Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jan 4, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Revelation by Max Millan

The football team is out late. It's already nine o'clock at night, and they still busy running around the stadium. The final leg of the try-outs is underway. Just few more weeks and the regular season will start. The team is rebuilding. After several years of having a strong team, the talent dearth has finally hit the university. They've been allowing more and more applicants into the football program to catch more potential players. So many practice are dragging well into the night.

"Did you play football back in high school?" Collin asks Shane as they watch what is going on the field.

"No. I was in wrestling team though," Shane replies.

"I played football back in high school, and I loved every minute of it," Collin says.

"Which part specially?"

"The groupies, he-he-he." Collin laughs.

"Not so surprising."

"Football team the way to go, man, not with that wrestling bullshit."

"Do you want me to kick your ass? I could break you in more ways than you can think of," Shane annoyingly counters.

"Did I hit a nerve?"

"Better watch out, corporal."

"You threatening me?" Collin puffs himself to make himself look bigger.

"I have more muscles pound for pound than you."

"You sure," Collin says feeling his friend's bicep then feels his own. He might have arms bigger than his friend but Shane's who's been living a more active lifestyle definitely has tighter and harder muscles. "Damn, your bicep is like a brick," Collin says.

A loud cracking sound breaks their conversation. The two look at the field and see two bodies laying on the ground not moving. They immediately run down the field to see what is going on. The trainers are talking to the two kids when they get to the scene. Coach Fox is scratching his graying head. One of his starter banged head with one of the aspirants, and by the look of it, things are not looking good. Nothing life threatening but a possible sidelining injury. Shane calls for the ambulance.

Coach Fox recognized Shane. "Aren't you Reed and Shawn's buddy?"

"Yes Coach Fox," Shane is amazed that the coach still remembers him. It's been years plus he probably only met him once except for the time when he joined Joe's cheering squad who for unknown reason was able to always find a spot behind the team.

"Oh, I would sell my soul to those kids back here again," Coach Fox says showing his frustration about the availability of talents. Now that he lost a starter, he is in even worse predicament than before.

"How are they doing?" the old man asks.

"I lost touch of them. I was shipped out without much warning," Shane says sounding a little disappointed that he doesn't know where his good friends are now.

"You mean, you were deployed in the Middle East?"

"Just a little over five years."

"Good to see that you made it back. Well officer, thanks for calling the ambulance. I guess, I need to have some talk with the trainers." Coach Fox slowly walks back to the two kids in the stretchers.

"Who's Reed and Shawn?" Collin asks as they walk back to the squad car.

"They're my buddies when I used to attend school here. They're in the football team," Shane replies.

"They must be good if the coach remembered them."

"Oh yeah, they won the conference twice and runner-ups twice during Reed's time."

"Wow, I've been watching them for four or five years and never seen them even get close to playing for the championship."

"No wonder Coach Fox looked older all of a sudden," Shane says referring to the coach graying hair.

The football practice wrapped up after the accident. Shane and Collin are back to driving around the campus with their entertainment being cut short.

"So you used to hang out with football players, huh."

"Aaahh, those were the days," Shane says reminiscing.

"Those guys can get crazy?" Collin says.

"What do you mean?"

"When I was in high school, we would cut class, score some booze. If no girls are around, we watched porn."

"You're probably watching more porn then," Shane jokes.

Collin gives his friend the finger.

"What? Porn and have a group jerk off?"

Collin is thinking for a come back but he came up with nothing. "Well, sometimes," he admits.

"Young and full of cum."

"More like overflowing in my case," Collin brags.

"Corporal, you are really something."

"You never watched porn with your buddies?" Collin asks.

"Not with my high school friends, . . . did it with my buddies in the Army though," Shane reveals.


"Yeah, base gets a little boring sometimes."

"You sit in a circle and give each other a hand," Collin jokes.

"Never did that."

"What did you do then?" Collin is a little too inquisitive but Shane is fine with it.

"If you wanna whip it out just whip it out. You might hear a little joke about it but we will leave you alone. Someone will eventually follow."

"I bet you are the first one to crank it like crazy."

"No, . . .maybe second or third person," Shane says starting to be more comfortable about sharing things.

"And I thought, I am the only one who is too worried with his dick."

"Wait 'til you hear how we did it when we were deployed."

