Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Feb 2, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Night Lights by Max Millan

The job of a university cop in a small college town is pretty much routine for the most part. If not for occasional calls for domestic violence, rowdy neighbors, elicit drug use and the tricky case of rape, most of Shane and Collin's work day are spent driving around the campus in their cruiser, looking for someone suspicious or stopping students flying through one of the roads inside the campus. A good six or seven months have passed, except for the unfriendly report from a supposed concern neighbor several weeks ago downtown that , Shane has been writing speeding tickets most of the time. Even Collin who's been in the force for three years cannot recall any situation where he did more than interviewing people. For many people, it would be considered a blessing that nothing harrowing ever happen to them. But that's the life of a campus police. Shane is not complaining but still itching for some more challenge.

"Jeez, how are you able to survive this job?" Shane told Collin.

"Not even a full year and you are already complaining," Collin replies.

"Don't you think it gets boring sometimes."

"It does but better than getting shot at or anything."

"True," Shane agreed. "Have you ever investigated anything?"

"No, detectives normally does that. It's very seldom they let regular officer do the investigation."

"So writing ticket is all we do?"

"What do you expect? We ain't no TV cops."

"We should become a detective," Shane suggested in jest.

"Why? If you're serious about it, the school is accredited by the state."

"Do they offer a criminology degree here?"

"I dunno. You can ask HR."

The searing sun of the late afternoon has now been replaced by just warm wind of the slowly dying daylight. Once again bringing in the musty smell of the marshes. Then, one by one, the stadium lights turn on. The stadium is slowly filling up with spectators waiting for a miracle from the home team which, as Collin predicted, suffered more loses as the football season progresses. The roads around the stadium are lined with more cars from visitors outside the town. It's the homecoming game when many alumni and their families make their visit to the school to enjoy the sound of butting helmets and constant movement of the players on the field. Shane and Collin are busy driving back and forth making sure that no one is taking advantage of the many unattended vehicles along the road. When everything seem to be in order, the two make their way inside stadium. Because of the sudden influx of people, many officers were drafted for guarding duty that night. By the home team exit gate, the parade of former players is starting to form which draws Shane attention. He is drawn like in a trance. Without a word to his partner, he just walks to the bleacher overlooking the exit the gate. One by one, he looks the faces of the younger participants hoping to see someone familiar. The disappointment on his face when the group where he expected someone he knew is just a measly collection of people he doesn't recognize did not escape Collin.

"Did you find anyone you used to know?" Collin asked.

"No," Shane replies without hiding his disappointment.

"Were you really expecting them to be here?"

"Not really, just wishful thinking I guess."

"Anyone special?"

"You can say that."

"He-he," Collin chuckles.

Shane gave his partner the most appropriate response, the middle finger.

The night's pageantry is well on the way. The speaker is busy announcing some highlights about the people on the field. Lead by the quarterback, the representatives from Reed, Matt and Shawn winning team make their way on the field which draw the most cheers. The energy of the crowd continued to the game and fed the home team into a squeaker win over their rival. When the lights of the stadium go out, the only thing that remain are tire tracks on the grassy sides of the roads. The loud stadium descended to almost nothingness. The chirping of the crickets replaces the loud speaker. The two officers are now back to their usual task of apprehending traffic violators and hoping to catch some drunk drivers. The festivities create small events around the campus from your regular students parties to the packed frat houses who are busy entertaining their big shot alumni.

"So how's the wife?" Shane asks Collin as they stalk one of the gasoline stations looking for underage drinkers.

"Two more weeks. We're just waiting now."

"Have you guys pick a name yet?"

"My wife probably has one already picked out. She thinks I give terrible names."

"Someone probably has high hope for you, naming you Collin."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know that your name is a slang for Mr. Perfect."


"Let's see, very intelligent . . . questionable. Extremely good-looking . . . so, so. Very athletic . . . maybe . . . " Shane pinches his partner side "improving in that area. Talented . . . again questionable," Shane lists the qualities of what a Collin should have.

"Fuck you," the corporal says. "Are you saying that I'm a talentless moron?" he complains.

"Don't complain to me. I didn't make that up."

"Screw you."

"OK, OK. Good-looking . . . yes. Happy now?"

Collin learning the meaning of his name seems a little prouder of himself.

"LOL, don't get your name get in your head now."

