Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jan 5, 2016


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Life Goes On by Max Millan

Around eleven, Shawn wakes up to the sound of his ringing phone. Still groggy from lack of sleep, he surveys the room looking for it His eyes follow the line of clothes still littering the floor. "Shane must have already picked up his," he thinks to himself. His phone keeps ringing inside the pocket of his shorts left by the shower door.

"Hello," Shawn answers the phone in time.

"You guys on the way?" he replies.

It was Reed calling to make him know he is on the way with Matt in tow. Shane comes out of the freshly showered and already in his clothes. He frets on saying something when he sees Shawn pacing around the room still naked from last night and talking to someone on the phone.

"He just stepped out of the shower," he hears Shawn saying on the phone.

"Who you talking to?" Shane whispers.

"Reed, they are on the way." Shawn replies.

Shawn laughs and says, "fucker" on the phone. "Reed wants to know if you had a good time," he tells Shane.

Shane just waves his hand dismissing it.

"He said, he did," Shawn tells the other man on the phone.

Another giggle from Shawn before replying, "Yeah, all night long."

Another nod on the phone and bids his friend goodbye.

"I'm starving. Wanna get some brunch?" Shane asks.

"I'm up for that. Let me wash the sex smell from my body," Shawn replies.

Not long after Shawn comes out of the shower still drying himself and looking around for his weekend luggage. Shane watches as his friend casually puts on a printed shirt in front of him while they talk about where to go for breakfast then his boxer carefully adjusting himself. When the comfort level suits him, he sits on a chair to put on a faded pair of jeans.

They find themselves in a local fast food restaurant where they reminisce about their days in school. The place is teeming with young college kids and some older folks who are also there for nostalgia. The once rickety shack that housed the fast food joint had been upgraded to a more standard franchise restaurant complete with a big blue sign of their name. It is already way past noon when they finished eating.

"Don't forget. Game starts at five," Shawn reminds Shane who is opening the door of his pickup.

"I'll be there," Shane replies.

Shawn looks at him and just gives him a tight embrace. No other words are spoken. He looks at Shane drives out of the parking lot, a chapter in his life finding the closure it needed. Shane checks his rear view mirror to see Shawn kicking the invisible dirt underneath his feet before proceeding to his own car.

The warm spell makes for a sudden turn. The wind is chilly when the pre-game ceremony finally starts. The brisk change in the temperature in span of a week is something that will happen for the coming months before Winter makes its presence know.

Shawn and Shane are by parking lot waiting for someone with them are Matt and Reed. During the raucous reunion, a tiny voice coming from a boy running towards them calling out for Shawn.

"Dad . . . dy! Dad . . . dy," the boy calls as he runs into his dad's waiting arms. Shawn hoists him onto his shoulder.

The boy who is a splitting image of his dad gives Shane something to smile. The eyes, his smile and even his wide frame serve as stark reminders of Shawn's genes flowing in him. At the same time, he sees in the boy how far Shawn really is.

Shawn's mom is closed behind the boy. "He wanted to come. He was cranky all night looking for you," she tells her son, which prompts Shawn to give his boy a baby talk and a minute or two of good laugh for everyone else before the announcer starts calling out all the parade participants. Shawn returns the boy to his mother and then, together with Matt and Reed, proceeds to the team walk out area where the other players from yesteryear are already forming a line. Shane makes his way to one of the bleachers looking for an empty spot. From behind him, he hears a familiar voice.

"Shane!" A loud call carries over the marching song coming from the band below signaling the start of the ceremony.

Shane turns around to see Collin waving at him, a sight you never see in the home stadium. Seeing him partaking in the celebration is a welcome turn of event.

"Hello there little man," he greets the boy while Collin is putting him on his lap to make room.

Shane takes his seat and looks at the field anxiously waiting for his friends to make an appearance. The band is already taking their position at the middle of the field.

"What the hell brought you here?"

"Nothing. Just wondering what the fuzz is all about."

"Ready to see them play."

"Nah, just nothing else to do."

