Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Mar 8, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Warm Summer Night by Max Millan

The cracks of banging helmets and body protectors echoed through the late lazy Summer weekend. Shane sat alongside the parents who were watching their kids on the field. Most of them were hoping that their boy would be chosen for the final roster and very much eager to talk with Coach Fox regarding the prospect of their kids. This was the final selection process and most of the candidates were already weeded out last Spring tryouts. Many of the kids were already part of the team and competing for their place in the starting roster. The rest would be relegated as backup players. One of the parents was elated when he saw his kid being instructed to start practicing with Matt and Shawn. By the way Matt and Shawn were showing him the position and some plays they had to go through, the kid might really be on his way to be a starter. His celebration was replaced with shock when the two supposed mentors started rough housing the new kid. Down he went when Matt slammed him hard on the ground during one of their playthroughs then piled on by two more players. Coach Fox seemed displeased by it and quickly called Matt and Shawn for a talk. Shane knowing how Shawn was like thought that the two were probably just smiling and laughing behind their helmets as they walked back to the field and continued on with their practice session. Coach Fox and the other trainers were busy assessing possible quarterback, this allowed the two big men to escape with more rough housing. Shane could hear the "ouch!" and "that got to hurt" comments from some of the parents. The once proud parent of the kid on the field with Matt and Shawn was sitting there silent hoping his kid would got up after being hit hard. Reed had his own share of mentoring. His group had quite a few prospects with them, and they were just going through with drills.

It was already dark when the practice ended. Like always Coach Fox was patiently entertaining every inquiry from the parents who were once in the bleachers with Shane. Shane waited for his friends by the parking lot. About half an hour or so, he saw Reed, Shawn and Matt already in their t-shirts, matching long workout shorts and flip-flops. That was just their regular attire day-in, day-out.

"How is your shoulder holding up?" Shane asked Matt.

Matt rotated his shoulder and said, "It's good as new."

"You're killing that kid back there."

"Nah, we were just welcoming him to the team," Shawn replied.

"You are going to break the kid before the season even starts if you keep doing that."

"He is tough. He'll do fine," Matt said.

"I was sitting right next to the kid's dad. He was bragging about his kid then you guys started rough housing the kid, and the poor guy was totally in shock, not even talking."

"Well, it's part of the job."

Shawn who just turned twenty-one that day was looking forward for a night of drinking when he could brandish his ID and no longer rely on the sneaky beer sharing with Reed and Shane. "So are you ready to do some bar hopping tonight for my birthday?" he asked Shane.

"Sure." Having only three walking distance bars around the campus, it was literally hopping from one bar to another.

"See you guys later," Matt said when they reached his car.

"Later," the three replied in unison.

The corner by the dormitory where Matt resided for most his college life, they waited for the other guy to show up. It was close to nine o'clock when they made their way to the first bar. The first bar close to where Shane worked was very slow. When they walked in, there where only three people. They took a spot by the bar, and Shawn made his first alcohol purchase for everyone. The bartender gave Shawn a shot when he learned that he finally turned legal. Another round of beer and the four friends were looking to see if the other bars where busier. Reed was sending some text messages. Some of the players where hanging out in the one of the other bars. They paid their tabs and went to meet up with them. However the lack of students during Summer semester made for a slow nights in a small college town. The company of the other rambunctious players would do. Shawn was being handed shots left and right by the well wishers. Not even two hours had passed when Shawn could no longer support himself with his own two feet. If it wasn't for Reed's clearer mind, he would have ingested more than what was humanly allowable. Reed called it a night for everyone. He and Matt dragged Shawn's wasted body back to the apartment. The sign of over consumption of alcohol did not escape the birthday boy. Matt, Reed and Shane were laughing as they watched Shawn knelt in front of the toilet spewing the content of his stomach.

"You better learn your lesson well," Reed admonished his buddy. But Shawn was already out of it. When he finally finished praying to the porcelain god, Shane was ready with a towel to wipe his face. Matt and Reed carried him to his room and laid him on his bed. Downstairs the three were busy discussing his condition and exchanging jokes about the passed out birthday boy upstairs. Matt left shortly after helping the two finished any left over cans on beer inside their fridge. Reed and Shane went upstairs to check on Shawn. His dirty shoes were staining his bed sheet, so they took it off which woke up Shawn for a bit and muttered, "Don't even think about raping me," then passed out again. Reed and Shane were just laughing at his comment.

Shawn was complaining with his aching head when he woke the next day. Shane whipped out some toasts and fried eggs before leaving that morning. Shawn was later joined by Reed munching on the already cold breakfast.

"How much I drunk last night? I can't even recall anything."

"Let's just say you were like a funnel. You drunk every shot that was handed to you. Tequila will get you all the time."

"Shit! My head is killing me."

"You get what you deserve drinking like there is no tomorrow. So are you still up for our mandatory birthday tango?" Reed asked.

"Damn, my head felt like it's splitting. I can't even think that far," Shawn slept the rest of the day. It was already way passed six o'clock at night when his hunger woke him up. He was surprised to see Shane downstairs watching TV.

"What up? You're back early. It's Sunday night."

"I just need to drop some stuff for tomorrow. Did you eat dinner yet, my treat if you want?" Shane offered.

"Where is Reed?"

"He said he was going to the library to study."

"LOL, study. He's probably just copying someone's homework. Well, I'm taking on your offer. I'm hungry. Let me freshen up a little," Shawn said smelling himself who was still wearing the same clothes from last night. Shawn took a quick shower and changed to a new shirt and cargo shorts.

"Where are we going?" Shawn shouted as he went down the stairs.

"Bubba's Grill sounds good. I'm up for some juicy steak."

"I'm warning you. I could down steak like it's nothing," Shawn joked while they walk to Shane pickup truck.

"No problem. I just got paid this week."

"Oh, they pay you to sit around all day."

"If it wasn't your birthday, I would have kicked you out by now," Shane warning his friend who's looking for the seatbelt. "Look at that, I might need to buy seatbelt extension," he added when the big guy had to pull the whole length of the seatbelt.

