Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Sep 1, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

The Way It Goes by Max Millan

"I thought I'll find you here," Collin shouts from the distance.

It's mid-afternoon Saturday. Shane is at the stadium watching the tryout together with the parents who are anxious to know the prospect of their cherished sons. He isn't the only one finding some entertainment with the new football recruits. On the lawn on the South side of the field, a family is having a picnic. A boy and an older man are playing catch with a football watched by the lady tending to two young girls.

"What's up?" Shane shouts back to the approaching Collin.

"I went to your house. You weren't there, so I figured you might be watching the practice." The corporal takes his sit on the bleacher.

"You could have called first."

"I was just on my way back from my in-laws. They're taking my boy to a birthday party."

"So what made you decide to come here? You are not particularly fond of the team."

"I was just looking for you."

"Well, enjoy the closest thing to a professional football in this town," Shane tells his friend.

"Shit!" Collin mumbles his disapproval of the perennial losing team.

Shane would have like to be somewhere else too only if this town offers some other form of diversion. But for some reason, this place is drawing him in. It must have been the one time he spent watching Shawn and Matt played rough with the new recruits during their time. The current players on the field are pretty tame, no ambush tackles and rough take downs.

It is about two weeks into the Summer semester. The slumbering town once again pick up its pace even if it just a little bit for the couple hundred of students who showed up to continue their education. Patrolling the campus is still not as hectic as regular semesters. You eventually come to notice only one or two places that throws a party. The bars around campus closes early most nights when there are no customers. Football summer camp is the main thing during this time of the year.

From the bleacher, Collin joins Shane in watching the team.

"Is that the new quarterback?" Collin inquires.

"Yeah. I heard, he transferred from another school."

"He is throwing good. I wonder how he will fare during the regular season."

"Coach Fox thinks that he finally found his magic formula. He was so elated when he was here earlier talking to the parents."

Collin surveys the other occupants of the bleacher whose eyes are fixated on the field watching every thing that happens. Someone erupts in cheers when his son made a good play. Everyone looks at him suppressing their laughter. Shane and Collin laugh among themselves.

"Have you talk to the school yet?" Collin asks about Shane plan to go back to school.

"Not yet. I might do it next week."

"Don't worry I'll help you out with your homework," Collin jests.

"Yeah right," is the other man's sarcastic response.

Then the occupants of the bleachers suddenly start moving. The practice is about over, and each one of them is probably looking forward to have word with the coach.

"I hope they do good this year," Collin says as both of them stand to leave the stadium.

"I hope so. It kinda sucks to see them losing."

"Losing again and again," Collin continues what Shane was saying.

"You should have seen them when they were the top dog. It was so much fun."

"I only remember them losing, sorry."

"Enough putting down the team. Do you wanna get some food?"

"I'm up for some chili dog right now."

A few minutes later, they are inside the fastfood place they normally chill down after working out. The weather is not too bad. A gentle wind blows as they take their seats outside.

"We should go the beach some time. I haven't been there in ages," Collin suggests.

"That sounds like a good plan. They have concerts on Saturday nights. Maybe next week?" Shane agrees.

"I'll see if my in-laws can look at my kid."

"Just tell me when you can go."

"I will."

"So we're back to regular schedule, huh! That didn't take long." Shane is a little disappointed about going back to their normal schedule after two weeks of enjoying some extra waking time after work. The irregular schedule of going to work after lunch and getting out earlier suites him well. Not that he hasn't gone accustomed to their usual shift. The university wanted more personnel working during the time when most of the students are still out at night either to study in the library or spend drinking in the nearby watering holes. So they have to work the non-standard late afternoon to early morning shift. Even if it was a good schedule for young people like him who like to sleep in during the day, you pretty much missed many things when you're working the time when people are supposed to have fun.

"It ain't too bad. Just like the old times."

"How come they don't shuffle the schedule by the way?"

"Dunno, it's been like that ever since I joined the force."

"Screw those old-timers."

"He-he," Collin snickers then takes a bite of his chili dog.

"Damn you suck on that chili dog like it's nothing," Shane jokes.

"Jealous?" Collin shots back.

"When I'm gonna get the same treatment?"

"In due time, my friend, in due time," Collin says flashing his wide grin. "By the way, thanks again for last night. It was great."

"LOL, you were able to hold out. It used to be one-two-three and boom," Shane jokes.

"Don't blame me. It's been a while. I just kinda missed it. That's all."

It was during the few days when their usual exchange of sexual innuendos inside the squad car sometimes had them ending up naked on Collin's couch giving each other a hand. Like many encounters like that progresses naturally to its eventual conclusion. It's quite clear early on that they were much comfortable in very close proximity. As they chatted during their mutual masturbation, Collin's subtle inquiries about Shane's experience that he finally asked to experience a man going down on him.

Laying with their head on each end of the couch that seat two with their cocks touching in between them, the two took turn on stroking duties. Shane's left leg was over Collin's right leg stuck between him and the couch while his other leg rested on Collin's thigh whose leg was hanging on the edge of the couch. Shane was putting extra attention on Collin's cock stroking it from the base all the way to the head then down the whole length.

"Your hand feels so good," Collin said.

"Nice," Shane responded.

"So how does it go?"

"You mean what else we can do?" Shane asked.

"That's not what I meant."

"Well?" Shane said looking at Collin.

"How do you ask your buddy if you want some good lickin'?" Collin finally said what he wanted.

"Ask nicely and you shall receive," Shane replied.

Shane was ready for whatever, he did the tango many times before. Collin was, on the other hand, still a little hesitant. "I hope you don't mind if I ask next time," he said instead.

"Whenever you are ready buddy. I'll take care of yah. You gotta give some to get some." Shane assured him with a little hint on what he expected from his buddy.

"Thanks. Be patient though."

"Are you sure you don't want it now?"

"I'm cool, but you have to, . . . one of these days," he declined the offer as he tried saying something in the middle of his moans. "On the other hand, can you give me your awesome hand job like before?" he asked in return remembering when he and his buddy did it together and Shane made him edged many times until he begged for his release.

"No problemo, my friend."

From there, Collin was again reduced to heaving hunk of meat making every effort not to touch himself and let his friend control the whole thing. His begging came early this time. He must had been already quite horned up. He spewed his load on himself then, not a moment later, Shane knelt in front of him to add his own release to the white gooey fluid spattered his friend's body.

The next few days their shift ended as it always had been, them refreshing in the warm soothing shower in the station after work. Friday before the summer school started, Shane and Collin were just a few minutes away from the end of their shift when they were called to respond to a call from one of the apartments. Some drunk kid was banging on someone else door. The two officers arrived and saw the kid sitting on the foot of the door ready to pass out. In his drunken stupor, he did not recognize that he was knocking on the wrong apartment. And was very agitated that his roommate was not opening the door.

