."

"See you in two then."

The windows came up quickly with extra hands they found through a job contractor with some hiring practices that shouldn't be talked about. Carson drove in and parked his truck in the same spot. It still amazed him how quickly buildings were erected these days. Now pieces were assembled like a children's puzzle. The only thing that differed was the veneer selected by the owner. Even those came in standard sizes and pre-assembled. Sometimes the custom landscaping was trickier than finishing a building facade.

He came ahead of schedule and surveyed the building. The same four men came down and carried the windows out of the truck. With the windows he just delivered recently all already in place Carson told Dom, "You're making them work their ass off."

"I'm not," Dom replied.

"I thought I had plenty of time."

"We have quite a few people working inside. The boss wants this project done quickly."

With a little bit of sarcasm Carson responded, "No kiddin'."

"Yeah. He just broke ground with our next project, a custom house. The foreman is there that's why I'm in charge today."

Carson looked at his watch. "Well, do you still want the last set of windows delivered today?"

"You can probably deliver them first thing tomorrow. It is getting late besides we still need the opening downstairs cleared for now. It's easier to move some of the big pieces," the other man replied seeing that it's almost quitting time.

"I'm Carson by the way."

"I'm Dom. Nice to meet you," the other man said, and the two shook hands.

Dom rubbed the top of his head when he noticed the same short cropped and white side wall haircut that Carson was wearing.

"Army," Carson said picking up on the other man's gesture.

"Marine, here," Dom replied.

With just those few words, it felt like the two knew each other for a long time. Then a some more inquiries about where they had been specially what part of the forsaken desert they where deployed. Dom mentioned something funny and both laughed.

Their chat was cut short when one of the worker shouted as he jumped out of the ramp, "That's all of it."

"They are quick. Well I guess it's my cue to get going. See yah tomorrow maybe around nine."

"That sounds good."

Carson's day slowly wound down. All his deliveries that day where close by and still had some energy for a quick drink. He tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of his whistling. He hadn't decided if he should go downtown or had his drinks before bed closer to where he lived. The decision was quick when remembered that he was still in his company uniform. He shrugged his shoulder then drove out of the parking lot in his red pickup truck. Along the way just before the main business area of the town where he lived, he saw a bar that he hadn't been in. He saw a few pickups parked on the small parking lot in front, which piqued his interest. It must be some sort of a neighborhood bar. Most of the bars he frequents were your standard sports bar and grill where drinks were a little pricey. He liked a more upscale scene that were often well kept and avoid dive bars. But when he was out alone and just wanted a relatively slow place to pass his time, those same places that he preferred were sometimes a little too much.

He found a spot in between two older pickups that made his relatively new shiny red truck stood out. Carson open the door and the nice young lady behind the bar welcomed him in. Much of the occupants were sitting around one of the tables having good laugh oblivious to the new arrival. The group was mostly middle-aged guys probably having their fill before its time to go home and report to their respective wives. Carson around looked and found a spot at the farther end of the bar right next to an empty glass, thinking that who ever was there had already left. The other end close to the door that he would have preferred to sit at an unfamiliar place were a young couple sitting together with two of their friends. They sounded like high school friends having a night out.

Carson ordered a Jack and Coke when the bartender asked him for his choice of poison.

"Just got out of work?" the young lady asked him.

Carson looked down on his uniform and smiled before answering, "yeah."

"I haven't seen you guys for a while?"

Must be other people at work, Carson thought about the question.

"It's my first time here, so people at work frequent this place?"

"Wyatt and Rex group used to come here a lot. I wonder what happened to them."

"Oh, those peeps. Rex just got married and a baby on the way. Wyatt just got promoted, so he stays at the office late most of the time."

Suddenly, there was a movement by Carson's side. The person sitting in the spot with the empty glass apparently hadn't left.

"Another Jack and Coke?" the bartender asked the man who just approached.

"Good choice of drink," Carson commented.

"What brought you to my neck of the wood?" Dom said. He was still wearing his neon jacket. A few spots of paint left on his jeans and working boots showed his current profession.