"You have time to think about jacking off while you're getting shot at?"

"Oh, plenty of time. Every guy needs some release war time or not."

Shane sees the corporal adjusting himself. "Don't tell me even jacking off story gets you going?"

"Pretty much any sex talk lately," Collin admits.

"I told you just jack it, corporal."

"No place to do it. It will be hard to explain if my over-active toddler catches me," Collin says in a low voice.

"You can have the backseat as your jack shack," Shane jokes.

"Jack shack?"

"Oh, it's just a place that we in the service designate as JO area."

"You guys have that kind of thing?"

"I told you. We love to shoot our guns."

The squad car temperature suddenly rises up, so it seems. The two just laugh it off. A radio call from the headquarters for them to check an apartment for domestic disturbance interrupts their chat. Before they know it, it is already the end of their shift.

"What are you doing to tomorrow night?" Collin asks.

"I'm single. I can pretty much do anything I want."

"I can stay up late tomorrow for some drinks. It doesn't happen often."

"OK, just don't get me too drunk," Shane says then winks.

"Me? I think you're telling me your plan," Collin counters.

"Keep your hands to yourself."

"I plan too. I'm bringing the cuffs to keep your hands from wondering."

Shane is sitting by the bar waiting for Collin to show up in their favorite watering hole. The place is a known police hang out. Only few students dare to set foot inside the bar. The bartender has come to know Shane. Most nights when he comes in his bottle of beer is ready before he even take his seat. The sports bar is nothing fancy. One big screen TV that dominates the main floor where the tables are set. Up above the bar area lined with different kinds of alcohol and spirits is a fairly good size television showing a football game. A middle-aged lady is busy busing drinks to her customers sitting by the bar area.

"How is work?" the bartender asks when she recognized the new officer.

"It's great so far," Shane replies.

"How did you end up here?" a very common question from the native it seems like. It might sound like that they don't like the place, but it's more of a humorous try to describe the place. It amazes them when people who have options choose the very ordinary small city.

"Oh, I used to go to school here."

"Good to hear. It seems like most kids can't wait to leave this place once they finish school. You work with Collin, right?"

"Yup, he's been showing me the ropes."

The bartender asks him if Collin is showing up. Shane nods his head.

When Shane met Collin, he knew immediately that they will be the best of friend. Collin is very easy to be around with, no pressure, very laid back, unpretentious, and sometimes too candid about his thoughts even for his own good.

Shane knows that his friend if he ever shows up will have quite a few question ready for him. Last night their usual banter about Collin's seemingly endless complaints about not getting laid lately bear into their masturbation experience. Collin shared that he had been with a group jerk off when he was still in high school watching porn and drinking booze. That's when Shane told him about his own jerk off sessions with his war buddies. Shane still deep in thoughts on how to break it to his new best fiend that he had done more than look at another guy that he didn't notice that Collin is already sitting next to him.

"What's up?" Collin cheerfully greets Shane as he accepts the bottle of beer from the bartender.

"What the hell? When did you get in?" Shane answers in surprise.

"Just now."

"You're like a cat."

"I could have killed you three times already, Army boy," Collin jokes.

"That is debatable," Shane counters.

"How's the family?"

"They're sleeping now. My turn to have some fun."

"Do you go out much?" Shane curiously asks.

"Not much lately. Can't find a good drinking buddy."

"How about your high school friends?" Shane asks with a grin.

"Bunch of losers," Collin dismissively replies to his friends question. "Except Mike, he owns a bar downtown. We should go there one time. He's a cool guy."

"What's wrong with the other ones?"

"Either they are too stoned or too drunk. I mean, that seems to be all they want to do. It's depressing to see people that it's more surprising to see them sober than not."

"I get stupid drunk too," Shane tells Collin.

"True, but the next time I see you, you're very likely sober. These ones, very likely stoned or drunk."

"Sometimes it's actually more fun getting stupid drunk together," Shane says.

"Exactly," Collin concurs. "How often you get stupid drunk with your Army buddies?" he adds.

Shane orders two pitchers of beer. The two move to a table by the middle of the room.

"Mostly when game is on, we drink."

Collin question actually refers to the more interesting kind, "I mean, when you had someone . . ." Collin says while mime jacking off.