"Hey there?" Collin called as they approached.

The kid did not respond. "Do you know where you are?" Collin asked again.

"My apartment," the kid mumbled.

"Do you have an ID with you?"

The kid fumbled in handing his wallet to the officer.

"Damn, this kid is drunk like crazy," Collin whispered at Shane and picked up the wallet.

"He is dead drunk," Shane agreed to Collin's very obvious observation.

Collin read the license for the kid's address. He was at the right apartment number but in the wrong complex. The adjoining complexes were built by the same developer, so they look the same. It was an honest mistake.

"Well, he is legal. What do you wanna do with him?" Collin asked Shane for some idea. It's not really his style to book people by just doing something stupid.

"I guess, we can just drop him off. It's just the next compound."

"Hey kid, can you stand?" Collin asked the young man who was drifting in and out of sleep.

However the young man was unresponsive. Collin was starting to become irritated.

"I never signed for this shit." With each arms on their shoulder they dragged him to the squad car. They parked the car in front of the young man's apartment and proceeded to get him out of the car. Unfortunately, the short ride did not bode well with the drunk kid. When they tried to dragged him out, he propelled the content of his stomach landing on the officers' uniform. Collin was now mad and yanked the boy out of the backseat then banged on the door of the kid's apartment. The kid's sleepy roommate and the a girl who look like his girlfriend greeted them and was very apologetic.

"Tell him when he wakes up, he is going to the slammer if we catch him knocking on someone else door again." Collin left his stern warning.

"Shit," he blurted inspecting his stained pants.

"Look at that, there are still pieces of meat in there," Shane said trying to lighten up the mood when he sensed that his partner was very annoyed by the incident. His own pants wasn't doing any better. They reported back to the headquarters.

"Well, I'm skipping shower. I might as well drive back and put this in the washer before it gets stinky," Shane tells Collin who was still fuzzing about his uniform.

"Damn, could you wash mine too?" the annoyed Collin told his friend.

Shane wasn't looking so he thought his friend wasn't joking. "Just throw in yours with mine," he agreed unknowingly.

Collin found himself following Shane to his house that he's been renting. It wasn't far from the campus. The weathered exterior of the plain looking one story two bedroom house shows the history of the town itself. It's one of the remaining reminders that the whole campus was once a farming land. Farmhands and laborers normally rent house owned by the landowner. Shane's house was used to be one of those houses that had been sold to the university a long time ago. The new tenant had been busy fixing things inside house. A fresh coat of paint and new carpet gave the house a temporary new smell.

"You've been staying busy," Collin admired what Shane had done inside the house. "You wouldn't have known that it's nice inside just by looking at the outside."

"I already talked to the university to see if I can fix it up myself. They're more than happy to let me do it. I can deduct what I spent from my rent."

"I guess these houses are not their priority," the corporal added.

"Well, it will be better for them to have someone occupying the place anyways."

Shane started the washer, set it to the minimum time and put some detergent. When it started to bubble, he unzipped his stained pants and dropped it in, and from behind him, the clicking sound of a belt buckle being undone. Collin dropped his own pants to the washer. In their white boxers, they walked back to the living room. Shane bought a full size leather couch and a matching recliner. Collin looked around when he sat on the recliner. A do-it-yourself coffee table decorated the middle of the room and an entertainment center housed a decent sized TV. A few pictures hanged on the wall mostly of Shane during his Army days and among them was particularly old looking photograph of a middle-aged lady. The bookshelves placed above the couch showcased some of the mementos and trinkets Shane acquired during his travels.

Shane handed him a bottle of beer, and shared a good laugh when they saw each other wearing their tops with only their boxers on.

"You look good in your uniform officer Sullivan," Collin joked.

"Thank you corporal."

"That's really fucked up," Collin suddenly said out of nowhere.

"What about?" Shane asked with a puzzled look.

"That drunk kid puking everywhere."

Shane who had been calm the whole night wasn't annoyed about what happened. The corporal was a different story. "Shush, still fuzzing about that."

"Drunk college kids, if they are not fighting, they are puking on everyone."

"LOL, just give it a rest."

Collin reclined his seat. The department issued boxers was not enough to hide what's inside. Part of the top of his cock bulged out of the slit. "How long before it's done?" he asked.

"I set it to fifteen minutes and probably another fifteen to dry it," he replied catching a glimpse of what his buddy was showing. For some reason, there is some level of excitement when things are hidden like that that his own dick responded accordingly. "Want another beer?" he asked Collin who was about to take his nap.

"Sure, I'll have another one."

Shane walked past him to fetch cold beer from his fridge.

"Do you always get a boner when you strut around in your underwear?"

Shane just looked down at his growing manhood lifting the left side of his boxers. "Friction, . . . I guess," he replied smiling.

He looked for left over beers that were scattered inside his slowly filling up fridge and came up with another brand. Those will do for now. "Hey Sully," Collin called from the living room. That's how he calls him now after learning it from Shane. Only his buddies from the Army calls him Sully, but his new friend had taken a liking to his nickname.

"What do you want now?" Shane shouted from the kitchen.

"Have you done it in your uniform?"

"Yes," Shane casually answered.

Shane was waiting for the next question but it never came. Collin sometimes had quite a few in his sleeve.

"Here," Shane said handing him another bottle of beer.

Collin straighten up his seat to drink. He took a swig and inspected his beer in hand. It tasted different from the first one. Must be one of Shane's left overs, he surmised.

"Still stressing out?" Shane asked.

"A little. Just got me worked up for some reason."

"Just drink up and relax."

"I might need more than beer."

"What you thinkin'?" Shane could now easily recognize the sign but he wanted some confirmation.

Collin hesitated for a bit before saying, "Can I claim on your promise?"

"Which one?"

"I kinda feel like I need one right now."

"You want your knob spit-shined?" Shane went straight to the point.

"Will you?" Collin lighten up as if flicker of light twinkled in his eyes.

"So that's what you meant when you asked about my uniform."

"Got me."

"Let's finish this beer first. I hate wasting a good beer."

Both of them finished their drink in a hurry.

"Ready?" Shane said as he knelt between Collin's leg teasing him by rubbing the inside of his thighs gently parting them apart. There was no resistance from the big guy letting his friend have full access to his hardening dick. Shane tried to pull it out of the slit, but Collin excitement was clearly shown by his stiffness that it's too late to take it out of the slit. There was no helping it. Shane tugged on his friend's waistband to get him out of his boxers. Collin lifted his hips. His dick sprung to attention when his boxers slid off of him. Shane played with Collin's cock for a bit yanking it forward then releasing it. The slapping sounds it made hitting Collin's toned stomach made Shane grin. The bastard was horned stiff. He wondered how long his buddy been thinking about this. "When was the last time someone went down on you?"