The conversation is cut short when the whole stadium rise into a loud roar and the first batch of the players are announced. One after the other the teams make their way on the field until the very special group make their appearance. Reed who is now sporting a proud dad-look walks in front. His more rounded frame replaced what once a tight collection of muscles from head to toe. Matt, on the other hand like the rumor says about his West-coast health bug that got him, looks even more majestic. A strong looking man strolls with the rest of this former team mates waving at the crowd, looking taller now than before. His wide shoulder and a well pronounced chest fills his shirt. Although slightly slimmer when he used to play football, he is still an imposing figure on the field.

"I guess that's the infamous batch," Collin says as the cheering grows even louder.

"Yeah, that's them alright," Shawn replies smiling and cheering along with the crowd.

The festivities continue on with awards being presented to some alumni. The homecoming king and queen are announced and make their way around the field looking happy. The queen waves her hand with a wide smile. She's been a member of the Peace Corps and straight A student. Thanks to her sorority sisters, she won the coveted spot on the float. Her flawless dark skin is magnified by the man standing next to her who is wearing the white home team uniform. It didn't take much to convince other students who cared about that thing to vote for the current quarterback. Then the band starts playing the school spirit song signaling the entrance of the home team. Not a moment later, blue and white colored uniforms stream through the field with the old the timers cheering them on. When Coach Fox is introduced, the participants of the athletic pageantry make their way out of the stadium back to the entrance gate disappearing to once again to their uncelebrated existence. The away team anxiously waits, and the sign of dismay from their faces is clearly shown as they stand on the sideline waiting for the ceremony to end.

Shane convinces Collin to meet up with the rest of the gang who just finished their part in the celebration. The team entrance area is filled with onlookers gauging the worth of the current batch of players, among them are Shawn, Matt and Reed. Shawn's kid is saddled up on his shoulder. The two unassumingly are able to to join them thanks to inattentive volunteer students manning the gate from the stadium.

"Hi, I'm Matt," Matt extends his hand and introduces himself to Collin.

"I'm Reed," the other man that Collin hasn't met follows suit.

"Nice to finally meet the people whom Shane keeps bragging about." Collin replies setting his kid down to meet their handshakes. "Collin is your man," he follows.

The introduction is brief with the teams lining up for the first play of the game. The home team won the coin toss and has the possession. The crowd grows silent waiting for the place to start then snap then a good pass from the quarterback is enough to put the whole place in mad celebration. People huddled up by the entrance are no different. Reed, Matt and Shawn cheer as wildly as they can as if they are one still playing in the field. Shawn's boy hold onto to his dad's head to brace for Shawn's incessant jumping and fist pumping. One more jump from the elated man and two small hands end up covering his face, so Shawn decides to put him down before he forgets about him completely. The boy peeks between his dad and Shane's legs trying to see as much as he can. He looks around annoyed that he can't see much behind the grown-ups. Another boy catches his eyes who is trying to do the same. Collin's son grabs onto his father's leg slowly turning back his head to see the other boy. Although a little taller and bigger, Shawn's son is only months older. The uneasiness of meeting someone new slowly fades away. Shane's legs become a temporary barrier while they smile and point at one another.

"What are you little men doing?" Shane tells them when he notice the two using him to hide from one another as if playing peek-a-boo. He let them be when the two boys do not respond to his question. But all of a sudden, one of them cries which is predictably accompanied by another cry to pass on the blame. Both of the dads who are busy watching the game, maybe out of habit, automatically respond by picking them up. Out of experience when among other people, the two just tuck the tear laden faces into their shoulder to pacify them. More inquiry of what happened will just incur more crying. It's better to just let them calm down as soon as possible.

It's around nine when the game ended. The home team won. Shawn and Collin's kids are busy chasing each other in the parking lot. Their shrieking voices are only match by the cheers from people passing by who happen to recognize the three former stars, someone even chanted, "Go, Matt go!" Everyone seems to be in good spirit after the win. One last trip to the bar near the dormitory for the memories. Shane listens and just looks around. With Collin deciding to go home after the game to look after his kid, he is once again a silent member of the group when his company talks is all about the time they had playing football. Matt, Shawn and Reed are delighted to see each other. A chance that now comes less and less and far in between.

