Blatant Seduction


Published on Apr 15, 2009



Blatant Seduction Author: Bill Moretini

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. This is strictly a work of fiction.

Warning: Acts of sex are graphically depicted between Gay men. If you find this objectionable do not read!

Warning: This work is strictly the property of the author. No part may be copied and used.

Blatant Seduction

It seemed so strange to see everyone dressed in there graduation robes. Hell, we all looked alike! No T-shirts of various kinds; some with controversial messages. No Jeans with holes ripped in suggestive locations. No array of footwear from clogs to fancy boots. The robes seemed to take away all individuality that kept things interesting. But there was one thing that had not changed. Clark Rogers. He still glanced at me often, even now as we waited our turn to receive our diplomas. My last name is Roberts; Joe Roberts. I was therefore standing beside Clark and would receive my diploma before he received his. Clark`s family had moved to Vista Villa and he began the remainder of his senior year at my school just before Christmas. It soon was known that he was an outstanding jock, especially in wrestling. You know, of course, what wrestling suits look like. They leave very little to the imagination. You know too, I suppose, that grabbing an opponent in rather intimate locations was within the rules and was common practice. Until Clark came to our school, I was the best in lightweight wrestling. I was therefore the one for Clark to beat if he were to gain the reputation as best in our class. Janice Thrumbolt received her diploma and the line began to shift. Clark's hand struck me on the butt.

"Move up, buddy," he said.

I was used to his hand grabbing my ass in and attempt to throw me off and onto my back and hold me there for the count when we were paired off to wrestle. I will never forget how his middle finger slid down my crack and pressed against my ass hole, but he made no attempt to throw me off of him. How can I ever forget how as I had him on his back for a count of two, he winked at me as his finger prodded my hole. At that moment, I thought it was merely meant to upset me in order to flip me and gain control. But that reasoning began to fade as gym class after gym class, Clark always tried to get the shower next to mine although there were plenty of other showerheads that were not being used. And he invariably faced me and talked about the challenge and the strategic moves as he lathered up. But the thing that I remember most is when he got a roaring hard-on when we were still in the showers after the other classmates had finished and left. He stared at me with a sensuous grin. I quickly looked around to see if other students might still be in the shower and quietly drying off, but all of them were gone and headed for the locker room. All of those memories were stirred up after he slapped me on the butt and told me to "Move Up". In fact, they had occupied my mind so totally that I momentarily forgot why we were standing there, and once again he slapped my butt and nudged me sideways. I leaned sideways and whispered as quietly as possible.

"Stop hitting my ass, Clark," I said. He leaned toward me.

"We won't be wresting anymore, and I'll miss it," he whispered.

It was that remark that solidified my suspicions. He wanted to do more than feel it. I suddenly felt an unwelcome swelling in my flaccid cock as I contemplated what it might feel like to have him fuck my ass. I had never felt a cock up my ass, but I had tried it with a banana and a cucumber, and I liked the feel of them rubbing my prostate. But they were nowhere near the size of Clark's long thick soap-suds-covered cock that I remembered vividly from that time in the showers. Would in feel better, or would it hurt? I wondered.

The school superintendent handed Alice Randle her diploma, so I was next. I thanked the superintendent and took the diploma in one hand and did the traditional thing with the other; or least it was traditional in my school. I took off my graduation cap and flung it toward the dads, mothers, relatives and others who were in the auditorium to observe the senior class graduate. Well, the damn thing immediately flipped over, and the flat top acted like a Frisbee. It circled high in an arch and came whirling back and thudded against Clark's chest, then dropped to the stage floor. I was embarrassed beyond tears. I almost ran from the auditorium.

When the warm spring air hit my face, I began running harder. Not toward home, mind you. I didn't want to face mom and dad when we were all back at our home. There was a well known trail that started at the edge of the dense woods and branched off here and there a few feet in any direction. In those little private places, used condoms hung from the branches of trees and bushes like Christmas tree ornaments as tell-tale evidence of what went on there. The path became less distinct as it neared a clear water pond where many girls as well as boys skinny dipped in the nude. Although I had never gone there to have sex with anyone, I liked to sneak down there when there was no one there who might see me, and check the hanging condoms to see how much cum was is them. It was a cheap thrill, but as near as I had come to being involved in any way with sex.

"Joe! Wait up!"

It was Clark's voice. He too was still wearing this graduation robe. But why had he followed me to that ill-reputed not-so-secret place where sex frequently took place?

