Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jan 28, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Crossing the Line by Max Millan

Collin is sitting at the table waiting for Shane. The spot has become their favorite area in the bar. It's very seldom that the place is visited by throng of people. Although it always remains somehow busy with crowd coming in and out of the place. Only the regulars stay until closing time. With the dwindling population of local younger generation, the place is becoming a gathering place for older folks it seems like. And if the young ever go out, they go to the bars close to campus and mingle with the students.

Ever since the football season started, Shane has been attending the games whenever he can. A little over half and hour Shane walks into the bar. He makes a quick trip to the bar area for his pitcher of beer before joining Collin at the table.

"How was the game?" Collin asked.

"We lost by four," Shane replies.

"Same ole, same ole," Collin says almost dismissively.

"Don't be that way. It's only their second lost this season," Shane says defending the team.

"Really? Watch them get clobbered later in the season," Collin says still not convinced about the team's prospect.

"How's the old lady?"

"She's fine. One more month."

"You'll be changing diapers soon, corporal," Shane jokes.

"Screw that."


"I help with the house chores," Collin countered.

Shane still bummed out by the team's lost finds some satisfaction on watching his favorite team on the TV across. Shane is fixated on the game and cheering. Collin turns around to see the game.

"Why the heck to like that team?" Collin asks.

"Why shouldn't I? I used to live there."

"They suck."

"What? Do you only cheer for the winning team?"

"No. But c'mon, why do you always pick bad team?"

"I wouldn't say that. Right corporal?" Shane says and wink at the other officer.

"Oh sorry. I forgot that you also bat for the same team."

With that comment, Collin finds himself massaging one of his feet after Shane jammed the heel of his shoe on Collin's toes. The bartender heard Collin's vocalization of pain and asked what happened. Collin pretended that he accidentally kicked the leg of the table.

"That's what you get, stupid fuck," Shane says, castigating his friend for his attempt to be funny.

"Damn, you might have broken my toes, fucker."

"Shut up. I'm watching the game."

"Ouch," Collin keeps repeating.

In the middle of there conversation, the two hear their names being called. Some people from the station walk in and join them in the table. They might have just finished their shift since they are still wearing their uniform.

"What's up?" one of the officers greet them.

Collin stands up and offers them seats. Collin pulls one of the chair right next to Shane and the new arrivals take their spot by the table. The bartender dutifully take their order. It's not uncommon that one or two from the station join them in some nights. The three officers are ten or fifteen years their senior and been in the university police force give or take for the same length of time. Some of them venture out for quick drink before heading home. For a brief moment, Shane finds another person rooting for his team. Collin remains silent and keeps his comments to himself being outranked by the three. The moment gives Shane a chance to get back at Collin.

"Mike, Collin said our team sucks."

"Do you wanna be demoted?" the other officer tells Collin.

"C'mon now, they're in losing streak."

"Shush!" Shane cuts his friend off.

"Yeah, shush! We're watching the game," Mike added.

The five continues drinking and tries to soak in the game, at least the most of them. Collin who doesn't seem to care much about the game is looking for something else to keep his mind occupied. Shane has to put up with him. Shorts being the best attire for summer nights, their bare legs give the officer an idea. He bumps Shane leg with his. Shane look down to see what is up. Then another bump when he looks back up watching the game. Shane is still not responding right. Collin moves his leg to the Shane's and starts shaking it. Shane finally figures what his friend was going for. Shane spread his legs a little apart that their legs are touching brushing on each other every time they move. Collin pretends that he is finally into the game.

When the game wraps up, the three older officers also call it a night. Once again the two are alone in the table. Collin moves back to his original seat opposite Shane.

"Did you get a boner?" Collin just asks Shane.

"No," Shane replies.

"Well, that's a bust then."

"Why? Are you really trying to get me a boner with just that?"

"Just that? LOL," Collin says laughing thinking that Shane now requires more attention to get excited.

"Just not in the mood. Game was good," Shane says not to totally shutdown Collin.

After their second pitcher, Collin also has to go home. He can't really stay long and drink now that his wife is getting closer to giving birth. The next day, Collin shows up limping for their shift.

"What's wrong?" Shane asks.

"You fuckin' broke my toes."

"Are you serious?" Shane is a little concern.

"Nah, they're just swollen."

"Ooopps, sorry. I'll give you a foot massage if you want," Shane jokes.

"I'll add that to my list."


"Nothing, . . . just drive."

Their patrol is very much routine that day. Nothing seems to be out of order. Their very ordinary day is shattered by a radio message from the headquarters. The downtown police is asking for backup. Collin asks for the address and Shane speeds to the location. In front of the house are two police cars with the police officers hiding by the door with their guns drawn out.

"What's the situation?" Collin asks the lieutenant.

