Blind Love

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 2, 2010


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Blind Love By Chris

Jenna was speeding down the interstate thinking about the week she had off from work. She was the manager of a student assistance program, specifically dealing with those students that had a disability of some type. For those who were deaf, she arraigned for someone to sign what the professor was saying, for those who were in wheelchairs, she made sure that someone was there to help them get to their classes, if they were paralyzed then she ensured that they had a way to take notes, and for the blind she arraigned to have someone get them to class and also to put into brail anything the professor wrote on the chalkboard. It would be one of these latter students that would completely screw up her life as she knew it.

But on this day, her mind wasn't on work but her girlfriend of ten years. She had met Marissa her freshmen year in college and they had been a couple from that time. Marissa now lived about two hours away where she had found a job that paid twice what Jenna could ever hope to make at the small private college, a college that had made the decision years before to seek out those with disabilities and make them welcome at their university. That decision would be what would lead her to the college and her career that she loved so much. She was making a difference in people's lives and there could be no better job for her.

"I just hope Marissa has taken the week off from her job as she promised that she would. We need this time alone without her job coming between us." Jenna thought aloud as she listened to her favorite CD.

Jenna did love Marissa however when Marissa got off on her job and how important she was to her company, Jenna would start to question whether Marissa was the one for her. She often wondered why the company that Marissa worked for put up with her shit but Marissa would always remind her that she was the best marketing manager in the company that she worked for and she made sure that they knew it. She brought in the money for her company and for that, they would put gladly put up with her shit.

However Jenna wasn't very surprised when she pulled up to Marissa's condo, that she didn't see Marissa's new cherry red corvette. She got her bag from her car letting herself into Marissa's expensive condo. The place was spotless as but then Marissa was rarely home so she never had a chance to dirty it up. Jenna took her bags to Marissa's bedroom stopping first to go to the bathroom. From there she went to the kitchen to fix herself a pot of coffee. She sat at the table sipping her coffee as she again wondered why she put up with Marissa's shit. It had been over a month since they had seen each other and she would have thought that Marissa would we as anxious to see her as she was. She had just finished her cup of coffee and was pouring a second cup when she heard Marissa coming in the door. The first thing that she heard from Marissa was not a pleasant "Hello" but was Marissa cussing about something and she knew that she was in a bad mood and that put her in a bad mood. However the only good thing about Marissa being in a bad mood, she was a lioness in bed so the sex would be great this weekend.

"Fix me a cup, I'll be right out." She heard Marissa call out to her as she went past the kitchen to the bedroom.

"I love you too." Jenna muttered to herself.

"What did you say?" Marissa shouted to her from the bedroom.

"Nothing dear," Jenna replied with a little sarcasm that Marissa never noticed. She opened the cabinet searching for the mug that she had special ordered for Marissa. She had gotten the mug from an internet company that put personal messages on coffee mugs and such. On the mug that she had made for Marissa, she had the company put, "Marissa, The love of my life, Love Jenna". Something that also bothered Jenna about Marissa was that every time she came over, she would find the mug at the back of the cabinet.

She wiped the cup clean before pouring Marissa a cup, leaving it black as Marissa liked it. She had it sitting on the table for Marissa upon her return.

"I don't know what that company would do without me." Marissa came in saying as she rushed into the kitchen.

"Well we're about to find out as we go on our vacation." Jenna said already knowing that her plans had been changed without her being informed or consulted.

"Didn't you just hear me, I said that the company can't do without me and you are asking me to leave for a week. You'll just have to be satisfied having me tonight and tomorrow." Marissa said giving Jenna a smile that didn't do much to appease Jenna.

Jenna wanted to argue with her but she knew it wouldn't do any good however she did say, "But I'm going to be here all week. Can't you take one day off so that we can spend it together?"

"We'll see," Marissa told her and Jenna felt like a child and her mother telling her that knowing that the real answer was "no".

"Okay, so what do you want to do today?" Jenna asked trying to make the best of a bad situation.

"Let's get dressed to the nines and go out and party and then come back here and fuck our brains out." Marissa told her giving her that smile then she leaned down giving Jenna a kiss. "Come on girl; let's get this show on the road."

Jenna did have to admit that Marissa was an adventure waiting to happen. She jumped up rushing to catch up with her lover. She found her in the bathroom, stripping out of her clothes, just throwing them on the floor. Marissa had a cleaning lady that came in every week day who picked up after her, did her laundry as well as cleaned the condo. Jenna stood there for a moment watching Marissa undress; she just couldn't get enough of Marissa's firm body. It had been over a month since she had seen it and she felt her body responding to those curves. Marissa had firm B cup breasts with small nipples and she kept her pussy shaved bare. She could see the inner lips protruding from her fat outer lips. She just loved to chew on those lips and she wanted to do so right then. However she caught the look in Marissa's eyes telling her to get her ass in gear. They had things to do that night. Jenna smiled at her then she too began to strip out of her cloths though she did fold them putting them on the side of the sink counter. She stepped into the large shower right behind of Marissa who went right up under the spray to wet herself down. Then as they changed places, Jenna took Marissa by the shoulders pulling her in tight as she gave her a kiss. The first real kiss since she had gotten there. She felt Marissa's breasts pressing against her own breasts and she felt her nipples hardening from the contact.

"I do miss your kisses." Jenna said as the kiss ended.

"I miss your kisses too baby." Marissa said as she put her hands around Jenna's waist pulling her in even closer and giving her a long passionate kiss.

"Damn..." Jenna breathed out as the kiss ended.

"Just you wait until we get back; I'll have you saying more that 'damn'." Marissa said giving her a wink before letting her go so that Jenna could get wet and they could shower. They mostly washed themselves though Jenna was able to get more than a few kisses from her lover. From there, they spent a while in front of the mirror getting ready. Well Marissa spent more time there than Jenna as she wasn't that big on a lot of makeup. After getting their make-up done, they went from there to Marissa's bedroom to get dressed. Jenna kept some of her clothes there so they both went through their dresses that were in Marissa's walk in closet. Marissa selected a mini skirt and blouse that she left the top couple of buttons undone thus revealing her cleavage that her push up bra emphasized. Jenna went for something bit more conservative going with a wrap around skirt that went to just above her knees and her sexiest blouse that Marissa had talked her into buying. It was almost sheer and in the right lighting, one could see her bra underneath. So she made sure that the color of her bra matched the blouse and was thick enough to not let her nipples show. As they both looked at themselves in the full length mirror, Jenna could see just how beautiful and sexy Marissa was. She could almost be a model if she had so chosen. Jenna felt that she ran a distant second to her friend but she did have her own sex appeal. Marissa returned to the bathroom for a few last touches before they took off in her hot car.

The first stop was a high class restaurant where all the important people of the town ate at. Jenna knew they went there so that Marissa could see and be seen by the important political and business people that ate there. On their way to their table, Marissa stopped at a number of the tables to greet the person who she thought could help her career in some way or another. She would pretty much ignore the other people at that table as she was ignoring Jenna at that moment. Jenna was used to this treatment so she followed the waiter on back to their table. Jenna went to the back of the table so that Marissa could sit at her side where the rest of the patrons could admire her long lean legs that her mini skirt showed off. One time Jenna had made the mistake of sitting in the wrong seat and Marissa had made her move so that she could sit there. So after that, she checked out the position of the table to the rest of the restaurant and then sitting in a position so that Marissa could sit in the best seat to show off her assets.

Marissa eventually made her way back to their table, sitting in her chair then adjusting the table cloth so that her long firm legs could be seen. Marissa talked about her work as Jenna listened intently. Marissa went on and on about the things that she had done since they had last seen each other. Marissa was intent on becoming the youngest vice president in the company and she was doing everything she could do to get it. Then she would have her eye on the CEO's job, Jenna thought to herself. Even going to the point of making sure her boss looked bad in some of his decisions. This was something that Jenna could and would never do. It just wasn't in her nature.

Jenna sometimes wondered if Marissa wouldn't use her body to get to the top if she had to. She would put those thoughts out of her mind as soon as she thought them as she knew that Marissa was lesbian but she just couldn't help to wonder if she wouldn't have sex if she thought it would be to her benefit and the more Marissa talked the more she wondered. It wasn't until the end of their dinner that Jenna was able to talk about her job and the good she was doing for the students that she was in charge of giving assistance to. Marissa listened but Jenna always knew that Marissa thought that this job was way below what she was capable of doing. But Jenna knew that she could never survive the cut throat world of corporate politics that Marissa so loved to play.

Once the restaurant started to thin out, Marissa decided that it was time for them to leave too. She had done as much as she could for her career and now it was time to party. Marissa took them to Lucy's Dance Hall, which was where they usually went when they went out to party. Lucy's catered to the lesbian and gay community. Jenna loved going there as she was among her own. They entered the building and there was an all girl band playing and the dance floor was full of dancers. They circled around the dance floor until they found am empty table to sit at. The cocktail waitress made her way over getting their orders with Jenna ordering a glass white wine and Marissa ordering vodka on the rocks.

Soon their table was crowded with their friends as the partying began. Jenna didn't have to do too much talking to get Marissa on the floor. She loved to see Marissa dance as every move was just so erotic with the way she moved her body and the way she swayed her hips. Jenna could feel her panties get moist as she watched her. She was grateful when the band played a slow romantic ballad so she could get this sexy creature in her arms. She pulled her close as they swayed to the music and she let her hands go down to Marissa firm ass cheeks giving them a squeeze. She stared into Marissa's eyes for a moment before kissing her not caring who saw but then again most of the other couples on the floor was kissing and caressing each other so she didn't have to worry. Jenna knew that when everyone left the Dance Hall that they would be going home to make mad passionate love. She couldn't wait herself to get home however she knew Marissa would want to stay until the early hours of the morning. She worked hard and she partied even harder. They took a short break after the slow song to visit the bathroom then it was back to the dance floor. They each danced with others and Jenna loved to watch Marissa dance, even when she was doing it with someone else but she made sure that Marissa only danced the slow songs with her. She wasn't taking a chance on letting someone else hold her lover.

"Oh god, it's nice to finally have you to myself." Jenna said as she pulled Marissa to her immediately after entering Marissa's bedroom.

"So what do you have planned?" Marissa asked arching her eyebrows at her.

"Making a little love," Jenna replied kissing her.

"How about us fucking our brains out?" Marissa said as their lips parted.

"That works," Jenna said knowing then that the night had really just got started.

Marissa pulled away from her going to the nightstand and opening the top drawer. "I do believe we need a few things to help us along." Marissa said as she pulled out her strap-on dildo and several dildos, some that they used for their pussies and the others for a little ass fucking. Jenna felt her pussy twitch and she clinched her asshole knowing that one of the dildos would be there sometime that night.

"Well, get out of those clothes girl, I can't fuck you with your clothes on." Marissa complained.