"It's been a long time. I don't even remember when was the last time," Collin stammered.

"Well enjoy," Shane said and without warning put the head of his buddy's cock in his warm mouth.

In an instant the memory of long forgotten sensation came back to him and blurted out a loud, "oh yeah."

Shane continued on going down on him. He himself was testing things out. His buddy was no easy job in literal sense. Little by little he got used it. Shawn was a big boy. The biggest one he took in his mouth. Collin is not your average guy himself, but he was able take in more and more as he went down.

"Fuck!" Collin grunted followed by a series of "oh yeah."

Shane looked up. Collin's head was tossed up and grabbing the back of the recliner. He was truly liking what he was getting.

Shane went down on him again. He was taking his sweet time before taking it all in. Then all of a sudden, Collin blurted out, "Oh shit, I think I'm gonna cum." Shane wasn't sure what to make of it. They just started. He pulled out to check, but the initial release already started flowing out of Collin's cock. He was laughing to himself all the while he was stroking his friend to completion. He watched the load Collin's was spewing out like a fountain. A puddle of bodily fluid form right under Collin's sac. Shane was careful enough not to stain the corporal's tops.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Shane laughing. "That's somewhat embarrassing," he confided.

Shane stood up and fetched a hand towel from the only bathroom. "That was quick," he said throwing the towel to his friend.

"No shit," Collin replied. He wiped himself clean and the puddle he left on the recliner.

"Care for another beer?" Shane offered trying to think of a way not to make fun of his friend who just had an early discharged.


Collin was putting his boxers on when Shane came back with another round of beer in hand. He handed one to Collin then sat down on the couch. They weren't talking but from time to time Shane could not stop his giggling. The object of his entertainment gave him the middle finger.

"Check on the laundry," Collin commanded just to stop Shane.

He thought that the man had enough of embarrassment for tonight, so he checked on the laundry then placed them in the dryer.

"Drying them now."

"Can we scratch off tonight?" Collin tried to back what happened.

"LOL, you don't have to be too embarrassed about it," his friend consoling remark.

"I just didn't know I wanted it that much."

"Don't worry about it. It's as if we cannot do it again."

"Can we try it again tomorrow?" Collin sounded like he was pleading.

"Sure. Why not. Just give me a call."


"Damn, and I was thinking of having a good long jerk off tonight," Shane says revealing his plan.

"Not anymore?"

"I might just start laughing."

"Fuck you!"

Their pants were finally clean. Collin put his back on while Shane hanged his together with his tops in the laundry room. Collin said his goodbye for the night reminding Shane about tomorrow before leaving.

Collin was pretty much occupied chasing his son for most of the day. Half past eight when his tired boy finally went to bed. Collin turned on the TV. He was tired himself but could not sleep. He somehow could not find anything good to watch. The truth was that he wasn't looking for anything at all. He was hesitating to give Shane a call. Yes, they had quite a few encounters now. However, most those encounters were being stuck together in the squad car leading into a more curious thing because of their banter that turned sexual and sometimes sensual. This would be different. He's about to call his buddy to take care of him.

Shane in his house wondering himself, if Collin was going to call. It was around ten at night when his phone rung.

"What's up?" Shane answered.

"Not much just watching TV now," he heard from the other end.

"Same here. Nothing good though."


"Well?" Shane repeated what he said.

"Well, you wanna kill some time together?"

"Still horny, I guess?" Shane went straight to the point.

"Since last night. I must admit."

"LOL, last night."

"Don't give me that crap. So you wanna hang out for a bit?"

"Sure, bud. I'll there in a few."

"K, see yah then."

Collin was already half-naked with only his boxers on when he opened the door. When they sat down on the couch their hands went directly for each other crotch. A quick talked about how their day went as they rubbed and massaged their stiffening erection.

"I'll finish you off in return. Is that cool for now?" was Collin's compromised for calling him.

"That would be very much appreciated," Shane agreed.

The night started with their usual mutual masturbation with their cocks together in the middle. Not long after Collin asked for what he really wanted. He was still very much excited about getting head from his buddy that he only lasted just a tad bit longer that time. Collin proved to be quite an expert in giving someone a hand. Shane was more than satisfied of what he got while he looked at his own splatter on him.

They both slumped on couch not caring about the mess they left on their bodies displaying them like a badge of virility.

"How was it?" Shane asked.

"I was great. You're going to spoil me if you keep doing what you do," Collin replied.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Well to be honest, if you just approached me early on, I would probably have said yes."


"I had thoughts about it."

"Since when?"

"Dunno, I long time."

"That's good to know."

Shane gave Collin a few taps on his stomach to end the night. A habit he had grown accustomed to. The temporary change in schedule was fruitful after all in some sense.

But now, they are back to their normal schedule.

The afternoon sun is longer as forgiving when the smooth breeze stops. The sign when the breeze is preparing to blow the opposite way. It's part of the weather of city close to the coast.

Shane looking at Collin licking his fingers after finishing his chili dog asks, "Are you done yet?"

"I am," Collin mumbled still chewing the last bit of his food.

"I still need to do some work outside the house."

"It's about time for me to pick up my boy, anyways. I guess, I'll see Monday then."

The hot Summer gave way to Fall. The abrupt swing of the temperature each week tells everyone that cold days are coming soon. For now, the school is busy with both the new arrivals and returning students. It comes the usual before school revelry. Like turning on a light switch, the campus and the surrounding areas come alive. That's how this city lives. It slumbers for a third of the year then wakes up and stays awake for the rest of the year.

The back roads are busy again and becoming even busier each passing years. Most of the residents around the campus are moving out living their homes relegating them as rental properties to students who are not keen on living inside the campus with it's rules, and the very restrictive arrangements with many apartment compounds serving it.

Shane and Collin are busy. They busted two underage drinkers speeding like crazy early on, and another just passes their stalking spot.

"Punch it partner," Collin signaled his buddy to start the chase.

It wasn't really a chase because the car stops at the first sight of their flashing red and blue lights.

"Have you been drinking?" Shane asks the driver.

"No sir," the driver answers anxiously while the passengers in his car look even more frightened than him.

Collin looks inside the car. The driver's facial features show his Asian ancestry. The delicate looking girl with one hand over her mouth girl sitting in the passenger side must be the same. The passenger in the backseat looks on wide-eyed to what is going on. He is also a foreign student with a darker skin probably the Southern part of Asia. This must be their first experience with the law enforcement.

