Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on May 23, 2016


Interludes are few episodes that never made it to the main story, which are mostly filler episodes. This should have occurred during Joe, Matt and Shawn's road-trip. The main story is told in Joe's perspective, but this one involves Shawn's scene. I planned it be part of the Allotted Time as a conversation between Shawn and Shane during reunion.

Blissful Paradise (Interlude)

Shawn by Max Millan

Matt, Shawn and Joe went into the bar. It was a walking distance from the motel they were staying in. It's fairly small and a little too dark inside. The wood paneling gave it a very outdated look. Looking around the place, it might have been there since the sixties. On one of the corners close to the door on the opposite end of the bar was a jukebox that's connected to the Internet through the phone line. It was quite an upgrade for the old bar. In the middle were tables and chairs for sitting that were still unoccupied. The bar area that spanned the whole length of the building was populated by motley of characters. A young couple staying silent with the girl watching her man sipped his Jack and Coke, a middle-aged couple hypnotized by the television displaying columns and rows of numbered squares, three older folks who were already drunk and a little loud recalling their time in Vietnam, two guys who probably brought the two rigs parked by the motel still wearing their shipping uniform, and the lone pool table was occupied by the three young guys who they bumped into by the motel's outside walkway.

One of them saw the three walked in and signaled to join them.

"What's sup?" one of the guys greeted them.

"Not much," Shawn replied.

"I'm Tom. That's Dom and that's Sawyer."

Shawn introduced his companion. Tom asked if they want to shoot some pool.

"Sure," Joe replied.

The three guys showed a little bit of pool game bravado while Shawn took the first match up. Like many boastful young men who were proven lacking, their coins was getting closed to drying up trying to take Joe out from the table. Joe was proficient enough. He must had been using the student's arcade pool table often.

Shawn managed to carry on a conversation with Dominic who were both standing by the opening at end of the bar that lead to the kitchen. Their new acquaintances happened to be driving back to their post from a long trip of their own. They were in the service. Dom and Sawyer were in the Marine Corps and Tom's was in the Navy. By the look of it, they were just slightly older. Matt was very eager to tell them that Joe would be an officer pretty soon. That sort of took them a back a little.

Joe assured them that he still have a year to go.

"Nice, it would be fun if I happen to serve under you," Dom said.

"Well, there's big chance it might happened," Tom said.

"You can ignore him if he turned out to be an asshole," Matt interjected.

"No can't do," Sawyer replied.

"Better remember these guys. They might ended up saving your ass," Shawn told Joe.

Joe asked, "how long you guys been in the service?"

"I'm going on six years and Dom and Sawyer are into their fourth year," Tom replied.

"Any of you staying longer?" Joe was quite curious since he was going to be a career officer. The service would be his life.

"I think I'm signing in for another contract but that's it," Tom said. "This is how far I willing to go."

Dom and Sawyer said the same thing that they were probably just going to finish their second tour of duty, and they're also done.

Based on their ages, they might had signed up the moment they turned eighteen. Unfortunately, the service is no longer something that you can make a career out of for many younger soldiers. Being a grunt throughout your life is not the most desirable thing plus you can no longer really raise a family and send your kids to college with just the salary of a private. Time has changed. Many find active duty at best as a stepping stone to something better, or at worst a way to make some money for the meantime. But what ever the reason maybe, they are still serving the country.

"So what brought to this desolate town?" Tom asked.

"Just driving by. We're sort of on a road trip to nowhere," Shawn said.

"Road trip to nowhere?"

"Yeah, just driving to where ever."

Tom not really knowing what to say about it just said "that's crazy."

"A little, but it's been fun," Joe said.

"Where are you going now?" Tom asked.

"Heading back now. Just taking a different route down South. You guys seemed lost too?" Joe asked.

"We went out west for some cash – a nice weekend job," Tom said.

"What kind?" Shawn asked. The three men chuckled at his question instead of answering. It might had been something embarrassing of some sort, he surmised.

"We did some modeling," Dominic replied giggling. His response sounded like a joke, so Shawn stopped his inquiry. Dom seemed like the most outgoing among the three.

Shawn looked on while Joe defeated them one after the other. Dom dejectedly walked back to the end of the bar after mistakenly making the 8-ball too early causing him to lose his close match. Shawn was leaning on the bar. His arms on the bar clutching his bottle of beer with one leg bent by the side of the bar, and the other stretched out still tired from the long car ride.