"What up there, Shane?" Reed asks. "You've been quiet there buddy. I heard you're a cop now."

"Yeah, about two years going on three."

"What brought you back here?" Matt interjects. Shane had long been accustom to hearing those lines and it's many permutations as if moving the town is so out of ordinary that it's a surprise to anyone.

"Just looking for something slower after spending six years of my life overseas."

"But this place is way too damn slow," Matt says. After experiencing the West coast, everywhere else will look so slow and dead.

"It's alright. It has it's own character, . . . I guess. How about you? How is California?"

"Doing good."

"Do you have your own little one to chase around?"

"Still working on it," Matt replies behind a smile that says otherwise. They've been trying but things just don't workout sometimes.

"Knowing you, I was really thinking that you should have a dozen by now," Shawn jokes.

"Oh, I have no problem in that area. It is still plenty. . . . Just doesn't stick for some reason," Matt reassuring his buddies that his special talent of mass producing bodily fluid remains intact.

"I had the opposite problem. Seems like every time I had an erection, I end up with a baby," Reed butts in.

"LOL, how so?" Shane inquires further.

"I have three now. The fourth one is coming soon. I just went under the knife to get tied up, so no more accidents." His very candid comment draws a round of laughs from his friends.

"What are you laughing at?" he castigates his best friend.

Shawn shuts up quickly saying "Nothing."

Patting Shane by the shoulder Reed continues on, "If our boy here hasn't given you the good treatment, you'll find out quickly that this works like always," as he grabs the mound between his legs.

The night draws to a close. Reed buys a few more bottles of beer from the bartender to take back to the hotel. Shane declines the offer to go with them. He would have love to join them, but he needs some rest. And from the dimly lit parking lot, he says his goodbyes to the people who were part of the best days of his life. A firm handshake is his last memory of Shawn as the three figures disappear from his view.

The last weekend feels like a distant memory while Shane contemplates on one of the bleachers the following Monday after his shift. He hugs himself as the cool Fall wind blows. It is colder than how it really is so it seems. He once again gazes at the field. Something that he has done many times before. But the memories that normally flood his mind never come that night. He smiles.

Several weeks passed and the celebration had long been forgotten. Life assumes the normalcy of a place tucked away. Shane goes back inside the house to fetch his department issued coat after opening the door when an early frost visits the town. Students are bundled up as they walk around the campus cursing the weather. It's not really an unusual sight. It happens even far down South although it only lasts for a day or two then it's gone.

"Damn! It's freezing cold," Collin says as he huddles inside the cruiser also bundled up.

"My whole body feels like they are frozen," Shane replies.

"No shit."

"This will be a long day."


A click from a seat belt being fasten then Collin answers, "Yup."

Just a few hours through their shift, the car windshield becomes foggy with their combine breath and evaporating sweat.

"I guess it's time for a break. I'll let the car running. Hopefully it will dry out the inside. " Shane tells his partner before dashing to the grocery store for their cup of coffee.

"Have you heard from your buddies?" Collin inquires.

"No, nothing," Shane replies.

"They looked like a fun people to hang out with."

"They were a riot since they got away with a lot things they did."

"Must be nice being a college jock."

They slowly sip their brew standing by the door of the grocery store as if they can wait out the cold. A thin sheet of ice slowly forms on the store's glass window. The jugged tendrils of what look like a giant snowflake decorates the window just like a holiday paper cut out. Few stragglers make it to the store also looking for something warm to drink. A quizzical look is painted on their faces when they see two officers standing by the door. They look around to see if there is anything amiss before proceeding.

Shane takes another sip from his cup when the temperature is just warm enough, he takes a good gulp from it. Collin takes one from his. The manager turns the volume up of the television and stands by the only open lane. The officers dash back to the waiting car.

"Damn! It's fuckin' cold," Collin complains again.

