Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jan 22, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Proxy Excitement by Max Millan

The summer sun is staying longer and longer up in the sky. Shane and Collin are parked by one of the fast food restaurant munching on chili dogs and big cold cups of soda are set on the patrol car's trunk. The late afternoon humidity is unbearable but the two brave it outside to stretch their legs. The cold drink and the shade offered by the drive-in restaurant are their saving graces. Summer class is over. In between semesters the town takes another character. The absence of students makes the place grinds even slower. The university and areas around it turn to a ghost town. But the stillness makes it even more urgent for the police to be more vigilant. There are a lot of properties that need to be looked over. Many opportunistic people could easily take advantage of the lack of presence of the temporary population. At least, the rise in temperature gives the two officer some respite on their patrolling duty. Even criminals tend to avoid facing that crippling heat.

Collin finishes his chili dog in no time. His sweat is dripping from his forehead.

"Are you done yet? I'm sweating like crazy," Collin tells Shane who is taking his time finishing his. The later is more accustom to staying outside even in that kind of weather.

"Jeez, I'm almost done," Shane complains.

"It's freakin' hot out here."

"Just get in the car. Let me finish mine."

Collin climbed to the driver side and starts the car. The cool blast from the air conditioning is a welcome relief from the sweltering heat. He put is face in front of the air vent to dry the dripping sweat from his forehead. A quick check of his underarms finds himself also trying to dry them out.

"What's that smell?" Shane jokes as he takes his spot in the passenger side.

"Don't give me that crap," Collin protests.

"Wow, you sweat like crazy."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"I think the sun already destroyed all my sweat glands a long time ago."

Collin continued on drying his underarm.

"Damn, you are one sweaty dude."

"Don't blame me. It's genes."

"I think, it's called anti-perspirant, corporal."

Instead of answering, Collin runs his hand through one of his armpits and forces his partner to smell his fingers.

"Shit, that reeks," Shane pretends.

"That's man smell. You should know."

"Corporal, is that your weird way of hitting on me?"

"In your dreams."

The two shares a good laugh before driving out of the place.

"So where are we up to next?" Shane asks the corporal.

"I guess, inside the campus. We still need to check the library area."

The drive is short, so it seems like. The absence of student rushing around back and forth to their classes. Even cars speeding through the main road of the campus would have been a nice change of pace. The two officers begin their walk around the building. The ample amount of trees covering the perimeter of the area blocking the sun makes the foot patrol more tolerable. For those who are not used to the heat compounded by the constant high humidity, the afternoon walk can be a labor, but the two look forward to any chance they can get out of the car.

"Sup Shane," Collin tells Shane grinning.

"What up?" Shane answers.

"How much fun did you have with your war buddies?"

It's been weeks when they went for a drink and Shane quite revealing confession.

"LOL, what do you want to hear?"

"Did you get spit-shined a lot?"

"A little," Shane answered sheepishly.

"Was it fun?"

"Fun enough that I did some spit-shining too," Shane said who is now comfortable sharing more intimate details about him to his partner.

"Got a lot of practice then," the corporal jokes.

"Why that matters to you, corporal?"

"Nothin'. Just wondering, he-he."

Shane memory starts to flow back into his mind. Right after his initiation to the group by Carson the following game nights had little to do with playing video games. There were games alright but the sideline activity was the main event.

Shane and Jack arrived at the privates' apartment after work with their favorite brand of six packs in hand. Hunter opened the door still in his green shirt and camouflage just like the two sergeant who came directly from work.

"Where's Carson?" Jack asked the private.

"Still on duty."

"For how long?"

"Two more hours, guarding duty by the gate."

The two sergeants walked in and sat on the two person couch. Hunter took the beers and placed them in the cooler filled with ice together with their accumulating assortment of beers from their previous nights of drinking.

"Hunter, what's on the console?" Jack asked after grabbing one of the controllers.

"It's a war game. We can do death match," the private answered.

"Shane, have you played this game before?"

"I have the game," Shane told the other sergeant.

"Ready to die then?"

"It's on, bitch."

The two sergeant proceeded to play the game chasing each other in the virtual map of a rainforest.

