Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Feb 21, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Temp by Max Millan

"Hey there Shane, are you joining our group tonight?"

That was Joe asking him if he was willing to be seen with the best – a questionable description – cheering squad in crowd. It's the championship game and the stadium had never been louder, and the team was amazing having a perfect season. Shane joined Matt's personal cheering squad close behind the home team. Shane looked around and noticed that Matt was wearing a harness. The big guy had a bad fall about three weeks ago and busted his shoulder real bad.

"Looks like Matt is out of commission," he commented.

"His shoulder socket suffered a hairline fracturer."

"Ouch! How long before he can play again?"

"We don't know. The doctor gave him a month."

"That bad, huh."

"Yeah, so we're going to cheer for Shawn and Reed tonight," Joe replied waving at Shawn who was sitting by Matt. Shawn waved back when he saw everyone was in their usual place. He made a quick run to the group giving everyone a high five. From the background, they could hear Matt shouting, "Don't encourage them. You will regret it."

Shane found himself cheering "Go! Shawn go!" or "Go!, Reed go!" together with the group when their face were shown on the jumbotron. Reed was clearly embarrassed by the extra attention he was getting, but Shawn was reveling on it. Matt was signaling to cut it out, but the group's main preoccupation when watching the game could not be denied.

Shane watched his friends made the best plays of the night. By the end of the game, the team won in a blow out. Their group were the first to run into the field after the final second of the game while the stadium erupted in cheer. Shane found Shawn and Reed and congratulated them. Shawn gave him a bear hug then Joe then anyone he could find. Matt was holding the trophy as if his shoulder just suddenly healed. Then Coach Fox made an announcement calling all the players for press pictorials and group photo.

"We're going to Mike's apartment for the celebration party," Joe asked Shane.

"Cool, I'll be there. I think Reed and Shawn are going after they're done here," he said.

"Yeah, Matt told me. He is hitching a ride with them."

By midnight, the stadium lights were still on and the announcers was still busy discussing the game. Shane received a text from Reed that they might not be coming. The celebration was going longer than expected. Reed told him that he could crash in their apartment later if he wanted to. Mike had setup an impromptu concert in their living room with with two of band mates.

"I don't think their coming," he told Joe.

"Yeah, Matt just sent me message too."

"Too bad. They're missing this party."

"LOL, they might have their own special party that they are not telling us." Joe joked.

"How special?"

"The hard and messy kind."


"They might have a stripper."


"Or just their regular hook-up giving them celebratory hand jobs and some."

"Those guys get it on like crazy, don't they?"

"Tell me something I don't know. My roommate has a busted shoulder, but that doesn't stop him."

"Well as long as the main equipment is working. He-he"

"So how come we don't see you much during the day?"

"Day job."

"Oh I almost forgot. How's the recruiting going by the way?"

"It's going slow now. How about you? How's the ROTC going?"

"Good, nothing really hectic. Mostly marching and lectures."

"Wait 'til you get a feel of basic training."

"I know, next summer, I'll be doing my on work training with the Navy then with the Marines. I hope they don't kill me."

"You'll do fine."


Shane spent the night with Joe and his friends listening to Mike strumming his guitar while another sung along with it, and when Mike wrapped up his show, the place also emptied out. It was a little past two o'clock when Shane made it to Reed and Shane's apartment. There were few people hanging out in the apartment still talking about the game.

"What? Did you throw you own party and not invite me?" Shane asked Shawn sitting on the couch.

"Nah, we just got back about thirty minutes ago," Shawn replied.

"Want some beer?" Reed offered coming back from the kitchen.

"How are the champions?"

"The greatest ever," Shawn bragged.

"LOL, you sounded like you won the Super Bowl."

"Not as glitzy but just as satisfying."

It was about three when people left their place. That was the normal end of the week for many students who were busy cramming their dwindling young adult life before making their way to the real world. Shawn and Reed were no different, so Shane indulged them in some way.

"Don't you guys have a special party?" Shane asked.

"What do you mean?" Shawn asked.

"Someone told me, you guys have the craziest sex party in the campus."

"Where is that? I sure wanna be there?" Reed replied.

"Damn, you just don't know how bad it is after game. My whole body aches. I can't even feel my balls," Shawn joked.

"You know, the school should reimburse us for the bottles of Aspirin we go through," Reed said lifting his shirt. His side was bothering him.

"Jeez, Reed you better get that check. It's getting worse," Shawn commented when he saw the bruise on his friend's side.

