Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Mar 31, 2016


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

For the Memories by Max Millan

More than ever, Collin is particularly up beat for the past few days. He is always ready with a joke when he decides to pester his friend in the office between his rounds. Shane scribbles on his pad. Stack of papers continues to pile up on his desk. Collin sits on the side of the Shane's desk looking at what's keeping his friend busy these days. The break room TV blares on the background and with it are the cheers from the other officers watching the game. It is a common preoccupation in the station during the lazy part of the afternoon when most of them are just winding down their shift. Collin's attempt to distract his friend is not working, so he checks the commotion by the break room. There he is greeted by the other officers and offer him a seat. It doesn't take long before he is cheering loud with them on every outstanding play either teams made. Shane flips through his paper works for what seems like forever filling in the same boxes over and over again. One by one, he sees the officer walk out of the precinct to continue with with their duties after taking a short break.

"Still not yet done with that?" he hears Collin as he makes his way back to Shane's desk.

"A couple more," he replies.

"Catch you later then," Collin says. "Someone has to keep these kids from doing stupid stuff," he adds.

Shane says goodbye with a quick wave of his hand still looking intently at the document in front of him.

This becomes somewhat of a routine for Collin visiting him during his break. Collin offers some needed distraction from his work. He's been office bound for almost a month. With his case coming in trickle, he finds himself in charge of organizing reports of other officers. Collin should have been in the office pestering him now. He looks at the clock on the wall and shrugs his shoulder.

He yawns and stretches his arms and catches a glimpse of the clock, which causes him to jump from his seat. It is already half an hour passed the end of his shift. He checks on the drawers of his desk making sure they are locked then grabs his sports coat.

"Hmm," he mumbles to himself while sitting on his desk the next day. No Collin. He must have found something else better to do. It's nothing unusual. They have their own lives after all. Sometimes even weeks could pass by before they see each other outside of work. But normally, Collin would have said something if he is doing something on his own. Shane wonders.

His concern is lifted when the following Monday Collin shows up to pester him again. Collin sits on the edge of the desk sideways with one leg on the desk and the other straight down on the floor supporting him. The old wooden table creeks as he settles in. Shane looks up.

"Is that a new look you are going for?" Shane says when after noticing the stubble on Collin face.

"This?" Collin replies running his hand on his growing facial hair.

"Too lazy to shave?"

"Going for a rugged look . . . for the winter."

"You know that you still need to trim that thing."

"Nah, I'll wait a little. Let it grow longer."

"Be careful. You might get reprimanded by the lieutenant. Office policy."

"I know. I know."

"Just saying."

"You and your clean shaven face and white-side wall haircut," Collin says and feels the back of Shane's head. Shane shivers. The short hair on the back of his head grub on to Collin's fingers tickling him.

"Stop that."

"What? This?" Collin says rubbing his friend's head again.

"What you've been up to?" Shane asks.

"Nothing, just doing the same thing like I always do."

"Still scaring college kids hooking up by the farm roads."

"That and speedsters. Do you know that they are working on the road?"

"You mean they are paving the road."

"Yeah. They are widening it too."

"I wonder way."

"I guess it will be the new main road once they open the new main gate."

"Wow. So the new buildings will open too."

"Yeah. That's what I've heard from the folks working at the library."

"That's where you've been hanging out lately?"

"Just scouting out the place."

"How so?"

"The computer lab manager heard complaints about some old dude looking at cheerleaders on the computer." Being a state university, the library is open to the general public, and the ever growing popularity of the new technological innovation known as the Internet attracts a few unsavory visitors.

"That sounds creepy."

"Well, the word is that the he has a questionable taste."

It piques Shane's interest. "The naked kind?" he interjects.

"The young kind."

"That sounds more like my area."

"You're welcome to take over if you want. Library makes me itch."

"LOL, itch between your legs."

Collin grubs his crotch and says, "this gets extra treatment in the shower. I won't have that problem."

Shane looks around then leans over to his side to check what his friend is holding. "I believe you." Collin traces his placid manhood through his pants for his friend to have a good look.

"But not lately," Collin says grinning.

Collin reaches between his friend's legs. "How about this?"

"It's been lonely too lately, too much work," Shane slouches a little with hands resting on the leather-covered armrests. He keeps looking around for any unwanted wanderer by the office area while his ex-partner massages him.