"Drug bust," the officer replies.

"How many people are in the house?"

"Our information from the tipster, said there are three."

"Are they armed?" Shane asked.

Two more police cars from the university show up, and after exchanging some more information, they all take their spot ready for whatever is going to happen.

"Come out with your hands up," the lieutenant shouted using a bullhorn.

Everyone is on the edge waiting for the occupants to come out. Another warning from the officer, and door starts opening. The tension is rising up, but it comes down immediately when the father and his wife and a toddler come out of the house shouting "don't shoot. Don't shoot."

Shane is scratching head. How could this people call for backup to apprehend a stoner couple?

Collin and Shane's own lieutenant had some discussion with the downtown police. Apparently the tipster told them that people were selling drugs from the house. It didn't take long before they figured out that it was just an unhappy neighbor reporting on the couple.

The wasted adrenaline has made them lethargic. A quick bite at the fast food restaurant they frequent after working out seem like a good idea.

"That was stupid," Collin complains to his partner.

"It was. Could they at least investigated a little bit?" Shane replies.

"Maybe everyone downtown is paranoid ever since organized pushers started invading the town."

"Still that's stupid of them."

"I know, right?"

"So what's in store for us tonight?"

"Stalking the back roads again," Collin says laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Well, we might catch another roadside Romeo."

"I think we're supposed to be looking for drunk drivers not horny drivers, corporal."

"It's early in the semester. You know parties everywhere, someone's bound to try their luck out."

The smell of the nearby marshes slowly creeps in as the afternoon sun sets in. The cooling air forces the musty smell propelled by the still warm earth to spread trough out the Southeastern part of the country. Collin and Shane spent most of the early evening driving along the unpaved road hoping to catch some speeders. Such endeavor normally yield them one or two ticket, but the no one seems to be venturing except for the locals who are also using the road.

The two finally got tired of just driving back and forth and decide to look for a good spot and just wait with their radar gun. Time fly by and it's almost midnight, but cars seem to be avoiding the road.

"This is a bust," Collin comments.

"There must be something going on somewhere."

"I haven't heard from the office about any event going on."

"Wanna go back to the campus?" Shane offers.

"Nah, we only have one more hour left. Let just stay here, we might still got lucky."

Shane somehow finds the comment funny and repeats "we can get lucky."

"What? You wanna stroke my fat cock?" Collin jokes.

"Is that your idea of getting lucky?" Shane counters.

"Don't lie, you want to."

"Just crank it in the backseat, corporal," Shane brushes the other officer.

"LOL, I think my dick hates me now." Collin says rolling the subject.

"How come?"

"I've been spanking it a lot."

"Good. It would be just wrong if you're still trying to make a move on your wife."

"Why would that be wrong? She's my wife."

"Eeww, Collin that just doesn't sound right."

"You know, you can go from behind. Our family doctor actually gave us pointers," Collin explains.


"You just told me that you like going from behind," Collin says referring to Shane story during one of their patrols.

"That's a completely different thing," Shane replies and gives his partner's thigh a good punch.

"Ouch! What the hell? You already broke my toes. Now your trying to break whole leg."

"One of these days, you are so gonna get it," Shane warns his partner.

"Nah, you will get it,... um" Collin replies thrusting his hips.

Shane doesn't know how to respond and just laughed out his partner's almost childish remark.

"So did you treat the private well?"

"Who? Carson?"

"Yeah," is Collin's very inquiring reply.

Shane new found freedom while he was in the Army had been Collin's fixation for several weeks now. Shane has long recognized that Collin must be just curious about how things go, doing it with your buddy. The slow night makes for another good night of story telling.

So Carson as promised by Shane got a call from the sergeant that he could drop by for another round after work in their apartment. Jack was no longer oppose to the idea for the two privates to visit their apartment to hang out and sometimes for a good fun. Carson was not hiding his excitement to the sergeant.

"Do you want me showered?" Carson asked Shane.

"Or you can wash me as a bonus," Shane joked.

Shane arrived from work a little late that night. Carson was lounging on their couch still in his uniform when he walked in.

"Sup sarge?" Carson greeted Shane.

Shane was surprised that Carson was there early. "You're early. Why, can't wait?" Shane told the private.

"I won't lie," Carson replied.

"How long you've been waiting?"

"About an hour. We finished early and drove here directly." Carson replied.

Shane thought that he must be talking about Jack. They work together, so it would not be out of the ordinary that they came to the apartment together. However, Jack was nowhere in sight. Shane asked the private where the other sergeant was. Carson pointed at Jack's room. Shane went to the kitchen looking for some soda and some munchies. Shane offered Carson some drink and tossed a can of soda to him. When Shane closed the door of the fridge, Shane saw Jack coming out of his room in his underwear. Carson's "we" reference got more clearer when Hunter also came out of the bedroom still tucking in his shirt and carrying his boots.

