
By naughtyboy

Published on Jul 10, 2017


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I was savoring his lingering scent in my small place when I heard the ding of my email. My heart raced as I scrambled for it as eager as children are on Christmas morning. It was from him, my architect of my sexual awakening. I opened it eager to see if he would allow me my privilege of orgasm or, even better, praise.

You did good boy, it started. I was impressed by your body, you willingness to obey and most importantly your dedication to serve. As promised, here are the pictures of your counterpart that you will be playing with for my entertainment tomorrow. You will be ready at seven tomorrow. Same jock, same position, blind fold. No television. You two will be my entertainment. Enjoy his pictures, tomorrow you will enjoy him.

I scrolled down and saw an almost identical body to mine. All the pictures were from his luscious red kissable lips down. His skin was tanner, his nipples bigger, a bit more fat around his waist but very much similar. He was hairless, even down to his jutting cock that looked to be at least seven and a half and cut. I wanted him. I wanted him with my... Master? Sir?

I was unsure of what to call, Sir, other than Sir, and I resigned myself to that label of him. I was not his yet, he had not accepted me for training yet. I would do what was needed to make him proud of me, to accept me into his tutelage. I wanted him and his boy. I would play well, so well, neither would want me to leave.

I slept with the longing of release, but resisted every temptation. A good boy obeys. I kept saying to myself, but it only served to stimulate me more. I finally drifted off to slumber with anticipatory dreams of the night to come.

I awoke with a smile and then sudden horror as I felt the familiar sticky wetness that coated. The disappointment was overwhelming as I lingered in my fluids. I gave in and left my shame, and grabbed my morning coffee before hesitantly sending him an email of my failure.

I must apologize, I did my best to control myself while I was awake, but while I was sleeping, I did something that I had not done since I was young. I had a wet dream. I am so sorry and understand if you wish to cancel since I have failed you.

I showered my shame off me and then changed the bedding. I was in limbo awaiting his message. I was well onto cup three, sitting on the couch, not really paying attention to the television when I heard the email come in.

My hands trembled as I held my phone. I wanted to know and yet I didn't. I was riddled with the fear of knowing and not knowing. What would I do if he cast me aside like our clothing the night before, but he could be forgiving, couldn't he? He did forgive my indiscretion the night before. As he said, he expected me to fail. I took a deep breath and opened it.

Do not fret, boy. You cannot control your unconscious actions. Actually, I find it quite flattering that I caused you to do so. Remember, seven, jock, blindfold, on your knees, no television. I will be prompt. I look forward to seeing how well my boy plays with you.

I was practically jumping for joy as I responded back, Thank you, I look forward to it.

The day seemed to linger and fly by as I did my errands and made my preparations for the day. I was certain to have everything ready. Lube, condoms and water, both in the bedroom and living room. I made sure to be clean inside and out. I was had the door unlocked and I sat there on my knees in my unwashed jock from last night and blindfold tight around my eyes and my arms rigid as I awaited.

The silence was deafening till I heard the door open. "Good boy." I heard the smile in his voice. "I have brought my Alpha boy for you play with." I heard the shuffling of a second pair of feet as the door shut. "You will be called Test boy, for the night to avoid confusion." He must have seen my dismay in my face. "It is only a temporary title to avoid confusion for the night." He placed his under my chin. "Rise."

I did as I was told. "Alpha will inspect you." I wondered how that was going to work with both of us blindfolded, or perhaps he wasn't blindfolded, I had no clue. But I felt his softly calloused hand roam over me. So light yet, so stimulating, so through. My mouth trembled with the urge to shutter as he moved his hand over my torso, to my pouch that he gave a gentle squeeze to, to my shoulders, my lips, my ears, and then my hair.

He slowly moved around to my back, sending tremors of pleasure through me as he inspected every part of my skin before taking two firm handfuls of my bubble. His were not a forceful more a caress of appreciation, a fondling of desire, an enjoyment of my assets, so to speak. I liked his soft contrast to Sir's hardness. Then he reluctantly let go and moved to my front and dropped his hands.

"You've been approved, Test." Sir said with a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "Alpha has been with me awhile, and I will never put any above him, know this. Anyone he does not approve of does not go any further. Consider yourself lucky."

I felt myself inflate with pride. "Now we continue. Kiss."

Before I knew what to do, Alpha took my face in his hands and guided my lips to those juicy lips I had seen in the pictures. His technique was just like his inspections, gentle, yet had that urgency, desire. I let go into the kiss, moving my hands to his waist, pulling him to me till our mutual jock covered pouches ground against each other.

I moved my hand down to those glorious orbs that I had seen in the picture and took firm meaty holds of them as he kept one hand caressing my face and the other moved to my lower back where his continued to keep me close to him as we explored each other. I do not know how long we stayed that way, I know I had forgotten this was a test and show.