"Man, you ran out of there fast," he said. "I left our caps on the stage and came after you. That was kind of funny the way your cap came sailing back to me. It reminded me of a bride throwing her flowers to the crowd after her wedding, and other girls or women scrabbling to catch it. Well, look where we are at! Sex heaven. People come here for sex, and here we and me together. Why don't we make our way to the pond and go swimming in the nude?"

Trepidation hit me like a rock to the head. All I could think of was the possibility of Clark trying to make out with me. Surface diving and grabbing my cock as I swam on the surface. Coaxing me into letting him suck me off. Or Coaxing me to go down on his big cock. Yes, I had figured out the possibility by then. But I had also figured out long before that, that I was not attracted to girls in a sexual way. And the opportunity to feel the real thing instead of a banana fucking me was standing right in front of me. But even though I wanted to find out what it was like, I was scared.

"Well, Joe?" Clark said impatiently.

"Uh...I don't know, Clark," I mumbled.

"Well to hell with you, Joe! I'm getting out of this damn rob and all of my cloths and going for a swim, even if you won't."

Nervous sweat was leaking from my pores. The heavy black robe didn't help matters either, so I took it off.

"Aw ha! So you're going too!" Clark said. "Hurry and get undressed," he said as he unbuttoned his 501's and slid them to his ankles and stepped out of them. "What are you waiting for, Joe?"

"I... I don't think we should. I mean, what if some one else comes here to fuck and sees us. A guy and gal, I mean? What`s happening in your shorts?"


"Are you getting a bonner?"

"Get your cloths off , Joe. It ain't like we haven't see each other nude in the showers."

"I do feel like a swim, being hot like this, you know."

"Well, you can't swim in cloths. I have an idea. We have wrestled each other in the gym. It hasn't rained for a while and the lake is kind of low. The shallow end has a large area of soft mud. I've never mud wrestled. I think it might be a lot of fun. Let's do it."

"Okay. That does sound like fun. I'll get undressed and join you in the lake."

"That's it, sport," Clark said as he stepped out of his underwear.

"You are too getting hard!" I accused.

"And it feels good too. It might get interesting if we both have bonners when we wrestle. Hurry up, Joe."

It was the second time that I had seen Clark hard, and the second time that the sight of the big cock excited me. I suddenly gave up fighting my concerns and began striping. The cool air on my sweaty balls felt good. I heard a splash and looked up to see Clark rolling over onto his back in the water. His huge meat resembled the mast of a ship; fully erect and swaying back and forth with every stroke as Clack swam on his back. My excitement began to swell in unison with my eight inch long and thick throbbing cock. I tossed my clothes into the tall grass and ran down to the water's edge while my erection flopped wildly in the cool breeze.

"Wait for me!" I yelled, and plunged head-on in a shallow dive.

"I'm waiting," yelled Clark who was treading water.

I was almost to Clark when he dove under. I started treading water while I waited for Clark to come up. It startled me when I felt Clark grasp his hips, and even more when his warm mouth slid down over my throbbing shaft and deep-throated it. I glance around to see if anyone might be seeing us. Then Clark surfaced right in front of my face.

"Feel Good?" asked Clark.

"Uh... yeah. Hell yes. But out here in the open?"

"Race you to the shore, Joe. Forget the mud and wrestling and head for that huge patch of wild ferns. Okay?"

Clark instructed Joe to lie on his back on the pallet of soft cool ferns. Then he straddled Joe's calves and bent down and deep-throated Joe's steely-hard cock. Joe groaned and twisted as pleasure swept through him. Then Clark ran his tongue between Joe's thigh and hairy scrotum.

"Of Fuck yeah!" I said. "Suck on them...please, Clark!"

But Clark rolled off of me and laid on his back next to me.

"It's your turn, Joe."

"But I never... I never before sucked a cock."

"Either do it or I won't finish sucking you off. Everything must be mutual, Joe."

"I... okay, Clark..., I'll try."

Well, I must confess that it was beyond exciting to feel and taste his throbbing cock run along the roof of my mouth. But I wasn't mentally ready when he put his hand behind my head and thrust upward, forcing entry to my throat. I gagged and pulled back. But Clark held fast and uttered a guttural groan of pleasure. My face was buried in his thick matt of kinky black pubic hairs. I grunted my complaint, and Clark released my head. I was about to give him hell when a sudden urge caused me to want more. I plunged down and worked my tongue back and forth rapidly along the underside of his beautiful statement of manhood. Then he began to rapidly hunch into my eager mouth while I stroked my pulsing cock with my free hand. He suddenly pushed my forehead up and off.