"That looks bad," Shane added.

"Nah, it just a surface bruising. It will be gone within a week. I'm so glad football season is over."

"Hey Shawn, I think Reed needs a massage," Shane joked.

"Why are you volunteering me?" Shawn pretended to complain.

"You should try a Thai massage sometime."

"Is that something you guys in the service get from overseas?" Reed inquired.

"You can find one in Vegas if you know were to look."

"What do they do?"

"Give you a deep tissue massage and the best hand job after. He-he."

Reed started to feel lousy. The bruise on his side might be worse than the way he described it. "Well gentlemen, I'm turning in," Reed said. "Don't get too crazy. I want my sleep," he added. The normally strong looking big man lumbered himself upstairs. Shawn who seemed to never run out of energy was still bantering with Shane.

"How was the party at Mike's?" Shawn asked as he spread his arms over the couch opening himself up.

"OK, lot's of people. They were asking about you."

"Too busy. That's the first time I've seen a bunch of press people. They were interviewing us for hours."

"Your ugly mug will be plastered on every newspaper tomorrow."

"That's why I shaved and had a haircut," Shawn said brushing his short trimmed full beard and spiky messy hair.

"Aren't you overconfident?" Shane asked as he fiddled with can of already warm beer between his legs.

"Na-ah, we're just good."

"I hope you didn't say something stupid to the press."

"I might have, but who cares," Shawn laughed at his own self-deprecating humor. "So you crashing on our couch tonight?"

"I guess so."

"Better watch out for Reed."

"What's wrong with Reed?"

"Nothing wrong with him, but he wants to get it on with a soldier."

But Shane wasn't born yesterday, he knew what was going on. "Tell him, I'm game. Too bad he's too tired tonight," he replied to his friend's passing joke who was now constantly swinging his legs making his bulge noticeable when his legs were far apart.

"Well, if I wasn't too tired myself. I would be glad to fill in," Shawn replied smiling at Shane.

"Why? You wanna compare dicks again?"

"Maybe. . . . I will require closer inspection though," Shawn hinted.

"If you ask nicely," Shane agreed.

"Pretty please . . ."

Even though Shane was without any hangs up with about what was going to happen, he was normally the one being serviced. Shawn was probably the same way. He was gauging how things would unroll. It didn't take long when Shawn was closing the door of his room. Inside was Shane sitting by the foot of the king-sized bed taking off his shoes.

"I thought you keep your doors open," Shane joked.

"His door is closed."

Shawn, who was wearing a shirt and what looked like his workout shorts, sat on one side of the bed. Shane climbed to the other side. Without saying anything, the two started feeling each other. The soft fabric Shawn was wearing allowed his cock to attain a decent size as he groped on his friend thickening dick. Shawn, on the other hand, was having trouble playing with Shane's still hidden under his jeans. He tugged on the waist of Shane's jeans signaling him to take it off. Shane slipped out of his jeans down to his boxers. Shawn wasted no time sliding his hand inside his friend's underwear and slowly stroked him. Shane pulled down the waistband of his friend's shorts and let the big man's cock out.

"You're really thick," Shane told his buddy.

"More to hold on to," Shawn said. "You ain't bad yourself," he added while he pulled out the other man's cock into full view.

Shane couldn't keep his eyes away from his friend's smooth uncut manhood intently examining it's bigness.

"Why you look so concern," Shawn joked.

"It's huge. It's been awhile." Shane recalled that the last time he did it was before taking his new post about over a year ago. He and his best friend Jack did a little bit of a send-away tryst in a motel outside their base before driving him to the train station early in the morning.

"How long ago?"

"About a year."

"Wow, you're able to hold out that long. Now I feel bad. I'm just so tired and horny." Shawn felt bad that he might not be able to return the favor.

"Don't sweat it. I'm kinda in the mood to help out a buddy anyway," Shane said and leaned over to Shawn waiting cock giving it a lick.

"You know, I wouldn't have minded helping you out too. . . . Or even Reed in a good day."

"And call me a fanboy."

"I wouldn't do that."

"Hush! I'm still trying to figure out what to do with this big problem in my hand." Shane moved between Shawn's legs. Shane rubbed Shawn's naturally big and muscular thighs feeling the darker shade of blonde hair covering his legs. He scooted closer so their dicks were touching then he rubbed them together. With his two hands, he grabbed both of their cocks and stroke them at the same time. Their precum mixed adding some lubrication between them.

