Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Oct 26, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Familiar Face by Max Millan

"What you got me?" Shane asks Collin who just returned from his errand.

"Same thing I got. Here." Collin hands him his dinner.

"Why this?" Shane complains.

"Shush, I'm paying so don't complain."

"OK then, thank you."

Collin insisted on buying them dinner. Another fast food chain just opened its door couple of months ago. Shane looks inside the brown paper bag, two wrapped tacos and another that passes as a burrito.

"What's the occasion by the way? You don't normally want to part ways with your money," Shane comments about his friends generosity.

"It's late, but this is my dinner treat," Collin replies.

Shane didn't get what his friend meant. "What do you mean late?" so he asks.

"Saturday night, remember?"

"Oh, I don't mean that literally. Now I feel cheap." Shane remembers what he told his friend about how to get him to give himself away.

"Why? You don't want it. I'll eat it."

"Hold on. Let me see if I like it." Shane takes a bite of the taco. "This will do. Thank you, sir," he adds.

"You're welcome."

The two set their dinner on the trunk of their squad car. From the side of the road that slopes by the football field, they watch the game already on the way. The crowd is roaring not just because of the home team is winning, but also, the team had won all their games coming into halfway through their season. The sudden turn of team's luck has brought more and more people into the stadium. The hillside overlooking the field that remains empty for the most part is teeming with cheering people on their colorful blankets on the grassy ground.

"Looks like your team is doing good," Collin tells his friend.

"Yeah, they are. Still undefeated."

"I guess the new quarterback is pretty good then." Collin surmises.

"He is good, but the talk of the town is the new wide receiver. That boy is fast."

The stadium explodes into thunderous roar. The home team just scored another touchdown thanks to the newly celebrated superstar.

The corporal watches as the people down below celebrate, but he still cannot find himself liking the team even when they are winning. "If he is really that good then I wouldn't be surprise if he is gone by next year," he comments.

"What do you mean?" Shane asks.

"He will surely be scouted by one of the bigger universities. Just the year before you start work, two players left in the middle on the season to play for another school. They claimed that they would have a better chance of playing for the NFL if they play for the big ones. I haven't heard about them since."

"That's something new. It was really different way back. This place felt like a world on it's own. Now, even outsiders are checking the place out."

"Time's a-changing my friend."

"It sure does. So are we on guarding duty again next weekend?"

"Yes. They are expecting a bigger crowd."

"Is that so?"

Being a ranking officer in the force, Collin has his shares of many briefings. "They have so many things going on next week. They have some conferences planned out."

"Must be because of the winning season."

Still dismissive regarding the team who is currently trashing their opponent, Collin replies, "Nah, just the school trying to make a name. I heard the two other big universities are flexing their muscles."

"I heard about that. Are they still trying to tie down this place, huh?"

"University politics is just as cutthroat as the real one."

"Influence is a more potent power than stately designation."

The crowd goes into another thunderous roar as the two are finishing their meal.

"Are you done?" Collins checks on his friend.

"Yeah," Shane mumbles as he shoves the last of the remaining food in his mouth.

After the game the two are relegated to doing traffic duty. The crowd dwindles to nothing but the bright lights illuminating the empty bleachers. That too start to go out one by one. Shane looks around and shakes his head. The beating heart of the city is silence again, but it's close cousin is starting to wake up. The fortunate turn of event for the team has the whole campus in good spirit. The road is busy now with students roaming around looking for a place to celebrate. They are joined by the others who really don't care about the athletics but sure enough still answer to the call of alcohol induced festivities. The two bars close to the recruitment area are over flowing with students jumping from one bar to the other. Like a clockwork, it didn't take long when a fight breaks out. Collin and Shane are on the scene taking statements from witnesses. A misdemeanor offense is added to some student's life story that night. A few restless souls populate the headquarters' cell pacing around with their asking what is going to happen to them. Just one night of drinking and they got so close to throwing away their life. Collin leads the kid to the holding cell to join the rest the of the kids already waiting for the daybreak. Two more kids are brought in that night by the other officers taking over their for their ending shift.

"I'm glad that's over," Shane tells his friend through the drizzling water from the shower head.

"I have no idea what got into them. They became more stupid suddenly."

"You probably have to admit it's because the team doing good."

With a little bit or sarcasm, Collin replies, "Yeah, yeah. They're are doing great."

The week rolls on and, like what the corporal said, the campus remains busy for most of the week. Except for a few times directing visitors to their destination, their days proceed as normal. The alumni parking lot that Shane is manning is filling up. The hot sun is biting. Shane goes inside the hall of the cafeteria the first he has the chance to cool off. But before he is able to get some relief, an old looking big car just try to pull into the gate a striking contrast to the more expensive cars already parked inside. A little annoyed, Shane makes his way to check on the car. It's a reserve parking place. In fact, it is so reserved that it's not even allowed to be used during the regular days, so it remains an empty spot through out the year. The man is still looking grabbing some stuff from the backseat when Shane taps on his window. The man seems to be oblivious about what is happening outside busy looking for something he misplaced. Then he finds his parking sticker and nods his head. Shane taps the window again. This time the window rolls down, and the passenger who is still gathering his things shows his parking sticker. He must had been aware after all.

Shane looks at the sticker to see that it was OK and steps back getting ready to get once again get away from the heat of the day, but his heart starts racing when the Crown Victoria in front of him jolts some memory. "It can't be," he tells himself. But his question is immediately answered when the man steps out of the car. A swept back dark brown hair and nicely kept stubble on a very familiar face.

He isn't the only one startled. Shawn is standing there looking matured in his slacks and a polo shirt bearing the name of the high school where he works also frozen after recognizing the officer in front of him, "Damn, uniform really looks good on him."

"What the hell?" Shane blurts out.

Shawn, after overcoming his own shock, asks "What are doing here?"

"I work here now," Shane replies pointing at his uniform.

Shane extends his hand for a handshake. Shawn pulls him into a bear hug. "Fuckin' a," he keeps saying.

"Put me down, idiot. I'm working," Shane tells his old friend who could contain his excitement.

"How are you doing?" Shawn asks as he puts him down.

There are so many things to catch up on, but the sun is unusually unbearable that day, so the two make their way to the open hallway in front of the cafeteria. One side of the hall is littered with exhausted students catching some needed rest away from the sun that angrily greets them one their way to their next class or to whatever place they are headed.

"What brought you here?" Shane asks.

