Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jun 30, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

A Long Night by Max Millan

Collin's wife visit with the doctor went fine when Shane ask his partner who is busy tinkering with his gun.

"Put that away before you hurt yourself," Shane tells Collin.

"Damn, I can only remember using this once," Collin replies.

Shane is a little surprise, "You mean, a shootout?"

"No, just at the shooting range."

"I tell you what? Don't wish that you ever have to use that," Shane said with a sigh. They say that those who experienced death are normally those who learned to cherish life more. He had seen good young men who never made it out. Even worse, one of those unlucky ones could have been one of the kids he helped signed up."

Shane buckles up and drives out of the headquarters. It was still early in the afternoon, but the streets are unusually busy. "Shit! Where are these cars coming from?" Collin comments every time he sees car passes them by.

"Anything going on?" Shane answers also puzzled.

The two brushes it off and continues on with their patrol of the back roads. About two hours in their patrol, the headquarters calls for all officers to report back. On their way back, the number of cars on the streets has already doubled and also louder. The booming sound of music from many fully occupied cars with some kids sitting by the window as they slowly chugs along the main access street to the campus singing and shouting. Once again, the road to the frat houses are already blocked with some sand bags strategically laid underneath a wooden blockage. The honks from the squad car are being ignored by the kids who look like they are ready to party. Shane patience grows thin and turns on the flashing lights. This allows them to weave in and out of the traffic. When they reach the headquarters, they see State Trooper and the city police squad cars park in front of the headquarters.

The briefing was quick. They were caught off guard. The flash gathering earlier that year was just the warm-up. They now had the real thing.

A representative from the National Guard is conducting the briefing. In the past few years, a rumor about a flash party started circulating. Whoever is organizing the event would select a campus around the region for the event and through word of mouth circulated the date and place of the gathering. They are told to get ready for thousands of students from at least four different states, making their way to the campus and added to that sudden swell are the local student population who are joining in with the visiting students. The activity was only caught later that day when the State Trooper reported a large number of cars coming from the South and also from the North. Their initial prediction was wrong. The rumor was a campus two hours South of them. Apparently, the organizer changed the location at the very end. It was the intention all along to confuse the authorities. The officers left the briefing scratching their heads. Good thing, most of the roads leading inside the campus have gates or metal poles that prevents cars from wondering inside the main campus. That night, the roads inside the campus are busy with police patrol cars darting through their destination. The constant flashing red and blue light dominated the night. The National Guard who have no authority to deal with the civilians are posted to look after dormitories and key buildings. Shane and Collin were given the gasoline station by the students' apartment complex. The dorm parking lots are not spared as more and more visitors show up on the open space and setup an impromptu party. By the time they made it to their patrol area, the parking lots are already overflowing.

"What the hell is happening?" The clerk of the gas station convenience store asked the two officers as stood next to the counter. He was complaining about what seems to be a never ending flow of people entering the store. The fear and disdain in his eyes are clearly on display when he points to where the restroom is located. The muddy the floor shows the chaos that is going on. He throws a fit when someone reports that the restroom is out of order. He rushes to the restroom and scares off anyone who are still using it. He shutdowns the water supply to avoid flooding the floor, and quickly grabs a marker and piece of paper. He scribbles a "Restroom is Out of Order" and posts it on the glass door.

Shane and Collin are busy checking ID's for any suspicious students as the clerk annoyingly mans the cashier station, sending away those who still tries to buy alcohol hoping to get away with it through the commotion. It don't take long before the store runs out of alcohol beverages; It comes the unruly complaints from demanding customers. The two officers dutifully assists the exhausted clerk in informing the students about the lack of alcohol to stop them from arguing further with the clerk. When he posts "No Alcohol" on the door, the traffic slows down a little bit.

In a good day, he would have been happy that the store is busy. It might be the kind of crowd coming in and out of his store, but the clerk never lets up on his complaining whenever he can. "I don't mind the business, but this is crazy. They should go somewhere else. Can't you guys do anything?" the clerk asks Shane. Shane just snickers knowing that they cannot do a damn thing but watch and hope that nothing bad happens.

Outside, the atmosphere is frantic. The music is blaring and cars are honking non-stop to the beat of the music. The crowd are loud. Cars are parked on any space available. Cops try to chase anyone who decided to park by the roadside while some of them make a few arrests for outside consumption of alcohol from places where the police can get into. But those in the middle of any large gathering point are somewhat shielded. Maybe that is also part of the design. The area around the campus was like a whirlpool stuck in corner of what once a calm river. The night progresses without much incident when the new order comes in to let the party goers alone and wait things out, but the tension between the authorities and the young crowd never let down.

Shane taps Collin's shoulder who is still asleep on his bunk to say goodbye before leaving for home. He slowly drives to his house to get some more needed rest after an unplanned overtime. The morning sun reveals what's left of last night's revelries. The line of garbage and tire tracks on the grassy roadsides are the only reminder of the chaos as the town slowly reverts back to the quiet stillness of Saturday morning. Shane shakes his head when he saw a car left on the side of the road still amazed of what just happened. By tomorrow, everything will be forgotten. Shane turns on the shower. The warm soothing water feels good on his tired body. He sighs a sense of relief that it just happens to be his day off. He steps out of the shower, dries himself and wraps the towel around his waist. He makes his way to his living room and turns the TV on. The couch is very inviting, and it seems like a good day to be lazy around the house. He flips the channel and catches the last bit of the news about the party last night. The city police chief was unfortunate enough to be assigned the task of explaining the whole thing. Shane lays down and dozes off before the news ended.

Around two in the afternoon he is woken up by his ringing phone. A series of curse words intended to no one comes out of his mouth as he staggers to pick up his phone. Who the hell is calling him? Collin doesn't call during their day off. He answers the phone and a cold air washes over him when he recognizes the voice of their dispatcher. It didn't take long when he is at the briefing room back in the campus police headquarters. The party might have been over, but a few of them remained in the city, the troublesome kind. Pharmacists so they are called. What should have been a normal arrest turned to a standoff when two armed suspects barricaded themselves inside a downtown apartment. The city police called for backup. Collin and Shane go to their locker and pulls out their dusty vests. They are not leaving anything to chance.

"Ready for the real thing, partner?" Collin asks Shane.

"Always," Shane answers checking his gun. "And it better be the real thing," he continues referring to the false alarm they had before with the family of stoners.