"Betting on anything sarges?" Hunter asked the two who were much into the game trying not get shot.

"Not at the moment. Why you want us to bet on something?" Shane responded with a grin.

"Just wondering if I have to be ready for anything," Hunted said and winked at Shane.

"Jack, Hunter wants us to bet on who gets it first."

"I never said that," Hunter sort of protested.

"Too late private," Jack told the private.

"2 out of 3," Shane proposed the term of the match.

"2 out of 3 then," Jack agreed.

The private handed out beer waiting for his fate and took his seat on the recliner. The two gave the private a hard time when he cheered on the one who seemed to be winning.

"What up Hunter, you like the newbie now?" Jack teased Hunter when the private commented about Shane getting the upper hand. Shane did the same thing when Hunter cheered on Jack. The tall young and athletic soldier just brushed any jabs from the two and continued on cheering.

"Decider match. Better get ready Hunter." Shane said.

Without any hint of being shy about what was going to happen Hunter responded, "always ready. We've got good training."

"Really?" Shane said giving the other sergeant a very inquiring look.

"Why are you looking at me that way? They do it too. Better concentrate on the match. You're about to get killed."

A few minutes later Jack was raising his hands. He won the match. Jack fetched himself a beer and went for a smoke. Shane and Hunter joined him outside.

"Jeez, you two should kick that bad habit," Shane told the two who were happily inhaling their air infused with poison.

"We only live once, sarge. Enjoy it while you can."

"Shortening your time to have fun is what you get with that."

"Speaking of fun. I'm ready when you are Hunter," Jack said giving the soldier a pat on his back.

"What am I supposed to do?" Shane asked.

"Watch and jerk off," Jack replied laughing.

"Bullshit, I'll just play some more games then."

The three went back in and Jack sat by the recliner. Hunter once again passed out some beers. Shane went back to playing the game. Hunter was ready to start, kneeling in between Jack's legs and unbuckling the sergeant's belt.

"So how long has it's been?'" Jack asked Hunter.

Hunter paused for a moment to think, "a month. Carson been hugging all the fun lately." The guys talked about how long Hunter had serviced the sergeant.

"Well, you should take your time then," Jack said.

"You bet I am," Hunter quickly responded, '"We'll see if you can though," the soldier added as he pulled on the sergeant's cammies all the way down to his boots.

The two were starting to get comfortable. Hunter was massaging the sergeant's growing meat under his green skivvies carefully adjusting it, so it lie sideways as it gained it's full size.

There was no longer a time to wonder if Hunter knew, at that point, how much meat Jack was packing.

"Hmm. . .," Hunter muttered and slipped his hand inside Jack's underwear feeling and rubbing the sergeant's cock.

Jack reclined the chair a little bit and placed his hands behind his head, getting nice and comfortable. Hunter pulled out the sergeant's dick out of the confinement of his soft underwear. Jack raised his hips, so the soldier can pull his underwear down his legs. The sergeant's underwear was stretched wide when he moved his knees apart. Hunter was now giving his sergeant a good stroke checking out its size.

Jack pulled on Hunter's shirt. Shane looked to their direction to see where they're at. Hunter's hand wrapped around Jack's hard cock stroking it. Seeing a manly guy like Hunter with his smooth naked body kneeling in front, stroking his buddy's cock with one hand and the other massaging the inner thigh, was a sight to behold.

"You ready sarge?" Hunter joked, looking down at sergeant's dick. Hunter then went down with his mouth and started to lick and suck at the waiting cock.

Jack let out a moan, "aah!" when Hunter took more of his cock in his mouth.

"How's he doing?" Shane asked jack with a smile.

"Doing pretty good," he responded while he looked down at Hunter's head bobbing in front of him.

"Oh yeah," Jack reacted to the soldier sucking of his dick.

"Suck it," he told him. Hunter picked up the pace a little, taking as much as he could. Hunter slipped down and gave Jack's balls a good licking.

"Can you put them in your mouth?" Jack asked Hunter. Hunter obliged, sucking the sergeant's balls one at a time into his warm waiting mouth.