"Intelligent, good looking and talented. I have no complain about that."

After a little more bantering, they decide to enter the convenience store. There presence inside will be a much better way to deter underage drinkers from trying to purchase alcohol. It's also a good place to hear how the campus is buzzing.

"How's the business?" Shane asks the cashier.

"Good," the cashier replies who's now accustomed to officers visiting his establishment.

"Heard anything interesting?"

"Just rumors."

"What about?"

"Some students were just talking about a rumor going around the place. They said there's a rapist stalking the dark area by the library. Did anyone report anything?"

"Not that I know of," Collin responds.

"I figured it's just a rumor."

The next day, the chief called everyone for a meeting. The rumor has spread throughout the campus. Rumor or not the administration is not taking any chances. The university president instructed the chief to have a man available during the night to monitor the areas around the library. The two younger officers find themselves passing around safety flyers to students leaving the library. Many students are anxious about the rumor. The rumor had grown taller as the days go by. The culprit somehow had shaved himself clean to avoid any evidence that he puts his victim to sleep and uses condom when he does his dirty deeds. Shane and Collin once again spend the rest of their night shift by the library exit, telling girls not to walk alone and avoid the dark shortcuts. It took about a week before the rumor died down, and the campus reverted back to complacency.

"I'm glad that was over," Collin says while he slurps on his cold slushy treat.

"I know, right? That was crazy," Shane agrees.

"I guess you're on your own today. I'm taking the old lady for a check up."

"I'm sure I can manage without you."

"Don't do anything stupid."

"As if I'm the one with that problem."

"Are you sure you're not going to miss your good looking, intelligent and talented partner protecting you?"

"I'm sure I can live a day without seeing your ugly mug."

Collin finishes his meal. Shane is also about done. The aches of the day's workout have subsided. The two go on their separate ways from their favorite after workout fastfood restaurant. Collin goes home to his wife and Shane goes back to his place to prepare for his coming shift. To Shane's delight he is instructed to work in the office for the meantime and help out with the game later.

The leaves have turned to darker shade of green. Few more weeks and the old leaves will eventually turn to another color signaling the end of summer. Under the almost cloudless sky of the dwindling sunlight, the stadium speaker is blaring as the announcer introduces the teams. It is almost the mid-season. Even with the team's terrible record, the place is packed and loud and even louder when the team makes their mad dash to the field. Their win last week have given the place a jolt of energy. Like a swarm of insects in a warm night, this slow sleepy town buzzes like no other. Something amazing happens, the college stadium is overflowing even the hillside on one side of the field is covered with people having a picnic under the afternoon sun waiting for tonight's game. The brightest lights in the night attract the residents like moths. Shane finds a spot behind the home team. It is almost like what he remembers how things were, almost.

The game starts and home team runs to take their position on the field to defend. The scrambling player's faces turn to people who look familiar as the memories from years ago starts filtering into his mind. Matthew Sawyer and Shawn Daugherty are on the field. Shane rubs his eyes, but the faces remain. He must be kidding himself again. But he is finding it hard to ignore. Shawn closes his eyes and just listens to the crowd, to the sound of the game, and to the shouts coming from over eager players on the sideline. Coach Fox's familiar voice draws him back to the time that he misses.

It was a lazy day in the recruitment office. He closed shop early and walked to the stadium to watch the game in progress. He showed his school ID, and the gate guards let him in. He looked around and found an empty seat behind a loud bunch of kids cheering incessantly someone's name almost non-stop. >From there, he watched the home team ran around the visiting team. The game ended and Shane decided to stay for a bit to avoid the stampede of people getting out of the stadium. One guy from the loud group named Mike was handing out flyers for his band show that night. Shane accepted the flier when Mike handed him one. What the heck, he said. He might as well check it out. He was never a fun of yuppies, so he called kids like Mike who tried to look cool with their guitar and songs about some unknown ills in the world.

