Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Dec 18, 2014


Sweet Sorrow By Max Millan

My senior year went smoothly. Shawn was a great roommate. Although his choice of wearing his varsity jacket all the time even when it's warm was a little too much for me. Like what Matt said, he did get busy during football season. I even recalled him sending me "give me 1" twice in one day. Like when Matt was my roommate, I did sometime experience spilled over tryst when a wayward hook up showed up in our room, and Shawn wasn't there. Our special roommate agreement was fully utilized, Shawn, as it turned out, was also an avid practitioner of self-pleasure. He took the top bunk after losing a coin toss. I wasn't sure if he caught on the fact that I could see him through the mirror. He did go all out most of the time when he did it before bedtime. And I thought I was doing it more than usual until Shawn became my roommate.

One time after coming back from the cafeteria, I was ready to continue working on my paper. I took out my laptop and settled into my bed. Shawn grabbed his and climbed to his bed. I thought he was going to do his own studying but instead fired up his laptop and started surfing for porn sites.

I kicked the underside of his bed and complained, "jeez, can you at least use headphones?"

"Oops, sorry," I heard him say then he climbed down to get his headphones half naked with his stiff manhood in the air ready to poke anything on its way. I had a better look when he was getting himself ready to jump up to his bed. For a minute there, I thought Matt was back in the dorm as I looked at Shawn's lower body. If not for Shawn's more pronounced and slightly darker shade of blonde hair that covered part of his thighs and legs, his size and proportion could have been Matt's. The little chi-chats before finally climbing up the bed was also gone. Matt would have struck a conversation with me even in his full nakedness glory before jumping back up.

From my special vantage point, I saw him propped himself up, but his laptop between his legs was unfortunately covering him. Most of it were left to my imagination as Shawn's hand picked up the pace then slowdown then picked up again. For a good bit of the early part of the night, I was listening to Shawn's moaning and occasional grunts before the familiar sound of impending release finally came. A quick trip to his closet for used shirt to wipe himself then back up to his bed normally ended his trip to his personal heaven.

We never hanged out naked like Matt and I, although being naked after taking a shower before getting dress was a common occurrence. There wasn't really any reason to rush. After seeing each other many times, it's not really as awkward plus taking a shower in a community bathroom during my on base training had already made me less apprehensive about being naked in the company of men.

During the early days of the my senior, the inevitability of me saying goodbye to my college days had became more real when I looked at the group that already dwindled to just me, Shawn, Tim and Daisuke. The once boisterous group was now reduced to a shadow of our former selves. We were just counting down the days. It seemed like.

"Hey Shawn, what happened to Shane?" I wondered looking for some semblance of what was. Although Shane wasn't really part of the group, he was one of the few people that constantly joined us when we were out partying.

"Don't you hear? He was sent out overseas," Shawn hesitantly responded.

"Oh," I replied.

"So have they told anything about where are you going to be after you graduate?" he asked.

"Nothing yet. I might be joining the engineering battalion."

"I hope they don't send you to somewhere dangerous."

"Part of my job description," I said to try to lighten up the mood a little.

This conversation was only made worse by the small reminders that kept popping up in the campus. The small protests were still happening. The school had made some adjustments to our ROTC training. They tried to limit our visibility among the general student population as much as possible. Sgt. Pinski was still dutifully cleaning up after any vandalism made on the ROTC office ground and the building just shaking his head as he slowly pulled out any protest signs left on the ground. The school had to remove spray-painted peace signs on the side of the office building in several occasions.

Matt true to his promise, he kept calling me on Friday nights. He was disappointed most of the time because I was now regularly going to the library with Slater. Our engineering courses were now even more difficult. It took every ounce of our combined brain energy to pass them. Just for kicks, I did sent him a text message once or twice to give him a heads up when I was going to have my personal time, so he could bother me with his often times nonsensical conversational topics. There was one night that he made me listen to him having sex. He dialed my phone number then told me be quiet then he called me immediately after his tryst to check if I jacked off while listening.

Matt was probably still missing college life, so he was eager to know when we are going to visit him. He lived about a good four hours away from the school, so a trip was something to be planned out. On the hindsight, I too was missing his company. It had been many months ago when Matt suddenly decided to be left behind in the city. It was already half way of the Fall semester when a lull in our school work gave us a chance to visit Matt. Shawn also had no game schedule for Saturday. We decided to spend the weekend with Matt possibly through Monday.

"S'up bud," I sent him a text.

"How's it going?" Matt replied.

"Guess what? We are coming over."

Matt couldn't contain his elation, so he dialed my phone instead of sending a message back.

I answered, "s'up horn dawg?"

"Are visiting this week?" was his immediate query.

"Yeah, this weekend ."

"Don't you have formation on Saturdays?"

"We got a break this Saturday. The whole staff was called to the base."

"Cool. Who's driving?"

"Shawn will. He has no game."

"Cool," he said again.

"OK, see you Saturday then."

"It's been like forever. I miss you, bud."

"Shush, people might hear you and think you're funny," I warned him.

"No problem there, I have a small office."

"Are you a big shot now?" I teased him.

"I wish. This office is so small that I have to walk sideways to get in and out of my desk."

I chuckled a little bit.

"Hey, it's not funny," he said when he heard me laughed.

"Well, I'll let you know what time Saturday."

"OK bud, see you later."

Matt was very excited. This would be the first time we were going to make good on our promise to visit him since we teased him to spend his first paycheck on a widescreen TV. As the week wound down, Shawn and I were just equally excited to finally see how Matt was doing that we were debating driving there Friday night instead of waiting for Saturday.

"Guess what? We are crashing your place on Friday night," I sent Matt a warning.

"Nice, what time?" he responded immediately.

"Maybe before midnight."

"I'll make sure to clear my busy Friday night schedule."

"Yeah, right!"

Friday came and Matt was anxious about the visit that he kept on sending me text messages for most of the day. Like a kid he was sending me the same question over and over again. I, on the other hand, just kept on responding with the same answer. I was repeatedly telling him that we were driving right after dinner.

Between Shawn and I, the drive was uneventful. I remembered the time when Matt was still in his shoulder harness driving back from a party when he let me play with his cock on our way back to the dorm. I giggled when I recalled the part when he punched me because I gave him a good rubbing while he was having a shouting conversation with one of his teammates in a gasoline station.

"What are you giggling about?" Shawn caught me during my reminiscing.

"Nothing, I just remembered something funny," I said.

"I wonder how is the doofus doing?"

