Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Aug 14, 2016


Blissful Paradise (M-Radio)

Mr. Skin by Max Millan

Mike Pickney was an unapologetic man. If he was, he would have a hard time fitting in to his chosen field of business, the world of adult industry. He was quite successful that people who knew him refer to him as Mr. Skin. By outside appearance, he was a very typical man, a wife who was open minded about the business he was in and never really brought it up in their conversations that their two boys, who were approaching their teenage years, were still blissfully unaware how their father earn a living. He lived in a large house that completely blended with the rest of the neighbors. No unusual trappings that showed what he did. Not that he was ashamed about it or trying to hide it. It was a business, and just like any other business, he only thought of how to keep it going and made sure people who worked for him received their paycheck in time.

A young man opened the door to Mike's office and let Carson and Dominic in.

"Are you here for the 3 o'clock appointment?" the young man asked.

"Yeah," Carson replied.

"He's all yours," the young man said on his way out. Carson and Dominic looked while the man waved at them as he disappeared into the elevator.

The office was unusual. Mike was the only one occupying the floor and office space was furnished like a living room with an artificial fireplace in the middle cutting the room in half. Openings were left on both ends to to access the other side that looked like a lounge area. The only indication that it was a workplace was the long office desk on the other end by the middle of the rectangular room close to the glass wall that run along one side of the building overlooking an artificial lake outside. Half of it can be seen from the living room and the other half from the lounge area. Behind the desk was a man in his mid-fifties tucking in his blue pastel colored long sleeves into his gray satin slacks, composing himself. He had a good set of black-peppered regular taper cut and the front left somewhat swept back making the hair stood up from his forehead. This continued on to his slightly long full stubble making his round cheek more noticeable. He was a tall man of wide round shoulders and with a slight bulge on his stomach, which was normal for many men his age. His long sleeves fitted his body ever slightly, which made look even bigger than he really was.

"C'mon in," Mike invited them.

Carson and Dominic sat on the two leather chairs in front of the desk looking at the man still patting his shirt straight and checking the fit of his pants before buckling his belt. Multiple images flooded Carson and Dominic's heads looking at what the man was doing in front of them. The two were grinning, and Mike was just smiling back knowing what was in their heads. The years he spent looking over the business had made his skin thicker. Mike was an unapologetic man or shy. He had been desensitized from the stigma of sex in general. It came with the territory. The office was his comfort zone that sometimes he forgot who his company were.

"Time flies quickly between my appointments," Mike said reaching over to shake the hands of his visitors. "I'm Mike, and you are?" he introduced himself to Carson.

"Carson, sir," Carson replied as they shook their hands.

"Dom, sir," Dominic did the same.

"Don't call me sir. I feel old," Mike joked. "Former servicemen, I gathered?"

Carson replied, "yes, sir." Mike raised one of his eyebrows when he heard the word sir from Carson again, which Carson picked up immediately. "Ooops sorry, yeah, we were."

"Catching on quick, I like yah. You know we have quite a few that moonlight here, maybe you two might consider."

Dominic chuckled at the remark.

"Quick buck. What do you say?," Mike said, putting on his salesman front.

It was an interesting proposition, but the two came to him because of his invitation for a completely different reason. Their meeting had some level of seriousness.

"So my namesake, your friend Mike, talked to you," Mike mentioned as he laid back on his big executive leather chair.

"Yeah. I thought he was joking. 'Mr. Skin wants to help you.' he said," Carson said.

"That's how they refer to me in the streets?"

"I guess so. I think hardly anyone knows your real name."

"That's good. I caught a wind of your trouble from one of my employees. You guys seem to be popular in some circle."

"Ha-ha, just famous enough to be able to pay our bills," Carson laughed his response.

"I need to watch out. You might become a competition pretty soon."

"There are enough pervs to go around," Dom jumped in.

"Well that's true."

"So Mike is your editor?" the older Mike asked.

"Yeah, he's quite a pro," Carson complimented his friend's work.

"He is good. Is he still chasing his dream of stardom?"

"I guess, he's been non-stop promoting their gig."

"I probably should go see them one of these days."

"So how did you get to know Mike," Carson curiously asked.

"He comes with music for some of my DVDs."

"Wow! Son of a gun, I didn't know that he is an insider."

"Ha-ha. We send him a description of the film then he comes up with the music. We pay him if we use his arrangement."

"So he never gets to see the movie?" Dom asked.

"Initially, but it's not like we really do something very original to be honest. He was able to gauge things later on."

