Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Sep 20, 2014



This novella is a work of fiction. Any similarities with real life is of pure coincidence. This story contains homoerotic encounters between college age adults. Acts include masturbation, mutual masturbation and touching of male genitalia.

Copyright 2014 Max Millan


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New Understanding by Max Millan

The weekend passed by without us mentioning anything about what happened last Friday. We just continued on like any other weekends in the dorm. Studied or pretended to study. Played video games, visited the student center where cable was available, and met up with friends that we know. The reason why Matt was very careful with the harness was because people were signing it. You could read most of his teammate's names written on it and names from several students that he knows. It's funny that I had not signed it yet. Saturday night he had his football uniform in our dorm room. Normally, they all put on their uniform in the gym then the bus would take them to the stadium. Since he would require more time to put it on and probably some help, Coach Fox let him take his official uniform with him. When I got back from ROTC training, he was sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"There you are," he greeted me when I opened door to our room.

I'd almost forgotten that he wanted to be by the sideline during the game. He managed to put on his shoulder padding and already had his jersey on over his harness, but not his game pants, although, he had his jock strap on.

"What up?" I replied.

"This thing will require extra hand," he said showing me his game pants.

"OK, let me change first." I got out of my uniform and changed to my t-shirt and jeans. By now, Matt was able to put on his game socks. He straighten his legs, and I helped him slip his game pants on. He asked me to hold the other side of the waist then he stood . He pulled up his side of the pants, and I did the same thing. I grabbed his groin protector, but he said he didn't need it since he wasn't playing. He was trying to pull the two end of the string with his good hand, but it wasn't working. It was my cue to hold other end. He said on the count of three that we pull at the same time.

"One, two, three . . . too tight." he exclaimed.

I just laughed while he adjusted the tightness. However, I had to tie the knot for him. Putting on his cleats was no problem because it was one of those that had velcro instead of shoe lace. He dubbed some gel on this hair and mussed it up.

"Looking good, ready?" I asked.

He said, "Yeah."

I drove him to the stadium to meet up with his team. They were getting ready to do the introduction dash, so I proceeded to look for our friends. I got a text message that they were seated behind the team.

The game wasn't that eventful. We were ahead by a good spread by half time. The only thing that kept us engaged through the game was every time they show Matt on the jumbo-tron. We would erupt with loud cheer. "Go Matt! Go Matt go!" He would turn around and signal us to cut it out. He's embarrassed by the attention he was receiving.

The game was over, and Matt met me in the parking lot. He had his hand up in the air giving me the finger. Before heading back to the dorm, we picked some pizza. As it turned out, he didn't need help getting out of his uniform. Except for a few ouches, he's in his shirt and basketball shorts. Mike's band was done playing in one of the bars around campus, so the rest of the gang were not going anywhere tonight. We were also not in the mood to look for some party around the campus and get drunk. We would normally try our luck looking for a party after the game to score some booze. Being underage, it still felt like an adventure to do it even when we already gotten away with it many times. Matt was still on his medications. I, on the other hand, was feeling a little guilty to leave Matt alone in the dorm. I settled on playing some video games. He went to his bed and turned on his laptop.

"I'm reading about NROTC. It says that you will need to get a technical degree to be in the running for spot in the marine corps officer program."

"Don't remind me," I answered.

"What's your plan?" he asked.

"I might take Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering."

"Wooh, that sounds too techie."

"Compare to the other engineering degrees, no. I looked at the courses, I think it's something I can do."

Even though our college was not one of those prestigious ones, we are a 4-year Navy accredited college. I was very happy when the Navy suggested the college. It was relatively close and cheaper to go to. There were twelve of us in the program, but only three or four were planning to sign up for active duty. The rest were just looking for the scholarship money and were happy being in the reserve.

"Are you going full time after school?"

"I think so, I'm liking it so far."

"Aren't you scared?" Matt asked.

"Why?" I asked wondering about his curiosity.

"The news lately says that we might be sending troops to the Middle East."

"It's very likely. There was a talk in the ROTC office about it."

"Are you going to command your own men?"

"Well maybe, but probably it depends on what job they are going to give me."

"What do mean?"

"We go to work in the service."

"Like civilian work?"

"Pretty much but mostly for the military."