"I think he's transitioning to his new life quite nicely."

"What's the plan when we get there?"

"Just drink in his apartment tonight, I guess, then we are going to check out some of his hang places on Saturday."

City life was new to me in many respect. Having known only the small town I grew up in, I was not really too familiar with crowded city life that much. Shawn who born and raised in one was more at ease.

Matt place was just outside downtown. After finding a good parking spot along the road, I gave Matt a call to tell him that we were almost at his place. Just a short walk, we saw Matt waving at us from the entrance of his apartment building.

"You made it," he said while giving me and Shawn a tight bear hug.

I quick elevator ride to the fifth floor and we were at his apartment. He place was still sparsely decorated. The living room was just a small couch by the empty wall and his TV on the other end by the shelving that separated his small kitchen from the rest of the room. A small hall lead to his bedroom and the bathroom and a sliding door that lead to a balcony that also serve as the only window. After showing us where everything were, he grabbed a few cans of beers and handed them to us. The weather was nice. It was pleasantly warm, so we found the balcony to be the best place to catch up. Shawn foud the closest chair to the door, and I took the one on the farther end. Matt stood by the door opening leaning on the door frame slightly facing me. Shawn and I started stretching our legs and grunted our predictable complained about our stiff and aching legs.

"That felt nice," Shawn said.

"Wait 'til you spend your whole day sitting and mostly doing nothing," Matt said giving us a heads up on what's to come after college after hearing us complained about our aching legs.

"Not me. I'm thinking of becoming a gym teacher," Shawn said.

"Definitely, not in my future line of work," I said. "So it's just you, Matt," I added.

"No kidding. I tell you what, it's a shock to my system," Matt tried to counter.

"How's work anyway?" I asked Matt.

"Good so far," Matt answered

"Are they paying you good?" Shawn interjected.

"Good enough I guess."

"What do you do?" I continued my questioning.

"Just wait for customer to open a new bank account then scratch my balls," Matt said laughing.

"You watch porn at work?"

"Hell no, they monitor internet access to prevent employees from going to dangerous sites."


"Yeah, no fun. I play solitaire most of the time. So how is senior year, you wankers?"

"Jeez, Shawn is stinking up the room with his jizz," I replied.

"What can I say, I have plenty to spare," Shawn said with a straight face.

"Better clean my recliner."

"Oh don't worry, we give it a good wipe, . . . sometimes," I said.

Matt responded by giving me the finger.

"I'm fine. I think I'll graduate in time," I finally answered his question.

"So are you ready to bust some caps for real?" Matt asked tentatively. I wasn't really sure why Matt's attempt for a little laugh fell a little force to me.

"Sure 'am. Can't wait."

"Cool, are you still planning to choose the base near by?"

"I'm not sure yet," I hated to break the news to him this early.

"Why not? Asshole."

"I might have to start training with my unit that's what I was told."

Shawn was following our conversation and mentioned the fact that Shane was already deployed overseas. Matt and I just took a long swig of our beer and crushed the can in our hand.

"Jeez, stop acting like I'm leaving tomorrow. I still have give or take eight months."

Matt broke the conversation by asking if we wanted "another beer" which Shawn and me agreed to.

"Gonna get stupid drunk tonight?" Matt asked.

"That's the plan. I hope you stocked up," Shawn responded in his exaggerated intonation of excitement.

"No worries. We have plenty."

"C'mon, turn on that big TV," Shawn recommended.

Matt grabbed the remote and turn it on and said, "enjoy."

"Wow, that's huge," I said when the picture finally came up.

"No kidding," Shawn said.

Matt switched the channel to the one showing replay of college sports.

"Are you guys envious that they are shown on TV?" I asked.

"Nah, I get laid regardless," Shawn said.

"Most of those players will be like us anyways after college," Matt added.

Matt and Shawn had a little conversation to see if there were replays of games from our two state teams and found one, so we had to move back inside. I guessed rooting for the home team was the second best thing.

"This TV is so big. You can even see pimples on people's faces." I said while settling down on the couch.

"Ever watched porn on this, Matt?" Shawn asked.

"First thing I did," Matt responded laughing. "Too bad most porn are still in low definition," he added.

"If I have a TV like this, porn images will be burnt on it," Shawn said then sat down on the floor in front of the TV.

Matt grabbed a six pack from his refrigerator and set on the floor next to Shawn. Matt took the empty spot on the couch. The three us by now was following the game. The first six pack was gone then the next. With the alcohol happily occupying some part of our brain, our cheering had become louder in danger of angering Matt's neighbors.

"Don't be too loud," I warned them.

"Don't worry. Building is soundproofed," Matt said. With that revelation, we reverted back to the old days when Matt was still in college.

True to our mission for the night, we were emptying beer can one after the other.

"Hey Matt. Do you still got it? Do you think you can out tackle me?" Shawn offered a challenge.

Not to be outdone Matt said, "any time of the day." Just like that Shawn and Matt were on the floor more like wrestling than tackling then reset for another tackling contest. Matt who's been out the game was clearly losing the contest that Shawn was able to force him back close to the sliding door. Shawn got him down hitting the door with his head. The loud bang signaled the end of the contest. Matt was massaging his head and checking out the door for any damage while Shawn with his arms up in the air declaring himself the champion. Shawn sat back on his spot still elated. Matt crawled on his way back clearly a little out of breathe. All the while, I was just laughing at him. Still trying to catch his breathe, he lay down on the floor behind Shawn then gave his head some more massages.

"You got beat, old man," I teased him.

He was more winded that I expected as he lay on the floor in front of me taking few deep breathes. Matt was already in his bedtime clothes, a tight fitting white shirt and what looked like a pair of sweat shorts that when he raised his knees to get more comfortable I had a good look at him. He stayed in that position until he was able to finally respond to my teasing. He looked at me then flipped me off. When he figured out what I was looking at, he just grinned.

Shawn turned around and ask, "you OK?"

"I'm good. . . . I'm good," Matt responded and slowly got up and slump on the couch.

Shawn handed us more beer and proceeded to watch the next game. We didn't care much about the game, so the room calmed down a little. I felt Matt elbowing me. I looked at him to see what he was up to.

He whispered, "Joe, check this out." I looked down, and he proudly showed the trace of his hard dick inside his shorts. He whispered again, "can you still get a stiffy?"

I tried to point out that Shawn was there in front of us though he was facing away, but his challenge continued by showing me his index finger making the going limp sign.

Well since he started making fun of me, I might as well take advantage of the challenge, so I said "figure it out yourself?"

