Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jan 27, 2016


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Deepest Sorrow by Max Millan

Two years quickly passed by. Shane manages to pursue his degree in Criminal Justice by going to school during the late morning then goes to work in the afternoon. He is behind by a semester, which is not totally uncommon for student like him who juggles his time between school and work. Life in the campus proceeds as normal as it can by any standard. Being a more than good cheap alternative to the more famous universities in the state, the school has became the institution of choice for many returning students and late entrants to college life because of life circumstances. Shane met other students who served in the military, continuing or finally pursuing college education thanks to the back-to-school program available to them. Some of those students have became his surrogate buddies.

The door into the student center constantly swings for the students who are hurriedly darting in and out. The warm humid air blows inside. Shane wipes his temple with his shoulder. By the tail end of Spring semester, Shane is shooting pool in the arcade with some of his new found friends, killing time before he reports for work.

"Wow! What a small world. I can't believe you served under Jack," Shane tells DJ.

"I was re-assigned to his squad when I was deployed. They lost a man."

"Do you remember who else in the squad?"

DJ mentions several names. "Oh and Carson. I remember Sgt. McQuibin giving him a hard time," he adds.

"He could be a handful. How about Hunter?" Shane asks for the other half of the duo.

"Oh yeah, those two like to goof of, but Carson is the worse of the two."

"LOL, I don't know where he gets his energy. He's like a ball of lightning," Shane agrees. "I wonder where is that bastard now?" Shane contemplates.

"I heard he moved to Florida," DJ answers.

"Where at?"

"He said Miami but that's all I remember. How's sarge?"

Shane who's been in touch with his friend after all these years answers, "He is doing fine. I just talked to him two days ago." Jack, his best friend, decided to make a career in the Army when everyone else had moved on. He said it's the life him, he can't imagine doing anything else that he had no problem taking the long way to his officer schooling. Most people can go along with their lives not figuring out what they want to do. Jack is different. When he entered the service, he knew early on that the service was for him.

"You still stay in touch?" DJ tells Shane.

"Yeah, I still hear from him from time to time."

"Must be nice. I don't even know where my Army buddies are now."

"Well, Jack is still in the same base."

"So are you buddy with Carson and Hunter?"

"Yeah. We're from the same base. I was deployed before them, though."

"Seems like everyone went their separate ways after the deployment. Hunter went back to his hometown in Virginia. He said he was going to start a business or something. Carson was just looking for something fun."

"That's life, I guess."


Their conversation is interrupted when they are asked to shoot their turn.

The rain starts to pour outside when Shane calls it quit. Work is calling. It's been like that for two days now, hot and humid most of the morning and a sudden downpour early in the afternoon. Shane is drenched by the time he gets to his car. He is cursing the weather on his way back to his house. The sudden Spring downpour is hard to predict. By now, it should have been fine weather until the searing heat of Summer comes. It is still raining when he arrives at the station.

"Damn, it seems like heaven is crying," Collin says referring to the rain.

"You tell me, I was soaking wet when I get to my car this afternoon. I hope I don't get sick," Shane agrees.

"You don't need to worry about that. Bad grass is hard to kill," Collin jokes.

"Says who, you?" Shane replies reflecting his friends comment back.

"How's school?"

"Good. If everything goes smoothly, I can graduate this Summer."

"Cool. Have you heard from the people at the headquarters if they have opening for you?"

"I haven't talk to them yet."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Just not too keen about it at the moment, I guess."

"Well, don't wait too long."

"I know."

Shane drives out of the parking lot to start their day of patrolling. Shane once again become an spectator to the lives of young kids as they go along with their almost carefree lives in the university. The rain has not let out, so the two officers decide to just patrol on foot between the cafeteria and student center. Though the main halls of those buildings are never without any students passing through it or just loitering, the halls that go to the back of the buildings require some checking specially the seldom used restrooms at the other end of the student center, which are often forgotten when the conference hall is not used for any function.

During their rounds, one or two students recognizes Shane and is surprised to learn that he is cop. Collin jokes that he is scaring his classmates. Well, what can he do but to put on a friendly smile. They climb up to the upper level to have a better view of the central area. Shane leans on the handrail that circles around the upper level. Collin leans backwards facing the busy fast food serving the ever growing population of the school.

