Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on May 9, 2016


Interludes are few episodes that never made it to the main story, which are mostly filler episodes. This should have occurred after Matt and Joe both have finally get their studies straightened out as sort of celebratory entry.

Blissful Paradise (Interlude)

One Day in a Life of Bored College Kids by Max Millan

The door slammed shut after Matt who was still in his practice gear. Their afternoon scrimmage was canceled because of the heat wave. The late Spring surprised gift to the enthusiastic group of testosterone filled athletes who were happy to get back to their playing form. The last year's second place finished would not do only championship mattered. It's not unusual to see Matt to take a detour to the dorm coming back from practice. The dorm was situated between the stadium and the main gym where their individual locker was located and also a walking distance away. It was a convenient way to avoid the rush of thirty or so student athletes taking turns to use the shared showered room.

"Sup!" Matt said in his cheerful self.

I was on my bed reading through the last chapter of a book for my English class. I greeted him back, "sup!"

"Sup!"Matt replied as he set his helmet on the study then his jersey. His short blonde hair that he normally spiked lay flat on his head with beads of sweat still pouring from his forehead.

"Sup!" I said.

Matt kicked off his cleats spreading dirt on the floor. I looked at what he was doing and ignored it. I won't be cleaning after him again. He got out of his shoulder pad set it on the study by his helmet.

"Hey, sup!" he said again.

"Sup!" I said.

A few more rustling from Matt then another "sup!" from him.

I looked at him mooning me as he slowly got out of his football pants. I smiled a little then continued on with his game, so I just replied "Sup!" back. Looking from at him from behind a completely different treat. Although I've been working out and bulking up here and there, his big naturally big muscular thighs and strong calves dwarfed whatever I got. When he stood up, his big arms framed the wide body that he also possessed. Like I said before, Matt was big man of nicely proportioned stature just enough fat to enhance the muscles underneath. He also had a smooth bubble butt.

When he got out of his pants, he turned around displaying himself in the open. "Sup!" he said then he did a little of the dance move he and his teammates did when they score a touchdown, arms raised up with one hand pointing to himself and the other pointer straight away making sure the meat hanging between his legs sway and bounce as he thrust his hips to some unheard rhythm.

"You're full of energy. How's practice?"

"Too hot outside. Coach cut the practice short." Matt looked for his shower pail and wrapped a towel around his waist. "Got any plan this afternoon?" he asked.

"Nothing really just finishing this book. A few more pages and I'm done."

Matt walked out of the dorm room to get rid of the grim, dirt and sweat he accumulated that afternoon. I continued reading the and finished the last few pages of the book. I finished it alright but I was still lost on what to do with the new information I had in my head.

The dorm room door swung open. Matt came in fresh with his shower pail in hand. His blue flip-flops made a flapping noise while he walked around the room avoiding the dirt he left earlier.

"Are you gonna clean that?" I asked him as he tip-toe his way to his dresser.

"I will."

"You better," I warned him.

Matt dropped his towel on the floor but somehow had reservation with what he just did and picked it up quickly and hanged it by his chair to dry. He flipped through the shirts hanging by his dresser until he found one to his liking. Matt shrugged his shoulder put it on. His white satin basketball shorts would do for second or third wearing. He slipped into it and reached in to adjust himself while we talk, some personal habits that he no longer had any reason to hide.

"C'mon. Help me bring this to the gym," Matt said pointing at his practice gear.

"I thought you said you are gonna clean the floor."

"I will when we get back."

The sweltering heat was still taxing even when the sun made its descend to the Western skies. We walked through the open hall in front of the cafeteria then to the student then out the small creek lined with pine trees avoiding as much sun as possible. I hold to Matt's chest protector as I balanced myself on the makeshift bridge across the creek. Water splashed when made Matt's way across. The small logs had some trouble supporting his heavy frame.

"Watch it," I told him.