The familiar grin was again painted on his face. His hand went to my crotch and started massaging it. He probably just rubbed me a few times before my cock was rock hard inside my cargo pants. The quickness of my hardon made both of us giggled.

Shawn heard us and turned around. Matt and I immediately leaned forward to hide our boner. Shawn said, "are you making fun of me? I won fair and square."

I responded, "sure you did, Shawn" then giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"Nuttin'," I intentionally said which made Matt laughed harder.

Shawn looking confused again asked, "what's so funny?"

To get Matt out of the bind I said, "I just told Matt he was an old man because he was out of breathe easily."

"Ha-ha," Shawn laughed.

"I know, I know, you are the champ," Matt responded.

We went back to the balcony for some fresh air and continued drinking while we watched the city wound down and called it a night. We lost count of how much beer we consumed that night. All I remembered was looking for the best spot to pass out. Shawn found the floor to his suiting, so the couch was my bed for the night. Matt came out of his bedroom and handed us pillows. A quick trip to the bathroom and Shawn was peacefully on his way to an alcohol induced slumber. Matt and I turned out had the same idea. When I saw him enter the bathroom, I just followed him. He stood by the toilet but made room for me. We emptied our bladder at the same time without talking but waited for each other to finish before finally tucking our hoses. Both of us were already out of it and just wanted to crash.

It was almost noon when I heard Matt waking us up. "Time to get up, wankers."

Dehydrated and still feeling groggy, I went to the kitchen and drunk water directly from the tap.

"There are bottled water in the fridge," Matt said pointing his fridge.

With a bottle of water in hand I went back to the couch and lay down again on my stomach. Shawn went directly to the bathroom for a quick shower. Matt was unusually alert which might had been a routine that he's already accustomed to.

"Get up! We need to get something to eat." Matt was pulling my arm but I made myself heavy.

"C'mon, Joe. I'm hungry."

I kept myself heavy. Matt was willing to play my game, so from behind I felt his arms went under mine wrapping them around my chest then a quick jerk. Just like that he got me up with no problem.

"What we got here?" he said. "Someone's hiding a boner," he added then went ahead to check it out.

"If you keep playing with it, it might explode," I told him.

"What you missed your Friday marathon jack off session?" he teased.

"Well, maybe."

From the bathroom we heard Shawn complaining about his head, "I think someone playing drums in my head."

Matt was still holding me from behind and turned around. "Hey Shawn, look who has a boner."

"Typical Joe," Shawn said when he saw the tent in my pants.

"As if you guys don't get morning woody," I said trying to get out of my predicament.

Matt let me go, so I gave him a punch in the stomach.

"Stop horsing around. Let's get something to eat," Shawn insisted.

One of the good perks of living in the city was able to get to most places by just walking. Just two blocks from Matt's apartment building was a deli. There we tried to get rid of the people still playing drums in our head. After having our fill, Shawn went back to the counter to buy a bottle of water.

"Matt, you know I'm going to get you back, don't you?"

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it," he said.

"What the hell?"

"As if you never used that line before."

"Stupid fucker" was all I could say.

From the corner of my eye I saw him snickered.

For most the day, we just walked around the downtown area just looking around. We would occasionally go inside places just to check them out then after a drink we off. Nightlife was what we were waiting for, so we found ourselves back in the apartment hanging out by the balcony. Shawn was enamored by the big screen TV. There he was lying on the couch watching a football game.

"You OK there Shawn?" Matt shouted from the balcony.

I heard Shawn mumbled something to Matt, but I was already preoccupied with another thing. Matt and I were now playing a peek-a-boo game that we used to do while we chatted. Matt was gently rubbing himself trying to get his cock hard then rolled his shorts, so I had an unobstructed view. My spot was obscured by the wall, so I up the ante by unzipping then pulled my dick out. I didn't know why, but lately, I found myself freeballing most of the time. My lack of undergarment didn't not escape Matt.

"Going commando these days?"


"I told you. It feels much better," Matt said.

"That and easy access too," I replied then proceeded to jack off to get my cock fully erect.

"Hey Shawn, I'm going to close the door," Matt said to Shawn who was still busy watching the game.

"Go ahead," I heard Shawn replied.

Matt gave me a thumb up that it's safe to continue playing with my dick in the open. We continued our chat about school and where I might be after school. All the while looking at each others hard cock. It would have been nice if Matt could just take his out to, but he was sitting by the glass door. After a few minutes passed by reminiscing about college, the warm weather was making me thirsty.

"I going to grab some water. You want some?" I told Matt.

"Yes, please."

Before I opened the door to his apartment I said, "your turn" then point at my spot. When I got back, Matt was already at my original spot. I closed the door and handed him his water. Matt took out his straining dick inside his shorts. It was his turn to stroke while we chat.

"Don't get too carried away," I warmed him.

"Yes, sir," he answered saluting me.

So our conversation continued on punctuated by a little laughter when we made reference to what he was doing. The afternoon sun was starting to have its effect on us. I wanted to prolong our game, but the heat was starting to become unbearable.

"Matt, let's go inside. It's hot."

"Thank you," he said.

"Idiot. Not you. It's hot out here."

Matt composed himself, and we both waited for our obvious bulge to subside. We went inside the apartment chuckling.

"You guys seem to be having fun," Shawn commented.

"Nuttin'. Matt just being stupid," I said.

Matt picked up on my pronunciation again and laughed.

Shawn still lost asked, "what's so funny?"

"Just talking about what we should do tonight," Matt replied.

"We're going to do bar jumping again like the last time. That ain't fun," Shawn said remembering when we stopped by here during our road trip to nowhere.

The night rolled over, and once again, we were swept into the night's movement of the crowd. After a while, we were hoping to just settled down in one place. Several people pointed a bar with a live band. Ten bucks each and we're in. The place was packed and loud. We tried as hard as we could to make our presence known by being the loudest. By the time the band stopped playing, my voice was hoarse and throat was aching. We managed to stumble back to Matt's apartment and woke up almost noon the next day. A quick to the deli and we're alive. Nothing really much to do on Sunday even the city had to rest. Matt and I joined Shawn who was once again glued to the TV watching replays.

"I tell you what. Matt, this TV is sweet. I need get one of these," Shawn said admiring the TV.

"It will cost you tons."

"How much?"

"Maybe a month's paycheck."

"Nah, I'll put on credit."

"That. Don't do that. You'll be in a credit hell pretty quick."

"Yes, Mr. Banker," Shawn said.

