Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Sep 16, 2014



This novella is a work of fiction. Any similarities with real life is of pure coincidence. This story contains homoerotic encounters between college age adults. Acts include masturbation, mutual masturbation and touching of male genitalia.

Copyright 2014 Max Millan

Broken Arm by Max Millian

Football season was in full swing. Our team was doing well in the triple A NCAA division. Matt was extra cheerful and reveling with their success. He couldn't stop talking about going to the championship. In fact, that seemed to be the only thing he talked about most of the time. The team was putting in more time training. Matt was normally beat by the end of the day, and that he sometimes fell asleep on the couch, and complained about his sore neck in the morning. I suggested switching bunk position, but he wanted to keep his top bunk.

One night after his workout day, he again fell asleep on the couch. He was laying there with one leg over the couch and another hanging down the side with arm over his head and another inside his workout shorts cuffing his balls. I opened the door to my dorm room and saw him sleeping soundly on the couch. His leg position was enough to stretch the short and revealed the head of his cut member. He probably was too tired and just gave up on it or having a fun dream at the moment since I could discern a glistening fluid at the tip of his manhood.

"Poor guy," I said to myself. I thought I was the one getting the bad end of the deal signing up for ROTC, but these student athletes worked their ass off sometimes even spending more than 40 hours a week doing nothing but football stuff.

"Matt, wake up," as I gently nudge him.

He moved the hand over his head and tried hard to open his sleepy eyes. "What's up?"

"It's almost 8. We need to get some dinner," I responded with some urgency.

"Oh, OK. Give me a minute."

Matt stood up and proceeded to his closet. He inspected some of the shirts on the floor. He picked one up and gave it a good snip. The shirt would do, and he put it on. Like someone on auto-pilot, he turned around and just took off his shorts then grabbed the cargo pants hanging on his desk chair oblivious to the fact that I was in the room looking at his naked back. He put it on without considering any notion of under garment. He seldom wore one. The constricting feeling was something that he was not fond of. After tucking in his shirt and adjusting himself, he turned around.

"Let's go. I'm starving," he said.

We got to cafeteria, and like before, we were let in ahead of the other students in line. We fetched our food then found our table at the other end of the cafeteria away from traffic close to the area where the international students usually congregate. While some American students sometimes become boisterous, most of the Asian students conversed almost in whisper.

"Must have been a busy day for you?" I asked.

"Yeah, we've been putting in more time these days."

"Aren't you risking getting burnt out before the season is over?"

"Coach said that it will be better if we don't cool down in between games. It's working so far, so I'm not to question his reasoning."

"That sounds reasonable, but man, it looks so hectic even for me."

"Sometimes it feels like it, my whole body aches like crazy."

"Then you go to training and work out again. That's doesn't sound fun," I interjected.

"It's not really that bad once you get used to it. Actually if you don't slowdown the aches and pain are much more tolerable."

"How are you going to keep that up once football season is over?" I asked.

"You should work out with me. You're starting to look a little doughy," Matt suggested while pinching my side.

"Hush, said the non-doughy guy." He is not really fat more like burly but that was just me getting back at him.

Matt flexed his arm and gave his bicep a good punch. "This is all muscle buddy."

It's true that I'd gained some weight, since I'd been eating like him but running and push-ups were not enough to burn the excess calories.

"Do they let non-athlete in the gym?" I asked.

"Not in the gym inside the athletic building, but I can choose to workout in the regular student gym. All the mechanical workout equipment are normally occupied but the free weights are often left unused."

"That sounds good. I can go three times a week."

We finally settled into our new routine. Matt started doing his post workout in the regular gym with me. Their training instructor would not let the athletes do the required exercises on their own. Not long after my workout started to pay off. My mid section was getting tighter and more toned, and my arms and thighs were nicely developing. I wasn't really looking for a ripped look just enough that my body has some definition that I look good in my uniform which was my main reason for working out. Matt on the other hand was mostly doing chest and pecks workouts since he had already done his strength training earlier.

While Matt worked out, I couldn't help to notice how he could completely fill his sweat shorts.

