Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Dec 28, 2014



This series and Blissful Paradise will be interconnected by recurring characters and should be read accordingly as separate tales. Although any series appearing under the Blissful Paradise banner may include some familiar characters, their actions and behavior may differ.

Thank You, Max

Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Shane Sullivan by Max Millan

The unusually warm Spring weather does not surprise Shane. In fact, it just makes the whole thing even more familiar. He was here before. The wild swing in temperature down South is a common occurrence. The busy sidewalks and corridors of the campus are littered with students hurriedly going in and out of their classes. He used to be one of those students even if he was there while serving as an Army sergeant. The sight is so familiar. For good two years, he was attending the same school until he was told that he was being shipped out overseas where he spent the next five years of his life. The government war effort is winding down that means many servicemen can finally go home including him. When he got back from the deployment, he was lost on what he really wanted to do. This slow sleepy small college town has been calling him. Here he is now driving in the same roads where he had driven before. His goal is different now, but the sight and smell of the campus is what he was longing for, for some reason. Shane walks into the campus police headquarters. Today, he will be meeting with the police chief to know if they are going to hire him or not. He received a call a week ago letting him know that they wanted to meet with him. Shane sits in a silent hall waiting for his name to be called.

He hears a young corporal calling his name, "Mr. Sullivan, they are ready for you." He follows the officer.

"Job interview?" the corporal asks.

"Something like that," Shane replies.

The young officer points to an office with clear glass wall where the chief is waiting.

"If you need anything, Collin, here, is your man," the corporal says pointing at himself.

The interview went well. A week later, Shane is part of the force making his walk around campus with his beat partner. Just a week later, he and his partner are driving the squad car writing citations to speeding motorists. His partner commented that he is a natural.

The dusty roads of the university has been become Shane's company as he patrols the outermost property of the school. It is the best location to catch college kids who are trying to escape the gaze of the police after a night of non-stop partying.

After his tour of duty in the Middle East, Shane was drawn back to this particular place looking for some semblance of things of what he used to remember. Before he was shipped out for a long deployment as an Army sergeant, he used to attend this university as a part-time student. Now he wears a badge instead of carrying his school ID. His previous connection to the university helped him secure a spot in the university police department which pays higher than the actual city police department.

Sitting in the passenger side is Corporal Collin Callahan his beat partner and mentor. Collin is a year younger than him but in the force for three years now. Tonight, the corporal is giving Shane some hints on where to go at specific time of the day for possible bust. Friday and Saturday nights, the back unpaved roads have been the choice of many students coming back wasted from parties thrown by some students living outside the campus in one of those houses that long been converted by the owner to a rental property ever since the university expanded closer and closer to the housing areas.

As cars dart in and out their sight Shane asks the corporal, "Do we really need to bust these kids?" He still remember when he was like one of those students running around the campus with his buddies Reed and Shawn. The thought of busting these kids for something he also had done before is not particularly appealing to him.

"Remember we have a recommended number," the corporal says.

"You mean quota?" Shane jokingly replies.

"You are not supposed to say it that way."

"I know. Quota is illegal and recommended numbers is not."

"Don't blame me. I didn't make the rules."

"What are we? Uniformed bill collector."

"LOL, don't say that in-front of the captain if you want to keep your job. That guy is so proud of his records including his drunk driving numbers. Best in the state he always says."

The corporal who's been doing this for a long time recognizes headlights of a speeding car and taps Shane shoulder saying, "I think we got a live one." Shane follows the car. This is not his first, so he knows the drill. The speeding car slows down and stops. Shane gets out of the car and approaches cautiously. He knocks on the window while the driver is frantically looking for his license and registration.

When the driver opens the window, a loud scream greets him like a someone is being killed.

"Why are we stopping? It's coming out," screams the girl in the backseat who looks in pain.

"Let me talk to the officer," the driver says.

Shane is taken a back by the screaming, "What we go here?"

"My girlfriend is in labor."

Shane hurriedly inspects the passenger behind the car who is still screaming. "OK, follow me," is the first thing that comes into his mind. He runs back to the police car then turns on the siren.

"We got a live one alright," Shane says to the corporal.

Collin is a little confused asks Shane, "what you mean?"

"Someone in the car is about to pop out."

"You mean a baby?"

"Yes," Shane replies then almost floors the car creating a cloud of a dust. With their help on several stop lights, the young couple makes it to the hospital in time. The girl water breaks immediately after the hospital personnel put her in a wheelchair.

"By golly, don't they know they can check in early," Collin says shaking his head.