Shane inspects the driver's license. The book bags their hugging show where they were for most of the night. The driver said they're coming back from the library when Shane asked them.

"Don't you know you are doing 50 on 35?" Shane confronted the driver. The driver just smiled because he had nothing to say.

Shane writes the driver a ticket and tells him what to do then let them go. They decided to take a ride around the campus to see how things are in the partying side. The 24-diners are starting to fill up the sign of the place going into a momentary slumber only to repeat the same thing the next day. Students walking back from a one or two makeshift concert tents that visits the place like a traveling carnival lined the side of the road.

"Looks like our job is almost done for tonight," Collins tells his partner.

"Do you wanna get some food after work?" Shane suggests.

"That doesn't sound too bad. Where at?"

"One of these diners, just feeling nostalgic."

"That's cool. I haven't been there in quite a while."

"We used to go to that one." Shane points at the diner where he and his college buddies used to go. It brings back the memories of the many nights spent sobering up in that place. That was one of the best times of his life. For a moment, he wondered what ever happened to them, Reed, Matt, Joe and specially Shawn. Reed moved to another state. Matt was the same who now resides on the other side of the country. Joe, he last heard, was deployed right after he graduated. And Shawn moved back to his hometown and works as a high school coach.

Shane and Collin entered the diner still in their uniform to have their early breakfast. The campus is finally sleeping, only few stragglers remain inside. A quick look around and they decided to take a sit at the corner booth.

"How are you doing officers?" an old lady in his white uniform and blank apron greets them.

"We're doing fine, ma'am," Collin responds. "How about you?"

"Just being thankful every day I wake up in the morning." the waitress replied, a little dreadful but funny.

The two officers can't help but chuckle.

"What kind of drink you want?"

"Sweet tea, please," Collin orders. Shane orders the same.

"Do you need a minute to decide?"

"I'm ready," Shane says.

"What are you having?" The waitress turns to him.

"Bacon, steak and eggs."

"Hash brown?"

"Yes ma'am."

"How about you sweetie?" her asking Collin.

"I'll have the same thing."

The wait didn't take long. Just a few minutes later, the old lady is placing their order on the table.

"I remember when Shawn and Reed stole the ketchup and mustard." Shane reminisces.

"These are big containers. Where did they put it?"

"In their pants and a little bit of diversion."


"Reed had mustard all him when we got the car."

"I don't think that's a proper condiment for that area."

"Ha-ha, he wasn't so happy about it. On the good side, they had no shortage of ketchup and mustard for the whole week. I just scratch my head now when I remember what these college kids eat sometimes."

"Anything edible?"

"Pretty much."

The parking lot is almost empty when they get out of the diner. A quick trip to the diner for a little bit of memory made Shane missed it more. It was great even if it was short. Collin drives out first honking his horn on Shane who is taking his time to get to his car.

"See you later," he shouts back.

The hallway connecting the cafeteria and the post office is bustling with students speeding to their next class. Collin accompanied Shane to the post office after their work out.

"Apparently, I'm still technically a student here," Shane tells Collin. He was surprised to learn from the dean that he was not removed from the student list when he left for deployment. Maybe it was just courtesy, but it made things easier for Shane.

"Why are we at the post office?" Collin inquires.

"Supposedly they kept my mail because they don't know where to forward it after my grandmother died."

One of the post office workers approaches them and leads them to a room in the back. The two didn't have to wait long, the man helping them comes back with a box and hands it to Shane. He tells them that they already sorted out nonessential mails. Only those that they thought were legitimate remained in the box.

On their way out of the building, a bulletin board catches Shane's eyes. He carefully look at the pictures displayed on it. "In Memory of Fallen and Injured Soldiers" the title says. It's a simple but powerful gesture to remember those soldiers who set foot in the university. He runs his index finger along the names to make sure he is not mistaken. His heart sinks when he recognizes a name.

Collin asks, "Do you know that guy?"

"Yeah," Shane responds in a mournful voice.

Mid-way through their shift Shane is still feeling down. The often bubbly Collin is getting frustrated that his partner is not responding to his usual pestering or intentional and non-intentional stupid comments. There's really nothing he can do but wait. The night drags on, but like creatures of the night, many college kids are still wide awake. The constant traffic along the unpaved roads they normally find themselves patrolling tell them the state of the campus. The early days of schools give the students some leeway to partake in a little bit of fun.

A car makes a turn to one of the farm access roads. A small tidbit that alerts the two into mischievous action. They had come to ignore those excursions by students most of it, but some nights, they do check on those who venture into those roads.

After about ten minutes Collin signals Shane, "C'mon, let's check on the car."

Still feeling lethargic tries to give his partner a funny comeback, "LOL, you just wanna watch. Don't you?"

"Nothing wrong with that. C'mon. Let's go. You've been so crabby the whole day. You might as well have some fun."

They slowly tries to track down the car but comes up empty.

"I wonder where they went," Collin wonders.

"They must be resident of the farm," Shane tells Collin.

"That sucks."

"Why? Are you disappointed not seeing some good action?"

Their scouting is not really a high priority for the police if not for the few calls they sometimes received from the owners annoyed of the students trespassing in their property. Shane turns to the last access road of the cornfield before reaching the plantation house of the owner to check for any merry seeking kids. It's common for many farmers to rotate their crop once in a while. What should have been a field of the more preferred crop, cotton, is temporary replaced by rows and rows of corn. The tall green stalks of the corn with cobs jutting out of them ready for picking makes the place a good spot for young hormone infused college kids. Shane stops for a bit and his partner looks around.

"Well that don't mean there can't be any action though," Collin says.

Shane looks at him then a smirk quickly forms in his partner's face. "What?" he asks.

Collin steps out of the car while Shane looks on questioning what Collin is doing. He probably just wants to stretch his legs for a bit. Sitting inside the car for a long period of time does wreck on someone's lower body. He stretches out his legs and poses in what look like a giant yawn. Instead of going back in, he circles around the car to the driver side.

Sticking his head inside he tells Shane, "Hey officer, you're looking good. Do you wanna have a good time." It sounded like a jest to Shane, so he fakes a laugh after hearing it and tries to brush it of like many of his friend's unusual comments.

"What about it officer? Do you want a blow job?" Collin continues. "That should cheer you up," he adds.

"Are you serious?" the dumbfounded Shane asks.

His friend gives him a wink. He is already used to Collin's almost teenage acts and even his childish mannerisms. He just looks at Collin still figuring out if he was joking.

"Well, don't think too long or else I might change my mind," Collin says grabbing Shane's thigh.

"You mean now?"

"Yeah, now while I feel like it."