Barely audible voices emanates from the lobby. The first batch of officers comes in for their break. The two snap back to reality. Collin stands and straighten himself while Shane goes back filling in forms on his table. They naughtily laugh and immediately stops when the two other officers make their way to the main office area. The new arrivals greet them on their way to the break room, and the break room TV immediately comes to life.

Collin checks his uniform before heading out, patting his pants down. Shane leans his chair backwards looking at the mound Collin is showing even more visibly now. Their eyes meet, which is followed by two big grins.

"You know where to get it," Collin says.

"Continuation?" Shane agrees to the proposition.

"Might as well before the road is paved," Collin replies on his way out.

Collin waves at the lady manning the front desk before grabbing his coat hanging by a coat rack by the front door. It's mid-November. The cold weather is starting to make its presence. The cyclical warmth that comes in the middle of the week is still something to look forward to. Collin starts the car, pats the side of his dark blue police jacket, and takes a chrome plated flask. A nice shot of Jack should feel good right about now.

It is a slow night for Collin. It must be the road work discouraging most motorists. Only the sound of the engine from the cement mixer keeps him company. There he waits and watches as the sun descends slowly on the horizon. He keeps checking his watch wishing it will go faster. He reclines his seat and dozes off until his phone rings around seven.

"You there?" Shane says on the other line.

"Yeah, same ole place," Collin answers.

"It's a little cold out. You still up for it?"

"Sure. We could probably figure something out. Go the other way around to avoid the construction."

"Be there in ten, bud."

Shane parks his pickup behind the squad car. Collin parked further back to make room. Shane steps out of his car still looking sharp in his dark blue sports coat even when he had already loosen up his tie after getting off work. He walks to the passenger side.

"Busy?" he asks as settles into the passenger seat.

"Not really," Collin replies who still laying on his reclined seat.

"Must be the construction," Shane surmises as he makes himself comfortable in the seat that he used to occupy. "Wow, this feels so familiar," he adds reclining the seat.

The last ray of the sun disappears on the horizon leaving only the reddish clouds. There is no reason to hurry, darkness is their friend for what they are going to do. For now, they both lay on their seats with their hands nicely tucked in their undone pants, exchanging peeks now and then.

"How do you like patrolling alone?"

"I like it, but I might be assigned a new partner next year."


"Another newbie, fresh from the academy." Collin puts his hand out of the way when Shane reaches between his crotch. He looks down as his friend's hand slips inside his boxers. "He came in a week ago to talk to the chief. Someone from the headquarters recommended him, must be a family of some sort."

"Well, don't get too crazy around him then," Shane replies and adding more pressure while he massages Collin.

"LOL, I'll behave. I won't make him suck my dick on his first day," Collin jokes.

"Better not," Shane agrees.

The sun has set, and the light from the newly installed posts filters through the trees giving them some ambient light. In between the two cars, Collin stands looking up in the air while Shane squats in front of him. He holds onto the back of Shane's head guiding his cock slowly in and out of his friend's wet warm mouth. Shane braces himself on Collin's thighs pulling down on his friend's boxers and the flaps of his blue pants.

"Oh yeah," Collin grunts.

"Got your message loud and clear this afternoon," Shane replies when he comes up for air.

"Good show?" Collin asks.


"I got harder that expected. I was straining in there."

"I could tell. You're mound wasn't leaving anything for the imagination."

Collin resumes his soft moans when his friend licks and plays with the head of his manhood. His hard cock starts to leak his precious pre-sexual juice.

"Hmm, salty," Shane jokes then runs his tongue on the slit. "Ready?" he adds. Shane stands and turns his friend around facing the grill of his pickup truck.

"Oh shit, I was the one thinking of getting some ass," Collin says.

"Continuation. Remember?" Shane reminds him of the time when they were interrupted when they tried it the last time.

The cool air blows on his ass cheeks when Shane pulls down his pants from behind just enough to expose him. "Oooh, that's cold," he complains. Shane gives him a good slap on his ass and says, "Stop complaining. You asked for this."

Keeping his pants up, he takes his cock and balls out of his fly and unrolls a prelubricated condom that he specially picked out for the occasion. The flicking sound of the thin rudder being fitted has Collin bent over by the hood on the car with his elbows supporting himself on it. Shane takes aim. Collin gasps when the feels the head of friend's cock enters him. Shane starts his slow stokes pushing himself in deeper on every stroke. Buried in deep, he adjusts Collin shirt and the department jacket that he is still wearing to get them out of the way. Another smack on his friend's ass then his assault ensues. He holds onto him just below his waist where his thighs meet the hips pulling him ever slightly to bury himself completely as he grinds his hips. Then the short strokes are followed by by longer and faster ones. Collin surrenders to the sensation of his friend invading him from behind and has collapsed on the hood of the car. He doesn't care much about the film of dust that the car dragged in. The sound of skin slapping in the cool Fall night disappears among the pine trees that are silent witness to the tryst that is going on.