"Tomorrow's coaching conference. Just have to register by the student center."

"You really followed through with your plan."

"Yeah, I couldn't think of anything else to do after school."

"Isn't your mom in real-estate business or something?"

"Tell me about that. She's been pressuring me to start taking in some part of the business."

"Why not?"

"I like my work. Sitting around doesn't suit me."

Shawn is still a towering big man. Although the tale-tail signs of being out of the collegiate athletics are starting to show. Gone are the times when he go around most of the day without grooming himself just his shirt and a pair of basketball shorts or a cargo short pants, and hair left intentionally messy. Although he still sports stubble on face, they are now carefully sculpted and trimmed. His tucked in shirt starting to show the weight that he is gaining little by little. For the most part, he looks like someone who puts in some time in the gym but drinks a fair share of beer and eat pizza during a night of partying. The pleads on his slacks that he fills snugly prevent what he carries between his legs from being scandalously obvious.

"When do you get off work? We have so much to talk about." Shawn asks. A line is forming by the registration table when they reached the area.

"I still have a full day unfortunately. Doing 10-hour shift thanks to you people."

Their reunion is interrupted when Shawn hears someone calling him from the registration table. His work had found him some colleagues in the business.

"What about Bubba's Grill? We get an hour break for dinner," Shane suggests.

"That's cool." Shawn scribbles something on a paper and hands it to Shane. "See you around eight," Shawn agrees fumbling his way to the table looking for his credentials.

Shane is smiling on his way back to his patrol spot. In the campus, they wear many hats specially the patrolmen. Today he is a parking attendant. It feels like something was lifted seeing Shawn. His every steps seem lighter. Feeling giddy. Maybe. But in back of his head something tells him to back off. The several nights he spent blankly staring at the stadium until the memories come rushing back has finally showed him something real this time. His thoughts have to be put on hold. Collin is in front of the cafeteria honking the squad car trying to get his attention.

"Where have you been?" the corporal asks as he takes his seat on the passenger side.

"Student center. Just ran into someone I know."

"Oh really. Who?"

"Someone from way back."

"Former classmate?"

"One of my college buddies. He is attending the coaching conference."

"When was the last time you've seen anyone of them?"

"This will be the first in almost ten years."

"Must be nice to finally run around like college kids."

"LOL, I don't think I still have the energy for that, but we are meeting him at Bubba's Grill for dinner."

"What do you mean we?" Collin pretends he is disagreeing with the idea.

"Oh c'mon. Don't be shy," Shane eggs him.

"OK. What time you guys meeting?"

"Around eight."

Collin stops the car by the stadium. Something catches his eye. The stadium is decorated more than usual. The former champions are visiting so says the banner.

"What up?" Shane asks.

"Must be something big coming up."

The two steps out of the squad car to check on the stadium. The campus crew down below is busy completing the decoration. Shane gazes at the stadium and closes his eyes once again. Something is not right. The visions that normally come in with his every visit to the place never came. He opens his eyes and closes them again but nothing greets him. It must be the new scene. The place was never this festive before. It took Collin several pats on his back to bring him back.

"What happened to you? You just suddenly phased out," Collin says after Shane comes back from his attempt for a mind trip.

"Nothing, just looking at the decoration," Shane replies almost in whisper. And a little louder he adds, "They are going all in, aren't they?"

"They sure do. It will be crazy come Saturday. I'm happy we are not working."

"No guarding duty or anything? They might just call us anyways." The ten hour work day has been bearing down on them.

"Union fees remember."

"And I thought they just deduct money from our paycheck."

"C'mon," Collin calls out. "I can't wait for this day to be over. I'll be sleeping all day tomorrow," he adds.

Shane with heavy steps slowly makes his way back to the car.

The setting sun still reflects it's rays on top of Bubba's Grill when they arrived at the place to rendezvous with Shawn. Same time next week and it's all gone then the night will come earlier and earlier. There at the corner table sat a man waiting for his old acquaintance to arrive. Shawn is looking through the window wondering when Shane is going to show up. Only if he looks the other way around that he would have seen him making his way to his table.

"Sup buddy? Did we keep you waiting?" Shane surprises him.

Shawn jumps a little, but his excitement is tempered by sight of Collin behind Shane, "Just got here about ten minutes ago," he replies extending his hand.

Shane meets his hand for a handshake and introduces his corporal, "This is my partner, Collin. Collin meet Shawn, one of the towers of defense in his day."

"Nice to meet you. Are you keeping this guy in line?" Shawn says as he shakes Collin's hand.

"No problem about that. He is quite well behave," Collin utters his first few words.

A young lady in her black apron approached table unnoticed by the three men who are figuring out their seat by the round table.

"What can I get for you?" says the over eager waitress with her very big smile.

"Sweet tea for now," Shawn replies and two other men ask for the same thing.

"How long it's been? What do you say about eight, nine years give or take." Shawn starts the conversation.

"That sounds about right," Shane answers.

"When did you start working here?"

"About two years."

"You startled me back there."

"No kidding, I should have known that it's you. You're still driving that same old car," Shane still couldn't believe that it was him inside the car. It might have been a wishful thinking to see him again but fate is a funny trickster sometimes.

"I can't seem to find a reason to part with it. It still runs good."

"Shouldn't you have gotten a better ride by now?"

"I do have a pickup back home. I use my car for long drive."

"Must be a sweet ride."

"Yeah, fully loaded, top of the line. . . My mom got it for me," Shawn says then bows his head trying to hide his embarrassment. Most kids would have love to be in his position, but you get a different perspective from the other way around. Shawn is a proud man, proud to be big and strong in literal sense. But knowing that he can't possibly outdo his mother's accomplishments, he is resolved to living in her shadow and receiving everything she wants her son to have.

The waitress comes back with their drinks then takes down their order. To the young girl's relief who by the look of it just started working in the restaurant, the three men ordered the same thing, medium-rare steak and a side of baked potato.

Shane and Shawn continues on with their conversation while Collin looks on not knowing when to jump into the exchange of his friend and the visitor from his past.

"So how's your work?" Shane asks Shawn.

"It's getting busier. High school athletics is becoming more and more hectic. You won't imagine what the kids have to do now even in high school."

"Well, it makes the school money. Where else can you find an easier place to look for slaves," Shane jokes.

"Don't be mean."

"I'm not. I'm just saying based on what I've seen. So what you here for?"