"Are you excited finally becoming a detective?"

"I haven't given it a thought honestly."

"How come?"

"Just waiting to graduate before counting my eggs."

"Make sense."

"You know I will out rank you pretty soon."

"Shut it, I still do so don't give me that crap."

"Sorry, corporal."

"Seriously, I don't know if I can stand a day with those ole timers in the car."

"What's wrong with them?"

"They never stop talking about their lives."


"I mean, it's fine, but hearing over and over again the same story gets pretty old quickly. How their wives never put up anymore, their kids doing stupid things."

"Seeing your future self," Shane cuts him.

"Fuck you," Collin replies a little irritated.

On the hindsight Shane's comment was uncalled for considering that Collin is a single dad raising a kid. "Sorry," Shane says.

The rain finally subsides just before midnight. The back roads that have been their stalking area for years have been empty. The rain and the coming finals put a dumper on student revelries. The radio plays on the background while Shane snoozes on his seat. Collin opens the window to check the rain. The sudden rain unfortunately is not enough to diminish the natural high humidity of the Southern weather. The windshield clouds just as quickly as he closes the window. Collin wipes the windshield when realizes what he did. Shane opens his eyes because of the movement inside the car.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just wiping the windshield."

"What did you do?"

"I opened the window."

"Just let the A/C runs. It should clear up on its own."

"I don't think so. I think we need to get this car cleaned," Collin replies showing the dirt on the rag. A film of dirt has already accumulated inside their car.

"Oh shit, the captain will be mad if he finds out," Shane says joining in wiping the inside of the window. The good thing about their department is that they have the car for their own. The extra money from the university foundation allows them to have a fully equipped department.

"Move," Collin tells him and braces himself on the seat right between the other man's legs as he reaches for the driver side's windshield. Shane scoops up a little and watches his friend carry on with his chores.

"If you take too long, I might start to think you are giving me a feel." Shane jokes.

Collin pretending to be oblivious of where his hand is at continues on. "All clean," he says then hits Shane's crotch with the back of his hand.

"Ouch! Be gentle down there," Shane pretends to be hurt.

"What is this weather?" Collin complains as he sits back.

"No shit. It's been raining on and off. Can't make its mind."

"I can't believe you are not gonna be my partner anymore," Collin sighs.

"LOL, you're telling me that as if I'm leaving."

"You'll be stuck in office most of the time that I don't envy."

"True, I won't be there to keep you inline."

"Let's plan something out when you are assigned your new job."

"If you promise nothing crazy," Shane warns.

It is high noon when Shane steps into the stage to receive his diploma. A few from the force are there to watch him graduate. One by one, they congratulate him. The captain is there too to deliver the good news. He is being given a new assignment as a detective. The crowd dwindles from the last ceremony as the new arrival for the next ceremony make their way to the gymnasium. Collin and Shane are still chatting by the parking lot.

"Did you know about this?" Shane asks Collin.

"Yeah, but just this morning though. They told me to come to the office."

"What about you? Did they find you a new partner?"

"I think I'm flying solo for the moment."

"What gives?"

"No one wants to take our unusual schedule. Sarge is figuring something out."

"You're gonna be lonely without your cool partner."

"I'll manage. When are you starting your new job?"

"Next Monday."

"That sucks," Collin gets into his car disappointed about the sudden change of their work schedule. Shane has to work the ten to seven just the right schedule for university. The only downside is being on call most of the time. The department might have access to the latest equipment, but adding new personnel is a different story. Like anywhere else, the university still tries to find places where they can cut back. Just look around, student workers everywhere working for minimum wage.

"Ooh Kkk, see yah later then," Shane says sensing his friend's disappointment.

Shane starts his new job with a briefing from the captain, and the only other detective on the force tells him what do. For the most part, he just have to watch, no groundbreaking case just mostly cases of stolen properties, a very common occurrence in a place of shared living. Stolen car has to be given extra care though. Shane follows the older detective chases down a missing car, only to be located abandoned in another apartment complex. Another joy ride.

The first night of being home earlier than before also requires some getting used to. Shane is just finishing his dinner when phone rings.

"What up?" he answers.

"How's the new assignment?" Collin says on the other line.

"Not much just went around town looking for a missing car. How about you?"