In full speed, the campus police meet up with the city police who are already lined up in front of the apartment. The two chiefs talks for a bit. After a few minutes, the two got their order. Shane is not sure why the decision to storm the apartment came in too quickly. But this is a small town, many policemen can go through their whole service without seeing a single gun fight. This is town of unruly drunks and not a place for hardcore criminals. Shane carefully inspects his vest as he puts it on. The other officers from the campus are already lining up ready to go. They are to enter through the back door while the main city police storms through the front. The adrenaline starts to flow when the lieutenant signals them to take their position behind the apartment crouch down leaning by the wall. Shane is behind the lieutenant and right next to him is Collin. The clock ticks. Shane is now in a trance, he had been in this situation before opening doors not knowing what was waiting for them. Then the faithful moment comes, the order is given and in a flash gunshots ring. "Two down! Two down!" is heard from the people storming the front. Just like that it's over. But Shane body seems to have been conditioned to stay alert. It is never over is what his gut is telling him. The lieutenant peeks through and everything seems clear. Shane quickly dashes to the other side of the door to get a better look of the other side. Then another officer goes inside with Collin trailing. A sudden commotion ensues from the living room. From Shane's vantage point, he sees a tall figure running in their direction with a gun in his hand ready to shoot his way out of the back door. He shouts, but it is too late. By the time anyone is able to react, the unaccounted suspect had already unloaded several shots towards them before someone is able to stop him. The suspect falls forward landing on Collin. When the noise finally dies down, Shane sees Collin frantically moving the body resting on top of him. He moves in to help his friend. When he tries to get him up, he hears Collin whispers "I think, I got shot."

The bloodied hand cupping the side of his stomach as he tries to stand up in labored breathe is the dreadful reminder of the someone's desperate effort to escape.

"I guess I forgot my vest," Collin tries to joke.

"Stop talking idiot," Shane castigates his friend while the EMT lays him on the stretcher.

The hospital moves with high level of urgency. One of the suspects survives the encounter. A cop and criminal side by side inside the operating room fighting for their lives. Shane sits on the bench waiting for any report. >From the corner of his eyes, he sees a pale woman with a little boy in tow walking fast towards the waiting room. He hasn't met her the whole time he's been partnered with Collin, but it is plain to see that she is Collin's wife. The familiar bump on her stomach tells the whole story. The captain cuts her off her mad dash to see her husband. She cries on the captain shoulder while the old man gives her some assurance that Collin will be fine. She sits right next to Shane on the bench and the boy lays on her lap.

"I'm Shane, Collin's partner," Shane introduces himself. Collin's wife sits there not saying anything just caressing her belly. Time passes by and the doctor comes out of the operating. He goes straight to the captain. The suspect didn't make it, but Collin is fine. He suffered no major injury. Not a moment later, they wheel Collin out of the operating room. Collin's wife runs to his side who is still asleep from the anesthesia. Shane looks at her. Collin's bubbly attitude regarding his wife was all just an appearance. The frailness of her state is undeniable. This might be the reason why Collin never introduced her to him even during the time when they had to make a detour to his house. He probably doesn't want anyone to feel sorry about her. She tries to follow, but the weight of the situation is too much for her. She suddenly goes down on her knees and grabs her stomach. Give or take, she's still a week before the her due date, but the baby decides to come out.

It is already midnight when Collin wakes up. Shane is the first to greet him.

"It's really hard to kill a bad grass," he tells Collin.

Collin tries to sit up, "Aaa . . . ouch!" he mumbled.

"Woah, take it easy," Shane says but the light on his face goes away quickly.

Collin easily recognizes something is wrong. Behind Shane is the captain. "What's up captain?"

"I'm sorry, Shane. They didn't make it?" the officer sorrowfully breaks the news to Collin.

"What do you mean, captain?"

"You're wife went into premature labor a while back. The doctor said, she was in too much stress. She didn't make it."

"What about my baby?"

The captain chokes and not able to continue on. A loud scream of grief fills the room. Shane is not able to do anything but look at his partner stricken with the deepest sadness you can ever see. The nurse comes in and adjusts the IV fluid. Another doze of sedative puts Collin into blank slumber. When Collin's relatives show up, they thank Shane for looking after Collin's boy who is still not aware of what just happened, and send him home. With heaviness in every step Shane walks to his room and slumps on his bed.

The next day Collin is sitting on his bed with his eyes wide open staring at nothing. Shane set the package from headquarters on the side table and leaves the room without saying anything. For several days, Collin seems to be nowhere. He is just going with whatever is going around him until the day of the funeral. He stands at the foot of the freshly filled grave looking down. That's when he finally utters some words of his own.

"I couldn't believe I could be that stupid," he says to Shane who is standing behind.

"It's not your fault" is Shane consoling response.

"If I just remembered to put on my vest, this wouldn't have happened. She's always been brave knowing how things might turn out," Collins says fighting the tears in his eyes.

"Are you OK?" Shane asks.

"I'll be. Just give me a moment."

The people at the service slowly thin out until only Collin and his son are left under the darkening skies. Shane leave them to say their final goodbyes.

Life at the headquarters is starting to chip on Shane's patience. It's been a little over week that he is assigned desk duty until Collin is back from his leave. Paper works and answering phone calls are not to his liking so it seems. He had spoken with Collin on the phone to check in him several times, but it was just the usual "I'm fine" and "See you soon." He wonders what kind of Collin he is going to meet. He is quite curious if the happy-go-lucky partner that he met was the real Collin. Shane days have been uneventful. The campus is back to its normal routine. The event downtown had long been shoved into old news pile. Only the occasional rambunctious kids break what otherwise a monotonous quiet day mostly childish fights. Days go by that even the passing away of Collin's wife slowly fades away in the headquarters. The casual inquiry about how Collin is doing has diminished to nothing.

Shane once again is back in office just watching the TV waiting for any call to come his way. During the middle of shift, he decides to take a break and goes to grab himself a hot cup of coffee. The break room coffee doesn't look so appetizing. The coffee shop attendant notices that he is alone that day. In his some what lethargic voice, he replies that Collin is on vacation. Oh, how he wishes that his friend is back. Sitting in the office all day is not his thing. He takes a sip of his coffee and when it is still hot to his liking, he sets it aside and drives back to the headquarters. On his way to his desk, he sees Collin stepping out of the chief's office. His heart races out of excitement. Collin is in his civilian clothes, so he must just be there to talk to the captain. He would have told him if he is coming back.

"What up partner?" Collin says when Shane sits down.

"Not much. What you up to?" Shane replies.

"Nothing, just asking the captain for another day. My folks are dropping by to help me with my son."

"Is he going to live with them?"

"No, but he will be staying with my in-laws during school days. They are preparing his room, so I need someone to after him this week."