"What can I say, I'm a big guy," Shawn responded as he did his best impression of double bicep bodybuilding pose. Shane almost snorted his laughter.

The two sat by the window. The rays of the late setting sun cut through dining area making every dust particle glimmered. Shane ran his hand on the table to check if it was clean. It's sometimes odd that we take so many things for granted until something else put it into full view. The waitress was ready with their food when Shane looked up.

"Hhmm, looks yummy," Shawn said when his sixteen ounce of steak was set on the table.

"Wow, you are really on a mission," Shane commented.

"I'm hungry. I slept all day. How drunk I was last night?"

"Dead drunk. You should have seen yourself. You're done. You could not even stand up. Even Matt and Reed had trouble carrying you back to the apartment then your face was down the toilet throwing up."

"That bad."

"Yeah, people were giving you shots left and right."

"Well, you only turn twenty-one once."

Shane looked at his friend made the good sized meat in front of him slowly disappeared. Shane munched on his own. The waitress came around to fill up their glass of sweet tea, the wine of the South. One more bite then Shawn finished it with a long sip of his drink.

"Aaah! That tasted good. Thanks for the food."

"You're welcome."

"Storing up energy," Shawn said out of nowhere.

"For what?"

"Aren't you supposed to take your date back to your place?"

"LOL, aren't we getting ahead of ourselves?" Shane said still not so sure about what was really happening. The dinner was just a kind gesture for Shawn's birthday, he thought. But when Shawn put it some other way even it was just a joke, he didn't feel slightly evasive about it.

"So it's not?" Shawn grinned.

"You can say that it is," Shane said brushing his short hair. "Reed's idea," Shane continued.

"How did that happen?" Shawn asked in amazement.

"Well, we were planning on something naughty for your birthday, but you decided to get dead drunk. So we had our own fun last night when you were passed out and got to talk a little."

"Who came up on top?"

"Nah, just the the usual mutual stimulation."

"What did he say?"

"That you kept complementing me. I'm kinda flattered."

"It's true though. You're hot specially in your uniform," Shawn confessed.

Shane just gave him a smile. "Is that all you think about?"

"You're a cool guy."

"I must admit. I find you sorta cute," Shane also confessed.

"Sort of?"

"OK, your a hunk. Is that good enough complement."

"And funny. And a total nice guy," Shawn added in jest.

"I agree with funny, but a nice guy, maybe. Remember, I know all your shenanigans."

"Aaaw, but I am. It's just all for fun."

Their more intimate conversation was interrupted when the waitress handed them their tab. Shane pulled out his card. Shane was still feeling a testy, so it took him a minute to finally end their dinner, "Do you still wanna go my place. It's long a drive."

"What if I say no?"

"It's cool," Shane said.

"Dude, I'm just kidding. Just make sure I get back on time for my class tomorrow."

"That's not a problem. You'll be waking up early."

"How early?"

"Maybe six in the morning."

"Damn, that's too early."


"Well, depends on how the night goes. I guess."

Shane started his car looking at Shawn who was again trying to figure where the seatbelt was like someone fumbling when excited about something. He rolled down the windows of his pickup truck. The weather was nice and the air temperature was just right. Shane and Shawn couldn't find words to say during the whole drive. Shawn turned on the radio to break the monotony. When radio played a song that they both knew, they started to sing along with it. They looked at each other and exchanged a wide smile. The same thing happened when one caught the other looking at each others direction. Shawn made the first move. He placed his hand over Shane's thigh and started massaging it. Shane responded by rubbing the other man's forearm feeling the hair. Somehow Shawn touch had a different feel to it, he thought. His knee weakened somehow. Still not knowing what to say, they let their hands do the talking. Shawn, for the rest of the way, caressed his inner thigh and he responded by grabbing Shawn's hand and rubbing his forearm. Rows of similar looking houses came into view. Shane's starter house was all the way at the back. Shane parked his car on the driveway. And the two made their way to the three bedroom split level house. One stair went down the basement that opened to his garage. One went up to the main living area. The living room was sparsely furnished with a full sized leather couch, a coffee table and a TV. The living room lead to the dining area with a small table and two chairs beside it. Hidden by a wall was the a well maintained kitchen then a sliding door to the patio and the backyard. The other half were the bedrooms with one converted to an office.

"I'm gonna freshened a bit. Make yourself comfortable," Shane said once they were inside. "The restroom is just down the hall the first door on your left."

Shawn made his way to the restroom while Shane disappeared in the master bedroom to use his private bathroom. Shawn sat on the couch waiting for Shane and entertained himself by surveying what's inside the house. A game console and few games were on the floor. Shawn look at them. A pro-football and several military theme games were not out of the ordinary for a guy like Shane. The carpet was dutifully looked after. The houseplant on the coffee table pretty much the only hint of attempt to decorate. A few pictures of Shane and his Army buddies hanged on the wall and a somewhat older picture of a middle aged lady was among them. She must be Shane's mom, he thought. Shawn fiddled with the TV remote and checked on the soldier's fridge for something to drink. A cold one from the cans of beer lining the door shelf would do. Shawn was sitting comfortably on the couch corner with one leg on it sipping on his beer when Shane came out of the his room wearing a clean whit shirt and his Army skivvies. With his own beer in hand, he joined his friend on the couch placing the big man's leg over his lap.

"What you watchin'?" he asked.

"Nothing, just flipping channels."

The two were just fine to let things progress on it's own. The night was young. There was no need to hurry. They settled on a channel that was showing a fairly recent movie. The night started with light drinking. If not for occasional checks if one wanted another beer, they hardly said anything. Just like in the car, their hands were doing the talking. Shane massage the leg on his lap slowly making his way to the groin area but stop short at the top of Shawn's thigh just gently rubbing it. Shawn would move his leg to brush his calf on Shane's groin area. It was on their third beer when Shawn sat straight up pulling Shane closer to him. Their hands were now exploring the bulge in between each others legs. Still pretending to be watching what's on the TV as they sipped on their beer. The wet spot on Shane's underwear gave them something to talk about.