"Coaching high school is becoming more and more complicated. We are having our annual state coach conference tomorrow."

"What do you guys normally do?"

"Listen to some presentations from people and coaches from more successful high school programs. . . Get updates from the state about rules and regulations."

"Have you seen to the stadium yet?"

"Not yet, what about it?" Shawn is there also to partake in the homecoming game the coming weekend.

"They had it decorated. I might have seen you face in one of the streamers."

"Oh that. Sure does. It's been a talk among my former teammates all summer long. 'The Champions Comes Home' is their theme this year. Reed is flying in Saturday morning so is Matt."

"The whole gang will be here?"

"Yeah, we are so excited. I haven't seen them for years."

"You guys keep in touch?"

"Yeah, Matt has been stricken by the West coast fitness bug."

"Ha-ha," Shane laughs at the idea.

"No kidding, he looks half his size from before. What about you? Why did you decide to come here?" Shawn asks Shane.

"After my tour, I was just looking for something slower I guess. This place came to mind."

"I'm glad you're safe. I was so worried that one day I'll see your face on TV."


"This place is starting to look busy though. There are quite few things that I don't remember being here before."

"Yeah, it's been growing. You should visit the other side of the campus. You'll see how busy they've been these couple of years."

"I read about it in the news. They've been planning for something big."

"Check it out. It's like a whole new place."

"I'll see if I have time."

Their conversation is interrupted by the waitress settings some condiments on the table. A-1 and Heinz-57 seem to be the preferred choice. Then she carefully sets their dinner on the table. The sweet aroma of the steaming hot baked potato as butter melts on it fills the air. Gone are the days when Shawn would order the biggest slice of Bubba's famous steak only to see it disappeared almost instantly from his plate.

"So how do you put up with this bad boy?" Shawn says trying to start a conversation with Collin who remained silent the whole time.

"Lot's of patience," Collin jokes.

"Jeez, as if I am the one who needed looking after," Shane complains.

"He is crazy. He likes busting kids who take a detour to one of the farm roads," Collin continues.

Shane can only make faces.

"Those roads. Brings back memories," Shawn sighs.

"I gather you used to be a frequent visitor."

"You can say that," Shawn replies more like boasting than being embarrassed.

"They were the rock stars of this town," Shane butts in.

"Better be, we worked our ass off so fuckin' hard. See what happened after we left," Shawn says being proud of their legacy.

"They're having a good season this year."

"Or else it would have been quite funny having a championship themed celebration with a losing team," Collin adds immediately.

"Oh, c'mon corporal, still putting the team down, aren't we?" Shane says who felt a little uncomfortable with Shawn listening to Collin's less than enthusiastic view of the home team.

"You're a corporal?" Shawn repeats what Shane said.

"Yeah, I outrank him," Collin says pointing at Shane.

With an eye roll, Shane only comeback is "And that means?"

"He takes orders from me, keeps him from doing stupid stuff. He-he." Collin boasts and takes a jabs at the piece of steak on his plate.

"So when you guys get out of work?"

"We are just starting. Six more hours to go. How is yours going?"

"We have a get-to-know cocktail by the Student Center."

"Getting drunk tonight?"

"Not anymore. It bores me sometimes. They talk about the same thing over and over again."

"You are getting old my friend. In the meantime, my bladder is killing me." Shane places down his share of the bill and hurriedly makes his way to the restroom that gives his friends a good chuckle. After a few minutes, Shane comes back seeing Shawn and Collin laughing at something. He shouldn't have been surprised. They share the same bubbly attitude.

"What are you two laughing about?"

"Nothing, your friend here is quite a riot," Shawn says.

"Well, we need to go back to our patrol. I'll catch with you later," Shane says his goodbye to someone he shared a short but sweet moment of his life.

Shane takes the driver seat. Collin is putting on his seat belt with a naughty grin on his face.

"What are you up to now?" Shane senses it.

"So is he the one you told me about?"

"Oh, is that what you've been snickering about?"

There is no denying it. "Yeah."

"Excited to see him?"

"What are you getting at?"

"Jeez, no fun, just asking," Collin gives up easily when his pestering did not phase his friend.

"Shut it," Shane tries to conclude what ever his friend is planning.

"He gave me these tickets while you were in the restroom trying to convince me to watch the game."

"Don't tell me you told him how much you dislike the home team."

"I might have slipped. Sorry, I don't remember them being good."

"Doofus." Shane inspects the tickets. They're for the pre-game festivities. "These are not for the game. It's for the party before the game. We work here. We don't need ticket to see the game."

"I dunno. I just assumed it's for the game. I've never been to one."

"So you really have no plan on watching the game on Saturday? The pre-game parties are fun. They have live bands playing."

"Let's see."

"You can bring your boy with you. He will have a blast. Some of the alums bring their family with them."

Shane hands him one of the tickets just in case he changes his mind.

For the past few nights the streets around the campus had been busy, it is looking to be even busier tonight. There are some people from out of town joining the celebration. The night drags on with them riding around the campus just to kill time. On their way to the grocery store for a hot cup of coffee, the road is moving slower than usual. It must be the people from the Student Center who just finished their gathering. Shane remembers the paper that Shawn scribbled something on and feels for it to make sure it is still in his pocket. Why for some reason he hasn't look at it. He isn't sure. The coffee machine is again empty when they walk into the store. Collin sets it up. The short wait gives Shane ample time to finally look at the piece of paper. He is expecting it to be Shawn's phone number to get hold of him for the weekend. He looks at it. There written on the paper is a three digit number. It isn't that hard to deduce what it is. He takes a deep breath and puts it back in his pocket.

"What was that?" He hears Collin from the side.

"Nothing, just wondering what's in my pocket." It's not like they have not gone some days without cleaning their uniform.

"Receipts filling up your pocket. You need to get your uniform dry cleaned."

"I'll remember."

When they're shift is over, he looks again at the paper in the locker room. Collin has his towel wrapped around his waist already ready to take his shower.

"Collin, I might just head home. I'm so tired."

"Shower feels good. You're lost," Collin says and proceeds to take his shower.

Inside his car he is contemplating if he should proceed or not. He drives out and finds himself standing in front of Shawn's hotel room. He hesitates but someone inside draws him. He knocks then wait for an answer. He steps back ready to leave when no one responded. Shawn is probably still out. But before he could turn around the door opens. Shawn is standing there still in his polo shirt and slacks. He looks like he also just got back. His swept back hair looks good him.