"Oh that, it a special group," Shane winks. "Two privates, me and another sergeant who have the special arrangement. If it's just the four of us, our drinking sometimes lead to that."


"You don't seem too surprise."

Shane feels Collin leg brushing on his which made him smile.

"Don't worry, your secret is mine to keep," Collin says.

"I'm not really hiding it," Shane replies. "When did you figure it out?" he asks.

"A while back."

"How so?"

"I caught you checking me out the first time we met during your interview."

"That early, huh?"

"I'll tell you a secret. It turns me on when I get a guy's attention. Makes me feel good. He-he."

"Corporal you surprise me."

The first pitcher is gone, and the second one is almost half-empty. The alcohol is slowly working on loosening up Shane inhibition. Collin, on the other hand, seems to be happy to hear what he has to tell.

"You know, I did more than look," Shane finally tells the corporal.

"So circle jerk is true?" Collin asks.

"Yeah, and more," Shane admits.

Collin asks, "you mean?" while poking the side of his cheek with his tongue and copying the motion when someone giving a blow job.

Shane's mind drifted to the time when he first experienced the touch of another man. It was an off hand comment from another sergeant who's been his buddy ever since he started basic training. Sergeant Jackson McQuibin and Shane have been running around like two people stuck in the hips, some could say literally. After his divorce, Shane found himself picking up girls with Jack that normally resulted to a threesome. They would even go to Las Vegas and hire a hooker for them to share.

The Army has long changed soldier's living arrangement. Many bases now offer an apartment style living space that is shared by two soldiers. Shane and Jack became roommates when the former lost his family housing privilege after the divorce. Jack, one night, came back to the apartment drunk.

"Dude, where have you been? Are you partying without me?" Shane asked his buddy.

"Got myself an amazing blow job," Jack unknowingly blurted out something that he's been hiding from his friend.

"What do you mean blow job? Where in the base you can get that? You have to tell me," Shane was surprised a little bit.

Jack waited to answer his buddy when his brain suddenly had a moment of clarity, "just a party I went to."

"That must be one heck of a party," Shane says.

Then Jack's uncoordinated thinking got the best of him again. "Nah, just playing video games with Hunter and Carson."

Shane who already got his friend cornered asked, "who went down on you?"

"Carson did," Jack answered in his slurry voice.

Shane would have liked to interrogate his buddy, but Jack was now ready to pass out. The next day, the two never talked about it again. Jack might had forgotten what he said last night. Jack is your typical country boy. He would be the last person you would think to enjoy attention from another guy. His 185 lbs 5'10" farm boy frame makes him suitable as an Army poster boy. Several days passed. After chow time, Jack and Hunter were smoking outside the messhall talking to Carson, nothing really unusual just young servicemen exchanging bullshits. Shane stumbled upon them on his way out.

Jack called out "Sully!" It's Shane nickname in the Army.

"What up?" Shane replied.

"Sergeant, we're having a game night tomorrow. Are you coming?" Hunter asked Shane.

The conversation with his buddy came back to him, "I heard that you guys get crazy during game night."

"Who did you hear that from, sarge?" Carson asked.

"From that guy," pointing at his buddy Jack.

Carson gave the other sergeant the look.

"He's coming," Jack said as if he knew what Shane's answer was going to be.

The night came. Shane was inside Jack's pickup on their way to Hunter and Carson's apartment after work. "Don't you have some details that you wanna share?" Shane asked Jack.

"Don't worry too much about it. We play video game most of the time and nothing else goes on. Only when we start betting something when things get a little naughty. By the way, Hunter's room is the designated jack shack when we sometime switch to watching porn unless you wanna jack off in the open."

A quick detour to the commissary for some beer and the two were off. Hunter and Carson were already playing against each other when the two arrived. It was NCAA Football game tonight. Hunter opened the door, and with one of his boots missing from his left foot, the betting had already started.

"Sup, sergeants?" Carson greeted them.

"Who is winning?" Jack asked.

Carson raised his hand.

"Dude, we just started," Hunter said to his buddy.

Hunter and Carson were in Jack's squad. Hunter is an athletic built 6-footer while Carson is a ball of energy who stands 5 feet 10 inches and carries 200 lbs. He was your regular big boy, round with a slight bump in his midsection. His young metabolism was probably what's keeping him from ballooning. Hunter was 21. Carson was 19, the reason why the two ended up drinking in their apartment. Jack and Shane were both 22.