"Excited?" Shawn asked as he pinched the wet spot between his fingers.

"Yeah," Shane muttered. "How about you?"

"Yeah" Shawn replied. He leaned over to Shane's ear and whispered, "Go ahead take it out," which Shane gladly agreed to. He undid his friend's shorts revealing that Shawn wasn't wearing any underwear. With a grin on his face, Shane fished out the Shawn's straining cock out and let it lay on his stomach. Shane ran his hand over Shawn's cock and up under his shirts rubbing his chest then back again to rubbing his cock. Shawn's put his arm around Shane's shoulder. From there, Shane was intently looking the hardening cock as he worked on it slowly stroking it and feeling it while it filled the palm of his hand.

Shawn pulled him closer and smelled the top of his freshly cleaned head. "You smell nice," he said. When the stroking was good, he would deeply inhaled closed to Shane's face and blew the warm air on the other man's ear. Shane looked up and their eyes met. For a moment, time seemed to stand still between them, and with Shane's bright eyes, Shawn was like a moth drawn to a light. He leaned closer and planted a smacked on Shane's lips. Shane experienced with another man did not involve making out even with his best friend Jack. They had a saying "soldiers don't kiss." But tonight he made a bold move, he stopped stroking Shawn for bit and put his hand at the back of Shawn's neck then pulled him back to his waiting lips. At first, it was series of short smacks. Then short kiss that grew bigger and their slightly parted lips met. Their breathing intensified and their lips were locked.

Shawn hand slowly pulled down Shane's underwear and Shane with his own legs finished what the other guy started. Then he felt the warm hand wrapping on his now erect manhood. Shane pulled off Shawn's shirt and threw it on the floor. The broken kiss became more intense when their lips met once again. It was deeper with their tongues flicking between them.

"Let's go to my room," Shane whispered in Shawn's ear.

Shawn laid down in the middle of the bed, and Shane crawled from the foot of the bed. When he got to Shawn's level, he stared into his eyes as he tried to slip off Shawn's already undone shorts. Shawn pulled of his shirt. The sight of their naked bodies had more meaning this time. Shawn pulled him to his massive chest and let Shane put some of his weight on him. Shane still staring at Shawn's hazel eyes whose arms were raised up by his head, put his hands over them. Their fingers curled clutching hard on each other hands. Shane traced the bottom of Shawn's lip with his tongue then between his lips coaxing Shawn to let his tongue in. Soon, they were again engaged in a passionate kiss and sucking in as if they were trying for their lips to not part making the kiss even more intense. Then warm hands slowly caressed Shane's back from his shoulder down to his buttocks. The feeling of Shawn's hands when he squeezed Shane's ass checks sent electricity through his body. In his mind, every touch was what he was longing for. Then they slowly rolled with Shawn on top this time returning the passionate kisses from Shane.

Lost in their long awaited kiss, their body responded accordingly. Shawn ground his hips making his body worked against Shane. The sweat forming between their grinding body was the silent witness to the intensity of the moment.

Shawn rolled over, and they continued to make out a little bit more. They exchanged a smile as they tried to catch their breathe. The brief interlude was filled by their hands working to each other. Shawn stole a smack. Shane did the same. Then their lips locked again while their hands were busy stroking the other man.

Shane pushed Shawn to his back. Then his lips explored every inch of Shawn's body from his neck then his erect nipples, slowly down to his belly button, then the navel. He stopped then looked up. Shawn put his hands on this his shoulder massaging it, a gesture to tell the other man what he wanted to happen. Shane wrapped his hand around the big uncut dick then guided it into his mouth.

Shawn sighed, "Oh yeah," while rubbing Shane's back when he felt his lips around the head of his cock.

Shane went down taking in more on every try. "Aah," Shawn moaned. More moans came out of him when Shane settled into a nice rhythm. He wanted him to take more of him, but he didn't want to spoil the moment. This wasn't the night for carnal thoughts. But even without a word being said, Shane recognized the other man's desire and went down as far as he could. A gag broke the smooth flow of the night.

"Shane, you don't have to. If it's not easy for you," Shawn said.

"Don't worry, I wanted too," Shane replied.

With that, he let him enjoy his manhood. The few gags made it even more exciting for him knowing that Shane was doing his hardest to finally take care of him fully. Minutes went by and he was in danger of getting to the point of no return. He tapped on Shane's shoulder and said, "I want a taste of yours." He pulled him up and rolled him over. In the same fashion, Shawn ran his lips from Shane's neck down to his groin. With his hard stiff dick in front of Shawn's face, Shane said, "Happy birthday. Make a wish and blow the candle," the only lighthearted comment that was made that night.

Laughing a little at Shane's comment, Shawn licked the underside of his cock. Once, twice then his mouth found the head of Shane's cock already glistening from the ample amount of pre-sexual juice oozing out of it. Shawn kissed it before slowly sliding his mouth over it. When much of it was covered with natural lubrication, he went down taking it all in. Shane who was already heaving from the attention blurted out, "Fuck yeah!" Shawn stayed down for a bit knowing how the other man like it so much when he does it. Then he came up for air.

Shane with his usual response said, "Thanks bud." The same was repeated many times in between Shawn's expert handling of the soldier's very stiff cock. Some other nights he would liked it to continue, but tonight he was longing for Shawn's touch. He pulled Shawn back on top of him. Shawn was thinking of something funny to say behind his grinning face, but he knew what Shane was asking for. He pecked on Shane's neck. Then their eyes met and another long kiss ensued with their hands now freely feeling each others body.

"Shawn, it's your night," Shane said surrendering himself.

With one hand behind Shane's neck as they exchanged kisses, his other hand was squeezing his ass.

"Is that what you want?" Shane asked.

Shawn just nodded.

Shane pointed at the drawer of his nightstand. The man on top of him rummaged through the content of the drawer and came up with a container of lube and condom. It gave him a smile when he inspected the condom was something made for guy like him. Shane caught it and lightly slap Shawn's cheek as if saying "Don't even try saying something about it.