"Are you guys still joining me for football night?" Matt asked.

"We are," I said.

"Cool, but you guys might be on your own Monday morning. I only asked for Tuesday off."

"No problem. We can manage,"

"Don't wreck my place when I'm gone."

"We promise."

The slow day made for a good chance to finally get some rest after two nights of being silly drunk. We spent most of the afternoon lounging around. The main event of the visit came. The TV was loud and so were we. Halftime gave us a little bit of a break from our cheering. We were again at the balcony watching the cars drove by as we sipped our can of beer.

"Shawn, what's your plan after graduation?" Matt asked.

"No change in plan. I'm going to be a high school gym teacher."

"Selling yourself short?" I said.

"Not really. I might get the coaching job later on."

"Jock 'til the end," I joked.

"That ain't fair, dude," Shawn protested.

I might have forgotten that Matt was a recovering jock. "Hey now, Joe. Don't be hard on Shawn," Matt said in Shawn defense.

"Oops, sorry."

"I'm canceling my plan to send you a care package," Shawn added.

"You thought about it. That's so nice of you," I said.

"How do you send one anyways? How do you address it?" Shawn replied.

"Dunno. Maybe they will tell us later," I said.

"I'll send you lot's of porn," Shawn said.

Matt was a little timid with his reaction to Shawn's joke but tried to come up with something. "That will be trouble. He might not get out of his tent."

The game was about to start. Shawn sat in front of the TV like the last time. Matt and I were once again occupying the couch. Matt leaned back by the corner of the couch to get a better view. And probably out of habit brought his leg up and nestled it behind my back. When I felt his leg, I looked at him. He must had figured what went inside my head when he saw me peaking because he just gave me a naughty smile. I went back to watching the game and without looking I slipped my hand through leg of of his shorts and tried to feel him. Unfortunately, the shorts wasn't loose enough that I could get all the way in, so I had to settle on just resting my hand on his crotch. Watching closely on Shawn, Matt and I were in our own world. As the game went on, Matt eventually changed position and had his hand on mine too. This was interrupted only when Shawn turned around to talk to us. We pretended that nothing was happening, but we immediately went back to massaging each other with a wide grin on our face. The game was almost over which meant our secret game had to end. We both sneaked out to the balcony before the game ended to hide our bulge from Shawn.

"Just like the old days," I told Matt.

"I'm leaking good," Matt said.

"I am too," I said. Fortunately there was no discernible evidence on both of our shorts. Matt had a little bit of a spot but it shouldn't be a problem.

"How are you planning to get back at me?"

"I'm still thinking about it." But it had to wait.

Shawn joined us in the balcony a few minutes later.

"We might be leaving tomorrow morning. I have football practice Tuesday afternoon," Shawn said.

"Good, I could still attend my afternoon classes," I said.

The night went by without anything else happening. We made our way to our designated spots and called it a night. The next morning I woke up with a headache. I guessed the few nights of drinking caught up on me. Shawn had to leave no matter what for the practice, so Matt volunteered to drive me back. Matt walked Shawn to the car. I went to back to sleep after taking some Aspirin. Matt was watching TV when I woke up.

"How's your head?" he asked.

"Still tingling," I said massaging my temple.

"Let's get some brunch. There's a diner that's open for breakfast."

"Sounds good."

The place was farther away from the deli behind an old building. The place looked different from the diner back home but the smell was very familiar. The meal and cold sweet worked wonder on my headache. I was probably just famished. I didn't remember if we ate proper dinner last night.

"Are you driving round trip tomorrow?" I asked Matt.

"Yeah, it's no problem. We have enough time."

"Let's get started then."

Our trip back to the apartment seemed like a dash. Matt found ourselves sitting by the couch that had the witness to our extra-curricular activities during the visit. Matt was sitting down while I was helping him our of his shorts.

"Jeez, Joe it will not run away," Matt joked.

"Look at that. It's already leaking," I said running my finger over the tip of his cock smearing his precum.

With a naughty grin he said, "I might have been expecting something."

"Since when?"

"Friday, he-he."

"Well, we could have made something up."

"Nah, anticipation has it's benefits."

"Got you worked up?"

"A little. You could have snuck into my room."

"Want it that much?"


"Freakin' horn dog." Shirt?" he asked.


Then it was my turn to undress. I stood up and Matt undid my shorts while I was taking off my shirt.

"You're looking more buff," he commented.

"A little. I've been hitting the gym more regularly. Now, that you're not around. I have no distraction."

Matt just laughed and said, "what? This was distracting you?" as he jiggled his semi-hard cock.

"I admit. It's hard not to look at. . . . You still look the way I remember you." By now, we were both stroking our cocks trying to get them hard.

"I run almost everyday. Gym twice a week."

A little bit of some muscle flexing show then Matt moved the corner of the couch. He assumed the same position as when we did it back in the dorm.

"On top of the fridge," he said pointing at his jar of Vaseline.

"Almost empty," I joked.

"Good way to pass some time these days."

"Not getting laid?"

"I am, just not always when I want to like back in college."

I laughed.

"Oh c'mon now. Don't make me beg," he pleaded.

I took my spot on the couch the same way when I used to give a hand. I sat leaning against his leg that was on the couch while his other was under mine. I encircled the base of his cock with my left hand and slowly smeared some lube on his waiting hard cock. Matt moaned when he felt my hand around him.

"Damn buddy, I missed that."

"Same here, bud."

From there, I stroke him until he was moaning and grunting. He ran his hands over his chest and jerked his body a little when the sensation was undeniably good. Some more quick jerks from him then he settled down a bit thrusting his hip to my downward stroke.

"Buddy that feels so good. I'm close."

"I'm waiting for this," I told him.

Matt surrendered his load with a long series of groans.

"How was it?"

"Amazing bud. You remembered," he said looking at the streaks of cum that were on his chest and stomach instead of his bodily fluid scattered all over the place.

"I kept a mental note just for you."

"Very much appreciated, now it's your turn. I miss giving you a hand too."

Matt pulled me and made me lay on his chest. The feeling of his warm chest and the slickness of his sexual release on my back were making more excited than usual.

"I think you came a lot when I jacked off you this way before."

"You think, you can make me do it again?"

"Let's see," he said then wrapped his left hand around my chest and his other hand started gently massaging my balls.

"Need lube?"

"Not really, I'm uncut. Foreskin just rolls out when I'm rock hard. You can have fun with it."