"I told them to get here early," Jack said while grabbing a sport drink from the fridge.

"Really?" Shane was somewhat surprised.

"Carson told me his dropping by to meet up with you. Seems like he was looking forward to get it on with you again. Hunter volunteered for my sake," Jack said giving Hunter a pat on the back.

"Good job, private," Shane teased Hunter.

"Did I? Sarge," Hunter said winking at Jack.

"Amazing job," Jack replied giving the private another pat on the back.

"Sgt. McQuibin wore me out. I'm thinking of just going home and taking a nap. Can you take Carson's home after?" Hunter asked Shane.

"Don't worry, I'll give him a ride after giving him a ride," Shane joked.

Carson was still lounging on the couch pretending not to hearing anything from the kitchen. Hunter left and Jack went back to his room probably to take a nap himself. Shane moved Carson's legs out of the couch the sat down.

"Damn, I'm beat," Shane complained about his aching feet as he removed his boots.

"Long day?"

"Yeah, we helped out moving crates. A warm shower should be in order," Shane said who was now in his underwear headed for the bathroom.

Carson returned back to lounging on the couch and grabbed the remote to watch some TV while waiting on the sergeant. But before he got comfortable he heard Shane from the bathroom door saying "wanna join me?"

The private rushed to get out of his uniform and down to his underwear in no time. Shane turned on the shower and with his hand tested out the temperature before finally taking of his skivvies and climbed into the bathtub. Carson followed standing behind the sergeant. Shane took his time running the warm water from his head to his toes. Washing his face with the warm water. Shane turned around facing Carson running warm water on his back. Carson reached for the sergeant's cock, massaging it and his balls. After a brief quick exchanged of crotch grab, Shane yielded his position under the shower to Carson. When the private was wet from head to toe, Shane squeezed some liquid soap and started lathering it on Carson's back. The private relax his arms on the side as Shane's hands made it in front lathering the soap on his chest and stomach. Shane's arms were wrapped around the private. One hand now was soaping his groin area and the other still caressing his chest. Carson's bent over to spread the soap to his legs. Shane gave his ass cheek a good slap which the private just tried to ignore. Carson cleaned up, it was Shane's turn once again under the shower. Carson from behind was lathering every inch of Shane's muscular body, feeling it more than really soaping it. Just like Shane, Carson wrapped his arms around the sergeant body caressing his chest and massaging his groin area then Carson continued on to soaping Shane's legs, running his hands from the sergeant's thighs down to his feet. When all the trace of soap are gone from each others body, Shane turned off the shower. Carson sat by the open side of the bathtub guiding the sergeant to face him. Carson licked Shane's ball before putting the semi-hard cock in his mouth and sucked it to full attention.

"Damn, you do that so good," Shane complemented the private who was now busy taking more and more of Shane's cock. Shane reached for his towel and wiped himself dry as he watched the private service his cock. Shane let the private enjoyed his dick for a bit.

"Did you miss my cock?" Shane told the private.

"Hell yeah," Carson replied.

"How much, bud?" With that comment, Carson took it all in.

"Aahh," Shane moaned while he held onto Carson's head coaxing the private to stay down for as long as he could.

Shane let him go when he felt the private pushing on his thighs. Shane said, "thanks buds" while Carson was catching his breathe.

"All night, sarge," Carson replied.

"Let's go to my room," Shane suggested.

Shane handed him his towel. Carson used it to wipe himself dry. From there, the two found themselves sitting on Shane's bed stroking each others cock with their arms also on each others shoulder. Carson was fixated on the sergeant's cock the whole time. Shane moved his hand behind the private's head. Carson got the idea and leaned towards Shane waiting cock. He worked on the sergeant's cock, making Shane moaned and groaned as he guided his buddy's head with his hands down his cock. When the private got him close, he tapped on Carson's back.

"I want some of yours too," he told his friend.

Shane made him lay on the bed with his legs hanging by the side. Shane knelt in front of him rubbing the private's inner thighs and spreading them for better access. After a few strokes, Shane went down on Carson getting it harder and harder. Until the thickness of the Carson's seven and half incher started to give him a little bit of trouble.

"Fuckin' fat dick you got," Shane commented as he tried stretching his jaw.

Carson just smiled at Shane who was stroking him and examining the cock in front of him. "You're doing great, sarge," Carson assuring Shane.

"Damn, no wonder my jaw hurt this morning," referring to the fact that he had no trouble last night when he first took Carson's cock in his mouth must be the alcohol he thought.

"You wanna switch? I don't mind." Carson said.