"Very nice." I heard comment with lust. "Now stop." We broke the kiss with reluctance, with Alpha dragging my lower lip out as he backed away and let go. "Don't get carried away, Alpha." Sir warned. "For that you will go first. Both of you turn to your right and assume the doggy position."

I did as instructed and was on my hands and knees without hesitation. "Alpha has Okayed for you to be collared during this play time. Do not mistake this for anything more." I felt his hands around my neck as the cool leather encircled it and was fastened not too tightly but not too lose. "Come." He guided me by my collar around to Alpha's ass.

"Eat, boy." He commanded without hesitation. "Worship that ass like I had worshiped your last night. Show Alpha your appreciation for allowing you to play with me instead of him." I didn't need to be told twice. I nuzzled in, before swirling my tongue around his hole. My hands crept up to take firm holds of his magnificent buns and pulled them further apart so I could dart my tongue in and out between fondling the outer rings with my tongue.

I felt Alpha push back, trying to get me further in, and I obliged diving deeper and deeper. I was in hog heaven searching for his truffle. I felt my face slather in in my own spit and ass juices and I did not care as I took on my task with a fervor of lust. I was so engrossed in my task that I did not hear Sir tell me to stop till he was pulling me back by my collar.

"I said enough." His stern voice echoed in my head. I bowed my head down in shame. "I see that I may have to discipline you both if you continue to disobey." I felt my face redden with shame. "Up, back in position." Sir, pulled me back into position and turned me around. "You know what to do, boy." I heard a smack then then the tentative lick.

Before long that tentative lick turned into a whirl wind of pleasures as he did as I and spread my cheeks for easier access. I fought the urge to moan with the pleasure as his tongue swirled and swiped around my buttocks. Up, down, in, out, side, side, swirl, no rhyme or reason, just pleasure and more pleasure. How long it lasted, I had no idea, but I almost cried out in protest when I heard, "Enough," and those hand and tongue left me empty.

Then I felt his feet against mine. "Now for a little tug of war, so to speek." I felt my hole being lubed to my confusion. I had no idea what tug of war meant, but it captivated me. Then I felt the head of a dildo pressed against my opening and slowly inserted in. "Two bottoms, one double ended dildo." Sir's voice was full of pride and glee as he instructed us on this task. "You'll rock together fucking each for my enjoyment. Begin."

Without any qualms Alpha began shoving the dildo further into me, causing me to silently gasp before I followed moving back and for sliding the dildo in me and out of Alpha and he the reverse. Soon, we were both backing up as more and more of the dildo disappeared in us till our cheeks were clapping so loudly it sounded like a standing ovation in my living room.

"I would love to continue this till one of you climaxed, but we'll have to do that another time." I felt Sir's hand on my ass pushing me away from Alpha. I paused for a moment wanting to get another good thrust in, but thought better of it and moved forward till I was empty with a pop. I heard the similar sound echo behind me.

"What to do next?" Sir seemed to muse. I knew that sexually sinister tone already. He knew and we would reap the wondrous benefits of his sexual torture. "Are you comfortable with being tied up and gagged with us, Test?" I thought for a moment and nodded my agreement. If they wanted to do anything dastardly to me, they had more than enough opportunities.

"This will be fun." Sir chuckled as he guided me to my bedroom and on to the bed. I lay there for some time before he came back and ordered, "Open." I did and a ball gag was affixed to my mouth with straps. "Here." A small soft stress ball was put in my left hand. I wondered how he was going to tie me but he pulled my arms above me and bound them together above my head.

"Squeeze once for good, squeeze twice for tighter, drop it for too tight." I tested the bonds and squeezed once. "Good boy." He then went to work on my legs, spreading them to the corners of the bed. He repeated his question, I tested and squeezed once. "This type of play can be intense for some, I have a feeling you are one of those. If at any time you need a break or it gets too much, drop the ball. Understood?" I nodded my confirmation.

"We'll be back in a moment." I took a deep breath, not knowing what to expect, then I felt the foot of the bed dip down. "Alpha, enjoys doing this to others, its pure pleasure for him and the one he does it too. Let's see how you can take it."

I felt Alpha's hands caress my left foot. "This is his treat not yours. You will only get to enjoy. Remember the ball. I will be watching." I felt the soft tentative touch before the lick. I had never had that done, never knew how sensitive the underside of my foot was till the please jolted up my body. "He likes it." Sir almost laughed. This just served to encourage Alpha.

Slowly, methodically he worshipped my left foot, sending bolt of unknown pleasure threw me causing me to buck, squirm and whimper. Left, then right, I fought hard to not let go of the ball. I was torn. Between the exquisite pleasure and the unbelievable torture of multiple orgasm after orgasm as each lick, kiss, suck continued.