"Come here girl," Jenna said as she went to Marissa, taking the toys from her hands, and then kissing her. As their tongues touched, Jenna felt Marissa's fingers on the button that held her skirt together. Soon she felt the button give way and her skirt was being pulled around her waist. It soon dropped to the floor leaving her in her blouse and panties. Jenna reached down to Marissa's mini skirt unzipping it and then pushing it off her hips. They took off each other's blouses as they kissed and then their bras were quick to follow. As Jenna was reaching down to Marissa's panties she felt Marissa pulling back. She saw the devious twinkle in Marissa's eyes as she pushed her onto the bed.

Jenna let out a scream as she felt herself falling back onto the bed. Marissa was quick to follow landing on top of her almost taking her breath away. Then it was taken away again as Marissa kissed her passionately. Their lips opened wide and their tongues battled inside of Jenna's mouth. Jenna felt her nipples hardening and her pussy was soaking her panties. She gripped Marissa's shoulders as they kissed and she wrapped her legs around her lover's waist. They ground against each other as they kissed. Marissa eventually ended the kissing giving Jenna a last kiss before sliding down her body. She kissed each of Jenna's nipples then she gave the left nipple a bite. Jenna moaned in pain as Marissa raised her head taking Jenna's nipple with it. Jenna thought that Marissa was going to take her nipple off before she let go of it. Then she went to the other nipple, giving it a hard bite and pulling on it as she had the other one. Marissa's hands were squeezing her breasts as she kissed, sucked, and bit them. Her nipples were getting sore before Marissa slipped on down her body with Jenna relaxing her legs so that she could do so. She was biting and kissing her belly as she went down toward Jenna's pussy. Jenna felt Marissa's hands on the sides of her panties. She raised her hips off the bed so that Marissa could get them off. Jenna opened her legs wide and she looked down watching Marissa's mouth go toward her pussy.

"Fuck!" Jenna moaned as Marissa's tongue touched the bottom of her pussy then slowly went up to her clit.

Marissa stopped at her clit, sucking it into her mouth and drawing it from its little hiding place. Jenna groaned as she felt her pussy tingle as Marissa sucked on her sensitive clit. Marissa's mouth left her clit just as Jenna felt herself approaching an orgasm. She felt Marissa's fingers spreading her pussy lips open then she felt Marissa's tongue enter it. It went in deep moving around within her core making Jenna lift her ass off the bed to get more of that tongue inside of her. Jenna opened her legs up as much as she could so that Marissa could lick her deeply. She felt her juices flowing as Marissa licked and sucked on her lips. As she pushed a couple of fingers into her pussy, Marissa's mouth went back to her clit. She sucked it into her mouth as the fingers began to fuck her pussy. Then Marissa began to lick at her clit using short quick strokes of her tongue. Again Jenna felt herself approaching an orgasm and this time Marissa allowed her to do so. She felt her pussy tighten around Marissa's fingers as she body arched and she felt the first wave of her orgasm wash over her. Her body just convulsed as she rode her orgasm out.

When her eyes fluttered open she saw that Marissa was standing beside of the bed. She had already shed her panties and was putting on a strap-on, attached was a rather large dildo that made Jenna's pussy spasm. Jenna turned over putting her ass up in the air grasping a pillow in her arms as Marissa put a little lube on the dildo.

"You ready to get your brains fuck out?" Marissa asked as she climbed in behind of her.

"Go for it, fuck me good." Jenna cried out as she felt Marissa grab her hips.

Jenna felt the head of the dildo touch her pussy lips. The head went up and down her slit barely parting the lips. Jenna wanted to move her ass back to get the dildo inside of her but Marissa had a firm grip on her hips controlling her movements. The head kept going up and down her slit just teasing her and making her want it more. Another minute or two of this teasing was all Jenna could take from her lover.

"Fuck me you bitch!" Jenna screamed.

Jenna no more got those words out than the dildo pierced her pussy sucking the breath from her body. "Oh fuck..." Jenna moaned out as she felt her pussy being split open and her pussy filled to the max.

Marissa gripped her hips harder pulling her ass back on every in-stroke and the pushing her away on every outstroke. Jenna felt like her pussy was being torn apart as Marissa fucked her hard and she loved every second of it. She put her hands on her breasts pinching her nipples as Marissa fucked her pussy good. Jenna could feel every fake vein on the fake cock as it went in and out of her pussy. The sound of Marissa's hips hitting her ass echoed around Marissa's large bedroom. Marissa kept the fucking going and going just filling her pussy over and over again as she torn into Jenna's pussy. Jenna just let Marissa fuck her until she felt her pussy lips begin to get sore, and then she reached down to her clit rubbing it as Marissa fucked her hard. Her clit was already swollen and sensitive and it didn't take much rubbing to make her orgasm spring forth and burst forth from her pussy to the rest of her body.

Jenna fell forward onto the bed feeling the cock leave her body making her feel empty. She let her orgasm wash through her body then she rolled over onto her back to see Marissa looking at her with lust filled eyes. She looked down at the fake cock sticking up from her pussy and it looked so weird but also erotic. Jenna rolled on over giving Marissa a kiss as her left hand went to her breasts caressing each in turn before she began to pinch those hard nipples. She kissed all around Marissa's face tasting her own juices before she went down to those hard nipples to bite and suck on them. She wasn't there long before she felt Marissa pushing her downward. Jenna kissed her way down to that cock then she kissed her way up the hard fake shaft. She got to the head and she saw that Marissa was watching her. She opened her mouth taking the head into her mouth. For some reason, Marissa loved to see her suck the dildo and while it did nothing to arouse Jenna, she did it for Marissa. She took the cock as deep as she could, sucking on it like she would a real cock, though she had never actually sucked a man's cock before. She began to bob her head up and down on the cock seeing Marissa's eyes graze over from what she was doing to her cock.

As she saw Marissa's eyes close, Jenna began to take the strap-on off of Marissa's body. Once she got it away from Marissa's pussy, she leaned down and started to lick on Marissa's juicy pussy, which was so hot and wet. Jenna pulled the strap-on off as she split Marissa's pussy with her tongue getting out all those tasty juices. She kept licking and sucking on Marissa's bare pussy as she put the strap-on onto her body. She got Marissa to moan and groan as she licked her way up to Marissa's small sensitive clit. She sucked it into her mouth as she licked it with the tip of her tongue. She soon had Marissa bucking her hips upwards as she started a massive orgasm.

While Marissa was going through the throes of her orgasm, Jenna tightened down the strap-on with the large dildo attached. She slid up Marissa holding onto the base of the cock. She positioned the head of the cock to Marissa's pussy. Then as she saw that Marissa was coming down from her orgasm, she plunged the cock deep into her pussy.

"Oh fuck me, fuck me long and hard!" Marissa cried out as she wrapped her legs around Jenna's waist. Jenna pulled her hips up high leaving just the head of the cock inside of Marissa then she plunged the cock into Marissa's pussy hard and deep. She heard Marissa grunt into her ear as she began to fuck her using hard fast strokes of her fake cock. She used her hip and thigh muscles to give Marissa the fucking that she needed and wanted. Jenna's body was coated in sweat as she fucked Marissa driving the cock deep into her pussy. Marissa was scratching her back as she used her hips to push upward on every thrust of Jenna's cock. Jenna worked her hip and thigh muscles hard and she kept the fucking going as Marissa like getting fucked long and hard. Jenna did just that as she kept going until she felt Marissa body start to jerk and her face went blood red as she experienced a hard orgasm.

Jenna collapsed onto Marissa's body holding her tightly as she kissed the sweat off her face. She kissed all around her face getting every last salty drop off. Marissa slowly opened her eyes giving Jenna a smile.

"You ready for a little ass fucking?" Marissa asked giving her that devious grin again.

"Aren't I always?" Jenna asked. Actually Jenna hadn't really like it when Marissa first introduced her to anal sex but Marissa loved doing it to her so she went with it for her. But after a while, Jenna did begin to enjoy it and learned to love it.

"Goodie," Marissa squealed as she jumped up getting at the strap-on that Jenna was still wearing. When it was removed, Jenna got back up on her knees sticking her ass up high in the air before she let her knees slide outward. She waited in excited expectation as Marissa put the strap-on onto her body. Then Marissa moved over to get some lube from the nightstand. Jenna put her head down on the pillow that she was hugging. She watched as Marissa got back behind her feeling Marissa's hand on her ass. She felt her parting her cheeks then she felt Marissa's lips kissing her asshole. Jenna squirmed as Marissa kissed and probed her asshole with her tongue. Then it disappeared and she felt one of Marissa's fingers at her asshole and it felt wet and cold from the lube. It entered her ass making Jenna moan. Marissa probed her asshole with her finger taking it out several times to put more lube on it before pushing the finger back in. Once Jenna's asshole was coated with the lube, she felt a much bigger object pressing against it.

Jenna had forgotten to tell Marissa to change out dildos but it was too late now and she didn't care. She knew that she could take it though it might hurt a bit at first. The head of the dildo pressed onto her asshole, so Jenna relaxed her muscles and the head popped inside. Jenna moaned, feeling her asshole being stretch out. She felt Marissa hands on her hips holding her still as she pushed the huge cock into her ass. It slowly filled her and she groaned as she felt her asshole being stretched farther than ever before. She felt the cock slowly enter her ass going deeper and deeper. By the time she felt Marissa's hips touch her ass; she thought her asshole was going to be split in two.

"Oh fuck, that cock is big." Jenna cried out.

"I'm going to give you a real ass fucking tonight, my ass slut." Marissa told her as she gave a last shove inward driving the last inch of the fake cock into Jenna's ass.

"Oh fuck!" Jenna moaned out feeling the cock way up in her stomach or at least it felt that way.

Jenna felt Marissa slowly pull the cock out until only the head was in her. Jenna bit her lower lip as she knew what was coming next and it did. She felt Marissa grip her hips tighter just a second before she pushed the thick hard cock back into her ass.

"Ohhh..." Jenna moaned out as she felt the cock began to saw in and out of her poor little ass.

Marissa fucked her ass even harder than she did her pussy. She used every inch of the cock, just fucking her hard and deep. Jenna put her hands to her breasts, pinching and pulling on her nipples as her asshole got abused by Marissa's cock. It started to hurt less and the pleasure began for Jenna as she got into the fucking her ass was getting. Jenna left one hand on her breast, putting the other one to her pussy and feeling how wet and hot it was. Jenna stuck two fingers into her pussy and she started to finger fuck herself as her ass was getting fucked. She could feel the cock going in and out of her ass with the fingers that were in her pussy.

Jenna let Marissa fuck her ass for a while longer before she moved her fingers from her pussy to her hard swollen clit. She was ready to cum and she knew it was going to be a hard cum. She pinched her clit, rolling it between her fingers as she felt the first wave of her orgasm burst forth from her pussy to the rest of her body. Jenna's body gave out and her knees slipped downward on the bed. She fell down onto the bed and Marissa went with her. As the orgasm rushed through her body, she felt Marissa still fucking her ass. She was going hard and fast with her hips bouncing off her ass. Jenna moaned and groaned as she felt Marissa fucking her ass and one orgasm was swept up into another and then another until she couldn't handle it anymore. She felt her soul leave her body for a moment and peace and love was the only emotions that she was capable of feeling.