"Nah, I'm good." Shane went back to sucking on the private. It didn't take long when he got use to Carson's size and was able to take more in. Carson seemed to like it, as his hips slowly move up and down, helping push his dick farther into Shane's mouth. Shane grabbed the base of Carson's cock to act as stopper. Although he was now getting used to giving someone a blow job, he was still not yet ready to take someone's whole cock in his mouth specially Carson's thick one.

Carson was still wanting the sergeant's dick in his mouth, so he asked the sergeant if he would like to sixty-nine for a bit.

Carson was still on his back turned around with his still stiff dick. His head was slightly hanging by the bed. Shane eased his cock in Carson's mouth and leaned over and went to work, sucking Carson's cock once again. Shane was slurping as the natural lubrication from his mouth collected at the base of Carson's cock while he slowly humped his friend's face. Carson's hands that was feeling his lower body was his only gauge to know if Carson was having any trouble in his position.

Without pulling from Carson's mouth, he grabbed a tube of lube from his night stand. Carson responded by pulling his legs up and spreading them. Shane squeezed some in his hand and applied it Carson's hole. He gently put one finger in Carson's pink hole then put the private's cock back in his mouth. He sucked on his cock while slowly pushing more of his finger in. Carson moaned. Then another finger which drove Carson crazy.

"Sarge stop teasing me, just take it," Carson told Shane.

Carson gave the private a slap on his ass cheek. Carson got up on his knees, flipped around to show off his ass to Shane. The sergeant was taking his sweet time. Shane came up behind him and started slapping his dick against Carson's ass. He would aim it at Carson's hole then stopped just to slap the private's ass with is cock again. He did the same thing several times waiting for the private's reaction.

"Sarge, you're driving me nuts," Carson's pleaded.

"You want it bad?" Shane continued teasing the private.

"Yeah," Carson replied.

Shane reached for the nightstand. He unrolled a condom on his hard cock. When Carson heard the flick of the condom, he looked at Shane and slapped his own ass. Soon enough, the sergeant gave Carson what he was waiting for. Shane was easing his cock into Carson's waiting ass, squeezing his big dick into him. All Carson could do was grunt and pant his way through the initial assault, until Shane was fully embedded in him. Shane started driving into Carson slowly picking up pace. It didn't take long when Shane was pumping fast and hard. The ass-slapping sounds filled the room punctuated by Carson's whimpers

Shane reached around and started stroking Carson who remained hard the whole time. The sergeant got into a nice rhythm with his sweat dripping from his forehead. Carson had to stop the sergeant from playing with his cock several times. He was already on the edge. This gave Shane a naughty idea. He switched to pulling half of his cock and slamming it back in. Carson was a trooper and just vocalized the sensation of the new assault on his ass. Carson found himself almost on his stomach with his ass still up in the air while Shane continued on slamming his cock following the private as he slowly collapsed on the bed. Carson sort of surrender and slump on the bed with his legs wide apart, and let the sergeant had him the way the sergeant wanted it.

"Did you like it?" Shane whispered to Carson's ear.

"Damn, that was something sarge."

"So you like it?" Shane asked once again to make sure that he did not go over Carson's limit. Yes Carson was willing, but he was still his buddy.

"Hell yeah, specially when you grunt like crazy," Carson assured him.

"Ready to cum?" Shane asked.


Shane turned Carson on his back with his legs flung in the air. Shane moved in between sitting on his legs and eased himself back into Carson. Shane leaned forward with his hands resting on Carson's shoulder and gave the private a respite from his rough assault by stroking him slower. Carson hold onto Shane arms as he savored the sergeant's every thrust. When they settled into a rhythm, Carson started stroking his cock.

"You wanna cum, soldier?" Shane asked Carson.

"Yeah," Carson responded in whimpering voice.

"I can't hear you, soldier." Shane raised his voice a little.

"Sir! Yes sir!" Carson answered more attentively.

"Give it to me, soldier." With that Carson spew his load on himself.

"You want me to cum?" Shane asked Carson.

"Sir! Yes sir!"

And not a moment later, Shane's loads started flying all over Carson's chest. Shane was now exhausted and laid on the bed next to Carson who was checking the mess on his body.

"Thanks, Carson," Shane told the private.

"Damn! That was awesome, sarge," Carson replied.

"You like it hard?"

"Now I do."

The two made another trip to the shower to clean up. Shane put on his civilian clothes while Carson fetched his uniform scattered in the living room. Jack might have heard them already in the living room and came out of his room also his civilian clothes.

"Come on. Let's drop off Carson and get something to eat," Jack told Shane.

"Had a good time, Carson?" Jack asked the private who was putting his uniform back on.

"Sgt. Sullivan treated me well," Carson replied.