That night, Shane was looking at his massive friend who was smiling wide stretching his thin lips framed by his strong square jaw which made his mesmerizing hazel eyes smaller. He had never given anyone's look some thought before, but he was somehow drawn to Shawn's face. The enchantment was cut short when he heard a short giggle from Shawn. He continued stroking both of their cocks and sometimes slid his cock over his friend's. While he may have seen him before, he was still very excited about wrapping his hand around it.

He moved down the bed and laid on his stomach. Shawn straighten his legs and parted them. Shane found his way between Shawn's legs resting his arms on to big man's thighs with one hand still wrapped around his thick manhood. Shane moved his mouth closer to Shawn's waiting cock and looked up smiling.

"You think you can handle that?" Shawn joked.

"Yeah, I can handle this." Shane responded and started jerking him off.

More precum oozed out of Shawn's cock. His extra skin spread it all over the head of his cock. The glistening head was too tempting to pass up. Down Shane went. Shawn sighed, "Oh yeah" when he felt the warm lips around the head of his cock. Shawn started rubbing Shane's shoulder encouraging him to go farther. Shane took more and more as he went down then switched to stroking when he jaw got tired. His experience giving Carson a head would have given him some practice but that was a long time ago too.

Shawn chuckled when he saw his buddy adjusting his jaw.

"That's a big fuckin' cock," Shane said slapping Shawn's erect manhood.

Seeing his buddy's difficulty handling his cock made him more playful. "You like?" Shawn teased.

From there, with the aid of his hand, Shane went to town of his friend's cock. Shawn was heaving and tried to muffled his grunts. After several minutes of bobbing his head up and down, he heard Shawn blurted out, "Oh fuck!" Shane increased the pace of his assault knowing that Shawn was getting close to his impending release.

"Buddy, I'm gonna cum," Shawn warned his friend.

In no time, Shawn shot his load on his stomach. Shane continued stroking him and squeezing every bit of man juice out of his spent cock. When Shawn calmed down, Shane straddled friend's lap. Shawn started rubbing his thighs. With one hand resting on Shawn's chest, Shane worked on his own release. He kept pumping until he shot his load all over the big man's chest staining his shirt.

When Shane opened his eyes after coming down from his orgasm he saw the mess he made on Shawn's shirt. "Ooopps, sorry about that."

Shawn just smiled and said, "Thanks bud."

"How was it?" Shane replied.


Shane stepped out of the bed and, one by one, he put on his clothes that were littering the floor. Shawn went to the bathroom to clean up. When he got out of the bathroom, Shane was making his way to the door.

"Bed is more comfy than the couch," Shawn offered.

"Well, if you insist," Shane accepted the offer.

Shawn who was still half-naked slipped inside the cover. Shane stripped down to his underwear to be more comfortable and laid on the other side of the bed. Shawn bed could easily fit three grown men. Even though they just had their first encounter, they gave each other some room by leaving extra space between them.

Before dowsing off Shawn said, "You can collect on the favor anytime you want."

"Can you go for hours?" Shane joked.

"I can do that?" Shawn replied without hesitation.


Shawn grabbed a pillow and turned over on his stomach and went to sleep. It didn't take long when Shawn was fast asleep. The latter part the night grew still, and the hard breathing from Shawn sleeping right next to him slowly percolated the small apartment room made even smaller by the king-size bed in the middle. Shane stayed awake longer looking at the ceiling. He was wondering why he didn't mind what he did, going down on someone without getting any in return. The thing was back in the old base, when he did it with any of his buddies, there was no question that he would be taken cared off regardless of how things unfolded. But somehow he wasn't oppose to pleasing the sleeping man beside him if he ever wanted it again.

Morning came and Shane woke up with Shawn's heavy leg across his legs. His grumbling stomach woke him up. The cover had been rumpled between them from Shawn's restless sleep last night and was now sleeping almost across the bed. He's really a big kid. He slowly got out of the bed trying to avoid waking up his friend who was laying splayed on the bed with his half-naked body in full display. He went down and looked what inside the college kids' fridge hoping for anything edible. Eggs and bacon should do. He proceeded to make breakfast for the three of them. About ten minutes later, Shawn came down the stairs for his morning cereal.

"Hmm, smells like bacon," he said when he saw Shane setting down some fried eggs and bacon on the kitchen table.

"Hungry?" Shane asked. "Dinnngg!" The toaster sounded from the background.

"Yeah," Shawn replied scooping a fried egg with a toast. "Wow, I think, I'd already forgotten how breakfast tasted like. You should hang out here more often," Shawn said casually.