"You like that?" Shane teases his friends who is now moaning non-stop. Collin doesn't answer and fishes for his friend's hand guiding it to his hard cock that's been flapping free from his friends rhythmic assault. Shane reaches around and strokes his friend. Even the cool air is not enough to dampen the moment. Shane has worked out a good sweat under his sports jacket that the light blue long sleeves he is wearing is darken by the wet spots under his arms.

"Buddy, I'm gonna cum," he tells Collin.

"Give it to me buddy," Collin encourages him.

Then a few strong grunts escape from his wide open mouth follow by deep breathing. After calming down, he pulls Collin up. With one arm gently around his neck and another stroking him, Collin grabs onto his friend's arm around his neck. "Do you have a big load for me?" Shane whispers in his ear while he strokes him.

"Yeah," he answers. It doesn't take long when he breath shortens and his big cock stiffens signaling his approaching climax then a series of moans follows. Three streams of thick white fluid fly into the air hitting the grill of the pickup truck. More oozes out while Shane milks every drop of his manly seed. His thick cock throbs in Shane's hand. Shane continues with his slow stokes as meat in his hand slowly loses its rigidness.

A silhouette of two men stand between the squad car and the red pickup. Collin, head still facing the sky with mouth open, is catching his breathe. Shane arms wrapped around his friend savoring the moment when one of their fantasies finally comes to pass. Collin twitches a little when his release washes over him. Shane pulls out his semi-hard cock and carefully removes the thin rubber where he deposited a good amount of his own seed. If the darkness isn't hiding Shane's sweaty face, a wide smile can be traced from his lips while showing the content to his friend before throwing it into woods as far as he can.

Collin composes himself making sure his uniform is properly tucked in. The front and sleeves of his jacket was soiled hugging onto the dusty hood of Shane's pickup truck. It shouldn't to hard to wipe it clean later.

"You good for the night?" Shane asks.

Collin snickers looking at him putting his placid dick back inside his pants. "Brrrrrh, it's cold!" Shane exclaims when a whip of cold fresh air makes it way to his loin area.

After the temporary relief of warm burst of hot blood coursing through their bodies left, the shivering reminder of the time of the year makes itself known. A firm handshake and taps on the back seal their night. Shane gives Collin another slap on his ass cheek as he turns around. Collin raises his hand giving him the middle finger and walks in a non-peculiar way going back to his squad car still feeling the recent invasion of his behind. The first car of the night drives past them. Shane grins as he drives out of the cop's hiding place following the car. The thought of someone imagining what he may be doing in there gives him a naughty smile. He never though of himself of being an exhibitionist, but it's titillating nonetheless.

Collin visits to the precinct trickles down as days go by. Shane is also becoming busier each day that he hasn't notice his friend's absence. The clock ticks. The familiar sound of the officers coming in for a break comes and goes. Then all of sudden Collin shows up.

"How's it going detective?" Shane hears from behind him.

". . . and the devil finally shows up," Shane replies not looking back.

Collin sits on the desk again. The tables screeches on the floor from the weight it tries to support. Shane looks up and says, "Careful." He is going to say something but pauses. Collin is stroking his newly formed beard.

"What's with the rug on your face?" he says.

"This? It's getting longer, ain't it," Collin replies. Collin is now sporting a close beard and the slightly longer curling hair to match it.

"How long was the last time you shaved?"

"Just about a month."

"You didn't strike me as someone to grow a full beard like that."

"How so?"

"You are not that hairy."

"What do you mean? I have a few. See?" Collin says pulling the blonde hair on his arm.

"I mean the rest of you."

"Oh well, you can call me lucky then. How's work?"

"Getting busier. It looks like more work is coming my way."

"New cases?"

"I wish. Mostly paper work."

"That's the problem with doing fine job. They throw more to your direction. What are they making you do now?"

"Looking at old cases. They should be paying someone else to scan and catalog these things. It feels like there is no end to this."

"Do we have those?"

"Yeah. And a lot too from many moons ago."

"Well, you are one of the few who knows around technology given that you are working with dinosaurs."

"Clicking a button is not the hardest thing to learn. Maybe we should get the newbie to do this. How's he, anyways?"