"You tell me. It feels like my whole body is freezing," Shane replies with his own complain.

The doors slam shut.

"This is crazy. I'll never get use to this."

"I experienced worse than this up North. But this one bites. Even my bones are freezing."

"What? You have a boner?" Collin jests pretending he heard him wrong.

"I said, even my bones are freezing. Stupid," Shane corrects him.

"Well, It'll be quite a feat if you can even get a boner in this cold. My balls hide when it's this cold."

"Suffer from shrinkage that much, Corporal?"

"No shit," Collin replies then quickly rubs his hands together for more warmth. "Let's go," he continues.

"Where should we go?"

"Let's just go back to the headquarters. It's crazy staying out here with nothing's going on."

They aren't alone. Some other officers had the same idea several of them are watching a football game on TV.

"Good, you're here," one of the officers greets Shane. "The captain is looking for you," he continues.

"What about?" he asks.

"Something about your request."

Ten minutes or so, Shane walks out of the captain's office. He seems particularly upbeat.

"What was that about?" Collin asks.

Shane joins him standing behind a cubicle counter to watch the game. "I'm enrolling next semester. I might work weekends now though," he answers.

"So you really are going for it?"

"Yes, just lining up my job trajectory."

"Who are they planning on for my partner?" Collin looks dejected at the prospect of once again sharing a ride with the ole-timer.

"Nothing set yet. I just told them if working weekends is a possibility if my schedule is tight."

"Jeez, I love my weekends. If you get me re-assigned, I'll kill you," Collin warns.

"I said, nothing is set yet. Stop complain'."

The earlier batch of warm seekers eventually dwindle to two then they also leave to make their rounds. Shane and Collin take their place. Collin slouch on one the empty chairs with his arms crossed over his chest. Shane copies him watching the TV hoisted up by the corner of the office space.

During the halftime show Collin is flashing his grin on Shane.

"What are you grinning about?" Shane finally inquires.

"So did you do it?" Collin finally leads.

"Did what?" Shane replies, a little bit puzzled.

"You know, Shawn."

It's been a while to start asking the question. The football game probably jars his memory.

"So?" he follows with his right hand by his crotch and the index finger pointed up.

"Why do you wanna know?" Shane replies.

He is waiting for more urging, but they never come. Shane wants to be coy but he knows Collin will want an answer. He turns to Collin. He grins and says, "Yeah" then giggles.

"No wonder I couldn't get a hold of you that weekend," Collin says.

Shane just continues his giggling.

"I was trying to tell you was going to watch the game."

"Sorry about that. I was busy."

"Yeah right. Busy screwing around . . ." Collin says then pauses. "Literally," he continues.

Then both of them starts laughing.

"Why are you surprised? I remembered you teasing me about it after we ate at Bubba's," Shane tells him.

"Was it good?"

"Very good," Shane answers with extra emphasis on very. "I had to get some rest the next day."

"LOL. Sounds like an all nighter."

"Pretty much. We were at it 'til morning."

A noise from behind stops their interesting conversation.

"You guys need to head out check a crash," a lady from dispatch tells them.

The freezing temperature caused the road to ice. Even those who spend all their lives in places where snow is a common occurrence, icy road is a tricky thing to overcome. What prayers do people who lives in their part of the country got? Shane inspects the car by the ditch while Collin looks at the car that hit it from behind. The young college girls are both hysterical because of what happened. It's a good thing that most drivers stayed of the weather. Only those students who live a little far away brought their cars.

The sun has already set when they finished dealing with the crash. The tow truck pulls the car out of the ditch and heads its way. The other car is left by the side of the road to be fetched later by the owner. The two officers drive the agitated drivers back to their apartments. Slowly but surely they make it to the complex.

Shane spots a drive-thru on their way back from their errand. They might as well wait for the condition to get better. It will pass as quick as it happened. "That's crazy," Collin says.

"I know. I lived up North but this the first time I experienced black ice. It happens in an instant. Scary," Shane replies as he drives slowly to order still gauging the condition of the road.