Dom had a good view of him. There was no escaping what Shawn was displaying. Shawn grinned wide without looking at the approaching man before standing up to end his unintentional display. Dom continued on and took his spot back at the end of the bar. Shawn stepped back to give him his spot. The soldier signaled the bartender for a round of shots for the whole gang. A loud cheer then the shot glasses were empty.

The matches against the reigning king of the table played on. Even Matt tried his luck in beating Joe but also failed. It wasn't long before the liquid that had accumulating in their stomach started pushing on their bladders. Like a contagious disease, one by one, they made their way to the restroom. Matt and Shawn joked about their weak bladders. But even them succumbed to call of the restroom. Matt was first then Shawn followed suit when Matt exited. Shawn saw Dom occupying one of the two urinals.

"What's up?" Shawn greeted him.

"Your friend Joe can play," Dom replied. "Did you see that last shot? It was crazy," he added.

"I know, I couldn't believe he made it."

Shawn stared at the wall and fished his dick out through the leg of his shorts who was also wearing an oversized basketball shorts. It must had been common among the football players like group habit. He heard the water turned on and rustled of the paper towel dispenser. Then out of nowhere he heard, "good view." He was puzzled for bit and only figured out the implication of what he heard when he looked down. He had taken his cock out of the side of his shorts where it was in full view.

"Do you like the view?" Shawn replied. He didn't hear back from the onlooker then the door creaked when Dom stepped out of the restroom. The water was cold from the sink was cold. Shawn splashed some on his face. He looked at mirror thinking what to make of Dom's comment. He brushed it off as another unfortunate consequence of his unintentional display. Shawn slowly closed the door behind him. From the end of the bar, he saw Dom gave him a quick wide grin flashing his straight set of white teeth. He just smiled back.

The pool table was still busy with Sawyer now taking on Joe. Shawn sat on the seat by the end of the bar. His legs needed some rest then watched the ongoing match.

"Hey, we are having after hours in our room. You guys can join the party," Dom said from behind.

Shawn swung the chair to face him. "More drinking?"

"Pretty much. We bought quite few bottles, which we needs to be consumed in mass quantity," Dom joked.

Maybe Shawn was just gauging the situation. While talking to his new acquaintance, he relaxed a little bit on his seat. He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. Dom gave him a grin when he let his tired legs spread out. Shawn knew what just happened and smiled back, but to be sure, he swung his legs parting them enough that his bulge was more noticeable.

Dom grinned again, which he met with his own.

Shawn turned around to see how the game was going. Matt and Tom were busy playing coach to Joe and Sawyer while the two men on the table were completely ignoring their suggestions. Tom blurted out, "I told you. You should taken the other shot," when Sawyer missed.

Then the game was over. Joe remained on the table. Matt asked Shawn if he wanted to play. "I'll pass. Joe is on fire," Shawn replied.

"My turn then," Tom volunteered.

So Matt and Sawyer took over playing coach.

The group continued playing pool 'til closing with the three boastful young men frustrated because no one was able to take Joe out of the table.

"After hours in our room. You guys are welcome," Tom said.

"Sure, we'll be there," Joe said.

Matt and Joe went back to the motel and picked up their laundry. Shawn went ahead and joined with the new friends they just met. Matt tossed the pile on the bed and quickly sorted through it. There was no problem with the undies because Joe was the only that wear one among them. Then Matt's infamous blue shirt showed up.

"You have that in there?" Joe said pretending his disgust.

"So?" Matt replied.

"We need to run this laundry in another wash cycle," Joe joked.

Matt just gave him the finger and shot back, "Don't be too hasty to judge. You made me do most of it."

"You love it though."

Matt paused for a moment before answering with a wide grin, "Yeah."

"Every minute of it?"


"Now that it's clean. We can stain it again." Joe run his hand over his friend's groin area and grabbed Matt. The soft satin basketball shorts didn't leave much to imagination that their banter excited Matt. The tent forming was hard to hide with no form undergarment restricting it.

"Stop that! We need to go downstairs," Matt pretended to complain. He liked it though that his best friend was ignoring him.

By the time the laundry was sorted out, Joe was now tugging onto Matt's dick that was straining hard down the length of his shorts.

"C'mon. Let's go downstairs," Matt said and threw Shawn's clothes on one of the beds. "You're no help," he complained when he had to put away his clothes and Joe's.