"Alright, . . . I guess. He is somewhat a little too comfortable in his uniform though."

"Is it a problem? Maybe it's just a phase."

"I hope so." After saying it, Collin, out of character, spaces out.

Shane catches Collin's blank stare lately. "Where is he at?" Shane blurts out to reel his friend back in.

Collin stammers some words. Startled, he answers, "He is in the lobby talking to the receptionist. I might as well check on him before he causes any trouble. Catch yah later."

Collin walks back to the lobby to fetch his new partner to continue on with their duties patrolling the ever expanding university. Shane looks at him until he disappears from his view. There is something different about him. His aura of cheerfulness is somehow missing.

Winter comes early. The bitter cold snap breeze bites on Collin bare hands as he opens the chrome flask hidden inside his jacket. He takes a couple of swigs and declares them to be what he needs to counter the weather. He puts it away at the first sight of his new partner coming out of the gasoline station with hot cups of coffee in both hands. The young officer hands him his cup. Given the uncooperative weather, their check of the few troubled spots around the campus has to be cut short. He opens the door of the squad, and the young officer follows suit enthusiastically taking his spot in the passenger seat. He looks at the young man shaking his head.

The cold winter continues on so it seems. It is the middle of December, and a Christmas carol plays from the receptionist's stereo. Shane is again sitting by his desk sorting through the files in front of him. A sudden commotion from one of the offices startles him. Collin is the first one out. In quick strides, he darts muttering some unpleasant words. He is already out of the building when the sergeant steps out of his office.

"What was that all about?" Shane asks.

The older officer scratches the front of his head and answers, "we are putting him on leave."

Shane concern grows even more urgent. "What did he do?"

"I warned him many times that he needed to shave his beard, but he wouldn't listen. The chief is not happy and I'm getting my ass chewed for the last few months. If the chief didn't like him, he would have been fired a while back."

"Is it really that bad?"

The old officer scratches his head again and looks at Shane. He knows that the man standing in front of him is a good friend of Collin. "I could have let him be, but the thing is . . . it's only the first part of the story." The older officer pauses. "He was drinkin' on the job."

The revelation comes in heavy in his heart but why is he not surprised. Flashes of Collin's days visiting the office run through his head like a time lapsed movie reel. The stubble that eventually turned to unwieldy beard, unkempt hair and sometimes bloodshot eyes were signs that he unintentionally ignored. And when the whole movie played out, Collin looked like someone who had given up on something.

That night, immediately after getting our of work, Shane drives to the small square white house that sits in between two fields of wilting cotton shrubs. The flickering lamppost makes the unlit house even lonelier. Shane looks on looking for any sign of life. His attempts of calling him went unanswered. The lights are off, but he knocks on the door anyway, hoping that his friend will answer. Shane bangs on the door but no one answers. Wondering, Shane slowly walks back to his car.

The chatter on the television helps him a bit to take his mind of Collin as he settles on his recliner. The wind blows hard outside making the old house creeks. He fiddles with the tab of the pop top can in his hand still wondering. Later that night, his phone rings. He doesn't recognize the number but answers it just in case.

"Is this Shane?" a familiar voice from the other line asks.

"Yes. What's up?"

It is the bartender from the bar where he and Collin hang out. She is calling asking for a favor. Collin has been there the whole night drinking and becoming obnoxious the more he drinks. Maybe he can convince him to go home and let whatever bothering him pass. Shane drives up to the bar, and there at the end of the bar is a sorry sight. The light from the sign hanging on the wall filters through Collin's wiry hair. His beard is wet from beer that already soaked the hair around his mouth.

"Thanks for coming," the lady says when she sees him enters the bar.

"What has he done?"

"He's being rude. He's been chasing away other customers the whole night."

Collin must have sensed that he is around and looks at the wall staring at the neon sign. Collin for his entire life is never without a joke, and a constant smile is painted on his face. But tonight, they are hiding. Some say that happy people experience the deepest sorrow.

No matter how he tries to put the memories at the back of his mind, it keeps coming back. The weight of what his kid told him bears down on Collin like a ton of bricks on his shoulder. He recreates the scene of losing his frail but courageous wife and the child she was carrying in his mind. With only bits and pieces of stories from other people who dared to share what happened, he is left imaging the worst of things.