He almost slipped on his last step. His reflex saved him that day. The only casualty was his pair of cleats that he accidentally dropped in the creek. I laughed while he tried regaining his balance on the soft ground. We emerged at the guarded parking lot on the side of the gym where student athletes and officials leave their cars during out of school tournaments. Matt left his practice gear with the custodian who was on his way to start his cleaning duties.

"Jeez, that old man is way too punctual," Matt said as I saw him stepped out of the locker room and not a minute later the custodian came out pushing the laundry cart.

Matt and I jumped out of the way when we heard the old man said "coming through."

We returned to the dorm and he immediately jumped up to his bunk bed. I pointed at the mess that he left on the floor but he just fluffed one of his pillows and lay down. I knew he had no plan of cleaning after him. I complained a little while I swept the floor. I kept poking his side with the broom stick when I so him ready to snooze off. He tried swatting it. He caught it after several tries and threw it to the corner of the room. I stopped pestering him when I sensed that he was slightly annoyed by it. The day slowly wound down. One after another, friends filtered in to our room. First was Shawn then followed by Mike and Daisuke. Our dorm being the closest to the school was the place to go after class was over. Shawn and Mike were busy playing a game of football on the game console. Another knock on the door produced Tim and his girlfriend with Ashley in tow. The whole gang was packed inside the small dorm room laughing and chatting about the mundane events of the day.

It's still just the middle of the week and the night didn't offer much interesting diversion.

"Have you heard about the rumor of the white lady?" Shawn mentioned.

"Are you talking about the ghost they said that appears in the forest by the mall?" Tim asked.

"Yeah. They said she shows during full moon." Shawn replied.

"Do you believe that?" Ashley cut in.

Shawn knew the right moment to joke around, "Why? you don't?"

Ashley tried to brush it off and answered tentatively, "It's just a story. It's not true."

"Are you sure? I heard people talked about."

Ashley looked around looking for some one to agree with her. "It's just a story, right?"

To her dismay Tim added, "One of my classmates, swear he saw it one night when they drove there to smoke some weed." His girlfriend giggled.

"He's lying," Ashley protested.

"Let's go ghost hunting tonight," Mike suggested.

"No, we don't. It's just a story," Ashley said again.

The group already knew that they had to go. Why waste a chance to scare someone. "When does she appear?" Matt butted in.

"Not you too," she protested again.

"You know, I heard she shows up in a wedding dress," I added.

Tim continued on. "Yeah, they said during the civil war when this town was just starting, the wedding was the talk of the town. She was the prettiest girl in town and about to be married to the captain of a confederate force. The night of the wedding came but the groom showed up dead behind the horse carriage being pulled by a group of rag tug survivors who managed to return him on the day. She could bear the sight of her bloodied beloved underneath the full moonlight that she ran and ran as far as she could. She ran until her dress was torn and tattered. They tried looking for her, but they never saw her again. So when the moon is full, you will see her trying to find her way back."

"Creepy. It gives me the heebeegeebees," Mike said.

Dinner at the cafeteria was interesting with the group talking about the ghost hunting and Ashley was adamant that it wasn't true. With nothing else better to do, what's the harm of taking an excursion for a little bit of fun even if it was just a made story.

About ten that night, the group was at the back parking lot waiting for Shawn. Daisuke, Tim's girlfriend and Ashley were riding with Shawn. Mike and Tim hauled up on the bed of my pickup. I followed Shawn's car into the dirt road until the light from the nearby town disappeared from our view.

We huddled for a bit and group was divided into two. By the next intersection, one group would go left and the other would continue on. Tim and his girlfriend, Daisuke and Ashley would check by the road while we shadow them along the tree lines and then at the right moment jump out to scare the hell out of Ashley. Tim who was the most imaginative among us was to continue with story and add in more and more spices into the story as they walk along the road.

The plan was put into motion, but Matt and I decided it was sort of stupid. Threading through the thickets was not our idea of fun. Shawn and Mike were really into it that they went along with the plan. We saw them running back to follow the other group and the two disappeared into the woods.

"Would it be fun if the ghost actually show up?" Matt commented.

"That would be hysterical," I said.