"Shit," Shane sighs when Collin starts feeling him. "What have gotten into you?"

"So you want one or not?"

Shane isn't really into mixing work with their extracurricular activities, but he's been hinting to Collin that he also wants some oral attention in every chance he could sneak it in. This might be the night when his friend is willing to cross the line, even though, the timing is odd. "Why not?" he says to himself. He turns off the engine of the car. Collin opens the squad car's driver side door from the outside. Shane unbuckles his seat belts and is about to get out of the car, but Collin stops him with his hand pushing him back to the seat.

"Just recline it," Collin suggests to Shane.

Shane goes along with him. He reclines the seat as far as it can go then waits for Collin who is leaning with one arm by the door and another on the roof of the car. When he sees his friend comfortably laying on the seat, he jiggles Shane's belt buckle. Shane removes his policeman belt and sets it in the backseat all the while Collin has no trouble undoing his regular belt. With his pants undone, Collin slips his hand inside Shane's underwear and finds his growing manhood. A good rub inside the white undies has his friend ready to burst out of it.

When Collin pulls it out Shane jokes, "We're gonna be in so much trouble."

"Just make sure you don't accidentally leans on the radio," Collin replies.

Shane watches while Collin strokes him to rock hard stiffness. Whatever his friend is planning is turning him on.

"Don't laugh. Your on your own if you do," the corporal warns him as he slowly leans ready to take the leap.

"Oh yeah," Shane moans when we feels his buddy's mouth around the head of his cock.

Collin comes up and licks the slit of his friend's cock. "Hmm, salty," he says.

"Like it?" Shane teases.

"Not bad," Collin replies them puts the cock back in his mouth.

"Oh yeah," Shane moans again.

Collin proceeds with his mission. With the little light reaching them, Shane looks at the bobbing head of his friend. He is tempted to put his hand on it to guide him deeper, but the he knows better not to push him that far in his first try. Instead, he places his hand on his back and gives it an encouraging rub.

"You're doing good," he compliments him.

Collin comes up for air and asks for validation of his effort, "how was it so far?"

"Not bad for first time," Shane replies. It wasn't really that good, but the idea of the corporal going down on him was exciting enough.

The eager man smile at him then goes back down on him. Shane moans to let him know he is enjoying it. Collin gives his best try for a few minutes before giving in to his posture. He stands up. "Damn, my back is killing me," he says.

Shane thinks that it was the end of it but hears him says, "Let's go at the back."

He follows him and leans on the trunk offering his cock. Collin suggests that he sits on the trunk when squatting on the ground gives him some discomfort. Shane slowly climbs on the trunk testing its strength. Crown Victoria holds up to its name of being a sturdy car. Shane sits close to the edge just in case. Collin pulls Shane's pants down enough to gain access back to his friend's waiting cock. Shane supports himself by leaning back a little resting his hands on the trunk of the car. His hard cock in plain view pointing up to the clear night sky like a siren hypnotizing anyone who ever lay his eyes on it.

Collin wraps his hand around his friends still hard cock then braces himself on the car with his other hand. Shane is moaning once again while he watches Collin takes in a third of his cock and jerks the rest of it. His moist warm mouth feels good even with his friend's less than average effort. The big man's head gently bobs up and down. Like a habit he want to put his hand over his head to give his friend a little help on the the rhythm. Collin looks at him with his friend's cock still his mouth which is met by a wide smile from the moaning Shane. Collin grabs Shane's hand that was on the air and places it on top of his own head. "No need to be shy now," the corporal whispers. The sight of Collin makes him come close and dutifully warns his friend about his impending release. He jumps down from the trunk to finish himself. Collin is, however, wanting to finish what he started, so he takes over stroking Shane's cock until he unloads. Shane flicks his softening cock to get rid of any excess cum from his cock.

The clicks of their seat belts echo inside the car as the two take their sit. Shane offers his friend a fist bump acknowledging his effort then prepares to drive off.

"That was harder than it looks," Collin confides.

"Ha-ha," Shane giggles his response.

"Damn, it is hard," Collin complains again.

"Now imagine doing the same on yours," Shane replies.

"Oh," Collin says when he imagines someone going down on his fat cock.

"Oh what?" Shane teases him.

"How do you do it?"

"Practice, he-he."

Collin waves his hand to dismiss his friend's last comment.

Shane runs his hand over his friend's head saying, "Don't worry. You did good."

"Thanks partner."

"How did it feel?"

"Not too bad."

"Did you like it or does it feel weird to you?" Shane asks trying to gauge his buddy's first time experience of giving head.

A brief silence ensues, but Shane worry is lifted when Collin gives him a somewhat implied response, "What about I make a detour to your place after work tomorrow?"

"What about you? Do you wanna get off too?" Shane makes a courtesy offer.

"Oh, I will but later. I'm going to jerk off myself to sleep," Collin politely declines.

The rest of their shift goes on without anything much happening like always.

The steamy shower room conceals their naked bodies. They are the only ones who frequent the shower after work. There is a pair of older officers in the same shift who now both prefer going home directly. I guess when someone gets to a certain age he stops putting on some effort to keep themselves always fresh for their partner who are sleeping soundly at home who also don't want to be bothered. The shower room becomes Shane and Collin play area. The sound of the exhaust fan starts and lifts some of the mist out of the room. Shane looks at Collin who is facing the wall closer than usual with the water bouncing off his back. His friend's very familiar movement of his arm prods Shane to investigate. He looks over the chest level stall divider to see Collin playing with his hard dick.

"Can wait, huh?" Shane tells him.

"Not really," Collin replies.

"Part of some plan, I guess?"

"Yeah, start jerking off here then in my car then in my bed . . . then go to sleep."

"Don't wreck," Shane warns.

"What am I going to hit at this hour? A ghost."

The next day, like Collin promised, he follows Shane home. Shane's leather recliner becomes the witness to Collin's effort of getting better at giving oral stimulation. A visible stain left on the carpet in front of the recliner slowly forms, a reminder of Collin's after work visits, when he could not fight the excitement and stroked himself as he went down on Shane. With a little coaching from his more experienced buddy, Collin's proficiency is getting better on every encounter. Shane is a little surprise that Collin is really into it. He wasn't expecting it. On the other hand, some people who started late in their life to experience the pleasure of casual sex with their buddy often are the ones who are very eager to learn. He still hasn't tried going all the way down, but that will be for some other time.