"I hope they give you office work," Matt said showing his concern.

"Nah, it will take a lot to kill this bad boy," I said pointing to myself which was really more of a bravado. No one could really know how things would turn out.

For many folks that I knew, the service had been the go to career. The pay wasn't too bad, and the job security was also good. It also enticed me for some other reasons. Being a kid from family with limited means, I wanted to see places and the military was probably my ticket. I knew I had to put up with many people, but I thought getting in as an officer would be easier than being a grunt.

Weekend was over like that and Monday rolled in which meant Monday Night Football. Matt and I were off to our usual trick of scoring some booze from unsuspecting self checkout attendant. You see, I was 19 and Matt was 20.

We would go in the grocery store, and spy on who was manning the self checkout lane. If it's some young kid, Matt would use the self checkout. Most of the time when the lane asked to show his ID to the cashier, he would just stand there. The kid would glance at him to see a big guy with stubble on his face and just bypass the ID check then off we go. If the cashier asked for his ID, he would pretend that he couldn't his license. If that happened, we would just try another grocery store. We had a perfect hitting average of scoring some booze for the night. Another ride to the pizza joint, and we're good for the whole night. Sneaking in booze inside the dorm was another trick on it's own, but it's much much easier.

The game was about to start, and Matt made his way to the couch and found the remote. He turned the TV on. I sat the pizza on the floor then handed Matt a can of beer. I opened my own got ready to watch some football. I sat right next to Matt on the couch. We normally leave some room between us when we sat on the couch, but tonight we were not too keen about it. There was a little bit of openness on how Matt was sitting tonight. Before he usually sat leaning forward for most of the game. This time he was fully relax on the couch and his legs were partly separated. This gave me a good vantage point to check out his crotch. I copied his position, so my slightly shorter leg went under his. I could feel his calf brush against my shin every time he moved. He didn't seem to be bothered by it. We inhaled most of the pizza, so I took what was remaining and set the box on my study desk. I opened some more beer and handed one to Matt. He had his hand tucked again inside his shorts when I turned around. He pulled out his hand and reached for the beer.

"Thanks," he said.

I brought the rest of the beers with me and set it below the couch, and took my original spot. Matt lifted his left leg a little bit when he saw me sat down. He was making room for my leg. I laid back and spread my leg like before then he moved his leg down. There we were again with our legs crossed. We concentrated on the game on the TV making loud noises when a good play was made and criticized when a bad one was made. By half time, we were done with our first six pack. I went for another of one of our six packs. When I turned around, I saw him again with his hand tucked in cuffing his balls.

"Is that a habit of yours?" I asked as I walked to the couch.

"What habit?" he was a little puzzled.

I showed him what he was doing.

"Oh this," looking down at his crotch.

"I wasn't even thinking about it that I'm doing it until you pointed it out," he continued.

"I don't see you do that before when we watched football."

"I do, it just not as obvious," Matt replied.

Then he switched back to a leaning position. And showed me how he did before. He was cuffing his balls with right hand just not inside his shorts.

"I like the warm feeling." He laid back on the couch then tucked in his hand.

It's time for another beer. I handed him and opened.

"This is the only problem. I have only one working arm," he laughed.

Somehow I had the urge to do it for him that I was unconsciously grabbing my own thighs.

"You wanna be my other hand?" he said jokingly.

"Maybe," I rubbed my hands together and blow some warm breathe on my right hand teasing him. I raised my hand over him. He moved his arm to the side and lifted his hip a little bit. He wasn't joking. He really wanted me to slip my hand inside his shorts, so I moved my hand gently inside his shorts. I used my other hand to lift the waistband to take a quick peek of his cock. When I found the base of his cock, I encircled it with my thumb and index finger, and gave Matt a grin. His cock responded by getting semi-hard.

His semi hard-on did not escape him. "Let me settle down a bit then try to hold as much of my dick and my balls," he instructed.

When the position of my hand had met his approval, he relaxed and took a good swig of his beer.

"Aaahh, feels much better."

I grabbed him a little harder after he said it. He just gave me a face pretending to be hurt.