"Sounds good. . . . How are you? Ready to go back to work?"

"You bet I am. I'll get fat sitting in the house," the corporal answers while rubbing his stomach. "You know this also requires some maintenance or else I gain weight like crazy," he continues trying to be funny.

"Well, I'll make sure that you also make it back to the gym."

"Be nice though, I'm out of practice."

"I'm not promising anything."

"What are you, a personal trainer from hell?"

"Like they say. No pain. No gain."

"Shush. I might as well get back home before my son drives my neighbor crazy."

"OK bud, see yah soon."

Shane smiles looking at Collin as he walks out of the station. He seems to be fine. If he was just hiding what's truly inside his heart, he is doing a fine job. The news of Collin coming back to work makes the few more days of languishing in the office doesn't sound so bad.

The patrol car is already running while Shane anxiously waits for Collin to come out of the headquarters. Collin is still favoring one side of his body as he walks. His injury has not fully healed, but he thinks that reporting for work will be better for him than spending his time alone in the house.

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" Shane checks on him when Collin slowly takes his seat on the passenger side.

"Yup, I'm fine. Just some soreness but not too bad."

"Well, don't get yourself so work up."

"I plan to relax and let you do all the work," Collin replies and shows a wide grin.

"That's cool. No harm in that," Shane agrees.

"What do we have in store for today?"

"Same old, same old. Patrolling the back roads again. Hopefully nothing should be too harrowing ever happening."

"I hope not. I don't think my heart can take another shootout," the corporal replies with a blank stare on his face. He still goes in and out. One moment he is very talkative then another a long streak of silence.

"Oh, you'll be fine. They say bad grass are hard to kill."

"Screw you," Collin protests.

Shane is a little relieve that Collin seems to be in fine spirit. Well, Mostly. He is afraid that the corporal might be brooding for a while. During his days in the service, he had experience many sad days, but he and many others had no time to grieve. It was always what tomorrow would bring. He wouldn't have mind if his friend shows his sadness. He is just happy that Collin is back.

To light things up he says, "Damn, I'm so happy you are back. I'm literally loosing my mind in the office."

"How so?"

"I was in desk duty the whole time."

"They never assigned you a temporary partner?"

"No, they did not."

"Cool, I was worried you won't be my partner when I get back."

"Did you miss your cool partner?" Shane jokes.

"No, not one bit," Collin replies laughing.

Months quickly pass, and the sad memory of the dreadful night slowly heals. The slightly lighter skin of Collin's scar is the only thing that reminds them of that night. Collin sometimes refer to it as his street cred, a badge of honor so he says, when they end their shift in the station's shower. Collin has his routine pretty much figured out. His son stays with his in-laws during his night shifts and gets to spend some time with him during his day off.

Another school year is drawing to a close. One night, the two are leaning on the hood of the squad car finding themselves watching as the last car drives out of the one of the dormitory parking lots as they sip on their cold caffeinated brew. Summer is approaching fast and the lull that it brings has been a welcome relief. It's always been the time to take it easy.

Then the lights around the campus one by one turns off. It will be weeks before the lights will be turn on again.

"Wow, you made it a year," Collin tells Shane.

"It's been a year already."

"Yeah, it's a year, partner."

"What a year, . . ." Shane pauses thinking if he should continue on, "giving me a scare."

"Oh, it's nothing. It could have been worse," Collin replies trying to brush off Shane's comment.

"How does it feel getting shot?"

"It's like getting burn from the inside."

"Ouch! I had close call but never got hit."

"Like you always say, bad grass are hard to kill," Collin returns back Shane usual funny remark towards him.

"Hey now, that's my line."

Collin responds with a juvenile laugh.

"Are you done yet? We have to make our rounds," Shane says to cut him off.

The eerily silence of the campus is magnified by the darken windows of the dormitories. Even the busy library that serves as the last meeting place of the campus residence even at the wee hours of the morning is closed for the break. The once busy place comes to a complete stop like a ghost town devoid of life.

"Isn't this place scary when school is out?" Shane tells Collin.

"I know, right?"

"Let's just park by the gym. It's our last place to check anyways at least it's by the main road," Shane suggests.

"That sounds like a good idea. It's close to the grocery store," Collin agrees.

"Why? Are you having the munchies or something?"

"Not really. But just in case."

"Are you sure you are not swiping some weed from the evidence room?"

Collin just gives him the finger.

Half way through their patrol, they are drawn to the lights from the other side of the campus. The college is sprawling. Another building is being erected out of sight from the main campus. There the otherwise dead town is still churning. That area will become the main campus later on. The scattered make-shift buildings that serve the college for many many years will eventually go away. A new and more grandeur entrance to the college is also being built. Once the highway is complete, new students will be greeted by more impressive buildings instead of the sight of what look like a place forgotten by time.

Looking at the crane still busy lifting steel beams to their proper place, "Looks like they are working over time," Collin says.

"This place has been on non-stop construction so it seems."

"Yeah, it's been like that for three years now. The college president is boasting that the college will be the biggest university in the state in no time."

"I wonder where are they getting the money from."

"I heard they are finally able to use the money from the foundation setup by the founder of the college, and the government money helps too. Something like strategic initiative."

"LOL, probably the Pentagon turning this place to another base of operation," Shane jokes.

"There might be some truth to that. You haven't notice your kind around here lately?"

"You're just bullshitin' me now."

"You started it."

"Come on. Let's get some coffee," Collin is growing tired of their patrol.

A quick drive to the grocery store for a fresh brew of coffee seems like a good idea. The cashier manning the only open checkout station is surprised to see the two cops walk in. Not that there is something wrong. It's been several hours the last time he saw a customer.

"How is it going officers?" the cheery eyed teenager greets them while they pay for their coffee and a box of donuts.

"Not much, how's business?" Collin replies.

"Slow. I guess school is done then."

"It is. Don't let your guard down though," Shane says flipping a quarter to complete their purchase.

The weather is warming up, but an unusually cool air blows inside the car when Collin rolls down the window. One of the few surprises of living in the South. The changing season sometimes offers some extreme swinging on the temperature.

"Breeeww, cold!" Collin mutters exaggeratedly.

"Jeez, becoming over dramatic lately. Do we?"

"But the air is cold."

"Here, drink your coffee."

The dark parking lot is only illuminated by a flickering light post by the corner of the street going to the gym. The one or two cars that venture by the road give them company waiting for their next scheduled round.

"Too bad they are decommissioning this gym," Collin says looking at the building in front of them.

"Are they building a new one too?"