"It's you. I thought it was the cleaning lady," says the beaming Shawn. Shane is again startled. "What are you doing standing there. C'mon in."

"How was the cocktail?" Shane asks trying to find words to say.

"It's boring as hell. We ditched it and went bar hoping instead." Shawn sits on the chair and removes his shoes. "Damn, my feet are killing me. I'll never get use to wearing these," he says tossing his dress shoes.

"Where did you go?"

"The one with the live band."

"The one where we used to play beer pong."

"Yeah." After soothing his feet with some good rubbing, he finally takes a good look at Shane who is still standing halfway through the room. "Damn, you always look good in uniform."

"You are going to make me blush," Shane replies suppressing his laughter. He must have been just moving along with the flow and only realizes that he is still wearing his uniform.

Silence fills the room.

Shawn stands from the chair and approaches the standing man. Shane is already wrapped around Shawn's tight hug before he could react. "I worried about you so much. You just didn't know," Shawn says in almost a sobbing tone.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't . . . I mean I have no way to get back with you for a long time," Shane trying to apologize for what had happened.

Shawn hugs him tighter like a child not wanting to let go of something that he lost before. "I know, I know. I just so glad you made it back." Human fleeting attention makes the still on going engagement seems so far behind but that's how things work when people start to lose their attention on something that goes on for a long time no matter how important it is. That night, the whole thing comes back to the forefront to Shawn. It might be his longing for Shane, and the memories that come rushing back.

Shane hugs him back. The nights he spent reminiscing in the stadium is now real. He is waiting for Shawn to come back even if it is just wishful thinking. In that instance, he knew why he came back to this sleepy town. He left something that needed closure. And Shawn is the big part of it. They never really said it was over. They just grew far apart.

Shawn releases Shane and puts hands on his shoulders, arms length, then takes a good look of Shane in his uniform. "Damn, you really carry uniform like it's your skin."

Shane smiles and loosens up after the intense emotion they both felt washes away. "You already told me that," he says.

Shawn without any sign of embarrassment just blurts it out again, "Well, you look hot in uniform."

Shane sits on one of the bed, Shawn on the other facing him. The two exchange a gleeful smile after getting control over their emotion of finally seeing each other.

"How's work?" Shawn asks trying to restart their conversation.

"I'm so tired. I've been pulling ten hour work day because of the shit going in the campus. It's been so busy. And you crazy fuckers visiting make it even busier."

Shawn just laughs.

"Who else is coming?" Shane is curious to know if the gang will make an appearance.

"Reed and Matt are flying in Saturday morning."


"Did you get the pre-game party ticket for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, Collin gave it to me. Are you going?"


"Don't you have a conference to attend to tomorrow?"

"I'll just leave early. So are you going?" Shawn is quite eager to know.

"I will. I'm off tomorrow."

The two catch up on what happened with their lives after college. The troubles and tribulations of going into the real world but most of all, Shane's life overseas. The ex-Army man retells his war stories specially the scary ones to the very engrossed Shawn who is in awe of what he is hearing. They would have liked to stay the night talking, but the long day starts to weigh in on Shane, and Shawn is not doing any better with the alcohol in his blood.

The pre-game festivities has now become a show. The parade of homegrown college bands have been replaced by semi-famous bands known around the South-East. The crowd in front of the stage is loud as the band plays on when Shane arrives at the event. From there, he can see the pristine grass of the field left untouched waiting to host the emerging rivalry of the home team and the new school joining the football conference. The spot where the student cars are normally parks enjoying their tailgate are also gone replaced by booths selling tasty morsel of food and beverages. It feels different, so Shane looks around looking for something he remembers from back then. The jock booth is again busy with well wishers and fans alike lining up for autograph. He moves in to see what is going on. The sight of the football athletes sitting behind the table hurriedly scribbling their names on any thing that's placed on the table reminds him of the day when Shawn, Reed and Matt were used to be the ones behind. As he gets closer, he sees a very cheery Coach Fox talking to some people still dutifully looking after his charge to prevent them from going wayward before the big game. There stands a very familiar figure facing away in polo shirt and golf short pants watching the band afar, away from the loud and unruly crowd. Shawn was there early. He must had gotten bored or just too excited not to miss the party.

"Band any good?" he says sneaking up on Shawn.

Shawn turns around to see who just joined him. "Holy crap!"

"Did I scare you?"

"No shit. What are you doing sneaking up on people? When did you get here?"

"Just now."

"I'm glad you showed up. I haven't seen anyone I know yet."

"Did you talk to Coach Fox? He seems happy."

"Yes, he is. I talked to him. He thinks they are going to win tomorrow. He's been bragging about the new kid."

"I heard about him. They say he is good."

"That's what Coach Fox told me."

"C'mon let's get something to drink." Shane suggests.

With the a red cup in their hands, the two move closer to the stage to soak in the fun. A new band is setting up for their turn to put on a show. The crowd grow even louder. It must be one of the more famous bands touring campuses to students' delight.

"This band is good," Shawn comments.

"You know the band."

"Yeah, they're from the city where I grew up. I heard they just got a record deal."

"Really. This place is stepping up."

"They sure do. It used to be that we could only afford college rock star wannabes. Now they are booking fairly famous bands. Mike would hate to see this." Mike used to be one of those college kids who naively dreamed of stardom through music.

"What happened to him anyway?"

"Oh, he moved back to Florida. I heard he still plays in a band on weekends. Also moonlighting as a sound engineer for a radio show."

"Still chasing the dream, huh?"

"He is determined." Shawn laughs his response.

Their brief trip to the past is interrupted by the announcement from the stage by the vocalist. Then the first song plays on. Shawn and Shane join the crowd shouting and grooving through the music. Shawn never lost his fun seeking attitude as he jumps around and pump his fist in the air egging Shane to join him.

On their way back to one of the booths for a refill, Shane stops for a moment as if looking for something or someone. He is wondering if Collin will show up even just for the booze.

"What up?" Shawn says to the spacing Shane.

"Nothing just looking to see if Collin is showing up. I gave him the other ticket."

"Oh yeah, I was trying to convince him to come. He is not a big fan, isn't he?"

"No. He is not."

"How come?"

"He just doesn't remember the time when this school is the top dog. He complains about only seeing them lose."

"We were good, aren't we?" Shawn brags.

"Or maybe because you have no competition before," Shane jokes.