The place happened to be one of the bars close to the recruitment office. He could crash in the office after if he needed to. He changed to his civilian shirt, jeans and flip-flops, so he would blend in with the crowd. Mike's band turned out to be decent with their cover of alternative rock songs. The place suddenly was loud when some of the football players finally showed up. There was Reed, followed by Shawn, Matt and his best friend Joe. In tow, was the rest of the loud group from the game, a girl name Ashley, Tim and his girlfriend, and a Japanese student named Daisuke. People that he met later on. Shane was by the bar area most of the night when he felt someone's bumping into him in that crowded place. It was Reed talking to the his friends about many pitchers should he get. When Reed turned around, he hit Shane's arm and spilled his beer. Reed was very apologetic and offered to get him a fresh bottle of beer. Shane was slightly annoyed by it, but the offer of a new beer was good enough for him to let the transgression slipped. Shane continued on listening to the band and sometimes sing along with them. The crowd grew thin as the night went on. The students moved on to their next stop of the night. Then the band wrapped up their set. He saw Shawn and Matt talking to Mike. Reed was back in the bar paying for their tab.

"We have a party in our apartment," Reed told him.

"More booze?" Shane replied.

"All you can drink for five bucks."

The idea interested him, "I'll check it out. Where at?"

"The complex just across the street. I'm Reed by the way."

"Shane at your service," he responded.

The place was not hard to find. Several players proudly wearing their varsity jacket were in front of the apartment talking to one another loudly as they welcome everyone who came in the apartment. He walked towards the apartment, but met with silence when he got to the entrance. His demeanor and his white sidewall haircut told them that he wasn't a regular student, so they let him in without any incident. Shane looked around inside to see what was going on. When he noticed that people went directly outside through the back door then came back with a cup of beer in their hand, he knew where to go.

"Five bucks, buddy" Shawn was manning the keg collecting money and dispensing beer.

Shane forked a five dollar bill and handed it to him.

"Here you go soldier boy," Shane said handing him the plastic cup filled with foaming beer.

"Thanks," Shane said.

With his cup in hand, he decided to stay outside. There were other people in the patio, so it wasn't as awkward. The ever outgoing Shawn noticed that he was alone, and the football star struck a conversation with him.

"What up soldier? Afraid of regular folks?" Shawn joked.

"Not really, just my first time attending this kind of party," Shane replied.

"I'm Shawn by the way, master of the apartment."

"I'm Shane."

"How did you know that I'm in the service?"

"No one tucked in their shirt anymore. The haircut is hard to miss too."

"You got me."

"How did you ended up here?"

"Reed invited me."

"Oh, he is my roommate."

"Look like your party is popular."

"Yeah, we got a lot of fans. Ha-ha," Shawn said laughing.

"I guess you two play in the team."

"Guilty as charged. The best in the business."

Shawn looked around to see if there were more people coming for beer cup. "C'mon let's go in and meet some people. Just refill your cup when you run out."

Shane was feeling out of place while Shawn seemed to be in his element. He was mingling with everyone. Then the two finally made their way back to the front where Reed was talking to the other players.

"Reed, I found your boy Shane," Shawn told his roommate.

"Glad you made it," Reed greeted Shane. "I'm sorry about your beer," he added still apologizing from earlier.

"No problem."

Reed introduced him to the other players. Shane was starting to feel at ease. He told them that he was in the Army and also attending the school. They laughed when he told them that he worked at the recruitment office which seemed to be the go to place for students who found college as a dead end for them. Except for the influx of patriotic young men after the terrorist attack, their comment were mostly true which was something that he both despise and love. Yes, many students walked into the office when college was no longer an option for many different reasons, but on the other hand, the Army was offering them another chance.

"You can hang out with us when you're around town," Reed said.

"That's great," Shane was amazed on how fast he was accepted in.

Shawn dragged him back to the apartment and started introducing him to some people making sure that everyone knew that he was in the Army. Shane was reveling on the attention. The night went on. Shane was happily in the company of Reed and Shawn. From then on, Shane became Reed and Shawn's buddy outside of the football team. Later on, Shane would be one of the people that dropped by at the apartment for light drinking and chatting. Between Reed's own set of friends and Shawn's, the apartment became a place to meet.

When the recruitment office was going slow, Shane would close the office a little early. The neighboring Air Force and Navy offices were already closed. The two other offices were only open half-day. It was only because of his school schedule that he had to open longer. After changing to civilian clothes, he would make a short trek to the apartment to check what's going on and to find out if there was anything special going on. Inside the apartment was Matt and some other people that he saw during one of Reed and Shawn's party sipping some beer and debating the game that just finished.

"Sup Shane," Shawn greeted him. "I guess, you already met these people before," he added.