Matt wrapped his hand around my cock and slowly stroke me. I told him to grip me a little tighter and let my extra skin do the work. When I grabbed unto his left arm squeezing it, he knew I was ready for him to take control. Matt started slow until my legs was brushing over his. I gave his arm another squeeze to tell him I'm ready.

"Give it to me, bud," he whispered to my ear.

Then I let out my own long series of groans depositing most of my load on my navel. I few drops landed on my chest.

"Nice," I heard Matt said smearing the drops that landed on my chest as he caressed my chest.

"Matt show me your hand," I said wanting to check my cum on it.

"You have big hands."

"I'm a big guy. What do you mean?"


"Much better surface area?" he surmised.

"No wonder it feels good," I joked while I compared my hand to his. "Just look," I commented when I noticed that his fingers when slightly longer than mine.

"What? Are you having a finger envy?" he joked.

I gave him the finger. "Aren't you supposed to be asking for seconds right about now?" I said remembering his predictable request for another release.

"Well, if you insist."

I turned around facing him and told him to scoot down a little. He wrapped his legs around my waist. It didn't take long when Matt was again heaving and breathing hard. He kept telling me how horny he was for the past couple days, and how good it felt my hand going up and down his shaft. Like a good friend, I let him enjoy the moment and just waited for him to reach his climax. Although I got him going early on, his second release still took longer than the first and added more of his juice to his glistening chest from his previous orgasm.

"Impressive," I said referring to his still massive release.

"I was trying to hold back longer," he said.

"Dude, you know I would gladly do it again if you still want to."

"I know, but we need to get you back to the school."

After exchanging thanks, we made our way to the bathroom and took a shower together. We might have cleaned every part of our body while feeling each others muscles. From his chest to his toes, I lathered the soap on Matt. He did the same thing to me. I might have spent a little more time soaping between his legs that he responded with a hard on. We talked about another round in the shower, but we had to cut it out. Matt had to drive back. I got out of the shower first and proceeded to dry myself by the sink which had a big mirror that I could my whole body. I was checking out the result of my effort, flexing my biceps and puffing my chest. Matt saw what I was doing.

"Looking good," he said.

"You like?" I asked.

"You look yummy" was his response.

From behind me he started copying the poses I was doing. He must have been showing off a little bit by showing me that he got me beat size wise. He was a good four inches taller than me and wider. So when he copied my bicep flexing, I elbowed his side.


"That's what you get for being a show off."

A quick trip to the deli and we're off.

Giving Matt a warning, "you know it's a long drive."

"I reckoned," he said pointing at the loose workout shorts he was wearing. Damn, he already had me figured out.

For the good part of the drive, my hand spent most of the time inside Matt shorts playing with his dick. I would sometime take it out when we were the only car in our lane.

"I miss this part too," he said.

"Same here. Let's see much I can make you leak."

"Is that the plan?" he asked.


The long interstate highway and the light weekday traffic made for a good uninterrupted play. Seeing Matt's making a noticeable precum spot on his shorts made me hard, so I leaned back and beat off. Matt offered his hand when I came close and let me thrust my cock in his fist until I blew my load. Matt just wiped his hand on his shorts without saying anything and continued driving. My release had made my horniness subside, so I suggested I could drive the rest of way.

Matt was checking his shorts when he climbed into the passenger seat. He pointed out that it would be hard to explain if people would see his stained shorts. A good size precum spot had already formed and my cum were smeared all over it.

"We might need to air out your car too," I suggested.

"Good idea," he replied.

I fiddled with the radio and the station that we used to listen to was now in range. Then a song that we both knew started playing. Matt took out his air guitar while a desperately tried to sing along with the song.

"Matt you're not off the hook yet," I said knowing that our next encounter would not be soon enough. I made sure to take advantage of the situation.

"No one's stopping you," he said then he grinned.

"Your turn," I said showing him my unzipped shorts.

"Oh, that's what you want." I would have like to keep playing his dick but his car was much roomier than mine that I had to lean over.

"Stroke it?"

"Up to you."

Matt slipped his hand inside my shorts and just copied what I normally do to him massaging my cock and balls. He would occasionally stroke it, and later on, managed to take my cock out. Our game ended when we reached the town. It was also his signal to change into clean shorts that he apparently brought with him. Shawn was waiting outside when we pulled into the parking lot of our dorm. We sent him a message earlier.

"Good, we can still make it to the cafeteria. Let's eat. I'm starving," Shawn greeted us.

It was almost eight, so we decided to just go directly to the cafeteria. The cashier mistaken Matt to be still in school, so she let him in for free. Matt's old teammates were still eating their dinner. The place went crazy when they saw him. For the first time, I ate with the football team. Matt was sequestered by the team curious as to how he was doing. For a moment, Matt was reliving his old days.

Our brief time together unfortunately had to end. Shawn and I walked him back to his car and said our goodbyes. We watched his car disappeared from the horizon.

"He seems to be doing fine," Shawn commented.

"We should visit him again," I replied.

"Yeah, it was fun."

If only Shawn knew the fun Matt and I had. I said to myself giggling.

We visited Matt twice each semester, or I should say, we visited his widescreen TV twice every semester. Matt did show up unannounced a couple of times. He said he just felt like driving. His choice of clothing had changed a little bit. He now mostly wear shirt with collar paired with jeans or slacks. Cargo shorts were now only worn on weekends. He lost some of his padding, so he looked taller, but his legs remained like logs. He still wore his messy short hair and stubble.

Without Matt, Mike and Ashley, the group had became smaller. Tim and his girlfriend and Daisuke were only ones remaining. We had to recruit impromptu members as Shawn's personal cheering squad during the game. Mike was back in Florida. Ashley was back in our hometown waiting for Slater to finish his last school year. They were planning to get married before Slater take his post.

In between the semesters, Reed got married and he had his first kid nine months later. Shawn flew for the wedding. He was the best man, but Matt and I weren't able to make it. Reed had now his own landscaping business with four work trucks in his fleet. He had trouble finding a permanent job, so he took odd jobs to help his soon to be wife pay the bills. He met some people who taught him about commercial landscape contracting and was later on subcontracted by a chemical company. From there, he expanded his business to residential areas.

The school year was drawing to a close. Everyone in my family was very excited. Matt was also anxious that he said he was visiting for my final hooray. The few days after the finals were cherished by almost all students. There was nothing to do but wait for our grades, attend parties and spent most the nights hanging out in one of the bars scattered around the campus. As promised, Matt arrived a day before the graduation ceremony to join us in our celebration. Reed also showed up to surprise Shawn.