"Matt, remember when you told me that you don't like wearing tight jeans because you feel like people are looking at you?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Check yourself in the mirror."

When he finally paid attention to what he saw in the mirror, he just said, "Oh that."

"No fair, gym doesn't count. It's the proper attire, " he continued.

"You might want to wear some undies though. I can make out the shape of your dick," I joked.

He might had gotten a little conscious about it that he switched to the leg curl bench.

"It's too late now buddy. Everyone might have already gotten a good look at it," I pointed it out.

When Matt is defeated, his standard response is giving you the finger.

I'd gone to love checking him out every time we worked out. He sometimes saw me doing it but he just continued on with whatever he was doing. Some other time, he would give me smirk and pose while lifting a dumbbell to show how proud of he was with his physique.

The school year passed by quickly and the football season was drawing to a close. Our team only had two games to go, and everyone was happy about the fact that we already qualified for the championship. One night while I was playing some video games, I phone rang. It was the football coach.

"This is Coach Fox."

I was puzzled as to why he was calling my cellphone. "Hey coach, Matt hasn't come back from practice yet," I answered.

"Yes, I'm calling about Matt. He had a bad fall during practice."

"How bad?"

"I don't think he will be able to play for the rest of the season. He dislocated his shoulder and banged his elbow really bad. They just finished the exam and they gave him some morphine. Maybe you can pick him up from the hospital."

One of the good thing about attending school in a small city is that everywhere is just 10 minutes away.

"No problem coach, I'll be there shortly."

When I arrived at the hospital, they were already waiting outside. I got out of my pickup and opened the passenger door. Coach Fox helped Matt into my truck. After some quick words of encouragement from coach, he gently closed the door. Coach turned to me and gave some instructions. Matt had apparently chipped his shoulder socket when it was dislocated, and it would be extra painful for several days. He gave me Matt's medications and a firm handshake. I climbed into the driver side and saw that Matt was a little out of it because of the morphine. He tried to say something but it just came out as an unintelligible slur.

"Settle down, buddy, you'll be fine," I assured him as I fastened his seat belt.

We arrived at the dorm parking and found the closest spot to the door. It just dawned on me that I might need some help getting Matt into the room as he was starting to doze off. Luckily, some students came out of the dorm and saw me struggling to get Matt out of the truck.

"Is that Matt?" one of the students shouted.

"Yes, can you help me get him inside?"

"No problem. How is he?"

"Dislocated shoulder. He is done for the rest of the season."

"Damn, we need him for the championship."

We laid Matt in my bed, and he immediately fell asleep. The two students made their way out, and I dialed Matt's parent phone number. I broke them the bad news, and his mom was determined to get the college immediately. I understand their concern but it was already 9 o'clock at night. It was a good 4 hour drive from our hometown. After some words of reassurance, I was able to convince her to take the drive tomorrow. I looked at Matt. They put him in those harness that goes around the body to minimize the movement of his right arm. They already changed his shirt but he was still wearing his game pants and cleats. I proceeded to remove his cleats as it was still muddy. It might be stepping my boundary if I also remove his game pants, so I let him sleep in it, even though, it was soiled.

Matt's groaning woke me up the next morning. He was in pain. I went down from the top bunk bed and gave him his pain medication. Since his mother was showing up around 9AM, I waited to get some breakfast. I made some arrangement with my professors telling them that I wasn't coming to class that day. Matt managed to take off his game pants and slipped into his favorite cargo short pants while I was on the phone. It must had been one strong pain medication. I asked him how's the pain. He said the pain was still in there, but the medication somehow was preventing him from noticing it.

"By the way, your mom is visiting. She's probably arriving about 9. I called your parents last night."

"Thanks, I owe you one."

"Did Coach Fox tell you that you will be sidelined for the rest of the season?"

"Yeah, it sucks."

"Can you move?"

"I think I can but the med is making me loopy."

"It's the side effect."

"It's not the loopy good like morphine though just sleepy."

We heard the door buzzed. It's his mom, so I went and fetched her. The mom atmosphere immediately filled the room with never ending questions of concern. I could tell that Matt was getting embarrassed by the constant query.