The two sergeants dropped Carson to his apartment then went out to eat. Carson was the one that truly introduced Shane to the joy of having sex with a buddy. Although he had also some experienced with Jack, his encounters with Carson being someone he was less attach to made it seem more natural to enjoy sex with another man. Jack was his best friend during his Army days, and they still keep in touch even to this day. If it wasn't for Carson, his experience would have probably stopped with Jack.

"Wow, he must be sore after," Collin tells Shane.

"Dunno, I didn't ask," Shane replied.

"LOL, not even a hint of concern."

"Well, he showed up unannounced the next day. Jack joked that I might have to entertain the private for weeks."

"Did you fuck like rabbits in the base?" Collin joked.

"Initially, then just occasionally later."

"What do you mean?"

"You do get over the horny stage."

"Oh, like married couple," Collin tries to be funny.

"Corporal, are you telling me your life story?" Shane counters.

"Hey now, it's different for my case, baby on the way."

"Yeah, yeah." Shane puts the car on drive. It's time to head back to the station. Their commute back to the campus reveals the lack of traffic in their usual stalking spot. There's some big shot comedian visiting the campus, and it seems like the whole population of the school decided to attend his show.

"Did you get info on this?" Shane asks Collin.

"I did not."

"Are you sure that you didn't just forget about it?"

"Must have been given to the next shift."

The two wash away almost a full day of sweat and grim from their body in the mist filled shower room. Collin is showing his still swollen toes to Shane and his bruised thigh that the other officer punched just a while ago.

"Shane, I can arrest you for battery. Just look at this," Collin complains.

"That doesn't look so bad. I've seen worse."

"Jeez, anything worse than this. I'll be on a wheelchair."

Shane finally takes a closer look at his partners leg. "Oh shit, you do bruise easily."

"I know, but my leg starts here not here," Collin says pointing at the top of his bruised thigh then his waist.

"Give it a rest, corporal."

"So how's single life anyway?" Collin asks.

"I can jerk off anytime I like," Shane replies.

"Got laid lately?"

"Why are you suddenly so concern about my sex life?"

"Nothing. . ." Collin mumbles.

After the warm shower had soothe their aching bodies, the two officers are in the locker room putting on their change of clothes. Collin once again asked Shane a very pointed question.

"How about Jack?" Collin asks.

Shane looking directly at Collin just says, "he was my first."

"First boyfriend?"

"No, first to take me."

"Oh," Collin replies a little surprise.

"He's my best friend. If it's going to happen, it should be him."

"I thought I'm your best friend?" Collin protests when he heard that the other officer has another best bud.

"Why you jealous?" Shane teases the corporal.

"It's not about me. Spill the beans already."

Shane spent the most part of his early years of his young divorced life running around with Jack. The two were once again inseparable just like the old days. Jack and Shane were part of the surge in enlistment after the terrorist attack. They met during their basic training. However it was after Shane's divorce that the two went crazy trying to get Shane back in the market or, more like, buy and return market. To make their prospect of getting laid more likely, the two friends decided on sharing if one was not lucky enough during their weekend out of the base. The two found themselves engaged in many threesomes. Those that they picked up in a bar were what they later referred to as freebie. However their reputation of not being available for a long term relationship quickly spread and willing playmates trickled. Vegas was next in their itinerary. Several times a year the two took a flight to Las Vegas were everything they do stayed there. Any night of hunting were they came up with nothing, a young worker of the night often sufficed.

It was one of their trips after Jack introduced him to Carson and Hunter were things changed between them. Still horny after the lady they were with one night left, the two looked at each other, and they knew what to do. That night, Shane and Jack found themselves helping each other out of their horniness.

"So you and Jack did some spit shining?" Collin butts in.

"We did. Then another round immediately when we got back to the base."

"Did you talk about it before?"

"No, but the many threesomes we had were we could see each other naked is probably our own way of talking about it."

"Were the threesomes fun?"

"Hell yeah," Shane admits. "Why? Have you been in a threesome?" Shane adds.


"Not willing to share?"

"Not really, just never have the opportunity. So did you ended up doing more?"

Shane was on all four by the foot of the bed stroking Jack's manhood as he went down on it, when Jack made a comment about his nice ass. Shane joked that "he has to take him to dinner and only if Jack surrenders his first." Jack agreed to the proposition.

"LOL, so all I need to do is to pay for your dinner?" Collin butts in again.

"What can I say, I'm cheap," Shane replies chuckling. "But you are forgetting the second condition," he continues.

"Oh, I don't know about that" then a pause "yet."

Shane smiles and continues on with his story.

Weeks passed after the trip to Vegas. Jack and Shane had now became comfortable about their newly discovered extra curricular activity. The two momentarily suspended their hunt for female playmate during their weekend nights. They're exploration occupied their nights. During weekdays, it's a race on who could say "I'm so tired. Can you help me relax?" first. That went for several weeks.