Jack's getting more and more comfortable with the experience, he placed his right hand on Hunter's head, guiding his bobbing head up and down his cock. The private had been going down on his sergeant for a several minutes now and getting closer and closer. The sound of the dog tags jangling echoed in the apartment when Hunter once again picked up the pace.

"Oh fuck, . . . fuck," Jack was saying now in succession, getting closer to shooting his load. And Hunter knowing the exact moment when to pull out and started stroking Jack's cock. Then Jack's with one long grunt let it out, spurting his thick streams onto his shaft, balls and thigh.

"Fuck!" Jack said when he came down from his orgasm.

The three were caught in the moment that they didn't notice Carson had arrived.

"Sup sarges? Sup Hunter?" Carson greeted the three, carefully looking at the mess Jack made on his lap. Hunter was still squeezing every bit of cum out of Jack's cock.

"Sorry bud, you're late," Hunter told Carson.

"No problem, we have another sergeant in the room." Carson replied looking at Shane who was back to playing the video game.

"Right sarge?" Carson said getting Shane's attention as he sat by the sergeant with his hand going straight to the sergeant's groin area.

"Jeez, not even a warning," Shane said looking at Carson's hand massaging his cock. Carson just grinned.

Hunter stood up and went to the bathroom to get a towel. Jack wiped himself when Hunter tossed him the towel and pulled up his pants.

The four went out to the patio for a smoke break with beer in their hands.

"How's the guarding duty?" Shane asked Carson.

"Not bad," Carson said. "My feet are killing me though. Too much walking," he added.

"Don't worry, you don't need to stand with what you have in mind," Hunter teased his buddy.

Carson gave him the finger.

Jack and Hunter were now busy enjoying their cigarettes and sort of resting. Shane and Carson who didn't smoke were just standing there watching the two exhaled fumes from their mouth. Carson who was late to the party was feeling a little frisky.

"Sarge, would you mind if I smoke?" Carson told Shane.

Shane smiled and just said, "go ahead."

Carson still in his Army uniform moved in front of Shane and knelt. In no time, Carson was unzipping Shane cammies trying to fish out his cock. Hunter and Jack just chuckled when they saw what the other soldier was doing.

"Found it," Carson said when he got Shane's cock out of his pants.

"Funny, Carson" Shane said.

Shane was going to say something more but felt Carson's warm mouth wrapped around his cock slowly coaxing it to full attention, so he let out "oh yeah!" instead.

Carson who was determined to do some catching up didn't care much and went ahead and go to town on Shane's cock. Jack and Hunter moved to Shane's side watching Carson going down on the sergeant not really saying anything just letting the soldier have his prize.

"Carson let's go inside. You're making my knees buckle," Shane told the soldier.

The soldiers went in. Like Jack, Shane proceeded to the recliner for his turn to be serviced. Carson was over eager to please that he had the sergeant's pants and underwear down to his boots before the sergeant even had the time to sit down.

Jack and Hunter remained by the kitchen once again to mix up some drinks. The bar stools were good vantage point to watch Carson happily sucked on Shane's cock.

"Oh yeah, buddy. Suck it," Shane told the Carson. With every encouragement, Carson responded by going faster, licking the sergeant's cock and sometimes taking it all the way down. The last one was something that Shane responded by pushing Carson's head down and a simple "thank you" when Carson came up for some air to do the same thing again. Carson, who had given Shane a few before, knew how Shane liked it when he takes it all in.

Shane would ask how much the private like sucking on his dick. Carson would answer "all night sarge" in which Shane would respond by saying "show it buddy." With that, Carson would take Shane's cock all the way in. The exchanged sometimes gave the two other soldiers a chuckle. Shane was now fully integrated to the group.

The sign of Shane's impending release was fast approaching. His series of "oh yeah" were coming out closer and closer. Carson might have forgotten that he was wearing his uniform and just stroked Shane. Then the sergeant flung his load on Carson, hitting his chin and most landed on his chest staining his uniform. Shane looked at the mess he made. He was apologetic when he saw most of it made to Carson's uniform.