That whole week, it would have been quite interesting to see the two when they flash each other sheepish smiles like kids with something quite funny to hide. The last few days are filled with banters and jokes implying what they were doing for the last few nights. As days pass, their sudden increased in libido subsides back to a more casual level, otherwise, their lives proceed as normal as it could be. The school is now in full swing. The place feels busier. There are many nights when even just riding around the campus seems tiring. The sign of the ever growing temporary population of the city. In just two years, the number of kids running around still awake at night have doubled. Thanks to the university, a new local franchise restaurant was just erected by the 24-hour grocery store in front of the gymnasium. Collin and Shane are chilling inside the store waiting for the hot brew.

"This place suddenly got busier," the young clerk tells the officers hanging by the check out station.

"More students. More trouble," Collin replies.

"I'm glad. There is a talk of closing this store."

"That's too bad. Where are we going to get our coffee in the middle of the night?"

"I hope they change their minds," the young woman sighs.

"They might not. Now that things are picking up," Shane interjects.

The familiar beep from the coffee machine calls them to get their fill.

"Do you anything plan this weekend?" Shane asks his friend who is filling up his coffee cup.

"Just the usual fatherly duty. My kid is starting to become a handful. He never seems to run out of energy."

"He got it from you. I guess."

"How 'bout you?"

"Same ole, same ole. Stopping my house from falling apart."

"LOL, you will be working on that house forever. I tell you."

"It seems like it."

The following Saturday night, Collin is restless and flipping through television channels once again. His boy, in his room, had already succumbed to a peaceful slumber. The television keeps him company most nights. He looks at the clock as it slowly ticks away.

"Hey bud, did I wake you up?" Shane hears from the other line.

"No. Watching a late night movie. What's up?"

"Nothing. Just can't sleep for some reason."

"Do you want me to sing you a lullaby?"

"Funny. . . How's the bar tonight?

"Busy." "So how was it?"

"I didn't stay long. To many loud kids showed up."

"Ha-ha. You're getting old my friend."

"Shit. Everyone does."

"Well, at least you call still go out anytime you like."

"Do you want me to hang out in your house for a bit?"

"Got anything better?"

"Nothing really?"

"Well, grab some beer from the store and come over here."

"That sounds good."

"Just circle to the back of the house. I'll be hanging by the patio."

A faint sound of a radio emanates from the back of the house. Shane follows the sound dragging little bit of dirt in his shoes from the unpaved ground surrounding the house. He taps his shoes on the concrete floor once he reaches the back patio. Collin is comfortably sitting on his chair humming with the song playing on the radio with this legs crossed.

"What are you listening to?" Shane greets him.

Collin jumps a little when he hears him. "Shoot, you just came out of nowhere."

"You said to circle around. Here." Shane hands him his beer haul.

"Nice. I ran out of stash."

Shane grabs one of the empty chairs and set it by the radio. A popular country song starts playing and the two sings along with it. Living in a desolate part of the town surrounded by the endless cotton field gives someone some leeway to make a raucous. Shane taps on his lap pretending it's a drum. Collin carries on with the singing. Apparently he is more familiar with the song because by the second verse Shane stops singing. It's only during the chorus when he starts singing again.

Early Fall. The cotton field is almost ready for picking. Collin looks at the white buds like jewel decorating the wiry twigs with few brown dried leaves still clinging to them.

"Looks like the old man is going to have a good harvest this year," Collin says.

"How so?" Shane asks.

"He had some infestation last year."

"That doesn't sound so good."

"You tell me. Those damn itchy caterpillars sometimes got blown off to my yard. It's the most annoying thing in the world. Your whole body was all itchy even my balls were itchy."

"Eeww, now I feel itchy just thinking about it."

Crushed empty beer cans slowly piles between them and the alcohol spirit is starting to take effect. It's not that they needed it anymore, but it makes for a sudden turn of event. Their conversation is becoming more and more pointed and uninhibited.

"Scratch mine. I'll scratch yours," Collin jokes.

"Why? Is it itchy now?"

"Maybe," Collin responds throwing Shane a naughty smile.

"Come over here and let's check," Shane dares him.

Collin, not to be out done, gets off his chair and stands in front of Shane. "Here. You can check on it as long as you like."

Shane sets aside his half-empty beer in hand looking at Collin who is standing there waiting for him to make a move. Shane slips his hand through one of the sleeves of Collin's shorts and easily finds his cock unimpeded by any form of undergarment. He massages Collin's crotch for a bit before pulling down the front of his friend's shorts revealing his semi-hard dick. He wraps his hand around it and moves it up, down and sideways as if he is really checking on something. He lifts it and gently cuffs the sac of the big man who is happily looking at what he is doing. Shane gives Collin's ample pair a good feel.

"You can put it back in. It looks fine to me," Shane says after finishing his fake examination.

Collin was expecting something completely different. "What the heck?" he mutters.

"What? You said just check on it," Shane jokes.

Collin tucks his cock back in and dejectedly says, "Fucker, getting me all excited for nothing."

"Well, what were expecting?" Shane quips.

"A good lickin'," Collin says naughtily as he sits back on his chair.

"Oh, that's what you wanted," Shane continues on teasing his buddy.

"Sheesh, you're a boner killer. Drink your beer."

Shane looks at him chuckling then points at his own crotch and mimes the motion of someone giving a head. Collin shows him his middle finger.

The radio plays on and a few more empty cans of beer are tossed between their chairs. Those can wait 'til tomorrow to be put away. The mixed of alcohol warming their body and the natural humidity that is inescapable in many Southern states open every pore on someone's skin. Collin takes off his shirt and wipes his face with it. A slight breeze blows across the patio giving the two some relief from the warm humid night.

"How much do you weigh?" Shane asks Collin while he checks him out.

"235 in a good day," Collin replies wiping the dripping sweat between his big chest.

With a repressed chuckle Shane repeats what his friend said, "In a good day. He-he"

"What can I say. I'm a big guy in every way," Collin counters flexing his arms making sure that his pecs are spread as wide as possible. Like many kids who grew up in the area playing football was like a ritual to adulthood that every able kids were too partake in. Collin is no different. His body was sculpted by his many hours playing during his younger days that he carries the extra weight beautifully. His massive legs serve as stark reminder of his youth.

Shane stands, flexes his legs and makes his way to the picnic table in the middle of the patio, a long wooden table with two separate benches along the sides. The other man follows him and chats for a bit about the white cotton-bud laden field around them. It's a very nostalgic scene, a few remaining reminder of the old South that are now slowly vanishing to give way for new development. Collin climbs on the bench and sits on the picnic table.

"Do you own your house?" Shane asks.

"No, leasing it from the landowner."

"Is it cheap?"

"Yeah, no one hardly wants to live here."

"It's not too far away from the town. How come?"

"The road and dust, I guess. I asked the owner if he is selling the house. I kinda like it here."

"You look pretty set on staying here."

