Blind Love

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on May 7, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Blind Love

Part Six

By Chris

"It was the summer after my freshman year in high school. My mom made me go to this summer camp for blind kids. I didn't want to go but she thought that it would be good for me. She said I needed to get out of my comfort zone and experience things outside school and home. We fought for weeks over me going and needless to say I didn't win the argument." Crystal told her.

"Don't feel bad, I don't think I ever won an argument with my mom when I was that age. But then she had a secret weapon on her side." Jenna told her.

"What was that?" Crystal asked grateful to get away from her own story for a moment.

"She called it the Attitude Adjuster." Jenna said.

"Which was?" Crystal asked somewhat impatiently.

"My father's belt and she knew how to use it too." Jenna said with a laugh.

"I bet she did." Crystal said with a laugh.

"Oh take my word for it, she knew real well. She could light your ass and thighs on fire." Jenna said laughing too. "But enough about me getting my ass tanned and back to your story."

"I was shy back then and I was scared to death about being away from home and being around so many different people. Anyway I got on the bus and off I went. I didn't talk much to the kids sitting around me or to the girls I was assigned to bunk with in the cabin. Then that evening they had all of us at the meeting hall and we had to get up front and tell everyone there a little about ourselves. I know it was meant to help us get to know each other but for me it was pure terror. I sat way in the back which was a mistake as all I did was get myself worked up about getting in front of everyone. And they had served us tea, which I sipped on as the other's got up to talk. I never heard what any other the other kids said, I just worried about getting up in front of everyone and having to talk. Eventually it came my turn to talk and I made my way up front on very shaky knees. One of the counselors put me behind the podium and I just stood there. In my mind there were thousands of people looking up at me and I couldn't say a word. My mind went blank and then I felt warmth between my legs and I realized that I was peeing all over myself." Crystal said.

"Oh god..." Jenna said as she put her hand on Crystal's arm giving it a squeeze.

"Yea, it was bad but there is a happy ending. The counselor, Jenny was her name, who was standing by me realized what I had done and she quickly took me off stage. I was crying my eyes out and begging to be taken home. But Jenny was a great counselor, she took me to the bathroom and got me cleaned up and she talked about how nervous she was the first time she had to get up in front of a bunch of kids when she was my age and she did the same thing. She was so scared that she too peed on herself only it was a camp for seeing kids and they all laughed at her. She told me that none of the other kids knew what I had done and it would be our little secret. She went on to say that she survived and got stronger by the experience. Then she promised me that I was going to have a great time at the camp and she was going to make sure of it. And if I didn't, she said that I could sock her in the stomach as hard as I could before I left." Crystal told her.

"Did you get to sock her?" Jenna asked already knowing the answer.

"No she made good on her promise. Although the thought of getting to sock her in the stomach got me through the first few days but slowly she brought me along and helped me to make some friends. So I ended up having to give her a hug when I left instead of giving her a sock." Crystal said with a smile.

"I wonder if she really did pee on herself like she said she did." Jenna asked her.

"Probably not, I didn't believe her at first but as she went on with her story I began to believe her. Then it was important that I believe her but later I realized that she was just making something up to make me feel better and really that is all that matters. And the next summer, I was the one begging my mom to go as I wanted to see the friends that I had made and to see Jenny again." Crystal told her.

"Sounds like you developed a crush on her." Jenna kidded her.

Crystal blushed a bit then admitted, "I did but she was straight and had a boyfriend but she was still a great friend and someone to look up to. She was so confident in everything she did and that rubbed off on me. Mom was always pushing me to be strong but Jenny was the one who showed me how to be strong."

"Sound like she was a great friend to have." Jenna told her.

"She was." Crystal told her.

"So do you keep in touch with her?" Jenna asked almost feeling a little jealous of this Jenny and not knowing why.

"No, the next summer, she wasn't there. They never allowed the counselors to contact the campers outside of the camp so I never knew what happened to her." Crystal told her.

"Well maybe one day you will see her again." Jenna told her giving her arm a squeeze.

"Maybe but all that matters was that she was a friend when I needed one, like you were for me." Crystal said softly.

"At least she told you a comforting story, all I did was to cuss you out." Jenna said with a laugh.

Crystal laughed too but then she added seriously, "But you came when I needed you and you took care of a problem that I didn't know how to take care of on my own. So you both did the same thing, just in different ways. Then I needed a kind voice, this past fall I needed someone to give me a kick in the pants."

"Well anytime you need a kick in the pants, just give me a call." Jenna said with a laugh.

"I will." Crystal said then she yawned.

"I do believe that someone is ready for bed now." Jenna told her.

"I am, thanks for talking to me." Crystal said as she started to get up.

"Sure it was worth hearing about you peeing all over yourself in front of thousands of people." Jenna said with a little laugh.

"It was only about a hundred and they never knew what I had done." Crystal said smiling.

"Sweet dreams," Jenna called to her as she got to the door.

"You too," Crystal said going out the bedroom door.

Jenna turned off the bedside light and settled into her bed. She let her mind wander over the past few hours and she found that she had a smile on her face. She tried to get herself to stop smiling and that just made her smile more. She just gave up and went to sleep with a smile on her face and feeling good inside.

"So what you doing today?" Crystal asked as she sipped her orange juice and crunched on a piece of bacon that Jenna had fried.

"I should clean some today but I am hearing the mall call my name and I was wondering if I shouldn't listen to it, so I just may go do a little window shopping and see if there anything left on sale." Jenna told her.

"That sounds nice," Crystal replied giving Jenna that sad puppy dog look that she would not have been able to resist had she wanted to but in this case, she had planned on inviting Crystal all along however she couldn't resist adding a screw or two before removing them.

"So what you going to do today?" Jenna asked as if Crystal's look had no affect on her.

"I guess I'll start reading "Moby Dick", I have to do a paper on it for my Lit class." Crystal said as she made her face look even sadder.

"That sounds like fun." Jenna said giving her voice that conveyed that she really did think that. Jenna then hesitated as Crystal came to the realization that she wasn't going to invite her along on her shopping trip. "I was going to invite you to go with me shopping but I guess that reading Moby Dick would be much more fun and I wouldn't want to deprive you of all that fun."

"Reading stupid Moby Dick isn't what I call fun..." Crystal spat out then she realized what Jenna was doing to her. "Oh you!" Crystal said as Jenna laughed.

"So I take it you would rather shop with me than read?" Jenna asked.

"Do you really have to ask me that? Of course I want to go shopping with you." Crystal replied quickly. "If you want me to go that is?"

'"Yea I want you to go." Jenna said. "Plus I heard that Webster's is having a pajama sale and I know you wouldn't want to miss that."

"You know I shop for things other than pajamas." Crystal said sticking her tongue out at Jenna again.

"Not that I can tell." Jenna quipped back. "And since you're taking speech class this semester, I thought that we could pick you up some pampers while we're out."

"I knew I shouldn't have told you that story." Crystal said laughing. "But I'm not the only one to have peed on herself so we can get some to fit your fat ass while we're at it."