"No, we were just good."

Time passes by quickly when you are having fun. When they try to get out from the crowd for another refill, the crowd had already quadruple in size. The main act is coming up next. This time a nationally recognized band who had their start visiting every campus close by to make a name for themselves. They are coming back for some sort of a "thank you" tour.

The combined bodies of the party goers just add to the humidity of warm spell of early Fall. It's sweltering. Shane's t-shirt carries the sign of the fun they are having. Shawn is not doing any better or doing good depending on how you look at it. Shawn polo shirt is drenched and his khaki golf shorts is even worse. The dark wet stain has form on top. The funny thing about liquid is that it flow where ever it is less obstructed. The shorts that he fills tightly shows the trace of his ass cheeks.

"Look at that ass," Shane makes a comment to Shawn who is in front singing along with the band on stage.

Shawn hears him and turns his head to check, "Oh shit that's embarrassing." He becomes a little conscious about it.

"Don't be too shy. It's as if I haven't seen . . .," Shane pauses.

Shawn is oblivious about what Shane is saying and is still checking himself to see how much he is revealing. "Oh shoot. I knew I should have changed to something more comfortable."

". . . it," Shane continues almost in whisper. He doesn't know if it is still alright to do so.

"Shoot, look at this," Shawn showing his front side with his crotch area the only thing left dry.

"LOL, you can even trace it."

"No kidding," Shawn says not denying what he is exposing.

"You need to slow down. You've been acting like one of these college kids."

"I haven't had this much fun just like the old days."

The main act is halfway through their set, and everyone is there to watch the newly minted member of the popular music scene. Shawn, however, has another concern concealing his unfortunate display.

In the good old days, Shawn wouldn't have cared, but the time he is been away from his carefree life changes some things. Just like the way he keeps himself more presentable now, he has become more aware of how people sees him, maybe just a part of growing older.

Shane senses his friends predicament. "Do you wanna get change?" he asks.

"I'll just go back to the hotel and get out of the heat. It's almost over anyways."

"Your lost," Shane jests.

Shawn proceeds to leave the festivities and probably because of the familiarity of the scene, like an old habit, he calls for Shane, "C'mon let's go."

Not quite sure what to expect, Shane just goes along with it. The smell of Shawn's car puts Shane at ease. As the two drives out of the makeshift parking lot to get away from the sweltering heat of a very humid day, the rays from the descending sun traces the silhouette of Shawn's face playing tricks on Shane seating on the passenger side. From his vantage point, Shawn swept back hair looks like it is rumpled once again when the sun blurs out part of his blonde hair. For a moment there, he recognizes the old Shawn, a thought that pulses through his hands and feet meeting in the middle of his body. He shivers for a bit.

Once inside the room, Shawn takes his shirt and throws on the chair then immediately makes his way to the bathroom for a quick shower. Thanks to the hotel staff, the room is back to its pre-check in condition. Shane chooses one of the beds to lay down as he waits for Shawn. He is still flipping through channel when Shawn comes out of the shower looking fresh with his hair combed back wearing a white shirt and plaid sleeping shorts that he probably left inside the bathroom.

"That feels much better," Shawn says then jumps on the other bed shaking the room. Chuckles ensues from Shawn childish act. "What are you watching?"

"Just flipping through channels. Are we going back?"

"I already lost interest," Shawn replies as he props himself on the bed.

Shane fiddles with the remote and settles on a program showing lions hunting for some prey. "Can you believe they are famous now?"

"I know, right? I remembered them sometimes playing in an empty."

"I always have the feeling they will make it big time."

"Yeah, they're original songs are catchy."

Then silence . . .

"Can I use your shower? I'm feeling icky," Shane says sniffing the dried sweat in his shirt.

"Go ahead."

Shane turns on the lights inside the bathroom. Shawn's golf short left in front of the tub the way someone just let it slipped down and stepped out of it. He smiles. He carefully tries not to step on it. The shower stings a little. He should have known better not to set it in full. The water pressure always gets you if you don't watch out.

Shane come out of the bathroom half-naked holding the back of his neck. "Shit, shower almost took skin off my skin," Shane says as he pats the back of his neck with a cold wet hand towel.

"What happened?"

"I stepped in with the shower in full blast."

"Let me see."

Shane turns around. Even his sightly tanned complexion is not enough to hide the damage done by the high pressure shower.

"Does it hurt?" Shawn asks.

"Not so bad, it tingles a little."

"Let me look," Shawn insists, so Shane sits on the bed where his friend is laying. Shawn checks on the red spot. Pats it with his hand. "Did it sting?"

"A little."

Shane body trembles. Shawn finds his shoulders massaging it before running his hands to his arm measuring his bicep. "Working out? You muscle feels tight."

"Twice a week when I have time."

Shawn props himself back on the bed and makes a room for the other man still bothered by his bruise. Shane sits right beside him. It's been so long the last time he was in bed with Shawn that he is now tentative in showing his desire. Just snickering and giggling like kids as sit half-naked on the bed. The two exchange few glances then another glance that takes longer. From there, as slowly as the dying light from the outside, the two face each other. Shane braces himself on Shawn's waist with his hand. The big man opens his lips ever so slightly to meet Shane's kiss. The same feelings when they were together wash over them. With his right arm now wrapped around Shane, he pulls him closer. Shane slips his hand inside Shawn's shirt and caresses his chest feeling the short hair with his fingertips gently. There is no denying what they wanted all along. Now locked in a tight embrace with their tongue invading each other mouth, the two tumble in bed. When Shawn was on top, he pulls from the long kiss, gives Shane a smile that turns to a giggle then plants his lips on him again.

It is the proper greeting they both been waiting for, a long passionate kiss.

Sitting back by the headboard, they catch their breath with hand freely exploring the other man by their side. Shawn grabbing Shane's inner thigh while Shane massages Shawn's crotch. Becoming ever more bold, Shane lifts his friend's shirt to see what's under. This prompts Shawn to raise his arms then Shane helps him out of his tight fitting white shirt to reveal his very familiar wide body and the big arms that come with it. Features that he had gazed upon during the many times Shawn had him under his big frame. He runs his hand over his chest pinching his pinkish hard nipple. His traces the short blonde hair between is chest down to his stomach. He rubs the once flat stomach that he remembered, which now shows a little roundness.

Shawn looks down. "It's getting harder and harder to keep it off," he says.

"It's not that bad."