"Hell man, I was about to empty my sack. It's my turn to do you. Roll onto your back and let me at it, Joe."

That certainly didn't require any coaxing. I was horny as a Stag in rut, and I wanted to know what getting sucked would feel like. Clark was soon straddling my thighs and licking my scrotum, leaving slobbers running down between my balls and my thighs. Then he grabbed hold of my cock.

"That's a beautiful thing, Joe. I love sucking cock. Here goes."

"Ooooh yes! Yes, Clark," I gasped. "Suck it man, suck it!"

Clark was loving it as much as I was. Then I felt him gather my slobbers from his groins on his middle finger. I wondered why, but didn't much care because of the glorious blow job he was rendering. Then I felt his wet finger slide down between my thighs and search out my asshole. Fear suddenly shot through me as he forced entry. I tried to push his head off of my cock, but Clark would have non of that. Then his probing finger found my prostate and began massaging it. I was shocked by how good it felt. It was certainly better than any banana. Then he gently retracted his finger and raised off of my steel hard cock, leaving a long thread of pre-cum clinging my pee slit and the end of his tongue. He slurped it all up and then slid his hands under both of my thighs and commenced raising them until my knees were mere inched from my nipples. Than Clark walked his knees up beside my hips and coughed up a goodly amount of saliva.

"What are you doing, Clark?" I asked nervously, as if I hadn't figured it out. I had, and didn't much like the idea.

"And now, Joe, I'm going to make you a very happy young man," he said, as he guided the head of his big cock till it found my ass hole.

"Stop, Clark! I can't take that thing!"

"Oh yes you can. I know what I'm doing. It'll hurt just a little bit at first, and then when it passes over your prostate, you're going to sore like and eagle into the world of pure ecstasy. You'll see."

"Well..., as long as you know your doing. If it hurts to much, you'll take it out, won't you?"

"Sure, if it hurts to much. Your job is to relax as best you can. Then it may not hurt even when I start in. Okay?"

"I'll do my best, Clark."

Clark was so slow and gentle that it only hurt a little bit right at first. Then, as he had promised, I groan with incredible pleasure as he bore into me; a little deeper with each gentle push until I felt his pubes brush against my tight ass hole. Then Clark slowly increased his speed until he was pounding my butt hard and reaching deep into my gut. He reached and twisted both nipples hard as I had done may time while beating off. I was in queer heaven as Clark began to trust hard and fast like a jackhammer. All too soon I felt my scrotum tighten and my nuts tingle.

"I'm going to shoot!" I yelled.

"Me to, too. Here it cuuuummms! Ugh! Ugh! Uuuuugh! Oh yeah! Uuuugh!"

My piss slit errupted with the greatest amount of warm cum straying all over my face, chest and belly, that I had ever experienced as I almost screamed with pleasure. With his finger, Clark raked my cum up and brought it to my lips. I sucked his finger clean. Then he raked up more and sucked it off of his finger.

"Uuummm! Delicious, Joe. So thick and sweet. Well, did you like that?"

"Shit yes! Couldn't you tell?"

"Didn't I tell you? Easy now, I'm coming out."

Clark rolled onto his side with his head resting on my arm. Then both of sat up fast when we heard a loud round of applause. I stared in gut-wrenching shock when I was several of my classmates; both girls and guys, giving us the thumbs up. Some of them were partly into there own action. I couldn't believe it.

"Great show, guys!" Jerry McBride said loudly. "We're all going for a swim and then do our on thing. Want to swim with us?"

"Thanks for the offer, but Joe and I have a lot to talk about. Have fun."

I soon found out that we were now included in a select group sex crazed guys and gals. I was even seduced my Nancy Flanagan once, I wasn't half bad, really. But no woman could satisfy me in the way that Clark had. Unfortunately, some went off to college while others moved away to find work in a large city. Clark stuck around the longest; five months and a few days, then he too moved away. I soon moved to San Francisco and am wild as a march hare. Eventually, I intend to get serious and look for the right guy to fall in love with and settled down with. But for now. I'm busy trying out new cock to suck and big dicks to get fucked with. Thank you, Clark, wherever you are. Don't do anything I wouldn't do unless you get the chance.

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