When the side event was over, the four finally got back to playing video game. The six packs were running low as the night went by. The two sergeants looked around and found the two privates missing from the living room. The noises from Hunter's room confirmed where they were. Jack went to the room to say goodbye for the night to their buddies who were on their side naked with their mouth busy with each others glistening manhood.

"See you later sarge," Carson told Jack, sending away the tipsy sergeant.

When Shane finished his story, Collin was smiling wide.

"What's with the big smile?" Shane asked.

"That's one fun spit-shining."

"You bet it was," Shane teased the corporal.

They finished their round around the library and everything was in order. The two find the comfort of the air conditioned car a welcome relief. There are more buildings to check. Shane wondered if his story had any effect on the corporal and takes an quick glimpse of Collin's crotch. Collin senses Shane's gaze and says, "it's leaking," and winks at Shane.

Inside the car on the way to their next stop, Collin is still curious about Shane's experience and throws another question at his partner.

"How was it when you first sucked on a guy's dick?" A more pointed question from Collin.

"It kinda went more than that," Shane replied.

"You mean?" Collin responded, making his finger goes in and out of his fist.

"Yup," Shane said.

"With who?"

"Carson. Did I mention that he's like a slightly smaller version of you?"

"Hmm, interesting," Collin said with a wide grin.

Not long after Shane initiation into Jack's special group, Carson had taken a special interest on fully breaking in Shane. Shane purposely skipped on his experience with the other sergeant. He knew that the corporal will have many more questions.

One time after their eating their lunch, the four were once again bullshitting around while Hunter and Jack were taking their smoke break. Carson, who was now more comfortable with the new sergeant, started hitting on Shane.

"You are one hot motherfucker, sarge."

"Still hadn't had enough of me," Shane joked.

"It's not game night tonight, but Hunter is having his guarding duty. You can drop by after work if you want sarge."

"You know what. I might just take the offer. I learned a few tricks myself."

"Are you planning to show it to me?" Carson said giddily.

"You look like you're gonna pass out."

"Just the thought is making my knees feel weird, sarge," Carson confessed of his excitement.

"What are you guys talking over there?" Jack asked when he saw the two snickering on the side.

"Carson is probably making a move on the sergeant," Hunter butted in.

After work, Shane made his way to Carson's apartment. Carson, who was the youngest in the group also had no care in the world, almost seemed like he just wanted to nut no matter how he gets it. The private had been treating him good; It's time that he returned the favor he thought to himself.

Just a few knocks and Carson opened the door. "Sup sarge?"

"Sup Carson?" They shook hands and the private let the sergeant in.

"Did you bring some contraband?" Carson asked the sergeant if brought some beer. Being underage, he was reliant on his buddies for alcoholic supply. He had a short stint in Germany in which the laws are much more relax than in the US. It bothered that could no longer enjoy the privilege.

"Sure bet. This should warm you up." Shane handed the private the six pack.

Carson opened a can and handed it to the sergeant sitting on the couch and opened one of his own and sat on the same couch. Shane gave Carson's inner thigh a rub signaling the private that there was no need to be shy. Even if they had done it several times, there was still a level of courtesy that's needed to be followed.

Carson grabbed one of the controllers and said, "I put some inspirational material." A little more tinkering with the controller and the video started playing. It was just your regular porn.

On their second beer the two had loosened a bit, Carson was sitting closer to the sergeant with his free hand inside the sergeant already undone cammies. Shane was returning the favor with his free hand massaging Carson's crotch.

"When is Hunter coming back?" Shane asked.

"Don't worry about Hunter. He knows you're dropping by."

The night was going along smoothly with both of their dicks ready to be let out the confinement. Carson proceeded to remove his boots and his pants, and the sergeant followed suit. The two were now half naked on the couch stroking each others cock. Carson was a wide shouldered big boy with matching big thighs and legs. A very beefy man with some fat in him that he carried well.

"That's a real talent right there," Shane commented on the girl who was going down on her scene partner.

Carson understood the clue and slowly leaned over to sergeant's hard dick and put the head in his mouth. Shane moaned when he felt the warm mouth around his cock. Shane wasn't there just to be the passive recipient of Carson's expert mouth. He leaned a little bit to raise one of the private's legs. When Carson was comfortably on his side, Shane stroked his cock. The private was smiling wide. The sergeant had touched him before but this was probably the first time he felt that the sergeant was going to get him off. >From there, the soldier went all the way down on the sergeant's cock.