When she came around, she felt Marissa on top of her and the cock was slowly moving in and out of her asshole. Marissa was kissing her cheek and neck as she kept the slowly fucking of her asshole going. Even though her asshole was becoming a little sore, she let Marissa continue. It felt nice just feeling Marissa on top of her and the cock slowly moving in and out of her ass. Marissa began to use longer strokes of the cock but she kept the pace slow. Jenna felt Marissa's hand slip under her body so she arched her hips upwards. Marissa's fingers touched her sensitive clit making her moan aloud.

"Oh fuck Marissa I can't take anymore." Jenna moaned out to her but Marissa didn't listen. She kept her fingers on Jenna's clit causing her as much pain as pleasure.

Marissa started rub Jenna's clit even harder as the pace of her fucking of her ass sped up. Jenna heard Marissa begin to pant and she knew that Marissa was nearing her own orgasm. "Fuck me bitch, fuck my asshole raw!" Jenna cried out knowing that would turn Marissa on that much more.

"Oh I plan on it my little ass whore!" Marissa cried back as she began to fuck Jenna's poor asshole harder and faster. She also pinched Jenna's hard sensitive clit hard making Jenna cry out in pain and pleasure. Just as Jenna was at her breaking point, she heard Marissa give out a loud cry as she came causing Jenna to come with her. Marissa collapsed onto Jenna driving the cock deep into her ass one last time which caused Jenna to cry out as her orgasm intensified. It was at this point that Jenna lost it and she blacked out.

When Jenna woke up a couple of hours later, Marissa was still on top of her and the fake cock was stilled buried deep in her sore ass. Jenna slowly rolled them over onto their sides where she could pull her ass away from that damn cock. It left her ass with a pop and Jenna wondered if her asshole would ever return to normal. She gently took the strap-on from Marissa's body. Once that was done, Marissa rolled over onto her stomach staying asleep the whole time. Jenna took the cock from the harness, taking it into the bathroom to wash it clean. Then she sat on the toilet to pee as her asshole began to return to normal. She wiped her pussy clean then she got some wet wipes to wipe the lube from her ass. She groaned as it was sore from the long fucking it got from Marissa's large dildo. Once she was clean, she went back to bed curling up against her lover.

Jenna woke up the next morning alone which didn't surprise her in the least. She was also not too surprised where she found Marissa when she went to look for her.

"What you doing?" Jenna asked Marissa as she entered Marissa's little office that she had set up in the family room of her condo.

"Just answering and sending out some emails from work. There're some things I want my people to work on before I leave for Boston on Tuesday." Marissa said not looking up at Jenna.

"Boston?" Jenna asked as she was completely caught off guard by this news.

"Yea, didn't I tell you?" Marissa said still not looking up at her.

"No you didn't. I thought that we would have some time together this week. That's why I came up." Jenna told her feeling more than a little put off.

"I'm sorry, but this is important trip, we're trying to persuade a company there to switch over to our product line. This could mean millions over the next few years for our company." Marissa told her.

"And put a feather in your cap." Jenna spit out.

"Well sure, that's why I'm going myself to make sure they know who brought in this account." Marissa told her. "Now how about getting me a cup of that coffee, I'll be done here in a few minutes and then we can do something." Marissa said as she finally looked up giving Jenna a cute little smile that would normally have softened Jenna's mood but that smile was working less and less on her.

"Sure," Jenna said as she turned on her heels heading into the kitchen before she said something that she might regret.

Marissa's few minutes turned into several hours, all the while Jenna fumed about having to play second fiddle to Marissa's damn career. However Marissa did make up for her work by cuddling up with Jenna on the couch that evening and watching some romantic movies which Jenna loved to watch. She loved romance and she needed it in her life. Marissa was great at that when she set her mind to it but for Jenna, that time never came around often enough. That evening, Marissa made love to Jenna though she made her stay away from fucking her ass as it was still a little sore from the evening before.

She had hoped that she could convince Marissa to at least take Monday off but she wouldn't. So Jenna stayed around on Monday so that she could spend Monday evening with her. She left to go home on Tuesday morning after taking Marissa to the airport and sending her off to Boston for her damn meeting. On the way home, Jenna once again thought about her relationship with Marissa. She had broken it off several times over the years when she felt Marissa wasn't paying enough attention to her. Marissa would always seem to make a comeback as she would take a few days off to take Jenna on some trip where they could spend a few days alone. Jenna first cried as she drove then she got angry at Marissa for ruining the romantic week she had wanted to spend with her. Finally she got mad at herself for ever believing that Marissa would ever choose her over her career. She wanted to call Marissa right then and end it for good but she never picked up her cell phone. She still had this slight hope that Marissa would make another comeback and she did love her for all her faults.

Jenna spent the rest of the week that she had hoped to spend with Marissa cleaning her small house and getting ready for upcoming fall semester. She downloaded the files on the students that would be needing help that her department would be providing. Once she had downloaded the list, she began to worry as there were more students than ever that would need help. Several years before the small private college that she worked for had decided to go after the students that had disabilities. This was done just to reach out to those students and give the help that the college could easily afford to provide. However it had turned into a something more than that. The college didn't try to market this help, however just by word of mouth from the students that had gone there and gotten help proved to be better than any marketing plan could ever do.

And this year they had more students to help than Jenna feared they could help. However she wasn't made the manager of this department because she gave up. Every year they had gotten more students to help and every year Jenna managed to find a way to get them the help that they needed to succeed. She had ten people in her office who knew either brail or sign language and two that knew both. She was one of those two and she also did her part to help out. This year she knew that she needed more help than they had people to give. She was going to have to dip into the student body for help. She sometimes hired able bodied students to help out and this year would be that a year she would have to do that. So she wrote out a petition to the board for permission to hire some students. She knew that she would receive that permission so she went ahead and updated the fliers to be posted on all the bulletin boards around the campus.

The next day she went around the campus putting up the posters, hoping that she would get the help that she would need. She had always gotten that help however she lived in fear that the day would come and she would have more students to help that she could ever hope to help. She every year she asked to hire permanently more people to help and department had grown from two to ten and she wanted to get it up to fifteen this year. She hoped that with so many students to help this year, she would get permission to hire those people.

The following Monday she had interviews set up with all the new students that needed help and their parents. The returning students, she knew what they would need, however she would meet with them too. What these interviews were for was to evaluate that their needs had been met and what else her department could do to help them. She had made some changes in the way her department worked in the past just from the information that the returning students gave her so these interviews were as important to her as interviews with the new students.

Jenna got to work early on Monday morning and at eight, she had a staff meeting bringing her people up to date on who she was interviewing and setting up assignments for the returning students. After she had interviewed the new students then she would make their assignments when she was sure what they would need. Most she knew before the interview as there was an application that had to be filled out to get the help although the service was of no charge to the student. The interviews sometime revealed that more or less help was really needed depending on the student. She ended the staff meeting about fifteen minutes before her first interview to give her time to visit the restroom as she was booked full and she might not get much of a chance to go through the rest of the day.

At exactly nine-fifteen, her first appointment arrived and her busy day was off and running. It was with a deaf student who could read lips so that made it easier; however he had a couple of classes that would require someone there to sign what the professor was saying. The school had several professors that couldn't teach standing in one spot but had to move around. So for those classes, the student would require someone there to sign when the professor was walking away from the student or wasn't looking directly at them. The rest of the day went pretty well as she took her time talking to the student and their parent or parents to assure them that they would do all they could to make their time at the university was successful. She was able to wolf down a sandwich which her office assistant went out and got for her and she got her first bathroom break then and wouldn't get another until just before her last appointment when she couldn't hold it any longer.

She had to go through the outer office to get to the bathroom down the hall. As she went through, she saw a middle age lady and a young woman waiting patiently to see her. She didn't get a good look at them as she went through holding up her index finger indicating that it would be just one more minute before she would see them. Even at that quick glance, she could tell that they were mother and daughter. They both had long straight black hair and their builds were similar with the older woman being just a hair heavier due to the passing years but she was still a beautiful woman as was her daughter. Their skin tone indicated that their family was originally from somewhere in the Middle East, as they had this natural tanned look that most women would kill to have.

"Hi, I'm Jenna and I'm sorry for the delay, I hope that you didn't have to wait too long." Jenna said as she escorted them into her small office after returning from the restroom.

"No not at all, I understand completely. Plus I wanted your last appointment of the day so that you would not be rushed to get to your next appointment. So we expected that there might be some delay in seeing you." The mother told her and Jenna knew that this was sharp lady who would not be put off on getting what she wanted for her daughter.

"Well I spend as much time as the students and parents feel they need to answer all their questions. That is why warn everyone beforehand that there might be some delays in me seeing them." Jenna told the mother not being the least put off as she understood each parents concern for their children.

"That's why we picked this school because this college does have a good reputation and all the mothers that I talked to spoke highly of you. And I expect to receive the same from you." The mom said to her.

Again Jenna wasn't put off by the woman as she could expect no less however it was then that the young woman spoke up. "Now that the grounds rules have been set, let's get the show on the road. My name is Crystal and this overbearing woman is my mother Akilah." Crystal then got up moving carefully until she got to the edge of Jenna's desk where she held out her hand.

"Well as I said I'm Jenna and I'm very happy to meet you both." Jenna said standing up and taking Crystal's hand in hers to shake it. She noticed how small her hand was and how long her fingers were. She had very pretty hands matching the rest of her. She then shook Akilah's hand who was smiling at both Jenna and her daughter. She then helped her daughter back to her seat.

"You have a very pretty name; I have always loved the name Crystal." Jenna told her and she saw Crystal blush just a little as she smiled.

"I have too and that is why I named her that even though my mother threatened to disown me if I did." Akilah said finally showing a softer side. "She wanted me to name her after her mother but she was a mean old woman and I wasn't about to name my daughter after her."

""Can I tell grandma you said that?" Crystal asked smiling in the direction of her mother.

"Not if you want to live to your next birthday, young lady." Akilah told her daughter.

Jenna laughed at the exchange between mother and daughter and she could see the love that they had for each other. "Well let's move onto the subject at hand so that you will live to see your nineteenth birthday." Jenna said to Crystal and to get the conversation back on track.

"We have raised Crystal to be independent and not to let her blindness slow her down but we do realize there will be times when she will need some assistance and here she will need assistance but she doesn't need any help to make her grades." Akilah told her.

"Well we're not here to help her get good grades that are entirely up to her to achieve. What we do is to provide her eyes to see what the professors write on the chalk boards that she can't see. We will also help her to get around the campus any time of the day or night. Though I would expect that over time she will learn the campus and thus need less help. However we will be there for as long as she needs us to be. We try to match up the student with one of our people for the semester though there will be times that someone will have to sub for another. I even do my part and help some of the students as in the end that is my job." Jenna told them.