"Not me," Matt interjected.

"I'm Shane."

"I'm Matt." Matt was another friend that he met in the university but went out with some people he knew from his home town.

Shane was a little curious as to why Matt only shows up from time to time during the after hour party, "I've seen you with Reed and Shawn the other night. How come you didn't come to the party?"

"We are not cool enough," Shawn butted in.

Matt gave Shawn the finger.

"I guess, you are in the team too?" It wasn't really hard to tell. Matt was the same size as Shawn. Reed was big being a linebacker, however, Matt and Shawn were bigger as the team's ministers of defense as they were known. The two were probably pushing 260-280 lbs and standing about 6 foot three. Shawn was slightly shorter. Matt who had a proclivity to wear cargo pants and tight shirt sported a well-toned body compared to your usual football player playing the same position who were often big and fat. Shawn was the almost the same way if not for slight stomach bump. Shane thought that it made Shawn look more like regular guy.

"Yeah," Matt said. "And the loud crazy guys behind the team were my friends. We go to Mike's house for after hours."

"Why don't you guys just come here and party?"

"He likes hanging out with his boyfriend Joe," Shawn joked. Joe was Matt's dorm roommate. They came from the same town just like Shawn and Reed. Matt was a true-blue country folk. Reed and Shawn were a little bit urbanized who grew up in one of the fastest growing metropolis in the country. Shane was sort of everything being someone who grew up in Florida then moved up North then back to the South.

"What? Is Reed not giving you some good lovin'?" Matt countered. "We are spreading people. Some people that go here also go to Mike's," Matt continue after shutting down Shawn.

Reed handed Shane a can of beer. Shane looked around for some sitting and chose to sit in between Matt and Shawn, but he stood up.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked.

"Damn, I felt so small between you two," Shane replied.

"Don't worry. We're gentle," Shawn joked.

For most regular nights after school that's how it went in the apartment. Reed and Shawn were popular. It was only during the few weeks of the football season when Shane learned how specially popular they were. They hooked up, or more like hook-ups land on their lap. They got their fair share of the benefits of being star players. Shane had seen many walk-of-shames in the morning when he crashed on Reed and Shane's couch after night of partying and he's off the next day.

Shawn was always the first to get up in the morning. He liked his cereal in the morning before going back his room and catch some more sleep.

"Someone got lucky last night," Shane told the still sleepy Shawn.

"Reed turn last night," Shawn said.

"What do you mean Reed's turn?"

"She's going to be suckin' on my dick next time," Shawn answered naughtily.

"What did you do last night?"

"Whacked off. We leave our bedroom door open,"

"No threesome?"

"Nah, plenty of that already," Shawn answered casually as he rummaged though the cabinet for some cereal. Any empty box was left on the kitchen counter for whoever was not lazy enough to take it out to the trashcan outside. "I've known Reed since high school. He is a year older though."

"You hungry? There are eggs and bacon if you want breakfast," Shawn offered.

"I'm fine. Thanks though," Shane politely declining Shawn's offer.

"You guys seem to be popular with girls around here."

"Yeah, one of the benefits of being in the varsity team. Ha-ha."

"Must be fun having a constant supply of blow jobs," Shane jokes.

"LOL. True. We even get proposals from fanboys."


"Jock chasers. We get a lot of them waiting on the wing," Shawn answered chuckling.

Shawn finished his cereal and told Shane that he was going back to his bed to catch some more sleep. On his drive back to his place that morning, Shane was smiling thinking about the last bit of their conversation. The sound of 'fanboy' bothered him for some reason though. Well, he admitted he wouldn't have mind going in bed with either Reed or Shawn. Since his reassignment, he hadn't really given it a thought. Although he sometimes missed the special arrangement he had with his buddy Sgt. Jackson McQuibin who was still in his old base determined to make a career out of the Army.

One afternoon in the recruitment office, Shane was busy filing some papers. He had two local boys picked up an application and a current student turned in one. That was busy by Shane's standard.

"I need to pick up an application form?" he heard from the guy who just walked in the office.

When he looked up to point at the application forms, he said, "fuck you" after recognizing who walked in.

"Is that how you recruit people?" Shawn said laughing.

"What are you doing here?" Shane said.

"I just wanna see where you work."

"You can't hang out here."