"Yeah, a bigger one also on the other side of the campus."

"Seems like they are flipping the who campus, don't they?"

"Soon this side will just be for student living and recreation."

"They are planning for something big then."

"Pretty soon will have a bigger place to patrol," Collin says. "That sucks," he continues not too fond about the idea.

"Well, isn't that supposed to be good for our resume working in a big university?"

"Yeah right," Collin says sarcastically. "Only if our paycheck also grows at the same rate."

"You really have no plan of leaving this place?"

"Why? This place ain't too bad."

They finish their coffee and their share of donut. Collin licks every last bit of powdered sugar off his fingers.

Shane laughs looking at him, "you're like a kid when you eat donuts." "Better watch out for this," Shane adds rubbing Collin's stomach.

"Well it's good," Collin replies making a sound licking his fingers.

"Don't tell me you are going to wipe your fingers on your pants."

Collin has to change his plan when he was caught with what he is about to do. He grabs a napkin from the donut box instead.

"So what you been up to lately?" Shane asks Collin still trying to check if his friend is holding on fine.

"Not much, just chasing after my kid. How about you?"

"Go anywhere I want to. Single and no kid here."

"Don't give me that shit. On the other hand, I rediscovered the joy of jerking off."

"You and your dick talk again."

"As if you don't choke that chicken everyday."

"Well then, welcome back to the club."

"I'm well in the club. Four times a week." he pauses "or more."

Shane muffles his laughter. It's just Collin talk which is normally just talk. He unconsciously checks him out. "Hey, what's in your pocket?"

Collin looks at him with a puzzled face, "There's nothing in my pocket."

"Looks like you have a candy bar in there," Shane replies.

Collin looks down on his crotch and flashes a naughty smile. "Hey partner, is the backseat still a 'jack shack'?" Collin says out of nowhere.

"Shit, don't tell me?"

"Yup, been horny for a while."

"We still have to do another round."

"I don't care. I have to take care of this," he says grabbing his hardening cock under his pants.

"Dude, can't you wait 'til after the shift?"

Collin ignores him and steps out of the car. In no time, he was at the backseat of the car with his pants and white boxers down to his ankles and his gun holster sitting safely on the side of the seat. Shane had seem him naked before and a few times sporting a hard-on in the shower. Collin never seems to have any problem showing his nakedness to Shane. This is not the first time his seen another man playing with himself so close to him, but it is still quite fascinating to see his buddy with his knees spread apart with his right hand wrapped around his manhood. Shane adjusts the rear view mirror. Collin gives him a wide grin when he saw what Shane did. The little light from the road light post gives ample ambient illumination to see Collin's hand slowly slides up and down his cock while his other hand plays with his balls.

Shane leaves him alone in his own heaven for the moment and enjoy the freedom of being single again. He proceeds to fill in tonight report. There is nothing much to write down. It's been the same entry for many days now, but it has to be done.

What supposed to be a another boring night is becoming more interesting. The soft moans and grunts coming from the backseat gives him a bit of a thrill as he unconsciously rubs his own crotch.

"Mmph, that feels good, . . . aah," he hears Collin. He turns around to see what is going on.

"Are you planning on getting off?" he asks Collin.

"Yeah," Collins replies between his moans.

Shane look at his watch and says, "About time to do our patrol."

"Shit, when it's finally starting to feel good," Collin says dejectedly. "Can I just stay here while you drive?"

"Our break is over. I can't keep the radio silence forever. You know."

"Oh shit, I forgot about that," Collin jolts in panic.

"No worries, I made sure it's off."

"Oh shit, thanks bud." His hard cock quickly goes placid. The shock of someone in the dispatch might have been listening to him tempers his desire to have his release. He pulls up his pants and steps out the backseat holding the waist of his pants. He opens the passenger the door and finishes tucking himself.

"How does it look?" Collin asks Shane about his uniform.

"You are fine."

"Shoot, that's a boner killer." The frustrated corporal slumps on the passenger seat.

The other man is just laughing. It's extremely rare to see the expression of someone gets cut off from the height of his sexual exploration even if it just by himself. Collin is at ease once again halfway through their patrol. The last thing to check is the library. It's the most valuable building not for the books housed inside but the hundreds of newly procured desktop computers. The final stretch of their shift is to again man the back roads that few locals still use.

"Well, this is going to be one boring night." Shane reclines his seat as if planning to take a nap.

"Thanks for looking after me, buddy" Collin tells his partner.

"LOL, you know you still have to press the button for them to hear you, right?"

"Oh cool. That gives me a scare."

"You probably shouldn't to do it here. It will make the car smell."

"If it is always this slow, this car is a fair game."

"That might not be a good idea."

"I know, but don't lie that you haven't thought about doing it here."

Shane is already laying down on his seat with his eyes close. Collin copies him and reclines his own seat and proceeds to take a nap. The two remains half-sleep still listening to the chatters from the radio. Parked by a small hideaway in their usual spot by the road, they lazily wait for their shift to be over. The silence is broken when Shane calls out for his partner, "Hey corporal." Collin remains in his napping position with his arms crossed.

"Hey Collin," Shane calls out again and Collin is still not responding.

A little louder, "Hey idiot," he calls out again. Collin opens his eyes and answers, "what up?"

Shane pauses then says, "I'm joining you."

"What you mean?" Collin is somewhat puzzled.

Shane looks back at the backseat and a sheepish smile forms on his face. There is no explaining what's suppose to come next.

"We don't need to go back there. Let's just do it here. Seats already reclined," Collin suggests.

The clucking sound of their holsters being place in the backseat echoes inside the car. Shane waits for Collin to make his move. When he sees the corporal undoing his pants, he does the same thing. Lifting their hips they both pull their pants down to their ankles and spread their knees as far apart as they can.

With only the dim light from the car console, Shane checks out Collin, "Impressive," he mumbles.

"Yours not too bad either," Collin replies.

Then their conquest begin. The beginning is full of giggles as the thought of them jacking off inside the patrol car gives them something to laugh about. It makes the atmosphere between them more casual.

"Are you going to write this in your report?" Collin jokes.

"What do you want me to write. 'The corporal left a few drops of cum inside the car.'"

"Drops? Write 'a puddle.'"

"Damn, you are rock hard already," Shane comments on Collin's raging hardon. His earlier attempt was still in his system.

"I've been wet dreaming the whole time I was napping."

"Even in your sleep, all you think about is your dick."

"Nothing wrong with that. You have some catching up to do, better stroke that pecker."