"What the hell? It's you?" Carson said to his surprise.

"You know each other?" the bartender cut in.

"I deliver supplies where he works."

"What a small world after all." The bartender left them with a cliché when her attention was diverted to a man asking for another pitchers of beer. It was also her signal to ask if the younger group at the other end needed some more drink. She dutifully fetched bottles of beer for the alcohol thirsty crowd and proceeded to catch up on cleaning the glasses and pitchers by the sink.

"So you live around here?" Carson asked.

"Yeah, I'm boarding in someone's basement at the moment," Dom replied.

"I understand. It's pretty expensive around here."

"Yeah, even shit holes are expensive. How about you? You live around here too?"

"No. I'm still quite a way, about a twenty minute drive from here. It's the closest place I can find that I can afford to buy a house."

"I know, right? I traded one expensive place for another."

"How so?"

"I spent some of my time out West. It's not cheap there either."

"What brought you here?"

"Nothing really. Just a change of pace, I guess."

"So, you're new in town?"

"Yeah, going on three months."

"Well, welcome then buddy," Carson said as if he wasn't also a transplanted resident.

"Thank you," Dom replied and offered a toast.

The night went on with them exchanging some details about their days in the service, a continuation of their conversation that afternoon. Carson, with the new company, became unaware of the quickly. It wasn't after the bartender asked him for his sixth glass of Jack and Coke that he noticed that he was about to go over his casual night cap.

"I think, I'm done. I still need to wake early tomorrow for my delivery," he said declining the offer. If it was some other night, he would have taken the offer with no problem.

"What? You're done already?" Dom teased him.

"Well, if you want me to have your windows on time tomorrow."

"Oh right, I almost forgot about that."

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Carson paid his tab for the night and shook Dom's hand and tapped each others back.

"See yah, buddy."

Carson was on time the next day. Dom was nowhere in sight. One of the workers approached his truck.

"Can you go around?" the brown skinned man requested.

Carson followed the man. There at the back, Dom in his neon colored vest and white hard hat was directing the other men. His bossing around stopped when he saw the truck coming in and pointed to Carson where to park. Much of the back of the first floor was still open. They must still be hauling big equipment for the building. It's a good sized office building by the look of it. Dom went inside and again came out together with four of his workers.

"Looks like you guys are in the last push," Carson told Dom.

"Yeah, we are. We are planning on closing this side by end of the day. Just installing the HVAC," Dom replied pointing at what looked like a big white painted metal box where several people were fitting some steel pipes.

"Woah! That's one huge air conditioning system."

"I said the same thing when they showed up. The first one I've seen."

The two stood in awe while watching the installers fastened every nuts and bolts connecting the steel pipes from the ground then disappearing at the top.

Carson was the first to break the brief silence, "How long you stayed in the bar after I left?"

"Not long. The old lady who I rent the place fuzzes about it when I come in late."

"How come?"

"She complains that it wakes her up."


"Not totally her fault, I have a souped up muscle car. It's a noise maker," Dom said then chuckled.

"What kind?"

"A Shelby that I restored."

"That's a sweet car," Carson replied pretending to know about it. The truth was that he had only seen one in picture in passing but a little lie shouldn't hurt specially to stroke someone's ego.

"It is. I hate parking it outside all the time."

"You should get your own place quickly."

"I know."

The workers finished hauling out the remaining windows in no time. Carson in his dark blue uniform climbed back up to his delivery truck. The sun just started to peak out of the distant towering building of the downtown area. The skies were clear with only few stray clouds floating above, but a week worth of carrying heavy materials still took its toll. Carson's mind was already thinking about the end of his work day. Tomorrow would be Thursday, the start of his weekend for the next two months. Tonight he could fill his belly with alcoholic brew to his heart content.

"Are you going to be at the same place tonight?" Carson asked before firing up the engine.

"I might drop by. Why? Are you planning on stopping?"


"See yah then," Dom replied with a quick salute.