Stupid. He keeps mumbling. How could he have forgotten to put on his vest? He remembers clearly where it was, right there in the trunk right next to his partner's. One lapsed in his judgment and everything went to hell. He tries to brush things off. He has a job to do being an officer of the law. He thinks of things delicately but try to be realistic about it. There is no problem carrying on he tells himself. But the more he tries to put it on the side, the more he contemplates about it. For the past few months he put the smiley face that he is known for. Even to his friend Shane, he attempted to hide it. But it bubbled up some other way.

"Are you OK there partner?" Shane says as he approaches.

Collin turns around, "what are you doing here?"

Not to alert his friend of why is there, he says "I drove by your house earlier tonight. I wonder where you might be."

"Another pitcher," Collin shouts.

The bartender cringes to Shane's direction. "Oh no, I have an early day tomorrow," Shane politely declines his friend's offer.

"What? You don't wanna drink with your friend?" Collin replies annoyed.

"Just not in the mood."

"Don't tell me you are going to give me crap," Collin says loudly drawing unnecessary attention from the other people in the bar.

"Keep it down, won't you?" Shane tries to pacify him.

"Shit! I'll be as loud as I wanna be." That's his emotions flailing in the open.

"Stop being an asshole. It doesn't suit you," Shane tries to pacify him again. "How long you've been here? I think you need to go home."

"Me? Hell no. Bartender, another pitcher."

"I think you had enough," the lady behind the bar replies.

"Don't be a bitch," Collin replies, a poor choice of word.

"That's it. You are cut off," the bartender shots back.

"Collin, I think you need to go home," Shane added in a more stern tone. "C'mon, I'm taking you home."

Collin swipes his friend's hand refusing his friend's bidding. Shane, after a few more exchanges, is able to convince him to eventually go home. He follows the staggering man outside the bar. Mumbling. Fussing. Collin sits on the passenger side still muttering unintelligible words.

"What's gotten into you?" Shane admonishes him.

"Pfft!"Collin shows his disinterest regarding the question.

Shane stops his probing and swiftly drives back to Collin's house. The best thing to do is to end the night as fast as possible before anymore trouble ensues. He parks his car and helps Collin out of the pickup.

"Jeez, you reek." Shane gets a whiff of Collin when he slings his friends arm around his shoulder. His appearance is not for show the way Collin described it. The truth of the matter is that he surrendered to his own sulking and forgot himself.

"Don't give me that shit," Collin slurs his response.

"Move it and get some sleep," Shane commands. "And take a bath, will yah?"

"Shush, as if you don't like my manly smell. I know you want this." Collin grabs his crotch.

The slow pace of their movement and Collin who has other thing in his mind make the short trek to the door laborious. "You are stinkin' drunk. Just hurry up." Shane is starting to get annoyed.

In his drunken state, Collin manages to grab Shane's free and brings it to his crotch. "I know you want this," he says.

"I'm not having any of this Collin. You are drunk. Sort out whatever is your problem." Shane drops him by the stairs. That night, the drunk man sits in front of his house not noticing the cold air of winter as he watches Shane's pickup truck drives out and disappears into the night.

Shane stands on one of the bleachers. It has gone silence awhile back. The roaring crowd that once lined the bleachers had to take a brief respite to recharge for the next season. With heavy heart, he waves goodbye to some unseen people by the infield then slowly walks back to his car. This is the last time he will see this sleepy town. He is about to start a new life in another city, somewhere where the sun shines brightly and the weather never gets too cold. In two weeks time, he is about to take on a new job farther South. The chief made a comment about him being too good to be a small town detective that he gave him an outstanding recommendation for his new job. Maybe it's for good to finally move on. Who is he kidding. It's time to stop chasing for memories, old memories and new ones too. He thinks back about the good things from the time he met Shawn and to the time he met Collin. Both chapters of his life that have to pass.

Collin's problem worsen before it got better. Every minute he spent blaming himself for his wife's death means time he spent forgetting about what truly matters. His in-laws picked the pieces as much as they could, but the law still caught up with him, which on the hindsight was the best thing that happened to him. The day social services gave him a visit was enough to jag him back to his senses. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his custody over his kid. From then on, Collin emerged as a changed man. After some mandatory counseling courtesy of the university, he was accepted back in the force under probation. Collin had made a decision to make his kid his life for the better. With a new purpose, Collin grew up. His newly gained level of maturity tempered his laid back and cheery attitude.

Shane knows that he has to let his friend go to let him move on. It is a dead-end from his point of view. This is a small town and it moves slower than the rest of the world on many things.

--- FIN ---

Next: Chapter 29: Interlude 1

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