"My fat ass," Jenna said acting shocked. "I just might just have to rethink my invite."

"Well slightly fat ass." Crystal said laughing.

"Then I'm slightly thinking about not taking you shopping." Jenna quipped back.

"Okay your perfect ass." Crystal replied.

"That's better." Jenna told her and they both laughed a little. "I've got a couple of things to do then we'll leave."

"Okay, I'll clean the kitchen while you go do that." Crystals said putting the last bite of bacon into her mouth and finishing off her juice.

Jenna just smiled as she got up heading to her computer to check put the last touches on a report that she had been working on Friday afternoon when she decided that she had enough of work for the week and she was going home. It took her an hour or so to get it done and by then Crystal was out of the bathroom so she was free to shower and get ready.

Crystal was excited about going shopping with her and she talked the whole way to the mall about being able to shop with someone other than her mother. Jenna was getting a little excited as this would be a day of shopping where she wasn't trying to find someone a Christmas present. If she found something that she liked then cool but it was okay if she didn't. The mall was busier than she expected it to be so they had to park further away from an entrance. Jenna got out meeting Crystal at the front of her car. Jenna took Crystal by the arm guiding her toward the mall as Crystal had her cane out tapping the ground for curbs and things that would hinder her walking. Once inside, Jenna let Crystal decide which store they would go to first. They took their time as they wandered the stores. Jenna slowly learned how to tell Crystal about the clothes that she was feeling. It was a trick that Crystal's mother had down pat but for Jenna, it was her first time and she found that Crystal asked a lot of questions. She was patient with her and she found that she was finding out more about the clothes that she was looking at as Crystal had to know all about them and she had to feel them over too.

For lunch, they went one of the nicer restaurants inside the mall to eat so that they could sit and relax as they ate. They each had only bought one outfit that morning but they had seen a lot of things that they liked and they talked about them as they ate. They shopped for a little longer after lunch saving Webster's for last. As they entered the store, Jenna let out a laugh.

"What you laughing at?" Crystal asked as Jenna had stopped in mid stride.

"Would you believe that they're actually having a pajama sale this weekend." Jenna said laughing more.

"You're shitting me!" Crystal told her.

"Shhh..." Jenna said to her as they had just gotten a dirty look from a mother with two young kids in tow.

"You're kidding me aren't you?" Crystal asked a little quieter this time.

"No seriously, they're really having a pajama sale." Jenna told her.

"You knew that to begin with didn't you." Crystal accused her.

"No really I didn't. I was just messing with you before. I honestly didn't know." Jenna said pleading her case.

"Yea right, well I'm not going to buy any pajamas and we're not even going over to that section." Crystal said as she walked on ahead tapping her cane.

Jenna had to catch up with her and start to guide Crystal around the big store. They did manage to avoid the pajama's section until the very end and Jenna could see that Crystal was dying to go there. So Jenna took her there under Crystal's protest though Jenna could see that Crystal was glad that she was the one that brought them to the section and not her asking to be taken there. Jenna first took them to the sleep shirts and she found a couple that she liked.

Then she led Crystal to the regular pajama sets. Jenna saw Crystal's face light up as she began to describe all the different ones that were there. Most Crystal already had similar sets so she didn't bother with them. But there were two sets that she didn't have and Jenna knew that Crystal wanted them both. One was a thick terry cotton set that even had booties attached. Crystal said that she could use them at the dorm as it got cold sometimes. The other was very sexy set with the top that buttoned with loops and had a V cut in front. The bottoms were a full pant length and both were of a light pink color. The material was light and Jenna knew that with Crystal's dark nipples that they would show through the material, not clearly but one would know that they were there. She had to admit that they were very sexy and Crystal wanted to buy them but they were expensive and she had said that she would only buy one set at most once when they got to the pajama section of the store. Jenna wanted her to buy the thick cotton ones but she found herself talking Crystal into buying both. She knew better than doing that but the picture of Crystal in the sexy pajamas was too much for her. So Crystal ended up walking out of the store with both sets in hand.

On the way home, Crystal had Jenna stop at a large computer store that had lots of items and programs for the handicapped. Jenna walked with Crystal to that section and she was impressed that all the tags and the information on the programs was in both English and then in Brail. This was one store that Crystal didn't need much help in as she knew about most of the programs and she could read on the boxes what they were about. They both walked out with items from this store as Jenna found a couple of programs that would help her at work.

When they got home, they had a salad for supper then Jenna did a little housework as Crystal retired to her bedroom to have fun with Moby Dick. Once Jenna got done what little she wanted done, she retired to her bed to reply to some emails and chat a little with her online friends. She had been talking for a couple of hours when she heard the floor creak and she knew that Crystal was heading her way. She said goodbye to her friends and she logged off of her computer. A minute later she saw Crystal's head peek around the corner.

"You busy?" she asked.

"No, come on in and we can talk." Jenna said.

Crystal hesitated for a second and Jenna was sure that she would be wearing that sexy little pajama set that she had bought but instead she popped from the door wearing the cotton one with the booties on the pants. "Aren't I just the sexiest thing you ever seen." Crystal said with her arms raised high and she then burst out giggling.

Jenna laughed and then said, "Yes you are sweetie. And they do look cute on you. And warm I bet."

"Yes they are, nice and comfy too." Crystal said as she came in and sat at the edge of the bed.

"So did you get much reading done?" Jenna asked peeking down to Crystal's top only to find it buttoned up all the way. She found that she was sort of disappointed that it was and she hated herself for feeling that way.

"Yeah, I did. I'm a fast reader so I don't think it will take me long to get it read." Crystal told her.

"You're not reading it too fast are you?" Jenna just had to ask.

Crystal sighed and frowned at her as she said, "No, I'm not reading it too fast. Would you like to quiz me professor?"

Jenna laughed at Crystal's response, "No that's okay, I believe you. So do you like it?"

"As much as I hate to admit it, but yes I am. I didn't expect to and I didn't want to like the stupid book but..." Crystal was saying.

"I too had to read that book only it was my mother who made me read it one summer. I put it off until she threatened to sit on top of me every night to make me read and she would have too." Jenna said with a laugh.

"So did you let your mom know you like it?" Crystal asked.

"Oh hell no!" Jenna said with a laugh. "But she knew that I did from the fact that I was carrying the damn book around with me until I finished it."

"So she didn't rub it in?" Crystal asked.

"No she was too smart for that, she wanted me to read more so once I finished that book, she just happen to mention another book that she found interesting and she told me just enough about it to get my interest. You got to give it to her; she was as smart as she was sneaky." Jenna said laughing and Crystal laughed with her.

"Mom didn't have that problem with me, I always loved to read but only the books I want to read. When I have to read something, I can't seem to get motivated to read it. But this one is better than most of the books that I've had to read." Crystal admitted to her.

