Blakes New Life

By R Roberts

Published on Jan 7, 2020



We were all led by some handsome black young guys, to a an area that had covering. No walls, just covering. Under the roof, there were things like day beds or whatever they called them, and we all were told too lay down on our backs to avoid any contact with our newly ringed cocks. We must have slept all night. I think the affect on our bodies from the dick piercings was great.

When I awoke in the early morning, the beautiful young guy with blonde tipped dreads was standing near me. He had a beautiful body with kind of a Carmel colored skin all over. He was naked but didn't have a pierced dick. It was long and thick but not hard I could tell he had a bit of hair in his pits but mostly he was smooth, like me and Justin after we got shaved. I was learning to like being shaved. I didn't miss the hair. I wondered why as it was such a mark of manhood to me only a few weeks ago. Now, it didn't matter. I thought Justin's cock was now bigger looking and even though I liked crack hair which didn't stick out like a forest, I appreciated a very smooth butt and this youth had that.

He had been The one who sat on the one pot heads face and made him lick him. The kid protested so much. His buddy had seemed to calm down a lot. Maybe he just realized that none of the gay sex was to be avoided now. It was a given that black guys were going to use us for whatever. I wondered how I became such a fan of black youths and men. I never paid them much attention before and always was kind of avoiding them, maybe due to fear. Now I was so into them. I felt we owed them every respect and were to be humiliated by them and used as fuck toys. Wow. I can't believe how clear that is to me now.

I felt my mouth watering as I looked over to the young Carmel boy. He must have been a bit older than me but not too much. I wanted to call over to him as I needed my dose of fucking that Damien had provided me and made me want so much. How could I crave black dick so much?

Finally, he told us all to get up. Some of the black guys helping had to kick the cots of a few boys including Jose and Joaquin. Justin and Tommy got up their beautiful cocks needing release as did mine. Jose and Joaquin also seemed to suffer some. We had all been made sex objects and for some reason, I really liked it. I wanted a guy to touch my cock and finger my hole or better yet, shove a cock in there. I now even called it my pussy.

The beautiful guy I mentioned looked us over. He told us all to get on our knees to show respect to our black masters. Joaquin and josh were first to get into position. The youth walked around us and told the black boys to stick their dicks inner mouths. I didn't have one yet but he came to me and put the beautiful huge mushroom head of his cock just inside my lips. "Go ahead and piss, boys. " They did. I was used to it and savored each drop of the golden juice. I actually wanted it to go on for awhile. They smirked and laughed seeing the group of us sucking their piss. I wanted more though.

The young Carmel boy smiled at me and told me to stand. " I think I'm going to keep you near me. My current boy is being sold and I want a new one. I think I'll ask my uncle about keeping you. Stay, slut. On your knees!" I immediately dropped and looked up to his smiling face. He looked over and told the others to go with their keepers and be fed. All the boys left with the black youths who were pulling on their leashes to keep them close enough to touch their bubbly asses. Some of the keepers were smaller than those they led but it didn't matter as they did what they were told. I washed them leave before the Carmel boy pulled me close and told told me to stand and bend over so he could examine me. I wondered if I would get to eat or what wold happen to me.

He was beautiful! He smiled with his great super white teeth shining. I. Wondered what he really thought of me. He told me he usually put the leash on the ring in his boys cock but mine not be be ready for that. He attached it to my collar and told me to not get down and crawl behind him. I noticed he kept me close so I could see his beautiful butt.. He stopped and told me to crawl in front of him and to spread my legs as wide as I could. "I want your pussy to show."

We had done this kind of thing at Momma's house so it wasn't too hard. I bawled in front of him and he remarked about my big feet. I knew they were big and had heard jokes when people saw them at swim meets or when wrestling as I had to do that barefoot, because I had no decent shoes, that big feet. Meant a big cock and then they would laugh. They embarrassed me some. My cock wasn't that huge and he. Noted that saying he would have it made larger. "I like a boy with a huge cock that he can't use. " he laughed and eventually he took the lead with me right behind. I could only glance around a bit to see black boy trainers and black men. We passed a pool and I could see some of the white boys who must. Live here as animals being laid over things and fucked. It almost surprised me that most weren't screaming. This must be what they were used to.

We got to a large house I assumed and went in. It was very elaborate with fine furniture and glistening floors of tile or something. We went down several halls before we stopped. My master told me to keep my mouth shut the entire time unless I was told to say something. I nodded.

We ent in and I heard him say " good morning, uncle. The new crop of purchases is here now and ringed as you requested. I had the guys take them to be fed. I kept this one back though and I wanted your permission to keep him as mine." There was no immediate reply but I saw the feet and legs of the man I thought I recalled had bought us.

He came over and told me to stand. I looked straight ahead as I had been taught. "He looks good enough. Needs a few more enhancements. I thought you wanted one of those football players with the big cocks." He chuckled.