"They look like college kids," Shane replies.

"Don't they give away condoms in the infirmary?"

"LOL, as if you haven't experienced nutting because you just have too. . . .Oh I forgot, you're married. You've might have forgotten already," Shane says laughing as they both head back to their squad car.

Collin just flipped him.

"Let's just take a break," Collin suggests.

"Good idea."

Not far from the hospital is a fastfood restaurant with a drive-thru. A footlong chili-dog seems like a good choice for the night. The two cops talk about the kids that they just guided to the hospital as they munch on their prize for their good deed tonight.

"Do you have kids?" Collin asks Shane.

"Not that I'm aware of," Shane replies. "Married young, divorced young," he adds.

"Sorry to hear that."

"No big deal. We thought that great sex was enough. When it fizzled out, we were both lost."

"Is that really the fate of every married guy?"

"Why? Are you begging for sex now?" Shane jokes.

"Not there yet. Second baby on the way though."


"Thanks. I have a free reign for a moment."

"Good that she's still putting up with you."

"I wouldn't say that. She initiates it sometimes. Hormone imbalance, I think."

They both laugh at his remark. Collin is extra excited about the addition in the family. He is hoping that they have a girl. He says they're done if they have both already, or else, they might just keep trying.

Their night shift is almost over when they finish their break. Driving back to the headquarter Shane chooses the way closer by the dorm area where Matt and Joe used to reside. Another college buddies that he used to hang out with. But tonight, he is not particularly keen about the dorm. The road right next to the dorm is also where the campus ends, and along that road is the recruiting office that he used to man.

"I used to work there," Shane says pointing at the recruitment office.

"Really? I know you were in the service but I didn't know that you are closely tied to this place," Collin replies.

"I went to school here to."

"No kidding?"

"Yup, for two years."

"What happened?"

"I was shipped out."

"Glad you made it alive."


"How many years?"

"Five years. I was part of the surge."

"Holy cow. Let's get a drink sometime tell me more about it," Collin says sounding more concern than inquisitive.

Once they arrive at the headquarters, Collin says that he is going to take a shower before going home. He is hoping to get lucky even in the middle of the night. After the incident tonight, Shane's adrenaline is running low, so he decides to go home. For some reason, he finds himself making a detour to the stadium. The lights are out. It will not be until the coming summer when the stadium will finally show some signs of life when the football training camp is underway. He parks his car and slowly walks to one of the bleachers and just sits there staring at the scoreboard then his lips form a hint of a smile.

After his divorce, Shane was looking for something new. He didn't really know what he was looking for then. When his commanding officer told him about the tuition assistance program, he jumped at the opportunity. Since he would be around school, they asked him to work at the recruitment office. It would seem that everything lined up for him that time.

His eyes blink and the stadium is suddenly filled with bright lights and the bleachers with people shouting. Exhaling every air they could muster inside their lungs as they watched the home team make a minced meat out of the away team. On the field were Matt and Shawn getting ready to defend. Reed was on the sideline cheering them on.

Another blink then everything was all gone. Shane picks himself up and lazily walks back to his car. He said to himself, "those were the good days when we used to not care about anything but what was in front of us."

More memories flood his tired mind as he drifts into sleep.

The next afternoon, Collin is inside the patrol car waiting for Shane to finish his check in routine after the briefing. It is his turn to do the driving. Collin is your regular next door neighbor and carries himself the same way. He stands about five foot ten and weighs two hundred ten pounds give or take. He's been hitting the gym lately after his wife made a comment about how good he looked in their wedding photos. He flexes his arm and grins at his stronger looking bicep but shows some sense of disappointment as he feels the middle part of his body.

"Oh, what's with the long face? It's not that bad," Shane says to his partner who is lost in his thoughts about his growing midsection.

Collin snaps back. "Holy shit, don't do that again!"

"Did I scare you?"

"No shit."

"Corporal, that can't be good."

"Screw you."

"You are my partner. How can I depend on you if scare so easily?"

"Don't give me that crap."

"Worrying about this," Shane says giving Collin's love-handle a pinch.

"Ouch!. . . The wife is the only one allowed to touch that," Collin says to his laughing partner.

"OK, OK," Shane says raising his hands then pinches his partner love-handle again.

Brushing Shane's hand he says "I used to have flat stomach like yours."

"I guessed married life is treating you well."

"Yeah, my wife is a good cook."

"Hitting the gym?" Shane asks.

"Yeah. I just started going to the student gym by the laundramat."