We had our last trip to Bubba's Grill the night before graduation. This time with my parents, Uncle Joshua and Shawn's parents. Matt and Reed were there too. There was no time for another road trip or something like that but stay with my family waiting for my assigned post. The service said it would be for my briefing before being sent out. Shawn was visiting Europe as his parent's graduation gift. We settled to just hanged out after dinner and listened to a live band. By the time I graduated college, the college band era was also at its final leg. Being in a band used to be the other cool thing if you're not into athletics. I remembered when I was freshman there seemed to be a new band in the campus almost every week, but those days were gone. Only a few of them remained.

We ended up in the same bar where Mike used to play a walking distance from our dorm. The festivities were loud until closing time. A shout out to the graduating class from the band was met with a loud raucous. Shawn was in the center stage one time being part of the winning football team. That night I wasn't really in the mood to get drunk. The same was true for Matt, Shawn and Reed. Although it was a happy moment, it was also a time for farewells.

"Are you glad it's over?" Matt asked me.

"Not sure yet," was my timid response knowing that the school was the one shielding me from the eventuality of serving overseas. It was my dream to go places, but the news of how the current engagement was going was enough to unnerve me a little.

"You'll be fine," Matt trying his hard to reassure me.

"I hope so,"

"Anything you want for graduation?" Matt asked.

"Lol, I think you're the one who want something," I jokingly replied.

A little bit of silence then we both started chuckling when we both saw grins on our faces.

"Anything?" I said.

"What you have in mind?" he asked.

I paused a little then said, "well . . ."

"You can," he cut me off.

"Dude, I wasn't even finish with what I was going to say," I protested a little.

"So?" he said as if he knew what I had in mind.

"Well, I'm thinking of also graduating from . . ." I said then mime jacking off.

I'm not sure if the alcohol was just playing tricks on us but he said, "you wanna spit shine something?"

When he said it first, it gave me courage to tell him that I'd been wanting to try it with him.

"I've been thinking about it," I told him.

"Since when?" he asked.

"When we were still roommate," I replied.

"You know if you asked me before, I would have let you co'z I would if you told me that you want something like that."


"Well, what are best buds are for?" he replied with no sense of hesitation.

"Shoot, you are giving me a boner right now," I told him.

Our conversation was interrupted when the band called Matt to the stage together with some other football members from their championship year. By one o'clock the night drew to a close. Reed, Shawn and some other folks had their own plan. I told Shawn I was staying with my parents tonight. They were staying at the same hotel where Matt was staying.

"Matt, I just need to drop this to my parents," I said talking about the program pamphlet.

"Bring your uniform. I'll drive you back tomorrow," Matt sugested. I went back to my room to pick up my dress uniform for the graduation tomorrow then we drove to the hotel. Matt gave me his room number then I went to my parent's room to drop off the program and gave them directions to the gymnasium. I gave my mom a hug and said goodbye to my dad and uncle. I briskly walk to the elevator to get to the third floor. Matt's room was on another wing of the hotel.

I knocked on his door. Matt opened the door smiling. He just finished taking a shower. His towel was around his waist. He handed me the "do not disturb" sign to put it by the door handle. I walked into the room. He had my uniform neatly laid on the other bed.

"Matt, can I use your shower? I could use some scrubbing."

"Go ahead."

Matt turned on the TV while waiting for me. While I was in the shower, I was contemplating on what was going to happen. This would be our first time to go this far. My nervousness went away when I heard Matt talking to me.

"Joe, stop playing with yourself in the shower," he said jokingly.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done," I replied. I came out of the shower still drying myself. I sat by the foot of the bed to finish drying my legs then I saw his towel flying over my shoulder.

"Grab a six pack from the fridge," he told me.

We both sat propped up by the bed headboard while sipping on our beer watching what was on TV.

"Are we staying up 'til morning again?" he asked.


On our first beer, we were both rubbing each others inner thighs then chatted some more. On our second beer, Matt started stroking me while I had my fingers encircling the base of his cock. He was already hard. It didn't take long when I was also sporting my own hard on.

"Hey Matt, have you taught of me sucking your dick?"

"Many times, bud."

"How come you never asked?"

"Honestly, it wasn't as important to me. Just you making me nut when you want to already makes me crazy. You should have guessed by now that I like mine to be played with."

"I kinda figured."

"I get some kick when you do it for me."

"So, you also considered going down on me?"

"Why do you think I kept telling you that you look yummy?"

It just dawned on me that he was giving me a hint all along. "Oh, that's what you meant. I thought it was just one of your nonsensical remarks."

"And you thought I was the slow one, he-he."

"Why will that infer something like spit shining my knob?"

"Don't you put something in your mouth when you say yummy?"

We both laughed at his explanation.

"Bud, it's your day. It's up to you what you wanna do," Matt said after our laughs subsided.

Knowing that if I had to suck someone, Matt had to experience it first. To tell you honestly, I was thinking I might not do good. At least Matt would not admonish me for it.

"You wanna exchange quick blow to break the ice?" I told him.

When he said "sure," I leaned towards him and get right down to the business.

"If you fuckin' laugh at me, you're on your own," I warned him when I started licking the tip of his cock tasting the juice that was already oozing from his cock.

"How was it?" he asked.

"Taste a little salty," I replied.

Matt's hand found my raring cock once again and kept stroking me while I intently look at his cock. Now that it's up close, his dick seemed bigger. I was thinking how could I possibly fit it in my mouth like they do on porn.

Maybe Matt sensed my hesitation and said, "just do what you feel like doing. It's yours."

With his encouragement, I put the head of his cock in my mouth. Matt gave out a soft moan. I grabbed the lower half of his cock and proceeded to work on him trying to see how much of him I could take. I was able to get about a third of his cock before I started gagging.

"Bud, don't force it. I wouldn't mind. Just enjoy it," he said.

I started bobbing my head up and down. Matt placed his other hand on my head rubbing it a little. I could hear him giving out soft moans every time I go down. Then I looked at him looking for his approval.

"You're doing fine, bud. You know I get easily spoiled," he said.

"It's actually harder that I expected," I said.

"How do you like it so far?" he asked making sure that I really wanted to do what I was doing.

"Different, but not bad. Are you enjoying it?"

"Well, I can show it," he replied.

I sat back up propped by the headboard then Matt leaned over. He held the base of my cock and guided my raging hard on to his mouth. Just seeing him in that position was driving me crazy.

"Matt, you have a dick in your mouth," I joked.