Jack found the cooler and filled it with our beer haul. He tossed one at me and tossed another one to Hunter. Carson was looking with his face saying, "where is mine?"

"Your underage," Jack said.

The private stood up to pick up his own can of beer. Jack took the opportunity to get hold of the controller and said, "Sully, wanna bet something?"

Hunter gave Shane the other controller and said, "always starts with your cap."

It turned out Jack was an experienced gamer. Carson was down to his skivvies trying to beat Jack for most of the night. Hunter managed to keep his shirt. Shane lost his shirt and boots. Jack went out for a smoke, and the now tipsy, Shane joined him. The two privates set up for the most important game of the night.

"What are those two betting now?" Shane asked because one more lose and one of them would be butt naked.

"I think, they are playing for the one to break you into the group," Jack said grinning.

"As if that is going to happen?" Shane deflected his buddies comment.

Their beer was about empty and Shane was coming in for the a refill when Carson came out to the patio and said "Well, I guess I'm smokin'."

"You don't smoke," Shane said.

Hunter came out to lit up. Jack lit another cigarette and took his sweet time inhaling then said after exhaling, "Carson, it will be a big one" as if Shane wasn't listening. The three laughed.

The two privates went back in and continued playing some more games. Jack and Shane were left outside. Shane was still confused to what just transpired. "LOL, it's just a joke," Jack said. Shane was relieved, but in the back of his mind, he was excited that two soldiers just bet to give him a blow job.

So for the next few days, Carson had to suffer some friendly humiliation from the Jack and Hunter.

"Have you smoked Sgt. Sullivan yet?" Hunter teased his buddy.

Carson gave him the finger and said, "not yet."

"I've seen his. It's gonna be a mouthful," Jack turned to tease.

Carson who could not really flip the sergeant even if he wanted to said "bigger than yours?"

"About the same size," Jack responded not to be outdone.

"Jeez, people, I'm here," Shane said.

The four made a detour to the restroom. The lunch was wrecking havoc with Jack and Hunter's stomach. Shane and Carson made there way to the urinal. Carson took the opportunity to check on the sergeant's member.

"What are you looking at?" Shane busted the private.

"Sgt. McQuibin wasn't kidding," Carson said.

"Did you truly make a bet?"

"We did. Blame Sgt. McQuibin."

"That bastard. Remind me to kill him."

"I'm up to it, sarge."

"Put some porn next game night," Shane replied.

Instead of the usual video games, porn was showing on the TV. Shane was on the couch watching with his hand inside his digi-camo. Jack and Hunter were by the kitchen mixing drinks.

Carson who was sitting on the recliner with his dick already out and stroking to the porn and, from time to time, was looking at Shane. "Need a hand sarge?" Carson told the sergeant.

Shane moved his hand out of his pants. It was a signal for Carson to take the seat right next to the sergeant. Carson gave Shane crotch a good massage before unzipping it. Soon enough, Carson was handling Shane's hardening meat.

Jack who saw what was going on tried to butt in, "Do you guys want anything?" There was no answer.

"I think Carson already found what he wanted," Hunter joked.

Carson stroked the sergeant who was still tuned in to the TV. Shane pulled down his pants his knees. The private continued on stroking until Shane was fully erect. Then the soldier asked the sergeant, "what do you want me to do?"

"Go down on it," Shane replied.

Carson holding his unzipped camo knelt in between Shane's legs. He pulled Shane's pants all the way down. Shane spread his knees to give the private better access. Carson grabbed on to Shane's dick and takes a lick of his dick which made the sergeant moan. Carson licked around on his head a little bit then took some of it into his mouth trying to get used to the feeling of having the sergeant's dick between his lips. The two other soldiers in the room chuckled a little when they heard choking sounds when Carson tried to take more of Shane's cock into his mouth.

Jack came by and sat at the empty spot next to Shane. Hunter was next giving away cans of beer and settled on the recliner.

Jack opened the beer for Shane gave it to his buddy. "How is it?" he asked.

"It's not bad," Shane replied.

"Not bad?" Carson said who was a little disappointed of Shane's response. The soldier bobbed his head up and down on Shane's dick picking up the pace.

"Oh, Yeah," Shane grunted.

"That's what I'm talking about," Carson said proudly.