"I forgot that employees are allowed in there."

"Nice looking ladies there too. You should go too."

"Wondering eyes will get in you into trouble."

"Can't blame a guy for looking?"


"But the leash only goes that far."

"That's got to be triple LOL. Your secret dies with me partner."

When Shane applied for the job it was Collin who first greeted him during his interview. From there, they hit it off. Collin was the last hire in the force before Shane. Most of the police officers are middle aged men and women who can't stop talking about their fat check when they retire. The college prefers hiring those people who were already serving in the city's police force. They say it is safer that way. It was only a chance opening that Collin got into the force. The terrorist attack in New York changed many things. Many police departments received extra money. Some made it to the lesser known universities much later on. Collin was directly hired from the academy to beef up the university police force. For Collin, Shane was a welcome addition. The older officers volunteered him to do the mentoring when Shane started in the force.

"So what the plan for today?" Shane asks his corporal.

"Same ole, same ole," Collin responded enthusiastically.

"Well, that doesn't sound so exciting."

"Welcome to the life of a university police. If not for suspected rape, it's a brawl in some bar."

"They have a lot of rapes here?"

"We do get some but only few checks out. But most of the time, the complainant just drops the claim."

"That sounds bad."

"I know, but we can't really do anything if no one is willing to come forward."

"What about bar fights?"

"Same story. We just ended up taking their statements then no one normally wants to press charges."

Collin starts the car. Their shift starts by driving around the campus to look for something out of the ordinary before looking for a good spot to catch speeders. Shane had many encounters with students racing through the campus road as if it's a drag strip during the short time that he's been with the force.

The corporal finds a place to pass their time in the middle of the longest road that cuts across the campus. That is where the impromptu drag racing occurs and also the most dangerous place to do such thing. A lot of students cross that road to get to their class.

"So are you going to join me in the gym? I need a spotter," Collin asks Shane.

"Sure. When do you normally go?"

"Morning before lunch. The place is empty most of the time."

"Jeez, I got out of the service to avoid early mornings. Now you're dragging me back to it."

"Oh c'mon."

"After lunch is my offer," Shane insists.

"Well, I guess can make some schedule change. So one o'clock tomorrow?"



"Why do you need a spotter?"

"What do you mean?" Collin asks his friend.

"Oh, nothing," Shane replies which just made Collin more anxious.

"What nothing?"

"Don't you need more crunches to get rid of this?" Shane says giving Collin stomach a tap.

"Fuck you, stop making fun of me."


"The way you're smiling right now you're not really sorry are you?"

"Sorry," Shane apologizes again and tries to remove any expression on his face but it just made him blurts out a good laugh instead.

"Be careful, I outrank you" is Collin's end-all response when Shane starts to annoy him.

The sun sets and the students crossing the road dwindle to nothing. From their stalking location, they managed to apprehend two students who were oblivious of the fact that were patrolling the road. It is time to make another round around the campus. By the time they finish visiting all the areas they need to patrol, the school is stirring getting ready for the night. Friday night means they will be patrolling the back road again. The more senior police officers are the ones normally patrolling the dormitories and apartment complexes scattered around the campus spotting underage drinkers and responding to complaints about parties that are getting out of hand.

Collin and Shane shift ends without any more incidents. Shane is particularly frustrated about it.

"Jeez, how many nights have you sat in the car without anything happening?" he asks.

"You're sounding like it's a bad thing," Collin responds.

"Can we at least patrol the main campus area?"

"The old geezers got it covered."

"So our goal is to write as many tickets as we can?"

"Pretty much."


The headquarter parking area is still empty when they arrived. The other officers are probably still busy. Shane and Collin checks in and files their report for the night. After sitting around for many hours, a nice warm shower before going home should do the trick. Collin and Shane put their police paraphernalia in their locker then proceeds to the shower stalls with just a towel around their waist. The shared shower area has four shower heads with open stalls that are just enough to cover the lower body of anyone using it. Shane is not apprehensive about it. The service had dull any notion of shyness from him. Collin and Shane took the stalls right next to each other and continue on whatever they are talking about. When you're showering next to another person, it is easier to just carry on a conversation or remain quiet when you are far apart. People seem to be more at ease knowing what is going through someone's mind at that particular moment.

"So which muscle are you concentrating on?" Shane asks Collin as he lathers soap on his armpits.

"Working on my chest," Collin replies showing his chest to Shane then flexes it to show some definition.

"Looks alright to me."

"I want it to puff out a little bit."

"I think your OK in that area. Once I start you on crunches, you'll see what I mean."