So for the rest of the game, my hand was free to touch him. I would remove it from time to time when I had to do something else, but he didn't flinch when I had to put it back. He had his his arm resting on the back of the couch giving me unobstructed access. When someone else touched my body even when I knew it's coming, it would make me jump a little. Matt on the other hand could just ignore it. His reaction to certain touch must had been dulled by him playing football. We spent the rest of the game with my hand mostly inside Matt's shorts. I was keeping him warm like he wanted and not really thinking of getting him excited although I did give his cock a full grab and move it side to side several times brushing the head against his silky basketball shorts. I must admit though that the thought of him letting me touch his crotch casually was exciting me.

The football game was over. I was still staring at the TV watching the highlights of the game when I felt Matt lifting his hip slightly signaling that I was relieved of my duty. He could just told me, but he waited for me to pull out on my own. The alcohol had made it to my head and the extra liquid was about to make my bladder burst. We both headed to the restroom to take a long deserved piss. He was just grinning the whole time.

It was just11:30PM, and the dorm was bustling with wide awake college kids. I told him that we should check out the student lobby or lounge to see if there was anything interesting going on. There were quite a people in the lounge, and some of them were drunk like us. Drunks were a common occurrence every night. There's always at least one guy who would brag about how much he already drunk and still looking for more. I bought two bottled water from the vending machine then Matt and I sat with other students that we were familiar with on the big couch that runs around the entire room. At the other corner was a piano already occupied by two music majors. They were playing a random mix of classical and pop tunes. Some tunes where started but never finished only to be replaced by another tune that didn't get finished. And sometimes you would see another student rushing from nowhere to finish the tune while castigating the current piano occupants. Matt had already struck a conversation with the Asian students. You can hear their subdued giggles when Matt said something funny. He's probably trying to learn some Japanese or Chinese words. Reciting those oriental words was already hard enough when someone was not drunk, what chance he got when he was already drunk. Matt was having a ball and the foreign students were just happy to indulge his curiosity sincere or not. The noise from other student was starting to sound like a buzz to me. The sound of the piano was not helping me neither. I was ready to pass out. I told Matt that I was done for the night. He decided to stay a little bit longer determined to continue making a fool of himself.

I passed out immediately. I didn't know what time was it when all of a sudden Matt woke me up.

"Joe, wake up. Waaaaakeeee up!" he said while shaking me.

"Fuck, what now?"

"Now we can go to sleep at the same time," was his predictable follow up.

"Do you want me to break you other arm? I hate it when you do that. One of these days . . ."

"I call truce," he said giving me a peace sign.

He laid down on his bed and was still chatty.

"I learned a new word to today. You know how they say buddy in Japanese," he said proudly.

"What was it?"

"Kareshi," he said trying hard to roll the R.

Then I just started laughing. Since some of our friends were avid followers of Japanese contemporary literature called manga and anime, I had a vague idea of what the word meant.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Are you sure you asked for the correct word?"

"What do you mean?"

"They were trying to pull a fast one on you."

"Why?" he was now anxious to know.

"Kareshi means boyfriend, I think"

"No, it's not," he insisted.

"Trust me, it means boyfriend. Ask Timmy tomorrow."

"Is not," he devolved into a defeated child.

The room went silent. Oh Matt, sometimes I'm amazed by his spurt of naivete. As I was drifting back to sleep, Matt started talking.

"You know, you can tug on my nuts a little when you have your hand in there."


"I like doing it. Keeps my nuts loose.".

"You liked having my hand inside your shorts?" I prodded some more.

"I don't mind you doing it. It's cool with me."

"Yeah, it was fun," I concurred. "So you want me to do that on football nights?"

"Only if you feel like doing it. I'm not forcing you to do things that you might not want to," he replied looking for some level of approval from me.

"No, it's cool with me too."

"I was thinking buddy," he continued.

"What about?" I asked.

"We should change the room to jerk off friendly zone," he continued.

"What you mean?"

"It looks like we both like jacking off. And it would be nice if we don't have to hide it."

I thought he was joking, so I rolled over and hung my head on the side.

"Are you just telling me this because you can't jerk off on your own?"

"Well, maybe," he responded then wink. "Would it be nice if you can just whip it out when you are actually horny instead of waiting. And if one us is around then he can be the look out," he added.

"Ha ha. That sounds interesting," I said. "And what about porn?" I asked.

He got out of the bed and walked to his desk. He reached for the cover of his overhead storage.