"Aah..." Shane mumbled. "Thanks buddy," he added when Carson came up. Carson took it all in again and received the same response from the sergeant.

"Hey sarge, I'll just keep going."

"Up to you, bud."

So for the rest of the video, Carson was skillfully sucking on the sergeant's cock while Shane stroked the private's seven and half inches of thick goodness. Several times Shane had to stop Carson and let the soldier rest for bit. Carson, on the other hand, showed his tremendous self-control with the ample precum already staining his green shirt. A young horny guy like him would have shot his load a long time ago.

When the video finished, Shane suggested going to the bedroom.

Carson took off the sergeant's shirt and got out of his too. The two stood by the side of the bed. The private was waiting for the sergeant to take his spot on the bed, but Shane told him to get on the bed instead. The private felt like he hit the jackpot when he figured out what was going to happen. The sergeant was going to show him the tricked he learned. Carson laid in the middle of the bed with his legs spread apart. Carson's muscles hiding underneath his healthy body were on display when he settled on the bed with his hands raised up as if he was surrendering to the man in front of him. The big beefy guy was ecstatic to see Shane moving between his legs. The sergeant's strong muscular shoulder and pecs to die for was also in full display an he laid on his stomach by the foot of the bed using his elbows to prop himself up. Shane pulled Carson down the bed a little.

When Shane grabbed Carson's hard cock, the soldier could not hide his excitement, "sarge, you are driving me nuts."

Shane slowly stroked the soldier's cock then asked "how about now?" as if teasing the private.

"Hell yeah!"

Carson who knew that the sergeant was teasing him a bit begged the sergeant, "would you mind, sir?"

"No," Shane answered and put the Carson's cock in his mouth.

Carson was in heaven as he let out a long "aaaahhh...."

Shane started to suck Carson taking as much as he could each time he went down. Shane was finally returning the favored the soldier was giving. Shane started slow. The two were well into their new experience when they heard the door of the apartment opened. Shane paused for a bit.

"It's just me. Carry on," Hunter shouted. Shane and Carson's cammies, underwear and boots were littering the living room. There was really no guessing what was going on.

Shane looked at Carson smiling and said, "well continue?"

Shane hadn't been into that kind of situation, so he was looking for the private's direction on what to do.

"Just ignore him," Carson said brushing the situation like it was nothing.

Shane put the private's cock back in his mouth and continued on. Shane was astonished that Hunter never bothered them. They heard the shower going then the TV turning on while they went along with their oral activity.

Carson was once again in ecstasy just moaning and grunting. He wanted to put his hand on Shane's head but hesitated. Shane saw it and grabbed the soldier's hand and placed it on his head. Shane let the soldier control the pace as Carson's hand on the back his head gently guiding his mouth down on his cock. Carson grinned. He knew that Shane was no longer new to the experience. He thought that it was Jack's handiwork.

The looks on Shane's face said a lot. He's loving every second of it and giving the private a naughty smile. Carson was getting short of breath and he kept tossing his head back, mouth slightly open, clearly in his heaven. His dick was now massively hard, nice and thick Shane commented when he came up for breathe. Carson was lost in the moment with the experience of Shane's mouth on his dick.

Then Carson was getting closer and begging the sergeant. "Sarge, please don't stop." Shane sped up on his assault helping Carson to go over the edge. Carson said that he's about to cum. Shane stroked him and the built up orgasm let loose spurts of cum, hitting Carson's writhing body up and down his chest and stomach.

Carson still panting said "thank you, sarge."

Shane squeezed the last bit of cum from Carson's cock. Carson jumped a little bit when Shane's hand reached the sensitive head of his cock.

Carson's loud orgasm drew the other resident of the apartment into the room.

"Sup sarge? Sup Carson," Hunter greeted them.

The two did not answer and just smiled back at Hunter.

"Hey sarge, I'll tell you a secret," Hunter said.

"What?" Shane asked.

"Carson's ass opens up after getting a great head," Hunter said.