"I could only imagine Shawn and Mike running scared trying to get out of the woods," he added.

"What if the ghost show up here?" I said.

"Then it's every man for himself."

"And where do you plan to run?"

"As far away from here as possible."

"You know it's a ghost, right. You can't outrun it."

"Still . . ." Matt pulled down the tailgate and sat on it with no good comeback. We were waiting for our friends to comeback. Only the sound of the crickets chirping around us gave company. I stared at our shadows to pass time. The slight breeze made the humid night more bearable.

"Ectoplasm," I mentioned out of nowhere.

"What's that?"

"Don't you remember that movie? Ghosts are made of ectoplasm, gooey looking slime."

"No, I have not seen it."

"It's a funny movie. They explode into goo when they electrocute the bastards."

"This is the only thing that I know that explodes goo," Matt said pointing at his dick.

"LOL, are you getting hard-on there, buddy?"

"Wanna see an ectoplasm?" he said with a grin on his face. "All this talk about gooey substance is making me horny."

"That thing will scare that ghost." The tent that was slowly rising up between his legs was starting to feel constricted. Matt pulled up the right sleeve off his loose shorts and free himself. The tip glistened as the moonlight reflected on the fluid that oozed out of it when he gave it a little squeeze.

He grabbed his shaft from the top with his right hand and stroked it as it lay on his thigh. He amazed himself by admiring his impressive piece of meat. He encircled the based with his thumb and index fingers that were barely touching. Then with his other hand, he encircled the shaft and run it along the whole length of his cock. He raised it up and used it like a telescope to spot the moon.

"Impressive, isn't it" he bragged. I grinned at what he just did. He moved the hand encircling the base and wrapped it around his cock. Slowly he moved it up and down his shaft gently brushing on his bare skin. I was intently looking at his manhood that was starting to stand erect on its own. Where my eyes were looking never escaped him. "Whenever you want to give me a hand, don't be shy," he said.

I gave him the finger and slapped his hand out of the way. "That's more like it," he said when I wrapped my hand around his cock. Damn, he really wanted to get off there and then. He leaned back supporting himself with his arms. I stood in front of him with my left hand holding his shorts out of the way while my right hand was busy stroking him. I warned him about stroking him dry, which he responded "just go slow." He anchored his legs at the back of my knees and would caress the hair of my calves in response to my hand going up and down his shaft concentrating mostly by base of his cock. It would not be a good idea to keep running my dry hand over his bare skin.

Matt kept flashing his naughty smile at me. His set of pearly whites reflected the pale moonlight as if it's twinkling. I gave him a hissing giggle.

"Are you OK there, bud?" I joked.

"Your hand feels good," he said.

I could see beads of sweat forming on his forehead with the help of the warm night. Except from some heavy breathing, he's been quiet the whole time, but the silver light of the night was enough for me to see the face he was making for every stroke his now rigid manhood was receiving. The first moan came out muffled from his mouth. Even with the limited stimulation, he edged closer and closer to his release. I stretched the sleeve of his short to expose him ever more. His big pair of sac fell out from its confinement.

"Keep stroking, buddy. That feels so good when you do it." Matt straighten up and rested his hands on his thighs.

"What can I say? Your big dick is nice to play with."

His legs brushed on the back my leg in increasing frequency, and his hands grabbing his thighs showed that he was working on his release. We didn't have much time. Any minute now, the rest of the gang were bound to show up. So I continued on, helping him out. He was moaning constantly now when all of a sudden, we heard a high shrieking sound from the road.

"Oh shit, that's them," Matt said after being taken out of his concentration.

"Just go inside the car," I told him. His scandalously big manhood would not be easy to hide and would have been hard to explain.

So I stood by my car pretending nothing happened and watched Tim's girlfriend and Ashley running back to the car still screaming.

"It's just us," I could hear Shawn shouting from behind them.

Tim, Mike and Shawn were laughing hard while the two girls cursed at them. "You're fuckin' assholes," Ashley castigated them.