"Shane, sitting on a nice leather seat, filling up pa-pppeeer," Shawn said sounding like that annoying office guy in Saturday Night Live.

"What you want?"

"We are going to a birthday party tonight? You wanna come?"

"Depends on the time," Shane replied.

"About eight, not an all-nighter, so you should be fine."

"I have no civilian clothes with me."

"What's wrong with your uniform?"

"I don't like wearing it when mingling with civilian folks."

"Shush, just wear a flip-flop or something," Shawn said dismissing Shane's excuse.

"I don't know."

"You're lost," Shawn said as he waved goodbye.

Shane debated for a bit, but decided to go with them anyway. A quick trip to the nearby mall for a shirt and new pairs of flip-flops and he was ready for the night. At the corner of the street, Reed and Shawn were already waiting. Their destination was the frat house just two blocks away from their apartment complex.

When the Shane recognized the location he couldn't help but ask why Reed and Shawn were attending a frat party.

"I think it's Reed's fanboy birthday," Shawn laughing.

"Don't give me that. You were the one he was begging to come," Reed said.

"Yeah, after emphasizing that you come too," Shawn countered.

"Do you know the guy?" Shane asked.

"He's in our class. You might have seen him in our party. He's one of the regulars," Reed said.

"He's your buddy then," Shane commented.

"Nah, just someone we know. He's cool," Shawn answered and buzzed the door.

Like your stereotypical frat party, there were two guys checking if they were invited but just let them in when the they recognized the two football players. They didn't say any word about Shane being with them.

"Let's get this over with," Reed said who was obviously not too keen on staying longer.

The living room was littered with young men talking to themselves as if they didn't want to be bothered. The seating area was occupied by the lucky ones with their girlfriends clinging tightly as if they found the most desirable catch in the campus. They made their way to the kitchen and relieved to see people who were actually partying. The birthday boy saw them and immediately ran to their direction with his girlfriend in tow and gleefully introduced her to Reed and Shawn. Shane intently stayed out of the mix being just a hanger on for the night.

"LOL, that dude was acting like he was giving away his girlfriend to you," Shane said laughing once they found the keg. Reed was naughtily laughing with his response. Something told Shane that his comment might not be far from truth.

"Cool, free beer," Shawn said after being given a plastic cup without forking five bucks.

"One of the very few benefits of being invited to a frat party, I guess," Reed said shrugging his shoulder.

"Someone's not happy to be here," Shane said after recognizing Reed's distaste of the atmosphere inside the big fraternity house.

"He's the jock equivalent of these snotty kids," Shawn joked.

"Fuck you" was Reed's response to his friend funny comment.

The three friends found a corner for themselves just watching the other students walk in and out of the kitchen. Once again the birthday boy saw them and was really happy that they showed up. Shawn introduced Shane to him, "this is Shane."

"You work at the recruitment office," the boy blurted out.

"LOL, yeah," Shane replied in amazement.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's normally not the first thing I hear."

Then the birthday boy was dragged away by another group of party goers.

"What the heck. Is he spying on you?" Reed said.

"Or maybe, he wants to suck your dick?" Shawn butted in.

"He is your fanboy, remember," Shane teased the two.

"He is Reed's," Shawn said.

"I bet he suck dick real good," Reed joked.

"You should try him, Reed." Shawn responded as if the comment was nothing.

"Is that a first-hand knowledge?" Reed replied.

Shane, who was no longer estranged to such kind of talks, was still amazed at the exchange between Reed and Shawn. They must have forgotten that he was with them, he thought. But Shane was interrupted from his own thoughts when Shawn asked him, "you guys are also popular lately, I bet you get quite a few propositions."

Although he was already sure about himself Shane was still cautious around people, but for some reason, he joined in the joke, "a few."

"Is that like one or two?" Shawn said.

"Or a few hundreds," Reed added.

"That will be nightmare," Shane replied.

After several cups of beer, the three had enough of the place. Reed went ahead and looked for the birthday boy to tell him that they were leaving. Waiting by the entrance, Shane asked where was Reed.

"He's up there," Shawn said pointing at Reed at the second level talking to the celebrant while the other residents of the establishment were looking. By the look of things, they must had been happy to see Reed. Some of this kids were practicing their future life it seemed like. Getting their place in society and around are people that will just enhanced their standing even further.