"What do you mean no help? I giving you a hand," Joe replied rubbing the big man's hard cock hiding inside his shorts.

"That's more like a distraction. C'mon. Let's go before Shawn causes any trouble," Matt said said. Joe was a little disappointed. "Well, go ahead take a peek before it goes down," was Matt's compromise.

Joe was just too happy to comply. Matt stood there watching while his buddy free his hard-on through one of the short sleeves. He smiled proudly looking at his own erect manhood draped with the soft cloth and more than half of it sticking out.

"What are you smiling about?" Joe asked.

"Impressive, isn't it?"

"You and your dick," Joe tried brushing him off. "Let's go," Joe, in quick steps, proceeded to the door and out the room to the outside walkway.

"Wait!" the big man exclaimed.

Joe looked both ways and coaxed his friend to go outside with his hard-on. "No one's around. Just walk it off. You'll be fine before we get there." He was mildly entertained by the situation he was putting his friend on.

Matt's erection had subsided to just a visible mound when they arrived. It's not too worrisome in the dimly lit walkway unless someone was actually looking.

They went down the hall to join Shawn and the servicemen for the after hours. The group were hanging out outside the motel room.

"Plenty of beer inside. If you are looking for something strong, there are Jack and Vodka. Help yourselves," Tom said.

After a quick trip inside to fetch some cans of beer, we joined them outside. There's hardly any other occupants, so the place was very quiet and very still. The only thing that you could hear was the sound of passing cars on the interstate that was close by and crickets from the marshland behind the building

"Look?" Dom said. "There they're at again."

"Oh yeah," Tom confirming what Dom was saying.

"What are you guys talking about?" Matt asked.

"Those two truck drivers. They've been spying on us," Tom replied.

"They're probably cruising you," Joe commented.

"Well, they're not getting this," Dom said while tapping his ass.

"Why do you think they want your ass? They probably want your dick," Shawn said.

"Says the expert," Matt cut him off.

"Who's the expert?" Tom asked.

We both pointed at Shawn.

"What the fuck?" he said giving his two friends the finger.

"Elaborate," Tom said.

"In the first rest area where we stopped for the night, he got a very interesting proposition from a trucker," Joe recalled.


"The trucker was very direct though. He said the guy was looking at his dick while he was peeing then invited him to his rig," Joe continued.

Everyone started laughing. Poor Shawn all he could do was to give us double middle fingers.

"We're planning to pimp . . . err . . . stud him out if we ever run out of money," Matt said adding more insult to Shawn's injured ego.

By three o'clock, the alcohol begun to show its power over the energetic group of young men. The two marine privates were daring each other to streak through the walkway.

"Bet you can't do it," Dom said to Sawyer.

The other couldn't be out dared. Sawyer took off his clothes and dropped his pants and boxer on the floor then dashed through the walkway.

"How about you? Too shy?" Sawyer said to Dom when he came back which just prompted the other to do the same.

Sawyer was a smooth tall and athletic looking while Dom was about five foot ten but wide built with reddish tanned from his waist up. His midsection needed a little work, but carried himself strongly. His thick arms and puffed out chest sculpted by playing football in high school. It's passage to adulthood for many kids who grew up in a small town.

"Hey Joe, show some camaraderie," Shawn teased Joe.

"What do you mean?" Joe said.

"You'll be joining these guys pretty soon. Better get into the program," Shawn was trying to get back at him for telling the rest area story.

"We won't serve under a shy officer," Sawyer added.

Joe went inside the room and everyone booed, but he stepped out of the door with no clothes on. Not to be outdone, instead of running, he walked the same length the two other men took not caring who might be looking. On his way back, he appeared to be proud of what he was doing. He arms raised like saying look at me.

"Show off," Matt said when he reached the room.

Tom joined them in their nakedness who was slightly ripped with well developed pecs and noticeable six pack when he flexed his arms. He was the same height as Sawyer around six feet. You could discern the muscles on his body.

Then Tom issued a call to fall in line. Sawyer, Dom and Joe rushed to form a plank and stood in attention arm length away from one another. Matt and Shawn looked on leaning by the metal railing watching the impromptu military drill. Then Tom issued a command to ace left then right then another left followed by a command to march forward, which the three naked men and their dangling members executed perfectly until the about face. Sawyer tripped falling on the two men in from of him. The sudden turn did not bode well with the tipsy marine. The three recollected themselves laughing from a three men naked pile up.