With a hot brew to counter the cold, they wait by the parking lot for the sudden dip in temperature. They watch the road for any movement. Their hot coffee has gone tolerable to drink but the condition outside hasn't changed. The cold wintry weather envelops the town. Shane has to radio the headquarters to give an update. With nothing else to do but wait, Shane reclines his seat. Collin fiddles with the radio for some good music to pass the time.

Out of nowhere he hears Collin mumble, "Damn."

Shane looks at him who is already lounging on his reclined seat. "What up?" he asks.

"Nothing. . ."

Collin continues to contemplate on something. "Must be one hell of an all nighter."

"LOL, still thinking about it."

"A little."

Doing it with someone you like can make for a good experience. Shane couldn't deny that he was looking forward to the time when he meets Shawn once again.

"You know that we can switch pitching, don't you?" Shane warns him. Although in some occasions they let it all hang out, Collin always ends up on top. Shane doesn't seem to care much about their bedroom arrangement since Collin is somewhat new to the experience. He's quite amenable to it. No feelings to worry about. It's one of the few things he likes about their friendship. And besides it's not that easy to find someone like him specially in the city where things are moving slower than that rest of the world.

"Don't remind me," Collin tries to dismiss his friend.

The day looks like it will be bad for the rest of the night. It's already a slow town with nothing much to do and the weather is making it worse. "Why don't you hang out at my place after work for some drinks?" Shane suggests.

"Dunno, you might get some weird ideas," Collin says. He looks down by the console between the seat where Shane is resting his hand. He wraps his hand around Shane's middle finger.

"What will do if I do?" Shane replies pushing his finger deeper into Collin's curled hand.

Collin removes his hand and gives his friend the finger. "Are you gonna be gentle?" he confides.

"I'll try." Shane grins. He knows it won't be easy for his friend.

"Shit!" he hears him sort of complain before Collin shuts his eyes to get some rest.

The night goes by with no more incidents. People sometimes learn their lesson quickly enough to stay out of harm's way. The thermometer starts to rise signaling the end of the freezing air that swept through the town. The police station is slow with most of the other officers cutting their round short and headed home. The next shift will be coming in maybe late too. Mist fills the shared shower room with two silhouettes of naked men cutting through . Collin wipes the mirror as he brushes his teeth. From the rounded clear part of the mirror, he sees Shane drying himself behind him casually going on with his routine. He smiles after spewing out the water from his mouth when he sees Shane carefully adjusting himself in his tight fitting boxer. Collin follows suit and get dressed. Both bundled up and with their department issued black bonnet caps, they walk together to Shane's pickup. Collin fiddles with the radio and settles on a rock station. It's the middle of the night but it seems more appropriate. Shane makes a detour to the store to grab a six pack only to be reminded that they stop selling alcohol after one o'clock, the downside of Southern living.

"Shoot, why they do that here?" Shane complains.

"I was wondering why you came out here."

"Here," Shane says throwing him a box of his preferred protection.


"What? Had a change of mind?"

"Damn, let's get my stash at home then," Collin suggests.

A quick trip to Collin house for a bottle of Jack. The weather has turned but it is still colder than usual. Shane turns the heater a little higher inside his house. The first few shots go in nicely. Collin stretches himself on the recliner to give his tired legs a little of respite from being cooped up inside the squad car proudly displaying himself. His pants had left his body earlier. Coming inside the house, Shane gave him a good smack on his behind. Shane knew he could have his friend if he asked but a little nudge shouldn't hurt. Collin didn't require much urging because he needed to be freed after Shane gave him a good massage between his legs. Still standing by the door in the heavy jackets, he watched Shane unbuckled his belt and unzipped him. His cock sprung out of his jeans when it was pulled down. Collin hold onto his friend head guiding it to his waiting cock. He moaned when the warm lips wrapped around the head of his manhood. His hips moved in synched with Shane's bobbing head. His knees weakened and had to lean back on the door. He was already gasping for air when Shane stopped.

