Blakes New Life

By R Roberts

Published on Jan 12, 2020



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We had lunch. Master Aaron had a white boy bring us food. He sat at a table and I was on the floor. Master asked the boy is he would provide us both a glass or piss with ice. He smiled and did as Master asked and then stood, legs apart with his hands behind his head while we ate. I loved looking at the handsome youth who was maybe 17 or 18. Right in front of him, Master told me the boy was likely to be sold. A married couple is coming to look at him. He will need to take T the rest of his life as the male of the two wants him castrated but to leave his sack for artificial balls to be put in. I glanced at the youth who stood and showed no expression. "We will insure he can still get hard but will not release his load anymore. Very frustrating for a boy like him who was quite popular with the ladies I hear. The husband will use him as a fuck toy so you will notice a huge dildo in his cunt, which is what we are creating. I always enjoyed milking him and will maybe let you do it for me after we eat."

I simply said thank you to Master but my stomach was turning thinking of losing my nuts.

After lunch, the boy was called over and told to get on all fours. A cup was placed under his dick that got even harder when Master allowed me to first lick him and then jerk him off. He moaned and seemed to like it. Master had me put my finger in his ass as far as I could to stimulate him more. I felt his nice prostate and rub it gently. I knew I liked that when I wasn't getting fucked, so I was glad I made the boy moan. His big balls eventually unloaded a spectacular load. Into the cup. I couldn't believe how much he made His cock still dripping, I licked it clean for him savoring the taste. Master took the cup and drank most of it and allowed me some too. I could see a tear in the boy's eyes as Master said it was likely to be has last cum. I admired his smooth all over tan . He had been shaved smooth and even his muscular legs and arms were smooth like mine. "His new master and dominatrix will keep him that way as the master likes to fuck muscular boys and make them suffer. He knows the boy will work extra hard to shoot a load but only little dribbles will Coe out and it won't be cum. Kind of sad but that's just one of the things we do here."

The boy was excused and he gave me a little smile for my efforts but said nothing. I knew I wouldn't see him any more.

Licked Master Aaron's cock and he said he was pleased that I knew what he wanted. He also pissed in my mouthing I showed him each mouth full as he would stop and start his pissing. He would smile and nod for me to swallow. So far, it seemed I only got piss to drink. I was ok with that but I kind of missed a nice ice water. Master kissed me then and said I tased good and all white boys should drink their masters piss as not to waste a drop.

I nodded and got up and followed him out of the house. He held my leash but allowed it to hang loosely . He knew I wouldn't try to go anywhere.

As we walked past the giant pool where some black and Asian and Arab men were relaxing, each with a boy on his knees waiting a new command. Some were sucking and I noticed a few ARab men had young boys, maybe their sons who also had a boy who were eating their hairy holes. It made me horny. I only hoped the boys were doing a good job but had already learned that all white boys should eat their man's hole whether it be their master or their father. The Arab and Black boys would eventually get a boy of their own. The white boys knew their fate, which like me was to serve.

We went to a training area where white boys, including Justin and Tommy, were exercising with weights. They were sweaty and tired looking but in great shape.. Black men were working with them training them. I did not that they both had large metal bands around the base of their cocks. I asked Master what they were and he said they were there to accommodate weights. "We do a lot of what's called CBT to make the boys always realize their place and to carry weights to them which will stretch their ball sacks. "They eventually get their balls inflated in some cases, It is a nice picture to see them almost struggling to walk with huge ball sacks and weights. Younger black youths love to see that and they enjoy making them run and then sometimes, fall where they get fucked and fucked hard. It's a kind of game that amuses them."

I wondered about those devices and Master told me I too wouldn't banded and wieights. I may stretch your balls for show sometimes but I usually don't make them too big just big enough for anyone to notice." He said. All the white boys I saw had no body hair. He later told me that that helps to keep them from smelling that awful white boy scent. Wondered why he thought we smelled I did recall at sometime hearing white boys said that black boys always had a smell to them. I thought the scent of black man's scent was like a perfume to me. I loved licking the sweat out of Damien's and even the Latino man, Joaquin's pits and body.

We went several places. Master explained that the the place was run by his uncle and originally was to be just a spa for black men. Eventually, they expanded to allowing rich men form any country to bring a boy hear for modifications to their bodies or turning white boys into eunuchs or into girls. He told me that the one boy, I knew who he meant, who are with us in the purchase, was going to get big tits, like a woman and probably lose his balls. They make make him have his balls put up inside of him so he cums but never really gets any sexual release except through a milking or learns to get fucked by dogs. He said they had quite a pet area where men could bring their dogs to learn to fuck their boys for their amusement. Really wondered about that. "We'll go see that in a bit. I will warn you though to be careful as the dog boys, as we call them, actually are forced to take on dog behavior. If you get close, they try to hump your leg as they never get release except when they have are forced to fight and the winner gets to fuck the loser. They learn to fight hard and bite and do anything to win so they can fuck."