Shawn and Matt laughed at Joe and the two other soldiers. They knew that what was happening that night was not theirs. It was Joe's initiation to the life he was eventually going to face. Probably not the streaking part, but you get the idea.

The four naked men stayed outside together with Matt and Shawn hanging out by the metal railing. If people were to pull in, they would not miss the scandalous display of manliness. Even if the walkway was dimly lit by two twinkling light bulbs twenty yards apart, there was no mistaking that they were devoid of any clothing.

"Those two truckers probably just had an instant orgasm right about now," Shawn said.

Laughter filled the air.

The four men streaked outside for about an hour or so. Good thing the motel was slow. Joe would have like to stay longer but his body was beginning to shutdown. The long drive had finally took a toll on his youthful stamina. Joe fetched his clothes and told Matt and Shawn that he was turning in for the night. Joe had been matching the soldiers shot per shot. Shawn and Matt had a better sense and were able to control themselves from getting to point of being stupid drunk.

Matt stayed leaning by the railing with his newly replenished bottle of beer. Dom was standing by the door and had to step back when Shawn went inside to fetch his own. Sawyer and Tom were talking to one another next to him. A few minutes later, Shawn appeared behind Dom, towering over him. Dom must not have noticed him and just stood there by the door.

Matt could see Shawn naughtily smiled from the behind. Matt knew what he was happy about.

"Excuse me," Shawn said while he tapped Dom on his shoulder.

"Want something stronger?" Tom asked Matt. "We have some soda. If you want to mix it up," he added.

"Might as well. I feel like more water-logged than drunk," Matt accepted the invitation. Matt followed Tom and Sawyer inside for some Jack and Coke. With the sudden traffic, Dom had to jump out of the way and castigated his friends stepping away from the door.

Shawn, with his back by the railing, watched the commotion and once again looking at Dom from behind.

"Jeez, as if those bottles will run away," Dom told his friends.

Dom kept stepping back closer and closer to Shawn. "How the view from there?" He turned his head gave Shawn a wink.

"Very nice," Shawn replied.

Dom edged even closer until his behind was brushing on the big man's bulging groin.

"Be careful. That's a fat one," Shawn joked.


"Feel it," Shawn brazenly suggested.

Dom reached back and felt him. "Nice. How big of a trouble I'm in?"

"About eight inches."

"I can take yah."

"You think?"

"So you wanna party?"

Recalling their conversation earlier Shawn asked, "What exactly the kind of modeling did you guys do?"

"The naked kind," Dom, with his inhibition had been dampened by alcohol long ago, spilled. It was a trend in the porn industry to recruit servicemen who wanted to earn quick money.

"What about your buddies?"

"Oh, those two will go at it before the night is over. What about your friend?" Dom asked about Matt.

"No worries, he knows me very well," Shawn said. "Matt, isn't that right?" he shouted at Matt, who just finished pouring his drink.

Matt looked and shook his head when he saw them standing so close to one another. He flicked his hand as if to say "you can do whatever you want."

"So it's on, big guy?"

"You bet," Shawn spanked his ass when everyone from inside started making their way out before they separated.

Shawn might be missing something or someone. The man standing close to him was a suitable replacement for the moment. "Don't get too carried away. You're on driving duty tomorrow," Matt told Shawn. Matt sensed where the party was headed and told everyone he was turning in too after finishing his drink.

One of the flickering lights went out, and the walkway had gone quiet. But inside the room, the Shawn and the three men were still awake and busy. The rustling sound of the bed sheet was cut by small chatters from Sawyer and Tom. Sawyer, with his pale white skin, lay on his back with one his arm wrapped around holding the back of Tom's head, who was giving him pecks on his neck. Tom, on his side, stroked Sawyer's cock to attention. When his erection was to his liking, he turned to his face and met Tom's lips with his then his hand easily found the muscular man's waiting cock. They made out while they stroked each other. Not far from them by the foot of the other bed, Dom sat with his two hands holding down the waistband of Shawn's short who was standing in front of him. Shawn hold on the back of Dom's head pushing it ever slightly whenever the man went down on him.

"Damn, you weren't kidding when you said it's fat," Dom said while going up for some air.

"You're doing good," Shawn encouraged him.

Dom inspected the big guy's member. He lifted it up to Shawn's stomach to get a better look at it. He licked the pink skin of Shawn's unrolled foreskin. Shawn moaned. Satisfied with what he saw, he opened his mouth and guided back to his mouth.