Laying on their seats, the two starts working on their cocks. Shane settles on slow strokes. His bare hand is now giving him a little trouble after getting used to the slickness of lube. He turns his head to see how Collin is doing with own when he hears some slapping sounds. Collin is playing with his hard cock, hitting his stomach with it. The precum left just below his belly button reflects what little light is coming inside the car. He had already unbuttoned his tops and the white undershirt is rolled up to his chest. Collin smiles when he sees Shane checking him out once again. With their own cock in hand, their self exploration proceeds with only moans and occasional grunts exchange between them. They will turn their heads from time to time to take a peek on each other, and when it happens at the same time, they will just grin at each others. Their pleasant diversion is without a hitch.

"Damn, I'm getting close," Collin says.

"Go for it," Shane encourages him.

"Got anything to catch it?"

"Oh, I didn't think about that."


"Got extra uniform at home?" Shane asks while unbuttoning his own tops.

"He-he. Straight to the shower room, I guess," Collin says giggling.

With things planned out, Shane and Collin work on their release. In sync, the two moan a series of "aahhs."

"I'm coming, buddy," Shane gets there first. His moans starts coming in closer and closer then a long one. Inside the dark interior of the car, the warm feeling of his bodily fluid on his lower body is the only thing that tells him of the sweet reward from his slowly softening cock. He smears the few drops that ended up on his hand on his shirt.

He looks at Collin who stiffens a little when his own release finally comes. Then Collin heavy breathing filled the air before taking one deep breath and blows the air out from his lungs.

Collin turns his head towards Shane and says, "That felt good." Then offers his partner a fist bump.

"Brings back memories," Shane quips.

The two are feeling lazy to move or maybe just prolonging the experience and just lay on their seat exposed to one another. Shane rolls the windows down to air out the combine smell of their sweat and cum that is starting to fill the car. There is really no need to rush. The road hasn't seen a single car for a while now.

"What time is it?" Shane breaks the silence.

"We still have thirty minutes to kill."

"Let's just call it a night, I'm feeling icky now."

Shane looks around to see if the coast is clear before opening the door. He slides out his legs and pulls his pants up then he runs his hand over the part of his shirt where he left his seed and just shrugs his shoulder when he feels the dampness between his fingers. He gets out of the car to finish fixing his uniform. On the other end, Collin is doing the same thing.

One more exchange of grins then Shane starts the car and proceeds to drive back to the headquarters. They make a beeline to the shower room trying to act casually as possible. But when they get to the locker, they blurt out a good laugh. And even louder when the stains on their white undershirt are clearly in view when they remove their uniform.

That familiar smell permeates the air and Collin takes a sniff of it, "hmm, that sweet smell."

"He-he," is all Shane can say. They giggle their way to the shower stalls acting like kids who just did something they were not supposed to do.

The next day is pretty much the same without the extra curricular activity. The 24-hour grocery store becomes their favorite spot to kill time. The air-conditioned building gives them a brief relief from the warm humid weather that is beginning to creep in. Shane inspects the station. The coffee maker had been shutoff earlier that evening. They've been there many times normally the only customers late at night that the store manager let them tinker with the coffee maker. Shane turns it on.

"What's going on Friday?" Shane asks Collin about the change in their schedule.

"Oh, we got a break. They are just going to cycle people for the night shift. Still on call though."

"That ain't too bad."

"Wanna get some drink Friday after work? I don't need to pick up my boy 'til Saturday."

"Sure, why not. I usually just go to bed most Fridays anyway."

They walk by the check out lane and chat with the young dark skinned teenage girl who is unlucky enough to be on the graveyard shift. Two young kids walk in and have the same thing in mind. They check the coffee station and are disappointed to learn that there is no coffee ready for them. They slowly walk back to ask the young lady.

"It should be ready in just a few more minutes," Collin tells them.

The two officers carefully assess the new arrivals. They look alright, nothing out of the ordinary, just local kids frolicking at night.

"Staying out of trouble?" Collin asks them as they browse through the candy bars.

"Yes sir," one of the kids replies almost in whisper.

Shane senses that Collin is about to play cop with the unsuspecting kids, so he immediately replies "Good. Coffee is ready by the way." The green blinking light catches Shane's eyes.

Shane castigates Collin for trying to scare off the two kids who are walking back to the coffee station. The young cashier is laughing all the while Collin is trying to explain himself. A few minutes later they see them coming back which is their signal to get their own. With the brief jolt of alertness, they ride around the campus and another lazy night patrol is over.

Friday came soon enough. The change in schedule finds themselves working a regular day shift. The sun still making its final descend when they arrive at the bar. Their names are called out as they walk in. Some of the regulars must have been there and surprise to see them not on their usual Saturday night. The bartender already had their pitcher of cold beer ready before they even make it to the bar area. They take a spot at one end of the bar. Four old timers are busy discussing their life stories in the middle, and a loud middle-aged couple is on the other end giving the nice heavy-set bartender a hard time. They've been there for a bit and starting to run her patience. She keeps telling Shane and Collin that those two should just go home. A group of young men still in their paint stained clothes and jeans are standing by the jukebox debating on what songs to play. The construction inside the campus has been a boon to the local economy. They talk about it as if the jobs will be there forever, but it's one of the best things that ever happened to the city ever since the college decided to expand. A pair of couples sit by the table close to Shane and Collin quietly talking to one another. The bar is half-empty, but it is still a good crowd.

"I wasn't expecting you guys to be here," the bartender says while wiping the counter with her wet rag.

Raising their pitcher to let her finish wiping the counter Collin replies, "Change of schedule."

"For good . . ." She pauses, "Or bad?"

"Just for the break. Not much going on."

"Oh, I see."

"One of those nights that you wish that a big . . ." she stops herself. She is about to mention the night when a throng of students invaded the campus. She knew better than to stir bad memories.

Collin waits for her to complete what she's going to say.

"Damn, those guys are driving me crazy tonight. I can't even think of what I'm saying," she pretends that she has forgotten what she was thinking and diverts the attention to the middle-aged couple who looks like are having an argument now.

"I can't believe those two are still together. When they get drunk, they fight," Shane interjects.

"As predictable as the sun rising," Collin adds.

"They probably have the best make up sex," Shane jokes. Almost snorting, the bartender laughs at Shane's comment which Collin joins in.

