Blind Love

By Justin

Published on Nov 23, 2005



Blind Love

By Justin Brooks

** Disclaimer **

This is a gay story, if your under the legal age in your home area to read this type of material or you find it offensive. I suggest you hit the back button on your Puter.

I wrote this story you can't have it. Unless you write me about using it. Then we'll talk.

Authors Rant

This is my first attempt at some kinda story. If you end up liking it, write me and let me know. That way I know I'm doing a pretty good job. If you don't like it tell me why. However be nice about it. Flames will be extinguished properly.

Write me at

At first this story will be a little slow to get the general line and characters that are gonna be in it. I'll promise to try and speed it up ASAP.

Blind Love Chapter 1 By: Justin Brooks

BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP! Andrew reaches over and knocks his alarm clock off the nightstand. He hated mornings, especially since he started summer school. He heard his mom screaming to shut that fucker off before she kills him. Pleasant way to wake up ain't it. He grudgingly gets out of bed and fumbles to find his alarm clock seeing as it was still dark. He put it back on the table and stretched his long 6'2 frame. Being 17 going on 18 in five days he was going through his puberty growth spurts like crazy, he'd grown four inches in the last three months. He flips on the harsh light of the bathroom as he gets ready to do his morning routine. Then he looks in the mirror and wonders whats taking his vision so long to focus. Shrugging it off he goes about his business for the morning in time to catch the city bus. He grabs a pop tart and rushes out the door to the bus just in time to catch the 46 downtown. That was the disadvantage of living across town from school it took forever to get there. Getting downtown he realizes that he has time to get a mocha and goes to visit his best friend in the world at the coffee shop across town.

"Hey Kev!"

"Hey Andrew want the usual?"

"Na better make a quad shot, I'm having trouble getting the sleeps out of my system."

"You got it dude. Put on your tab?"

"You know it. How things been going dude?"

"Busy as usual. I almost didn't make it through rush hour last night."

"OH? Why?"

"Some dud tried to shove one of the buses off the road while I was making a delivery."

"Dude I heard about that, I didn't realize it was you."

"Yep, missed me by two feet."

"Whoa! For that add another shot and take it for yourself, I'll buy two today."

"Damn thanks dude, I need it. So, Andy how's school going?"

"Ahh its going, now I really wish I had passed biology during the school year. This summer school shit is for the birds."

"Yeah I know I did it once when I was in high school too."

"Wow you mean they had high school in the stone age?"

"Hey watch it mister I still have that ruffie from last weekend."

"Yikes! No thanks, once was enough."

"Here ya go dude. Enjoy!"

"Thanks man, I'll see ya for lunch."

"Got it dude!"

After Andrew left the coffee shop he saw the bus just start to pull up. He hopped across the street and got on just as the bus started to pull away. Finally arriving at school Andrew saw his friend from school pull up in his mom's car. Meeting Ryan half way they went to their class. As the teacher was passing out the days assignment Andrew noticed that he was having a real hard time trying to see what the heck he was doing. He mentioned this to the teacher and the teacher knowing andy's health issues with his eyes told him to go see his doctor.

At the doctors office andy waited nervously, on his way he noticed that he was having difficulty with seeing all sorts of things. The doctor called him in and looked him over.

"Well Andrew my boy, it looks like you lost some more vision.

"Yippy! Damn just what I need. Any chance of regaining this back?

"Nope you know the answer to that one.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Damn I was hoping to last another forty years."

"Yep looks like it's gonna go quick now!

*** TBC***

There it is the basics of how Andy's world Turned upside down.

Let me know what ya guys think


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