And so they talked about the books that they had to read and the ones that they liked and the ones that they hated to read. There were a few that they agreed were about as boring was watching water boil and some they disagreed on. So for the next couple of hours they talked and argued about books. Then Crystal got up to leave, she bade Jenna a good night and she had a bright smile on her face.

Jenna turned off the light and settled into her bed. She felt good and she enjoyed her conversation with Crystal. She took the time to listen to what she had to say even if she disagreed with her and she let her finish her argument unlike Marissa who hated to discuss anything. She had always to be right and Jenna found that she was always giving in. However Crystal loved to argue with her and while she didn't give in easily, she would eventually give in. Then she would find something new to argue about in which she could win the argument or thought she could. This was a very nice change but then Jenna cautioned herself not to get caught up with Crystal. This would definitely be the last weekend that she would stay there. Jenna knew that was something that she had to remain firm about.

Sunday, Crystal conned her way into accompanying Jenna to the grocery store, which Jenna didn't fight as much as she knew she should have. But she hated to grocery shop and having some company did make it better. It was her big shopping day of the month so it took longer to get everything that she needed. Then when she returned, Crystal helped her to put up the groceries and she noticed that Crystal was putting Brail labels on the items. Crystal said that she was going to make them supper that night and then breakfast in the morning so she needed to know what everything was and since she didn't know what she was going to fix, she had to label everything. Jenna didn't believe her for a second but again she let her get away with it.

Once that job was completed, Crystal volunteered to do the laundry as she read, leaving Jenna to the cleaning. That evening Jenna found herself cooking them something to eat as Crystal sat at the table talking to her. Jenna started to remind Crystal of her promise to cook dinner but she held her tongue. She knew that this would be their last evening together so she just decided to enjoy it.

She did enjoy their last night of talking as Crystal sat on the edge of the bed. Crystal wore her warm pajamas with the booties. However this evening Crystal said that she was getting warm so she unbuttoned the top two buttons giving Jenna a glimpse of the skin between her breasts. About a half hour later, another button went and she began to lean forward to make each point. Now Jenna was getting a better view of Crystal's right breast. She could have told Crystal to button her top or change into something cooler however she didn't. She just let Crystal show her what she wanted her to see. Crystal did go on off to bed before she had her top off so that was good.

Monday was a normal Monday in that she was putting out fires all day. It seemed that everyone was having a problem or an issue. She was glad to get home and get out of her work clothes. She warmed up the dinner that she had fixed Sunday night for her and Crystal and sat in the living room watching the news as she ate. When she was done, she found that she couldn't find anything to do that would hold her interest. She also realized that she was constantly walking by Crystal's bedroom hoping to see her there reading or studying but she was never there. Then she would curse herself for missing the little minx. As the week went on, she found that she missed Crystal a little less but not much. It took her most of the winter break to get used to not having her around and now she was going through the same withdraws.

Friday afternoon, she was looking for Crystal to be standing by her car and she was a bit surprised that she wasn't to be seen. She found that she was both sad and glad that she wasn't there. She was sad as the house would be even lonelier than it had been this past week but she was glad that maybe Crystal had met some new friends and wanted to stay on campus that weekend. She walked a little slower as she went on to her car thinking about Crystal and how she wanted her to be happy. She got about fifty feet away from her car when something caught her eye. She angled over a few feet and she saw someone sitting on the ground by her car reading a book. Her first reaction was to smile but then she forced herself to put a frown on her face. She couldn't let this go on for any longer.

"If you think you're going home with me you're badly mistaken. So pick your skinny ass up and head back toward the dorm. I don't care if Jimmie is going home for the weekend; you're just going to have to deal with it." Jenna told her as Crystal jumped up. Jenna then noticed that Crystal not only had her overnight bag but also her laundry bag so she planned on getting her laundry done too.

"I got to finish Moby Dick and do a paper this weekend and the dorm is too loud to study in on the weekends." Crystal said pleading her case.

"You know they got this new building on campus that's called a library and I've heard that it was quiet there. In fact, I've been told that they frown on anyone making any noise." Jenna told her.

"Which is why I can't go there, I tap on my computer keys too hard and it makes a lot of noise. Plus I have to use the speakers to review my notes and I know they wouldn't like that." Crystal said. "Just this weekend, I really need to finish the book and get this paper right. I want to impress my professor and get on her good side."

"No," Jenna said firmly.

"Please..." Crystal replied giving her that damn look again.

Jenna hesitated and that was what Crystal was waiting for as she turned up her innocent sweet girl look that Jenna couldn't resist. "This is the last Fucking time, you hear me!" Jenna said more angrily than she felt.

"It will be, I assure you." Crystal said as she grabbed her book bag and laundry bag then going to the passenger side of the car.

"As long as you keep your promise this time," Jenna said getting in her car, never realizing that Crystal never promised her anything per say.

"So how was your week? Since you're not my eyes in class anymore I don't know what is going on during the week." Crystal said snapping her seatbelt.

"It was fine, just busy as always. You know how many problems students can cause." Jenna said then she laughed to make sure that Crystal knew she was messing with her.

"Oh I know they can be such a pain in the ass, causing you to get up in the middle of the night and come to their rescue." Crystal said giggling a little. Then she hesitated for a moment before saying, "I am sorry about that."

"Hey it is cool, don't worry about it." Jenna told her as she put her hand on Crystal's thigh giving it a squeeze. "Beside it gives me something to kid you about and I plan on doing that for a long time to come, just to pay you back."

Crystal laughed at that, "Enjoy it while you can, there will be a day when I come to your rescue and then it will be my turn to do the rubbing in."

"I don't plan on giving you that chance honey." Jenna told her but as she looked over at Crystal she saw the confidence in her facial expression that told her that Crystal knew there would be such a day and Jenna started to believe that Crystal might be right.

Jenna decided her best option was to change the subject and quickly so she got Crystal to talk about her week of classes. After dinner that evening, Jenna left Crystal at the kitchen table to start work on her paper as she went into the living room to watch a little of the news. After a bit, she began to listen to Crystal in the kitchen studying. She would hear her computer read out her notes and then papers rustling around before it got quiet again.

She got up slowly, tiptoeing to the entrance of the kitchen. She looked at Crystal typing away and there was no sound from her computer. She also noticed that Crystal had her earphones on so no sound was coming from the speakers. She knew something wasn't right about what Crystal said about how she hit the keys so hard that they would make noise in the library. It didn't ring true to her then and she realized after spending the first semester sitting beside of her, she had heard Crystal type in class and there was never a sound coming from the keys. And she had seen Crystal use her earphones lots of times when she was studying at the house. The little minx had pulled the rug right from under her and she fell for it. She started to say something but she decided that Crystal had gotten the better of her and she would just have to take it. But she would be a lot more careful the next time and she had no illusion that there wouldn't be a next time.

"So you want to talk a little before we go to bed?" Crystal asked as she walked on into Jenna's bedroom later that evening.