"I'm fine, mom," he repeatedly answered with a little sense of annoyance.

To most moms, their kid remains a baby no matter how big they get. At that moment Matt was once again the baby.

"Did you have your breakfast yet?" his mom asked.

His mom finally said the question that I could use to help Matt out of the his current predicament.

"Do you want us to bring you breakfast from the cafeteria?" I interjected.

"No, I think I can manage."

The three of us made our way to the cafeteria. People who recognized Matt, kept asking him what happened, and the cafeteria people were nice enough to help bring some food to our table. We had the conversation if Matt was supposed to come home with his mom, so he could be looked after better. But Matt declined because he wanted to with the team during the last games. Luckily, the last two games and the championship would be play in our football stadium. It was decided that he was staying. Matt started complaining about that he was very sleepy, so we finished our meal and headed back to the dorm. I gave his mom the prescription list, and she's off to buy the medications. Matt was soundly sleeping by now. His mom came back with the prescription, and when she saw that her son was already asleep, she started getting into mother mode again. She started picking up Matt's laundry, inspected her son's drawer, and asked me where the washing machine was located. After loading his clothes, she said she's going to the store to get some shirts that Matt could wear over his harness if the pain didn't subside. There was no reason to overstretch his good shirts. After about an hour she came back with some shirts, snacks and other treats, and some boxers which on the hindsight would not be used much because Matt skipped on wearing one whenever possible. Hours passed and the laundry were neatly folded and put away, but Matt was still sound asleep. His mom gave me some instructions about the medications, and made sure to call her if Matt condition worsened. She warned me that Matt was very likely to become feverish in the coming days. I escorted her to her car, she a few more instructions before saying goodbye.

"I thought to myself, oh lord, I have to babysit this lumbering giant."

Sure enough Matt got sick for two days, and the pain was more intense as the adrenaline from the initial trauma ran out. I carefully arranged his medications on his study desk, to make sure that he took them. By the fourth day things were much better, he only needed the pain medication when the pain became unbearable otherwise he could manage on his own. The following week he was back attending his classes.

The next Friday night, he was sitting on the couch changing between the 5 channels that we were receiving over the air. Playing video games was out of the question.

"How did we survive this long without cable?" he blurted out.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's nothing good on TV."

This was the first time that he was stuck in the dorm for a long period of time with nothing to do, and he was getting bored. He couldn't really go out and party like before because some of his medications shouldn't be mixed with alcohol. Aside from occasional pain, he was back to his usual self which put a damper on my Friday nights routine.

"This sucks," he blurted again. "I can't even jerk off to pass time."

"Why not?" I asked casually.

"My body giggles then my shoulder starts hurting."

"You've been trying?"

"Couple times but no luck," he also answered casually.

It's always been assumed that we jack off, so it's not really a question of if we do jack off. It's more like, if we could find the right time or place to do it. I had to settle doing it in the shower myself because he's around more than usual. Shower session was already a compromise in this case. Most of the time, I had to wait to whip it out when I was horny. As for Matt, his horniness was probably building up for sometime now. He was wearing a basketball shorts because it was easier to put on. Although it was not tight fitting, it draped over his crotch. There was no hiding his semi-hard on that was leaning left and the pre-cum stain that was forming by the head of cock.

"Can you call one of your 'gimme 30' to take care of you?"

"That won't work. We're not in high school anymore. College girls are not into that. Maybe if you are dating them, you can ask for it."

"Well bud, you might just have to wait."

"Shit," was his last word of the conversation.

He finally settled on watching a late night show and out of habit slipped his left hand inside his shorts. I, on the other hand, took out my boots and started polishing them for tomorrow's formation.

Time went by and we both decided to call it a night.

I was temporary occupying the top of the bunk bed. Unlike the bottom bed where I can see the top bed through the mirror, the view from the top was obstructed by the overhead storage cabinet. Matt finally discovered the situation when he glanced at the mirror.

"I can see you from here," he said. Then I heard "Oh."