"That's one hell of a greeting," Collin said. "Do you do that to anyone you invite to your house," he added.

Shane did not answer but gave him another smack on both of his ass cheeks before standing up. "Get comfy and get some ice from the fridge," Shane told his friend.

Collin proceeded to hang his coat by the door and shrugged his shoulder as if saying "well" when he checked his undone pants. He kicked off his shoes and just pulled down his pants and stepped out of it then his underwear followed. Shane made a quick trip to his room and also came back with with only his white shirt on.

"Glad you can join the party," Collin joked when saw him already half naked.

That's when he moved to the recliner to give the sofa to his friend. Shane poured the glasses just enough to cover the ice cubes in in them. The first pour was gone quick so is the the next one.

"So you really are gonna a detective."

"Yeah, I've been wearing uniform for most of my life. It will be a nice change to go to work in regular clothes." He takes sip from his glass. "Damn, this tasted good for some reason."

"It's the shit," Collin props himself back and pours another shot of Jack.

"The right stuff to get your blood flowing," Shane showing his stiffing cock that he's been tugging on as he look at his friend laying on the recliner with his semi-hard cock on is stomach.

"You need help with that?" Collin proposes.

"I wouldn't mind at all."

Collin takes a swig from his sipping glass then positions himself between his friend's legs who is sitting by the edge trying to top his own glass. Collin doesn't wait for his buddy to finish what he is doing and just starts going down on his friend.

"Hold on a sec," Shane says.

Collin comes up running his hands on Shane's inner thighs waiting for him to settle on the couch. Shane takes another sip and set the glass on the side table. He leans back. The sight of his friend's now erect penis is inviting. Collin goes down on it once again. Shane responds by massaging his shoulder. The feeling of Collin white undershirt doesn't quite suites him. He tugs on it, which prompts Collin to take his remaining garment off. Much better. It's a whole different experience touching a warm naked skin specially those parts that stay hidden under the clothes. Collin is giving him now a more than satisfying oral stimulation. He had learned a while ago to take him in fully after several training sessions as they both called it. Tonight Collin has to undergo another one.

"Wanna move to my room," Shane suggests.

"Yeah," Collin agrees. He turns around to look for his glass and down the remaining liquid in it. "Some more courage," he adds.

"You'll be fine."

"You're about to have the finest ass in this neck of the wood." That's Collin still trying to act cool.

Collin lays in the middle of the bed. He is resolved to letting Shane dictates how things should go. Shane crawls up the bed spreading Collin's legs. He takes his shirt off and flexes his muscles putting a show before his prey.

"Cut the crap," Collin catches on his act.

"No fun. Not even letting me enjoy the moment."

"If you were someone else maybe. It just looks funny since I know you."

"Oh well." Shane lays on his stomach supporting himself with his elbows between friend's legs. Collin's cock twitches in front of him expecting some attention. Shane inspects the girth of his friend before stroking it.

"Fat dick," Shane compliments him.

"All yours."

"I guess you wouldn't mind if I put this in my mouth," Shane teases him.

"Will be much appreciated," Collin replies.

Shane goes down on his friend's cock. Little by little, it disappears in his mouth. Collin gasps when Shane has taken in the full length of his cock. His hands respond by grabbing the back of Shane neck.

"Oh shit!" Collin exclaims as he pushes himself even deeper. "Damn," he says after letting his friend's head go.

"Fuckin' good lookin' dick," Shane compliments him again to get him going.

Shane pleasures him until he is heaving. His subdued "oh yeahs" and the slurping that sometimes come from the Shane's busy lips are the only thing that can be heard inside the room. With Collin already into it, Shane makes his move. He runs his fingers between his friend's ass cheeks. Collin raises his knees giving Shane full access to his cherry. If Collin's cock isn't in his mouth, he will be sporting the biggest grin. Collin's behind is not completely smooth, but only dusted by blond short hair, a striking contrast compare to his thighs, which is decorated by slightly longer hair that continues on down his legs. He's the kind of guy who has the right amount of hair in the right places and lacking is some few sweet spots. With his buddy giving it away, he starts massaging his hole with his fingers allowing it to relax. Shane sits on his legs asking Collin to hand him the tube of lubrication that he set on the nightstand earlier in the evening.