"That's a bummer, to turn down free porn," Dom joked.

"So the stock room guy who listens to your show mentioned that Mike works with you two."

Carson was still surprised about their meeting with one of the adult industry big shots in their area. "If you don't mind me asking, what got you interested in our case?" he asked.

"Let's just say, I had a history with that bastard. He also tried to run me out after I bought the business. He drove the former owner crazy. Good thing I was already established when it happened to me. I used to own three bars and a novelty store. That guy carried out a signature drive to get the city to kick us out. When he didn't succeed, so sued us on every turn. Even for a wayward poster that flew on the road. I begged my friend from college to take my case. He was hesitant to take a case from a porn outfit. But I know his type, the preppy academic type, I convinced him that it's a freedom of speech case. That he said, 'he can work on.' You know what, my buddy was expecting a good fight, but once he flooded that bastard mountain of paper works he just suddenly stopped, and we never heard from him again. Until you guys happened." Mike was gritting his teeth. The thought of the man antagonizing the two enterprising men infuriated him.

"He gave up?"

"Apparently. I think Rick will be stoke to know that the guy is back at it again."

"I don't think we can afford an attorney like him," Carson confessed.

"Don't worry about that for now. I'll talk to Rick. Let's wait what he says."

"Are you really gonna do that for us?" Carson said. It felt like a lot of weight was lifted from his shoulder.

"How about I give him a call now?" Mike replied. "It might take a while, so do you guys want to see the place?" Mike suggested.

"That would be nice," the two agreed.

"Hold on, let me call Weston to give you a tour." A little chat on the phone then Mike hanged up. "He'll be up here in a moment."

The door opened and the same young man earlier walked into the office. "Weston, would you mind giving these two gentlemen a look at the place?"

"It will be my pleasure," the young man answered. "I'm Weston," he introduced himself. Carson and Dom shook his hand and introduced themselves.

"Are you ready to see how the magic happens?" Weston said on their way to the elevator.

It was rhetorical question, of course the two want to see the inspirational factory. Carson and Dominic just smiled and stepped into the elevator to join him.

"Good guy, isn't he?" Weston told them.

"Yeah," Carson replied.

"I must warn you, though. The attorney is not a big fan of what we do but he won't back down from a good legal fight," Weston continued.

He's probably about four or five years younger than them, but he seemed like he had already picked up on many pitfalls of the business. Their situation probably had already spread among the community.

Weston just turned twenty-one and needed some quick money when he stumbled into the studio after a night of drinking. A scout slipped him a business card after the unassuming man bought him a drink. The scout was around his age and pretty much carry himself the same way probably to give the impression that it's no big deal. The bar was known in some corners of the street to be the place for stragglers like him who might be open for anything. After dropping out of college when his athletic scholarship stopped due to funding cuts, he wondered around the city for couple of years picking odd jobs until the moment came when things were not meeting head and tail. Each passing day just meant another day with no money in his pocket.

Carson and Dominic couldn't hide their grinning faces as they stood behind Weston. Weston was probably the last person in the room you would have guessed about having extra-curricular activities with the same team with his piercing hazel eyes under his strong looking brows, straight nose, and the high and tight hair cut with the top neatly pressed down with styling cream. But with his bright smile, you could easily feel comfortable around him. His face was cleanly shaven for the moment except for a patch that he left by his chin. Without the telling stubble, his square jaw hid for now. By the look of it, he kept himself fit. It could have been a must in his profession. He filled his white t-shirt with tribal design tightly that matched the tattoos that circled around both his biceps. A cargo pants and a pair of flip-flops rounded his look. He had a tattoo of a bulldog on one of his calves with the acronym of the school he used to attend. His leg hair have long been dulled by his varsity sweat pants.

Weston glanced back at them from his position by the elevator buttons and saw their grins. He was puzzled for a second but quickly realized that the two were just visiting. Unless the meeting was for business reason that Mike had to attend to, most of the people that walked into the studio never get to see the office upstairs. And more often than not those people were, one way or another, connected to the industry who had seen their fair share. Carson and Dominic were one of the few who were truly outsiders.

"So what exactly do you do around here?" Dom asked giddily.

"Who me?," Weston stammered before regaining his composure. "I edit videos."


"Yeah, going on for four years now."

"Ever jack off while editing?" Dom replied with his straight to the point inquiry.

Weston just answered with a short chuckle.

"Must be an interesting job. I would mind that job at all," Dom continued.

"Knowing you, I don't think you will be able to finish anything," Carson told his friend.