"Do you know brail?" Crystal asked her.

"I had a uncle who was blind and he taught me to read brail when I was around seven, and whenever I went to his house, he made me read to him from one of his brail books so I have been reading brail for longer than you have." Jenna told Crystal.

Crystal didn't say anything as she reached down to her bag pulling out a small portable brail machine. She quickly typed something out and handed it to Jenna.

Jenna ran her finger over the small raised dots and she smiled as she read silently to herself, "I like your voice, it sounds very kind and caring. And my mother is about to demand that you be the one to help me at first. I would agree with her or we will be here all night and I'm hungry and I want to go get something to eat. Also I want you to be the one to help me. I didn't before we came in here but now after hearing you, I do too. So it is two against one and you don't have a chance against two determined women of Arab descent."

"Thank you and I considered myself forewarned." Jenna told her.

"Forewarned about what?" Akilah asked as she looked to her daughter.

"Oh nothing mother, that was just to test Jenna and see if she was as good at reading brail as she said she was and she is. She reads Brail as fast as I do." Crystal told her mother.

They talked for a few minutes more before Akilah made her pitch / demand that Jenna be the one to help her daughter. Jenna had been thinking about just that thing since Crystal's note so she was prepared. She knew going into the day that with all the students that they had to help, this year she would have to do more than just be a sub, she was going to have to take a student on herself. She observed Crystal as they had been talking and found her to be just as determined as her mother said she was but yet there was something else about her that she sensed by talking to her. She couldn't quiet put her finger on what that was however she felt the need to help her. So after a little more talking she let Akilah talk her into being the one to help Crystal. She didn't want to give in too quickly as she wanted to make Akilah feel like she had won the battle and thus look like the hero in her daughter's eyes.

Classes didn't start for another week and a half and the students wouldn't be reporting to the dorms until the following Tuesday. So Jenna gave Crystal her work cell phone and told her to call her once she got settled into her dorm and wanted to tour the campus and to find where her classes were. Each of her staff had a cell phone assigned to them and the student would be called and given that number once she had made the assignments. That way there would always be a way for student and their assistant to be in contact. Plus each student would have her number just in case there was a problem, which did happen however rarely. Jenna picked her people carefully and made sure that they were dedicated to their jobs. She had only made one bad hire but once she realized her mistake, she quickly corrected her error and that person no longer worked for her.

So once all the decisions had been made and she had given in, Jenna talked a few minutes to them just getting to know both mother and daughter. She had found out that Crystals grandparents had come over from UAE to attend college. It was there that they met and also where Akilah was conceived. They got married while in college and Akilah was born here as a US citizen. Once they finish college, they decided to stay and become citizens themselves. Their parents didn't like it but there wasn't much they could do so they accepted it.

Akilah also met Crystal's father while in college. He was also from UAE and had come to America to get his degree. Akilah convinced him to stay with her as this was where she had been raised so it was home to her. Since he loved Akilah so much, he too didn't have much choice but to stay. When they found out Crystal was born blind, they had decided not to have any more kids. But Akilah's mother feared that they would spoil Crystal if they didn't have more kids so they did. Crystal had two younger sisters and a younger brother who were all born with perfect sight.

Crystal didn't let her blindness stop her from being in charge of her younger siblings and they all obeyed her as they did her mother. Though they all respected Crystal and didn't take advantage of her blindness until she got too full of herself, then they would get her back by hiding her stuff and not giving it back until she relented. Akilah said there was many a day she wanted to kill them all and start over and that made Jenna laugh and Crystal to frown. The meeting went on longer than was intended and it wasn't until Crystal declared that it was time to get some supper as she was way past hungry so thus the meeting ended.

Jenna went home that evening feeling that the day went well however she felt like Crystal was going to be interesting. On one side, she could see that she was determined and independent, thus wouldn't need a lot of her time. Yet there was something else that made her wonder if she was right to give into their demands. Since she couldn't put her finger on anything, she dismissed her slight fears about assigning herself to help Crystal.

Tuesday started with another staff meeting as Jenna discussed the new students. She went over the things that she had found out from her meetings with the students and their parents and then they all discussed each of the students needs. Once they had gone through all of them, Jenna began to make the assignments. There were some changes to the assignments as her assistants switched when they compared who they already had and they found they would have to be at two places at the same time. Jenna thought she had all the bases covered but that was why she had these meetings to find what she had missed.

She saved Crystal for last as by then; everyone's schedule was booked completely. Thus she was forced to take her. No one was surprised by this; in fact, they were all relieved that they wouldn't have someone else to deal with. It was going to be hard enough when cold and flu season started and they had to cover for one another. Plus they were required to fill out their logs each day stating what they had done and any problems that occurred. Jenna told them that she had help coming and as she interviewed the students applying then she would parcel them out to help where needed. Sometimes the new students could relate better to another student and they could find out more of what was needed and how they could help.

The rest of the week went pretty well; she did get to talk to Marissa a couple of times. She had hoped to go and see her that weekend but Marissa said that she had some work to do and would be busy all weekend. Jenna was disappointed but not surprised. Lately she had gotten to see her less and less but she was still determined to make it work one way or another.

"Hi, I ready." Jenna heard when she answered her cell phone late on Tuesday.

"Excuse me," Jenna answered as her mind was on the report she was writing and not thinking about this being the day that the students reported to the school.

"It's me Crystal; you said that you would take me around the campus once I got settled into the dorm." Crystal said and Jenna noticed the disappointment in Crystal's voice.

"Oh I'm sorry Crystal; I was busy working on a report and forgot about this being Tuesday." Jenna told her as she began to save her work.

"If you are busy then that is okay." Crystal told her with the sound of disappointment still in her voice.

"Oh no when I say I am going to do something then I do it. Just give me a few moments and I will be on my way. You're in Clement Hall aren't you?" Jenna asked.

"Yes I am. How did you know?" Crystal asked.

"I'm all knowing..." Jenna said and then she hesitated before finishing with, "Plus you put it down on the information you provided in your application."

Jenna heard Crystal giggle and that made her laugh with her. "I'll be waiting down in the lobby when you are ready. Take your time okay."

"I'll be there before you know it." Jenna said then she said her goodbyes.

Jenna finished saving her report before grabbing her keys as she would have to come back to finish the report before leaving for the day. Jenna was glad that while the university was large in number of buildings and total student body, the campus was well laid out, almost as if the founders knew that one day they knew a large number of handicapped students would be attending the university. Jenna also had a large part in banning any vehicles on the main campus during classes, with the exception of emergency vehicles. At first, there was a lot of protest to this, mostly from the faculty and staff, but now even they liked that they could get across the street without worry and get to where they were going quicker. Students using bikes now used the street with a speed limit and those walking had the right away.

The dorms circled the campus and the administrative building that Jenna worked in was in the center of the campus. So she had just a short walk to Crystal's dorm. She entered the lobby finding it to be packed with students who were arriving late. Jenna saw Crystal standing near the mailroom. Jenna stopped for a moment to observe her. She wanted to see how Crystal stood and how she projected herself. While she had her white cane with her, she was holding it in against her body, not hiding it nor showing it so everyone would notice it. She was standing up straight and didn't seem to be worried or scared as most freshmen were. She seemed completely at ease and very confident yet there was something there that told her that at least a small part of her wasn't as confident or fearless as she appeared to be. Jenna didn't want Crystal to wait too long, so she started to make her way across the lobby dodging the bags and boxes waiting to be taken to the rooms of their owners.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." Jenna said to her as she approached Crystal from the front.

"No not at all. I'm not being a bother am I?" Crystal asked her.

"I assure you that you're not. Now stop worrying about that and lets tour the campus." Jenna said as she gently took Crystal by the elbow.

"Okay but if I do become too much trouble, then let me know. I know my mom wanted the best person to help me and she figured that was you. But I know that you have to be busy running your department and I know I'm not the only student that is being helped." Crystal told her as they made their way carefully through the crowded lobby.

"Yes I am busy and no you're not the only student we are assisting. However you are my responsibility this semester and I will assist you just like I expect everyone on my staff to help their students. I won't give you any less than what I expect from my staff and I expect a lot from them." Jenna told her and that seemed to reassure Crystal a bit.

"Thank you, I do appreciate you doing this for me." Crystal replied giving her a smile.

As they went out the door to the warm afternoon sun, Jenna stopped them on the sidewalk. "Now I'm about to give you your first test of your college career."

"Test?" Crystal said turning her face to her showing Jenna her confused look.

"Yep, I'm going to see if you have studied the map of the campus that we sent to you." Jenna told her.

"This map?" Crystal asked as she pulled an obviously well warned brail map. She was smiling brightly and that made Jenna smile feeling proud of Crystal but then after meeting her, she would have been surprised to find out that Crystal hadn't studied the map.

"Good for you. Now we are facing east with the administrative building that I work in about a half mile away. Your first class on Monday is in the humanities building, so which way do we need to go?" Jenna asked her.

Crystal thought for only a few seconds before responding by saying, "To the right, going to Wilson Drive, then left to Brewer Way, then back to the right about hundred feet and the building will be on the left side of the street, then we go about thirty feet to the stairs into the building. Am I right?"

"I don't know, let's see if you are." Jenna told her. "You lead and I'll follow."

"Okay," Crystal said getting out her white cane. She started them down the street. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what you want to know?" Jenna asked her.

"Why did you stop and stare at me when you came into the dorm?" She asked.

"How did you know I stared at you? Are you holding out on me?" Jenna asked genuinely surprised at getting caught.

Crystal laughed, "No I am completely blind but I had the girl standing a few feet to my right look out for you."

"How did you know what I looked like? Did your mother describe me to you?" Jenna asked very curious.

"Well I know that you're about five feet ten inches." Crystal said.

"And how do you know that and by the way I'm five nine and a half." Jenna said.

"I stand corrected." Jenna said giggling. "When you escorted us out of your office I noticed that your voice was coming from about my ear level and I'm five six so that would make you a few inches taller. I also told her that you were twenty eight so to look for someone that was older than the students in the lobby but much younger than the mothers there. Plus you would be dressed in dress pants or a dress since you were at work when I called you."

"Very good but how did you know about what age I was?" Jenna asked her.

"I looked it up on the university website." Crystal said smiling brightly at her.

"Okay you got me smarty pants, we're approaching the street so watch for the curd, and it's a deep step down." Jenna said.

"So answer my question." Crystal told her once they got off the curb and had crossed the street.

"Not letting me get away without answering are you?" Jenna asked.

"Nope," Crystal replied.

"Well I wanted to see how you stood, to see if you were scared shitless or not scared in the least about what you were beginning." Jenna told her.

"And which was I?" Crystal.

"Honey, I think you can take on the world and win." Jenna told her leaving out the bit of uncertainty that she saw in her face.