"You think?"

"Yeah. Your chest and arms looks even bigger though."

"Well, I have a lot of time waiting for the kids to show up for gym class, so I lift some weight. I'm still gaining extra padding though. Sucks."

"How much you weigh now?"

"Around 260." A nice mix of muscle and fat that he carries in his six-two frame makes him a massive tall guy still sporting the remnant of his playing days, round strong shoulders that anchor his big arms and matching beautifully sculpted big thighs and calves,

"You're always been a big guy."

Shane stops exploring his body. Shawn is having some difficulty unbuttoning his pants with just one hand, so he unbutton it for him. With his short undone and Shawn's warm hand in it. He once again look at him. Something doesn't look right. He reaches for Shawn's nicely combed hair and messes it up.

"Much better," Shane comments then frees Shawn's still semi-hard cock through the slit of his sleeping shorts. "Even better." Shane grins then plants his lips on him. Their passionate kisses turn to quick smacks.

The time is right to move on to the next sage. "Ouch!" they both exclaim when their heads butt trying to lean at the same time, the unfortunate timing of their urges, a bit sloppy like two people trying to find their rhythm.

Shane playfully pushes Shawn down to avoid another mishaps signaling his intent.

"Oh shit," Shawn gasps. That same mouth that drove crazy before is doing its magic once gain. Shane, on the other hand, is enchanted by the smooth hard cock and its pinkish head. "Oh shit," Shawn gasps again when his cock makes it way to the back of Shane mouth. Shane is only one who he's been that is able to take all of him or at least wants to take all of him in appreciation of his size. Shane takes his time until Shawn is meeting his downward motion with a slow thrust of his hips as he let out moans that fill the room.

"Fuck yeah," Shawn groans then he moves his cock away from Shane's mouth all of a sudden. Shane looks up. The other man is smiling wide. Satisfied. Maybe too satisfied. Shawn forces Shane on back and moves between his legs.

"I almost had accident. One more and I would have came," Shawn confides.

"When was the last time you got a blow job?" Shane asks out of curiosity.

"It's been a while," Shawn replies as he strips the last piece of his friend's clothing.

Shawn, on his stomach, wraps his arms from underneath Shane's legs then holds onto his friend sides. It never fails to amaze him every time Shawn goes down on him. The sight of the big man between his legs is forcing out every bit of his desire. His dick has never been that stiff that it almost hurts. Shawn licks his shaft from his balls to the tip. His tongue darts in and out of Shane's slit already oozing with precum.

"Damn," Shane says to himself anticipating Shawn's warm mouth to finally take him in. He is about to beg for it but immediately holds back. He is resigned to let him do what he wants.

A naughty wink from the man between before resuming the teasing with his tongue tells him that his frustration never escapes Shawn.

"Fucker," Shane tells him.

Shawn licks the spot just under his balls, which makes his cock twitch. He lays his hands over Shawn's still holding onto his sides. He can no longer take it that he starts rubbing Shawn's forearms.

Shawn raises his mouth over head of his cock. "Oh yeah, baby," Shane moans when Shawn finally wraps his lips around his throbbing cock. Then the big man starts working on it. Shawn is clearly out of practice because his effort to take more in has him gagging. Shane giggles and rubs the top of Shawn's head while the he resumes his effort to give Shane what he wants. Shane watches with anticipation as more and more of him disappears inside Shawn's mouth. "Aaah, shit" he blurts out. Shawn has all of him.

Shawn comes up for air. "Thanks," Shane tells him, a habit that he never fails to say, to anyone that goes down on him deep.

"Shit, that took me a while," Shawn replies a little disappointed.

"You're doing fine," Shane consoles him but he is not going to let him get away with his teasing earlier and offers his cock again.

Shawn is once again going down on him, and the sweet deep rewards are coming in at regular interval. Shane is grunting and moaning holding the bobbing head guiding it up and down his shaft. He pulls him up. The night is young and sexual desire still has to be tamed. Shawn crawls up and plants his lips on the other man who is still breathing heavy.

"Can I have you tonight?" Shawn whisper in his ear.

"Yeah, you still have me," Shane whispers back.

With that, another long kiss ensues to satiate their longing. Their busy tongues invade each other mouth as they tumble on the bed. When the kiss is finally over, Shawn is on laying on the bed Shane clasping his hands down by the side of his head straddling him. Then Shawn grinds his manhood between his ass cheeks.

"We haven't tried it that way before?" Shane says. He didn't come in prepared for the encounter.

"Look in the nightstand drawer," Shawn replies.

Shane opens the nightstand in the between the hotel beds and there a bottle of KY and few condoms.

"You are prepared. Do expect to get laid?" Shane interrogates him.

The big man is grinning and says, "Sort of."

"What do you mean sort of?"

"Got them yesterday just in case," Shawn says then wink.

"I was too tired yesterday to even think about it," Shane says. "And you already had one or two many drinks," he adds.

"That doesn't stop you before when I was too tired after the game," Shawn referring to the time when he let Shane satisfied his desire while he laid on his stomach.

"You actually liked it when I did it?"

"I just like your body rubbing on my back and hugging me tight."

"Hmm, is that a proposition for later?" He taps on Shawn's chest, "ready?"

Shane steps out from straddling him and rips a condom out with his teeth. Shawn spreads his legs slightly and watches his friend unrolls the condom on his hard cock then squeezes few drops of lubrication on it. Shane gives it some strokes until his hand slides easily up and down then goes back to straddling Shawn. Slowly he eases himself down on the Shawn's waiting cock until half of it is inside him. He holds onto Shawn's side finding the best position. This prompts the other man to also hold his side by the waistline.

"I miss you so much," Shawn says thrusting his hips pushing himself deeper.

"Aah!" Shane exclaims when he feels every bit of Shawn inside him. He braces himself. Shawn starts slowly before gaining his rhythm. "Oh yeah, give I to me, baby," Shane moans out. A few quick thrusts before settling down, his way of naughty way of greeting Shane.

"I miss you too," Shane is finally able to reply then grinds his hips to continue what Shawn has started.

From there, the room is filled with there synchronized moans and grunts. The ebbs of their desire flows easily between them. Shawn starts his upward thrusts when Shane slows down to rest then continues on when Shawn turn to catch some breathe. Their back-and-forth moans only increase the intensity of their encounter. Neither of them can no longer hold out. Shawn grabs Shane closer and gives him another kiss before flipping themselves. With Shane now underneath him, Shawn kneels and its on his legs. Still holding on to Shane's waist, he continues easing himself in and out of him. Shawn is edging closer and closer to his release which is matched by Shane stroking himself. Sweat trickle from Shawn flattened tips of hair on his forehead down to his chest.