The laughing and cursing went for a while, and when the adrenaline finally run out, the group settled down and had enough of the ghost hunt. Dust covered the road behind us as we dashed out of the unpaved road back into the civilization. Mike, Daisuke and Tim braced themselves in the bed of my truck while Shawn and girls followed. Inside, Matt and I giggled at each other. The explosive ectoplasm had to wait. His erection had already subsided by the time we reached the store for some cold drinks and snacks to take back to our dorm. The group disbanded by the store parking lot. Shawn was kind enough to volunteer ferrying the everyone back to their places. I had no idea how he was able to fit six people inside the car, but even those uncomfortable experience of cramping everyone in a car was one of the memorable part of college life. Shawn shouted at us when when he punched his way out of the parking lot. The loud noise of the screeching tires must had driven his passengers crazy.

Matt was rummaging through the plastic bag while I was preparing to back out. I wondered what he was looking for. When I was ready to move forward he said, "hey, I got something for you." I looked at him and to slammed on the breaks when he tossed me something. I fumbled and it landed by my feet. I reached around and found a small jar of Vaseline.

"What this?" I said.

"What? You need a bigger jar," he said.

"Screw you. You need this more than me," I told him.

"Well, I'm out of it."

"So why are you giving to me?"

He just smiled. I knew what he meant, use it on him. I handed it back to him and drove back to our dorm. The lobby was busy when we came in. A few students were watching some show on the television with a bad reception that only received programming over the air, but most were together among the long sectional couches already in separated in groups. One group were the international students studying with some American students. They must had been helping them with their English class. The rest were just busy chatting. When we saw that there was nothing interesting going on, Matt and I kept on walking through the hall way of the dormitory passed the dorm monitor office. The student assigned to our dorm said hi to Matt when he recognized him. Matt waved at him. The other television area by the kitchen was also occupied. The heat probably kept everyone inside for the meantime.

Matt made a detour to the restroom while proceeded to our room. I was setting the content of the plastic bag on his study desk that had been designated as extra storage when he came in.

"Damn, my feet are hurting," he said as he lay down on my bunk bed.

"What are doing on my bed?" I asked him I thought he was just being absent minded.

"Jeez, can I at least some rest," he complained.

It's half past eleven and like a true college kids we were still both wide awake. I turned the television to look something good to watch then settled on one of the recliners. I must have been tired too and in no mood to keep searching, a late night talk show would do. About ten minutes into it, I lost interest. "Matt, are you still awake?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's too early to go to bed," he answered from behind.

"Nothing's good on TV. Got anything in mind?"

"Well . . ." he replied.

"Well . . ." I responded.

"I got nothing," Matt said.

"I have one." I stood and walked around the recliner. Matt was on his side watching the television.

"So what you got?"


Matt face lit up. I pushed his shoulder to get him to lay on his back with no resistance from him. He knew what I was planning to do. With a little bit of effort while laying on the bunk bed, he removed his t-shirt. It would be good for some other day when laziness struck. There was no reason to soil it. He swung it onto the back of the one of the recliners. Once he was comfortably laying back in the bed, I pulled down on his shorts just enough to free him. His impressive piece of meat woke up on it's own from it's placid to semi hardness.

"Damn, you are still horny, aren't you?" I joked.

"Of course," he said proudly while tugging on his balls ever slightly. With the sudden rush of warm blood coursing through his groin, his cock was in full mast waiting for some attention.

Matt lifted his hips as I helped him out of his shorts crumpling it then threw it to his smiling face. He dropped it on the floor. I've seen him in almost every stage of nakedness, but it was still an amazing sight to see him undressed. From the stubble on his face down to his toes, I looked at him. This burly man put his hands behind his head and parted his knees, telling me he was ready. I reached for the plastic bag and fetched the small jar of lubrication that he just bought. I kneaded a lump in my right hand until my fingers are gliding effortlessly. I moved his right leg and went between his legs by the foot of my bed then he encircled me with his legs. He intently wait for me to wrap my hand around his rigidness.

