Blakes New Life

By R Roberts

Published on Dec 22, 2019



This is gay erotic fiction. Don't read if under legal age or where illegal. Please send me comments of how to make you happier with the story. Also, please make a donation to Nifty to keep the site going.

Obediently, r

We were paraded around the. Compound both inside and out. The white boys watched us but seemed more afraid. The black boys liked playing with us and stuck things up our boy pussies like carrots that momma gave them. It hurt, but we both seemed to feel it was ok for us. As one black boy would try to put something in our holes, another would either piss in our mouths or fuck our mouths and cum. We were made to roll around on the grass with us. They even threw balls and made us chase them. Joaquin and Damien were amused at how they carried on.

We were a piss and cum covered mess along with grass stains and such. We even were made to lick a boy's asshole after he shit. Justin and I were really into the abuse and didn't think anymore it was abuse but what we owed our black brothers or whatever they were. Joaquin eventually called a halt to the fun and were washed down with a hose and made ready for bed.

I noticed throughout, that Justin's best friend never participated but had a hardon. He came to us as we were put into Damien's bed by Joaquin and asked Damien if he could join us. Damien looked over as he was refitting our tails and trying to decide if the plugs were big enough or not, and smiled toward the youth. "So Tommy boy, you want to be with the pups and me?" Tommy got down on his knees and still had his dripping hard on. He looked up to Damien and said in a quiet voice, "yes, Master Damien." Justin and I smiled at him. He wasn't black like a master should be but he was a handsome blonde haired tall, muscular guy like Justin but Justin had dark hair. Damien went up to look at him. He told Tommy to lick his feet. Tommy looked up at him and then lowered his head and placed his mouth on Damien's big feet and when told to get moving, slut boy, began to lick the dirty feet. Justin and I we close together now, our bodies rubbing together. Damien smiled and looked to us and said, `you two pups may have a new boy to join you. I'm going to give you to Joaquin. If you please him tonight, you may get to start training too."

Tommy eyes were still red from crying but he nodded yes to Damien." Joaquin, it looks like we may have someone who want to be a white dog pup like these two. Why don't you fuck the shit out of him and If you run out of cum, let my bro or his bud have a go. Make him lick your ass some too"

Joaquin who already tookJose with him, said `Yes, Master Damien. I will. He smiled and said he would let Jose try him too." Tommy was kicked in his low hanging huge balls and sent down the way to Joaquin. It didn't really register to me or probably Justin, that his closest friend and teammate was going to be made just like us.

We slept and kept Master Damien warm all night in bed. As he still wasn't totally free yet, Damien didn't get a blanket like Joaquin did. It was long though and Joaquin came down the aisle and gave Damien a blanket. "You earned this Damien." Was all he said . Damien pulled the warm blanket on . Justin and I got partly under too so we could service his hot body.

In the morning, we all got up. This time Tommy was fitted with a tail too. "Now you white boys all know that you need this. Master Damien and I will allow others to join us as you learned like Tommy boy that we are your masters and you're future. You will figure that you will always be our property and just like a dog from the pound, you'll crave our attention. Only the black boys will now get a light blanket too. If you ask nicely and show your devotion, we will assign you to a black or Latin guy who we will select and for you to obey."

The white boys all scrambled toward the black boys who kind of felt new esteem and chose which white boy they would take. . Some were taken, others were rejected. "You white boys not chosen will have to show us special attention. More of you are on their way. You'll have to earn the right to drink our piss, even the black slave boy's piss, but they will get out of here and be free. Your masters will change with time. Hope you all earn yourselves a place. Do whatever they ask of you and do their work for them in order to have a place."

The white boys not taken scrambled about looking for a white boys they could suck off . The black boys no longer had their leashes on them but led their chosen boys to the outside for more abuse.

As promised, Coach showed up later with his back basketball players and this time along with him came the black Sheriff. He watched as the team was fed steaks on the grill with all the trimmings. The coach explained as they had a good practice, they would each get to choose a white boy to amuse themselves. Justin and now Tommy and me were assigned to greet them and to help them out of their clothes. Then we each sucked a player. Some chose to piss in our mouths. Justin and I were ecstatic to do it. Tommy seemed reluctant but joined in after Damien beat his ass leaving it red and sore looking.

Joaquin didn't join us but met with Momma and the coach who apparently told him that Damien would now be in charge of the boys. Not even Jose would be his boy anymore and he was told to remain naked and to give his clothes to Damien. We learned later but without much care, that Joaquin cried and protested as he was momma's son but she told him that he wasn't black and that Damien was stronger and wiser than he could be. Joaquin was devastated .