One day, Jack and Shane were eating their lunch with Carson and Hunter.

"You guys wanna used these?" Hunter offered a coupon to a restaurant outside the base.

"Is the place any good?" Jack said swiping the coupon. Free meal was always a fair game.

"Just alright," Carson commented.

"How did you get this?" Jack asked.

"Oh, they give it away to servicemen." Hunter replied.

One weekend, the four were having their regular night out. Hunter and Carson decided that they should probably get something to eat first before getting hammered.

"Let's go to that restaurant you guys were talking about," Jack suggested.

The place happened to be just a small glorified fast food with most of the sitting outside that served some local favorites. The four lined up to put in their order. At the end was the cashier, Jack volunteered to pay for Shane's food with the coupon he got from Hunter. The four chowed down their food.

When they finished eating, Jack made a sly comment to Shane, "how's dinner."

"Good, thanks." It took a moment before the true meaning of Jack's remark set in his mind. "Oh, you got it for free."

"It's still dinner," Jack said winking at him.

"Do you remember the other condition?" Shane said because he still wasn't so sure.

"I'll man up," Jack said grinning with his straight set of small teeth flashing his sexy canine.

The two privates with them where listening to their conversation who were just keeping their laugh to themselves. They sort of knew what was going between the two sergeants, but not really sure what was at stake. With their stomach satisfied, the four went bar hopping. At the end of the night the two privates said goodbye to the sergeants, leaving them alone.

"You wanna go back to the base?" Shane asked.

"Let's just checked in for tonight." Jack suggested.

"Good idea," Shane agreed.

Jack drove to the motel that many servicemen from the base been using for one night rendezvous. Shane stayed by the pickup truck while waiting on Jack to finish checking in then the two entered the motel by the side door. Jack set the plastic bag by the night stand together with some bottles of beer. Jack was joking that Shane might need some alcohol induced courage. Shane carefully examined what was in the bag.

"Did you plan this whole thing?" he asked when he saw the content of the bag.

"Nah, I just always ready," Jack replied.

Shane went ahead and took a shower. Jack joined him in the shower. They didn't do much but soap up each other. It was a nice way to get accustomed to each others touch because they will be doing a lot more touching this time. They might had cleaned every crevices of their body before they finished their shower.

The two sat on the king sized bed naked. Shane opened two bottles of beer and handed one to Jack. Shane turned on the TV, the night of walking took a toll on his legs. A little bit of rest won't do any arm he thought.

"What do you need the TV for?" Jack asked.

"My feet are killing me."

"Why, you chickening out?" Jack teased him.


"Good," Jack said and easily found the base of Shane cock with his hand and encircled it with his fingers. Shane grabbed Jack's leg and put it over his then massaged the other sergeant's inner thighs for a bit before placing his hand on Jack's groin area. Jack was one of those guys whose dick just hang long when soft though their cut dicks were of similar size when hard. Shane whose body was sculpted by frequenting gym, in contrast, Jack toned beefy body had seen manual labor growing up in a farm. His arms and legs were covered by short blonde hair that disappeared on his pale white skin. His chest sported a little tuft of blonde hair in between and a trail running down his flat stomach that lead to his closely trimmed pubes and cleaned shaven balls.

On their next beer, the two were now hard stroking each other. The head of Shane's cock glistened with precum which Jack was gently spreading with his thumb all over the head was the first good sign of the night. Shane would jerk a little when the sensation was too much. Jack was the first to give in as he leaned over and started licking Shane's cock.

"Aaahhs," Shane moaned when Jack put his dick in his mouth.

The two poster boys for the Army were on their way to having a great time. They had grown comfortable with one another, joking around the idea of Shane finally giving up his cherry.

Jack wasted no time to get his buddy moaning and groaning as he dove down onto Shane's dick, slurping him up in his mouth. He got in between Shane's legs. Shane was now looking at Jack's ass on the mirror.

"Nice looking ass," Shane said.

"Too early for that," Jack replied.

Shane held onto Jack head and guided him up and down his shaft. His buddy seemed to be determined to satisfy his oral fixation. When Jack finally came up for a little rest, Shane gave him a tap on his back.

"I want some of yours," Shane told Jack.

They switched up. Jack was laying on his back and Shane was on all four sideways. Shane grabbed his buddy's cock and gave it few strokes then went down on it.

Jack sighed "oh fuck" while he caressed Shane's back. Shane's ass was up in the air and it was too tempting. Jack slapped Shane's ass. Shane just smiled at his buddy. He moved his hand down his buddy's ass, feeling his hole. Jack responded by spreading his legs. Shane grabbed the lube from the plastic bag then squeezed a bit into his hand. Shane just smiled and started working his lubed-up fingers around Jack's hole.