Shawn squeezed a bit of lube into his hand then laid on his side putting Shane's head in his other arm. Then their making out continued. When Shawn's lubed up hand made it's way between his legs, he parted them apart. Then Shawn's fingers started teasing around his hole. A soft moan came out his mouth which Shawn tried to muffled with another kiss when he felt the tip of a finger inside him. He raised his legs. Then the full length of Shawn's middle finger made him groan even more. Still in a passionate kiss, Shawn worked on Shane getting him ready to receive him.

He whispered in Shane's ear, "I want you now." Then he handed him the condom, "Would you mind putting this on me?" he added. It was one of Shawn's bedroom proclivities Shane learned. With his two hands he unrolled the condom on Shawn's waiting cock.

Another kiss and the two were on their sides with Shawn gently easing his manhood up inside Shane. Shane grabbed on the pillow when the head of big man's cock opened him. "Aaah" he grunted. Shawn caressed his shoulder before pushing in more. Then another grunt from Shane. It's been a while since he let someone inside him. The sensation of being stretched once again was giving him a little trouble. Shawn sensed the difficulty Shane was experiencing.

"Are you OK, buddy?" he checked on Shane.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I want you in me. Don't stop," Shane replied.

When half of his cock was inside, he started with slow controlled strokes. Shane's abrupt grunts were slowly being replaced by loud moans. Then Shane reached back pushing Shawn's hips closer to him. With that, Shawn pushed more of him until his full length was buried deep inside the other man.

"I'm all in you," Shawn told Shane as he wrapped his arm around his chest. Shane put his own arm over it with his fingers curled in between Shawn's fingers. Then he wrapped his toned thighs around Shawn's legs getting ready for what's to come. Their muscular bodies rubbed against each other when Shawn continued his slow short strokes. Moans filled the room as the waves of the sensation ran through their bodies.

Then Shawn said, "I wanna see you," as he pecked on Shane's neck. Shane laying on his back, Shawn made his way between his legs and slowly pushed himself back in. Shane gasped when the new position allowed Shawn's cock to go in without being hindered by his round ass cheeks. His erect cock poked on Shawn's stomach when the big guy leaned over to give him a kiss before continuing his slow thrusts. With his elbows planted by Shane's side and the heaving man under him clasping him trying to be as close and as possible, Shawn made love with Shane. His slow full body strokes made it clear that he wanted the night to last as long as possible with skin rubbing against skin. Beads of sweat formed on his face which Shane gently wiped with his hand.

For a while, in that positioned face to face, they communicated with their moans and grunts punctuated by intermittent kisses. Then Shawn straightened his arms revealing his sweat soaked torso flattening some of the dark blonde fine hair covering it. Both of them were glued staring at each others eyes going through the gentle motion of their passionate love making until the Shawn's pace picked up.

"Go ahead," Shane said.

Shawn propped himself up and hold onto Shane's waist. The moment of tenderness had passed and it's time to give in to their desire. Shane stroked himself while Shawn kept on pumping. All Shane was able to do was grunt, and Shawn panted in return. Shane kept stroking until he shot his load all over his chest. Shawn was not far behind, "I gonna cum," he exclaimed.

"Give it to me, big boy," Shane said encouraging him

A short burst of speed, Shawn was grunting hard. Then it was followed by series of thrusts as he emptied himself inside Shane. With his energy spent, he collapsed on top of Shane for another kiss before finally pulling out.

"Thanks, babe," Shawn said while on his knees.

"My pleasure," Shane replied. Then a big smile formed on his face, when the word "babe" set in. He wasn't a bit shy being referred to as such by the big hunky guy in front of him. "Anytime, babe," he added. Shawn probably wasn't fully aware of what he said also smiled when he heard the word babe.

The two made their way to the bathroom to clean up and took turned emptying their bladder. The rumpled sheet was once again straighten up then the two slipped under the covers.

"I'm glad we waited and did it the right way," Shawn said.

"I am too," Shane replied.

"Or else we would have had sex just for the heck of it."

"Damn, that was amazing. But you know, I usually get the ass when I pay for dinner," Shane joked.

"Oh, you can have it now if you want another round," Shawn proposed.

But the night passed by so quickly unnoticed. They had an early morning coming up. Shane turned off the lights. Before going to sleep, Shawn said another thing, "I guess, I have to tell Reed that you won't be crashing on the couch anymore."

Once again Shane woke up the next morning with Shawn's legs crisscrossing his who was laying on his stomach and managed to move almost across during his sleep last night with his head and one arm hanging by the bed.

Shane tried to get out of his bed slowly avoiding to wake up Shawn. He could enjoy a few more minutes of sleep. Shane cooked breakfast for the two and went back to his room to take a shower. He was soaping himself when Shawn slid the glass door and joined him.

"How come you didn't wake me up?" Shawn asked.

"You could have slept for another hour." Shane replied.

Shawn hugged him from behind and shared the flowing warm water. After a little bit of fun soaping each other, the two finished up their shower and ate their breakfast. The morning commute went smoothly with Shawn catching more sleep in a true college boy fashion with his face resting on the window with no care in the world as his drool left a smear on the window. Shane dropped Shawn back to his apartment around nine o'clock before opening the recruitment office.

Shane attended his classes that day with his mind wondering about what happened last night. Like a school kid having his first crush, he was hoping that he bumped into Shawn in between his classes to have some reason not to go to the office. Although he could just make a call to know where the other man was, an unplanned encounter was much more interesting, and besides, he still had to do his day job. A few more local boys visited his office that day. It's something that would have made him happy seeing some applicants, but he was already feeling elated for most of the day and just handed them the forms without asking any questions. The day wound down. Closing time was just a few minutes away, he was fiddling with his phone hesitating about giving Shawn a call before leaving for home. He didn't want to appear pushy, but he was hoping to see Shawn that day even if it was just a short one. He set the phone on the table, and the door to his office swung quickly as if someone was barging in.