"Yup buddy, I've seen it," referring to the many times when he took his dick out while we chatted.

"You've been spying on me, you perv!"

"You sure like looking at your dong."

"It's my best friend in the world. I have to check on it from time to time," Matt said laughing. "It never failed to give me pleasure," he continued.

"Except tonight," I said.

"Oh shit," he said with a sign of frustration.

"Lol, you might flood the room when you finally can do it."

"Don't worry that's my plan."

"Please not on my bed," I said.

"Nothing is safe when I unleash my dragon."

Our laughter echoed through the room. Talking about jerking off was getting me excited that I was sporting a hard on by now. My Friday night routine was still in my system. I had the urge to give a silent stroke a try. "Maybe when Matt is sleeping," I thought to myself.

I turned off the lights, and waited for a bit to checked if Matt was finally asleep. It didn't take that long. I slowly slipped out of my boxer, and the light from the window was enough for me see my hardening cock. I settled into a slow stroke. Jacking without lube was one of the few benefits of being uncut. The movement of the loose skin was enough to get the proper sensation without the danger of chafing. Thirty minutes had passed, and I'm still continuing on my slow stroke which proved to be just as satisfying as full throttle stroke when I felt a thud from below. I paused. Matt probably just hit the post, so I grabbed onto my cock again to continue my silent exploration. When I gained my rhythm back, I felt another thud underneath my bed. I waited.

Then I heard Matt from below, "I can see you jacking off from here that ain't fair, bud."

"Shit," I was caught. I had to play along.

"I thought you were asleep."

"Yeah, about fifteen minutes ago. You know the bunk bed moves when you do that."

"So you've been watching?" I turned the situation against him.

"It's sort of right there," pointing at the mirror.

"So does it bother you that I'm jacking off?" I asked.

"Not at all."

"What's the problem then?"

"Well, I really want to . . . I mean . . tried going slow like you but my other arm started to hurt."

I rolled over and hang my head on the side of the bed to talk to him, "when are you going to get that checked again?" I could see his shorts down to his ankles, and he's there lying on the bed with his left hand holding his dick close to his stomach.

"I'll have my X-Ray taken in the middle of next week," he answered.

I was amazed that he didn't try to cover his hard on and continued on casually with our conversation. Maybe because he knew that I'd seen his dick before, so there was no point hiding it. I put on my boxers and climbed down the bed but I intentionally had my cock and balls showing through the front slit of my boxers. It had gone soft by now. I just wanted to see his reaction seeing me. He chatted more about his arm while I was standing at the end of the bunk bed facing him. Even though it's dim, there was no mistaken that he can see me.

"So is this what you normally do on Friday nights?" he asked.

"Pretty much," I said.

"You jerk off much?"

"At least once a day, sometimes twice. But Friday nights when I go for hours when you are gone for the good part of the night."

"Really?" he acted surprised which probably more of a confirmation that anything else.

"Well, to tell you the truth some of those 'gimme 30' that I sent were just me jacking off," he continued.

"I kinda figured that out. You are a good looking guy, but to get pussy that much is still unbelievable," remembering the cum stained shirt that he left hanging on his hamper.

"True, I do it normally after training. I give myself some good rubbing on the couch then I go to the shower to finish off. Working out seems to get me going."

By this time, both of us had undeniable hard on, although Matt was still holding his cock close to his stomach.

I slowly climbed on the couch facing him leaning at the back of the couch. He glanced at me, and I could see a grin on his face. He finally moved his left hand to give additional support to his injured arm and then he parted his legs by moving his knees slightly to the side. I smiled at Matt and he just nodded. He was expecting what was going to happen next, or he wanted what was going to next. It didn't matter in this case. I just started rubbing his inner thigh. Like I said before, his thighs and calves were well developed that nicely complement his upper body. I looked at him again.

"Go ahead buddy. I've been thinking about getting some help," he said giving his permission to touch him.

"I kinda figured you've been hinting," I said.

"I've been horny for days now that I would have beg."