"Don't get too demanding though."

Shawn was slow to grasp what he just implied. "Huh!"

"Nevermind. By the way, don't you get free breakfast at the cafeteria?"

"Reed is lazy. He doesn't wanna get up early, so we miss it most of the time. So are you working today?"

"No, I have the weekend off. Got any plans for today?"

"Yeah, sleep the whole day. My body is aching so bad now. I'm so glad football season is over."

"No more training for the rest of the semester?"

"Yeah, we regroup during the Spring for maintenance."

"LOL, you made it sound like you guys are machine."

"It felt like it most of the time, anyway."

The two heard some stirring from upstairs then they saw Reed slowly climbing down the stairs holding his side.

"Good morning, Reed," Shawn greeted his friend.

"Damn, I feel like somebody just ran me over," he told his friends.

"How bad?"

Reed took off his shirt and revealed his bruise once again.

"Shit, that looks worse than last night," Shane commented.

"How does it feel?" Shawn added.

Reed lethargically said, "Bad," and took the empty right next to Shawn.

"Oh, you will feel better later," Shawn said while wrapping his arm around buddy's shoulder. "Reed, you are burning up."

The morning just became hectic. Shawn called Coach Fox to ask for help. Coach Fox told him to wait for his call while he setup an appointment with the hospital. The medical facility had been the school unofficial caregiver. Shane gave the sick Reed some water and his breakfast. Reed nibbled on hist toast topped with fried egg. After about half an hour, Shawn's phone rung and Coach Fox told him to take Reed to the hospital immediately. The two drove him to the hospital. The staff were ready for them when came in. Some of them have known them personally for the many trips they made to the hospital from small scratch, sprained ankle and bummed out shoulder, knees and what not. Knowing that Reed was in good hand, Shawn and Shane went back to the apartment. It was a quite an eventful weekend but Shane wanted to drive home to get some more needed rest. Shawn surprised Shane when he gave the Army boy a goodbye bear hug from behind.

"Drive safe," Shawn said.

"I will. Call me if you guys need something."

Shane slumped on his bed face down and fell asleep. It was already dark when he woke up. A warm shower was a welcome relief to soothe his still tired body. The water quickly flowed from his short faded hair down to his body. A small drop shampoo in his palm would be enough. He lathered his hair. He braced himself on the shower stall with his muscular arms and just let the water rinse the hair product from his hair. Foamy mixture of shampoo and water started dripping down his face tracing his strong angular jaw line then met at his slightly pointed chin. His closely shaven facial hair gave his face a fresh appearance. He stayed their soaking in the relaxing feeling of the warm water looking at his well developed chest and flat stomach that wasn't overly worked out until the shampoo suds were replaced by clear water. He grabbed the soap. When the soap suds started foaming he slowly spread them all over his body. Recalling what had happened last night, he could not stop thinking why he was looking forward for Shawn to touch his body and explore every bit of him. His growing manhood was being teased by his hands that were busy reaching all his crevices. Somehow he wanted them to come out clean more than usual. But tonight, he was to meet up with his buddies from the new base for a game of pool and drinking at the bar outside the base. There were about five or six of them who showed up. It's Sunday, and everyone were just there for a little drinking. Shane, who normally liked the company of the other servicemen, found himself bored and just pretended that he was enjoying the night too, but he knew that he was more looking forward to seeing his college buddies. He now looked forward to going to work during the weekdays where he spent most of his time by the campus.

Shane never heard from his two friends, so Reed might be doing just fine. It was the middle of the week when Shawn once again decided to visit the recruitment office. He was wearing jeans that hugged his lower body that didn't leave much anything for the imagination about his ample size if someone bother to check him out and a nerdy t-shirt with a superhero logo being stretched by his big chest, and a pair of sneakers. It must his preferred school attire.

"Did you sign up any loser today?" Shawn said when he walked in.

Shane flipped him off. "What are you doing here?" he asked sitting on the leather chair behind an executive looking desk full of papers.

"Nothing. Just visiting," the big guy said then sat on one of the chairs in front of the desk where applicants normally sit setting his book bag by his feet.

"I already told you. You can't hang out here."

"Jeez, it's already closing time."

"I guess you can stay if you promise to behave. How's Reed?"

"He is fine. They ran some tests and everything seemed OK. The doctor said that his body was just in a lot of physical stress. It's just a bad fever. He's back on his feet."


"Any luck today?"

"Two local boys asked for an application form but that was it."