The squinted eyes and open mouth gasping for air in short succession show where he is at. "I'm cumming," he exclaims. Holding even tighter, he slams into Shane until his last spasm, burying himself deep. Shawn's release is followed by Shane depositing an ample amount of his own bodily fluid on himself.

The two wait for their orgasm to subside before Shawn gives him another kiss and tells Shane, "Thanks." Frozen just looking at each other eyes, they relish the moment. A few more smacks on the lips then Shawn pulls out and shows Shane the product of his effort before going to the bathroom to get rid of it. Shawn comes back with a towel in hand and throws it to Shane.

The two sits back on the bed. The chemistry between them is still there, but something that they avoided talking about from the beginning comes into the forefront when Shawn keeps fiddling with the metal band on his finger.

"How long you've been married?" Shane asks the man who is still lost in the moment.

"Three years. I have a kid now," Shawn replies.

"How old?"

"Three. I got her pregnant."

Shane slides down the bed and slumps his head on the pillow. He looks up the ceiling and thinks to himself, "So close that you can touch it yet so far away."

"You know, I've waited for you?" Shawn confides. "It was almost three years after you left before I started seeing other people," he adds.

"I'm sorry for making you wait. Even I didn't know when I'm returning. I've seen many soldiers who literally grew old in the field," Shane apologizes. "Do you like your life now?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm trying to make it work."

"I guess this is it for us," Shane sighs.

"I guess so."

"Well, at least it, we don't need to worry about what could've been," Shane finds some solace to the fact that their relationship had a proper ending after eight or nine years later of waiting give or take.

"Would you mind staying with me for the night?" Shawn asks.

"I could."

They would like for the night to last forever but they both know they can only temporarily prolong it.

Shawn looks at the alarm. It is already half past eight. Their grumbling stomachs emptied by the afternoon fun at the pre-game party and the unscheduled stop to sensual heaven are requesting to be filled. Shane put his clothes back on while Shawn takes out a new polo shirt and another golf short from his luggage then they head out to Bubba's Grill. They sit at the same spot when Shawn first went home with Shane.

"Were you actually thinking we were on a date that night, or was it just a passing joke?" Shane asks Shawn who is carefully cutting his steak to pieces.

"Yeah, why?"

"I was really just thinking about treating you for your birthday," Shane says with honesty.

"Really? I assumed since you never asked for Reed to tag along," Shawn replies faking a look of disdain.

"Wasn't he busy that day? Well, when you said 'babe' while we were going at it, it felt OK to me. I really don't mind you calling me that. I liked it."

"It was an awesome treat and the dessert is fun and sweet," Shawn jokes.

"So have you heard from the Reed and Matt?"

"They are actually coming in the same flight tomorrow, so they are renting just one car."

"I wonder what they are going to say when they find out I work here."

"Ooops, I might have slipped that detail already."

"What did Reed say?" Shane asks curious about the fact that Reed, being Shawn's best friend, was probably the only one privy about what happened between them.

"He just said, 'it's cool.'"

"No remark about anything else?"

"Oh, he knows it's bound to happen. That's why he said 'it's cool.'"

"Ha-ha. He kinda figured you out, doesn't he?"

The two share a good laugh. A laughter that feels more like a release from each other than anything else. The air between them grows more casual as they go through their dinner.

"Do you wanna grab some drink to wash down the meal?" Shane suggests.

"I'm down with that."

"Do you wanna hang around with the younger kids or go somewhere else?"

"Let's go and see if there is band playing in one of the bars by the campus."

"Sounds good. Let's pick up my car first though."

"What? Are you planning on running away from me?"

"Oh no, you got something good coming later."

"Can't wait."

A quick trip back to the stadium for Shane's pickup and they are off to the bar right next to the recruitment office. By the look of it, some other visitors are joining the kids too. Most nights parking is normally not a problem since most of the college kids walk. They find empty spots at the end in front of the Army recruitment office where Shane used to work.

"It's still here," Shawn says pointing at the office.

"Yeah it is. Uncle Sam is looking for able bodies all year round."

"Brings back fun memories," Shawn snickers.

"No, I don't have my keys anymore, Shawn," Shane jokes.

The bar is busy with a doorman manning the door to let people in and out of the place. A short line has formed outside. It is standing room only when they are let in. Some members from the famous band from the event this afternoon are there talking to some people causing some commotions. They skirt their way to the bar area and place their other. They look at the noisy crowd gathered around the small stage. They used to be one of those kids who are now relegated to just look around and stand silently watching on the side.

"Damn, I feel suddenly old," Shawn tells his friend.

"I know, right? We used to run around like those kids."

The crowd break into a frenzy of cheers when the vocalist from the famous band decides to join the band on the stage. The impromptu jam proceeds with the original vocalist acting as the second voice. That is enough for the two to make their way closer to the stage and cheer together with the students. The towering Shawn never escapes the sight of the people from the coaching conference who also decided to stay and watch the game tomorrow. They are joined by three more people. Soon enough they become one with the crowd. For a moment there, they are reliving their college lives. Only if Reed and Matt could have joined them then it will be a riot. Hours later the band members say their goodbye and let the original band continue on with the show. With the main attraction gone, the place also thins out and the bar area is again available for sitting where Shawn and Shane take the corner end joined by Shawn's coaching colleagues. Most of the conversation revolves around their work. Shane just ends up listening and looking around, so when he figures out something to do hidden under the bar, Shawn is willing to play along that when he feels Shane's hand slipping inside his pocket, he moves both of his hands on top of the bar and lean closer to obscure what his friend is doing from the other men who are keeping them company. Shawn carries on with his conversation with Shane feeling him both trying to keep a straight face. One of the many tricks they employed a long time ago to sneakily fool around.

The band wraps their set around eleven, and the other men who've been drinking for most of the night call it a night. When they are finally alone, they suppress their giggles.

"Do you think they noticed?" Shane asks.

"I don't think so. If they did, I really don't care. I may not see them again, anyways," Shawn replies.

Feeling more adventurous with some alcohol running in their system, the two also leave the bar to hop to the other ones.