"Fat one too," he said then slapped his face with it.

"Do you think you can suck me all night?"

"I'll try my very best."

Matt did better on his first try. He was able to get down half way before he started gagging.

"Damn bud, we need practice," he said laughing.

"Oh, I will," I said.

We took a break after our quick exchange. I offered him a can of beer and I opened one and both of us took one long swig.

"Hey bud, thanks for letting me do it," I told him.

"You've always been welcome," he responded with a wink.

"I've been thinking about it for quite some time," I added.

"Same here, bud," he said then he offered a fist bump.

Looking at each still hard cocks, I grew bolder and wanted to enjoy Matt's manhood in a new way. When he saw me crawled between his legs, he moved to the middle of the bed. I gave him my half-emptied beer and asked him to put by the nightstand. I was now on my stomach looking at his big hard cock with my hands feeling the inside of his strong thighs. Matt spread his legs to give me better access. I stroked his cock for a bit then licked the underside of his cock. Matt was watching closely what I was doing. I worked my lips tightly around the head of cock his cock.

I heard him said, "buddy, aaaahhh."

I looked at him and he was just smiling wide. He finished his beer. With his both hands free, he placed them on my shoulder rubbing it. I grabbed the base of is cock and when I finally set the motion of sucking and licking it, Matt responded by massaging my shoulder every time I went down on him. With every bit of inhibition gone, I just went ahead and got lost in the moment. Matt was moaning. He hardly said anything another than "oh, buddy" in between his moans. I tried as much as possible to take in more of his cock. My occasional gag reflex was becoming farther apart as I get used to sliding lips up and down his his big cock. I was determined to make him cum even with my amateurish effort. I wasn't sure if he was just being accommodating or really enjoying the whole thing. I looked at him when I felt him tapping my back.

"Bud, I'm close," he told me. "You wanna switch or do you want me to hold back?" he continued.

"How was it?" I asked him.

"Pretty good. Do you wanna rest for a bit? You've been down there for almost an hour now."


"Enjoying it much?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Let's switch. I wanna give my best bud some good suckin'," Matt suggested.

Matt pulled me up. With my back on the headboard, Matt positioned himself between my legs. Being taller, he had himself on all-four.

"Let's get this hard again," he said then wrapped his lips around my semi-hard cock. He took in as much as he could then slowly came up then he did it again several times until my cock hardening cock prevented him from going down farther.

"That didn't take long," he said. "That's probably the only way I could take it most of it," he said laughing referring to the brief moment that he could slightly squeeze my cock soft cock in his mouth.

"You're determined," I joked.

"Sure am."

"Well, you just don't know how much it turns me on seeing a big guy like you polishing my knob."

"Cool," he said then went ahead with the business. I failed to gauge how much the thought of him sucking me made me so horny that it didn't take long when he had me on the edge.

"Bud, hold on," I warned him.

"What? I got you going pretty quick?"

To hide my embarrassment, I chuckled and said, "yeah."

"I'll go slower. Tell me if you can stand it?"

"OK," I said.

Matt switched between licking the underside of my cock and sucking on it. His technique gave me few minutes, but just seeing him holding the base of my cock as part of my cock slowly disappeared inside his mouth was too much for me, so I had to stop him again. His wide grin couldn't hide the fact that he was loving every minute of me trying my hardest to hold back.

Knowing that he could get me off easily, he became a little chatty.

"So do you sometime jack off thinking of me sucking your cock?"

"Many times," I admitted there was no point hiding it. "But most of the time sucking your big fat dick when you're looking worn from your practice or after gym workout coz you said you feel horny after most of the time."

"Really, I've been fantasizing about the same thing," he said.

"How come you never asked?" I prodded him again.

"Not sure, I think it will feel like I am using you if I don't do anything in return."

After he said it, he put my dick back in his mouth and continued blowing me.

"It would have been no big deal to me. Best of buds, remember," I replied to alleviate his concern.

He stopped what he was doing to answer me "you know I would have sucked your dick during your Friday night shenanigans" then put my dick back in his mouth.

Our short banter made me even hornier that I could have blown my load right at that moment. I mustered a little bit of self-control just to tell him that I want to get him off. I suggested that he sat on the edge of the bed and lay down. I got out of the bed and knelt in front of him.

"Let's blow our load at the same time," I told him.

With my right hand I stroked myself while going down on his still raging hard cock. He was oozing with precum. I guessed our naughty confessions had an effect on him too. With the help of my free hand, I sucked his cock until he became vocal telling me to keep sucking his cock. Matt grabbed the bed sheet then his legs stiffened the signal of his impending release.

"Buddy, I'm gonna cum," he warned me. From there, Matt took over. I stood up to have my own release. Matt shot his usual big load all over him. Not a moment later, I added my own seed to his already cum drenched torso.

When we both caught our breathe, I inspected the result of our first attempt of oral pleasure.

"Wow Matt, you hit your face," I said pointing at the drop that landed on his check.

"Not me. You did it," he said. "I think one flew over me," he added.

I laughed when I saw my cum was on his hair. "You have gel on your hair," I said. I handed him his towel after wiping my hand.

We both sat back on the bed with another can of beer in hand. Matt started flipping the channel looking for something to watch.

"We have should have done this a long time ago," I said.

"Got that right," he responded with a fist bump.

A good two hours had passed, but a nice short break was a welcome interlude. Although we were cherishing the moment, the new movement made my neck ached somewhat.

"Matt, you wore me out."

"Oopps, my bad. You looked like you're on a mission, and I ain't complain'."

The TV got out attention for a bit. He moved one of my legs over his and massaged as we watched whatever was on the TV.

"I think we should attend Shawn's ceremony," I suggested.

"What time?"

"9 o'clock in the morning."

"That early."

I looked at the time. It was already past three in the morning, but I knew that we both wanted to go at it again before the night is over.

"What you want for the second round?" Matt asked.

"I feel like spit-shining your knob again," I said.

"Well, well, and I thought that I would be one in polishing duty all night."

I gave his manhood a feel. Matt spread his legs wider waiting for me. I leaned side ways over him and gently licked the head of his cock once more. I looked at him and replied to his question, "I changed my mind."

"Nice, I'm relieve of my duty," he said laughing that was cut off when I went down on him. His laugh was replaced by a long "aaahhh."

Matt pulled my body a little closer and started stroking my cock. In unison, Matt stroked me while I tried to give him the best blow job I could do.

After a few minutes Matt offered, "Joe, I want to suck some dick."