"That's the way my mom raised me to be and I am." Crystal said but yet her voice lacked complete conviction that those words were meant to carry.

"She did well; you're going to do just fine here. You don't have anything to worry about and you got me to lean on if you need someone to talk to. Don't forget that." Jenna told her very seriously.

"I won't and thanks." Crystal said and Jenna saw some relief in her face in saying that.

"Okay, now I'm lost, I was listening to you and I forgot to keep up with my steps and the streets." Crystal confessed.

Jenna laughed, "That's okay, I will let you get a pass on this test but tomorrow will be the real thing. We want you to be able to get anywhere on the campus without any help. However, if you do get lost or confused like you just did, we have just put in new aids for our blind students. Come on over here." Jenna told her as she guided her on across the street. She took her to the corner of the sidewalk where the two streets crossed.

"We have laid down bronze plates at the corner of the sidewalks. There is a plastic cover over then so you won't had to feel where the birds have decided is a great place to relieve themselves." Jenna told her.

"Oh gross," Crystal said as she scrunched up her face making Jenna laugh. "Don't laugh; I'm the one that has to feel it."

"I'm sorry honey but the look on your face when I said that was priceless." Jenna told her.

"I bet." Crystal said but she was now sporting a smile on her face.

"Anyway when we were discussing doing this, it was one of our blind students suggested the cover as she pictured herself putting her fingers where a bird had just pooped." Jenna told her.

"Well thank her for me." Crystal told her.

"You can do that yourself when we have our monthly meeting so that everyone can get together and make suggestions and help us to help you. Anyway, kneel down and the plate will be just at the edge of where the sidewalks meet." Jenna said and she watched as Crystal felt around for the plate, finally finding it. "There you go, just lift the front edge and read what it says."

Crystal gingerly raised the plastic cover then she ran her fingers across the plate. Jenna saw the concentration on her face then a gradual smile come to it. "So you know where you are now?"

"Yep, I'm good." Crystal said as she lowered the cover and stood back up. "I feel better knowing that I can always go to an intersection and find out where I am. I knew the buildings and the doors of the buildings had brail so I won't go into the wrong building or room but I didn't know anything about these. You should put this into your books and on your internet site."

"We just finished getting the last ones up so they will be in next year's books and it should be on the web site soon. We wanted to have everything in place and make sure that they would be of some benefit before letting everyone knowing about them." Jenna told her as they started on their tour again.

"Oh they are, even if I never have to use one again, I feel better just knowing that they are there. I don't like the feeling of being lost and now I won't be as long as I am here." Crystal told her.

"Well then they have served their purpose." Jenna told her. Then she asked, "Do you mind if I ask you a few personal questions just so I can get to know you a little better?"

"No, as long as you don't mind if I say mind your own damn business if it gets too personal." Crystal told her. "And if I get to ask you some questions of my own."

"That'll be fine as long as I can tell you to mind your own damn business if they get too personal." Jenna told her making Crystal giggle a little.

"Deal, but how about we take turns asking questions? That would make it more interesting." Crystal suggested.

"Okay how about you going first just to get things started." Jenna told her.

"Great, now what do I want to know first?" Crystal asked herself aloud. "Are you married and do you have any kids?"

"Why do you want to know that?" Jenna asked.

"Just curious, is it too personal?" Crystal asked looking a little worried.

"No, I'm pretty much an open book." Jenna assured her. "No I'm not married nor do I have any kids."

"Why not?" Crystal asked.

"Hey it is my turn to ask a question." Jenna scolded her.

"Oh sorry, go ahead." Crystal said quickly.

"It's cool, I don't mind, I was just kidding you a little." Jenna told her giving her elbow a squeeze to assure her that she was sincere. "I just haven't met the person that I want to stay with yet. I do think that maybe I will have a child or two one day once I find a partner that I love and who loves me." Jenna told her.

"You said person and not man..." Crystal said as she turned her head toward her.

"Yes I did, I'm a lesbian. Does that bother you?" Jenna asked her.

"Not in the least. It's your turn to ask a question." Crystal told her.

"Do you fix your own hair? It is so pretty with the way you have it pined up. When I saw you with your mother, I figured that she did it for you but today it looks like you just fixed it." Jenna asked her.

"That's a pretty tame question; I expected something harder than that one." Crystal told her.

"I'm saving the harder ones for later." Jenna told her with a laugh.

"Oh okay, I do my own hair. I may not be able to see it but I can feel it and so I do it that way. I love to try different things and even if it comes out terrible, I can't see it or anyone's visual reaction to it so it's cool." Crystal told her.

"So no one taught you?" Jenna asked slightly surprised.

"Nope, my mom would tell me the ones she liked and didn't like and that helped me to learn what looked good and what didn't. Then once I got a little confidence in my ability, I started to really try new and different styles. So that is how I learned to do it and I enjoy trying new looks." Crystal told her.

"That is great; I assume you learned about clothes that way too. You do look lovely." Jenna stated.

"Yea, but I do need someone with me when I shop to tell me what the colors and patterns are on the things that I look at."Crystal told her.

"But how do you keep that straight?" Jenna asked.

"Tags silly," Crystal told her as she turned on the sidewalk and put her hands to the back of her slacks turning them out to show the small plastic tag with the little brail dots.

"That's what I figured you did." Jenna said laughing at her, and then she took her arm to get them back to walking.

"Your turn to ask a question," Jenna told her.

"Questions," Crystal said as she gave Jenna a smile. "You got several in a roll."

"True but they were all related." Jenna said in her defense.

"Hair and clothes are not related, they are made from two completely different things." Crystal told her.

"There are fur coats which come from hair and there are wigs made of the same things as clothes." Jenna told her.

Crystal stopped for a moment before she went back to walking, "Okay you got me there but I still get several questions."

"Shoot," Jenna told her but first she brought Crystal to the humanities building showing her the entrance sign which had the name written on in and again in brail under that.

"How did you get started doing this?" Crystal asked.

"Well I saved what I was working on and came over to your dorm so that we could begin our tour..." Jenna was saying.

"No! I meant how did you get started with your job here at the university." Crystal told her giving her a little pout as she stopped them on the sidewalk.

"Oh, I thought you meant how we got started on our walk." Jenna told her.

"You knew what I meant." Crystal said fussing at her.

"Yea, I did." Jenna said laughing as she gave Crystal's elbow a squeeze before starting them on their walk again.

"Well after graduation with a degree in accounting, I had trouble finding a job. I was about to get desperate about finding work when I saw the job opening here at the university, since I already knew brail and sign language I figured that it was worth a try and I got the job. I didn't figure to stay here long, it was just something to do until I found an opening in my own field. The university had just started to go after students like you and they needed someone to help them when they needed it." Jenna told her.

"Did you like it?" Crystal asked.

"Yes and no, I liked helping the students but I wanted to work in my own field. Plus I was on the run from the first class of the day to something late in the evening if someone had an evening class. There were more students needing help that I could help on my own. So as the spring semester ended, I was determined to find another job." Jenna told her and she could see the disappointment on Crystal's face.

"But again the fates were working against me or for me, I'm not sure which, as I couldn't find another job. So during the summer board meeting, I was asked to give an evaluation of the program up to that point. I was scared to death entering the board room with the twenty members staring back at me. I was going to just say as little as possible then get out. However one of the members started out by saying that they wanted to start advertizing the fact that they had set up a program to help handicapped students. My mind went back to how I spent the past year and I knew if they got more students to help I would drown. So when it came my turn to speak, I let them have it. Telling them if they wanted to go after these students then they damn well had better get me help." Jenna told her and then she added. "I figured that I would get fired on the spot."

"So what happened?" Crystal asked and Jenna could see that she had Crystal's complete attention.

"Well I didn't get fired on the spot but when I got to my small office the next day, I was immediately summoned to the Dean of Student Affairs' office, who was my boss. I figured that I would be fired by the Dean." Jenna told her.

"Well obviously you weren't. So what did he tell you?" Crystal asked her.

"Keep your panties on, I'm getting there." Jenna told her and she saw Crystal frown at her.

"And the dean was and is a she not a he." Jenna corrected her.

"Whatever! Just tell me what SHE said." Crystal said obviously getting frustrated at her stalling.

"Well she said and I quote, "You've made your bed so now you got to sleep in it." I didn't know what she meant until she told me that I was now the manager of the Student Assistance Program and I could hire three people to help me. I had wanted five but I was happy with the three. I was also given a slightly bigger office but not nearly big enough and a slight raise. So I started my new career which had nothing to do with what I had majored in or what I had planned to do with my life." Jenna told her then she pointed out another building that Crystal would be using this coming semester.

"So do you like what you're doing or would you rather go back to accounting?" Crystal asked once they were back on the sidewalk.

"I plan on still being here when I'm a hundred." Jenna told her and that brought a smile to Crystal's face.

"How about staying until you are hundred and one that way you will still be here when I get done with my degree in four years." Crystal said with a straight face taking Jenna by surprise then Crystal began to giggle.

"You'll pay for that one dearie." Jenna said laughing and loving that Crystal had a sense of humor.

Crystal had a few more questions for her and she for her as they continued their tour of the campus. The main questions that they had for each other, had been answered and their curiosity had been satisfied for the time being. Jenna mainly wanted to see where Crystal was coming from and what she wanted so that she could help her. Once she had deposited Crystal back at her dorm, she rushed back to her office to finish her report, emailing it to the Dean before shutting up shop for the evening.

When she got home, she fixed herself a light dinner then she put on her a comfortable old cotton sleep shirt. She called Marissa late that even finding that she had just gotten home. She asked about coming to see her that coming weekend however she found that Marissa was covered up with work so they planned for the following weekend. Then she listened about Marissa's work for the next hour and half before getting off the phone for some much needed sleep.

The next afternoon, she met with Crystal in her office to go over her finalized schedule. She put the class times and buildings into her calendar so that she could keep up with them. She wanted to make sure that she was there on time and she also wanted to get with the professors so that they would know they would have a blind person in their class and thus would have to take that into consideration. She also told Crystal that if there was another blind person in one of her classes then it could either one of them helping both of them . There wasn't any reason for both of them to be there.

"I'll also be walking you to class until you feel confident that you can make it to class on your own. This is a small campus compared to some of the big state universities but at the same time even people that can see get lost the first few days." Jenna told her.

"Oh I'm sure with the map that I have that I can get there now." Crystal told her.

"All the same, I'll accompany you the first few days just to make sure." Jenna told her.

"Okay mother," Crystal said with a sigh. "And you can quit arching your eyebrow at me."

"How did you know that was what I was doing?" Jenna asked her.

"An educated guess," Crystal said as she giggled at her.

"I just want you to feel like this is your home and feel okay moving around the campus and as soon as you feel that way, you'll be on your own." Jenna assured her.

"That's okay; I don't mind walking with you. You're fun to talk to but let me be the one leading. I need to find my way on my own." Crystal told her.

"What if I walk ten paces behind of you?" Jenna asked jokingly.