Shane looked at Carson and the private asked, "you want it, sarge?"

"Now that you mentioned it. I might as well tap that nice ass of yours."

The three went back to the living room. Hunter brought a fresh supply of beer. Shane and Carson still in their naked glory joined Hunter for some drinks. After a beer or two, Carson went into the shower to freshen up and to get ready to receive the sergeant. Hunter went back to his room to fetch something. Knowing that the sergeant was not ready for the next encounter with Carson brought back condoms and lube.

The freshly showered Carson came out of the bathroom still drying himself. Shane pointed at the sex paraphernalia in his hand, and the private went directly to his room.

"Well sarge, it's time for the show," Hunter told the sergeant.

Shane followed the private to his bedroom who was sitting by the edge of the bed. When the sergeant got close by arm length, he grabbed Shane's arm and lead him in front. Carson holding on to Shane's thighs waste no time putting the sergeant's dick in his mouth. Shane dropped the condoms and the lube on the bed, and put his hands behind Carson's head. Shane was pushing every bit of himself into Carson's hot mouth who had no problem taking it all in. He was sucking Shane and working him up trying to get the Shane gain his raging hard on.

Shane who was still into returning the favor asked the private to lay on his back. The two switched things up, and Shane went down on Collin's already hard cock. Shane was showing the skill he just learned, and Carson was enjoying the attention he was getting from the sergeant.

Shane climbed up the bed and turned himself around, so Carson could get some of his cock while he continued to work on him. Shane was hanging right in there with the more experienced Carson as he really got into sucking Carson's fat cock. Shane started squeezing Carson's ass cheeks as he continue sucking. Carson responded by raising his legs and spreading them wide apart. Shane looked for the lube and applied some on Carson pink love manhole. Shane teased Carson's ass with his index finger before pushing it in. Carson moaned when he felt Shane's finger inside him. Shane slowly worked his finger in and out Carson's ass while sucking his balls.

Carson's legs were up in the air, and Shane wastes no time testing and sliding in a second finger inside Carson. The private was taking it well. He had experienced but he appreciated the sergeant taking his time to prime him up. Carson was also going to town on Shane's hard cock. Being at the bottom made it a little harder for the private to continue the pace. With his hands on Shane's ass cheeks, he coaxed the sergeant to start fucking his mouth.

This seemed to be just what Carson needed to get really into what was happening as the sergeant took the pleasure of using his mouth. Carson was as horny as he's ever been, and Shane was taking full advantage of the excitement as he continued to slide his cock in and out of Carson's mouth making sure that he didn't go in too deep.

Shane was now sliding three fingers inside Carson's hole, and Carson responded by meeting Shane thrusts with his mouth going up. Shane stretched Carson's ass while Carson let the sergeant use his mouth. When Shane knew that Carson's ass was ready for the taking anytime, they got in true sixty-nine style with Shane still on top sucking on Carson, and Carson working the sergeant's cock over in return. Shane started fingering Carson's hot hole once again. Carson was really getting into Shane's special attention and was moaning and grunting. It became obvious that this was how Carson preferred it, slow.

Shane was ready to invade Carson, but before disengaging from their sixty-nine position, Shane asked if he could go in deep. Carson said "go ahead." Shane with one gentle push slid his cock all the way inside Carson's waiting mouth. Shane let out a good "aaah." He pulled out when he felt Carson pushing him out.

"Thanks bud," Shane said like always. "Ready for me?" he added.

"Ready whenever you are, sarge," Carson replied. The private went on his knees holding the headboard waiting on Shane who was now unrolling a condom on his hard cock. He worked some lube over it and squeezed a drop on Carson's hole.

Shane eased up behind Carson's open and hungry hole and started working in his eight inches of manhood deep inside him.

Carson was ready with his arched back and waiting to have his hot hole filled. Shane straddled him and slowly filled his hole with his hard cock as Carson moaned and groaned with pleasure. Carson was encouraging the sergeant to push it in deeper. He wanted the sergeant's cock deep inside him for quite sometime now. Shane reached around and jerked Carson's cock to take his mind off any discomfort while he slammed his cock completely inside him.