"Do you wanna sixty-nine? Let's just enjoy it until we are both worn out," I suggested.

"I'm down with that."

It didn't take long when I was guiding my cock to Matt's mouth who on his back with his knees parted sideways. I gave Matt's body a good feel then I leaned forward to his waiting cock. We spent the winding moment that we had together just trying to fulfill our fantasy. Between our synchronized moaning and switching position when one needed more stimulation, we lost track of time. We later found ourselves side by side alternately jerking and sucking on each others cock. After holding back for quite sometimes, I told Matt that I was ready. It was also Matt's signal to surrender his. Matt shot his load on my chest the same time I felt my own release. Exhausted, we didn't move and just laid there with my hand was wrapped around his thigh rubbing it.

"Good night, Joe," Matt said.

"Good night, Matt," I replied then we both drifted to sleep.

"Joe, wake up. It's 8:30," I heard him then pulled my legs. It might had been his regular schedule that he was able to get up after just a few hours of sleep.

When I remember that we were attending Shawn's ceremony, I jumped up and made way to the shower. Matt had already taken his. I smiled when I saw the dried up cum on my chest. The warm water washed away the evidence of our last night's activity. On our way out, Matt removed the "do not disturb" sign. We joked about the damp towels left on the floor and the stained bed sheet on our way to his car.

We made in time to the gymnasium. Reed saw us walked in looking for seats. He shouted to get our attention and pointed at the seats that he reserved for us. We tried as much as possible to stay awake during the ceremony. After the ceremony, I received a call from my mom wanting to us to meet them at Bubba's Grill for lunch. My head was throbbing, so I told my parents that I would like to take a nap after lunch. Matt drove me back to his room to catch some sleep and dutifully woke me up to get ready for my own graduation ceremony.

"Damn, I must say you fill that uniform nicely," Matt commented while I was checking myself on the mirror.

"You like?" I teased.

"You look yummy."

Now that I knew what he meant by it I said, "stop saying that I don't want to walk in there with a boner."

"Lol, you have a gown."

The ceremony felt like it's gonna go forever. I was wearing my marine dress uniform under my graduation gown with my marine cap in hand waiting for my name to be called. When the diploma was handed to me I was instructed to remove my gown and put on my white peaked cap, an officer from the Navy pinned my rank as 2nd lieutenant then the announcer repeated my name this time with my rank. We didn't have a separate commissioning ceremony when only one or two were graduating in the same semester. As I recalled, it was just me and Slater who finished that semester. The gymnasium gave me a standing ovation. I could see from upper bleachers that my father was crying on my mom's shoulder while Uncle Joshua was clapping with the crowd. The solemnness of the moment was broken by a cheer from the side.

"Go! Lt. Shelton go!" What remained of the gang together with Matt and Shawn made their way close to the stage. My graduation ceremony was the last one among the group who also finished their school that semester. This sent the gymnasium into chorus of laughter which the announcer had to pacify to continue with the ceremony.

After accepting congratulations from several folks, I saw Uncle Joshua and my parents trying to get down from the upper deck, so I waited for them by the stairs. My dad had already composed himself and was wearing the biggest smile. I braced for a group hug. Matt, Reed, Shawn, Tim and his girlfriend, and Daisuke found us. We were blocking the hallway, so the celebration had to be moved outside, pictures and lot's of pictures. Like many good things in life this too had to end. It's time to empty out the room that was my home away from home. Inside was just Matt, Shawn and I looking at the almost empty room. The double recliner and the mini-fridge were the only ones that remained.

"So this is it?" It's my turn now to contemplate on what's next.

"I guess so," Shawn said.

"It wasn't so hard," Matt said assuring us. "The first few months will eat you up, but it gets easier as time goes by."

"Matt, it's different this time," I said.


"We are going in many different directions. It might be years before we get to see each other again, or we might not even meet at all."

No one wanted to talk now. For a moment in our lives, we were living in this blissful paradise they call college but now we were all about to walk out of it.

"Well buds, I hope technology will not fail us," Shawn said. It's not perfect, but it would do.

"Matt, try downloading this software, so I can call you from overseas" I said showing him the application that people I met in Virginia shared with me. "You can also use that to call me."

"Got it," Matt said.

"Let me test. I'll send you a message," I said.

"It does voice and text?" Matt asked.

"And more." I sent him my initial message.

"For your eyes only." He read it scratching his head. "Here is my wiener" was the next message with a snapshot of my wiener.

"OK, got it."

Next message, "you can also watch me wank on your computer."

He grinned and replied "no, you watch me wank. :)"

"Delete conversation thread." I heard him say.

"Make sure to also update your internet profile if anything changed," Shawn said. "This is my game handle and this is Reed's," Shawn said while handing me a piece of paper.

"What are you doing? I will lose that. Text it to us," I said.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry but I had to say goodbye to you," I said as I sat down on the recliner.

"Joe, you made love with that recliner so much that I wouldn't be surprised if it is pregnant," Shawn said.

"Says the pot to the kettle," Matt said.

"Not as much as Joe," Shawn said.

"Whaaaaat?" I said.

"Those will not fit in my car. Can you take it to my parent's house?"

"No problem."

"Did you guys gave it some thorough cleaning as I requested?"

"Oh yeah," I said which was a lie.


"Yes," Shawn replied knowing that it was never really given a good cleaning.

"I'm taking the fridge with me," Matt said.

I called my folks to help us haul the recliners to my pickup. Matt took the fridge with him. It's time to say goodbye, so the three of us shared a group hug.

"Keep in touch," Matt said.

"I will," Shawn shouted as he walked to his waiting folks.

I got into my pickup still hesitating to turn on the engine. I saw Matt's car drove out of the parking lot of the dormitory followed by Shawn. I was waiting for my uncle to finish talking to parents when I looked down, and there was a paper bag.

"To my best bud. This should fit you now" was written on it. Matt left me his varsity jacket. It had his number but no name, so I could wear it.

"I will miss you too, buddy," I said talking to his jacket. One by one every memories I had with Matt, the gang and college started pouring in like a rain that everything became a mishmash of good and bad times. I fought hard not to shed a single tear. I was reliving my college life in my head that I didn't even notice that my uncle was already in my car.

"Are you ready?" my uncle said that I failed to hear.

"Hello, Earth to Joe," he said again to get my attention.

"Yes, yes. I... am rea...dy." I stammered in my response.

I started the engine of my car trying not to look back at the dorm. I knew that if I did, I won't be able to stop myself from crying.

Next: Chapter 13

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