I moved my hand closer to his dick and made my way to his pair of hangers. I cuffed it and it's the same size as mine. His dick was on the other hand was slightly longer. He has a good 8 and half inches of man meat I discerned. After giving his balls some good tugging, I encircled the base of his cock with my middle finger and my thumb. He has bigger girth than me, but unlike mine which has uniform girth, his tapered off slightly at the top. I'd jacked off to many porn videos, and I can honestly say that Matt has one of the best looking dicks I'd seen. It has no noticeable curve, relatively smooth and circumcised. Matt was looking down as I played with his manhood waiting for me to finally wrap my hand around his cock. His anticipation was match only by my desire to know how it feels to have my and hand around something bigger and longer than mine. I wrapped my hand around his cock and slowly stroked it. Matt moaned.

Matt sensing that his subtle begging had worked, he pointed towards his desk and said, "buddy, lower drawer."

I let go of his cock, and grabbed the KY Jelly from his drawer. I put a few drops of on his cock and some on my hand. I once again wrapped my hand around his manhood and twist it a few times to spread the lube evenly on his cock. When my hand was now gliding smoothly on his shaft, I continued stroking his cock. This time, I was giving him a full length stroke and I twisted my hand when got to the head in one stroking motion. Matt lay down silently as I stroke his cock cherishing every up and down stroke I was giving him. This went on for several minutes. First came his soft moans that was replaced by grunts not long after. It wasn't long before his cock started throbbing signaling his impending orgasm.

"Whatever happens don't stop," he said through his heavy breathing.

I was a little puzzled on what he meant.

"Oh yeah, buddy," he said followed by a deep moan.

"Keep stroking. Oh yeah, please don't stop. I'm gonna cum, buddy. Keep stroking ... aaahh. Yeah, keep doing that ... ahhh. Please don't stop ...ahhh. I'm cumming."

Then Matt came and came and came. When I'm cumming, I like to pick up the pace, so I did the same to Matt which wasn't the best idea. You see, Matt was one of those guys who shoot a lot of cum in multiple long squirts. His cum went all over his shirt, his thighs, some landed on the bed sheet, and the floor. I kept on stroking until Matt was just giving out subdued ahh's, and the aah's were replaced by deep breathing.

Still breathing hard Matt uttered, "thanks bud. I needed that."

"No problem. I actually enjoyed looking at you while I jack you off. You have an intense looking sex face," I said then I giggle.

I didn't know if he heard what I said since he was still there trying to catch his breathe. Shortly, his breathe had returned back to normal.

"So that's what you meant by whatever happens."

He gave me a big smile and said, "I want you to find out on your own."

"When was the last time you nutted?" I asked.

"About 2 weeks."

"No wonder you came quicker than I expected. Was that just built up cum?" I continued my interrogation.

"This?," lifting his shirt. "This is normal for me just a little more than usual tonight."

"Really? I had to jack off 5 or 6 times to get that much cum out of me." That's when I again remembered his shirt. "Damn, that was just one load," I said to myself.

"I have a lot to give," he said boasting.

"Where it's coming from?" I asked while massaging his nuts.

"I don't know. It just does it."

"I feel sorry for anyone that ever gave you head."

"I give them warning, but it's still a mess," he said grinning.

"You good now?" I asked.

"Cool, it's my turn."

I turned around and sat on the couch in my usual jack off position. I took my boxer out and threw it on my bed. Matt didn't say anything. He knew what I was going to do. I put some lube on my hand. It's time to give mine the proper attention. I was getting into a good rhythm and started moaning when Matt turned on the lights. I was caught off guard and stopped my stroking.

"What was that all about? It's my turn," I told him annoyingly when I looked up.

Matt was standing there at the other end of the couch. It's hard to ignore the cum stain on his blue shirt . I surveyed the mess which were mostly blobs of cum almost covering the front the of his shirt. There were also few drops that hit his face.

"Can you help me out of my shirt?"

"Jeez dude, can't you see?" pointing at my raging hard on.

"I know but I need to wipe this thing off," pointing at his chin.

"Can't you wait?"

"It will be hard to clean up if it dries out."