"Sure," Jenna said as she closed her laptop. Jenna saw that Crystal had decided on a little different pajama set tonight. The top was a little knit thing with spaghetti straps and it had a snug fit to it. Her small breasts were well silhouetted by the top. The bottoms were also tight but not as tight as the top. However it was tight enough for Jenna to tell that she wasn't wearing any panties.

"So did you get your paper done?" Jenna asked.

"I got most of it but I have a little reading to do and then I can finish it up. Got to find out how the book ends before I write an ending to the paper." Crystal said smiling.

"I would guess that would be a good idea." Jenna told her.

"Yep, I thought so." Crystal replied with a wide smile. "So what you doing this weekend?"

"Well... I had planned on having a wild orgy this weekend with twenty of the hottest lesbians that I have even seen, but now that you decided you just had to spend the weekend, I had to cancel out." Jenna said seriously.

"Yea right, so seriously what do you have planned?" Crystals asked again.

"That is what I had planned." Jenna told her keeping her voice even and not letting on that she was smiling from ear to ear.

"Well then, why don't you tell them that it is back on? It's not like I will be watching or anything." Crystal told her.

"Too late now, I've already canceled out and they're going to have the orgy somewhere else." Jenna told her.

"Well let's go wherever it is being held, I'm sure they won't mind me tagging along." Crystal said pushing back with the joke.

"I didn't ask whose house they were going to change it to and once the orgy starts then no one answers the phone until it is over." Jenna said trying to end the joke.

"Oh well, maybe another time. So now that you got the weekend free, what do you want to do?" Crystal asked.

"I don't know I really didn't have any plans, what do you want to do?" Jenna asked and she saw a smile come over Crystal's face and she knew that she had just walked into a trap as obviously Crystal did have something in mind.

"Have you got any thermal underwear?" Crystal asked.

Jenna hesitated before answering, "Yes I got a couple of pairs around here somewhere. Why?"

"Oh I got something in mind." Crystal told her smiling from ear to ear.

"That's what's got me worried." Jenna replied.

"Don't worry it'll be fun." Crystal told her.

"But if we need thermals then that means that we'll be outside and I hate the cold." Jenna told her.

"Oh the thermals will keep us warm and besides, being cold will be the last thing that'll be on your mind." Crystal reassured her.

"I doubt that." Jenna said not believing for a moment that she wouldn't mind the cold.

"So you going to tell me what you have in mind?" Jenna asked.

"Nope," Crystal said smiling at her.

"And why not?" Jenna asked.

"I got my reasons." Crystal said then she changed the subject thus ending any possibility of Jenna learning what Crystal had in mind for her.

They talked for a while about school and work. Crystal did most of the talking as Jenna wondered just what Crystal had up her sleeve, plus Crystal's top kept catching her attention as her nipples pressed against the light material of her top and when she leaned over, Jenna caught just a glimpse of Crystal's breasts. They talked for a couple of hours before Crystal got up to leave and as they said their goodnights, Jenna had her eyes on Crystal's cute ass.

"Put this address into your GPS." Crystal told her when they got into Jenna's car the next morning.

"And this address is to where?" Jenna asked as she was putting it in.

"Oh somewhere..." Crystal said with a mischievous grin on her face.

"I figured that much out, smart ass." Jenna told her with a laugh.

It took them about an hour and half to get where the GPS was taking them with the last part going up a long winding road into the foot hills where there was about four inches of snow on the ground. As Jenna made the last turn she noticed a sign that said, "Hanes Wild West Ranch and Riding School".

"Oh no, if you think you're getting me on a horse, then you're crazy." Jenna said as she hit the brakes which caused the car to slide a few feet on the snow.

"It'll be fine, I know how to ride and these horses are real gentle. You'll be fine and I'll show you the way." Crystal said reassuringly.

"Nothing personal but that is like the blind leading the blind." Jenna told her.

"In our case, that will be true." Crystal said with a laugh. "Trust me, okay. It'll be fun."

"Okay but if I fall off and bust my ass; you're going to be in real trouble." Jenna told her as she started back up the long drive.

She drove on until she got to a parking lot. There were several barns around and she could see some horses and cattle in the fields. She also saw a small office building and she started to go there but just as she was turning in that direction, Crystal told her to go to the smaller barn what was to the right of the office.

When they got out, they put their jackets on before Jenna guided Crystal to the stables where there an older gentleman waiting for them. "Hey Crystal, how you doing?" he said as they got close to them.

"Hi there Jack, how you doing?" Crystal said as she went toward his voice. He met her halfway and Crystal gave him a warm hug.

As Crystal released him she turned toward Jenna, "Jenna this is One Eye Jack, and Jack this is my friend Jenna the woman I told you about."

"Nice to meet you One Eye Jack," Jenna said with a smile as she started to reach out to shake his hand but got a fatherly hug instead. "I just got to ask, how did you get the name One Eye Jack and how do you know Crystal?" She asked.

"I think that's two questions but they call me One eye Jack because I'm blind in my right eye and can't see so good out of the left one." Jack said with a hardy laugh.

"And I met Jack when I first got here, I learned to ride horses while at camp so I looked to see if there was a place to ride around here and I found this place. I called and Jack here answered and I told him I wanted to ride but had no way to get here. Well Jack sent his grandson out to the school to pick me up and we have been fast friends since." Crystal told her.

"So you ready to go for a ride?" Jack asked crystal. "I got Princess saddled up for you and Fireball is all saddled up for you Jenna."

"I've never rode a horse before and I don't think a horse named Fireball is for me." Jenna said nervously.

Jack laughed, "Don't worry there's not much fire left in his balls anymore." Then he laughed harder at his own joke. "No, Fireball is about a gentle a horse as you'll find. I always put my first time riders on him because he has only one pace and no matter what you do, that is the pace that he goes."

"Are you sure?" Jenna asked.

"Honey, you'll be fine, come on and let's get you two up on the horses." Jack said as he led them over to the two waiting horses. Neither were big horses but to Jenna they looked huge.

"I don't know about this." Jenna said as she stepped back from the horses.

"Ah, young lady, these horses are like babies, they wouldn't hurt a soul. Here put these in your palm." Jack said placing a couple of sugar cubes in the palm of her hand.

Jenna knew what was coming next and she didn't want any part of it yet she let Jack pull her hand up under Fireball's nose. The horse sniffed and then he used his lips to take the cubes gently from her hand. "See he loves you now." Jack said as he took her hand and made her pet Fireball's snout and then around to his neck.

"You can do it." Crystal said as she hugged Princess's neck then she went around to the side of the horse. Jack's grandson had by then stepped from one of the stalls and he held the horse as Crystal felt for the stirrup. She placed her foot in it then grabbed onto the horn and pulled herself up on the horse. Jenna was impressed and she had to admit that she felt challenged by the blind girl getting up on the horse and looking so comfortable.

"Okay, show me how to do this." Jenna said though she really wanted to go back home and forget the whole thing.