"You're sounding like you're going to be my personal trainer."

"That's the plan. And I'll be your trainer from hell."

"Don't get too carried away. I just need help getting rid of this," Collin says steps out of the stall pointing at his midsection.

Shane had seen Collin naked before but never intentionally full frontal.

Shane tries to avoid looking at Collin's placid dick, so his eyes are drawn to his friend's big round thighs. "Golly, your legs are like tree trunks," Shane says.

"They're been like that as long as I can remember."

Shane also steps out of the stall and compares his leg to Collin's. Collin's thighs and calves are just naturally big. Shane days in the Army had served his body well. He is a beefy looking guy who stands about five foot eleven slightly taller than Collin and weighs about one-ninety pounds. Smooth chest and his arms and legs are lightly dusted with blonde hair. Collin is the same way except for his more pronounced hair on his legs because his hair is on the darker shade.

"Shane, your dick is going to catch a cold," Collin mentions when he noticed that Shane is shaven clean.

"It feels better and also makes my dick look bigger."

Collin is also no slouch in the manhood department. Even at his placid state, it is hard not to notice his thickness.

The two finish their shower and say their goodbye. Shane finds himself again sitting among the bleachers waiting for another flash of memories to come back. He might not have notice that he's been stopping at this place for quite sometimes now. The roaring crowd is visible again and the stadium lights are bright as ever. On the field is Reed mving to his position. Reed plays as linebacker. Matt and Shawn are both defensive end who are sitting by the sideline waiting for their turn on the field. And the loud and crazy group behind them is Matt's personal cheering squad lead by Matt's best friend Joe. The jumbotron shows players on the sideline with wide smile on their faces. The team is winning once again. First is Matt which provokes his cheering squad to shout in unison, "Go! Matt go!" then Shawn smiling face slowly fades from his tiring eyes.

Shane was here or another Shane and the new one is longing to go back searching for something or someone.

The next two days are Shane and Collin's day off a short respite from the monotonous daily patrols they are having so far. After lunch, Shane meets Collin at the student gym. The place is empty when they come in. All the kids who frequent the place are probably resting from their last night's revelries.

"Ready for some punishments?" Shane jokes.

"I'm ready when you are," Colin says accepting the challenge.

They share a good laugh when they both notice that they are wearing their police academy PT uniform.

"That thing still fits you?"

"Don't start with me. It's only this that suddenly came out of nowhere," Collin says pointing at his midsection again in defense.

"Well, I guess you should concentrate more on your crunches this time."

Collin, still not accommodating to the idea, agrees to his friends suggestion. After some lapses on the treadmill, Shane and Collin look for benches to do their crunches. The first few sets Collin is keeping up with Shane, but the next one become more labor. Collin is cursing Shane every time he finishes a crunch. Shane is just laughing egging his friend to continue on. When he sensed that Collin is about to give up, he sits on his bench to give him some more encouragement while helping him finish every crunch.

"What made you so determine to get rid of that? It's not the worse I've seen."

"My wife made some comment about it."


"Man has to get laid."

"The mystery of what men will do for a brief moment in heaven."

Shane sees Collin lifting his legs onto the bench. He smiles because he knows what is going on. The sex talk is having an effect on him and in the danger of showing an embarrassing bulge underneath his PT shorts. So Collin finish his set in that position.

"It doesn't take much to get you going, don't you?" Shane tells the corporal.

Knowing that he is caught there is no point denying it, "what can say, I'm virile."

"You don't get the tingling sensation when talking about sex?" Collin asks Shane innocently.

"Being in the Army, I've learned some self control. It's not always the best idea sporting a noticeable bulge around your unit."

The crunches were followed by lifting some weights. Then a quick trip to a fastfood restaurant for a quick bite to cap their effort for today.

Collin showing some frustration about his goal of losing girth size can't seem to wait. "How long before I can see result?" he pesters Shane.

"I don't know. The best thing to do is not to think about it and just do your sets. Your body will get use to it, and before you know it, you have your studly stomach back."

Collin brushes his friends comment. His body is still aching from the crunches and cannot help complain about the pain.

Massaging his side, "I'm so gonna kill you," Collin tells Shane.

Shane continues munching on his sandwich while he listens to Collin venting. The cramp sitting inside the fastfood restaurant doesn't leave much room under the table, so their bare legs occasionally brush against each others. Many times both of them will notice and immediately move away only to hit the other leg. Shane decides to stop minding it and just settles his legs. Collin also stops moving away his leg when it touches Shane's. The effort of avoiding contact will just make the issue more awkward. Shane looks at his friend still going on and on about the pain he's in cursing him in between bites,

"Collin, I'm done for today. I guess, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"OK, same time," the corporal says sending his friend away as he stretches and massage his body.