"In another place, the boys are taught to be sex slaves. We own some and many of the men come here for just that. We sometimes start them at a young age and force open their boy cunts. They eventually learn that that is what they will do for as long as they are owned. Sadly, when they get too old to be pretty boys, they are made to work here as cooks and garden staff, room cleaners and such. Be careful if I ever leave you alone as they are always hoping someone will fuck them again. If they're caught or reported, they are castrated and become women. My uncle likes to work on them and he has made some beautiful women who eventually learn to to love showing their pussies."

There was so much he told me. We also have some places for transgender people who want to become men, go for surgery, breast removals and some even leave with a cock. It won't really make hem men bu they feel good when their clit is made into a penis.My uncle is very good at that as he is a plastic surgeon and is skilled in his trade."

I asked Master if we would see much of him."NO, not often, he is very busy and makes a ton of money especially from the illegal changes he makes to boys who men own. He is working on converting a boy right now, into a sex goddess for the boys parents. Tehy wanted a girl for that but got a boy so they are making the change."

I shuddered at the thought but couldn't say a word. I was scared though and it only made me resolve to be the best boy whore for black men that I could be.

He told me a but CIS boys who come to have themselves be enhanced. They keep their cunts and all but sometimes the clit is made to look like a tiny penis, but they are physically, if dressed, look like young men. We get some boys who want to be porn stars and they come here. It is a bit sad, but they were born with female plumbing in a guy's body. They knew they were boys from an early age and some had to run away. We do get some who have parents kind enough to agree to have it done. They arrive as a girl and leave as a boy."

I wondered more about that and he told me they are much happier but must take T for the rest of their lives to keep their male looks.. So, we have some men who become women and some women who become guys. That's what keeps he place legal. We don't discuss publicly anything else but the other things are what makes us so profitable. That's why uncle chose to leave his lucrative practice in New York and develop this island. It just expanded from there until now he even employs a few other surgeons to help. They are usually gay and are given a boy just you uncle gave me you. They are compensated well and go back and forth between here and wherever they live. When they're not here, they often go to Asia to meet with pimps who either buy boys from parents too poor to care for them, or other places where they learn to know men who kidnap good looking boys in often poor countries, or where their parents or the government sell the boys in orphanages and such to us. Lots of money changes hands."

I had never heard of such things and was fascinated and of course hard even though Master hadn't given me my pills yet.

He told me that his father still lived in New York where he went occasionally to visit. My father didn't want to get too involved but when he realized he had a gay son, he agreed to let me live here. I love my Daddy but I like it here better.

"I want you to see where we keep the Asians. You recall I had an Asian boy in yesterday as we fucked. He is in training. He came when his parents sold him. He didn't want to come here but knew he would eventually become a money boy. They don't make much but their pimps make a fortune selling their services to foreign visitors. There is little law enforcement of this type of thing. Usually the best looking boys who aren't sold but take up the profession to survive, many of them straight boys, come here paid for by their pimps. We even get a few black boys and a lot of white boys like that. Boys like you- runaways who have few choices. They find that their best survival is to see themselves as they have no other prospects and can't go to school."

"The Asians seem the most trainable. They are taught the most base things and learn to accept that even their own countrymen like to use them and abuse them. They are taught to be able to do any sexual thing you can imagine. They even learn to eat shit and not get sick right away. We give them things to control how their bodies react and some actually learn to like that. They get paid a few cents more to do it and their pimps charge a LOT more for their services and they can be put up and actually sleep in a bed if their John allows it. When not working, they live together in some dump but they find work much better. They are sold fancy clothes for which they pay a ton of money but it makes them look even hotter to the customers who take them sometimes for a week at a time. They are kept locked in hotel rooms while their masters go out and provide anything the guy wants."

Finally, we have a section for lesbian and dominatrix women who love to bring their pussy men here for whatever they think. Most all, regardless of race get some piercings. Some get castrations and anything else those bitches can dream of. I'll take you around. Hell, you might want to become someone else's boy but don't plan on it. I like you and I want to keep you as long as you're hot looking and fun for me to play with.