"That's my girl." Jack said coming to her side as his grandson went to the other side. Jenna lifted her foot up placing it in the stirrup that Jack was holding. Jenna grabbed a hold of the saddle horn and tried to jump up but only got half way up before falling back. Fireball turned his head and gave her this look that Jenna read as saying, "Well you going to get on me or not."

"Try again sweetie, you can do it." Jack encouraged her.

Jenna grabbed onto the horn again and put her foot back into the stirrup that Jack was holding and she was determined to get up on the damn horse. She jumped harder and swung her leg over and she was on top but then going to the other side where Jack's grandson caught her and put her back on the saddle. "There you go. I knew you could do it." Jack said.

"See it's not so bad." Crystal said proudly.

"You can say that, you're on a horse named Princess, I'm on Fireball." Jenna said feeling very nervous sitting on the horse.

Fireball then let out a whinny and shook his head. "Why did he do that?" Jenna asked nervously.

"Because you are squeezing your legs too tightly and he wants you to calm down and relax." Jack said.

"Relax your legs and pat his neck, let him know that you like and trust him." Jack told her.

Jenna had both hands on the horn holding on tightly and she didn't want to let go but she looked into Jack's old trusting eyes and she began to believe that such a old kindly man wouldn't lead her astray. So she tried to relax her legs and she let go of the horn with her right hand and leaned forward slightly giving Fireball a few pats on his neck which the horse seemed to appreciate.

"I'm going to lead you around the barn a few times so that you can get used to riding on a horse then I'll let you two get going." Jack said as he began to lead Fireball forward. Jenna clamped her legs against Fireball's side and he whinny again reminding her to relax which she forced herself to do.

After the second circle of the barn and some instructions from Jack, Jenna began to relax. She just sat there and let Fireball do all the work. Then on the third circle, Jack gave her the reins to hold onto. They made a couple of more circles before he stopped Fireball.

"I think you're both ready. But if you're going to ride my horses then you need a cowboy hat. Jeremy go get these lovely ladies hats." Jack said and Jeremy smiled and went to get the hats. Jack talked to them as he was gone and soon it came to Jenna that she and Crystal were going to be on their own on these wild horses.

"Aren't you or Jeremy going with us? I mean I don't know what the hell I'm doing and Crystal is blind." Jenna said as she began to panic.

"True but the horses know what they're doing and they know where you're going. So just sit back and ride and let them do the work." Jack said smiling.

"But what if they start to run on us?" Jenna asked trying to think of anything that could go wrong.

"Honey, Princess has been making this same trip for ten years and Fireball for five. Crystal knows how to control crystal, not that she needs much directions. She loves crystal and would never do anything to harm her. And Fireball will follow Princess wherever she goes. So you have nothing to worry about." Jack said as he patted Fireball's neck as Fireball nuzzled his head and Jenna could see that the horse loved this man.

"Ah, there's your cowboy hats to keep the sun from your eyes. And you're both dressed warmly so be on your way." Jack said.

Crystal made a clicking noise with her mouth and Princess began to walk toward the barn doors. Fireball saw Princess going forward and he used his nose to push Jack away so he could catch up with Princess. He went a little faster than Jenna liked until he caught up with Princess then he set his pace to match hers.

"See this isn't so bad." Crystal said and Jenna could see that she was smiling from ear to ear.

"I guess but I'm still not sure that these horses know where they are going. We could end up in the middle of nowhere." Jenna told her though she had begun to relax.

"We're on a big ranch and they'll come looking for us if we don't show up at the cabins in a couple of hours. They know what they are doing." Crystal told her.

"That makes me feel better. What's at the cabin's?" she asked her.

"You'll see when we get there. Now tell me what you're seeing." Crystal told her.

"Well the ground is covered with snow as you have probably figured out and the sun is about halfway up and it shining brightly against the snow. And up on the hills it is beautiful. I have never seen anything as beautiful as that." Jenna said almost breathlessly.

"Now you know why I wanted to bring you here even on such a cold day as today." Crystal told her.

"I don't feel so cold right now. You made me put every piece of clothing that I own so I feel pretty good. How about you?" Jenna asked.

"I'm fine and Princess is putting off a lot of heat that is keeping me warm. So tell me more about what it looks like." Crystal told her.

It is almost too beautiful to describe. I wish you could see it for yourself." Jenna told her.

"I am seeing it, I'm just using your eyes, so keep talking." Crystal told her.

"I will try my best sweetie." Jenna said and then as the horses made their slow way along the wide trail, Jenna told Crystal everything that she saw using as vivid words as she could. Jenna saw that Crystal listened to every word that she was saying never asking any questions but just taking in what she had to say. It took Jenna about an hour before she ran out of words and they were content to just ride. And with her having to talk so much, Jenna about forgot that she was on a big horse that she wasn't all that sure about an hour ago.

"My toes are getting cold, how much further do we have to go?" Jenna asked after another hour of riding.

"Not much longer, we are going up a slight incline again and once on top you should be able to see the cabins." Crystal said.

"Good I hope that they have a heater in the cabin." Jenna told her.

"I'm afraid not but I do believe that they had a big fireplace in the main cabin, you should be able to see the smoke by now." Crystal said.

Jenna looked up and there right in front of her was the smoke that Crystal was talking about, in fact there were several smoke plums going up in the air that she hadn't noticed before. "There they are; we're about there. I hope they got something to eat there too. We didn't bring anything with us." Jenna said.

"First you want heat and now you want food, is there anything else you want?" Crystal asked her but she was smiling broadly.

"Something soft to sit on," Jenna said then she laughed.

"I don't know about that but at least it won't be moving." Crystal said with a laugh.

"That'll do." Jenna said and she kicked her feet a little in the stirrups and Fireball turned his head at her and snorted. "Sorry about that Fireball." She told him and then patted his neck which seemed to satisfy him.

They made their way slowly up to the where the cabins were, which turned out to be several cabins that surrounded a very large cabin. As they went up to the cabin, a couple of men came out to help them from their houses which Jenna was grateful for as she wasn't so sure how she was going to get off of Fireball. The men took the horses around to the back to get them some water and food.

Jenna took Crystal by the elbow, taking her to the steps and then helping her up them. Jenna opened the door and felt the warm heat coming out. She guided Crystal in then closed the door as she didn't want any heat to escape as she was cold. To the right was a little gift shop and then to the left were tables set up and several people sitting. Jenna could smell food cooking but she didn't see a kitchen anywhere. She took Crystal over by the fire and got them a table.

An older lady wearing an old western style dress, came over to them carrying a blackened coffee pot, "Hi there ladies, my name is Henrietta, how'd you like a fresh cup of coffee to warm up with?"

"I'll love one, thank you so much." Jenna said to her.

"You wouldn't happen to have some hot chocolate would you?" Crystal asked.

"Now normally I'd say no and make you drink some of my world renowned coffee but for you Crystal, I believe I can fix you up." Henrietta told her then she went back over to the fire to get some hot water.

"I see they know you." Jenna said as she brought the hot coffee to her lips and took a sip.