Shane working out with Collin has given the corporal some sense of competition. Not willing to be outdone by his more fit partner, he doubled his effort. Not long after his effort is showing some result which he is not too shy to point out to his partner. Another routine patrol by the unpaved dusty road. The two officers switch listening to the FM radio and the police radio to alleviate the dread of the slow night.

Collin sitting in the passenger seat is extra cheerful. "Shane, look it's going away. My side is no longer flapping out when sit down."

"What I tell you."

"You are right. I was going about it the wrong way. I thought by making my chest bigger that it will somehow make my love-handle less noticeable."

"Wife's happy?"

"Very much, she almost raped me the other night. Hormone kicked in."

"You're funny."

"This baby got some good action," Collin brags as he frames his groin area with his hands innocently enough.

"Are you trying to make me envious?" Shane says when looked at his partner's lap.

"Nah, I'm just happy."

"You sure look like it."

"You bet."

The squad car is filled with laughter. Their bantering like high school kids is cut short by a car turning into one of the roads that leads to a farm. They look at each other and a childish smile form on their faces.

"Shall we?" Shane tells the corporal.

"I normally ignore them," Collin replies.

"Ha-ha, you have a soft spot in you."

"Normally, but not always," Collin counters.

"Should we bust them for public indecency?"

"Let's wait for about 15 minutes."

Shane catches on what his friend suggested, "poor guy."

"Oh, they will just look for another place to do it. No harm."

They wait to carry out their devious plan to interrupt some kid's conquest constantly looking at the time snickering. Then Collin signals Shane to look for the car with the headlights turned off. In ditch on the side of the road, they spot the car. They slowly approach the car and both of them get out with their flashlight in hand still smiling on what they are going to do. The occupants of the car lost in their sexual desire do not notice that they are being watched. Collin signals Shane to turn on the flashlight.

"What we got here?" Collin says to the occupants.

The poor girl let out a loud shrill. Immediately the two lovebirds frantically tries to compose themselves. The boy tries to pull his pants up as fast as he can saying "Oh, shit! Oh, shit!" repeatedly. The girl came in prepared for the road side rendezvous wearing a mini-skirt. When the commotion is over, Collin talks to the occupants on what they were doing out on the road. Well, it was obvious, so the couple are hesitating to answer the question, but the corporal asks the same question again. The boy finally answers "sex."

"Sure, sure. Just sex nothing else like drugs?" Collin continues his interrogation giving the kids some hard time. Shane is savoring the moment and let the corporal handle the whole thing.

"Don't you know that what you're doing is illegal?"

"No, sir" the boy mutters.

"It's public indecency."

When he mentions the possible charge, the girl starts crying. Shane butts in.

"Don't you have your own place?" Shane asks the boy.

"Yes officer."

"Why do it here?"

"I asked her for a quickie then return back to the party."

"Lookie here, you just got your girlfriend into trouble."

"I'm sorry officer."

"You should be apologizing to her."

"We are letting you go this once. If we catch you again, we'll take you in," Collin warns the couple then leads the girl to the passenger side.

"I'm sorry officer," the boy apologizes again to Shane as he gets into the driver seat.

Out of nowhere Shane makes some sort of comment to at least make it up to the young kids who they drove scared crazy, "next time, wear some protection."

The kids hurriedly drive out. Back in the squad car, Collin and Shane are joking about what they did.

"Corporal, how do you write a report on this?"

"You don't need to put in the nitty gritty details. Just record the time then write down we caught two kids fucking by the side road."

"Got that." "Sent away two kids parked by the side road," Shane loudly reads what he wrote down.

"Did you see the look on his face? It's priceless."

"I think, we just traumatized those kids."

"They'll grow out of it, and probably remember this like in that song."

"Stroke to the East, stroke to the West," Shane sings part of the song.

"Yup, that song."

"The cop in the song said he'll be stroking too."


"How many kids have you busted having sex by the road?"

"This is only the third time, but the first time I talked to them. I just sent them away after putting their pants back on."

"Those out of the way roads are really tempting," Shane mumbles to himself.

The corporal caught the wind of what he just said, "elaborate."


"The out of the way roads."

"Oh that, I've used the same road one or twice when I was a student here."

"Too horny to drive back to your place?"