"What do you do here most of the time?"

"Study and scratch my balls," Shane joked.

"Is it still itchy? I'll scratch it for you."

"Some other time. You can scratch it all you want."

"Bummer," Shawn sighed.

"Did you just got back from your class?"

"Yeah, the professor let us out early. He has an appointment or something."

"Don't you have training tonight?"

"Yesterday was the last day."

"Done then?"

"Yeah, I'm bored to death. Nothing to do 'til Summer training camp."

"Shouldn't you be studying?"

"Screw that."

"So you decided to pester me instead?"

"Oh c'mon, I'm just giving you company."

Shane looked at the clock hanging on the wall. He tidied up his desk a little then went out to bring in the chalkboard from outside. "Well, I'm closing shop." He flipped the closed sign and pulled down the blinds.

"Damn, you fill that uniform good," he heard Shawn from behind. He turned around and saw him grinning.

"I know," he replied and looked at his digi-camoflage uniform.

"Aren't you being over confident?"

Shane sat back on his chair and stretched his legs. "That felt nice," he muttered. "Wait a sec. I'll just change to my civilian clothes." He took off his boots and put it in his gym bag.

"What's that smell?" Shawn joked when he saw Shane pulled out his socks.

Shane gave one of his socks a sniff. "It ain't. What are you talking about?"

"Damn, you really look good in your uniform."

"If I'm not mistaken, you are hitting on me."

"Well, I'm just wondering how come you haven't claimed the return favor?" Shawn said who was now standing in front.

"I'm saving it for later," Shane looked up and sheepishly said.

"How many days now?"

"Going on four."

"Sure you don't wanna claim it now?" Shawn hinted.

"I have the feeling that was your real reason why you dropped by."

"Guilty as charge."

"I'll be in big trouble if they find out."

"Don't tell me you have not fantasized about it like in porn."

"Close the blinds," Shane said then stood up and turned on the restroom lights and left the door open.

When Shawn got back closing the blinds, Shane was already waving his hard dick to his friend.

"Someone wants some badly," Shawn said kneeling between Shane's legs who was slouching on his chair.

"What can I say? The offer is hard to decline."

Shane was ecstatic to see this big beefy guy kneeling in front of him with his big hand wrapped around his cock giving it slow jerks. "Ready for that?" he said.

"Don't worry I already had quite a few," Shawn replied. Shane was amazed thinking that this hunk was about to go down on him.

Shawn licked the precum already forming on the tip of his friend's cock from the anticipation then put the head in his warm mouth. "Oh yeah," Shane moaned. Shawn looked up to see Shane's smiling face, and Shane gave him a thumbs up.

When Shawn started sucking his cock, his jaw loosened up and his mouth opened wide to replaced the air as he moaned out his "Aaahhs" continuously. His facial expression was priceless. It's been a while since he received some oral attention, and coming from Shawn made it even more awesome.

Shawn sensed that Shane might have been wanting it bad. He licked, sucked and played with his friend's cock to change the pace. When Shane's was looking more relaxed, he continued on sucking him without using his hand. Shawn returning the favor out of the blue was actually how Shane would have liked it. Shawn was quite good at it too based on the grunts that Shane was trying to muffled. Shane just let his friend control everything and just grabbed onto the armrest. If his tensed arms were any indication of how good it felt, he finally just let his moans come out freely and became more vocal.

"Oh yeah, buddy. Suck it," he commanded his friend which Shawn followed by going all the way down. Like an instinct he said, "Thanks bud. Damn, that felt good."

He thought to himself that he might need to do a better job handling Shawn's extra thick meat with his mouth once the table was turned around again. Shawn never again came up for air while he's working his cock even he started thrusting his hips to meet the downward motion of Shawn's head. Shawn continued working on his buddy's hard big cock and was able to take off Shane's pants and underwear. The warmth of Shawn's arms laying on his bare thighs sent him over the edge and told his friend, "Buddy, I'm gonna cum." Shawn made an effort to raise Shane's camouflage jacket and his shirt.

"Don't worry about it? Just stain it," Shane said in between his grunts.

Shawn switched to jerking him off until his load started flying and landing on his uniform and the rest flowed down Shawn's hand.

"How was it?" Shawn asked as he continued stroking Shane's cock.

"That was excellent. I wish I could have hold out longer."

Shawn laughed.

"You can stop now." Shane said telling his friend that he could stop stroking him.

"One of your porn fantasies is fulfilled," Shawn joked.