Walking to the next bar just across the road Shawn asks, "So what's the plan after?" .

"I'm up for another shower. Wanna join?" Shane teases.

"Am I gonna be hard?" Shawn ups the ante.

"We can certainly make that happen."

"Can we just jump to the after then?" Shawn suggests.

They turn around and go back to their parked cars. They are playfully racing each other on their way back to the hotel. Clothes strewn on the floor leads to the bathroom where Shane and Shawn are busy fooling around under the warm shower. The silky slick feeling of the shampoo suds has Shane groping the big guy from behind spreading the them all over him.

"As promise, let's get this hard," Shane says reaching down cuffing Shawn's soft penis. He starts tugging on it waiting it for it to respond.

"I think you need a different approach," Shawn jests.

Water splashes on Shawn's back when he turns around to face Shane who slowly squats down the tub. With one hand grabbing Shawn's ass, Shane watches as water trickles down the semi-hard cock in front of him then carefully weighing it with the back of his hand still amaze by the heaviness of it. He gives it a few strokes before the giving the big guy what he wanted. Shawn runs his hand over Shane's head feeling the short that he had been wearing since the time they first met. He washes away the remaining suds from his body giving his own chest and arms a good feel as he gasps for air when the pleasure mounts from the attention he is getting from the other man.

"Nice and hard, now," Shane says as he stands up.

"Yeah, it is," Shawn agrees looking at his manhood that is poking stiff.

After the shower has done its work, Shawn turns the knob. They dry each other as the last chance to feel each other up in the shower. With towel around their waist, the two make their way back to the room. Shane jumps on one of the bed to and lay there comfortably with his legs crossed and grabs the TV remote. Shawn sits on the edge of the bed rubbing his feet with the towel. The days event still bear down on him.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asks looking at his friend who is flipping through channels.

"Watchin' TV," Shane replies pretending for a moment that he has forgotten why they are back in the hotel room.

Shawn lays on his side right next to him and leans closer. He plants a few pecks on Shane's neck then whispers in his ear, "Can I suck your dick?" a playful but deliberate show of intention.

"Do you want me to suck it?" Shawn teases Shane some more as he removes the towel around his waist.

Shane grins back at him who is now stroking on Shawn's cock that is resting by his thigh.

"Do you?" Shawn asks once more trying to elicit some response from the other.

"Please," Shane replies.

Then Shawn pecks him once in the neck, his chest, his stomach then the underside of his cock that is laying on his navel as he moves down between his legs. He takes in the head in his mouth. With every bob of his head, Shane's cock increases in size and stiffness until it is in full mast glory.

"Oh yeah," Shane grunts and holds down on Shawn's head burying himself deeper inside his mouth. "Thanks, bud," he says after letting him go.

"You like?" Shawn asks smiling. Giving Shane what he wanted comes much easier this time.

Trying to erase the grin from the big man between legs, he offers his cock back in mouth his instead of answering.

"Oh shit!" he blurts out. Shawn takes all of him again. With his hands exploring freely Shane's well kept physique, he works on his cock. The stiff dick pointing up the ceiling on its own gives him another idea. Motioning for Shane to grab the lubrication from the nightstand, Shawn straddles him a position that he rarely tries. He reaches back and applies an ample amount of lube on Shane's cock and his own waiting hole. Shane watches Shawn going through the all motion of preparing himself with his hands massaging where his thighs and hips meet. With a little bit of effort, Shawn has the head inside him.

"It's been a long time for me," Shawn confides.

Slowly, between bursts of grunts, Shawn slides down. He sits on it for a bit trying to get use to the feeling of someone's hard manhood stretching him once again.

"Damn, that's tight," Shane comments.

"No one's been there for years."



Bracing himself on Shane's chest, Shawn grinds his hips back and forth. "Fuck!" he exclaims. The grimace on his face shows the long time that his been out of practice in that area. When the burning feeling subsides and the muscle memory comes back, he starts riding on Shane's cock. In return, Shane strokes him. From there, they exchange grunts and moans. In that moment, Shawn realizes how much he really misses the guy that he has to stop him from stroking.

Shawn with a smile says, "you're getting me dangerously close."

"That good, huh?"

"Yeah," Shawn replies and continues on sliding up and down Shane's manhood. His stamina hasn't left him. Shane holds onto his sides then starts meeting him with his own thrusts. They both pick up the pace until Shawn's grunts turn to whimper and the man under becomes louder.

Then the burning feeling of his stretched thighs finally sets in. He steps out of Shane to give his legs some needed rest and lays down on his stomach on the other side of the bed. Shane crawls on top of him. He slips his hands underneath him giving his upper torso a tight hug. When he starts moving his hips, Shawn spreads his legs apart telling him that he can proceed. Just by feel, Shane is able to find what he is looking for. He slides himself in deep. Shawn gasps.

"I want you," Shane whispers in Shawn's ear.

"Take it," Shawn replies.

"I wish, we can make tonight last long."

"I do too."

The grunts have been replaced by just soft moans with Shane taking things ever so slowly. Their clasped hands do most of the talking for them. Never wanting to let go, they move their arms together. The occasional tightening of their grasp and the warm sweat that they share between them show the desire to be with each other. Like the way he did it before, Shane takes his time and Shawn savors the feeling of someone enjoying his body. But even their slow tango still has to hit its crescendo. Shane puts all his weight on Shawn as the last spasm of him reaching the climax escapes him.

"You know I fantasized many times for this day to come," Shane tells Shawn. "That one day, I'll see standing in the stadium together with the other alumni," he adds.

"Is that why you came back here?" Shawn asks.

"Maybe, . . . it's one of the reasons. . . . I guess."

Shawn cannot find a word to say. Shane gives out a big sigh as he settles down his spent body on the bed. Shawn rolls on his side and holds Shane tightly close to him with his chest pressing on his back to take a brief respite.

The dawn is already breaking, but the sound of flesh slapping still echoes in the room the two are sharing. The ever dwindling time puts some more urgency to squeeze in some more trip to the memory lane as much as they can. Shane is on all four with Shawn pounding him from behind coaxing him to surrender his load. Even when the moment has turned to sex just for sake of it, they are not taking anything away. A long grunt from Shawn and the quick thrusts that follow are the last sound of ecstasy that they will be sharing.

Shawn with Shane tucked in his arm dozes off. A short sleep will not hurt before the afternoon athletic pageantry.

Next: Chapter 26: Allotted Time 13

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