"Whoa, this coffee will put hair on your chest." Jenna said before she could stop herself.

"Why thank you, I pride myself on my coffee." Henrietta said as she put a cup of hot water in front of Crystal and pulled a pack of hot chocolate mix from her pocket placing it into Crystal's hand.

Crystal giggled at Jenna getting caught by Henrietta but then Henrietta shut her up by saying,"Watch it young lady or I'll make you drink my coffee too. "

Jenna laughed this time as Crystal could just smile."I got some hot stew on the fire and I made some cornbread to go with it, would you ladies like some? "

"Would you give us a few minutes to warm up and then I believe we both would love some. " Jenna answered her.

"They really do up the wild west theme here don't they. " Jenna stated after Henrietta had left them.

"Yea this is sort of a dude ranch where you can experience the west without actually going there. They also have horses like Princess and Fireball that people can ride when they have no clue as to how to ride. And they have other horses that experienced riders can ride. Or they can bring their own horses if they want to ride them here." Crystal told her.

"I realize that Princess and Fireball are well trained or just plain ole slow but what if something happened when we were riding?" Jenna had to ask.

"As we were riding here, you didn't happen to look behind us did you?" Crystal asked.

"No why?" Jenna asked and then it hit her what Crystal's answer was going to be to her question.

"Because Jack or Jeremy was riding up behind of us." Crystal said.

"How do you know that?" Jenna asked.

"Because when I do get to come here, Jack or Jeremy would ride with me and once we followed a couple that had never been on a horse. They always do that, as they will never let me ride by myself. I didn't tell you before because I thought it would add to the excitement if you thought that we were truly on our own." Crystal said with a shy smile.

"You just liked making me feel nervous." Jenna said with a laugh. "And just like you didn't warn me about the coffee," Jenna accused her.

"No I didn't know about that, you know I rarely drink coffee so I had no clue. But it was funny. So is it that bad?" Crystal asked.

"No I'm getting used to it now plus I put lots of sugar and cream in it." Jenna said.

"That works, so you getting warm?" Crystal asked.

"Yea, I about to remove some of these layers that you made me wear." Jenna said as she began take of her sweat shirt that was under her jacket.

"I think I will too." Crystal said as she began to pull off a layer or two.

They sat and talked for a bit then without asking, Henrietta brought over two bowls of stew and cornbread for them to eat. Jenna had been watching her as Henrietta dipped the stew from the large pot hanging over the fire in the fireplace, which was where the coffee was also sitting. Jenna dipped her spoon into the thick stew and when she brought it out she found lots of vegetables and pieces of real beef. She put a bite into her mouth not sure whether she would like it as she was particular about her stew.

"Oh my, this is great!" Jenna exclaimed even with her mouth filled with the stew.

"Thank you, I pride myself about my stew, try some of my cornbread, it is the best that there is." Henrietta told her.

Before she had tasted the stew, this type of boastful comment would have turned her off but in Henrietta's case, she believed her before taking a bite. "Oh that is good too and I'm not a big fan of cornbread." Jenna admitted.

"I may not be able to do a lot of things but I can cook with the best of them." Henrietta told her then she turned to Crystal, "And you young lady, get to eating. You need to put some weight on them bones."

Crystal giggled, "I will Henrietta."

"Good, now when I come back, that bowl better be empty or I will sit here and spoon feed you myself." Henrietta told Crystal and she patted her tenderly on the shoulder.

"I'm eating." Crystal told her as she put her right hand down finding the spoon and then the bowl.

"She would too." Crystal said giggling.

"Yes I would." Henrietta said from a few feet away and that caused Crystal to blush and Jenna to laugh.

They both began to eat in earnest as the conversation lagged. When they finished their stew and cornbread, Henrietta tried to get them both another bowl but both refused so she brought them some apple cobbler that they both knew better than to refused. This was just as good as the stew was and they were both stuffed by the time they were finished.

"So who do I pay for our dinner?" Jenna asked once they finished their cobbler.

Jenna saw Crystal hesitate for a moment before she said, "Oh it's already taken care of." Crystal said then she quickly suggested, "Hey, let's go check out what they have in the gift shop." She then slid her chair back and started to get up.

Jenna put her hand on Crystal's arm making her sit back down. "Would you care to explain that?"

"Not really..." Crystal told her.

"Well just humor me for a moment." Jenna told her with a tone of voice that she hoped that Crystal would interpret as meaning that she had better come forth with a good explanation.

"It is all included in the fee that has been paid and I'm not going to take anything from you to pay for half or all of it." Crystal said firmly.

"Is your family playing for this?" Jenna asked.

"It comes out of my allowance that my parents and I agreed to at the beginning of the year. They have the money and my mom already said that I could bring a friend here with me if I wanted to as she knew how much I like to ride horses. So please let me do this, it's important to me." Crystal told her.

"Okay but if you ever talk me into doing this again then I pay." Jenna said then she realized that she left an opening that she didn't mean to she quickly added, "But you should go find another girl that loves horses like you do and take her next time. You hear me?"

"Yea I do." Crystal told her. "So can we go over to the gift shop now?"

"Yes we can." Jenna told her.

So they got up from the table after thanking Henrietta for their dinner and they went over to the gift shop side of the cabin. There was a younger lady there helping out and Jenna couldn't help but to ask if they had any pajamas with a western motif and this got her a slap on the arm from a blushing Crystal. They didn't, not that Jenna expected them to, she just had to mess with Crystal a little.

From there, they went back outside after putting all their layers of clothing back on and they walked around for a bit before the men brought Fireball and Princess around. The men helped them get back up on the horses. This time Jenna was able to get up on Fireball on the first try and she didn't just about fall off the other side. They slowly made their way back down the trail with the horses not being in any more of a hurry getting back than they were going up. Jenna did look back once and she saw that Crystal was right, there was someone following them to make sure that nothing happened, which of course it didn't as Princess and Fireball were well trained and very patient horses for which Jenna was grateful.

On the drive back home, they talked for a while then Jenna realized that Crystal had stopped responding to what she was saying. She glanced over at her and found that her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open. Crystal had fallen to sleep on her. Jenna turned on her radio and listened to some music as she drove them home.

It was about eight when they got home and as Jenna pulled off her clothes she could smell Fireball on her and under her layers of clothes, plus she had sweated so she decided that she needed a shower. When she came out, she called to Crystal that the bathroom was free. Jenna went on into her bedroom, putting her nightshirt on and slipping under the covers. She decided that she was going to start that book that she had been meaning to read, so she pulled out her electronic book reader and found the book that she wanted. She then laid her head back on her pillow. She never got to bring her book reader up as she was asleep.

When Jenna woke up the next morning, she was lying on her side and her book reader was sitting on the nightstand. The bedside light was still on. She knew that Crystal must have come in and put her reader away. But Crystal had no way of knowing the light was on so she had left it on. Jenna pulled her covers down and sat on the edge of the bed. As she stretched, she wiped the sleep from her eyes, she remembered the dream that she had been having just before she woke. She was standing out in a thick fog; it was so thick that she couldn't see anything in front of her. But instead of being scared of the fog, she seemed to be comforted by it. It was like the fog was something very familiar to her and the fog had this pleasant scent that she knew she had smelled before. As she stood there, the fog around her got even thicker and then it warmed.