"No need to do that," Crystal said then she paused for a second, "five paces behind will be just fine."

Jenna laughed, "I'm going to have to remember that quick wit of yours."

"Don't worry, I'll keep reminding you." Crystal assured her.

"I bet you will." Jenna said with a laugh then she turned the conversation back to Crystal. "So how are you and your new roommate doing? Are you getting along?"

Crystal hesitated for a split second then she smiled. "Yea, we're getting along just fine." Crystal told her.

"You want to try to answer that question again with a little more honesty this time." Jenna told her as her antennas were picking up problems.

Crystal hesitated again before she said, "I don't think she realized that she was getting a blind person as a roommate. And I don't think she likes the fact that I am blind. I don't think she is used to picking up after herself and now I'm asking her to do that so I won't trip over anything."

"Didn't you two exchange emails or phone calls after getting your room assignments this summer?" Jenna asked.

"I sent her a couple of emails but I don't think she bothered to read them. She never wrote me back." Crystal told her.

"I see, do I need to step in and talk to her or try to get you a new roommate?" Jenna asked.

"Oh no, I can handle it. I've lived with two younger sisters and a younger brother, if I can handle them, I can handle her." Crystal assured her.

"Well keep me informed and if I need to step in I will." Jenna told her.

"I will but I can handle it." Crystal told her.

Jenna went on with some other minor things but she marked down in Crystal's folder the potential problem with the roommate. She figured that Crystal could probably handle the problem on her own and she didn't want to step in if she didn't have to. This was all a part of life and Crystal needed to learn how to handle problems on her own.

The next day was the day before classes so there was another staff meeting to start the day. Jenna brought in breakfast in for everyone as sort of a start off for the new semester. They all had their schedules ready and now was the time to see where there was two of her staff in one class when only one was needed. Jenna also brought in the student assistants that she had hired and they all looked at where they could help. This was the meeting that tended to go on for most of the day and this was no exception. There was a lot of work to be done and Jenna wanted everything ironed out before the semester began. It was a long tiring day but by the end of the day, Jenna felt good about everything and she had high hopes that the semester would go off with few problems. However she had no illusions that it would be problem free, they never were.

Jenna was up early the next day, going first to her office to check in. Then she made her way to Crystal's dorm, finding her waiting out in front of her dorm. "Ready to start your college career?" She asked.

"Oh yes, I'm so excited. I didn't think this day would ever get here." Crystal said excitedly.

"Then let's not keep your professor waiting." Jenna told her as she came up beside of her. "Lead on." She told her.

"Were you excited the day you started college?" Crystal asked her as she walked in the correct direction making Jenna feel good about the beginning of the day.

"Yes but I was more scared than excited. I was afraid that I would flunk every class I had and would be sent home." Jenna confessed.

"Well I'm a little scared about that too but more excited." Crystal admitted.

"That's normal, you'll do fine." Jenna assured her.

"I hope so." Crystal said then she sort of stiffened her back and started to talk excitedly about her classes.

Jenna listened with a smile on her face as she could see a lot of herself in Crystal. They got to the classroom a few minutes before class was to begin. Crystal set up her little portable computer so that she could take her notes. Jenna did the same to her computer, connecting it to Crystal's computer. That way anything that the professor put on the chalk board, she could enter into Crystal's computer and she would have it to study with. Some stuff, she would just whisper into Crystal's ear if it was simple. She knew she would have to adjust what she did to meet Crystal's needs and also to her personality. They both played a part in how she presented the information to Crystal. The main thing was that Crystal would have all the information needed to make it a level playing field with the other students.

The first class of the semester was usually pretty simple and such was the case with this class. The professor handed out a syllabus and Jenna handed Crystal her syllabus that was written in Brail. All the professors were required to submit any papers that they would hand to Jenna's office out a week before they did so in class. Jenna and her staff would translate them into Brail then hold them until the professor handed then out in class. They were determined to maintain a level playing field with all the students so that meant that their students didn't get anything before anyone else did. The professor went over the things that they would cover in class and what he required from his students. He used all his allotted time however he put very little on the board so Jenna had an easy class though Crystal was busy taking her notes.

"So you a little less scared or more scared?" Jenna asked Crystal as they exited the classroom.

"A little less, I was a bit afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the professor. You know taking the notes and still listen to what he was saying." Crystal told her.

"Yes there is an art to note taking and you just had to learn your own style. I think you'll do fine. So where we off to now?" Jenna asked her though she knew where Crystal's next class was.

"Biology, all the way across campus." Crystal told her.

"Then I guess we'd better get going." Jenna told her.

They had fifteen minutes to get across campus and Jenna let Crystal lead the way. It took them most of the fifteen minutes to get there but they made it on time. Here Jenna had to do a little more as the professor did use the board. But most of it was simple stuff so Jenna was able to whisper to Crystal what he was writing. Once the class was over, Crystal was finished for the day. She assured Jenna that she could make it back to her dorm on her own, so they parted ways.

Crystal only had those two classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She had three classes on Tuesday and Thursday. The ones on Tuesday and Thursday were spread out all through the day so that was a much harder day for Jenna as she liked to stop in and observe the rest of her staff from time to time. This semester she would have to do less of that but she would do it. She wanted her staff to know she supported them but she was also looking over their shoulders just a little, just enough to keep them on their toes.

The rest of the week went pretty well for Jenna, though when she met Crystal at her dorm on Friday morning, she appeared to be very agitated. Jenna asked her what was the matter but Crystal just said nothing. Jenna didn't press her; figuring that Crystal had woke up late or something and that put her in a bad mood. They went on to Crystal's classes and nothing more was said about Crystal's dark mood. However Jenna decided to walk Crystal back to her dorm and it was there that Jenna learned that Crystal's roommate had pissed her off that morning. She didn't say what it was that pissed her off. But again she said that she could handle it and she would make it work out between them. Jenna offered her help all the same but was pleased that Crystal wanted to solve her own problems.

After that first week, Jenna was able to meet Crystal at her first class of the day as Crystal had learned her way around the campus. It gave her a sense of pride to be able to learn such a new place so quickly. She probably knew more about the campus than most of the other freshmen on campus. She had made great effort to learn it, spending most of her free time on the weekends just walking about and learning where everything was. Jenna was very proud of her and made sure to let her know.

Jenna didn't get to talk to her as much as she wanted; only getting to talk on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's when they went from her first class to her second one and then a little after class. She did however spend as much time as she could with Crystal, making her know that she was there for her. Crystal did mention the problems with her roommate a couple of times; however she wouldn't ever tell Jenna what the girl was doing. Jenna kept pressing her, telling her that she couldn't do anything to help when she didn't know what was going on. Jenna worried a little about this but it was up to Crystal to ask for help and so far she wasn't doing that.

At their monthly meeting with all of the students that they were helping, Jenna always ended the meeting by opening the floor to anything that was bothering them. This was the time that the students could bring out any problems that they were having and discuss with their fellow students. That way they could help each other out. Jenna mostly listened and held back any comments unless she was asked to contribute. Jenna hoped that Crystal would bring up her problems with her roommate but she didn't. Crystal was always vocal in her classes, talking and even arguing with her professors or fellow students. But here she just talked with some of the other students on their problems, keeping her own problems to herself. Jenna figured that she had gone as far as she could with trying to help Crystal on the roommate issue and she pretty much forgot about it after that.

It was a month into the semester before Jenna was able to hook up with Marissa who seemed to be busy every weekend since her last visit. Jenna was excited to see Marissa again as it had been a hard few weeks and she needed someone to hold onto and to give her love to. Jenna was pleasantly surprised to see Marissa's car when she pulled up to her condo. She hurried out of her car, grabbing her bag, and rushing up the stairs to the door. She let herself in and was about to call out to Marissa telling her that she was there when heard Marissa's voice coming from the living room and she was obviously not talking to her.

She decided to keep her mouth shut and walk quietly into the living room. She wasn't trying to catch Marissa at anything at least that is what she told herself as she slipped into the room. She heard Marissa's voice but didn't see her. She listened for a second not really hearing clearly what Marissa was saying since Marissa was talking in a low voice. Jenna walked on in, and then her foot hit the one creaky board in the whole damn condo. Marissa sat up quickly and she had this deer in the headlights look however she quickly recovered. Marissa quickly bade whomever she was talking to a quick goodbye and then ending the call by taking her ear piece out.

"Hi babe," Jenna said going over to Marissa, giving her a kiss.

"Hi there, I didn't hear you come in. How long have you been here?" She asked.

"Oh I just walked in. I wanted to surprise you, though I had hoped to find you naked in bed waiting for me." Jenna said giving her a wink.

"Oh you did, so what are you doing with your clothes still on?" Marissa asked as she reached up pulling Jenna over the back of the couch so that Jenna ended up on top of her.

"Well let's get naked now." Jenna told her as she reached up pulling down Marissa's face down to hers for a kiss.

"How about dinner first and some partying? I'm in the mood for some fun." Marissa told her giving Jenna a feeling that Marissa was mad at her for interrupting her call.

"Okay, if you like." Jenna said getting up off the couch. "So who were you talking to anyway?"

"Oh just my mom, it was nothing." Marissa said then she went on past her going toward the stairs leading up to her bedroom.

Jenna stood there for a moment as she knew that Marissa only talked to her mom on Sunday evenings. Her mother was a socialite and was always on the go like her daughter. "Come on hurry up!" She heard Marissa called to her from the stairs, thus knocking the bad thought that Jenna was having out of her head but not completely from her mind.

When she caught up with Marissa up in her bedroom, Marissa was already down to her bra and panties. Marissa was standing in front of a full length mirror, so while Jenna was facing Marissa's back, she could very clearly see Marissa's front through the mirror. Jenna just stood at the door watching as Marissa reached back to unhook her bra. Marissa noticed her and she gave her a little wink. She pulled the bra straps around to the front however she hesitated pulling the cups from her breasts. Jenna knew that Marissa was putting on a little show for her not that Jenna minded as she felt her pussy begin to get moist. Marissa smiled at Jenna through the mirror as she pulled the cups away. Jenna saw that Marissa's nipples were hard. Marissa let the bra drop before reaching down to her panties. She slowly bent over as she lowered her panties. Jenna watched closely as Marissa's ass was uncovered then her shaved pussy peaked from between her lean thighs. Marissa kept bending on over until her hands were at her ankles. Jenna felt her pussy get real moist and she couldn't just stand there any longer. It had been well over a month since she had made love to Marissa and she needed her. Sometimes she cursed herself for loving Marissa so much but this wasn't one of those times. She was stripping out of her clothes as she went to Marissa who had not moved a muscle. She stopped just behind of Marissa to get her slacks and panties down and off.