There was no helping it. So I stood up and helped him take off his shirt then he proceeded wiping his face with it carefully using the portion which is not soiled. I sat on the couch still a little annoyed. I saw him dropped the shirt on the floor then grabbed one of his pillows. He placed it at the corner of the couch. He sat down and turn sideways lifting his left leg over the couch.

"Move your back a little bit," he said which I did then he slipped his leg behind me. He lied down on the pillow with his right leg hanging on the edge. This was the first time I had a good view of how Matt looked like naked. He's actually not hairy, even though you can see blonde hair on his arms and legs. Even his pubes were naturally thinner.

"Are you gonna finish that off?" he asked.

By now, I had no idea what to think. I was buck naked on the couch and Matt was there sitting so close to me also naked.

"Not if you keep bugging me like this." I answered.

"Well, if you're not. I'm ready to go again."

"Wasn't the last one good enough for you?" I was trying my best to get out the deal.

"It was, but it's not the full orgasm that I normally experience."

"Jeez, you're the one to complain. And besides shouldn't you be empty by now?"

"Nah, it won't be as much but it will still be a good amount. I'll get sore before I run out of jizz," he said while laughing.

This tall, burly man laying comfortably on the couch right next to me with his hard manhood on a nicely shaven balls begging for me to give him a hand. Even with the harness covering most of his upper body, I could trace what's underneath. His broad shoulder was even made broader by the size of his arms. The round shoulder muscle leads to his strong bicep then to an equally strong forearm covered by blonde hair. The veins on the back of his big hand just enhances his manliness. His muscular chest was stretching the body strap that supports his harness trying to break free. And his flat stomach, although not ripped, was tight and tone that you couldn't see any skin fold. A nice trail of slightly darker hair met his thin pubic hair that continued to his inner thighs. His muscular round thigh anchored the long leg that also covered by noticeable blonde hair. His strong looking calf lead to his beautifully shaped foot and toes that point downward.

"Can you jack off and stroke me at the time?" he said with a wide grin.

I gave him the finger.

"I promise I won't bug you again," he added still grinning.

"Freakin' horn dog," I said.

"It's been days. I'll go crazy if I don't unload . . . again."

"Not my fault."

"C'mon now, don't make me beg. See. Look it's begging," he said while making his cock twitched up and down slapping his stomach a little bit.

Knowing that there was no way of getting out his pleading, I slowly leaned back to his leg resting behind me. The warmth was a new sensation. There must be some level of difference on how much a man generated heat when overcome with sexual desire. He was happily waiting for me to make the move. I handed him the KY Jelly, and he squeezed some on his dick then to both of my hands. He set the bottle of lube between us. Again he used his good arm to give his injured shoulder additional support. I grabbed his dick to spread the lube all over his shaft and the head. When he was sure that I was willing to give him a hand, he slouched back to the waiting pillow snugged between the arm rest and the back of the couch.

"Damn, that really feels good," Matt said.

"You're welcome," I said

"You've been practicing a lot. I can tell," he said while looking at my hand still smearing the lube all over his cock.

"You're to tell as if you don't spank this monkey like crazy."

"I won't lie, but you know how much it feels when someone else does it for you."

"Oh that's your story."

"Well, a little but mostly this," pointing at his bummed out shouldered.

"OK, but this is my priority," I said and started giving myself the necessary attention.

I concentrated on getting myself hard again. When the sensation of ecstasy was back, I also started stroking Matt. He laid back with his eyes closed when he felt my hand going up and down his cock. I stroked both our cocks in synch. I was getting into the motion and gave out some soft moans. From the side of me, I heard Matt giggled.

I turned around and saw his smiling face. "What are you laughing at?" I asked and gave his cock unnecessary fast strokes.

"Ah, ah, ah, stop," he buckled trying to get his cock out of my hand but he had nowhere to go. The lube was drying up and my palm was rubbing dangerously against his skin. I let him out of the predicament.

His quick jerking move unfortunately made him moved his body that it hurt his shoulder.

"Ouch! Look what have you done. Aawww!"

"You started it."

"What did I do?"

"Giggling making fun of me."