"I lived outside the campus. The recruitment office was off limits even if I slept there from time to time."

Once again their shift is over, a warm shower is always welcome to end the night. It's been more of a habit now that both of them take their shower in the stalls right next to each other. It was actually the corporal's playful attitude that broke the ice. In the early days, Shane would occupy at least a stall away from the corporal. One night, the corporal told him that he should just take the next stall promising not to look, so they don't need to shout while chatting, which the corporal broke the same night. Shane had a lot of experience inside a shared shower, so he wasn't fazed at all when the corporal decided to chat looking over the divider.

"I should have went to school here." Collin says waiting for the water to warm up.

"Did you grow around here?" Shane asks.

"Born and bred. But I moved to another city after graduating high school."

"Which college did you attend?"

"The one in the city down South but I quit after two years then went back here and took some odd. jobs"

"How did you end up in the force?"

"Knocked up my girlfriend and future wife, so I had to find a more permanent job. Enough about me. Was it really that fun going to school here?"

"I wouldn't say that. I think it just defends on you."

"I know, but I think it would been fun to take some girl to one of those back roads."

"Ha ha ha, is that what's in your head the whole time."

"A little, giving me boner just thinking about it." Collin steps out of the stall swinging his hardening dick sideways.

"Be careful you might poke someone's eye with that."

Shane is amazed of his new found buddy. Collin's antics sometimes border on naivete and child-like. But after successfully interrupting some kid's sexual adventure that night, Shane is willing to play Collin's game. He steps out of his stall to show his own hard-on.

"There you go," the corporal says. "I shaved mine too. It felt funny first but I'm used to it now," he added.

"What did your wife say about it?"

"She hasn't seen it yet. Maybe tonight."

"You know your wife is pregnant. I don't think it's a good idea waking her up in the middle of the night."

"I try to be quick."

"You sure, you try," Shane teases the corporal then follows it with "I bet it's more like," he thrusts his hips twice then a fake orgasm sound.

"This boy got some stamina when it comes down to it."

"Sure you do," Shane jokes.

They're frontal display is cut short when the sound of other officers turning in for the night permeates into the shower area.

"See you at the gym tomorrow," Shane bids farewell to his corporal.

Shane continue helping Collin with his workout. He can't help himself to look at his new buddy. Collins wide frame and naturally big built reminds him of someone that he used to know which had already bewitched the new officer.

"Shane, what are you doing? I need help," Collin grunts calling out for Shane to help him with the weight.

Shane's mind briefly went somewhere after having a good look of Collin. "Oh shit, sorry," he blurts out and helps Collin finish his reps.

"What are doing? Are you trying to kill me?" Collin complains.

"Sorry about that."

"Jeez, I think you are trying to kill me. My whole body aches. My arms feel like jello."

"C'mon, stop complaining and let's get something to eat. It's on me."

The two friends drive to the same fastfood restaurant. It has become their regular spot to calm down their aching bodies. After several weeks of working out with Shane, Collin is very much happy with the shrinking size of his midsection.

"Thanks to you, wife's been complementing me non-stop."

"You're welcome."

"I think all my weight shifted to my arms," Collin says admiring his biceps then kisses them.

"Most married guys stop trying to impress their old lady. You're totally a different breed," Shane jokes.

Collin brushes of the comment. "Well to be honest, I wanna look good too."

"There is nothing wrong with that."

Out of habit, the two has been picking the same cramp sitting area. When their legs rub against each other, they sometimes look at each other and just smile and sometimes followed by an empty threat.

"If you get a fuckin' hard-on, I'll break your arm," Collin tells Shane.

"Lol, as if you can tell," Shane dares.

After Shane's made the comment, Collin stands and inspects his friend groin area for any sign of stiffness. The PT short won't be able hide such thing.

"Cool, you're still soft."

"What about you?" Shane counters making his friend reveal his own groin area.

"No danger in that," Collin replies flashing his still placid dick under his PT shorts.

The corporal sits down again and continues eating his sandwich. Shane tries to test his friend's threat by intentionally brushing his leg to his.

"Stop that, fucker," Collin tells Shane.

"OK, OK." Shane relents on his scheme. He raises his fist to the corporal. Collin meets his friend's fist with his.

From that day, the two officers understand each other. For Shane, it is good that it turned out that way. Shane has never been shy to tell any of his close friends of his bisexuality. Collin is one of them now. He has to confide the fact to him if their friendship has to continue, or he has to distance himself.

Next: Chapter 15: Allotted Time 2

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