Carson kept the pace up little bit as Shane placed his hand behind the soldier's head to guide him down. Shane told Carson to lick his balls. After receiving some good licking, Shane was finally getting into the mood and asked the soldier how much of his dick he can take. Carson took a deep breathe and took almost all of the 8-inch dick down his throat without gagging.

Trying to be funny, after some more head bobbing, Carson looked at the sergeant and asked, "is that enough?" adjusting his jaw.

Shane said "that was great. No wonder Jack comes here a lot."

Shane told Carson that he could a break. The soldier had been going down on him for a good 30 minutes. Carson grabbed a can beer and took the recliner from Hunter. To Shane's surprise, Hunter moved in between his legs and took over.

Jack said, "can't wait, huh?"

"Nice looking dick," Hunter replied.

"Sully, do you still need this?" Jack asked Shane about the porn that he'd seen many times already.

"Nah, Carson is an expert."

"All night, sarge," Carson said proudly of his work.

Jack flipped the channel to look for a game to watch. Hunter, who was already occupied by the hard meat in front of him, continued on until he felt a tap on his back. Carson was ready to finish the job. Carson grabbed the base cock of the sergeant's cock and put the hard dick in his mouth then took it all in.

"Oh yeah, take that big dick," Shane said as he pushed Carson's head.

The poor private tried to pull out but Shane firmly held his head until he started gagging before letting it go. Carson looked at Shane and just smiled telling the sergeant that it's OK to keep doing it.

Few more minutes and Shane was heaving and moaning. His buddies like cheering for a game encouraged him to shoot his load. Shane took over when he could no longer hold back and stroked his cock to completion staining his shirt. After catching his breathe and receiving comments from his buddies about the good job, Shane looked at his shirt and his spent cock. Carson licked clean the head of his cock.

That night, Jack special group just added a new member.

Shane comes back from his recollection when he hears Collin asking him again if his experience with his Army buddies included pleasure of the oral kind.

Instead of answering Collin's piecemeal questions, Shane confides, "I go both ways."

"I figured," Collin answers casually.

"I tell my friends eventually if they ever ask. I usually keep it to myself to protect people I'm around with."

Collin in his one of those moments of seriousness, "I have come to accept life as it is." His comment doesn't just refer to the conversation they are having. It's more general.

"Thanks," Shane says. "But how about you? If people find out about me, they will start talking about you too."

"If that ever happens, what can I really do," Collin said.

"Don't worry. If I ever get the itch, I'll try to be discreet," Shane tries to assure his friend.

"So does how does it go?"

"I don't specifically look for someone in particular. Like many men, I'm still opportunistic. I just fancy both."

"Have you dated a guy?" a little more pointed question from Collin.

"Boyfriend? No. But there is one that I came close to it."

"Interesting, where is the lucky guy?"

"We lost touch."

"Too bad. Do you ever get attach like when you have sex like with girls?" Collin questions are starting to be more exploratory.

"Only when I know it can progress farther, but mostly, it just about my balls being emptied."

Collin goes silent for a moment but he never moves his leg that's brushing against Shane. That small gesture serves as their gauge. "So did you do it just for the fun of it?" he finally asks.

"Hell yeah. Honestly, most of it is like that," Shane quickly answers.

Collin face shows a hint of smile then takes a sip from his cup of beer. The bartender asks if they wanted another pitcher which Collin accepts.

Once again during the lull in their conversation, Shane's mind goes to another place and time after discovering his new found freedom.

Shane and Jack had returned back to their room in Vegas. In tow was a young prostitute who was very eager to play with the two young good looking soldiers. Just last night, they picked up a girl in a bar, a freebie they said. When their hunt turned out empty, a girl working the night was better than nothing. Even without stepping foot in a gym, Jack is looking delicious and beefy. Shane is the same way although has more defined muscles. They are stud any way you cut it. A freebie came easily but not tonight. The only problem with hooker most of the time is that when the work is done, she is gone. The two still awake sergeants found themselves naked in bed still horny.

Shane after finding out Jack special group had been doing some fantasizing and experimenting became more and more appealing to him that gave him an itch to give oral sex a try. If it was going to happen , it had to be Jack.

"Damn, I wish we invited Hunter and Carson," Shane told Jack.

Jack said, "I wish the same thing right about now."