Shane still wanted to drive home, so he was a little anxious to get going. It was still a good two hour drive to his home closer to the base. "Well, I'm going home," Shane bade farewell.

"Let's wait for Reed," Shawn suggested.

"What's taking him so long?" Shane asked.

"The birthday boy probably wants to blow a big candle," Shawn joked while trying to wave at Reed.

Shane just laughed because of how Shawn made fun of the poor birthday boy. "I thought you know the guy," Shane said.

"Not really. I just see him around when we throw a party. Never talked to him that much."

"You don't like the guy?"

"Nothing against the dude, just not the kind of people I wanna hang out with."

"What's wrong with the guy?"

"His full of it."

"Too preppy?"

"Not that. It seems like guys like him don't care as if someone else will fix things for themselves."

Reed finally finished saying his goodbye. "They want us to attend their foundation party or something."

"Nice," Shawn said.

"What's that all about?" Shane asked.

"It's normally organized by their alumni and some of them will probably attend. They'll have better drink selection."

"Well, I'm headed home." Shane told Reed and Shawn.

"You sure. You can always crash in our apartment."

"I need to do some house work tomorrow."

"I thought live you in the base," Shawn said.

"No, they allowed me to live off base."

"Cool. We can visit then and trash your house," Reed interjected.

"Your welcome to visit. Remember it's an over two hour drive."

The three walked back and parted ways when Reed and Shawn reached their apartment complex. Shane continued on to his pickup parked by the recruitment office. On his way home, Shane passed by the 24-hour store and had a changed of mind. It was just a routine house work nothing really urgent. He went inside the store and sent Reed a text message that "he is crashing in their apartment." He was done picking up cheap but decent clothes for tomorrow's class when he received Reed's response.

"That's cool," Reed's message said.

"See you guys in bit, just run to the store quick." Shane didn't like wearing his uniform when attending his classes.

Reed and Shawn were playing video games when Shane arrived at the apartment and were extra competitive with their can of beer by their feet.

"What's up with you two?"

"Betting on something," Shawn said and pointed at the fridge for some cold beer.

Shane smiled because of the familiarity of what he was seeing. It was something he heard before and wondered what they were playing for.

"Betting on what?"

"On who is going to entertain the birthday boy," Reed said.

"What the heck?" Shane blurted out in amazement.

"Blame Reed," Shawn said. Apparently the boy was someone they already figured way back. Reed's accidentally agreed for the boy to visit the apartment when he was talking to him upstairs.

"What did you say?" Shane asked.

"Nothing really, I just said we are going back to the apartment to continue drinking," Reed said. The boy apparently joked about joining and Reed said yes.


Shawn showed the message on his phone. "I'm joining your party for a bit. :)"

"LOL, why does he have your phone number?" Shane asked.

"Yeah Shawn, why does he have your number?" Reed joked.

"Dunno, I might have given it to him," Shawn replied looking also confused.

"So who ever lose has to man up?"

"Pretty much," Shawn said.

"So he is ditching his own party to be here?"

"The boy wants to blow a big candle," Shawn repeated his earlier comment.

"And I thought you were joking."

"I was," Shawn said.

Shane sat by the kitchen table. The only available seating in the apartment except for the full size couch already occupied by his two buddies who were duking it out with a game of virtual professional football. The two were busy with their game as if nothing unusual was going to happen. His mind went off for a bit grinning all the while. What can he say? It's not so surprising. Reed, who was a bulky looking guy by any standard, looked cut but not overly ripped. His closely cropped hair and the constant four o'clock shadow on his face made him look intimidating to approach, but his impeccable smile showed his friendly side. Shawn, just like his personality, looked a little more laid back. Even his towering frame of neat mix of muscle and fat was not enough to hide his very approachable nature. His slightly longer hair that he combed flat to his head and brushed up the front lead to a well trimmed facial hair made him looked like an extra large kid. He acted like a big kid anyway. It suited him being someone who moved fast for his size. Shane thought was interrupted by a loud cheer.

"I'm the king," Shawn cheered triumphantly and Reed was slump on the couch saying the f-word over and over again.

"Man up, Reed," Shane said adding insult to the injury.

"Bullshit," Reed said.

"Hey Reed, enjoy." Shawn said.

Not a moment passes and they hear knock on the door.