The bartender merrily wipes the rest of the bar. The night passes by, and the constructions guys are now singing to every song they are playing while Collin and Shane continues on to survey what is going on inside the bar. A few more people come in and some left. Leaning back on the bar stool they watch the stream of new faces figuring out who they are. Wondering something mundane as that give them something to talk about. Shane looks down at his bare legs slightly parted apart noticing that Collin is also wearing a plain old t-shirt and a basketball shorts that he fills nicely with his round thighs. One of the few good things about living in a small town. There is no need to look slick all the time when you just want to down a few drinks. Collin is sitting with the widest man spread. His one leg is nested underneath Shane's stool and the other on his. They're legs have been crisscrossed. Both of them are no longer apprehensive when a part of their body touches that small things like that escape them. Shane intentionally rubs his calf on Collin's shin to see his reaction. Collin just goes on as if nothing happens.

An hour before closing time, they finally have their intended alcohol body content. They aren't there to get drunk just to chill and hang out. Their choice of clothing does nothing to hide the mound between their legs as they continue to sit leaning back. Collin tries to show off by intentionally getting himself hard. Shane checks at the outline of Collin's growing manhood which is now obvious to anyone who happens to look. Collin leans closer and whisper, "No work tomorrow. You up for a repeat?"

It's Shane's time to be puzzled and replies, "Huh?"

Collin mimes jacking off.

It's almost an out of nowhere suggestion but Shane is game. "Your car or mine?" Shane asks.

"I'm up for some more drink though. We can do it at my place."

"Six pack?"

"Yeah, that should be enough."

Unfortunately, like many states down South, stores stop selling alcohol at specific time of the night, so they have to settle for the pricier beer from the bar. Shane asks the bartender for a six pack to go which she carefully puts in a brown paperback. More people show up to catch the last few minutes before closing time, and the two wade themselves out of the bar.

Collin's house is several minutes away along an unpaved road lit by distantly separated light posts. It's a single floor square-looking three bedroom house that sits right next to a cotton field. A stair leads up to the porch and the front door. A very typical house in the sparsely occupied part of the town. Shane had been to Collin's house many times during their patrol but never actually went inside.

Collin opens the door and invites Shane inside. He takes his shoes and leaves then by the door. Collin does the same thing. Shane has to let his eyes get used to the dimly lit house. It's only when Collin turns on the kitchen lights that he has a better view of the inside. A two-seater leather couch is in front of the TV and right next to it is a matching recliner complete the living room. Some family pictures hang on the wall. The few reminders that he is now on his own are the toys littering the floor that Collin is shoving to the corner with his feet. One or two dishes still sits inside the kitchen sink. The kitchen table had long been relegated as extra storage for things that should be put away if and when the time comes. The place is otherwise clean. Shane is somehow relieved. When something is wrong, the house is normally the first thing to show it. Shane asks for the restroom his bladder is about to explode. Collin points him to the first door down the hall. The guest bathroom is still sparkly clean since it is seldom used. Collin sneaks in when he is just finishing.

"Oh shit, you fuckin' scared me," Shane blurts out.

"C'mon move. I got to pee."

Shane just shakes his head and walks back to the living room. He takes a seat on the couch. The recliner would have been more comfortable, but a man's spot is his territory. Their beer haul for the night and a few bottles from Collin's fridge are left on the side table. The TV is now turned on with a movie on pause. There is no need to guess what it's going to be. Shane opens a bottle of beer. He hears the toilet flush and comes Collin who quickly grabs his own beer and drops himself on the recliner.

"Ouch!" he exclaims. He sat on the remote. With the cause of his momentary pain in hand, he push the play button. The familiar porn soundtrack gives them a good laugh when they both hum to it.

"Don't tell me you have this video too," Collin says.

"It's kinda old but good," Shane replies.

"Swingers party," Collin recollects the content of the video.

The movie continues on. It don't take long when their free hand is massaging their crotch. A beer in one hand and their cock in another seem like the best thing in the world right now. The two friends are not talking still fixated on the movie. Only occasional glances are exchanged to see where they are in their self exploration. When Collin slips his hand inside his shorts, Shane follows suit. The air-conditioning is not enough to keep the rising temperature inside. Shane takes of his shirt. Not a minute later, Collin shirt is flying in front.

Few empty bottles are now collecting on the night stand. The glistening head of Collin's cock flickers from the light of the television. His hand gently caressing the base of his erect manhood. His shorts is now down his ankles. Shane himself is slouch side ways on the couch facing him. The playing movie has now become nothing but ambiance. They've been watching each other.

Shane starts the conversation to break the monotony of the night. "How big is that thing again?" he asks.

"A good eight," Collin replies.

"Same as mine but yours looks bigger though."

"Yeah, it matches me. He-he." Collin says referring to his wide body.

"So you've been abusing that thing regularly, huh?"

"Like almost everyday. My best friend," Collin says as he intently examine his cock swinging it back and forth.

"I thought I am your best bud?" Shane jokes.

Collin looks at Shane smiling. He might have taken Shane joke a little too literal, "You want a hand or something?" he asks.

"Why? You want too?" Shane counters daring him.

"I don't mind if you also help me with mine."

"Feeling adventurous, aren't we?"

Collin stands and completely gets out of his shorts then kicks it to where his shirt lays. Shane sits straight on the couch to make room.

"Have you done this before?" Shane asks Collin while the other man takes his seat.

"Just jerk off session with my friends during my high school days, watching porn."

Shane is no stranger to mutual stimulation, so he is quite curious of what his friend is thinking at the moment. "Really? No one was ever tempted to touch that fat dick?"

"Dunno." He is now stroking his cock in unison with his friend on the same couch.

"Would you have let him?"

"Yeah," Collin replies and shows his naughty smile.

The night started slowly between them but slowly but surely after many exchanges of innuendos, the eventuality of their shared sexual encounter begins that night. Shane's left hand finds Collin's thigh rubbing it as he strokes himself. Collin parts his legs even wider. He is feeling for Shane's legs. When the side of their legs touches, he begins rubbing his leg against his friend's. The ice of initial encounter has been broken. Shane's hand gently migrates to the inner thigh and strokes it stopping short of the groin area. Collin is looking at the video again just feeling Shane's touch. The urge to finally wrap his hand around Collin fat cock comes. Shane not wanting to appear pushy waits for Collin to take his hand off his cock all the while the corporal is thinking the same way. He's been thinking of grabbing Shane's hand and guiding it to his waiting cock. It's been like that between them, signals are sent from each other but never seem to connect.

"Can I feel it?" Shane asks at the same time Collin says, "Go ahead." They laugh.