Carson saluted back and drove off with his truck whistling and tapping on his steering wheel again to the beat of some music in his head. Dom looked at him smiling as he made his way out of the back lot. One cheerful guy, he thought to himself.

Dom sat at his usual spot in the bar. It had became his routine to stop for a quick drink during the workdays. By the look of it, he must be visiting the place right after his work with his neon vest standing out inside the dark gloomy place. Only the mismatching televisions scattered around playing a recap of the previously shown college football games came close to be brighter that him. The bartender was wiping the glasses clean on the other side of the bar while the same group of middle-aged men were having some disagreement on where the state college teams should be in the ranking. The fading light from the outside sneaked in when the door opened. Dom looked that direction of the flashing light. A familiar figure entered the building. It was hard to mistake Carson in his dark blue company uniform.

"What's up?" Dom greeted him as he took his place in one of the empty seat by the bar.

Carson extended his hand for a handshake that was finished by them bumping their shoulders.

"Just got out of work?" Dom continued.

"Yeah," Carson replied and asked his usual Jack and Coke form the bartender. "I had a last minute delivery. How abut you? Did you just got out of work too?"

"Not really, . . . been here for about an hour now."

"You must like your job a lot. You are still wearing your vest," Carson joked.

"Says the one strutting around in his uniform," Dom replied.

Carson looked at the company logo on his and snorted a laugh, "Oh well, it can't be help."

"You look like a boy scout in that with the matching shorts. All you need is a neckerchief then you're all set. I've never worn one since after grade school," Dom commented about the plain shorts that ended just right above the knees.

"This humid weather will get you. It works better than it looks except for a few scratches here and there," Carson said showing the red marks at the back of his calves.

"How did you get that?"

"I backed up too close to the ramp's edge and scraped it."

"That must be a heavy load."

"Oh, it's a big load."

Carson and Dom looked at each other and chuckled to the connotation of what he said. The bartender caught their chuckling and asked them if they need a refill, which the two agreed.

"How's the construction going?"

"It's going great. I will be working on the new project next week."

"What? Your boss has another project?"

"No, I just need to get my orders from the foreman, so he can move on to the next project," Dom replied enunciating the last part.

"How is that going by the way?"

"Hopefully, I will have my own project next year."

"And they trust you?" Carson joked on the fortune his current company was looking forward to.

"What are you talking about? This man was almost promoted to sergeant before he left the service," Dom said pointing to himself.

"Al...most," Carson repeated.

"Well at least being a grunt and following orders all the time gave me some ideas on how to be bossy," Dom said laughing. "And you?" he added confronting the man who was also laughing.

"Oh, I made to sergeant," Carson proudly replied.

After a shared of good laugh, silence crept in. The war that dragged on for far too long that took most of their young adult life gave them a pause from their conversation. The reason that they were both too eager to start a new life out of the service was well understood between them. The silence was broken by the door opening. The two looked on who was coming.

"What's up Mike?" The bartender greeted the new comer.

"Hey, can I put this up inside the restrooms?" The slender man with a mid length messy hair asked showing of what looked like flyers.

"Go ahead. Just knock on the door, so you don't scare someone in there," the bartender warned him before going into the girl's restroom.

Carson and Dom followed him with their eyes as he disappeared inside the girl's restroom then again inside the men's room.

"What's up peeps?" Mike greeted them as he made his way back to the bar area. "If you have nothing plan do this weekend, maybe you can check out my band. It's only twenty bucks to get in," he continued plugging his gig.

"What? Did you get a replacement drummer already?" the bartender asked the over enthusiastic man.

"Yup, just in time for the show. I was stressing out for the last few days."

Carson and Dom inspected one of the flyers that Mike handed them. The purposely crudely laid out promotional materials eked out some interests from the two who were slowly sipping through their glass of alcoholic concoction.

"So what kind of music do you guys play?" Carson asked.

"Oh, a little bit of everything but mostly alternative rock."

"Anything original?"

"A few."