"There's not much to it, just knowing how to use the software. The director normally tells you which shots he wants to use," Weston continued on about his job. After three amateur films in his name, he learned quickly how to use the software while looking over the shoulder of the other editor when his shoots were being edited. He had natural knack for it.

"I was showing Mike the final cut from last week filming before you guys came in. It was still on his monitor if you noticed it."

"We didn't hear anything," Carson replied.

"Oh, no sound yet. I'm going to put the sound later tonight. I reprocess them. You know, to make the good part slightly louder."

"Must have been a good cut," Carson said and winked at Weston.

Weston giggled a little, "yeah it is."

"Elabo.raatttte...," Dom prolonged his response.

Weston knew what he was referring to, why Mike was tucking in his shirt when they walked in. He was trying to skirt over the subject but there was no escaping it. But knowing the show Carson and Dom run, he was comfortable enough to share some detail, "I was giving him head when you guys showed up."

"Did we interrupt something good?"

"Well, he was moaning loud, so I'll say, yes."

"Sorry bud," Carson replied with his feigned apology. "Part of the job?" Carson added.

"Not really just something that came up. The second scene got him going for some reason. He had seen many that most of the time he just look at them to see if they are OK. To tell you honestly, Mike is very professional about the whole thing. But he has his moments like any man. You know, when our dick seems to have its own mind."

"And he needed a hand?" Dom jumped in.

"The guy could have sex with anyone in here, but never really ask for it. He never was a sleazy boss."

"Not even with the hot receptionist?" Dom asked.

"LOL, not that I know of," Weston replied and paused. "All he needs to do is to say he wants somethin' somethin', and he won't have to wait long," he added.

"I don't think I'll be able to control myself if I were in his position," Dom replied.

"Don't get me wrong. He gets laid. I think it's because he doesn't ask for it that people try anyway."

"Famous porn stars?" Carson asked.

"Oh yeah, he gets proposed by girls and . . . . men too."

"I guess you are one of the men," Carson cut in jokingly.

"Got me," Weston smiled. "What can I say, the man has a beautiful dick. The smoothest I've seen."

They were sharing a good laugh when the elevator chimed, and the door opened back to the first floor. The tour started with the visit to the packaging room. The walls were covered by posters from their earlier work, and the floor was stack with boxes ready to be shipped out.

"Wow, that's a lot of porn videos," Dom commented.

"That's nothing. Years back, this whole room was filled to the brim. Most of these go out of the country now." Weston replied. With the advent of the Internet, their industry was starting to take a hit.

"Wow, this is the first porn video I bought," Dom said as he gazed on one of the posters.

"This one was popular in the desert," Carson said pointing at another poster.

"Now you know where they came from. So you wanna see how they are made. We have a shoot going on as we speak."

Carson and Dominic eyes lit up to the prospect of seeing one live. "Hell yeah," the two said in unison.

"Off to the second then. Hard-on is welcome," Weston joked.

The two followed him to the second floor that was divided to several sections. The first setup of what looked like an office space was empty. But behind the makeshift dividing wall there were some voices. Mostly from a guy telling people where to stand, must be the director. From their vantage point they could a see a man holding the boom for the mic. Weston guided them to the area, giving a signal for them to be quiet. The director was talking to the main actor in robe with a nice looking brunette getting him ready for the next scene. The three stood out of the the way while the main actors took their position by the pool table. They were filming a bar scene. Then the director shouted "action." The actor that was being serviced a while back was now plowing a blonde girl bent over the table with one leg raised on top. Then like a switch, the actress, begun her moans and teasing comments while man breathed out exaggerated grunts. The director gave an instruction for the actor to turn sideways a little to show a good view of his cock sliding back and forth inside the actress. The director gave then a good fifteen minutes in the same position before cutting the scene.

It was a little let down for Carson and Dom to witness the fabricated part. The scene might had felt artificial but the filming was not. Weston joined the crew while in between shoot and chatted a little with the crew and actors. Then a series of laughter from everyone when Weston pointed something out.

"You can't blame me. She's hot," the man holding the mic defended himself.

"That is so sweet of you," the actress replied about the compliment.

The man had taken his dick out during filming to relieve the pressure of his hardening manhood and was sporting the stiffest hardon.

Then the brunette went back to work, getting the actor ready again. She rolled a new rubber on the man's dick and applied some lube on it. Weston came back to where Carson and Dom were standing when he saw the filming was about to begin.

"You're in for a treat. They haven't film the finale yet," Weston commented.