"You like that?' Shane asked.

"Yeah," Jack groaned his respond.

"How about how?" Shane eased in his middle finger.

"Yeah," Jack surprisingly responded calmly.

"You seemed to be taking that well," Shane inquired.

"I'm not gonna lie. I had experience before," Jack confided.

"Really? When was the last time?"

"Oh, it's been a while."

"Someone I know?"

"No, I was sixteen with another local boy that I used to work with in the farm."

"Cornhauling?" Shane joked.

"Well, we thought that we could practice and ended up humpin' each other."


"We did it in the middle of the cornfield."

Shane laughed again at his buddy's story. Shane moved his finger in and out of groaning Jack while he also went down on his hard meat. Shane added another finger. Jack jumped a little.

"You OK?"


Shane held his fingers inside his buddy and continued going down on his dick. When Jack was rock hard, Shane resumed priming his friend who was now becoming more and more vocal.

"You ready?" Shane told Jack.

"Yeah," Jack replied.

Shane pushed him on his stomach, adding more lube up his ass with his fingers then some on his hard cock after putting on the condom that Jack tossed at him. Jack was on his stomach spread eagle in the middle of the bed with his round ass waiting. Shane positioned himself behind him and worked his dick up his buddy's pink hole.

Jack let out "oh, shit" when he felt the head of Shane's cock inside him.

Shane pushed some more in. Jack kept saying, "oh shit, oh shit," vocalizing the pain of being stretched once again.

This was Shane first time taking someone's ass and not sure if he could proceed or not. "Do you want me to pull out?" Shane asked.

"No, keep going," Jack told him.

Shane just kept going until his cock was buried inside his friend. When he started pumping, Jack stopped him.

"Let me get used to it," Jack said pulling his buddy to him.

Shane was now laying on top of his buddy with his chest rubbing on his back waiting for a signal from his friend. Jack said, "start slow." With that, Shane started by just pressing his hips on his friend.

"Fuck," Jack groaned.

Shane wrapped his arms around Jack's chest and asked "You OK now?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

Shane slow fucked his buddy for a good bit. When Jack bursts of "oh shit!" was replaced by series of soft moans, Shane picked up the pace. The pain had also been replaced with pleasure that Jack was now encouraging Shane to give it him. Shane turned him over. Jack was raging hard getting fucked by his buddy. Jack wrapped his thighs around Shane's thighs to exchange more body heat. Shane was now working a good sweat dripping on Jack. Shane reached for Jack's cock and stroked it while he continues fucking him.

"How does it feel now?" Shane asked.

"Pretty good now," Jack replied.

Jack got up on his knees and sort of sat on Shane's cock and rode it. Shane feeling that Jack was now willing to play a little harder pushed him so he was on four. Shane held onto his waist and pumped to his heart content. All Jack did was grunt and pant in return. He was in full surrender and just a heaving mess for the duration until Shane was pumping his load inside him.

Shane reached around grabbing Jack's dick, and said, "I'm ready for this thing." Shane pulled out of his buddy and went to the bathroom to flush down his cum filled condom.

When he came out, Jack was sitting on the bed drinking a beer. "Damn, even I need a break after that."

Shane grabbed his own beer and sat right next to Jack.

"Shane, I just wanna tell you. It's gonna hurt," Jack told his friend.

"Did it feel good later?"

"I'm not sure. It's gonna be your first."

"Well, I have to start somewhere."

"Good," Jack said tapping his buddy back. "Before you change your mind, why don't you get me hard again."

Shane wrapped his hand around Jack's dick and stroke it while they finish their beer. Shane handed his empty bottle to Jack and once again he was going down his buddy's dick. Jack pulled Shane ass closer and started massaging his ass cheeks, parting them apart to stretch his hole from time to time.

"Try something new with my dick to keep your mind out of it," Jack said winking at Shane.

"What do you mean?"

"You can practice taking it all in."

Shane gave him the finger but proceeded to try it anyway when he saw Jack squeezing some lube on his ass. Jack played with his hole with the tip of his middle finger then Shane felt Jack pushing it in. He sucked on more on his friend's dick in return. Jack grabbing one of Shane ass cheeks just let the tip of his finger in and out in unison with Shane's bobbing head. Jack pushed more of his finger in. Shane gagged when he felt it. After an exchanged of smiles, Jack push in some more. Shane slumped down on Jack's lap trying to handle the pain.

"Buddy, it will be easier if you vocalize it."

Shane started panting. Jack pulled his finger out and proceeded to stretch Shane's hole by spreading his ass cheeks. When Shane calmed down, Jack put his finger back in. Shane had no problem this time.