"Are you talking about me or you because you're so into it?"

"That was fun though. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, it was."

Shawn stood up and checked his cum covered hand and said, "You know when you're bored, I'm game." The good amount of Shane's release gave him a smile. The two made their way to the restroom and cleaned up, and Shane finished changing to his civilian clothes. Shawn sent his friend on his way home with a big smile on his face.

Shane was not able to sleep soundly that night. The scene was constantly replaying in his mind. He just let his body decide what had to be done and undressed. In the middle of playing with himself, he couldn't contain his excitement and sent Shawn a text message, "Thanks again, bud. I'm jacking off thinking about it."

He wasn't expecting for Shawn to respond in the middle of the night, "I'm going for my second as of now."

"We need to do it again soon," Shane replied.

"Sure bud. In your office again?"

"No, you're gonna get me fired."

"We're throwing a party, you can crash in our apartment after. I'll make sure to check on you."


Thinking back, he couldn't recall if he ever talked about any encounter he had after the fact. He was amazed that he did send Shawn a message. Maybe he was looking forward for the next encounter or maybe it was something more than that. That was the thought that kept coming back to him. The short ticking clock of college life made it easy to forget yesterdays. It's always been what's next that matters. Shawn would just move on. And things would happen only during those times when the thought couldn't be denied. Maybe it was just a passing physical infatuation. When he started having sex with Carson, he recalled that it went about a month before Carson got it out of his system. It was the same between him and his best friend Jack. Then things leveled out to some degree of sanity when the head between their legs no longer did the thinking for them. But for the meantime, he was going to enjoy it. Shane smiled. Why not? It's been a long time. He needed it. He wanted it again. When he stepped in the campus, he wasn't expecting that he would find another group of people like Hunter, Carson and Jack. He was thinking that he might just have to settle for quick hook up now and then to satiate his needs when the craving for another man's touch calls. Now that he found Shawn or even Reed to build a special bond made school seemed OK. College was not really something he planned for. It was just something that he went along with when his commanding officer suggested it. He was in his mid-twenties. College life was no longer for him. He was half a decade passed the time when he chased the smell of beer and any alcoholic concoctions, the most sought after preoccupation of kids who just found their freedom. Some might think that the age of 25 going on 26 wasn't too old, but one of the few things in college that was more fun to experience with your buddies was finding every reason to get hammered silly specially at the age when you're just barely legal to drink. If you're already ahead by good four years, it didn't feel the same anymore. He was afraid that he would not be able to fit in. It turned out that he didn't need to fit in just be him and someone somewhere would take him in.

The sound of the alarm clock woke him up with an aching head after drifting in and out of sleep last night. A cup of coffee, some toasts and Aspirin were his breakfast before making his trek back to the campus.

Shane finished his first semester of college. He couldn't wait for the next semester to roll in. His trepidation of going back to school was now replaced with yearning. The next semester was easier with his new friends to hang out with, and the occasional benefits that came with it also made things even better. Like the last semester, he spent most of his free nights going out with Shawn and Reed and crashed in their apartment when he had too much to drink.

Reed was nursing his swollen ankle on the couch when Shane walked in the apartment. The Spring training was wrapping up. Now that most of the new football team prospects had been weeded out, the current roster was being reshuffled. Although Reed and Shawn were in no danger of losing their starting position, they still had to show some effort.

"How's the foot?" Shane asked Reed.

"Not too bad, just sprained it," Reed responded as he put on the pressure wrap around it.

"It seems like you're injured every time I see you."

"It seems like it. I'll be crippled by the time I graduate." Reed stood up and tried out his foot pacing around the living room. Still favoring it, but he was looking like he could manage.

"Where's Shawn?"

"Still in the shower freshening up."

"What's the plan for tonight?"

"We are going to the concert."

"Which one?"

"It's the one by the outskirt of the campus."

"Oh that what's the commotion was all about."

Like many kids who no longer remember the glory of the decade, Reed dismissively replied, "Yeah, some washed up 80's band visiting the town. The town folks are going crazy."

From upstairs they heard "Ready?" Shawn shouted as he dashed down.

"About damn time, what took you so long?" Reed responded. "Who you trying to look good for?"

"Is taking a shower a crime now?" Shawn responded brushing off Reed's comment. "Cool, you made it," Shawn continued when he saw Shane was there too. The three walk out to Shawn's old car. Even though he was raised in a single parent household, his mother made some good money during the good portion of the housing boom. He's fairly well off, but chose to drive his ten-year old Crown Victoria from high school.