Collin rest his arm on the back of the couch giving his buddy full access to his erection. Shane gives Collin's chest muscles a good feel before slowly moving his hand down to his navel. He runs his hand over his friend's pubic area feeling the short hair that are starting to grow back. It looks good like a rugged looking stubble on a man's face. Collin intently looks at his friend's hand exploring his lower torso. Shane is not doing it to take his sweet time before wrapping his hand on Collin's hard cock. He just does not want to pass up the opportunity of feeling his buddy. His now bulging chest, and although not a six pack, his tone stomach are very inviting. Collin responds by grabbing onto Shane's thigh.

"You're looking good," Shane comments.

"Thanks to you. My arms are looking good too. They have definition now." Collin replies extending his arms in front like a bodybuilder to show off.

"This one looks good too." Shane's hand is now holding the base of Collin's cock.

"That's always been good lookin'," Collin replies. "I would have married my own dick if it's possible," he jests.

"Feel good just holding it." The corporal's hard manhood suddenly feels familiar. Shawn whose cock is slightly longer had the same girth as Collin.

"Your hand feels good around it."

"LOL, I haven't even started strokin' it."

"Is this what you're waiting for?" Collin says then reaches for Shane's.

Shane passes a bottle beer to his friend as they get more comfortable. They go back watching the movie with one hand now free to wonder around and touch each other. The movie ends, but they are still not even close to reaching the plateau.

"Want me to put on another movie," Collin asks.

"Nah, we can do without it," Shane replies.

"OK then, Just a sec." Collin walks back to his room and comes back with a towel and a jar of petroleum jelly in hand. "I don't wanna be sore after," he says then kneads a dub of petroleum jelly on his hand. He smears it all over his buddy's erection and tests sliding his hand up and down. When it's to his liking, he hands Shane the lube. It didn't take long when both of them are exchanging compliments about how good the hand job they are giving each other.

Shane looks down to see Collin big warm hand goes up and down his cock. "You're hand feels so good," Shane tells Collin.

"Lot's of practice."

The stiffness of the Collin's does not escape him and inquires about his effort, "So how does it feel?"

"Pretty good."

"So how come you never did this with someone before?"

"I guess, just never found the right buddy," Collin hints.

"You thought about it then?"

"Yeah. I told you before I'm open to it."

"Why don't you lay down for a bit?" Shane suggests. The two-seater couch doesn't leave much room but it the just the perfect size for what they're going to do. Collin lays down. His legs loop around his friend who is still sitting down turned towards him. Shane lubes up his other hand.

"Don't be shy," Shane tells him. "You're a hot motherfucker," he adds complementing Collin's naked body that is in full view. The scar on the side of his stomach is looking sexy knowing what caused it.

"You like," Collin replies.

Shane wraps his one hand around the base of Collin's cock while the other slides up and down making sure he runs the palm of his hand over the head.

"Damn, that feels good," Collin mumbles.

When his friend continues stroking his cock, all Collin can do is moan, thrusts his hips and blows air abruptly when the pleasure becomes undeniable. He can't remember if he ever experienced the pleasure of letting someone else took control even with the girls he dated when he was younger.

"Stroke it, buddy," he says when he wants Shane to go a little faster then with his head tossed back he starts whimpering a series of "oh yeah" punctuated by a grunt then he jerks his head forward exhaling a short burst of air.

Shane easily finds the rhythm. Several times he will bring Collin to the edge then carefully stop before the point of no return. There were times when Collin's hand because of habit would try to take over, but Shane just parried it away. After failing to take control, Collin is often reduced to a heaving hunk of meat. Shane is having a good time and sometimes let out a giggle watching his friend's reaction to his expert hand job.

"Buddy, I wanna cum," Collin says almost begging when Shane once again brings him back close to the edge.

It didn't take long when Collin is unloading all over himself. His hips raise up showing the intensity of his release. Shane continues stroking him until Collin grabs his hand. The head of his cock is now extra sensitive that it could no longer handle the attention.

"Oh shit! Damn. My knees feel so weak," Collin tells Shane.

"That good, huh?"

"Very, . . ." he pauses then says, "what a mess" after looking at the drops of cum splattered on his chest and stomach.

Shane sits back straight and leans on the couch feeling Collin's warm leg behind him while his other leg rests on his lap just enough room to stroke his own cock. He tosses his head back and pumps away. His free hand grabs onto Collin thigh on every ebb of his journey to sweet release. The image of heaving Collin as he edged to his climax turned him on that it won't take long before he spew his own.

Collin looks on and encourages him to unload, "Yeah, stroke that cock. Go for it buddy. Shoot that load on me."

Not a minute later, Shane points his cock on Collin's hairless inner thigh then exclaims, "I'm gonna cum." Then the first stream of cum comes out of his cock flying over Collin's waiting thigh landing in front of the couch. The next ones hit the spot. Drops of Shane's release accumulate on his friend's strong looking thigh. Spent, he gives Collin stomach a few "good job" pats before slumping on the couch.

Collin sits back up. His knees still feel like jello when he tries to stand, so he also slumps back on the couch. His release earlier drips slowly down his body. He feels the warm streak of fluid tracing a path down his body, so he reaches for the towel hanging on the arm rest. He wipes his chest, stomach and Shane's bodily fluid left on his thigh before handing it to his buddy who meticulously cleans the mixture of lube and Collin's sexual release from his hands. Collin leans pass Shane to grab another bottle of beer. Shane does the same and opens his own.

"You can stay in the guest room if you want," Collin suggests.

"I think I'll just drive home. You wore me out. I might have to sleep in tomorrow."

"Damn, It was good," Collin confides once again.

"Cheers," Shane says. The clink of the beer bottle sealed their understanding.

"I need to get going. I guess, see yah Monday," Shane puts his clothes back on. Collin walks him out to the door. A firm handshake and Shane is off. It's been six months from that faithful night. He looks back at the small square house. The white flowers from the blooming cotton field catch the scarce light from the only light post illuminating the path to the house making an otherwise eerie place seems magical. He is happy to see that Collin is moving on.

It is already almost midday when he wakes up. His hungry stomach leads him to the fridge. He looks at what inside and debates if he should cook something or not. He grabs a box of TV dinner then puts it inside the microwave. It will do for now. With his lunch in hand, he walks out of his patio surveying his backyard. The lawn needs some mowing. It would have been a rather fine day if not for the searing heat of the sun that puts an end to his plan on staying in the patio for the meantime. TV dinner is not the most appetizing food to eat that he almost inhales it just to finish it as fast as possible before the disgust sets in. He is about to lay on his couch when his phone rings.

"What's up buddy?" It is Collin.

"Hey," he lazily replies.

"I'm grilling today. You coming?"

"What's the occasion?"