"Nothing, just heading to the back roads and scratch my balls."

"So how's patrolling on your own?"

"It has its own nice things about it."

"Like what?"

"I can jack off anytime I like."

"Don't do that. You are going to make our car smell."

"What do you mean our car? It's all mine now."

It's a hot summer night by the graveled cop stalking area hidden between rows of Southern Yellow Pine. The little light coming from the big plantation house from a distance shines through the squad car into Collin's face. Sweat starts to trickle from his temple to his round pronounced chin. His mouth gasps for air. A ringing phone breaks the intense look on his face.

Shane almost fumbles taking out the phone from his pocket. It's a call from the headquarters. First day on the job and, like fate playing tricks on him, he has the first experience of being called to report for work. He tries to act as calm as possible as he answers the the phone with short affirmations and one word questions. Rubbing his friend's lower back before putting some weight on it, he gently resumes moving his hips. Collin keeps his silence bent over the hood of his squad car feeling his friend's manhood slides slowly in him while talking on the phone. His uniform shows wet stains by the armpits. His pants have been pulled down by his knees. And behind him is his friend in a tight fitting printed shirt and faded pair of jeans undone just enough to let himself free.

Their conversation earlier had Collin missing the time he spent the nights with his friend patrolling the unpaved roads that he has now to look after on his own. Collin mentioned how they never carried out the plan to do something crazy if ever Shane got his new assignment. "What you have in mind?" was Shane last words of their conversation The roads are dead because of the Summer break. A brief visit to his friend's hiding spot is probably what both of them are aching to do. Shane flashed his headlights twice to let his friend it him coming to join him. It didn't take long when Collin was sitting on the hood of the car with his friend going down on him. Collin was particularly extra appreciative that he had no problem offering himself. He might just have been feeling lonely.

"What was that?" Collin asks when Shane gets off the phone.

"This sucks," Shane replies. "They want me to check one of the apartments for possible break in," he adds. Shane pulls out of his friend then tosses the thin sheet of slick rubber into the woods.

"As in now?" Collin asks.

"I suppose," Shane replies. "Later, maybe?" he proposes.

"That's a fuckin' boner killer," Collin responds.

"I know, right?"

Shane walks his friend back to his squad car, and stay a bit to chat.

"I thought you have to report for duty?" Collin asks.

"Yeah, just waiting for this to calm down some more," Shane grabbing his crotch.

"Still tight in there?"

"A little bit. So how's doing your rounds on your own?"

"Good. It's not so bad. Waiting on your own needs some getting used to. How about you?"

"Well, I was just following my senior for most of the day."

"You should go ahead. You don't want to make a bad impression on your first day," Collin sends him off.

"OK later. Just swing by the house if you change your mind," Shane replies. Ball of dust follows Shane's speeding car knowing that he left the only person who can stop him sexually frustrated inside his squad car.

Collin looks at his uniform specially his pants checking for any incriminating evidence of their interrupted meeting. Everything seems to be fine. He pats down his uniform and twists a little to loosen up his tucked in tops before wrapping his belt around his waist. He turns on the car. A/C should help drying out the sweat. He raises his arms to let the air under them and flexes his muscle as if he is putting show some invisible company inside the car. He lets out a smile before settling down on his seat to resume his vigil for anyone venturing into the back roads. His happy that Shane is on his way to making his dream of being a detective. But it sure have been nicer if they still ride together.

Slowly days pass and both of them are now accustomed to their new routine. Shane is now doing his own investigation for the department for any ordinary cases. With their schedule, Shane working the days and Collin the better of the afternoon into the wee of the night, it will go for weeks before the two will have a time for a drink on weekends when Collin's kid decides to stay longer with his grandparents.

Shane's phones starts ringing. He hesitates for moment, but his instinct tells him that it is something important and stretches to reach for his phone anyway.

"Not again," he fuzzes.

"Who's calling?" Collin asks.

"Shoot. Sheriff's office."

"The timing, as if they know," Collin tells his friend. His tight hug has loosen up and removes his arms from underneath his friend. And slowly props himself up trying not to make any unnecessary sounds. Shane answers the phone by the foot of the bed on his stomach. Collin gives his friend's round ass one last look before pulling himself out.