Collin knows what is coming next. Shane lubes his fingers and spread some of it on Collin's pink hole. He continues to massage the opening, circling his fingers around it slowly then pushing in the tip of his middle finger. Collin closes his eyes just waiting for the sensation of Shane's finger to finally fill him. Another drop of lube will do the trick.

"Aaaahhh!" Collin grunts when he felt Shane pushing in deeper. He is able to take the first finger with no problem even after Shane starts sliding his finger in and out. Shane is a little baffled.

"That wasn't too bad," Shane tells him.

Collin opens his eyes. "I've been exploring," he replies.

"How many?"

"Just one."

"How long?"

"Now and then, when taking a shower."

"So ready for two?"


Collin twitches when Shane goes in with two fingers. He covers his face with his hands exclaiming the f-word over and over. Shane gets the kick out of it and just smiles. A few more push and he is in. Collin has the urge to straighten his legs to relieve the pressure but holds to the back of his knees instead. It's part of the deal. It has to happen. He keeps on exclaiming the f-word. Shane lets him gets accustomed to the new sensation. He moves to side of the bed and begins to give Collin softening dick more oral attention. When Collin calms down, he continues on getting his friend ready for what's coming next.

"Ready?" Shane checks on him.


Shane gets out of the bed. Collin moves to the edge with his lower body hang on the side. He slumps on the bed on his stomach arms forward like when someone is being arrested. The round ass needs a good smacking. Shane gives it a slap. Collin raises his right hand with one finger points out. Collin waits. From behind, he can hear a plastic being ripped and that flicking sound of someone fitting in a thin rubber sheath. He grubs on to the sheets when he feels Shane parting his ass cheeks.

"Oh shit!" Collin exclaims when the pressure mounts. "Oh shit! That is no longer a finger," he adds when Shane finally makes a breakthrough. Collin still trying to make light of the moment.

Shane pushes more of him. Collin jerks and lets out a grunt before settling down. "Oh shit! There's a cock in my ass," he adds.

Half-way in, Shane tests things out. Slowly his hips starts grinding causing Collin to grub onto the bed sheet almost pulling all of it.

"You OK?" Shane checks on his friend.

Collin faced down on the bed answers with a muffled "yeah."

"Just a little more buddy. You're doing great." Shane tells him as he pushes more of him.

The pressure builds up. Collin reflexes make him climb up. Only to expose himself wider for Shane who follows him up the bed. Collin is grunting profusely. Shane lays on top of him and stops his assault.

"Still doing fine there buddy?"

"Yeah," Collin replies. "It's harder than I thought," he says with feeling of being stretched still coursing through his body.

"You're doing great. It's a touchdown, buddy." Shane runs his hands over Collin's arms to calm him down some more. The ample light from the night stand shines on Collin's forehead where small beads of sweat start to form. Collin's muffled grunts have eventually slowed down. Only his legs that he keeps raising and slamming on the bed show the sign of him still trying to fight the uncomfortable position he's in.

"There's a fuckin' cock in my ass," Collin jokes. "I can't believe, there's a fuckin' cock in my ass."

"I'll go slow. Just tell me when you can't take it anymore."

Shane hugs him from behind, but his hips start doing the work. Collin, as expected, tenses and resumes his abrupt grunting when he feels Shane's manhood sliding in him.

"Yeah, buddy. Vocalized it," Shane coaches him.

A few more minutes has passed. Collin is no longer tensing his body but his grunts that he is still subduing shows that he is not completely in the clear. Shane pulls out to give his friend some respite.

Shane taps his friend's ass. "Let's get a little more comfy," Shane suggests after finding themselves in an uncomfortable position by the edge of the bed. Shane didn't want to pass on the opening and had to start all over again.