"What can I do? You sex face looked funny."

"And you think yours don't?"

"I look good when I do it."

"Says who?"

"Well, get this thing going again then you can look." Matt was flapping his cock that was still hard even after the interruption.

I laid my hand open, and Matt squeezed some lube on it. I covered my cock with a some lube. Being uncut it's not a big issue for me, but I still liked using some when I was up for a long session. I laid my hand again, and he squeezed some more lube on it. I made way to his waiting cock and smeared the lube all over his. A little more lube, and my hand was gliding easily on his cock.

"How long do you normally masturbate?" Matt asked.

"Normally, I edged for a bit."

"Do you unload more than once?"

"Most of the time, I just have one big orgasm at the end. How about you?"

"I just jerk off multiple times when I'm really horny."

"When do you do it?"

"In between classes. Mostly during early in the week. I hold back for a few days when we are going play."


"Coach's request."

"I cannot believe you. Do you expect me to believe that you hold yourself back?"

"I can. Requires some self control."

"That must be a lot of self control by the way you are now."

"It is, but after the game, I get lucky more often than not specially when the game is at home."

"You have girls waiting on the wing?"

"Some," he said grinning. "Some are returning customers," he added.

"No wonder you are not dating anyone."

"Ha, ha. Benefits of playing football. I'm not going to pass it up."

"Freakin' pervert."

"What pervert, they're offering, Why not?"

"So this normally works overtime," I said increasing my pace stroking his cock.

"A little bit," he replied with another big laugh.

The room was filled with our laughs. When we finally settled down, I was starting to get soft. I had to concentrate some to get myself going again. When Matt saw what I was doing, he knew to give me my turn to have my own fun too. He laid his head back again on his pillow trying to enjoy my hand going up and down his cock as I stroked mine. When I removed my hand so I could tug on my balls, I could see from the corner of my eye that Matt would eventually notice that I wasn't stroking him anymore and would open his eyes to see what was going on. He just stared while I stroked and played with my balls. When I moved my hand back onto his throbbing hard-on, he would lay back and closed his eyes again. This went for a while. About half an hour had passed when my moaning would coax Matt to also moan. He was more relaxed this time with me stroking him. I could feel him thrusting his hips to meet my downward stroke which he didn't do during the first session.

I still wanted to take my time even with the interruption that happened. Matt would squeezed some lube on my hand when I held it out without even talking. We both got in the rhythm of things. My moans were answered by Matt's own moans. It was a little over and hour or so when my moaning and grunting got a little louder that I could not hear Matt's moan anymore. I reached the point of no return and finally shot my load. To my surprised, it was probably one of the best orgasms I had. I could see two good streaks of cum running from my belly to my chest and the rest puddled at the base of my cock and some on my hand. When I finally caught my breathe, I'd almost forgotten that I was also giving Matt a hand, so I looked at his direction. There he was propped up with a big smile on his face looking at me. I was about to give him my full attention but he already shot his load. His cum was all over the place but most landed on his right thigh and on the floor.

"How was it?" he asked.

I said, "excellent."

"How about you?" I asked since I never saw him cum.

"Much better than the first time. You got me close several times, but when I saw you having such a good time in your own world, I tried to hold back and waited a little longer."

I looked at the floor in front of the couch and I said, "wow."

"I was gonna tell you to point my dick away from my harness, but you looked like you reached the 7th heaven. So I adjusted myself."

I inspected the drops of his bodily fluid that he left on the floor. It was still a good amount. Matt asked me to show my own mess, so I turned around flexing my chest muscles a little bit.

"You good now?" he asked.

"Yeah." I'm the one with big smile now.

I leaned over to pick up his shirt on the floor and used it to wipe myself. After I was done, he reached for it and did the same thing. He stood up, picked up his pillow and made his way to his bed. I wiped the couch and the floor clean then I asked him where to put the shirt. He just pointed at his hamper. He said he was doing laundry tomorrow anyways.

I put on my boxers. Matt looked like he was sleeping naked tonight. I turned off the lights and climbed up into my bed. Matt said thanks again, and we both went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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