"Feels good," Shawn said.

Dom looked up and Shawn smiled at him. With one hand synchronously going up and down by the base of Shawn's cock, he increased his pace. Shawn took off his shirt while Dom pulled his shorts down to the floor.

Shawn lifted the smaller man by his underarm telling him to climb up to the middle of the bed. "My turn," he said.

Dom placed two pillows behind him and watched Shawn crawled from the foot of the bed. Even with the amount of alcohol in his blood, his cock responded to Shawn's teasing. "Oh, shit," he exclaimed when Shawn took all of him inside his mouth. Dom was no slouch too. He sported a cut seven and a half inches of manly goodness with more than average roundness.

Shawn rubbed his balls while going down on the well satisfied soldier. Dom was really expecting anything from Shawn, he had no qualms about if the big man would just use him. All he wanted was to get him to bed and satisfied his fantasy. Even though he was not a towering presence, Dom looked physically bigger that most of his peers. He fancied a big man taking him to town. He hold onto Shawn's shoulder squeezing the muscles right below the thick neck. He was enjoying the attention.

The two were interrupted by their company. "Shoved it in," Tom, on all four, told Sawyer who was slowly pushing his cock in him. With that, Sawyer slammed the last few inches. A sharp grunt came out of Tom's mouth, and the muscles of his arms tensed as he crumpled the bed sheet in his hand.

"Is that what you want?" Sawyer told him.

"Yeah," Tom replied.

"What a sweet ass," Sawyer told the panting man.

"Give it to me, buddy," Tom replied. Sawyer showed him who was the boss. It was an interesting sight to see the stronger looking man begging for his friend's cock.

Seeing where the other men in their joust, Shawn begun to play with the entrance of Dom's hole with his middle finger. Dom leaned by the side table and grabbed the tube of lubrication. On the table were packets of condoms in full view with two or three empty wrappers. Evidence of what already transpired early during that day. Shawn squeezed a few drops on Dom's shaft and spread it all over until his hand was gliding smoothly along the full length of that hard cock. A little more dub on his finger to test the man's experience by inserting his middle finger. It was Dom's turn to moan. Even though he had no trouble pushing in length of his finger, the soldier was still tight a sign of someone who normally ended up on top and, in some occasions, let someone inside him if the situation was right. He looked at Dom and gave him a wide grin. He knew it would not be easy for the other man.

"Aaah," Dom moaned every time Shawn's finger slide in and out of him. Shawn continued stroking him while preparing him to receive his manhood.

"Ready?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah," Dom replied in soft voice. He grabbed one from their condom stash and tossed it to Shawn then faced the kneeling Shawn almost knee-chest putting the big man's cock in his mouth. With a some help from the eager man, Shawn had his raging erection back. Shawn hold on to the back of Dom's head and tried to push his cock deeper. Dom gagged. He hadn't taken someone deep down his throat, and to say the least, Shawn's cock would be an impossibility. He gasped for some air and slapped the big man's ass for giving him trouble.

A flicking sound echoed inside the room while Shawn fitted the thin rubber on him. Dom asked him to lay on the bed. Dom applied a good amount of lubrication on Shawn's hard cock and a little more to his own hole before he mounted the waiting man.

A guttural "aah" came out of Dom when the head went in. Shawn supported him with his hands grabbing him by the waist. His legs parted apart bent on his knees. His thighs brushed on Dom's ass cheeks while the man on top of him ground his hips slowly to ease more and more of the thick meat that he was determine to conquer.

"Fuck, that's big," Dom told Shawn.

"Why? Having a second thought, soldier?" Shawn teased him.

"Fuck," Dom said again on every progress he made.

"You're on a mission."

"I told you. I can take yah," Dom leaned forward and rested his hands on Shawn's chest. It's not all the way in but enough to start getting used to that cock slide in and out of him. Dom rode him and grunted all the while. It took a little bit threading carefully before he was able to move up and down in a good rhythm. Shawn pushed up to meet his downward motion. Not long after, Dom stopped for a bit and lowered himself down the throbbing cock. Shawn helped by pushing him down.

"Aaah," Dom let out. He could feel Shawn's sac bumping into him. Shawn was balls in deep.

"Great job," Shawn acknowledged his effort.