Another trip to heaven is interrupted by unfortunate phone call. Shane turns over when the full weight of his friend releases him from his sprawl position. Collin, on the other hand, decides to start putting on his uniform. The only reminder of their encounter is the small wet spot he left on the sheet and the still glistening head of Shane's cock from his own natural lubrication.

Earlier that day, Collin grimaced as he tried pushing up the barbell for one more repetition. The student gym was slow that late morning. He might had put more weight in the bar or just out of practice. He was trying hard to push the weight but was not able to move pass mid-rep. He was about to do the safety escape maneuver when heard a familiar voice.

"What are you doing? You can kill yourself if you are not careful," Shane greeted him while helping him put the weight back into the press bench holder.

"Just right on time to save the day," Collin said while he rubded his shoulder and back. "What brought you here?"

"Just checking where you might be."

Collin sat on the bench and looked at his former beat partner who now exchanged his blue uniform with a long sleeves light blue shirt with matching blue tie, and a black plaid slacks. "Checking me out, huh." That's Collin and his attempt for a humor.

"You just got lucky today. I need a back up," Shane told him.

"Anything serious?"

"Not really. I just need to talk to some people downtown. Chief wanted me to bring someone along just in case."

"When are we going?"

"We can go after lunch."

"Ow, but my shift won't start for three more hours," Collin complains.

"Well, you can go home early tonight."

"Shi....t," Collin sighed before gathering his stuff.

"Food's on me today," Shane compromised.

It's also been a while the last time they ate together at their favorite fast food joint. A chili-dog sounded good at the moment. The restaurant was empty when they arrived. A young girl darted out from the back after hearing someone by the counter. They sat by the small high table where they could see the building across the street. The front of the school gymnasium and the parking lot were lined with cars. What once rarely used parking space was now almost filled to the farthest end. A transformation that they have seen unfold from the same table where they always sat to relax their aching muscles after a good work out.

"I see you are still keeping up with your work out schedule," Shane said.

"I try to squeeze it in. Or else my love handle will come back."

"This," Shane tried to pinch his side.

"See. Still nothing."

The table was always been small for two grown men sitting on both sides even when sitting high up, but they never minded that cramp space. Collin turned to see someone coming in to order some food. His leg bumped slightly on his friend's leg. When he turned back to get another bite of his chili-dog. Shane hit him back with his legs causing the messy treat to miss its mark. Collin wiped his face while Shane gave out short burst of laughs. Collin hit back a little harder to shut his friend.

"Ouch! Watch where that tree trunk of leg goes."

"What? This?" Collin rubs his bare leg onto his friend's inner thigh.

Shane responded in kind. The two grinned at each other. They had played the same game before intentional or not.

"Stop that," Collin how complained.

"What's wrong?"

"It's giving me a boner."

"He-he," Shane giggled.

"Come on let's go. I need to get changed," Collin told his friend after finishing the morsel of his food.

Collin's house was like frozen in time. Nothing seemed to have changed except for the dining room table that still accumulating things that needed to be put away. A dirty plate and glass were in the sink left to be cleaned later. But by any standard, the place still looked ordinarily clean. Shane sat on the couch while he waited for Collin to get ready for work. The sound of rattling pipes when someone is taking a shower catches his attention. It gave him a little of entertainment assessing the old house of its deficiency. His mental game of figuring out where the sound could be coming was cut short when he heard Collin stepping out of the only bathroom in the house.

"You need those water pipes check. They are making noise," he shouted from the living room.

"I'm going to fix it. Just don't have the time," Collin shouted back from his room.

"It will get worse if you don't. These houses are old."

"I know."

"Just tell me if you need help. I had to fix mine."

"I'll remember to call you when I get around to it."

"Dude, I think your just busy looking after a different kind of pipe."

"Well, you can't blame a guy for giving his pipe some needed attention."

"Hurry up."

Shane twiddled his thumb and looked at his watch. Collin should have been done by now. "What's taking you so long?"

"I'm almost done."

"What the hell are you doing?" Shane blurted out when he found Collin taking his sweet time looking at himself in the mirror. He had his uniform pants on while he playfully posed then flexed his muscle some. It might had been one of his ways of killing his boredom when alone that had became a routine.

"Just checking myself on the mirror."