Collin crawls to the middle of the bed. His knees had lost all the strength. Fluffing two pillows before clutching them for support, he positions himself in the middle of the bed. Shane adds a few more drops of lubrication on Collin. Another wrapper goes flying trough the air. He spreads more lubrication on his cock. Stroking it, getting it harder.

Collin turns around and surprisingly says, "What are you doing? Just stick it back in."

Shane smiles and just too glad to fulfill the request. Straddling his friend from behind, he spreads the ass cheeks in front of him and slowly slides himself back in. It is still tight but his well lubricated stiff manhood goes in with no problem. Collin buries his face in the pillow.

"Hmmpt," Shane hears from his friend. He is no longer tensing like before. With one hand on his friend's lower back and another by the shoulder, Shane moves his body in a regular rhythm. He watches his own stiff rod disappears inside his friend. The man underneath is relaxing little by little.

"Buddy, I wanna go in deeper," he tells Collin, moving his legs in between Collin's strong looking legs. The other man parts his legs apart spread-eagle in bed. It was too far apart to Shane's liking. He hooks them closer a little, he wants his legs rub against them. The warm touch of Collin's skin and the course feeling of their body hair flicking on each other like thousands of sensory wires connecting them sent Shane to a world of his own that he might have forgotten who is under him. With a quick thrust, he buries all of him inside Collin.

"Fuck!" Collin exclaims.

"Ooops! Sorry. I got carried away," Shane pretends to apologize.

After the surprise assault, Shane carefully proceeds. Collin utters his first moan that sounds more like pleasure. The moans come in regular interval responding to Shane thrusts. Shane once again lays on Collin's back, sharing the good sweat that is now trickling from his face down to his chest. With their manly skin secretion mix between them. Shane hugs his friend tightly. There is delight to the slickness between their rubbing bodies. The warmth of his every breath tickles the back of Collin's neck.

Collin finds his friends hands under him. He clasps them with his fingers in between Shane's. That small gesture gives he some assurance that he can finally let himself go. Collin moans his "yeahs." The slowly dance finally is about to yield its result.

"Buddy, I gonna cum," Shane whispers on Collin's ears.

"Go for it," the man underneath him says.

For a brief moment Shane picks up his pace, which drives Collin in between pain and ecstasy. One long grunt then his quick forceful thrusts follow, then one last thrust to drain every ounce of his seed. Shane's collapses on top of Collin, putting his full weight on him as he catches his breath.

"Thanks bud," he says as he rolls out of him. Satisfied, he gently removes the thin rubber containing the reward for his effort. Shane is proud of what he had produced that he dangles it for Collin to see.

"That's how much you made me cum."

Collin turns his head to look. The front of his short cropped hair has gone flat from the sweat that is still visible on his forehead. He stays on his stomach clutching on the pillows that helped him with his initiation. "Damn, almost filled that sucker," he says.

Shane gets off the bed. He opens the toilet cover and drops his used condom. The evidence of the night swirls around before disappearing with a big blurp. He can only remember experiencing that intense release when he was still with Shawn who had a certain penchant for letting someone to have his way with him when he is on his stomach. Just a few compliments about how his body look, and if you are the right person, he is yours for the taking.

When he steps out of bathroom, Collin is still in the same position.

"Do you want me to finish you off?" he offers.

"Nah, I'm OK."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm still feeling the burn."

"Sorry about that. How was it?"

"It's like torture in the beginning but it feels different by the end."

"I like the stretching sensation myself," Shane adds.

"That, and then when you hit a certain spot, it's like being jack off from the inside. But, the burn was about to kill me. If you turned me the other way, I would have punched you in the face."

"LOL. Another shot should take care of that." Shane steps out of the bedroom to get the bottle Jack they left in the living room. Collin props himself up by the headboard revealing the wet shiny spot of his own natural lubrication that he left on the white linen.

Shane pours some drinks between them. "Much better," Collin says, finishing his in one swig. "My knees are like jello."

"You really manned it up," Shane says recognizing his friend's effort.

Next: Chapter 27: Allotted Time 14

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