Justin and I still showed Joaquin respect. Once several weeks later, when we learned what had happened, because as dogs and heavily on mind control drugs, the three of us main dogs couldn't really figure out what was happening. We just obeyed Damien and did as he said, we did our best to please Joaquin and serve him like a master.

The visit from the coach continued. Each time his senior team won, they got free use of us all. Coach also ran a junior team of 12-14 year old boys. He offered them. The same deal and they too came. It was harder to offer your mouth or ass to a kid younger than we were. Suprisingly, they were pretty hot studs who must have been coached by the senior because they went right to it. Their dicks were smaller but still good size and they double fucked us rubbing their cocks cocks against one another and our cunts. We had to praise them for their good work. Maybe black boys from their area just learned early.

They really enjoyed humiliating us as we had to eat their assholes which weren't too clean. We did get into it though and they loved it. They thought pissing in our faces was real cool too. Tommy almost lost his cool as he still wasn't as programmed as Justin and me Damien slapped him hard and almost knocked him cold and he learned. He got beaten on his ass for his behavior and cried like a baby which made the younger boys happy.. The team wasn't too much into shit but did enjoy farting in our faces and making us lick their hole .Like hungry pups who were trained, we did as we were told.

We had no idea but the business was picking up. One day when Tom or Joe or whoever the truck driver was that brought me to the house came by with another white boy, younger than me but cute, he was totally shocked to find Joaquin totally naked and getting fucked by an Arab guy. Seems like blacks and Arabs share some bonds and Arabs found the gorgeous Latino boy to be a good fuck and making him suck on the hairy parts of their bodies was to their liking. He was now afraid of Damien and Momma kept him close. Damien knew how to play all the angles and made sure momma got twice a day servicing from young white boys some too young to really rape but she took all comers to her room and they learned the art of eating her pussy and all that came with it

Tom was a white boy but his syndicate of business leaders and those who not only owned the trucking company but who worked with the underworld and sold many of momma's boys. He was really a pawn too brought white boys runaways mostly who quickly succumbed to their training and were taken back in cages within weeks of discovering they had boy pussies and lived like us as dogs.

Damien had almost stopped giving us pills feeling he no longer needed to keep us drugged. We were submissive to his every command. Tommy was still on them and followed us now. Like a true pup. He even got pup ears and a furry bushy tail. All three of us were maybe a bit older than some who were brought in.

We figured the white boys were always viewed as most saleable. The black came and went with some like Damien, promoted to trainers. Latino boy were divided. The best looking one were trained and sold as white like the Asians. The less handsome were eventually released and many went back to living at home or went out on their own firmly knowing they were more powerful and nobody would mess with them. White guys and girls who got overused and who the syndicate didn't want or need were even given to them when they left as gifts for their silence. Justin and I wondered what would happen to them but didn't know.

Some of the less handsome boys were also used to expand her facilities and lived like slaves. They added on ramshackle huts or rooms for momma to rent out her boys by the hour.

The syndicate got to thinking about the little empire she built. She lived kind of like a queen with young boys kept like us on leashes and who she spent lavishly upon to make true whores. It wasn't unusual to see twelve and thirteen year old white boys who she would publicly humiliate for paying customers stretching their boy cunts with speculums and huge butt plugs. They would get sold too to men and sometimes women who came by and openly gave her ash for a boy and led him away on a leash naked as the day he was born.

Justin, Tommy and I were mostly kept with Damien as his private stock He rarely rented us out but we were made to do exhibition shows to very debasing this on a small floor with paying customers who could request and get whatever they wanted us to do to one another. He also made us work out some to keep us lean and attractive for his customers. He were made to roll around in a piss pit kissing and eating one another out. He sometimes wouldn't let us bathe after and made us sleep huddled together in one of the little cubicules momma had built.

We still had it better than the others but knew eventually we might get sold . Tom asked to buy me back for himself. I didn't want that and now firmly believed that only black and Latino men were superior in everyway and we were just lucky to be their toys. This entrenched belief by us made Damien smile

We were kept together sometimes on a tight leash forcing our faces into the others two guys butt holes where we licked and sucked to make Damien happy. One day as we lay in a circle, my nose up Justin's hle and Tommy's up mine, resting, we heard Damien coming with a tall mascular black man . He came in and viewed us. Damien made us get on all fours so the man could see us, releasing us form our tight mouth to ass leashes so the man could view us. We were afraid as we no always were when Damien brought in a customer to inspect us.

The man looked at us and smiled and made us stand so he could see us up close. We knew a change was coming.

Next: Chapter 8

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