"What up, soldier?" Shawn blurted out from the door.

Caught off guard Shane answered in surprise, "Shit! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Ooops! Sorry," Shawn was apologetic even it was just a fake one. It was his intention in the first place.

"What are you doing here?" Shane asked pretending that Shawn shouldn't be hanging out in the office.

"Made a detour, just finished my run."

"Jeez, you're soaked in sweat," Shane said when Shawn just casually made his way behind the desk and stood leaning on the desk with his hands crossed by his chest. The top of his tracksuit pants was still wet.

"Just getting ready for tomorrow. Practice starts on Tuesday."

"Wow, 'til Saturday?"

"Only sometime on Saturdays, just when coach wanna run some few plays."

"Well, I was just about to call you."

"I'm here, what up?"

"Nothing, just felt like it."

"LOL, still shy, aren't we?"

Shawn sat on the edge of the table with his left leg on it. He was displaying his growing bulge in front of Shane. Shane responded by slouching back on his chair to reveal his own. Shawn kept him company until closing with both of them tugging on their crotch not hiding the fact that both of them were excited to see each other after last night. Shane went ahead with his closing routine flipping the open sign, pulling the blind down, and putting back in the blackboard sign outside. When he went back to his desk, Shawn grabbed his arm and pulled him then gave him a kiss.

"Feeling frisky?" Shane asked.

"Just feel like kissing you."

Shane pulled on Shawn sweatpants and his hard dick sprung out.

"Damn, you're rock hard. Want that taken cared of?"

"You're off duty tonight. But Thursday dinner's on me."

"Got yah," Shane replied putting Shawn's cock back in his pants then gave it a tap.

Shane changed to his civilian clothes in front of Shawn while Shawn was jokingly making some sexual comments towards him. Then the two made their way to the door. Shawn was walking in front while Shane turned off the lights after him. Before Shawn reached the door, he felt arms wrapping around him.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asked but surprisingly lifted his arms as if he knew what was coming.

"This," Shane replied and his right hand slipped inside Shawn's pants. The big man didn't say anything while Shane was fondling him. "Are you sure you don't want this taken cared of?" he continued.

"Oh, you are so gonna get some good humpin' come Thursday," Shawn said.

"I can't wait." Shane replied and let him go with a slapped on his ass.

"Well, just jerk off tonight," Shawn was determined to hold back.

"I sure will."

After a little more chit-chat by the driver side, Shane said goodbye for the night.

By Wednesday Shane was again hanging out at his friends' apartment before going home. Some of the players where there including Matt. He was feeling out of place, so he was sitting by the dining the whole while. They were discussing about the new roster. Some of them were complaining and asking Reed and Matt to put good words for them. Apparently, Reed and Matt had some level of influence with regards to the team. Coach Fox listened to their opinion. Shawn was not bothered by the whole thing. He was busy pestering Shane with pokes and elbows every time he got closed to the poor guy who was just taking the whole thing without complain. Reed might had sensed something between the two and told Shawn to cut it out. The other players might not be as accommodating if they figured out what was going on. Reed was a true friend. He was resolved to protecting Shawn who was more comfortable with his inclination, but there were fronts to be put up for one reason or another. Reed recognized that fact. Shawn was a little carefree for his own good.

The warm humid Summer wind blew over the parched football stadium while the crew of five or six people were busy rebuilding the ground. The thinning portions were mostly dealt with on one end of field while the team were still busy using the other half. It was the last practice for the Summer before the finals started. Among the sparsely occupied bleachers, Shane sat watching the team go through their plays. His eyes followed the Shawn on the field giggling at every moment Shawn grunted and talked down the opposition. Then the late sun of the day finally dwindled and one by one the team went into the locker room. Shane was waiting by the apartment. It didn't take long when Shawn's car showed up with Reed and Shawn already freshly showered.

Reed opened the passenger side to let Shane in. "Did you break any body part?" Shane asked Reed when he sat down.

"I'm still in one piece," Reed replied as he crawled to the backseat. Reed had been permanently demoted. Shane now occupied the passenger side of Shawn's car.

"So that's the last practice this semester?"

"Yeah, the real thing is coming up soon."

"Well, only if guys pass your finals."

"Shush, screw that," Shawn butted in.

"Yeah, Einstein," Reed said.

"All of my finals are multiple choice. And I'm repeating one class. How hard can they be?" Shawn replied.

The three made their way to Bubba's Grill. The place was unusually crowded for some reason must be the locals deciding to eat out at the same time. They heard Matt calling them from one of the corner tables. He had already reserved a table for them.

"What's up, Shane? Matt greeted him.

"Not much, just some food before driving home."

"Well, you came to the right place, cheap and tasty."

The new arrivals took their seat and the waitress was asking for their drinks which was universally responded to by asking for the usual sweet tea. The waitress said something about having a special for the night. No wonder the place was crowded, it's two for one deal on steak that night. It's the place anniversary deal.

Matt was particularly inquisitive, in jest, he asked Shane, "So I've heard that you don't sleep on the couch anymore." It was no big deal. He was one of Shawn's close friends who knew.

"What can I say, bed is more comfy," Shane replied.

"And they are loud," Reed butted in. "They wake me up in the middle of the night," he added.

Shawn's middle finger was immediately right up in Reed's face after saying it. Reed bit his finger which caused a raucous among them. They stopped when some of the occupants of the restaurant looked at their way.

"Fuck! That hurt," Shawn complained while shaking his finger. "I'm so gonna kill you," he continued punching Reed on his shoulder.

The muffled laughter at every mundane things they did and said filled their corner. That's how Shane remembered that one Summer of his life. Matt and his mild demeanor of someone who lived next door. Reed's stern appearance that disappeared every time he smiles. And Shawn whose very outgoing outlook in life rubbed into him. Shane looked at him who was brushing his now grown beard. There was something about him that he couldn't put his finger on. Well, Carson was a big boy too in some way. Shorter but wide. Then he looked at Shawn again, and laughed at himself when he finally figured out what made Shawn attractive to him. He like big beefy guy.