"SIr, I looked them over but decided that they might be too big for me. I like a boy who is maybe a little less muscular. This one, according to he papers you gave me, is 15. That makes him only a bit younger than me. I won't be intimidated by him. You know I liked and wanted to keep Luis but you sold him. So, I beg of you to let me choose and use a new one. I think this is him. He's got a decent body, did some swimming, wrestling and I know no one is looking for him. That Damien boy said he was a runaway and was picked up and reaped by a trucker. I will have him checked medically for any disease but I think he's clean. He's been on drugs to enhance him and help hm to realize, along with the subliminal tapes, that all blacks men are superior. Does your doctor training say if that lasts long term?"

The man smiled and said, my beautiful nephew, you know I am putty in your hands and will let you keep whoever you want. They're replaceable you know and how could I turn that $500 grand down for Luis. The woman who bought him will make him a good pup for her and her son to play with. These exotic bitches who inherit money and find out about our trade in boys we can convert to anything we want for their needs, will keep him and I hope not kill him. But, who knows....."

"And, regarding the subliminal messages, yes, they usually last. They do need to be reinforced but as long as you stay here with me and don't think about going home to daddy, well, he's your toy now."

I heard all this and although I'm not the smartest boy ever, I did learn this guy was a doctor and the kid was related to him I wondered about the father- son thing but I'm sure he would say more.

I also had no idea about taped messages that we all heard. Maybe I'm just one of those who hear something enough and believe it or maybe I wanted this. Who knows.

The Master hugged the boy and made me stand, legs apart with arms behind my head. He looked me over and felt anything he wanted. He touched the little hair I had left on my body. Somebody must have had the same ideas about him as you. Smooth legs, smooth arms and body, no pubes and just enough hair in his pits and in his ass trench to let anyone know he is male and somewhat masculine.

"I approve! By the way, I have the other smart ass kid who was so much trouble, getting his pussy bored out. I think we may go extreme and destroy all the tissue in his anus . I like the idea of making him a real boy whore I think it will be fun when his friend see him. I'm still thinking about castration but wondered and will have to think how he'd look if we surgically put his balls up inside him and caged his cock so he would look castrated but be constantly horny and rubbing against anyone who would have him, and hope he can get fucked. He's getting a real intense subliminal message all night long and it won't be long. Of course, I could just snip off the balls and enlarge his cock and make him just a long cocked tranny. I'm thinking of breasts for him too. Your thoughts?'

My master just smiled and said your the doctor. You know about making boys into all kinds of creatures. I hope you make him want to get fucked by dogs too. That'd be fun to watch for his buddy and anyone else, the guests maybe."

Holy shit, I thought. What kind of place is this? I was afraid but knew I had no choices. No one asked me and I was embarrassed to see that I was leaking out of my cock that was still hard.

My master said it was time to feed me. He was having the a few of the workers show the others around and let them know their jobs. "I'm going to feed this one pretty good but keep him on a diet of only healthy things. He'll get my cum soon and of course, his own to nourish him.

He made me lick the floor like a good white boy and we left. He called back to his uncle that he was still deciding on my name which he might tattoo on me somewhere. Damn. I was just getting used to slut boy!

Once out of the house, he had me walk, still leashed back to another small house which he said was where he lived and I was fed. He got a full breakfast that smelled wonderful, served by a white boy with several rings in his body. Every time he approached my master he knelt and kissed his feet and his cock. I got a plate of some fruit and some other things and a few pills that master fed me and washed down with is piss as the sever boy watched expressionless. I knew that piss was now part of my diet but the food tasted good basically and even the master's piss was good.

After we ate and he allowed me to out and piss like a dog wit h hm smiling at me, we began to learn about the place or at least what he thought I should know. I was used to pissing this way and didn't mind it . As I pissed though, I noted that the ring in my cock caused some splatter and my legs and body got sprayed.I was embarrassed at my stupidity. Sir came out and laughed at me and said I needed to move to ring a bit as it was moveable after all, and to avoid hitting it with my heavy spray. He had me stand and called one of the white boys over who as he had a ring in his cock, I knew was a slave like me. He was told to lick and suck everything off of me which he did without question. A cute guy who was older than me but obviously had been here longer and knew his duties. As he knelt and id it, master but his fist up the boys butt hole making him groan but it sounded like it was a satisfying groan. "This is one of our trained fist boys. We ruined his hole within days of his arrival. He is popular with all kinds of duties. I may let you use him as a toilet .

The boy smiled and kissed master's long toes and kissed his cock too. I wondered if that was the usual thank you to the masters from the boys who were brought here. My master smiled and sent the gaping boy who had something running out of his cunt, away.

We went inside. I knew I was a slave boy like the one who just left. He was white of some ethnic origin and it didn't matter. Only black boys seemed to have favor and I knew that was right.

Master took me to his bedroom where he said he wanted to check me out. I didn't know hat that meant but I did want to taste his body. He was a light skinned black man and it didn't matter. All black men were to be worshipped and I figured I would get started soon and actually looked forward to it.