She then dropped down to her knees grabbing a hold of Marissa's hips with her hands. She kissed each ass cheek, and then she placed her lips to the top of Marissa's ass crack. She heard Marissa moan as she kissed her way downward. She brought her hands inward opening up Marissa's ass cheeks more. She kept on kissing her way toward that cute little rosebud. When she got there, she placed her lips over the cute little hole. She held them there kissing Marissa's asshole then she slowly opened her lips letting her tongue slip between her lips. She kept her lips plastered around Marissa's ass hole as she began to run her tongue around the rim.

"Oh sugar, lick my ass." Marissa moaned out.

Jenna licked across Marissa's asshole several times before putting the tip of her tongue to the center and pressing it in. Marissa moaned loader as she pushed her ass toward Jenna's mouth. Jenna brought her right hand down slipped it between Marissa's thighs as Marissa opened them up of her. Jenna ran her fingers along Marissa's slit feeling how wet Marissa was. She kept tongue fucking Marissa's asshole as she moved her fingers to Marissa's clit rubbing it and making Marissa groan. She moved her fingers back down until they were at her entrance. Marissa was so wet that she was able to slip three fingers in easily. She began to finger fuck her hard as she used her tongue on Marissa's asshole. She would lick and kiss it then go back to tongue fucking it. She used her fingers hard on Marissa's pussy bringing her other hand around Marissa's thigh so that she could rub her clit. This took all her concentration to do all three things at once but she was soon rewarded with a load moan from Marissa as her pussy clamped down on her fingers and her ass hole clamped down on her tongue. Jenna moved her mouth down to Marissa's pussy licking up her girlcum however she noticed a slightly saltier taste as she licked her clean.

Marissa straightened up after recovering from her orgasm. Jenna saw her flushed face from her orgasm and from practically standing on her head for so long. She also saw that look in Marissa's eyes and she knew she was in for a hard fucking. Something that she needed more than Marissa needed to give it to her.

"Get up on the bed!" Marissa ordered her. Jenna jumped up off the floor, going to the bed, and placing her knees on the edge. She lowered her head down so that it was lying on the center of the bed. Jenna felt her pussy and ass opening up as she looked back at Marissa who was already putting on the strap-on that had a large dildo attached. Jenna felt her pussy leaking its juices as she readied herself for a hard fucking, she was sure was to come. A fucking she so badly needed from her lover. She placed her hands to her breasts, pinching her nipples as Marissa came up behind of her.

She felt the head of the dildo at the entrance to her pussy and Marissa's hands gripping her hips. Jenna bit her lower lip and grunted as she felt the large dildo slammed into her pussy in one thrust.

"Fuck!" Jenna grunted out as she felt her pussy being split open.

"I'm going to fuck you hard tonight!" Marissa grunted as she pulled the cock back and drove it back into Jenna's pussy.

"Fuck yes!" Jenna cried out as she pinched her nipples harder. She felt every inch of the cock move in and out of her pussy. It was driving in deep and then coming almost all the way out. Marissa was gripping her hips hard, pulling her back on each in thrust and pushing away on the out stroke. All of Jenna's thoughts and worries went away as she just felt the cock fucking her pussy so hard and deep. Jenna pulled on her nipples hard making them hurt as she felt her pussy getting a real fucking. She could feel every fake vein on the cock as it drove into her and then come back out. Jenna felt her body relaxing as she pushed back against the cock that was fucking her. The dildo felt so wide and was hitting every part of her pussy. And as it went in, it was pulling her clit inward giving it the friction that it needed. Jenna heard the juicy sounds of the fucking she was receiving. Marissa was working the cock hard and she was panting as the base of the cock rubbed her own pussy and clit. Jenna wanted this hard fucking to go on forever but she had needed this for too long and after making love to Marissa she was at a high level of arousal. Then she felt Marissa reach around her hip and her fingers touched her clit. They began to rub the sensitive nub hard and fast. This was all Jenna needed to go flying off the cliff to an wonderful orgasm. It was like her clit exploded and she collapsed onto the bed as she came. She felt Marissa fall on top of her and she was panting and moaning as she rode out her own orgasm.

"Okay hon, now it's time to eat and dance our asses off." Marissa told her as she rolled off of her.

"Can't we just stay in bed and make love all night?" Jenna asked as she sat up putting her hands to the harness that Marissa's wearing. She unbuckled it, pulling it off, and then she leaned down licking the girlcum from Marissa's pussy. Marissa opened her legs up bringing up her knees allowing Jenna to get to her pussy and asshole. That she went after with a vengeance, licking up and down her slit getting the juices there before going down to her asshole to lick up the juices gathered there. She had Marissa moaning and pushing her hips up wanting more of Jenna's tongue in her. Jenna parted Marissa's lips with her tongue licking in deep and tongue fucking her pussy. She felt Marissa's hands on the back of her head pressing it deep into her pussy. Jenna could hardly breathe as her mouth was covered by Marissa's pussy and her nose was pressed against Marissa's clit. She was licking in as deep and hard as she could, using her nose to rub against Marissa's clit. Her eyes were watering from the pressure on her nose but she was determined to get Marissa off again. She licked in deep and hard, and then when she desperately needed a deep breath, she moved her mouth up to Marissa's clit so she could breathe with her nose. She sucked the hard sensitive clit into her mouth, sucking and using her tongue against it to make Marissa cum hard once again.

Jenna was lightly licking on Marissa's pussy getting all the juices that she had to give, when she felt Marissa's hands on her head pushing it away. "Enough, we are going to be late." She said as she jumped up from the bed.

Jenna was disappointed as she sat back on her heels. She did really want to spend the night in bed with Marissa just loving on her and talking like they did when they were in college. She sat there a second before she heard Marissa yell for her from the bathroom. She sighed to herself before getting up and joining Marissa in the shower.

Marissa put on one of her sexiest dresses to wear that night. The back was open and the front had two strips of cloth that tied around the back of her neck. The dress did cover her breasts however it show off the fullness of her breasts. The dress went down a couple of inches past her ass thus covering everything that needed to be covered but not by much. Jenna wasn't comfortable wearing such a skimpy outfit however she wasn't about to be outshone completely as she put on one of her tightest dresses that showed off her assets.

The restaurant that Marissa took her too was one that catered to the younger crowd but was also for the upper crust of society. There she did a fair about of socializing before she joined Jenna at their table. Jenna knew that this appearance was just as much for her career as the men there would be talking about her on Monday. She also figured that there were clients of her firm there as well as her competitors. Marissa was loyal to her firm to a point but if someone should offer her a better job and more money, she would leave her firm in a flash. For Jenna, it would be hard to leave the college, even if more money was involved.

After leaving the restaurant, it was on to a night of partying. Jenna was hoping that they would go to the same place as the last time however Marissa drove in the opposite direction, going to a new nightclub that had opened and was the talk of the town. There was a line to get in however Marissa managed to cut the line and get them in. Jenna was embarrassed going in front of so many people, that just wasn't her way of doing things. She would have waited in line like everyone else or just gone to another place. The place was packed and it catered to heterosexual couples where Jenna preferred places that catered to just gays and lesbians. In those places, the men hit on men and women hit on women and that she could deal with. Here if you were halfway pretty or appeared to be a slut, the men were all over you. While Jenna didn't act like a slut except in the bedroom with Marissa, she was halfway beautiful and that drew the attention of the men. Marissa on the other hand was beautiful and tonight, as soon as they entered the nightclub, she seemed to let it be known that she was also a slut.

They found a table and as soon as they sat and ordered their drinks, a young hung came over and asked Marissa to dance. To Jenna's surprise, she said yes. This pissed Jenna off as she was left alone to fend off the men who wanted to dance with her but whom she didn't want to dance with. The person she wanted to dance with was on the floor doing her seductive dance for some stud that probably had a half a brain but a full cock. Jenna sat and drank her drink and then Marissa's drink. She ordered herself another as she turned down every offer to dance by every man who asked her. All the while, Marissa went from one stud to another. When Jenna saw Marissa getting groped on her ass and tits and Marissa seemingly encouraging such touches, she had enough. She blew a fuse, grabbing Marissa's little purse, she went over to where Marissa's was being fondled by the latest stud.

"Here's your purse, I'm talking a cab home!" Jenna yelled at her.

"Stay and have some fun..." She heard Marissa yell at her over the music and then she was saying something else but Jenna was too pissed and the music too loud for her to hear.

When the cab dropped her off at Marissa's condo, she was going to just get her stuff and go home but once inside of Marissa's condo, she couldn't bring herself to leave without talking to Marissa and see where she stood with her. So she went to the bathroom, getting her makeup off then heading straight to bed. She lay down and that was when the tears began to flow. She cried and cried until she was cried out, where upon she went on to sleep.

Sometime late that night, she heard Marissa stumble home and come to the bed. She felt her slip in beside of her and pull her in tight. She didn't move but she also didn't resist Marissa. She allowed Marissa to kiss and caress her and that made the anger that Jenna was feeling toward her slip to the back of her mind. She hated that Marissa could do that to her but that was one of Marissa's greatest talents, making people forgive her of her greatest transgressions. Jenna wasn't immune to this talent and that really made her mad at herself for letting Marissa get away with what she had done. She began to relax with Marissa holding on to her and soon she was back asleep feeling that all was right again.

"You should have stayed last night; I had a great time dancing with all those cute dudes." Marissa said from behind her desk as Jenna entered her study.

"You know I don't like dancing with men. I wanted to dance with you and only you. You're the one I love." Jenna told her as she came over sitting on the edge of the desk as Marissa typed out her emails.

"Oh don't be so uptight, last night was for fun." Marissa said as she gave her a big smile that Jenna didn't return.

"I can be fun too you know." Jenna told her.

"I know you can hon, but I got work to do at the moment, how about you go fix us some breakfast and then we'll do something this afternoon." Marissa told her as her concentration was back on her computer and Jenna knew she had been dismissed.

Jenna went on into the kitchen to find something to fix them to eat. She looked around the kitchen trying to think of something that Marissa would like. She then thought about the breakfast casserole that Marissa loved. She found most everything that she would need and she knew she could work around the missing ingredients as she was good at knowing just what things she could add to make it good. She got things ready and started to cook up the eggs and sausage as the oven warmed up. She had just put the dish into the over to bake when she heard from the study, "That lazy bastard!" Then a moment she later she heard "They should fire that bastard!" Jenna's mood dampened as she knew that Marissa would be in a bitchy mood for most of the rest of the day. Marissa's moods were ruled by her work, when it was going all her way then she was great to be around but when things weren't going as well then she was in a pissy mood and Jenna didn't much like be around her.

That was most evident when Jenna brought Marissa a serving of her casserole, she just took it from her taking a bite then going back to her emails as she told Jenna about all the assholes that she had to work with. The first thought that Jenna had was that Marissa was probably the biggest asshole of them all. She may love her but there was no amount of money that they could pay her to work for or with Marissa. That was bad to think but it was the truth. Jenna listened to Marissa fuss as she did her work and she was hopeful that Marissa wouldn't work all day however she did work most of it. Jenna sat with her for most of the time, but she eventually got bored and went out to watch some TV.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Marissa said as she finally came out of her study.