"Screw it, I think I like this guy," he said to himself. That Summer he let go. He didn't care much what other people would say. The service even if it was becoming more and more welcoming with people like him still frown upon such relationship. Shawn had his own problem being a member of the testosterone filled varsity team. They managed to avoid any suspicious look from others. Reed was amenable about the whole thing, and his constant presence when they went out shielded Shawn and Shane from prying eyes in the campus.

The air was filled with the scent of the late Summer bloom. He took a sniffed of the warm breezy air with his Army duffle bag in tow in front of Shawn's house. He accepted Shawn's invitation to spend part of the break with him and hang out with him and Reed in the city to get away from the campus and the sleepy town even for a few days. Shawn was still busy rummaging trough the trunk of his car to get most of his stuff that he just threw in there. With much of his things in his arms, Shawn invited Shane to the house, a big house for just two people.

"Wow, you could probably spend the whole day without bumping into each other," Shawn commented as he entered the foyer. A big staircase greeted them that leads to the family area and the bedrooms. In the ground level was a seldom used living room, an equally big formal dining room, and an elegant kitchen to match.

Shawn made his way to kitchen to look for something to eat. On the fridge was a note left by his mom, "Sweety, I'll be late tonight. I'm still at the conference. Make yourselves comfortable." Shawn read it and just shrugged his shoulder.

"C'mon, I'll show you your room." Shawn said leading Shane down to the big open basement.

"Damn! My house can fit in your basement," Shane commented. This was the second time he's been to a big house, and it still amazed him to see such display.

The basement served as the entertainment area with a TV and reclining couches in the middle and the fully furnished bar area at the one end where the stairs ended. Right past the viewing area was the guest bedroom and what looked like an office with glass walls. From the window, you could see the outside kitchen and the covered patio. Since Shawn was now in college, his mom had transformed the area to be more suited for adult than a hang out place for teenagers.

"This is the bathroom," Shawn said showing the hidden door that blended with the wall.

"Cool, what's this?" Shane asked when he recognized a similar looking feature.

"Just the wine storage," Shawn said not showing any interest in the content.

Shane dropped his bag on the bed and once again was amazed by the view of the flower garden from his temporary room. Shawn seemed like was living the high life. Shawn went upstairs to finish lugging his stuff to his room. The two were drinking by the patio when the doorbell rung.

"Must be Reed," Shawn said. "He's a little early."

"What up, Shane?" Reed greeted him.

"Do you also have a big house?" Shane asked wondering if Reed was also rich.

"No, we live in a condo downtown." It might not sound like much, but Reed's family wasn't doing too bad either. His family owned the biggest jewelry store in the city. But like a true blue city folks, they didn't like dealing with yard work.

"You're early." Shawn said.

"Why? Did I interrupt something?" Reed joked.

"Nah, just chilling out," Shane responded.

"You're mom dropped this at the store. She said that she had nothing prepared for tonight. The three of us could just eat out tonight," Reed said giving Shawn an enveloped with a gift card to a swanky restaurant in it.

"Shane, did you bring dress clothes with you? I guess we are dining in luxury tonight."

"No, is that a problem?" Shane was a little concern.

"You could wear a sport coat."

"You could wear one of mine," Shawn suggested.

"LOL, that would be like wearing a trench coat," Shane joked.

"Shawn might still have one from high school. He wasn't as hulk-ish then," Reed said then laugh.

Shawn's middle finger was up in the air.

"What are you saying? You are big yourself, Reed." Shane said.

"Hey now, are you two ganging up on me? I see how it is." Reed countered.

A little after seven, the three where dressed to kill with Reed and Shawn wearing long sleeves while Shane was wearing a shirt with collar and a sports jacket that had to be dusted out from Shawn's closet. When they were are asked if they wanted a table or to dine in by the bar, they chose the bar. The place had been trying to attract young professionals working in the city and changed the place to be more casual and less formal. Even if the place was mostly populated by young diners with a few old timers dotting the restaurant, they were not really too interested about staying longer than eating their meal. They liked loud and rowdier bars to spend their night.

"What the fuck are we eating, gold?" Shane blurted out when he saw the price on the menu.

"You should have seen the menu from last year. It's a robbery," Shawn replied.

The bartender offered them a selection of imported beers while waiting for their food. Shane was a little hesitant asking for the next one because of the pricey tag, but Shawn assured him that everything was covered. When the food was finally served, the three was on the mission to finish as fast as they could. Shawn handed the cashier the gift card, and even Shawn was surprised how much was left. His mom prepared for a full course meal for each of them. However, she didn't account for the fact that her son and his friends were still too young to appreciate the joy of a full dining experience. Outside, the sleeves were promptly rolled up and a taxi to the true gathering place of younger city dwellers was the best option for a night of drinking. It was one busy night. The fairly nice weather drew in a lot of party goers. It wasn't long when Reed and Shawn bumped into people they knew. The group grew even larger as the night went on until they were ruling one of the sports bars littered along the strip. Shawn was reveling on the experience being at the right age. He's been there before, but all he could do was to roam around or hang out outside. If not for the bands playing outside, they would have drunk themselves silly, instead, they settled on watching one of the bands until the end of their last set. The once busy strip was starting to thin out which was also the sign that their night was over. Reed and Shawn were still tired from the four hour drive from the campus that afternoon. A short detour to Reed's place, the taxi drove Shawn and Shane back to the big house. Maybe out of decency being in his parent's house, Shawn went down to the basement only to make sure Shane would be fine for the night.