Then the strangest thing happened, the fog gave her a light kiss on the lips. Jenna got up feeling so weird as the dream went through her mind again. She went toward the kitchen to start her coffee. As she went by Crystal's bedroom seeing her lying under the covers and her beautiful hair going everywhere. The dream came back to her and she stopped in front of Crystal's door.

"Fog hell that was Crystal giving me a kiss." Jenna said softly to herself and she put her fingers to her lips. As her fingers were on her lips, she realized that her lips were smiling and that didn't bode well. She was also still staring at Crystal as she slept and she didn't want Crystal to know that. However, while Crystal's eyes were closed, she was very aware that someone was standing in her doorway staring at her.

Jenna turned and went on toward the kitchen to get her coffee going and her day started. Jenna had breakfast about done by the time that Crystal came in from her shower.

"So how you feeling?" Crystal asked as she poured herself a cup of juices.

"Like I spend all day yesterday riding a horse." Jenna said with a laugh.

Crystal laughed with her, "So you feel a little sore?"

"You can say that, my back and leg muscles are sore plus I feel like I'm walking bow legged." Jenna said as she put a plate in front of Crystal. "And don't even ask me about my ass. I think that saddle wore blisters into it.

"Now that would be worth seeing." Crystal said with a laugh.

"Thank goodness you can't." Jenna said then she stopped and put her hand to her mouth. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean it that way."

Crystal laughed, "Oh I know, it's cool and it would be worth seeing."

"Well a day of hard cleaning should work it out of me and get me walking normally by Monday." Jenna told her as she sat down with her own plate and her cup of coffee.

"Did you have fun yesterday?" Crystal asked.

"Yes I had fun, once I got used to sitting on top of a wild animal." Jenna told her and that made Crystal laugh.

"Fireball is about as far as you can get from a wild animal. He wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. Plus I think Princess has such a calming effect on him. To me they are like an old married couple who are devoted to each other and where one goes, the other will follow." Crystal told her.

"That is a sweet way of putting it. I wonder what their history is?" Jenna asked her.

"I don't know, maybe the next time that we go we can ask Jack and find out." Crystal told her.

Jenna started to correct her on that but then didn't, instead she talked about the ride as they ate. Then it was off to the grocery store for her as Crystal started the laundry and start on some of her homework. Jenna didn't have much to buy; she just wanted to get out of the house for a while. She was losing control of the situation with Crystal, not that she ever had much control over it. She thought about that as she went through the store taking more time than she really needed to. She just came back to the same conclusion that she had since that one weekend that she had let her guard down and allowed Crystal into her heart and bed, she needed to get Crystal to be with the girls at the college. The problem was that she wasn't doing a good job convincing Crystal of that. She would just have to keep on trying until she got through that thick skull of hers.

That evening as Jenna lay in bed; she heard Crystal walking toward her bedroom so she went ahead and closed out her conversations. Crystal didn't bother to stop at the door and ask if she wanted to talk but came on into the bedroom sitting on the edge of the bed.

"So what you doing?" Crystal asked.

"Talking to you right now." Jenna replied.

"I know that!" Crystal said with a sigh. "I meant before I came in."

"I was talking to some internet friends if it is any of your business." Jenna told her.

"Oh okay, I do that sometimes. There are a couple of blind girls like me that I talk to. It is sort of nice to talk to someone that understands the things that you are going through or have been through." Crystal told her.

"You know there are several blind girls and boys at the university. You need to talk to them and make friends with them. Maybe you can start doing some things with them." Jenna suggested hoping to find an opening that she could exploit.

"Oh I know and I do talk to them a lot and I have made friends with a couple of them but none of them are whom I think I can become close friends with. They more like casual friends to me." Crystal told her.

"Well, keep trying and get to know them better and maybe you will find that one of them you can become close to." Jenna told her.

"I'll see. I know you want me to be make friends and not bother you so much..." Crystal said putting this sad expression to her face.

Jenna saw the opening that she needed but after looking at Crystal's face, she couldn't exploit it, her heart just wouldn't allow her to as it wanted to assure Crystal that she wasn't any type of a bother.

"Honey, you're not a bother to me. I enjoy doing things with you and talking to you. I just want you to really get into the whole college scene, like I did. With you spending your weekends with me, you're missing out on so much. I had my time on the edge and now it is your turn. How about you spend a few weekends at the college before you show up at my car again, will you do that?" Jenna asked.

"I'll think about it, how about that." Crystal said with a hopeful smile.

"Think real hard as there will come a time when I say no and that time is coming soon. I do that because I care about you and not because I don't care. You understand that don't you?" Jenna asked.

"Yea, I understand." Crystal said then she veered the conversation to something a little more to her liking.

Jenna kept waiting for Crystal to start unbuttoning her pajama top or do something to show a little skin to get her attention but she didn't. She was being a good girl which worried Jenna a little. It was like she was changing tactics and that meant that Jenna would have to keep on her toes. They talked for an hour or so before Crystal left to go on to bed. It was the start of a new week and Jenna wanted to get it started with a good night's sleep.

Jenna woke up a couple of minutes before her alarm was to go off. She turned off her alarm and lay there for a moment and she realized that she was feeling so happy and content. She then began to think about the dream that she just had. She was back in the same fog again and as she thought, she realized that the fog kissed her again, only this time it was a longer and a more sensual kiss. She put her fingers to her lips and found them slightly wet and she didn't remember licking her lips when she woke up. While she couldn't ever prove it, she knew that the little minx in the next bedroom had struck again. She wanted to confront her but she figured that was probably what Crystal would want.

So she got on up going to the kitchen passing by Crystal's room without stopping. She got a cup of coffee and sipped it as she heard Crystal get up and go to the bathroom for her shower. Jenna cut up some fruit and heated a couple of rolls for them to eat. They switched places as Crystal finished with the breakfast as Jenna went to take a quick shower and get dressed. When she returned, Crystal was already sitting at the table drinking her juice and eating. They talked as Jenna drank her second cup of coffee of the day and ate her breakfast.

The week went pretty good for Jenna. There weren't any major problems and each day was busy enough to keep her busy and thus the days went by quickly. The only thing that bothered her was the winter storm that was supposed to hit late Friday starting with rain turning to freezing rain and then snow and lots of it. The winter had been pretty mild up to this point so they were due to have some bad weather but this sounded worse than bad. She only hoped that the weather people were wrong but looking at the radar that they were showing, they were definitely going to get something.

When Friday arrived, it did so with a light rain and the temperature dropping as they day went along. She had to go to another building at one and it was definitely colder outside than it was when she came into work that morning. Jenna was beginning to think that the weather people were going to be right on this one.