He was throbbing when I put my hand on cock. Slowly I spread some lube around the shaft making sure he was lubricated from the pinkish head down to the base of his cock. Matt wasn't saying anything just watching what I was doing. When my hand assumed the stroking motion, he let out a moan and tossed his head back. He wanted his release and I wanted to see him do it, so continue on stroking him. My hand glided up and down the full length of his cock feeling every inch of him. Matt after a while reached down for his sac and tugged them to make loose and relax. He played with his balls with me stroking him.

"Aaah," he grunted after I started concentrating on the upper half of his cock with my hand doing a circling motion on the head of his cock. After sensing his reaction to it, I put more effort into teasing the head. With my free hand, I played with the head while the other stroking him.

"Hmmph," Matt muffled his grunt. Them another in between his shortened breathe. Matt, still with his head tossed back, was now grabbing his own thighs for every stroke that he was getting then his legs lost their strength. His right leg rested on my lap. The warmth of our skin touching was enough to make him sweat a little. I could feel part of my cargo pants getting damp as it slowly caught Matt's bodily secretion.

My hand needed some rest. When my hand left his cock, he finally looked up and saw me rolling my shoulder, and my legs were starting to sleep carrying the full weight of Matt's leg.

Matt gave me a naughty smile and joked "too much dick for you?"

"Just give me a breather or two," I said then got out between his legs to let blood flow back into my lower limbs.

"I must say, you jack my cock better than me," he said.

"I have lot's of practice," I replied.

"No kidding, it feels so good when you do it."

"Don't worry, you're gonna get plenty of it," I assured him.

Now that my arm and legs were finally rested, it's time to give Matt his needed release. This time I opted to kneeling by the side of my bed. Matt seeing me in my new position reached out searching for my groin area, which his hand had no problem finding. He gave my semi-hard cock a gentle squeeze.

"Take it out. I wanna touch it," he said.

I undid my pants and pulled my boxers together with it down to my knees. Matt wrapped his hand around my exposed cock. It didn't take long for it to response in kind to his encouragement. Now that he got what he asked for, it's time for me to resume taking care of his cock that never lost its hardness after the brief respite. My hard cock in his hand was his assurance that I liked taking care of him. Even though, I was the one who instigated most of it, Matt must had been thinking if I was enjoying it too.

Matt's fat dick glistened like a beacon in the room. I kneaded more of the greasy lubrication in my hand. Slowly but surely, Matt reaching the point of no return. Like the way he showed it to me on how to handle his massive load, I jerked him until the last of his seed oozed out of his cock. When he regained his breath, he inspected the mess he made. One streak, his first of many, went way past his shoulder. Two more on the other side right by his chest, and the rest, I made to land right in the middle accumulating into a pool.

"Sorry about that," he apologized when he saw the drops of his seed on my pillow.

"You're doing laundry," I told him.

"How about you?" he asked still giving my cock slow strokes.

"I can get there quick," I replied.

"Go for it," he said. Matt watched me stroked my cock aiming it on his stomach. He must have been watching me when I jerked in the recliner while he was in the room with me because, by now, he knew the signs when I was ready blow my load. In some occasions, Matt would offer his hand. Wrapped in his big hand, I begun adding my seed on the mess he already made on himself.

"There you go, buddy," he congratulated my effort.

I squeezed and flicked the few remaining drops on him. By now, his cum was starting to drip to his sides in danger of adding more stains to my bed. Before it happened, I tossed him his towel. Matt wiped himself clean.

"Catch," I heard him say, but I was too late to react. His towel hit me on the face.

"Oh shit, I felt that. I have your cum on my face," I blurted out. Matt just laughed because of what I said.

Matt put on his shorts and was preparing to climb up to his bunk. "Oh no, you don't," I stopped him. "I'm not sleeping in your jizz." Matt obliged.

"Damn, Matt. Our room smell like jizz," I told him while I occupied the top bunk for the meantime.

"Well, at least it masks your smelly shoes," he replied.

Next: Chapter 30: Interlude 2

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