"Cool. I'd already seen a lot of cover bands from my time overseas. It's hard to find bands who play their own music these days. If you do, they often suck."

"Don't worry we are good. Catch you guys later. I still have quite a few places to visit," Mike said walking backwards to the door alternatively pointing at the two and trying to get a sign from Carson and Dom if they were coming or not. Then when he didn't get what he was looking for, he turned around and exited the building. It's nothing new to him. Oh, the hard work that came with trying to be a rockstar.

"Poor guy. He is pretty good. Only if he could keep a band," the young lady behind the bar commented. "You guys want another drink?" she turned to Carson and Dom who were fiddling their almost empty glasses.

"I'll have another," Carson replied.

"Me too," Dom seconded.

It was around nine or so when Carson cut his happy hour. It was still early but something had been occupying his time lately.

"Leaving already?" Dom commented.

"Yeah, it's still a good drive for me. I don't wanna get into trouble or anything."

"What are you planning to do for the rest of the night, jerk off?" Dom joked.

"I have something to do then a little bit of that," Carson replied smiling with his right hand curled signaling that familiar gesture known to many men. He called for the bartender trying to get the bartender's attention.

"What's up?" the girl behind the bar asked when she saw him waving.

"My tab," he replied.


"Yeah, I got something to do."

"Catch you later," he told Dom. "And remove that damn bright yellow jacket," he added before heading out to the door.

Dom saluted to sent off his new found friend. "Enjoy, my friend," he added with a wink.

Carson lived in a two bedroom two floor house along a street with what looked like as never ending connected houses of different colors and shapes. But for now, what ever the small charm the neighborhood exuded hid from sight buried by the busted light posts and what's still working flickered getting ready to give out any moment. Carson fumbled his keys and cursed the non-working lamp posts. He made a dash to one of the rooms, excited. His scarcely furnished living room with a big wide screen TV and a couch that was good for watching sports didn't interest him a bit. He turned on the lights and pushed a button to power up his computer. The single beep greeted him. He took off his dark blue uniform shirt and hanged it on his chair then took off his work boots and socks, which was given the mandatory sniff, before shoving them inside his boots and placed them neatly by the side of his computer chair. Carson massaged his feet giving him some relief. The monitor shined on his face waiting for his password.

He quickly opened the browser and proceeded to his personal website. The do-it-yourself site needed some good editing but it would do. He was particularly interested in the rudimentary guestbook where people could leave their comment. He was so excited when he learned that some people found his website and started leaving comments. Buried inside the category where someone had to confirm their age to get was a collection of his musings of the adult kind. Nothing were really extremely obscene, in fact, they were very common and ordinary to some degree, but a few who stumbled upon his website were taking some interest.

"Love your last post. Just got my own apartment and I exactly understand what you are talking about. - CoolGuyAndy18"

He typed in a short reply, "Enjoy!" He clicked on the link the comment referred to leading back to his post.

It's Not a Race. Take It Slow.

Work was a bitch to today or should I say work made me its bitch today. Damn, body parts that I don't even notice I have are aching like crazy. By the time I entered my house I was already stripping. When I reached my bathroom, I was already buck naked with clothes strewn on the floor. I let the shower run hotter than usual. I tell you what, it was the best damn shower I ever had. It soothed my muscles down to my bones. For a moment, I was debating if I should just fill the tub, but I was so tired.

After the hot shower, I was checking myself on the mirror while I was drying myself, and my hard on was front and center. Not so sure why but it's right there teasing me. Damn, I was so tired that I didn't notice I was horny hauling loads for days, if you know what I mean. Not too long though just three days. As you may already know, I'm a big fan of regular draining.

I remember when I was young if this ever happened, the woods behind our house was where you're gonna find me planting seed.