"He's here, Reed." Shawn said opening the door. There stood the smiling birthday boy in his brand name shirt and cargo pants with his hair still nicely styled spiked in the middle. The kid was looking good. He probably stood about five-nine, wide shoulder, and a body that must have seen some late childhood sport experience.

"Come on in," Shawn welcomed the boy.

Shane offered him a beer, "here to warm things up."

The kid accepted the beer and sat down on the couch. The room went silent for a bit. Shane took the chance to break the ice.

"How is your party?"

"OK," the kid said.

"Won't they look for you?"

"Nah, they probably think I'm in my room."

"With your girl?"


Reed stood up and climbed upstairs to his bedroom. Shawn gave the boy the signal to follow. The kid was smiling as he climbed the stairs.

"Give him a good one," Shane told the kid.

"I will," the kid answered with a wink.

Shawn and Shane were laughing once they hear the sound of a closing door.

"Someone gonna have his knob turned and polished," Shane said.

"The kid's gonna have a hard time taking on Reed," Shawn said.

"He's got a big one?" Shane asked.

"About 8 inches of thick man meat."

The two each opened a can of beer and sat on the couch.

"Are you gonna have yours polish too?" Shane asked.

"Not sure, Reed might wore out the kid. Why, you want yours suck?" Shawn said.

"Nah, just wondering why you two are very casual about it."

"Oh that, we both have experience."


"Yeah, I'm out bi. I think Reed just gets the itch from time to time."

"You're out?" Shane repeated what Shawn said. It still amazed him when someone admits it specially for people like Shawn whose life revolved around one of the sports that gives a lot of importance to masculinity.

"Yeah, just my close friends though, . . . and my mom."


"How about you? Any experience with another guy going down on you."

"Yeah, a couple of times," Shane answered conservatively.

"LOL, isn't that a no-no in the service?"

"Yeah, but stick hundreds of horny young guys together and something is bound to happen."


"Well I'm bi too. Married and divorced then found the joy of male bonding. Ha-ha"

"Welcome to the club," Shawn said gleefully.

"Thank you, sir."

The two shared a cheer about their common interest. They opened another can of beer still waiting on Reed.

"Reed is taking his sweet time," Shane commented.

"Oh, he doesn't like quick ones. Give it at least 45 minutes."

"How about you?" Shane asked.

"Even longer or multiple times," Shawn replied.

The conversation between them was starting to have an effect on both of them. Their hands were now busy rubbing their crotch in the open. Shane would give Shawn's crotch a look from time to time as they continued with their conversation about Reed and the boy upstairs.

"LOL, the boy will have an aching jaw after," Shawn kept joking.

"How big are you, Shawn?" Shane asked out of nowhere.

"Average," Shawn replied grinning.

"Bullshit," Shane said.

"You wanna see?" Shawn offered.

"Yeah," Shane replied without any hesitation.

Shawn undid his shorts and pulled down on his underwear to reveal his hardening uncut dick.

"That didn't take you long."

"I'm a little bit of a show off," Shawn said chuckling whose manhood was fully erect in no time.

"Average. That's a monster," Shane commented when he saw Shawn's dick was like him, big.

"It's only 8 inches just on the thick side," Shawn replied slapping his cock to the palm of his hand. "Now your turn," Shawn instructed Shane.

Shane had no other option but to comply. He unbuckled belt, undid his cammies and pull down on his undies like Shawn to reveal his own manhood. Once it's out and the blood started flowing freely, his dick was in full mast without even touching it.

"Not bad," Shawn said. "You're the same size as Reed," he added.

"Now, I don't feel too bad after seeing yours," Shane joked.

Their quick comparison was cut off when they heard a door opening and voices from upstairs percolated down the apartment. The two quickly composed themselves. The creaking sound of someone going down the stairs meant that the two were done. First was the boy followed by Reed with a grin painted on his face. The boy didn't stay long after he was done blowing his special birthday candle. He said that he needed to go back to his house party.

"Good one?" Shawn asked when the boy left the apartment.

"I told you that guy looked like he can suck dick," was Reed's response.

"Good one then."

"Yeah," Reed said as he sat on the kitchen opening a can of beer.

"You looked exhausted?" Shane commented.

"I think he blown me dry."