Dom sat on it trying to get to the sensation of a big cock stretching him. Sweat glitters from the wall mounted lamps on his forehead that illuminated the room. He wiped the some that were about to drip down his eyes brushing it back to his short trimmed dark-blonde hair. The white-side wall haircut did not offer much to absorb some of it. Drips from both side of his face, slowly traced his round face. His arms lost a little bit of strength and slumped on Shawn's chest with his forearm preventing him from slumping any further. Shawn seeing a man conquered on his big chest, grabbed Dom's ass and played with it. He spread them apart before slowly thrusting up.

"Fuck," Dom exclaimed again and another while Shawn got into the rhythm. Shawn increased the pace, which prompted Dom to sit up, which only allowed Shawn to bury more of him. Dom with the help of alcohol in him could now hold his own and took over. He rode Shawn once again. This time lifting himself more then lowering himself down further.

"C'mon, soldier, ride that cock," Shawn told him, which the man obliged to. He increased his pace and slammed himself down. Shawn joined in thrusting himself up to meet Dom. The slapping sound of skin intermingled with moans and grunts. For a moment, there was no talk from the occupants of the room, just the sound of ecstasy.

Dom's legs strained from his position, who was aggressively riding Shawn. "Damn, my legs are burning," Dom told Shawn.

"Lay on your side," Shawn told him. Dom dismounted from Shawn and on lay on his side. Shawn spooned him from behind.

Their neighbors, on the other hand, had a different plan. Sawyer was standing by the side of the bed holding Tom's legs up in the air. "Stick you dick back in there," Tom coaxed him. Sawyer did and like before slammed the last few inches in him, which made Tom exclaimed another sharp grunt then Sawyer parted the man's legs and leaned forward holding Tom's shoulders. With his buddy deeply inside him again, Tom wrapped his legs around man on top of him. Sawyer begun his conquest again. Sawyer looked at Dom and Shawn who were watching them. He gave them a wink and flowed Tom to submission.

"Oh yeah, fuck me," Tom kept saying.

Sawyer gave Dom and Shawn a little bit of a show. Dom raised his leg a little signaling Shawn to enter him once more. The tightness was still there, but Shawn had no problem pushing in after adding more lube. Shawn reached around and found Dom's cock had already lost its hardness. He stroke it and responded with no problem. Dom hold onto Shawn wrist when the big man started thrusting. He was ready for it now that the once was an uncomfortable feeling of Shawn extra girth was replaced by pleasurable tightness. Shawn was also hitting the right spot in their new position. They watched Sawyer and Tom like a real life porn. Not that they needed more inspiration, but the sight of Sawyer manhandling the bigger Tom who had no problem giving in to the other man's every requests. Dom tapped Shawn on his ass, which he recognized as a request to be more forceful. Dom whimpered on Shawn's arm when his request was fulfilled.

The night went on again with just the sound of sex emanated from both beds. Sawyer had Tom again on all four by the edge of the bed. "Damn, don't stop. You are going to make me cum," Tom warned. The intense look on Sawyer face also showed his desire to unload his seed. Tom stroke himself and shot his load under him making a pool on the bed. Sawyer was not far behind. When he said he was ready, Tom slid out of the bed and sat on the floor with his mouth open and tongue out asking for Sawyer to cum on his face. A few squirts splashed on his face and more oozed out of Sawyer cock landing on his tongue. Tom finished Sawyer's orgasm in his mouth cleaning every drop of Sawyer seed.

For Dom and Shawn, it's been fun but they also had to wrap things up. The sight of the two other men reaching their plateau was contagious. Shawn had Dom on his back and placed his legs on his shoulders.

"Give it to me big guy," Dom told Shawn who was aiming his cock back in him. He knew he would be getting good pounding from Shawn.

Shawn pushed himself in deep. With Dom's legs on his shoulder, he grabbed onto his shoulders bending Dom's body forward raising his ass for better shot at it. Shawn begun his trip to his own orgasm with a full body thrust rocking Dom back and forth. It must had been his way of showing off his large stature. Dom moaned under him. His hard cock couldn't hide how he liked what he was getting. Then Shawn started thrusting his hips.

"Oh yeah, pound that ass," Dom told him, which he obeyed. The slapping sound ended with Shawn gasping for air on top of Dom. His strong release had him also loosing strength. Once he regained his composure, he sat up looking at Dom who was now working on his own release. With Shawn still inside him, he stroke his cock until he spew load in his stomach. He waited for Dom to calm down before pulling himself out.