"He loves his work." I felt Sir stroke my hair. "It can, be intense, if you want him to slow down, squeeze the ball." I reluctantly did. "Slow down, Alpha. Don't get carried away." I felt his smooth cheeks brush against my thighs. "Squeeze again when you want him to continue." I took a few calculated moments to catch my breath, trying to decide whether to allow him to continue or not.

I relented and squeezed. "Go ahead, Alpha, remember the cock is off limits for now." I felt the gentle nibble on my inner thigh, then the slow lick to the space between my pelvis and leg. A slow lick then a sudden burst of pleasure that sent me jolting up as Alpha engorged himself on my pleasure. I wanted him to stop and keep going at the same time as he alternated spots.

Then he worked his way up to my stomach where he made slow gradually enlarging circles from my belly button to my sides where he latched on, sending me bucking up again. I strained against my bonds to grab him, pull him to my gagged mouth and kiss him, but I did not let go of the ball.

Slowly he made his way to my nipples where he gently teased them for a bit, either as some cold calculating plan or to give me time to catch my breath or steady my pulse or even enjoy the copious amounts of precum that had soaked through my jock. Lick, nibble, lick, circle, nibble, lick. I'm not sure how long he did this, but once my breath was no longer ragged, he dove in.

Another experience I had never had, has he dove into my hairless pits, licking and sucking and gently nibbling. One then the other. Left then right. Left then pause then back to the left. He kept me off guard as he alternated between the two sometimes going to the same one multiple times sometime alternating. My chest heaved against his as the euphoria of it enveloped me.

Then I was rewarded with a kiss. On my cheek as he licked and sucked on my neck, obviously careful to not leave a mark. He tugged at the straps to my ball gag with his teeth. "Okay, Alpha, but just a few moments." I felt Sir, unfasten and then remove my ball gag. I didn't have a chance to smack my lips before Alpha had his on mine. We kissed, genuinely and deliberately with slow afterglow passion. I could feel his precum soaked jock against my leg and knew he too was eager for release.

"Off." Sir commanded and Alpha reluctantly left my wanting mouth and moved down and off the bed. "Prepare." He ordered as he took the ball from my hand and released my arms and legs. I had no idea what he meant by prepare as I moved my soar arms and legs about. "Remove your jock." I did as I was told and Sir, I assume took it from me.

"You both have entertained me, though you were a bit defiant at first." I could feel my hard seven inch cock drooling on my stomach, so hard it hurt. "You may suck each other off and do as you will after that for the next thirty minutes." Alpha pounced and throated my cock before I had a chance to move. His expert tongue teased my head and underside as he went to work.

Not to be left out, I moved him and I so that we were on our sides sixty-ninieng. He was about my size, maybe a bit bigger or smaller. I simply just enjoyed it in my mouth as I wrapped my hand around and squeezed his butt cheek and pushed him further and further down my throat. I was not as expert as he, and gagged a few times but I had to have it, all of it.

I heard his muffled groans of pleasure over my own as we synced up in our endeavors to make our mutual geysers blow. Suck, lick, tease, swallow, neither of us could get enough as we savored the other when we heard, "Ten minutes." Without a word, we both picked up the pace and went to work truly.

Within minutes I clutched Alpha's buttocks and squeezed so hard, I was certain I dug my clipped nails in. burst after burst shot from me, more than I thought possible as volley after volley spewed forth from my crotch rocket, coating his mouth and throat with my juices. This set him off as he must have sent a gallon my way. I swallowed as much as I could but I could feel it dribbling from the sides of my mouth still it finally sputtered out.

I noticed that he did not get soft right away as I nursed his spent member, and neither did I as he reciprocated. Finally he let me from his mouth and moved his way to my mouth where we shared a tender kiss of our juices, sharing the taste of each other. He stroked my hair like a gentle lover as I tried to come down from the drug of pleasure he had given me.

"Time to go Alpha." I felt Alpha rising again, away from me. I wanted him. I wanted them, both. I heard Sir guide him out of the room before returning. "Good boy, test." He stroked my hair gently before planting a kiss on my lips. I reached up to get more but to no avail. "This was Alpha's turn, not mine. Count to one hundred and then you may leave the bed. You'll find a present for you, along with that collar."

I did as ordered as I heard Sir walk away. I heard the door close, but did not dare risk not obeying as I continued to count. At one hundred I removed the blindfold and fingered the leather collar with pride. I remembered there was another present. On the floor was Alpha's jock. I scooped it up and savored the drying precum scent. I looked for mine, but did not see it. Sir had swapped our jocks for us. I smiled.

Next: Chapter 3

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