"Yeah, just to stop you from dropping by at the office," Shane replied as he climbed the passenger side of the car. Reed wanted more room for his aching foot, so he had no problem giving up his co-pilot spot.

"What did I do?"

"I can't do my job. You're scaring off applicants."

"LOL, you should be happy that people see someone going to your office."

"Screw you, I got two who signed up this month."

"See," Shawn said as if it was all because of him.

"Was he pestering you again?" Reed butted in.

"Tell me about it. He was hanging out at the office."

"But you're office is closer than our apartment," Shawn said.

"Are you trying to get me fired?" Shane countered.

The open air concert was already crowded when they arrived. A local band was serving as the opening act living the closest thing they would ever get to being famous. They found a spot by the far end of the makeshift parking lot. The long walk was something Reed wasn't looking forward to. He was constantly complaining about his foot on their way to the field. By the time they were able to procure their beer and what passes as a hamburger, the main act was about to start their set. The energy of the place picked up when the members of the band made their way to the stage. The frontman was strutting like it was still their heyday, but the wrinkles on his face could not hide the story of the days gone by. The young folks in the crowd who vaguely remembered their songs chanted with the local town folks when the band started their first song. The three friends also went along with the crowd, but as the night rolled on and the two or three songs that the band was known for had been performed, the rest of the show became foreign to them. No matter how hard the frontman tried to put on a show, the songs were no longer connecting.

"Jerking off would be more fun than this," Reed joked.

"I know. It's a buzz kill too. The line to the beer stand is fuckin' long. Why did they only setup one beer garden?" Shane complained.

"They're probably not expecting this much people," Reed responded still showing his dislike of the show.

While the two was busy complaining about the show. Shawn was having a ball in-front of them jumping and shouting, even though, he no longer recognized the song the band was playing.

"Look at him. He is so easily amused, isn't he?" Shane commented while looking at Shawn whose sweat was already forming at the top his shirt.

"Yeah, his happiness bucket is very shallow."

Shawn turned around when he noticed that Reed and Shane was nowhere in sight. "What the hell? You guys ain't no fun."

"How long is the show supposed to be?" Reed asked.

"Maybe an hour more," Shawn replied.

"C'mon let's just go, this show is stupid," Reed demanded.

"It's still early. What are we supposed to do?"

"Reed said, he would rather just jerk off than watch more of this show," Shane joked.

"Jeez, fun killers. The show is good."

Reed had no choice but to stay and watched Shawn jump and sing along with the crowd. Shawn was able to convince Shane to join in with the fun while Reed was left to his own disdain of the band. The band were in the middle of their encore when the three made their way back to their car to avoid the stampede of people after show.

Reed was still being grumpy. "Hurry up, let's get to the store before stop selling alcohol."

"Why are you so crabby?" Shawn protested.

"Why, oh why you had me listen to that crap?"

Shawn and Shane were just laughing at him cursing on the back seat when he accidentally put his weight on his injured foot. They made it to the grocery store and walked away with their haul of the night's happy potion.

"Well, that was fun," Shawn fell down on the couch in between Reed and Shane doing his best impression of air guitar.

"You're still full of energy after all that," Shane commented.

"I have stamina of a horse and hang like one too," Shawn bragged.

Reed turn on the TV looking for something to watch. Shawn went ahead and put the two 24-pack of beers in the fridge then came back to the couch tossing beer can to his friend. Reed settled on the channel showing replays of last season's professional football games.

"How's your foot?" Shawn asked Reed.

"I fuckin' twisted it again in your car."

"Don't you have ankle brace around somewhere?"

"I can't find it."

"That's the third one you lost."

"I'll buy one tomorrow if it doesn't get better."

"You want it massage."

"Are you stupid? You're gonna make it worse if you do that," Shane butted in.

"A Thai massage then."

"I'll go for that," Reed accepted his offer even if it was just a joke.

Then silence . . .

Reed joked, "what, you're not gonna say yeah?"

"Aaah, happy ending . . ., I remember those days," Shane added.

"Look at that. Someone's getting a boner," Reed said groping Shawn's cock over his basketball shorts which seemed to be the preferred casual attire for some of the jocks together with their flip-flops. Who could blame them. The Southern weather was mostly hot and humid most of the time.

"It will be hard if you keep playing with it," Shawn replied sipping on his beer as his buddy traced the length of his cock. Reed jiggled it making the head brushed on the soft satin fabric. Shawn jerked a little because of the sensation, but otherwise, continued his chat with his buddies.