"What do you mean?" Carson was a little puzzled. You would think that things would proceed in the usual order, oral sex, penetration, more oral sex, some more penetration then kaboom, baby.

"They are getting ready to film the cumshot."

"So are they wrapping up?"

"Don't know. Depends on the director."

"That doesn't always happen at the end?"

"Not always. It could have been the first scene they shot if the director wanted to. What you see on video doesn't always happen in specific order. If you are very observant, you might even catch us reusing the same scene just different angle."

"Really? I didn't know that."

"You wanna know another secret?"


"You know the closeups, we sometimes put them in loop to extend the scene. Sometimes we even ask them to re-shoot certain part later that day or the next day if there is something wrong with the footage."

"That sounds like a lot of work."


"How long does a shoot normally last?"

"On the average, about three hours."

"You mean you need to keep your dick hard that long?"

"LOL, no. You get a break between scene. You gotta know how to perform in you decide to be in this profession."

On the pool table the blonde girl was on all four while the man entered her from behind. By the look of it, the scene was about to wrap up. The fake moans and real ones merged into one frenetic scene then the man pulled out and immediately removed and tossed out the rubber. Two streams arched from his cock landing on the blonde girl's back and emptied the rest on her ass cheeks.

The director clapped and called the shoot done.

"And this is when I come in," Weston said.

The crew started their clean up of the set. Weston signaled Carson and Dom to follow him. They passed a section where props were kept before going inside the tech room.

"This is where I work," Weston said showing the room with four workstations along the wall circling the room. Two already had digital camera connected to them. Weston sat on one of the leather chairs and woke his computer. A paused video was still on his monitor.

"That looks hot," Dom commented.

"I'm still cutting out unnecessary stuff. Some filming go differently than others depending on the team. I'll show you one." Weston clicked the play button, and let it play. It was a straight film. A minute later the camera started jiggling.

"What happened?" Carson asked.

"Wait," Weston said.

Then some muffled voices could be heard from the background. "Damn, you made me cum." Then the second camera panned to show what was going on. One of the crew was still milking out other cameraman manning the mounted video recorder, who was on his knees still looking through the viewfinder.

"That's what you call a helping hand," Carson said. "Do you get that a lot?" he added.

"Nah, this is the website group. They create content for us. Even that outtake will be used in a website affiliated with the company. They normally do their own editing. We are going to release an official compilation that's why I had to do the editing."

"What kind of videos do you edit?" Carson inquired.

"You mean hardcore, softcore?"

"Straight, bi, you know, man-o-man-o," Carson cleared things up.

"I do get to work on all sorts of video, but we film mostly straight and sometimes bi in this studio. We have a sister production by the beach for a good man to man action. I even edited one of my own shoot for them."

"You mean, you used to work here as a model."

"Yeah," Weston naughtily replied and winked.

Carson and Dominic knew what he meant. Weston browsed through his computer and clicked on one of the videos. There was Weston looking young sitting on a bar stool.

"You're more rounded then," Carson commented on Weston's look when he had his screen test.

"Yeah, still had my baby fat. They got me working out pretty soon when I accepted the contract." Weston showed his stronger looking biceps to Carson and Dom. "I dropped the extra thirty pounds," he continued.

"When did you get your tattoo?" Carson asked when he noticed the younger Weston on the video had nothing around his biceps.

"Oh, this ones? Not long ago," Weston showed both of his arms still flexed downwards.

Carson rolled the sleeve of his shirt to show his own tribal tattoo on one of his shoulders. "Need some retouching though. It's a little faded," Carson said of his body decoration. Dom just looked on the indirect way the two were displaying their body part to one another. He had his own of stylized "No Mercy" running his left forearm and "Courage" on the other.

"What happened on this one?" Carson broke their impromptu manly competition.

"Just a solo jerk off video and a little bit of a shower scene after. This is the raw footage."

The video started with an interview inside the living room just the usual stuff. Where was he from? What school did he go to? Why he wanted to be on video? The answer to the last one may seemed cliché, but for Weston, the trip to the studio the night before gave him some reprieve from sleeping in his car. And the morning meal before filming was like heaven sent.

The man behind the camera introduced a strapping young man sitting on a stool with both arms resting along the bar. He was on a wide stance with his knees far apart and his feet on the foot rest of the stool. He was wearing a sleeveless blue shirt and a matching blue workout pants.

"Did you get some good sleep last night?" the cameraman asked.

"Plenty. I slept like a baby," Weston replied.

"Good. Now that your energy is back, let's start by telling the viewers your name," the cameraman instructed.