"Well, you look good. C'mon," Shane said standing behind him and checking out his friend.

"We could be TV cops," Collin wondered. "We look too good for this job," he boasted.

"Your boner looks good too," Shane commented.

"It never went away, he-he."



"I guess we can wait a little to go downtown," Shane hinted with a grin. "It's not really that urgent."

Collin reached back to feel him. "You're straining in there, buddy."

"Trying to match this," Shane reached from behind grabbing the length of his cock leaning on the side.

"It will look better out of my pants."

Collin flexed his biceps some more while Shane undid his pants from behind. Shane slipped his hand inside cuffing the Collin's balls. With both hands by the side of Collin's lower body pulled the blue pants down. Collin's big round thighs stopped it from falling down some more. He filled those pants nicely and literally. Collin didn't need much help to show off. Once he was freed, his erection was poking out ready to get going. He kept on checking himself out in the mirror while Shane stroked him from behind. The mood was set. Collin kicked off his shoes one after the other. It was also a signal for Shane to move along with the flow. Shane took of his shirt and pants laying them down neatly by the foot of the bed. Collin did the same thing then jumped on his bed positioning himself in the middle propped up by the headboard. There is a little bit of urgency to what they were about to do that Shane was on his stomach between his friend's legs in no time. Collin ran his hands over his friends head feeling the short hair. When the rhythm was to his liking, with one hand he guided Shane up and down his shaft. His other hand couldn't help but feel his own chest pinching ever slightly his hardening nipples. Damn, it was always been a treat to have Shane working on his cock. The sensation was incredible that he was getting too excited. He was not willing to surrender it yet. He pulled on his friend's arms asking Shane to move up and offer his cock to him. Shane obliged. Straddling his friend on his chest, Shane offered his hard cock to his friend's waiting mouth. Collin's mouth opened and let the head of friend's manhood in his mouth. Shane, little by little, pushed himself in with every short thrusts he made. He hold onto his head and begun humping. Collin was taking it with no problem. Shane tried to enjoyed the moment that he might had been a little rough. Collin gagged. Shane opened his eyes and stopped his assault.

"Sorry, I got carried away," he apologized.

"Damn," Collin replied.

"Sorry," Shane says sheepishly.

"Oh, you are so gonna get it hard," Collin pushed Shane and turned him over.

Shane was pinned down on his back by Collin who is hugging him tightly and grinding his hard cock between his ass cheeks. Collin, with his legs, parted his friend's legs. Shane willfully spread himself wide. Collin continued his teasing him with his cock.

"Are you gonna stick it in or not?" Shane dared him.

"Oh, you want it bad, don't you?" Collin teased once more. He let his friend go for the moment to fetched what he needed from his night stand. He ripped the condom's packet with his mouth and tossed the wrapper on the floor. Shane felt the familiar slick fingers smearing some lubrication on him. Collin might have stuck a finger or two in him while priming his hole then the weight of friends legs pressed on the back of his thighs. What came next was no surprise. Shane grunted when the Collin eased himself inside him in single motion.

"Ready?" Collin asked then hugged him tightly from behind one again.

"Go ahead," Shane gave him the signal to proceed.

Both of them where already moaning hard and panting going through their impromptu bedroom tryst when Shane's phone started ringing. Collin paused.

"Oh shit, don't stop now," Shane egged him ignoring his phone.

The phone stopped ringing and the two continued on. Collin switched between grinding his hips and humping his friend hard. Then the phone rung again. This time Shane crawled to the edge of the bed to check who was calling. It was the person there were meeting that afternoon.

Collin waits on Shane to finish his conversation on the phone. Shane says, "they are on the way" to person on the other line. Shane puts on his shirt. Collin gives him his pants and throws the white boxer briefs hitting his face. Last check on the mirror and they are off to their destination. Collin in his blue uniform and Shane back to his slick looking self drive downtown.

Collin is on the wheel and fuzzes about that happened, "That was a bust. Damn, it hurts when that happens. I can still feel it clogged down there."

"Ha-ha," Shane just laughs at his friends comment. "It's interesting that when you think nothing will happen then things happened," he adds.

"I know, right? As if they know."

"Well, we shouldn't be doing it during work time, anyways."

"True," Collin concurs.