"Have you seen this thick monster?" Reed asked Shane who was laughing on the other end of the couch.

"Couple of times," Shane answered.

"What?" Reed said in a long intonation as if he was surprised. Some nights when Shane crashed in their apart, Shawn stayed downstairs a little longer. It's not really hard to imagine that things were happening.

"Why are you playing with mine? I thought you're the one who wanted to jerk off," Shawn cut him off.

"When did I say that?" Reed trying to be coy.

The three continued drinking and watching the game on TV. Reed and Shane tagged team on playing with Shawn's cock under his shorts. The nice crotch tent that was in full display showed that Shawn was enjoying the attention he was getting.

"Stop that. I feel like I'm toy or something," Shawn pretended not to like it. "Don't you guys have your own dicks to play with," he added.

"I think Reed is being shy," Shane joked.

"Really? Dude, I can no longer count how many times we had side by side jerk off while drinking and watching TV on this couch," Shawn said.

Reed was looking like he wanted to whip it out but hesitating. "Oh, you two have not broken the ice yet?" Shawn guessed. Reed and Shane were just grinning to Shawn's remark, the alcohol was slowly chipping away their inhibition. Shawn switched seat with Shane. From there, Shane and Reed were eyeing each other. Shane started unbuttoning his plaid shorts which prompted Reed to go ahead and pulled on the waist of his basketball shorts and fished out his semi-hard cock through the slit of his boxers. Shane wasted no time and stood up to fully get out of his pants. When his cock was in full view, Shawn gave it a few strokes. Shane sat back down and stoked himself matching Reed's pace.

"Your cocks look like their twins," Shawn joked when he saw that the two had their cut dicks hard.

After hearing Shawn's comment, Shane and Reed found themselves comparing their erect manhood from head the base of their cock. Reed was getting more comfortable being naked with Shane. He removed his shorts and underwear. Reed moved the coffee table and rest his injured leg on it. The room was becoming more casual and their conversation picked up again. Shawn was the designated beer bus boy as his friends were busy pumping away.

"Didn't I tell you, jerking off will be better than the show," Reed said.

"It will be even better if you help me with mine," Shane replied. Reed reached over and wrapped his hand around Shane's cock then took over stroking it. Shane offered his hand to Reed which was gladly accepted.

"You guys need more beer," Shawn jokingly offered when he saw them already lending each other a hand.

Shawn sat back on his spot after passing out beer. Shane pulled on the waist of Shawn shorts encouraging him to join in the no pants drinking. That night turned out to be just a light encounter between the three. The idea was gratifying enough. They mostly watched and drunk that night with their manhood in full display, strutting around the living room with their hardon. Shawn still had to put up with the extra attention from Reed and Shane. The extra girth of his cock was just too tempting not to feel.

The sun was almost at its peak when the three woke up naked in Shawn's king sized bed. Shane looked around looking for some evidence if something ever happened last night. They must have just decided to pass out together. One by one, they got out of the bed straight to the restroom to empty their bladder and then went looking for wherever they left their last night's pieces of clothing. Reed was complaining about his grumbling stomach and light meal of toasts and eggs would not do. The fastfood restaurant was busy with morning church goers when they arrived, and the only spot was the small high table by the door. The cramp seating would do. Reed and Shane took the available sitting while Shawn stood at the end. The snickering and the constant elbowing while they eat their morning fill made it clear the new relationship between them. The bustling place saw some other students having their breakfast. Shane watched Reed and Shawn constantly being interrupted by almost everyone it seemed like. They really were the closest thing to a celebrity in that small town.

Outside Shane parted way with his friends to drive back home. He rolled downed his window to let the warm air of the last days of Spring that was slowly giving way to the hot days of Summer. "See yah next week," Shawn shouted as he drove out of the parking lot. He was feeling good and the smile on his face turned to giggling looking back through his rear view mirror watching Shawn's car disappeared back into the campus that was now covered with thick green foliage.

The green leaves turned even greener as days went by, and the Spring classes drew to a close. Shane was once again left to his own demise. The lull between the break was spent mostly opening the office, sitting, counting the ticks of the clock on the wall, and then closing the office. When twilight set in, the campus and the area around the it eerily turned to a ghost town without the students that give it life. The stillness was sometimes unbearable waiting for his friends to come back for Summer school to catch up with their studies and to prepare for the next football season.

Next: Chapter 21: Allotted Time 8

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