"Oh fuck," Carson blurted out.

"Sorry. Are you OK?" Shane asked.

"I'm good, sarge. I just wasn't expecting it," Carson assured the sergeant.

"How does it feel my cock deep inside you?"


"Is this what you want, private?"

"Sir, yes sir."

Shane was balls deep in Carson's tight hot hole and slowly sliding his cock in and out of Carson, pushing in deep in every stroke.

"Oh fuck," Carson grunted every time Shane pushed his cock in. Carson was loving every inch of the sergeant, and was having so much fun, telling the sergeant to just fuck him hard.

Shane positioned himself flat-footed on the bed and plowed down Carson's ass. The hard manhood of the sergeant was invading the tight hole and was slowly picking up pace still going in deep inside the soldier.

Carson screamed, "Oh yeah, fuck me hard, sarge."

The soldier's encouragements between his grunts made Shane lost it and started moaning in unison with the private as he let the private have it.

Carson was now lost in the moment and was whimpering out, "fuck me, sarge. Fuck me."

Shane's legs were getting tired and a good slap on Carson's ass cheek brought the private back to reality. Carson's looked at the sergeant. Shane flipped him over and told him to lay by the side of the bed. The sergeant got up and stood beside the bed. Carson hold on at the back his legs and pulled them closer to himself. Shame eased his cock back in to the private's opened hole and plowed him once again long and deep. Shane stroked Carson's cock while he screw him crazy. The look of surrender was on Carson's face when Shane finally got into the rhythm.

"It's yours sarge. Take it," Carson told Shane.

Shane kept pumping hard and deep while Carson kept repeating "oh yeah."

"Sarge, I'm gonna cum." Carson could no longer hold the excitement. Seeing the strong looking man giving it to him was enough to put him over the edge.

Shane still going in deep, stroked out a hot load of cum from the private's hard fat cock. The sergeant was now working on his own release, plowing harder and harder getting ready to blow his own load.

"Where do you want me to shoot my load?" Shane asked Carson who was still whimpering from the sergeant's non-stop assault.

"All over me," Carson said. Carson milked out his cock for the last drops of his cum as Shane kept banging, grunting and asking the private if he wanted his cum on him. Shane let out a series of "aahhs."

"Add it to mine, sarge" Carson told Shane and with that, Shane pulled out and spewed his huge load all over the private's chest, stomach, cock and balls.

Shane collapsed on Carson rubbing his body on his cum soaked body. He whispered on Carson's ear, "how was it?"

"Do it to me again soon," was Carson's response.

The two took a nice warm shower to wrap things up. They must have been at it for a good while because Hunter was now napping by the recliner with his pants undone and his own load decorating his body.

"Do you think Sgt. McQuibin will now let us drop by at your place?" Carson asked Shane who's putting his clothes back on.

"I didn't know that you guys are not allowed in our apartment," Shane answered confusedly.

"He was worried of you picking up clues. I think way back" Carson confided.

"I'll talk to him. It's been months. He will be OK with it."

"Cool. Tomorrow then?" Carson proposed.

Shane smiled and said, "let's see. I'll make sure to give you a call."


"Jack might join in. Ready for that?" Shane warned.

Carson's eyes might have twinkled with the idea of Jack and Shane taking turns on him.

The memory fades from Shane's mind when the car stops on the next building the two officers have to check. When they stepped out of the car, Collin is laughing at Shane.

"Damn, must have been a good experience," Collin tells Shane.

"It was," Shane replies without lying.

"No wonder your dick is ready to burst out of your pants."

"Well, corporal, that's supposed to happen. Yours is not hiding either."

Collin looks at his own crotch to check and just grins.

Collin and Shane starts their round checking the Math and Science building where most of the expensive equipment are located.

"Did it get weird after doing it with Carson?"

"No really. We both knew what we wanted out of it," Shane replied.

"What you mean?"

"I mean, we just both wanted to nut nothing really serious."

"No weirdness when you guys are around other people."

"Nah, it's actually a nice happy secret for us."

The day's shift ended without any more questions from Collin. He must have been digesting Shane's stories.

Next: Chapter 18: Allotted Time 5

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