Collin waits by the lobby while Shane talks to the sheriff. Inside the interrogation room is an anxious young boy. Students have been complaining about the series of car burglary lately. The school officials are adamant to put a stop to it. The sprawling university needs the corresponding enrollees to support its expansion, and a bad reputation is the last thing they want.

Just recently, reports of local kids loitering around the neighborhood were seen with new phone, other times designer sunglasses and portable music players. It's not unusual for some kids to carry those luxuries even in a small town of fifty thousand or so. But when more and more of them start showing up with new gadgets all of a sudden, it piqued the local police interest. They brought one of the known town rascals for questioning after a fight broke out about broken sunglasses. The other kids involved disappeared into the neighborhood.

Shane, for some reason, has a natural calming authoritative effect on some people that he has the kid talking in no time. According to the boy, he heard one kid bragging about the new music player he swiped from an unlocked car in the college parking lot. To test it out, some nights when they have nothing to do, he and some of his buddies would trek to the college sometimes on foot and sometimes rode around the campus at night. Cars in secluded or unlit parking lot were fair games. All they have to do was to look for unlocked cars, or cars they can unlock. Most of the time they came up empty, but even one stolen good was enough. They sell it to the other kids in the neighborhood and split their money among themselves. Overtime, they had stolen quite a few items.

"How did it go?" Collin asks on their way to the headquarters.

"Very productive. Kid spilled it all."

"How did they evade us?"

"They were watching our routine. Those kids are smarter than they look."

"No kidding."

Shane steps out of the car to file his report. "I'll give you a call when I get off work," Collin says leaning by the passenger seat then grabs his crotch.

Shane winks and replies, "No problem."

Days roll on. The leaves around the campus have turned to a kaleidoscope of many colors and the gloomy weather that comes with it makes its presence known. Shane is now doing his investigation on his own while the older detective does his. The university has grown, but the number of university police personnel still remains the same, so Collin becomes his driver from time to time when he needs help or when the station suggests bringing in one.

One Saturday morning, Shane is hanging out by friend's house. Collin's boy decided to stay with his grandparents for one more night. The weather has been relentless for days now. Rain pours like the heavens want to dump all the moisture in the air. The two took advantage of the situation and finally had the time to have their marathon tumble in bed until the wee hours of the morning. They are still in high spirit watching a replay of a game on the living room TV, even though, they are both tired from last night. It is around ten when they hear a knock on the door. It is Collin's in-laws dropping his kid home. The boy who is now in preschool looks upset.

"What's wrong?" Collin asks when the boy runs to his arms.

"He's been like that since yesterday. That's why we let him to stay the night," the boy's grandmother says.

"Is he sick or something?" Collin asks showing some concern over his kid's mood.

"Not sure. His temperature seems fine, just cranky."

Collin in-laws say hi to Shane before leaving. Outside, the rain is still pouring hard. Collin tucks his kid to his chest and asks the kid if he wants to go to his room. The boy agrees. He sets him on his bed before probing for more information why he is upset. Lighting flashes through the window then like thunder, the boy finally tells him. In his small voice, he says "they made fun of me at school."

"What about?" Collin replies starting to look upset too.

"They said, I have no mom because you got shot." Collin's heart sinks when he hears it. A few more days and it will be the anniversary of that faithful day when he ran into the suspect's hideout forgetting his vest. Kids might not understand the gravity of the situation but they do feel it like anyone else.

Collin is lost for words. He gently rubs his kids head. The soothing touch of his father's hand is enough to calm him down and falls asleep. He will eventually feel better when he wakes up, but the father might not be. The rain that has been pouring outside also starts pouring inside. Collin wipes the tears from his eyes then goes to the bathroom and splashes his face with cold tap water. Shane senses something is wrong by just looking at his friend walking back to the living with his shoulders hanging low.

"What wrong with him?" Shane inquires.

"Nothing. Kids from school teased him," Collin replies.

"That sucks."

Collin never answers back and just stare blankly at the TV. Shane would have like to ask more questions but his senses tell him not to. He makes an excuse that he has something to do in house. Whatever upset his kid has got into him too. Shane drives home wondering what could have made his bubbly friend to feel so down.

Rain pours outside.

Next: Chapter 28: Allotted Time 15

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