"Nothing just have my in-laws coming over to drop my boy."

"LOL, even to this day, you still try to avoid your in-laws."

"Habit is hard to break," Collin says laughing on the other end. "Just kidding. They just get a little too chatty sometimes."

"OK, what time?"

"Be here around four."

"Later then."

"Later, bud."

Several cars are parked outside when he arrives. Probably some of his folks, Shane says to himself. Shane makes his to the backyard to see. Everyone seems to be there waiting for the Collin to finish cooking his meaty treat. It is to Shane's surprise that some of the folks from headquarters are there too. This must have been a typical occurrence around here.

"Partner, you made it," Collin greets him waving the grilling tongs.

"I didn't expect for everyone to be here."

"Oh, I called them. It's a party," Collin replies. On the hindsight, what he said is true. This is pretty much the favorite way to pass time for the people living in the town specially for someone like Collin who lives out of the way. The wind blows carrying the scent of the freshly watered soil of the nearby cotton fields. It must the closest to a country living someone can still experience in a city that is slowly transitioning. The effect of the expanding campus is starting to show. Pretty soon the wide stretch of farming lands will give way to new houses and other buildings. One by one, those lands will be sold out.

Shane walks inside the kitchen to cool off. The sun still bright high up in the sky. Sitting by the living room are Collin's in-laws looking after a toddler that never seems to tire. After some exchange of greetings, he sits on one of the kitchen chairs. A few people from outside follow him inside also to take a break from the sun.

"Want a beer?" Shane hears from behind. It's the lieutenant.

"Thanks, L.T."

"Your first time going to one of Collin's summer cookouts?"


"He claims that his steaks are better than Bubba's Grill."

"Really?" Shane says sarcastically.

"You gotta give it to the guy for putting some effort. I don't know what he does with the steaks but they do taste good."

The cool interior has finally done its wonder. The exhausting heat outside is also becoming more forgiving. Shane steps out looking for his friend. Collin wipes the sweat on his face with the sleeves of his shirt while standing in front of the fan then goes back to man his grill. Shane goes to where Collin is grilling and stands right next to him.

"Done yet?" he pesters Collin.

"They're about done,"

"I heard you handle your meat well, and your meat tastes good," Shane tells Collin.

"Tender. And if you squeeze it, juice come out," Collin replies recognizing Shane's double meaning.

"LOL, good one."

"Grab the serving tray, will yah? This batch is ready."

The first batch of steaks and grilled corns on the side quickly disappeared from the serving tray. There are about twenty or so people gathered in Collin's house some people from work, friends and relatives.

Collin readies the next batch, and the smell of roasting meat fills the air. The few minutes later, Collin is once again asking Shane to grab the serving tray. Now that his duty is fulfilled, Collin takes his deserved rest. He opens a folding chair and sets a cold can of beer in one of the armrests' cup holder. Shane swipes himself a steak and a corn cob and sits on a mismatched folding chair. It must have been bought when the other one couldn't be located. The two sit down watching the people munching on their treat and listen to the chatter.

Shane carefully watches the people who showed in Collin barbecue. Most of them he hasn't met. Collin's son is sitting on the wooden table table being fed by his grandmother. The kid's striking resemblance to his father did not escape him. "You and your son look like halves of a watermelon," Shane comments.

"What can I say, I have strong genes," Collin brags.

"I hope he doesn't grow up stupid like his dad," Shane shots back.

"Fuck you!" Collin protests.

Shane just laughs which draws the people from their work to their side. The conversation bares immediately about work. There is a talk about one of the only two detectives in the force moving to Florida with his family. Next to the captain, detective receives a more decent pay than most. The lieutenant is thinking about applying for the job. Driving around the campus is growing old on him. Although he will likely spend most of his time in the office, he prefers it that way, In fact, most of his duties already involve managing patrol officers from the office anyways. Shane and Collin cannot blame him specially since the break and even the coming Summer semester mean slow months when patrolling becomes tiresomely repetitive each and every day.

"What do you have to do to become a detective?" Collin inquires.

"You will need to be a patrolman for a bit then request to be transferred later. If there is an opening," the lieutenant replies. Unfortunately, the size of the campus police department is limited by the university's funding.

"I can be a detective then," he jests.

"Do you have a college degree? School only allows detectives with college degree."

"Oh, screw that," Collin says showing the sign of disappointment on his face.

Shane carefully listens to the conversation between Collin and the lieutenant even if it's funny at times. He was already half-way through his degree when he was deployed. The sound of being a detective appeals to him somehow. It can be his long term career goal.

The sun slowly makes it way to the West, the once busy backyard dwindles to five, Collin's in-laws, his son, and the two of them. Collin's son sits on his lap while his mother-in-law cleans up in the kitchen while the other half of the pair is already snoozing in the recliner. The little one is burying his face in his dad's chest. Shane tries to coax him to say something but is becoming irritable the sign of tiredness setting in.

"You wanna go to grandma?" Collin asks his kid.

His son replies with a timid nod. He excuses himself for a minute and brings his kid inside.

"He's feeling a little grumpy," Collin tells his mother-in-law.

She looks at the clock, "It's still early for his bedtime, but I think he can go to bed. But I warn you, he is going to wake up early." She wipes her hands and takes the kid to her arms. His son protests about taking a bath before bed when his grandmother asked him. It's amazing how just by having people around can wear a kid like that. Entertaining non-stop attention can be a labor sometimes specially to a little toddler.

"I guess, he is going night-night," Collin tells Shane as he steps out of the kitchen door with a pitcher of water in hand to make sure the coal is put out. "Can you help me clean the grill before it gets dark?"

"What do you think about becoming a detective?" Shane asks his friend.

"Must be nice solving crimes," Collin replies probably thinking of those detectives you see on TV.

"Well, I'm thinking about it."

"Shoot. Are you getting tired of me already?"

Shane brushes off his friend's comment, "Just a long term plan, I guess."

"Sounds good."

"How about you what is your plan?"

"I like patrolling, chasing people."

"LOL, chasing. We'll see about that. Annual PT is coming up."

"I won't have any problem with that," Collin says assured of himself. "So are you thinking of going back to school?" he continues.

"I'm not sure if I can fit school into my schedule."

"You have time in the morning before our duty," he is quite supportive about the idea.

"Who's going to look after you in the gym? You might hurt yourself."

"I'll do fine."

That small tidbit of conversation lifts some of Shane's worries about his friend. Collin is moving on along fine. He still has a clear direction of what he wants to do with his life. He wishes that it stays that way.

Next: Chapter 24: Allotted Time 11

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