Shane had a little bit of trouble falling asleep in the unfamiliar bed. He drifted in and out of sleep. Then his tired eyes finally gave in. In the middle of the night, a very sensual dream started to play in his mind. Shawn walking in his room hurriedly undressing then jumped on the bed and just took off the boxers he was wearing. Then said, "This is mine" grabbing his cock. Then went down to suck on it. Shane was moaning in his dream with his hands up by his head letting Shawn had his way with his cock. But his dream was interrupted after a sudden involuntary movement of his hand woke him up. He was a little disappointed, but was surprised that the sensation of Shawn's warm lips remained. He opened his eyes fully and slowly got used to the little light in the darkened room. He smiled when he saw the covers moving. Shawn managed to climb under the sheet without waking him. A tall order for anyone to do, but he could blame it on his very lucid dream this time. He wondered how long before Shawn would realize that he was already awake. For the meantime, he was enjoying the whole thing. He was trying hard not to give any hint, but when Shawn took him all in, his almost predictable respond did him in. "Aahh, thanks. That felt good."

With his pretense unraveled, Shawn who was already naked crawled up the covers and gave Shane a kiss. Hanging on Shawn's finger was the underwear that he was able to remove carefully .

"What are you doing here?" Shane asked while Shawn was busy kissing and licking his neck.

Shawn did not respond but just took off Shane shirt and continued running his hands all over the sleepy guy.

"We'll be in trouble if your mom finds out."

"Don't worry. I'll go back to my room after. Did you pack?"

"Yeah, my bag side pocket."

Shawn searched through Shane's duffle bag to find the needed aid for the night. Shawn did not waste any time to go for what he came down for. Still under the bed covers and intently looking at Shane, his fingers were busy spreading lube around Shane's hole then Shawn grabbed the sheet to fully cover them.

"Put me in you," he whispered on Shane's ear which the other man willfully followed. Shane raised his legs and guided the the sex crazed man's hard cock to his hole. Sex under the covers was something new to him. It was always been everything out in the open. The experience of enjoying gentle touches and skin rubbing on each other gave him extra excitement when Shawn pushed in slowly.

Shane sighed, "Oh yeah" that was immediately replaced by intermittent "Aahs" every time Shawn thrust into him. The extra jolt of Shawn's libido proved to be undeniable. The big man was panting his way to his release.

"Go for it," Shane said.

Shawn obliged and, in no time, was pumping his seed inside Shane. Shawn put his weight on the very accommodating man under him. A smack on Shane's neck then the chest before rolling on his side.

"You good now?" Shane asked the still heavy breathing Shawn.

Shawn once again did not answer but instead rolled Shane on his side and wrapped his arm around him. Shane thought that was it for the night until Shawn moved his hand to his cock and started stroking him. The grinding of Shawn's hips on his ass revealed a still hard dick begging to be let in once again.

"What have gotten into you?"

"Nothing," Shawn sheepishly replied as he pecked on Shane's neck.

"Not even a break," the receiver of the sensual attention said who was willing to give what the other man wanted. Shane raised his leg a little telling Shawn that he was all his.

"I promise to get you off this time," Shawn offered.

The horned up stud eased his huge cock into Shane once again. "Fuck," Shane grunted when the big dick penetrated his still tender moist hole. Shawn slowly went deeper, burying his meat deep. Shane gave off a series of abrupt grunts as he felt every inch of Shawn went inside him. It didn't take long for it to once again to feel really good when Shawn started moving his hips settling to nice steady pace. Shawn began jerking Shane's hard cock making sure that Shane enjoyed it while he knocked on his back door, going faster with each passing moment. Shane hold onto Shawn's hand. Another stroke and it would been over for him. With one hand on Shane's waist and another planted on his back, Shawn let it go. The slapping sound of Shawn's hips hitting his ass filled the room. Then Shawn grunted a long "Aah" followed by a series of short thrusts.

"Damn, that was even better than the first one," Shawn said.

"I could tell," Shane replied.

"Your turn," Shawn said then scooted down between Shane's legs.

Shawn went down on him. "Oh shit," Shane muttered.

Shawn pulled the sheet over him. They were back to same position when they started. Shane could only feel Shawn's warm lips doing wonders on him. Then the urge to release slowly crept in.

"I'm gonna cum," Shane warned Shawn whose mouth was furiously going up and down his shaft.

"I'm gonna cum," he warned again. Shane warning was left unheeded as Shawn worked his cock even harder until he shot his load inside his waiting mouth. Then Shawn went all the way down and waited for him to finish before coming up. It was the first time Shawn did it. Although he's quite excited by the act, he still hesitated because Shawn was someone more special to him. It might be one of his sexual fantasies, but he felt that he might be degrading Shawn if he made him do it.

Shawn crawled back up the covers and said, "Thanks for putting up with me." Then slumped on the bed exhausted. He might have forgotten that he was supposed to go back to his bedroom but instead he rolled on his side put his arm and his leg on Shane then quickly dozed off.

The next morning they were woken up by a knock on their door. "Boys, get dress. Breakfast is ready." They heard Shawn's mom calling from outside the bedroom. Shane was shocked and didn't know what to do, but Shawn, on the other hand, got out of the bed and put on his clothes as if nothing unusual happened. Shane uneasiness was alleviated when he saw how casual Shawn was acting.

"Did your mom just say 'get dress'?" Shane asked Shawn.

"Yeah, she did," Shawn responded still acting so casual.

Shane was in bed not moving still not knowing what to do. "What are you waiting for? Breakfast is gonna get cold," Shawn urged him.

Shane followed Shawn to the kitchen. On the breakfast bar were freshly cooked sausages, eggs, hush browns and orange juice. Shawn's mom was sitting on one end reading the morning paper as she sipped on her coffee. The two sat down.

"Thanks for the breakfast, mom," Shawn told his mother.

"You better be. I'm so tired from yesterday, so you better finish everything. And be kind to put the dishes inside the washer," his mom said in a somewhat stern manner. Shawn's mother was a busy businesswoman, but she never missed the opportunity to cook for her only son. It might not look like it, but he was the world to her. They weren't always rich. When her mother came to the conclusion that there was no future staying with his deadbeat father, her suppressed feminist instinct that was cultivated during her days in college was awaken. With only fifty dollars in her pocket, she packed for the city with still suckling Shawn in her arms. After waiting table for many years, she finally landed a permanent job for some real estate agency for convenience. She wasn't too shy about her affair with her married boss. It came with some perks. She was able to get a place for herself and her son after living on the kindness of a friend. She wasn't too keen about the financial benefits of her elicit relationship. She wanted to learn the ins and outs of high scale real estate, and, you bet, she did. Not long after, she had collected several names of people who could help her from high rise condominium deals to paper pushers at the city hall. With all her good cards in hand, she ventured out on her own and the affair was quickly forgotten. Now she owned one of the most successful real estate agencies in the city competing with her former boss who now despised her to no end.