"Use more lube," Shane requested. Jack obliged to his friend's request.

Jack buried his whole middle finger. "Oh fuck," Shane blurted out with his legs going stiff. Jack chuckled but he was familiar with the reaction. He pulled out again and switched to stretching Shane's hole again. When his buddy had calm down once more, he put his finger back in and slowly finger-fucked his buddy. Shane was now the one who was saying "oh shit, oh shit!" The same thing happened when Jack tried adding in another finger until he was able to squeezed in three.

"You're doing good," Jack told Shane who was trying to muffle his loud cursing with a pillow. "Are you ready for the real thing?"

"Only one way to find out."

Jack suggested that he should try riding him, so he could control the penetration. Shane put the condom on his buddy who was on his back. Shane hopped on top of Jack, facing him, and straddled his ass over his waiting dick.

"Oooh, fuck" Shane blurted out when he squeezed in the head of Jack's dick in his pink hole. Then he manned up and lowered himself to Jack's hard cock. "That hurts so bad," Shane said.

Jack was having a ball seeing his buddy having trouble with his hard dick. Shane saw his friend's wide grin and said, "fuck you."

He pushed his ass farther down and was able to take in half of Jack's cock. Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead.

"Try riding it," Jack suggested and grabbed the lower half of his cock.

Shane slowly went up and down, cursing the hell out of Jack. Clearly still in pain, he was able to get into a rhythm. Shane's legs gave up and hopped out of Jack.

"You OK?" Jack asked showing some concern.

"Yeah, let me rest though. Damn, that was harder than I thought."

Jack stood up by the side of the bed. "Let me blow you for bit."

Shane sat up with his legs dangling on the side of the bed. Jack knelt in front of him and gave his friend a well deserved blow job. It took a while before Shane got his hardon. His newly stretched hole was still tingling, but the pain already subsided.

"I'm ready," Shane told Jack.

From that position, he laid on his back with legs flung up in the air. Jack spread lube on his cock getting it hard again then some more lube on Shane' ass. Holding onto one of Shane's thighs, he worked his cock back into Shane. Shane was able to take the first half of his buddy's cock, but he knew that it was just a matter of time that he had to take all of Jack. Jack slowly pumped half of his cock in and out of Shane pushing in deeper in every stroke. Shane was panting hard punctuated "aaahhs."

"Just a little more, buddy. You're doing great," Jack said as he pushed in more of his cock.

Then touchdown. "Damn, you're splitting me in half," Shane complained as he ruffled the bed sheet with his hands.

Jack leaned over and said, "Buddy, I just officially popped your man cherry."

"Fuck you, bastard," Shane said who was in pain.

"You're so fuckin' tight," Jack added rubbing it to the other sergeant.

"What do you expect?"

"I'm glad, I'm your first."

"You better be."

Jack stayed inside Shane without moving, letting his friend get used to his hard cock in him. After a brief respite, Jack tried slow short strokes. "Aaah, . . . Fuck!" Shane blurted out. Jack kept going gauging his buddy's reaction. "Fuck" was all Shane could say.

"How does it feel now?" Jack checked on Shane.

"It still hurts, but I think I can take it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, but hold my arms down. I might punch your smiling face."

Jack put Shane's legs on his shoulder. And to make sure that Shane didn't follow through with his threat, he held his arms down.

With a little care, Jack proceeded to break in his buddy to the new experience. He would occasionally hear Shane said, "ooh, fuck you" between his panting. Slowly Jack was able to build up to his orgasm. He pulled out when he was ready to blow and stroked his throbbing cock until he shot his load all over Shane.

Shane was done. He was laying there not moving. Jack offered of a fist bump was not returned.

"That freakin' hurt," Shane told Jack.

Jack said, "I warned you, didn't I?"

"I know. It was a lot harder than I expected."

"Maybe next time let's try using one of those special lube that numbs you down."

"Why the hell are you telling me that just now?"

"And miss the fun of seeing your reaction," Jack joked.

"I'm so going to kill you."

"Night still young, you think you can do it again?"

"Hell no! Maybe next time."

That night Shane crossed the line and completed his journey of what its like to have sex with another man.

Collin mouth is wide open after hearing the Shane's story.

"Why are you so shock?" Shane asks.

"Damn, that felt so painful."

"Oh, you'll get used to it eventually, and it's just pleasure after," Shane says laughing as he pats Collin back.

"I bet you walked funny after that."

"I did."

Shane is ready to go but Collin is still sitting on the bench. He seems exhausted by just hearing Shane's story and soaking in what he heard.

"Well, I'm going home to jerk off and have a nice sleep," Shane said farewell.

"OK, see you tomorrow."

Next: Chapter 19: Allotted Time 6

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