"Well, it's just us, Jack. What do you say we go at it?"

Jack surprised Shane with his answer, "damn, I thought you're not gonna ask." His country boy demeanor prevented Shane from fully gauging his buddy.


"I've been thinking about it for a long time, buddy."

Shane didn't know how into the moment he was and just how damn horny his buddy's comment made him. From there, Shane asked Jack to help him get in the mood. Jack didn't waste any time getting right down to business and leaned towards Shane waiting cock. He worked on Shane's cock and got it hard in his mouth. Shane is grinning from ear to ear was talking dirty to his buddy as the head of his cock disappeared and Jack thin lips wrapped around it. Jack didn't seemed phased at all by it. In fact, he was multi-tasking as he stroked his own cock while he sucked Shane. His uncut jewel was hard right from the start. Shane rubbed his ass and watched him service his cock. Shane was amazed on how Jack was handling his huge meat like a pro, working his lips tightly around it, taking in most of it. Jack positioned himself between Shane' legs to give him better access to that huge cock. He worked it with his mouth and hand in perfect unison, proving that he might had done it before.

"Wow, Jack that was amazing," Shane said in between his moans.

"I had some experience," Jack said.

Shane really didn't care that it wasn't Jack's first. It would be his in a few moment. Shane said that he wanted to suck some dick. Jack straddled Shane's chest and offered his cock in his mouth, getting a return on the favor he gave his buddy. Jack said to not worry about giving him the best blow job, just concentrate on getting used to it first. Shane was stroking himself while he licked and sucked on the foreskin of Jack's dick. When Shane put the head of his cock in his mouth, Jack reached back and grabbed Shane' dick stroking it for him.

"Lay on the bed," Shane told Jack.

Jack laid back on the bed, and Shane got in a better position between Jack's leg on his knees to be able to take in more of his buddy's seven and a half inch cock. Now it was Jack turn to grin from ear to ear. Shane seemed to be loving the feeling of the uncut manhood sliding his mouth and stroked himself all the while. Something told Jack that his buddy might go even farther because just sucking on his cock had Shane's cock so hard it looked like the head might explode.

From one of the mirrored walls, Jack could see Shane's exposed ass. "You've got one sweet looking ass."

Shane who was enjoying his buddy's cock inside his mouth replied, "oh, you should at least take me to dinner to get that."

Jack laughed.

"Oh, after you let me have your bubble butt," Shane added.

"Deal," Jack said.

Their new understanding had to wait. Tonight was Shane initiation to the pleasure of giving oral sex.

Jack offered Shane another turn in his hot mouth before they formed a sixty-nine. In the heat of the sixty-nine, Shane told Jack that he was ready to blow. They separated and stroked their own cock side by side. Shane blew a huge load all over himself. Shane's hard breathing was enough to send Jack over the edge and exploded his own seed. After exchanging thanks, the two hopped into the shower.

"How was my first try?" Shane asked.

"Not bad for first time," Jack replied.

"That sounded like I need more practice."

"If you're really into it, I'll make myself available for practice," Jack joked.

"Consider yourself lucky for the next few days," Shane answered.

"By the way, Hunter and Carson don't know that I also give. I only do mutual JO with them just to at least keep my rank intact. Maybe you can, they're not in your squad. Up to you."

"That's cool."

Their Vegas trip was more than they expected. Maybe the many threesomes they had were just their long winded attempt to get their buddy in bed. So when the two finally arrived back in their apartment, Jack's bed had to support two grown men as they repeat their hotel experience before taking their well deserved rest.

Shane is snapped back to reality when he sees the bartender walking to their direction. Their very revealing conversation ends when the next pitcher is brought in, and the two finish the night watching the game. The bar signals the last call for alcohol. Shane and Collin has had enough for the night. The two friends walk out of the bar and proceed to their cars. When Shane is about to get in his car, he hears Collin who was parked right next to his car says, "Shane, I just want to let you know I don't mind. I'm open to it." To Shane the way Collin sounded, it isn't the alcohol talking.

After months of exchanging sexual innuendos, they both know that they will eventually do something together. Even though, the sexual tension is building up between them for quite sometimes now and both of them are not hiding it, it's not an urgent thing for them. It will happen when it will happen.

Next: Chapter 17: Allotted Time 4

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