At four that afternoon, the university called off what few Friday night classes and also the Saturday classes they had for working students. Jenna had to finish up her end of week reports which she did so as quickly as possible however she ran into problems with her computer and she didn't get done until her normal quitting time of five. She gathered her things and headed out the door.

The only good thing about this weather would be that Crystal wouldn't be by her car trying to talk her way into coming home with her. Only a fool would be out in this weather as the light rain was now a harder rain and it was starting to freeze. The wind had picked up and her umbrella wasn't doing her much good as the rain was coming up under it and soaking her pants and her jacket. She had her head down trying to keep the rain out of her eyes as she walked and she didn't look up until she was about twenty feet from her car. There was Crystal standing by her car with no umbrella and she was soaked from head to foot. As she got closer, she saw that Crystal was shivering from the cold and rain.

"What in the hell are you doing out in this weather. You should be in your dorm room. Don't you know that there's a winter storm warning out?" Jenna screamed at Crystal as she approached her.

"Yes," Crystal said with her teeth chattering.

"Well go back to your dorm and get warm!" Jenna told her but by then she was up close to her and she saw that poor Crystal was about frozen to death and her skin was more bluish in color than the normal tan color.

"Oh hell, get in the fucking car before you catch your death in the cold." Jenna yelled to and at Crystal.

Jenna went around to the passenger side of the car, pulling the door open for Crystal and helping Crystal into the car. She could see the ice already forming on the car. She hurried around, starting the car, and got the heat going. She then went back out to scrape the ice from her windshield so that she could see to drive. The pavement wasn't slick yet but it wouldn't be long before it would be. When she got back into the car, Crystal was sitting there shivering and her teeth were chattering.

"Where is your umbrella, don't you know it's raining?" Jenna asked her as she began to back out of the parking place.

"Yes..." Crystal said then she paused as a hard shiver went through her then she continued, "I had my umbrella but then it flipped inside out and I couldn't get it to go back right and by then I was soaked so I threw it away."

"Why didn't you go back to the dorm at that point?" Jenna asked of her.

"Because I was closer to your car than the dorm by then," Crystal said then she added; "Besides with this storm, I would rather be snowed in at your place than here at school."

"I hate to burst your bubble but bright and early tomorrow morning, I'm hauling your ass back to the university. This car has all wheel drive and it drives perfectly fine on snow." Jenna told her.

She glanced over at the shivering Crystal and saw the sad look on her face but she needed to put an end of this and Crystal standing out in the freezing rain just showed her how serious Crystal seemed to be and she needed to be just as serious from now on. This would end this weekend and she was going to make sure of it. But right now she needed to get Crystal warm so she turned the vents that were blowing on her toward Crystal whom seemed to be grateful. There was no conversation between them on the way home but at least the heat from the car seemed to have begun to warm Crystal up.

"Go in and get out of those wet clothes and jump into the shower. I'll find you something to wear and put it into the bathroom as you shower." Jenna ordered her as she pulled her car into the garage.

Crystal just nodded her head then she got out of the car, taking her book bag and overnight bag in with her. Jenna sat in her car for a moment trying to understand Crystal and not getting too far. So she got out of the car, going into Crystal's bedroom. She opened a few drawers hoping to find something that Crystal had left behind and she saw that she needed have worried as there were plenty of clothes for her to choose from. It seemed that Crystal was leaving a few of her clothes behind on each trip to her house. This just pissed her off a little more as she found a pair of panties and then a sweat shirt and pants that would keep Crystal warm and well covered. She went to the bathroom, cracking the door open just a hair and throwing the clothes inside telling Crystal that they were there.

She went from there to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee and some water onto heat so she could make Crystal a cup of hot tea. It was only then that she went to her bedroom to get out of her own wet clothes. She put on a thick robe to give her some warmth as Crystal showered and then she would take her own shower to get the chill out of her bones. Jenna rummaged around the kitchen trying to find something warm to fix for supper. The only thing she could find was a can of chicken noodle soup which she figured wouldn't do either of them any harm. She put it onto heat as she finished her cup of hot coffee which warmed her up a bit. A few minutes later Crystal came in wearing the sweat suit and she did look better with her skin all pink from the hot shower. Jenna put a cup of hot tea into her hands and told her to drink it all. Again Crystal only nodded as she put the cup to her lips to take a sip. Jenna went on to the bathroom to take her shower. She was warmer now but the shower would finish getting her warm as her toes were still felt like ice.

As they ate, Jenna didn't talk much to Crystal and Crystal didn't try to start any conversation as she seemed to be thinking about something and Jenna didn't really want to know what that might be. After they had both had finished their soup, Jenna strongly suggested to Crystal that she take a cup of hot tea with her to the spare bedroom and she could study there. Then she would take her back to the university in the morning. Jenna was surprised that Crystal didn't put up any protest but only said "Okay," as she got up from the table. The fact that Crystal hadn't put up a fight had Jenna just a little worried, on one hand she might just be accepting the fact that she needed to stay at the university and make friends there but something in Jenna's mind didn't think that would be the case. She figured that the argument would come in the morning when she had cooled down and would be more accepting of any argument that she put up.

After she cleaned up the kitchen, she went into the living room, turning on the TV so that she could hear the weather report. What she heard didn't sound too good as they were already telling everyone to stay indoors and not to get out. The streets and roads were starting to ice up and by morning, the snow would be falling. They were predicting at least ten inches of snow that would be covering the roads that had been iced over with the freezing rain. Jenna knew that getting Crystal back to the dorm in the morning would be hard if not impossible but if she got out when it was still snowing and before they started to grade the roads then she just might be able to get her car to drive on the snow. She wouldn't try it if it was too bad but at the same time, she was going to make every effort to get her back. Jenna watched TV for a while before it got just too depressing to watch as it just seemed to be getting worse. So she went on to her bedroom to see who was online and maybe send out some emails.

She had been there about two hours when she heard Crystal walking down the hallway and she prepared herself for an argument but then she heard the bathroom door shut, so she relaxed thinking that Crystal was going to wait until morning. As every time that she had come to talk to her, she came straight to her room and then visited the bathroom on her trip back to her bedroom. Jenna felt herself getting tired so she closed out her conversations and shut down her laptop. She was just getting ready to turn off the light when she heard Crystal open the bathroom door. She hesitated for a moment just to make sure that Crystal wasn't going to come into the room. When Crystal didn't immediately appear, Jenna reached toward the light to turn it off when Crystal appeared in the doorway.

Jenna's hand was about halfway to the light switch when it stopped. Her mouth dropped open as she looked at a very naked Crystal. She had parted her hair with some coming to each side of her front thus partially covering her breasts though Jenna could still see them clearly. But what shocked her most was when her eyes ventured down Crystal's body to the area just above and around her pussy which had been covered with a thick patch of jet black hair. That area was now completely bare and Jenna could clearly see Crystal's pussy lips as she slowly walked into the bedroom.

End of part Six.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 7

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