I was afraid but I knew now that I had no chocie. I was just glad Damien had started me on the right course. I really knew that had I not gone to his place, I would have sold myself as I did a few times before running away. Now at least I was in a better place and card for, like a dog in some ways but alive and fed. I was happy to give myself to Master Aaron

I was so horny I asked if we could go back or anyplace so Master Aaron could use my body. He smiled and said sure. He said we should go to the video studio though ,so we could see some of the movies they made there. I had seen little porn so I was ready but my pussy was so ready. Master felt my plug and pulled it out and fingered me with several fingers. "Mmmmm," he said. "You're so juicy. I love how you get wet in your pussy just like a woman when you see black men. Or maybe any man of color." He took his wet fingers and put them in my mouth to clean off. I licked until he pulled all fingers out and said I was a good pet.

"I may even want to teach you enough to take you places." He chuckled and said ink now of some clubs I go to in New York and L.A. where a boy like you would be very popular. I could dress you up sexy and make you available for whatever. I also know some places in the hood where I'm welcome to bring a boy for their unlimited use." I was a bit frightened as I didn't know what he meant. He'd take me away with him? God, would I be kept naked in some city I was never in? I was excited but afraid of he unkown but I knew if Master liked me he would take care of everything. I must keep my pussy clean even if I have to finger myself and eat anything I find in there.

He told me would would visit the film studio after he used me. On our way, I saw the most remarkable thing. A boy was coming, a white boy, who had on a collar like me but he had no cock!. My eyes got wide and surprised looking. "You ain't never seen a pussy boy? We call them fem boys or ftm's. That means they are boys born with a girl's body but really are male. The got a little tiny thng called a clit. Bet you heard of them. Some grow `em big enough to look like a mini cock but they don't work. They go on something we call T and take it for life. Many of them end up working porn and get fucked and eaten. "Stop boy", he said to the black youth leading him.

"Hey, Nigger, who you got there?" Well, if is ain't my bud Jackson.. Jackson was leading the white pussy boy. Master Aaron stood and I was behind him "Hey, Aaron my man. Looks like you got yourself a ne boy." Aaron smiled and they chatted "My boy has never seen such a thng as a boy with a real hairy pussy. Mind if he checks it out?"

"No, Aaron. Check him out". Aaron pulled me closer and told me to drop down and look at the pussy up close. This is a now boy, who started out as a girl. Kind of hard for him but he was inside, always a boy. Mother Nature just messed up and put a clit on him. He always thought like a male and really was a male. So, when they grow up a bit, doctors start them on something called T and they get hairy like a guy. How come he's here, Jackson?"

"His now Master, wanted to refine and enhance his body a bit. They made his clit a little bigger so it shows. He will likely spend some time in porn at the studio but his daddy likes him this way and refused to have your Uncle make him over with a real cock. Don't thnk it matters `cause he ain't got no balls anyway to make juice. He is sexy as hell though. And take s a cock like nothing. He had his cunt widened a bit too I think.

Aaron told me ot get up close and kiss it. I dropped to my knees and began to smell and lick the clit and pussy which was kind of like Momma's but I thought this guy/girl got his cleaned more often and it didn't smell so much. "He still got to douche and if he doesn't want to return to being a girl, he has to take does of T every day. I had no idea what T was but nodded.

"Ain't this cool seeing two white boys, one eating the other enjoying getting eaten. I know . I think his master will love it. Got to run. He needs his run and to get meds and fed. Catch you guys around. Thanks Aaron. The two guys kissed a light kiss and I was jerked up and we went back to Aaron's room where we chatted a bit before he told me to drink his piss before he had me eat his hole and then get fucked. I was tired but had to admit I really got into it eating his hole and licking the tiny hairs that were there.

"You're a good bitch, boy. I'm proud how you get into stuff. That pussy eating was pretty good earlier and I think you'll like the real thing better By the way, I know that boy or girl now, will get to see his nuts in a jar every day for the rest of his days. I wish I could see that!"

I didn't say a word thinking I might get sick and worried that it could happen to me too. But Aaron reassured me I was good. "Just always remember your place. You also need to remember blacks boys and men are superior. I'm your man and you'll learn to do stuff naturally like walking . Eating a black or maybe an Arab's hole will beome so normal for you you'd do it in front of your mom. Ha ha ha." I hadn't thought about my mom much but when she reacted as she did seeing me fuck a boy I couldn't imagine having her see me lick a guys hole willingly.

I promised to try and Aaron was good with that. He took me to a place and actually let me eat real food, selected by him of course.. "You'll get lots of protein and food that makes your cum sweet. Of course you'll get pills for that too. Now, lets go back to the jewery maker and have that band put around the base of your cock. It will make it stick out more and start the weight process to extend your nut sack. Damn, you'll be a real show piece when I'm done with you!."