"Shane wants to hear how it went down," Shawn said pretending that Shane made the comment. He looked at Shane direction to see the soldier making the "What? Me?" face. Honestly, the two didn't really talk about such things, maybe a few quick jabs. It came natural to them now. Reed was a little plastered and also looked at the sergeant and confirmed that it was just Shawn coaxing him when he caught the look on Shane's face.

"He's cool," Shawn assured his roommate.

Shane gave him a smile to also let him know that what happened was something the soldier was not disapproving of.

"Well, well. I know my roommate will be a happy bastard," Reed teased his friend.

"Come on, details," Shawn insisted.

Reed started describing what happened. Although he looked like he was not up for it, he was actually in good spirit and waiting for the birthday boy as he lay in the middle of his bed still in his clothes. He was going to make the boy take off any piece clothes that he fancied to be removed.

"Ha-ha," Shawn laughed at the idea of his friend being unwrapped like a gift.

The boy crawled in between his legs and reached over and started massaging his crotch. He asked the boy if that was what he was looking for and boy said yes. The boy continued to feel Reed up and down feeling the straining cock hidden behind the shorts that hugged the big man's lower body and strong looking thighs. Reed helped the eager a little boy by raising his knees to loosen up the his shorts. The boy found his shaft and adjusted it so it laid on it's side. Reed was enjoying the feeling of another man's hand tracing the length of his cock. When he let out a moan, the boy looked at him as if asking for his permission to let him have a closer at it. Reed told the boy that he could unzip his fly, letting the boy slipped a hand into his shorts as he maintained a naughty gaze on what's going on down below. Then the boy fished out his cock and let the head peek out of the underwear. A sheepish smile formed in the boy face as he surveyed the uncut dick in front of him. He continued on running his hand up and down Reed's shaft. "Wanna lick it," Reed encouraged the boy which the boy enthusiastically followed with his hands now exploring Reed's body. Reed propped himself and the boy helped him out of his shirt, revealing his broad chest and flat stomach. "Damn, you're hot," the boy commented.

Then his pants was off too as the boy got closer to finally having what he came for, leaving Reed just in his bright white boxers. Reed put his right hand over the boy head guiding him to run his mouth over the length of his cock. "Does that feel good for you?" the boy asked. "Yeah, you're doing good," Reed replied and a deep breathe came from the big man.

"Wow, you really were taking your time," Shawn interrupted his friend's narration.

"Not me, it was all him," Reed replied.

But the boy could no longer wait and pulled Reed's boxers. Then he put the hard meat in his hand and gave it a few strokes. He propped himself on four and took the head in his mouth. "Mmm, that feels good," Reed said. He threw his head back waiting for the boy's full assault on his throbbing cock.

He felt the boy wrapping his arms around his thighs and gently settled his hands on Reed's flat stomach, caressing it while he worked the head of big man's cock. The boy adjusted himself with his mouth directly on the waiting cock and took it all in. "Fuck yeah!" Reed grunted when he felt his cock deep inside the boy's throat. Then the boy started to slowly bob his head up and down. Reed was appreciatively moaning and saying "suck that cock" in between his moans and grunts. The boy knew that he was now in control and took the big dick all the way in his mouth again. "Aaah," was Reed's response every time the boy went all the way down. Then the boy went to town, giving Reed a good blow job. The big man was moaning and sighing as he savored the non-stop pleasure from the over eager boy who only came up once to ask him if he could also take his dick out, so he could jack off. Reed saw no problem with it, but put his hands over the boy's head to let him know that his dick was the boy's main concern.

Soon, the boy was jerking Reed to completion on his face. After the boy had received his gift, he asked Reed if he could unload his seed on him. Reed was accommodating enough to let him do it after receiving an excellent blow job. Then the boy let it fly all over the big man's waiting abs.

"You've done good," Reed complemented the boy. He went to the bathroom and fetched his towel and wiped himself then threw it at the boy to wipe his own face.

"You OK?" Reed asked.

"I'm good," the boy replied with a wide smile on his face.

"Thanks, that was great," Reed complemented him again.

"No, thank you. I've been waiting for this for quite a while now."

Reed just grinned.

"I was actually hoping for some good humping."

Reed, once again, just gave the boy a grin. The two put their clothes back on and went down the stairs.

When Reed finished his story, Shane said, "so are you guys still going to bet on who is doing the guy?"

Next: Chapter 20: Allotted Time 7

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