"Moving away just never come to mind."

Shane who's been in quite a few places is now quite accustomed to moving around like a restless vagabond looking for a place to finally call home. "I can't remember how may times I moved from one place to another. It seems that I spent most of my life traveling." Shane tells his friend.

"What? You don't like this place?" Collin wonders if Shane's stay in town is just another pit stop.

"I'm starting to like this place. At first, I was asking myself what I'm doing here but it does grow on you."

"Cool," Collin says.

Shane looks at Collin who is now sitting comfortably on the table a sight that he's seen before but with someone else. He looks around like a habit before slowly slipping his hand through the sleeve of Collin's shorts.

"What are you fishing for?" Collin teases him and slightly raises his hips to loosen up his shorts.

Shane finds Collin's warm semi-hard cock. He massages it as they continue chatting.

"So are you going back to school?" Collin inquires.

"Maybe, but I'm not sure yet when."

"What are you waiting for?"

"I don't know if I can fit in school easily to my schedule that we are stuck with the worse shift ever."

"Don't worry, I'll help you relax when things get hard. Literally. . .," Collin jokes.

The attention Collin's is getting from Shane's hand has his cock straining inside his shorts. The tightness is now bothering him, so he slips his shorts and has his cock now in the open. Shane switches to stroking him slowly. His sweaty palm loosely gripping his friends manhood glides up and down. He squeezes the tip of Collin's cock as it goes up drawing out a little bit of his glistening precum.

"I think we need to check this fucker again," Shane comments at the hard manhood in his hand.

"You wanna give it some oral examination?" Collin says trying to make sure he is getting what he was expecting this time.

"We can surely try that."

Shane sits on the bench between Collins sprawled legs under the patio light that seems to flicker when bugs hover around it.

"Scoot down a little," Shane tells him. The stretched shorts between the man's massive thighs is preventing him from gaining access to Collin's cock that is now in full mast.

"OK, it's not gonna fly away," Collin replies. "Oh fuck!" he blurts out when Shane takes in the head of his cock who followed him closely as he adjusted his position. Knowing exactly the reason why the big guy called that night, Shane indulges him. He teases the head of the Collin's cock with the tip of his tongue, licking the sticky fluid from its slit.

"Fuck yeah," Collin moans.

"You OK," Shane says teasing him some more.

"I am now," his friend responds showing his white teeth in a wide grin. Those cuspids that protrude slightly makes his grin even naughtier.

Collins right hand gently caresses the back of Shane's head guiding him up and down his throbbing manhood. He looks down watching his cock disappears inside Shane's warm mouth. He sets his beer on the table. With his hands, he starts massaging his friend's shoulders.

Shane comes up for some air and asks, "Is this what you want?"

"Yeah," Collin mumbles

"You want some more?"

"Hell yeah!" With that Shane goes back to pleasing his friend who now moans every bit of it.

"Oh shit," Collin blurts out.

Beads of sweat starts to form on Shane's forehead. Their combine sweat and the natural sexual scent produce by human bodies draw in unwanted attention from the flying critters around them.

Collin flails his arms trying to shoo away the bugs forming around them.

"Ouch!" Something bit on Shane's neck.

"These buggers are ruining the fun. Let's go inside," Collin suggests.

They grab their shirt on the chairs and head inside the house. Collin makes a beeline to restroom to relieve himself. Shane sits on the couch that has became the other actor of their encounters. He hears the toilet flushing and Collin comes back already naked flapping his semi-hard cock between his legs as he walks intentionally.

"Shall we continue?" he jests.

Shane scoots down the couch to make room for his friend.

"C'mon," Collin says.

Shane a little puzzled replies, "where?"

"My bed should have enough room," his friend says.

Shane follows him to the dimly lit room with a smile as he checks on his friend's exposed round behind that is too tempting to pass. Shane gives it a good smack. Collin jumps from the unexpected attention given to him. The muffled agony to avoid waking up the little boy sleeping soundly in his room gives Shane a little bit of satisfaction.

"LOL, you can admire it all you like," Collin says recognizing the appeal he has on the other man.

Shane takes off his remaining garment while Collin climbs in the middle of the bed. Not a minute later, they resume what was interrupted outside. Shane is in between Collin's spread legs. His head bobs up and down his shaft as he moans out a series of "aahs."

"Oh fuck," Collin grunts when Shane takes in more of his cock in his mouth. Shane flashes him a smile then goes back to working on his friends now stiff cock. Collin returns back to massaging his friend shoulders as he enjoys every bit of his friend's warm mouth engulfing his manhood.

Collin is on the edge. It's time to give his friend some needed rest. He taps him on the back and says, "your turn."

The two switch places with Shane in the middle of the bed and the other assumes Shane's former position. Collin looks at his friend cock laying on the side. His cock still needs some encouragement after a good turn on his cock. He wraps his hand around it and begins stroking while he gently rubs Shane's pair with his other hand.

"No cheating," Shane complains.

"Oh OK," Collin responds submissively. He fishes for the head his friend's cock with his mouth. From there, he takes the semi-hard man meat in his mouth. Slowly but surely Shane's cock hardens inside Collin's warm mouth. Collin had long acquired his own style of teasing someone's soft penis. He goes down then raises his chin as he goes up running the shaft over his well lubricated tongue. Shane looks at Collin who only few months ago was introduced to the fun and pleasure of friendship with extra benefits. He is quite amazed seeing his cock disappears inside his friend's mouth and on how far he has come along.

"Nice and stiff," Collin says flicking the hard cock to his Shane's stomach.

"I must admit. You are quite good doing that," Shane replies encouraging his friend.

"Thanks, I have good teacher," Collin says then goes back to sucking on his friend's dick.

"Oh shit," Shane blurts out then Collin gags a little. The man between his legs just tried to take more of him deep inside him hitting the back of his mouth. After recovering, Collin tries it again then gags some more.

"Are you OK, corporal?

"Shit, this is even harder that I expected."

"It took me a while too."

"You made it look easy when you take all mine in."

"Well, . . . practice."

"Shit . . ." Collin just says then puts the dick back in his mouth. He settles into a good rhythm. Before long, Shane is moaning in pleasure with his two hands on top of Collin's head guiding it up and down his shaft.