I had nothing I could say and so I just followed and hoped he wouldn't hurt me too much. I wondered about the other boys. Were they getting to do what I was doing? It didn't matter really as there was nothing I could do but I knew I wanted to lick Aaron all over and hopefully sleep in his bed even if I had to lick or suck his body for myself to sleep to make him pleased with me.

We went to the small place where the jeweler was located. He greeted us warmly, especially Aaron . Although the guy was black, he still bent down to kiss Aaaron's fine cock. I stood, his cum still leaking out of my cunt and ove my balls and leg. The man noticed that and said it was a fine thing for white boys to leak black cum as long as it ws desired by the black man. "Otherwise, it should be eaten." Aaron chuclkled and said I ate plenty. Asking what he could do to please his boss, he had me lie on the table so he could check my perenium and cock head rings. Aaron said he want ed plug, large enough to stretch me but that had a stone of some sort in it that shined in the light. He also wanted a silver band with a bit of weight, to encircle the base of my ball sack, that also provided rings to which he could attach weights when desired. The band should have enough heft that it will provide some weight and of course, only I will have the key." They looked at some he had and selected one and a plug with what looked like a ruby in it but I guessed it to be glass. I was made to lift my legs as he brought it to my hole. "Do you want lube for it as it is large?" Aaron looked at me and kissed me but said " white boys should never get lube. They should suffer a bit for the honor of being a Master's boy. Spit in it if you want. The man spit a large amount into my hole for which I was grateful. He said it was beginning to take the slit shape of a real cunt." I was kind of proud of myself and yet I definitely felt the thing, a kind of rubber, slide in and keep going. "It won't quite reach his colon but it may tease it a bit. I think you should also get a device that will clean his hole all the way to and maybe into his colon to make him totally clean for your magnificent cock, Sir." Aaron nodded and smiled at me. "I may even try it the first time at a public display of boys. I want all to see my boy willing to give himself to me at any expense to himself." They both chuckled.

Once in, it felt a bit uncomfortable but I willed my self not to cry but to smile for Master Aaron.

Next came the band. It was a two piece device and the man was careful not to pinch my skin which if it got infected, would make me less valuable and less pretty to him. He secured the device with some kind of wrench. It felt a bit tight and when he had me lower my legs, and stand, it pulled down with my ball sack coming with it. Damn it was heavy but there was more. Master elected two longer tear drop shaped weights of shiny metal and attached them to my band as well. I felt like my balls were going to be ripped off. I didn't cry but maybe winced a bit. Aaron was impressed and said it was wonderful. "I might like to pierce his soft oval nipples as well but I think I'll let him get used to the weights and plug first." I didn't want my nipples pierced that the pain of the ring in the head of my cock was more than enough. I smiled at Master and dropped to my knees and with my mouth only, allowed Aaron to slip his big cock head into my mouth and I licked it and sucked it. I felt proud to give myself to him.

The man looked at my jeweled hole and said it was a nice touch. "You can gently or forcefully rip it out of him. I would let him get used to it first before doing it with force as it could tear and the soft velvety pussy you are creating." Aaron nodded and told me to suck the man's cock and kiss his rectum. The man said his hole hadn't been cleaned today but Aaron said it was good to lcik a black man's hole. It is always an honor for a white boy to do this and I am expecting he will learn to know that it is always done if available. I did as he bid and tasted a sweaty but not terribly dirty hole which I now thanked Damien for making me do several times..

They had me stand in front of a mirror to show off my ornaments for myself to see and know what all men would now see. I felt it unlikely that I would wear any clothes ever again at lest at this place and needed to get used to them.

"A few more adornments will make the bitch look like my true property and I like that there is no way for it to remove any of them without my approval.

I kissed the man's feet and kissed Master Aaron to show my respect and we left the place to go wherever he wanted. He had me walk for a long time, my nut sack suffering but I did not it forced my cock out a bit as did my nuts. I had to admit that Master Aaron totally controlled me and I was pleased. That he wanted that.

He told me that tomorrow, we would go to see how the real Master of the Island's boys were progressing in their training. I only hoped that nothing that happened to them was too painful.

He pushed me on the bed and stuck his big dick in me full force making me gasp. "Don't ever do that slut boy,. You white boys should know by now that when a master wants to fuck you, anyplace anytime, you just give him your pussy. You're my boy, my toy, my piece of sht. Whatever I do with you or for you is all good. You don't question, you just do.

I was afraid for a bit but savored his fucking me and dropping a load He always made big loads so it readily dripped out and he liked that. Thought it made me more of. A whore which I was. He also honored me but sticking his sloppy dick I my mouth to savor and clean. His mood changed then as he smiled at me as I sucked his dick and said I was pretty.

End of Chapter 10

Next: Chapter 11

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