"That's my DVD stash," pointing at a shoe box behind his jars of protein powder mix.

"What the hell? You are probably the only one who still watch porn on DVD," I said jokingly.

"Fine, then don't watch them," he said giving me the finger.

"You know you can get them for free now on the Internet?"


"Honestly? Have you not searched for porn on your computer?"

"Don't you get nasty virus if you do that then you computer is all messed up?"

"You just have to be extra careful. I'll show you a safe site later," I offered as a show of gratitude for his offer.

It's not that Matt didn't know about porn on the Internet. The truth of the matter was that he hardly had any time or did not have the need for it. He had a very busy schedule. It's only the last two weeks that he had a lot of free time during the semester because of his shoulder.

"Are you cool giving me a hand for the mean time though?" he finally said what he was actually hoping.

"What's it in for me?" I'm not really oppose to jacking him off. I sort of like hearing his moans and grunts and seeing his sex face.

"Aww, it's only until I'm out of this harness. You wouldn't help a buddy in need?" he protested.

"What about this? You let me touch you when I feel like it. . . . anywhere . . . anytime" was my offer.

"Anytime and anywhere. I don't know about that."

"Jeez, it's not like I'm going to do it to put on a show in front of everybody. It's like here in the room, in the car, or something like that."

"Let me think about it." He looked like he wanted to agree but hesitating.

"You can join me on the couch next Friday, and football night, I'll be your extra hand again," I offered.

I could see his face lit up.

"What about now?" he blurted out.

"Take a cold shower." I replied.

"You're no fun."

"Zip it. I'm tired," I said brushing him off.

I went back to sleep, and he did the same.

The next Tuesday after my first class, I was in the dorm waiting for Matt to have our lunch break contemplating on our conversation last night. My cock started straining in my jeans, so decided to unzip and let it out. I climbed in my bed and lay down for a bit intently looking at my cock giving it a slow rub. I did not notice Matt opening the door as I was in deep thoughts about his request to help him out with his needs. "Will he somehow return the favor if I agree?" I thought to myself. I wondered how it would feel like to have him wrap his big hand around mine.

Matt walked in. He was already standing by the bed looking at what I was doing when I heard him said, "ready for lunch." I looked at him and slowly tucked myself in.

"I can wait," he continued.

"Nah, I'm cool. I just had a boner," I replied. I climbed down the bunk bed and finished tucking myself inside my pants then we made our way to the cafeteria. We fetched our food and settled into the same table that we had unofficially chosen to be our regular eating spot.

"How was it?" he asked with a smirk forming in his face.

I figured what he was talking about but I tried to divert it anyway. "How about it?" I replied pretending to be confused.

"You know," he said while making the fist that someone's hand form when masturbating then mime the movement.

"It's nice that I don't have to worry about you walking in on me."

"Enjoyed it?"

"I wasn't really planning to finish it off. I just got a boner. I had to take it out. It was straining down there."

"He-he-he," he chuckled at what I said.

"What so funny?"


"Shut it before I break you other arm."

"Geez, can't even take a joke," he said then he proceeded to mime jack off again.

"Not funny Matt. It was your idea."

"OK, I won't do it again," he said raising his curled up hand then he proceeded to mime jack again.

We both just laughed at it.

"Just make some noise or something to get me a heads up when you are alone though."

He nodded and said, "OK, will do" then he offered a fist bump that formally sealed the deal.

"By the way, I need a favor tomorrow," Matt said after we finished the last morsel of food on our plate.

"Woowaah, buddy!" I responded.

"Not the kind you are thinking about. I need a ride to the hospital tomorrow for my check-up."

"What time?"

"Like 2:30."

"No problemo, amigo."

The rest of the day went by like any other day except I had a quick wanked on the bed while Matt was studying on his bed. I was extra vocal just annoy to him for making fun of me this afternoon. Matt would kick the underside of my bed when I got too loud for him then admonished me that he couldn't study. He said that he had a lot of catching up do for being absent for several days. It just gave me even more reason to exaggerate. After some more pleadings from him, I settled down a little and finished myself. It was a different feeling when Matt and I did it together. It was not as intense but it was just as fun. The new sense of freedom was very liberating.

Next: Chapter 4

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