"How was it?" Shawn asked.

"I might sore for the next few days," Dom replied.

"You'll be fine," Shawn assured him

"You opened me up real good. Damn, I can even feel a cold breeze in there," he joked.

Shawn made his way to the bathroom to flush the condom that still on his cock. Sawyer and Tom were already on their way to a needed sleep, with Sawyer laying on top of Tom with their hands clasped together. It's not hard to tell that the two had something going on.

Shawn picked his clothes on the floor and put them back on.

"Thanks for the good time," he heard Dom said as he pulled the cover over him.

"No problem, bud. I needed it too," Shawn sighed when he remembered Shane.

Shawn shut the door to the room and the lights inside went out. The dawn was already breaking when he stepped out. It was hard to tell from the thick curtains of the motel room. Matt and Joe were fast asleep on one of the beds. Joe was on his side facing Matt who was asleep on his stomach. He was slightly intrigued with Matt and Joe sharing the same bed. His mind had no time to wonder any further, his tired body had finally gave out. He slipped into the other bed where his clothes were piled up. Three or four hours of sleep should be enough.

It was almost noon when Joe woke up with a terrible headache. Matt was not doing any better when he was woken up by Joe. Shawn was still snoring on the other bed. The three needed to stay longer. No one wanted to be on the road with a bad case of hangover. Their company from last night already left.

They were back on the road before the sun went down. Matt assumed the driving duty knowing Shawn's extracurricular activity. Shawn took the backseat, so he could get some more sleep.

On their journey back home, they agreed on just doing some sight seeing. Joe had to go to Virginia and Shawn had to get back to the campus for his summer classes and football camp. They couldn't afford to get stuck somewhere. The only special stop in their itinerary was Reed's house. Reed was now living with his fiance in another state by the southern coast. He was complaining to Shawn on how hard it was to find a job.

Three days had passed from the time they left the motel. They probably visited every known tourist attractions along the way. Their folks were now complaining about the number of photos they were sending them. It was late afternoon when the sight of Reed's apartment came into view. Reed was already outside when they pulled in and was happy to see them.

"What's up?" Reed greeted the three exhausted travelers.

"Whazzzzz up!" Shawn replied and gave Reed a bear hug.

"What corners of the world have you guys have been to?" Reed asked.

"Hell and back," Joe replied.

"C'mon in," Reed said inviting us to their apartment.

The three went inside the one bedroom apartment and was greeted by his girlfriend. She said that food was ready. Their apartment was still sparsely furnished. A couch and a recliner with a small coffee table completed the living room. Some pictures were hanging on the wall. There was one with Matt and some other people. Shawn was elated to see a picture of Reed and him inscribed with "Buds Forever!!!" It must be from the last championship because they were holding a trophy together high up in the air.

The apartment felt too cramped for five people, so we went outside their patio after eating our dinner to drink some cold ones. Reed and Shawn sat down while Matt and I stood leaning on the rail. It's not hard to tell that something was bugging Reed because his initial excitement of seeing us was gone by now. He was just sitting there waiting for any conversation from us. He would follow the conversation and occasionally nodded or say "oh yeah." When Shawn started asking about him, that's when we figured out what was going on.

"How's the job search going?" Shawn asked.

Reed looked down and said, "not good."

"How come?"

"I'm not sure. I already sent my resumes to all the middle and high schools around here."

"No opening or something."

"Something like that. I haven't heard from most of them."

"Are you applying in some other places?"

"Yeah, I'm even using one of those placement agencies. Still no calls even for an interview."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

He looked up and turned around to see what her girlfriend was doing.

"She's been paying for everything up to this point. This just sucks."

Shawn was having trouble finding something to cheer him up. Matt suggested that they go to the bar close the hotel where we were staying. They could tell that Reed wanted to balk out of the idea. Whatever money he was going to spend was earned by his girlfriend. He was apprehensive about it.

Matt said, "it's our treat. What you say Shawn?"

"Yeah, your drink is on us," Shawn said in agreement.

He went back into the apartment asking his girlfriend's permission. In the car, Shawn was teasing him.

"Reed, you two looked like an old married couple."

"Why did you say that?"

"You need permission from your old lady when you wanna do something."

"Fuck you. I can do whatever the hell I wanna do."

"I dare you say that in front her."

"I better not," Reed conceded.

They all laughed when he said that without even giving a second thought.

Next: Chapter 31: Interlude 3

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