I was twelve when puberty hit me and the many quick sessions of dry orgasms were finally over. That messy thing at the end added some extra logistics for me. Unlike most boys, I was pretty aware of what's gonna happened. I had enough lessons from the older jocks in the locker at my school. With their uncontrolled show of virility, one of them was even courageous enough to do a live demo one day out of a dare from his peers. I wasn't sure if the guy was just a show off or just a little slow and easy to coerce because he was one of the bigger guys in the high school football team. He started stoking his cock with his soapy hand which I don't recommend. Trust me, it's not the most pleasant sensation if soap gets inside your pee hole. It's like being burn from the inside and you can't do anything about it. The other jocks cheered him on, and it didn't long when streams of whitish fluid shot out from his cock. His face looked funny at the moment of his release. I am still quite curious how my sex face looks like. He was breathing heavy and looked very satisfied after exhibition. His buddies congratulated him like when one of them carried out am awesome move in the field. From then on, I was looking forward to it. But when the moment finally arrived, living in a house of five was tricky. I remember running back to our house after school before the rest of my siblings and then the bathroom became my personal heaven. Flush down the evidence, and I'm good for the rest of the evening. Well, at least most of the evenings I was. I discovered the woods later when the need arose and everyone was home. You see, I shared a room with my younger brother. Now, I understood why my dad just smiled at me and never asked any questions when he caught me one time coming out of the woods when he was grilling some steaks outside. He later asked me if I wanted to take over the extra room in the basement. A suggestion I gladly agreed upon.

Five minutes, ten tops, was enough for me back then. Then I joined the service, which was another tricky proposition on it's own when it came to finding your personal time. Although it wasn't frown upon, it was still something that you kept personal. Unless, you find yourself watching porn and drinking beer together with your buddies.

But now, I can take my time and give my fat dick all the attention it needs. My poor well-made bed, I hate to see it stained. I jump on the bed naked and fell asleep.

After about two hours of my nap time, my phone woke me up. It was a text message from one of my friends asking if I'm going out. I replied, yes. I found it more convenient to just answer yes even when I'm not sure if I'm going or not. It stops unnecessary exchanges. I rolled onto to my back, I'm a side sleeper. I looked down between my legs to check on my package like someone might steal it. It's hard to avoid when you are buck naked on the bed, and that was enough. My dick slowly raised from my belly and my hard on was back again.

My legs and arms were still feeling like a jelly. As if that stopped me before. I massaged my biceps a little to start the blood flowing. Then I wrapped my right hand around my erection giving it a feel, I squeeze here and there. The first sign of my night's journey slowly formed at the tip of my cock. As I squeezed more, my precum dripped down head of my cock and to my thumb. My squeezes turned to rubs then to slow strokes. I have a fat seven inch cut dick if you are curious (I might post a picture sometime). My extra girth makes me smile. That's probably why I like my hand wrapped around it with a little pressure when I masturbate. It's not the first but I decided to jerk off the night away if that is a right phrase. I suggest using lube even when you're uncut if you plan of a long session. It doesn't take long before the skin become tender without it. But who am I to talk, just enjoy it the way you like it, I say. I propped myself on the headboard with my knees slightly bent and splayed out. A few drops of lube and I was off. Oh yeah, I vocalize even when it's just me. Try it. I know some of you still carry that tendency to remain quiet and do it quick. Something that we picked up when we were young. Since I'm not hiding from anyone anymore, I just let it out. When the sensation of going over the edge comes, I change position. It's same thing when you are having sex. Change in pace helps to draw things out.

I was on my knees double fisting my hard cock when I was interrupted by my ringing phone. I was debating if I should answer it or not. My dick felt good sliding in my slick hands, but the constant ringing was bothering me. I answered the phone. It was my friend again asking if I'm coming or not. I mumbled yeah couple of times with my phone resting between my chin and my shoulder and my hands still busy keeping my hard on. Then I hanged up, and immediately put my phone to silent mode.

You don't need to keep time. You will know when it's time to end. There will be that time when you're approaching your climax, and it can't be denied. Just go for it, if you are not satisfied there is always the next or seconds if you're lucky enough to be still horny after your release.

So to wrap things up, don't forget to turn off your phone.

Happy masturbation everyone, Carson

Next: Chapter 34: M Radio 2

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