I didn't speak as I knew I wasn't supposed to but he actually encouraged it. He asked my name which I hadn't used andI whispered it was Blake. Even though that wasn't really true, it was the only name any of these people knew. He asked abut a last name and I, with tears in my eyes, admitted that was my last name and told him about myriad first name. He said he liked Blake better and the other names might be added later once he saw if any holy men who were black had those names. I would likely get renamed anyway so it didn't matter.

He smiled at me and touched me everywhere. He examined my cock up close and said the healing was going well. He moved the ring around and showed me how to push it away from my piss stream in the future. He then pulled me up close and let his cock be right in my face. I could smell the manly scent that came from it. "You want and neegthis don't you?" He said and I nodded. "You should put it in your mouth and get to know it. You will become very familiar with it in your mouth, your pussy and resting on your body. Go ahead, lick it."

I don't know if I could avoid it but I didn't want to. I dove into his cock and licked the head and piss slit. He was leaking a bit of pre and it tasted great. I wanted to simply devour it all. I licked the entire length leaving my slobber all over it. I must have licked and sucked on the head and the entire pole for a long time before he pulled me close and I was on top of him still licking any part of his body. He moaned a bit and said I was really good. His hands moved around and I felt one, two, three fingers enter my destroyed pussy. Oh god, I wished it were his cock. He pulled his hand around to my face. I saw my wet pussy juice on his fingers and then he put the fingers into my mouth so I could lick. I sucked his fingers with pride. I wanted him to know I would lick his hole too if allowed.

It was. He put me down on the bed and let his fingers trail down my body as he got up and then sat down on my face. I heard him say to eat and I tried to penetrate the tight hole. I knew he had never been entered with anything but a tongue or maybe a small finger, maybe his own. I didn't care anymore and began to lick all around his hole making him moan before I used my tongue to begin to push inside. Only a small bit but he seemed to like it. I heard him say I'll want this every morning and I moaned hoping he would know I meant I'd be honored. Once inside, I tasted his inside and could sense a bit of a shit taste but I didn't let it stop me. My only fear was that I would taste like shit if he kissed me again. I worked hard to get together enough spit to moisten the hole and my tongue as I pushed forward. I think I caught him a bit by suprise as I must have pushed a bit too hardened emitted. A small fart that I savored . I wanted whatever came out of his body to go into mine. MAKE ME A BLACK BOY, I wanted to scream if only I could but he simply moved it around and my tongue followed as well as I could.

I don't know how much time I was adored his insides wishing I could get to his colon but after a bit he got up and rolled me over. I knew a fucking was coming and I was proud to get it. I guess Damien's conditioning was pretty good. "You've got me wet boy. I never use lube on my white boys, only black boys get that but your cunt is now open good." With that, he pushed his nice sized cock Ito me and just kept going until I could feel his smooth brown on my butt and balls. He pummeled me for a bit until I felt a swelling and he shot a load of his prized juice up my cunt making me so happy. I think we were both covered in sweat when he got off and was breathing heavy as was I and he lay next to me. My cock had not shot off and I was so in need it was shaking.

Suddenly, he snapped his fingers which made me jump a bit. An Asian boy came running out. He too wore a ring in his cock and he told the boy to get up and clean him and then to suck me. "I don't often let white boys cum in my presence but after that fun, I think you deserve it an I know it is better than the usual milking they get after . Plus, I ant you in my bed all night."

"Master, I think my pussy is leaking onto the bed," I said softly in a bit of a panic. I didn't want to end this with a beating or worse. He snapped his fingers again and a Latino boy I would fuck anytime, came forward and put his mouth to my hole and licked softly." Don't damage his pussy was all I heard Master say. The boys were done cleaning us and bowed and kissed master's feet and cock before retreating. They must do this often, I surmised.

I guess we both fell asleep after that for a bit of time. When I awoke, my face was pulled into his pit and I was smelling his scent. A bit sweaty but not at all bad. I had licked worse. I couldn't move much but looked around the room and saw poster sized pictures of naked guys. I think I recognized a few from porn I had seen awhile ago.

He awoke and pulled me into his pit and said you may lick it now and then the other. I think all white boys should sleep with black boys to suck off their body stink and sweat. I didn't try to replay but went to work savoring the soft hairs in his pit and glad that mine were still there too.

I wasn't sure what to call hm but decided that he might not hurt me if I asked him so I did. "Master," I whispered, " don't know what to call you. I am so honored to be with you and want to do right." He looked at me and smiled and said to call him Master Aaron.. "Aaron is my name. I think I will you call you boy for now. Maybe I'll call you white boy Blake or simply sweet boy. You are a sweet boy and savored all of me. I may do the same to you but for now when we sleep, you'll always awaken first and lick my hole, my cock and my pits.That always tickles me a bit and makes me wake up totally happy. Now let's get up and let me look at your body. I may want more piercings to truly make you mine. You will see the whole place and I'll explain it to you and then we will have lunch. Get your leash but stay upright. I want to feel your pussy sometimes when we go and I may want my fist up there too. Alll white boys would be fisted at puberty so they are ready when they meet the right Black Man to serve."

Next: Chapter 10

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