"And how old are you?"


"Drink much?"

"I indulge myself sometimes."

"Fair enough. So how tall are you and how much you weigh?"

"Six feet, and about two thirty."

"You are a big boy. Can you take your shirt off? Let's see what's hiding behind there."

Typical of many big frame guy, Weston grabbed his shirt from the back first and pulled it over his head down to his arms then dropped in on the floor. Then the man behind the camera made him flexed his muscles.

"Look at that chest," the guy behind the camera said. "Looking good there big guy," he added then slowly panned down to Weston's crotch area. Then their conversation turned to what Weston liked to do, any hobbies. Some even verged into the mundane. Dom laughed when a mention of banana being his favorite fruit came up.

"Talking about banana while he was showing your crotch," Dom pointed out.

"I swear, it wasn't plan," Weston replied. "Now that you mentioned it, it sounded kinda funny. They should have included that bit in the final cut," he added.

The interview became very personal as the filming went on.

"When did you start jacking off?"

Weston replied, "thirteen and loving it since then."

"Was it dry?"

"Oh no, I mean thirteen when I first came. Eleven when I learned that I can play with my dick."

Carson and Dom laughed at his response.

"How did you lose your virginity?"

"Nothing crazy, my girlfriend in high school."

"Any interesting bit?"

"Nothing really, it was as normal as you can get. Well, at least that I know of. I rented a room after the prom."

Then the interview turned to a bit more telling about his future work.

"Ever had a guy sucked your dick."

Weston with no hesitation answered, "that's a negative."

"Would you like to try. You know, see if you like it."

"I thought about it. I'd been proposed several times," Weston said opening up a little.

"Let's move to the couch."

The camera went blank for a moment and when it came back Weston was sitting on a love seat. He was actually an affable guy once you get him to start talking.

"Do you want me to take this off," Weston said pointing at his workout pants.

"I wouldn't mind at all," the cameraman replied.

Weston joked, " I'm a grower not a shower" as he started to pull down his pants.

"I'm liking what I'm seeing so far."

The camera guy stepped out for a moment to let Weston get comfortable and the view switched to an stationary camera facing Weston. He's a beefy guy. His arms, biceps, chest, and specially his thighs were big.

"Damn, dude you look good," Dom said.

From there, the video showed Weston working on cock. Sure enough his manhood grew to ample proportion. He proceeded to put on a show stroking his dick and even turned around showing his ass.

"Nice," Carson said.

"Thanks," Weston said.

The cameraman came back and the scene switched back to the movable view. He zeroed in to Weston glistening lubed up cock and went closer for a closeup shot of Weston hard cut dick. "You really are a big boy," you can hear him talking from the background. Weston was grinning wide when the camera showed his face for his reaction. Weston slapped his manhood to his open hand teasing the guy behind the camera.

"You are rock hard. Would you mind if I touch it?" the man said.

"Go ahead," Weston replied.

Then a big hand with rounded fingers came into view giving Weston a good feel before moving it sideways, down and up for the camera. Then the same hand started moving up and down the shaft and a little of a twist once it reached the head. Weston moaned from the sensation of someone else hand. The man's other hand joined in with only the head could be seen then resumed stroking the ample meat in his hands. Weston moaned some more and started meeting every stroke with his hips moving up on the downward stroke. Some unintelligible chatter ensued then things went out of focus for a few minutes.

"What happened?" Carson asked.

"He kept whispering, 'can I suck it?' while he played with my dick. He placed the camera on the side when I finally agreed."

"He was giving you a blow job, and he was not filming."

"I guess he didn't want to show his face getting filled," Weston replied laughing. "The guy was a pro, no gag reflex of any kind," him musing about the kind of service he received.

"Those are always the fun one. Is he still around?"

"Not anymore, he moved up North and started his own production."

The scene continued with Weston now laying on the couch. With his head on the arm rest and one leg over by back rest and the other hang on the side. The view showed his handsome face with mouth slightly open as if he was gasping for air. It slowly traced his buffed smooth chest and flat stomach with only a dusting of short dark blonde hair before settling on a view right behind between his thighs, a good view of his hand going up and down the shaft of his cock. The short and unevenly cut hair on his massive thighs and strong legs showed the tell-tale sign of his days playing varsity sports wearing thigh hugging uniform. It zoomed out a little bit, to showcase his round ass.

"Nice ass," Carson said.

"You think?" Weston teased.

Carson from behind leaned over Weston's shoulder and pointed something out, "Wow, you and Dom jack off the same way, extended fingers."