"Yes, mom" Shawn replied.

Shane was just looking around following the conversation between the mother and son. He was intrigued by the fact that Shawn's mom was not even making a passing comment about the situation she found them that morning.

Pulling down the newspaper to revealed her face with her reading glass on her tiny nose and hair rolled up in a bun held together by what looked like chopsticks she said, "So Shawn told me, you're in the Army."

"Yes ma'am," Shane replied.

The sternness was followed by a very candid remark, "Aren't they talking about sending you overseas?"

"I heard some talk about it," Shane replied nodding.

Her frankness continued, "Those damn photo-op seekers just can't wait to send you to die, do they?"

"Mom!" Shawn butted.

"Well it's true," she said glaring at Shawn.

"Still," Shawn insisted in protest.

The morning was spent mostly watching a movie down in the basement. The lazy afternoon that followed made for a nice time to lounge outside the backyard covered patio grilling.

Looking at the wide open backyard Shane asked Shawn, "How come you guys don't have a pool?" as if it was expected for house like his.

"Mom thinks it's a waste of valuable water. She's planning on expanding her garden," Shawn replied.

"Is she some kind of environmentalist?"

"Well, I never thought of her that way. But now that you mentioned it, she used to be a hippie. Her friends from school teased her as hippie traitor for following the money," Shawn joked.

"LOL, hippie."

"If you look in her office, you could see some of the evidence on the wall."

"Is that the reason why she wasn't even surprised that you were in my room last night?" Shane asked.

"I told you, she knew about me. In fact, she's the one who pointed it out to me when I was still in high school."

"Really? How did it come about?"

"Have I told you that Reed was my first experience with a guy?"

"Not yet, but I kinda figured."

"Reed was already the star player in our high school when I started school there. Reed befriended me after I tried out for the team. It looked like I mentioned his name a lot in front of mom. I was just being excited about the fact that I was hanging with him."


"One night, I told mom that we were going to hang out downtown. Then she said out of nowhere 'if I'm not mistaken you seemed to like hanging out a lot with Reed.' I was like 'what do you mean?' Then she said, 'I think you like him.'"

"Is your mom always been that straight forward?"

"Very. Annoys the hell out of me sometimes."


"Then when I mentioned you are staying in the basement instead of the guestroom upstairs . . ."

"What about the basement?"

"Let's just say that's where most of the magic happened."

"Why do I suddenly feel cheap?" Shane said referring to the implication of Shawn's remark.

"I have not told her about us directly, but I figured she'll get it if you were to stay downstairs."

"So a lot of things really happened in that bedroom?"

"I lost my virginity twice in that room?"


"You know to a girl and then . . . to Reed," Shawn said grinning.

"What did your mom say about it?"

"Well, she said I'll just find some other place to do it anyway. 'Shawn you better put a sack on it if you're gonna do it.'"

"So you and Reed went out?"

"Not really, more like buddies with benefits."

"Did you tackle Reed to submission?"

"One time," Shawn joked. "We just had a lot of side by side jerk offs while we watched porn. It was only when Reed was senior when we did more. We were stuck together alone in the same hotel room during one of our away games. The hotel bed was asking to be stained."

"So you guessed that since he was leaving soon that you two might as well experiment more?"

"Yeah, we had the clumsiest oral sex ever."


"After that, there was no reason not to just go further. We did it here one night."

"Did your mom know then that you guys were doing it?" Shane asked.

Then from behind them they heard, "His mom told us, 'that bastard came out of my loin. I will not be last one to know.'" Reed showed up for the outside cookout.

"What the hell? When did you get here?" Shawn said surprised at the sudden arrival of Reed.

"Just right now." Reed replied. "I think your mom planned out the whole weekend," he added.

"Where are we going this time?" Shawn asked.

"She said she's taking us to the rodeo tonight."

Shawn looked at Shane. "I hope you brought your dancing shoes."

"I thought you said rodeo?" Shane who appeared perplex asked Reed.

"Every time his mom takes us out, she expects us to take her dancing," Reed replied.

"By the way, don't bet any money when she ask during the rodeo. She knows how to score a ride," Shawn told Shane.

The three were still laughing when Shawn's mom joined them.

"Is that done already?" she asked Shawn.

"Done right about now," Shawn replied.

"Good thing you guys are here. My friends don't appreciate watching strong men riding a bull," she said as she sat down on one of the chairs. Her often stately demeanor changed when Shawn was around. She cherished the moment she had with Shawn. Just few more years of college, Shawn would be moving out of the house maybe to another city or even worse another state.

"Eeww!, mom."

"Hush, why is it that you young ones find older people having sex offensive?"

"La la la la la . . ." Shawn was making a noise pretending he didn't hear his mother's remarks.

Shawn dutifully prepared a plate for her, and the rest prepared their own. Reed left afterwards to get himself ready for the night. With Shawn's mom in command of the wheel, they picked up Reed from downtown then proceeded to rodeo. Shane that night found out where Shawn's happy-go-luck attitude came from as his mother whistled and hooted at every rider. Then at the club, she was able to convince Reed to pretend like he were her young lover which Reed gladly played around people who cared to look. It was a blast with drinks flowing courtesy of Shawn's mother.

The night wound down and they're back in the house sometime around two in the morning. Shane proceeded to go downstairs to get some needed rest. Shawn followed him. For the rest of Shane's stay, he and Shawn slept in the same bed. But the good times had to end. Shawn let him drive the car back to the campus. He would be hitching a ride in Reed's car come Fall semester.

Next: Chapter 22: Allotted Time 9

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