"How about a nice quiet dinner and a movie?" Jenna suggested hoping to maybe get Marissa by herself tonight.

"If that's what you want then that's what we'll do." Marissa said though Jenna could see that Marissa wanted to do something a lot more exciting.

"Great, let's shower and go." Jenna said jumping up. She didn't want to take the chance of Marissa changing her mind and decide on something else.

Jenna picked a cozy little restaurant that catered not to the up and coming but the working class. The place was almost packed but they were able to be seated with only a half hour wait. Jenna kept the conversation going with her talking some about her work but mostly allowing Marissa to talk about her career as she so loved to do. After dinner, they went to the theater at the big mall near where Marissa lived. There Jenna picked a romantic comedy. She wanted to set the mood for later that night when she had Marissa in bed alone. As they settled in their seats, Jenna hooked her arm in Marissa's placing her head on her shoulder. She felt Marissa tense up a little only relaxing when the lights went down and no one would be able to see them. The movie was as funny and romantic as she hoped that it would be and she was feeling great as they exited the theater. She knew not to take Marissa's hand until they were safely in her car and heading back to her condo.

As soon as they entered the condo, it was a mad rush up to Marissa's bedroom. They were both in the mood for some intense lovemaking as the romantic nature of the film that they had seen had put Jenna in a lovemaking mood and Marissa seemed to be in the same mood. They both dropped their purses on the night stand then they came together. Marissa pulled her in close, giving her an intense kiss as Jenna felt Marissa's hands on her back and then ass. Jenna slipped her hands down to Marissa's cashmere sweater, pulling it up as they kissed. Their lips parted only long enough for Jenna to get Marissa's sweater over her head and then off. Jenna's hand went to the sheer cup of Marissa's silk bra; squeezing her breasts and feeling her nipples harden in her palms. Jenna gave them a few squeezes as they kissed then she began to pinch Marissa's nipples making Marissa moan into her mouth. Jenna moved her fingers to the front clasp, deftly unhooking it before pulling the cups away. She pulled Marissa's bra off then she cupped those full breasts in her hands squeezing them first before pinching and pulling on the hard nipples.

Jenna ended the kiss letting their tongues be the last thing touching. She dropped her mouth down to the left breast, kissing the nipple before sucking it into her mouth. Marissa moved her hands from Jenna's ass to her head holding it to her breast. Jenna dropped her hands down to Marissa's skirt, unhooking then unzipping it at the side. She pushed the tight skirt off Marissa's hips then letting them drop to the floor. She moved her right hand around to Marissa's pussy covered by a matching pair of sheer silk panties. She cupped her mons first giving it a squeeze before letting her fingers run down to her pussy and feeling the moisture that had soaked through the crotch.

"Get those damn panties off of me and eat me hon!" Marissa ordered her and Jenna was more than happy to oblige her.

Jenna dropped down to her knees, grabbing Marissa's panties at the sides, and yanking them down to her ankles. Marissa stepped out of them, going over to the bed, and placing her knees on the edge. She put her head down on the center of the bed as she opened her legs which opened her pussy and ass to Jenna's mouth. Jenna stared at her bare ass and pussy. She ripped her own clothes off as she walked on her knees over to where Marissa was impatiently waiting for her.

Jenna placed her hands on those firm globes pulling them further apart to get at that cute ass of Marissa. She kissed the puckered hole making Marissa groan. Jenna knew that Marissa just loved having her asshole played with and she loved doing it. She ran the tip of her tongue around the rim of Marissa's asshole as she caressed Marissa's firm globes. She used the flat of her tongue to lick across the asshole before putting the tip of her tongue to the center. She felt Marissa relax her asshole as she pushed her tongue inside. She fucked Marissa's asshole with her tongue as she moved her fingers to Marissa's wet pussy.

She got her fingers wet then she pushed three fingers inside of her. Marissa groaned aloud as she tighten her pussy around those three fingers. Jenna began to finger fuck that pussy, moving her fingers around inside of her as she did so. Her tongue was working hard on Marissa's asshole going in as deep as she could with it. Marissa would squeeze her asshole around her tongue. Jenna pushed a forth finger into Marissa's pussy making her groan louder and push her ass back against Jenna's mouth and fingers. Jenna picked up speed with her fingers and pushed her tongue in deeper as she felt Marissa's pussy and ass tighten around her tongue and fingers as she came hard. She felt Marissa's girlcum ooze out around her fingers. Jenna pulled her tongue from Marissa's ass and her fingers from her pussy. She moved her mouth down to her pussy licking up the girlcum up that Marissa was producing.

She got her clean, then she opened up the top drawer of the nightstand getting the strap-on out. There was already a dildo attached. She quickly slipped it on, tightened it down. She stood up behind of Marissa, putting the head of the dildo to Marissa's pussy. She bent her knees slightly to get the dildo lined up. She began to push the dildo inside of Marissa's pussy watching it disappear inside of her lover's body. Jenna grabbed a hold of Marissa's hips as she shoved the fake cock deep inside of her.

"That feels good hon, fuck me long and hard. And don't cum too soon this time." Marissa ordered her.

This comment made Jenna pause as she never stopped before she had gotten Marissa off at least once if not twice.

"What's the matter hon?" Marissa asked her as she twisted her head around to look back at her.

"Nothing lover," Jenna said as she started to fuck Marissa hard. She let Marissa weird comment go on past as she concentrated on getting her lover off. She pushed the fake cock in deep and hard. She wanted to show Marissa just how she could please her. She wet her index finger before placing it on Marissa's asshole. Marissa moaned as she ran the finger around her asshole teasing it and making Marissa squirm as she fucked her. She slowly inserted her finger into Marissa's tight ass as she fucked her pussy. She was driving the cock in deep and hard.

Soon she felt Marissa's asshole tighten around her finger and she saw the juices coat her fake cock as Marissa's back turned red as she came hard. Jenna just rode Marissa's harder as she drove her fake cock deep into Marissa's pussy making the first orgasm turn into another more intense orgasm and she kept going until she got Marissa to a third orgasm, which was when she fell onto the bed panting and moaning from her orgasms. Jenna felt proud of herself as she saw her lover curled up on the bed experiencing some deep orgasms. Jenna unhooked the buckles on the strap-on, stepping out of it to join her lover on the bed.

"That was great hon, I loved it." Marissa told her when she was able to open her eyes again.

"That is what I wanted." Jenna said and then before she knew it out popped, "I hope I didn't cum too soon for you."

Marissa gave her a questioning look and then it was if a light bulb went off in her head as she had this momentary look of panic in her eyes but then being Marissa, it was gone in a flash and she was back in control. "Oh course not but now you will be cumming hard."

Marissa pushed Jenna over onto her back, kissing her as her as her hands went to her breasts squeezing and pinching on her nipples. The thought of what Marissa had said as she was fucking her went out of her mind just as Marissa had intended. Jenna felt Marissa left hand go to her pussy and she opened her legs wide for her. Marissa's fingers were also caressing her clit making her squirm. Jenna let out a moan as she grabbed onto Marissa's head holding it to her breast.

Marissa's fingers went on down to her soaking wet pussy. The fingers lightly caressed her lips making Jenna want something deep inside of her. She pushed her hips up off the bed trying to get Marissa's fingers into her wet, hot pussy. But Marissa was intent on teasing her and making her want it more. Jenna squirmed on the bed as Marissa worked her breasts and pussy. When she couldn't take it any longer, she pushed Marissa's head toward her pussy. Marissa gave a last bite to her nipples then she crawled down between Jenna's legs which were spread out as far as she could get them. Jenna felt Marissa's hot breath on her pussy before she felt the first swipe of her tongue going from the bottom of her pussy to her clit which she sucked into her mouth. Then as she was about to have a mini orgasm, she heard in the back of her mind her cell phone ring. She tried to block it out as she needed to cum so badly. But it kept ringing and the ring went from the back of her mind to the front when she realized that it was her school cell phone and not her personal cell phone. No one called her on this phone during the evening or the weekends unless it was an emergency.

"Oh fuck!" Jenna cried out as she pushed Marissa's head away from her pussy and she tried to sit up.

"Just let it ring hon," Marissa told her as Jenna tried to turn over and get into her purse.

"No it's my phone from the university, there has to be something wrong." Jenna told her as she sat up, pulling the phone from her purse.

She looked at the number come up and it was David, one of her student helpers and he was also a Resident Assistant for the dorm where several of her students lived. "What's wrong David?" She asked in answering her phone. Before David could answer her, she heard two girls screaming at each other, though she couldn't understand what was being said, she thought she could hear that one of the voices was Crystals'.

"Shut up you two!" she heard David scream at the girls then he came back on the phone.

"I'm sorry about that." David told her.

"That's fine, what's going on." She said calmly though she wasn't as calm as she sounded.

"Crystal and her roommate Regina got into an argument in their room and their RA Cornelia went to go tell them to tone it down; it had gotten to the point of screaming that she could hear from the door. She opened the door and they were about to go at it. She stopped them then called me up since I she knew I worked in your department. I wasn't sure what to do but if they don't calm down we'll have to call the campus police." He said saying that last line louder so the girls could hear him as they had begun to argue again.

"Let's not do that unless we have to but don't let them know that. Can you find some way to put them in separate rooms but neither in their room? I suspect that the room has something to do with the problem. I'm about two hours away but I will get there as soon as I can. Let them stew a while and hopefully cool down so that I can get to the problem between them." Jenna said as she felt her own anger rising at having Crystal ruin her evening.

"Yea, there are study rooms on each end of the floor, we'll put one in each and stay with them." David told them.

"If they give you too much trouble, then call the campus police and let them haul them down to their building. Maybe that'll scare them straight." Jenna said as she got up off the bed.

"We'll do. Sorry for causing you so much trouble." David told her.

"It's fine and besides you didn't cause me any trouble, those two children did." Jenna said then she hung up on him feeling the anger rise in her body.

"I'm sorry but I got to go. It seems I have two children that need a spanking real bad." Jenna told Marissa who seem to have a little smile on her face.

"It's just work, can't you put it off until Monday." Marissa asked her.

Jenna knew that Marissa was loving it that she could use her own words against her but she wasn't in the mood for that right now. "This is an emergency and besides this is the first time I have had to interrupt our time together. You do it all the time. But I can't argue with you right now. I'm sorry but I have to go." Jenna said now really pissed at both Crystal and Marissa.

Jenna went into the bathroom and quickly washed the sex smell off her body and hating every second of it. She was so horny and was about to get off. Now it was all gone so she was mad and frustrated. As she entered the bedroom, she saw Marissa hide her phone under the pillow. Jenna pretended not to notice as she dressed. Then she went over to the bed to kiss Marissa goodbye however as she did so, she slipped her hand under the pillow pulling the phone out.

"Tell your lover to come on over, I got you all warmed up." Jenna said loud enough that the person on the phone would hear her.

"I will." Marissa said to her as she went out the bedroom door.

End of part one.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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