"LOL," Weston laughed at the observation.

"It's all in the wrist," Dom jumped in.

"Yeah, carpal tunnel is what you'll get. I like a good grip wrap around the shaft," Carson talked about his preference.

After a brief exchange of their masturbation techniques, they went back watching the video. "I'm getting close," Weston announced. From there, the cameraman gave the view of Weston convulsing body as he worked on his release. Weston came like a fountain. It was a gusher. It flew all the way up to his chest, hitting his neck.

The cameraman was astonished. "Dude, you shot over the back of your head." He came in close with his camera to highlight the drops of cum Weston left on his chest and stomach then checked out the spillage on the carpet behind his head.

"Nice load even your bulldog tattoo was smiling," Dom commented.

"Four days of saved up cum," Weston said proudly.

Carson and Dom were still both looking over his shoulder browsing through the files on the computer monitor. "What about this one?" Dom said pointing at a video titled "Weston and Nick."

"Are you sure you wanna see it?"

"C'mon now, don't be shy," Carson egged him.

Weston played the video.

"Nice looking kid," Carson commented when the video opened to Weston sitting right next to another actor at the back of an SUV.

"Yeah, he is," Weston agreed.

"Your second film?"

"Yeah, my first time topping."

"What this supposed to be?"

"College buddies, I think."

"So do you know the other guy?"

"Not really. Just met him that afternoon. Had a dinner with him and the website camera guy. That's how much we knew each other," Weston said and joked at the fact that they were able to sell the idea that they were college roommates.

"You seemed too comfortable him rubbing your inner thigh," Carson said when the other guy started to make a move on him.

"I'm not gonna lie. I wasn't that innocent when I started."

"With whom?" Dom again with his pointed inquiry.

"Remember the guy who called your show to share masturbation story."

"You listen to our stream?" Carson was amazed to hear someone who had interest in their show.

"Love your show, men," Weston replied.

"We had a lot of callers that day."

"Well, the guy who called you about having a jerk off race inside the varsity bus, it was me."

"No kidding," Carson was even more amazed. "I have to listen to the episode again."

"You know what really happened. Me and my buddy were actually jacking each other at the back of the bus, having a contest on who can make the other cum first."

"That sounded even better. So what about your defensive coordinator watching on the other side?"

"That one was true. He just shook his head when he saw us with our dicks out in the air. He pretended to sleep but he was smiling. He said, it's no big deal, boys will be boys when we stepped out for a stop break. He said, just to keep it quiet."

"So you two always sit at the back?"

"Yeah, we pile up extra equipment and bags in the back so it was just us back there most of the time. It easy to fool around in our sweat pants."

"So when was this filmed?" Carson about the video playing.

"Three days later after my audition."

"Damn, they put you to work quickly."

"LOL, I kinda needed the money, really. I just learned later that it was a trick of the trade. It's better to proceed quicker before second thought settled in."

"Makes sense. Can I swipe a copy of that," Carson asked.

"No problem. I'll throw in the other one. You could probably guess what's in it."

"You mean you went farther on that one."

Weston winked.


"Don't post this anywhere though, personal use only."

"I'm not gonna do that."

Weston popped in a recordable CD and waited a few minutes. He handed it to Carson when it was done.

Carson inspected the circular burned mark on the CD just to make sure. "Watchin' this tonight," Carson said not hiding his intention.

"Anything else you guys want to see before we go back upstairs?" Weston asked.

Not really knowing what else was there to see, the two said that they were good. The three of them walked through the filming area, which was now deserted. Back at the office, Mike was still talking on the phone when they walked in. They sat by the lounging area while they wait for Mike to finish his conversation. A nice selection of wine and spirit lined the glass shelves. Dark red stools run through the bar and two matching love seats faced the fake fire place. Weston mentioned that Mike's office doubled as a filming area.

Mike joined them after his conversation. "That was Rick on the phone. I told him that you two are going to see him about your problem."

"Thanks a lot," Carson said showing his appreciation to what the man was doing for them. He didn't need to or had any reason to help them, but stars lined up that they were able to find an ally with means. "I don't know how can we repay you," he added. After brief talk about the appointment, Mike and Weston walked them out to the elevator.

When Carson and Dom stepped in the elevator, Mike made a passing remark, "What do you think about my proposition earlier?"

"If we lose this case, we might have to beg you to take us in," Carson replied.

"You guys are always welcome."

The elevator closed. Mike and Weston went back into the office.

Next: Chapter 33: M Radio 1

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