His moans are interrupted by occasional "Fuck, yeah!" when his cock goes in deeper. Trying to prolong the night, he taps on his friend's back and suggests to sixty-nine. Collin swings around not letting go of his buddy's cock and places his fat cock over Shane's waiting mouth. He slowly humps his hips to meet Shane's warm mouth as he continues on sucking in return. Shane raises his knees to be more comfortable. Collin wraps his arms around his friend's thighs cuffing his ass cheeks. Shane relaxes his knees and let them fall on the side. Like Collin on top of him, he starts thrusting his cock into Collin's mouth until both of them are invading each others mouth insynch. Colin is able to match his friend who has no problem when he pushes his cock deep. Sometimes leaving it deep as he prepares to receives some quick assault from his friend. It becomes their unspoken communication. Colin settles his cock inside his friend's mouth then Shane responds by giving Colin's saliva lubricated warm mouth a few quick thrusts. In the midst of their hot exchange of oral pleasure, out of curiosity, Collin's fingers wonders into the Shane's hole stretching the sides. Maybe out of habit, Shane responds by lifting his legs to expose himself more. They spend a few more minutes sucking on each other then Collin stops but is still massaging Shane's ass cheeks.

"You want it," he hears Shane from underneath him.

Collin hesitates but with a nod says "Yeah."

"You're very much welcome in there," Shane says.

"Don't know though."

"Well, do you wanna try?"

Collin props himself up then gets out of the bed to grab something from his dresser. He comes back with a tube of lube and few condoms still string together in hand. He sets them aside by his nightstand. Well the other man prepares himself to accommodate his friend. He lays by the edge of the bed. Collin squeezes a few drops of the slick fluid on his fingers then a few more on his buddy's still hard cock. It's been a while the last time Shane lets someone in inside him; in fact, it's been years. Jack, his best friend in the Army, was the last one, the night before he flew out of the last post to start his new job in the campus. So when Collin proceeds to stroke him while he eases a finger in his hole, he is relieved. He is expecting for his friend to just jam it in given his character. Shane's body quickly remembers the sensation and relaxes. Colin eases in another finger to gauge his friend's readiness. Shane moans when Colin starts fingering his hole. Colin smiles. After some more teasing of his friend's hole, it is ready for the taking. He suggests for his friend to go on all four. The bed is just the right height for him to stand on the side. Shane is in position. His back arched and waiting to have his hot hole filled by his buddy. His been in that situation before, so it is no big deal. If he just look around, he would seen his friend fumbling opening the condom.

"Shit" he hears him says then senses him bending down to pick up something. Then he hears the familiar flicking sound of condom being fitted.

Shane braces himself when Colin finally starts filling his hole with his hard cock. The head goes in easily and Shane moans. Colin pushes some more of his hard dick in, and Shane groans with pleasure.

Halfway through Colin checks on his friend, "Are you OK?"

"Yeah, just go in slow," Shane replies.

Colin pulls his dick out then eases it back in pushing in deeper. Shane groans and grimaces from some pain. He is not new to taking in another man, but it's been a while. He waits as his friend works his fat cock deep inside him. It is clear that he wants this cock deep inside him. He tries to relax to avoid troubling his friend. Colin reaches around and checks on Shane's cock. Shane remains hard through the ordeal. Colin starts stoking him to take his mind off the initial pain then he slams the remaining inch deeper into Shane's ass as if to say, "It's mine".

"Fucking big dick," Shane blurts out follows by heavy breathing. "Hold it in there for bit," he pleads trying to get used to it.

Collin is balls deep in Shane's hole with one hand still reaching around stroking Shane. He leans over and whispers, "ready?" in Shane's ear.

"Yeah. Go slow, corporal" Shane replies surrendering himself.

Collin pulls all the way out again then pushes himself back in deep. He repeats it several times enjoying the long "aah" from his friend as he pushes his fat dick in slowly. It doesn't take long that he also had enough of his own teasing and the urge to give it to his friend takes over him. In a matter of seconds, he is slamming deep. Colin is working his friend over like they have done it before, and Shane is loving it. Colin slams deeper and deeper inside Colin's hole before settling to a nice pace. Sweat starts to flow from Colin's body down to the crevice of his ass cheeks them to his balls. Colin wants his friend for a while now just too timid to show some indication.

Shane starts groaning "Oh yeah, fuck me." Then in somewhat muffled way, they begin moaning in unison.

Shane whimpers, "Give it to me buddy," while Colin continues on pumping.

Collin flips Shane onto his back. He wants to see his friend's face as he plows him long and deep. Shane strokes his own cock while Collin continues on with his long strokes. The temperature in the room seems to have gone up. Shane's chest glistens from his own sweat. Colin pushes on Shane's thighs then lean forward a little. Beads of sweat from Collin's forehead trickle down to Shane's stomach. The big wide man between his legs is now in his own heaven. His mouth wide open and his eyes squinting from the pleasure. The guttural sounds he is making show where he is at in his climb to the plateau of sweet release. Colin turns out to be one of those men who uses his full body which makes Shane's legs swing up in the air as his friend pushes on his thighs on every stroke. The look on Collin's face is priceless as he, without warning, unloads inside Shane.

"Aah" then another "aah," comes out of Collin's mouth. "Fuck!" Collin quick thrusts slow down after coming back down from his orgasm. He looks at Shane who is now stroking himself furiously.

"Keep fucking, buddy," Shane begs.

Collin resumes sliding his cock inside Shane. Collin keeps plowing slow and deep as Shane strokes out a hot load of cum from his rock hard cock. Streams of load come out of his cock which mostly landed on his chest, some on his stomach and the rest flows down his hand to his balls. Shane is still milking his balls for the last drop of cum when Collin finally pulls out of his friend. A quick trip to the restroom to flush the cum filled condom concludes their wild ride.

"Here." Collin tosses a towel to Shane.

"How was it?" Shane asks.

"Felt weird in the beginning, but it felt great after a while," Collin confides.

Shane looks at the mess he made before wiping it out. "Well, you did great."

"Good load," Collin comments while he watches his friend wipes himself.

"Yeah, I guess I just didn't know how much I needed it."

"Been a long time?"

"Yeah. It's been a while."

"You just don't know how much I wanted to hump someone."


"Nah, just you."

"Thanks bud. It was great." Shane says.

The two sat on the bed propped by the headboard both exhausted. Collin turns on the TV in his room. Shane looks at the alarm clock on the nightstand. Time flew by. It is already way past one o'clock in the morning.

"Well, bud, you wore me out. I think I'm gonna head out."

"What? No seconds?" Collin jokes.

"Do you want another go at it?" Shane replies sensing a bluff.

Collin has to forgo. He has a kid to deal with early in the morning. Shane puts his clothes back on and Collin just puts on his shorts then walks his friend to the front door.

"See you at work," Collin says his farewell for the night.

"Sleep tight," Shane replies.

"Oh, I'm gonna sleep good tonight," Collin says grinning.

A firm handshake and a tap on each other back then Shane is on his way home.

Next: Chapter 25: Allotted Time 12

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