Blakes New Life

By R Roberts

Published on Dec 8, 2019


This is a gay erotic fictional story. Only wish it were true! Don't red if illegal where you are. Otherwise, enjoy and please e mail me with your thoughts as how the story should go on or if you the it, that's ok to.

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Thanks rob

Hey. I'm Jeremiah, Samuel Blake. K, I'm 14 , about to turn 15. That was my full name but I never use it. I go by Blake. No one cares that it's my last name. It is the only name I use now. I live in a small Texas town in heart of butt fuck nowhere. It's usually damn hot here so I dress in usually just a pair of basketball shorts, netted on the side. I rarely wear anything else except maybe shoes, tennies or flips and a tank top shirt. I like the look. I'm kind of proud of my body. I was blessed, as Ma would say, with a rather thick and decent sized cock for a guy my age- 6 inches. I do go to school sometimes and in the hot weather, spend time at the community pool where I joined the swimming team. I was pretty good the coach says and he gave my a worn speedo somebody else wore before. He must have been hung too as the crotch is getting kinda thin but I like it and I feel proud when I win races.

I live with my Ma. It used to be fun, just the two of us, but it all changed after my dad who I hardly remember, left. She got real holy. She joined a strange church and now is holier than Jesus Christ or so it would seem. When my dad was here, we used to have fun. We're pretty poor and she now works to support us. The rest of the time, she is praying or attending to the church. She says I need to be in it too but after a few visits, I hated it and now, well, I think I might have discovered sex for good and I don't look back.

Some probably pervert teenager or two decided I needed to join their church, the church of the holy cock. Just joking, but I think you get the idea. When I was 12, I was introduced to sucking and cock, getting sucked, and eventually joined the fuckers team. It seems like there are a few of us and I spend my time with them. See, I make some money off it. It's my only real income other than cutting grass for a few folks in town. My sexual escapades led to me getting used a bit by a few customers who I discovered would pay me a few bucks extra if I let them play with my body, suck their dicks or let them finger me. I learned quick it was the best way to make some cash which I now use to but some pot. I also bought a dildo `cause one guy says he wants to fuck me for $30!. Man that's a fortune!

So, you can see that I really don't take no interest in gong to Ma's church stuff. She told me once I was name for some prophets in the Bible. She is always praying and such and make me wear clothes I hate. We don't have much money, so I tell her not to spend the cash on me or my clothes. I get some stuff from carity but never tell them I got cash for letting people use my body. I use that cash to but me what I really need. She prays over me often and says I'm becoming a sinner. If only she knew. I don't think she would guess how many men's cocks I've sucked for a few bucks each.

So my story begin with me and my only real friend, Ronnie. He's a year younger than me but poor also. We hang around and play basketball and such. He seems to like me and I like him. Naturally, our conversations turned to sex and we were both virgins. We both got horny and I told him Mom was at work so we went to my house where we stripped naked. His body was quite as developed as mine so he sucked me. He asked if he could fuck me. His dick was kind of small by comparison so I said yeah. He did and surprised me when he shot his goo in my hole. I told him as he did that to me with no warning, I got to fuck him too. He was a bit scared but he let me. I greased him up with some hand cream I found in Mas' stuff and was careful not to hurt him asI pushed my kind of fat cock into his ass. He screamed out a bit when I penetrated his rings but then just sobbed as I went on ahead. I figured if I could learn to fuck too, I make some money off a few loose women in town who seemed to like my semi naked body. I think then I liked boys maybe better but cash is king and I was willing to fuck a girl. Just had no real practice so Ronnie let me do him as an experiment. I think we both thought we could maybe make some cash as he was cute too and kind of beginning to turn his 13 year old body into a sex machine.

We Just as I unloaded up Ronnie's hole, we were both fast cummers then, my Ma burst in and screamed seeing me doing what I was dong right on her couch under pictures and candles of her religious people. I quickly pulled out but I was still shooting my stuff when she grabbed my, smacked my face and told me to get out. She knew I was he devils seed, she said and took after my Pa who I had no real clue about. She told me I was to grab my stuff and get out and never to return.

I was scarred shitless. Ronnie jumped up, grabbed his clothes and ran out with my cum on his leg. He didn't even say bye! I was in a panic and knew momma meant business. I kinda figured she was tired of me anyway and I threw some stuff in a pillow case of my bed. I looked around the room for a last time, leaving my little certificates and trophies, threw on my flips and dressed in just my shorts, ran out the door and down the stairs. I had a tear in my eye as I figured I was on my own now and that momma wouldn't take me back. I was out to try to figure out where my dad was. (stupid thought) but I was in a panic.

I jetted out of town toward the freeway. I figured no one would care except maybe the teen guys I sucked off. I didn't have much money, about $6 I think and went running. I walked along the freeway for a bit and finally figured I should hitch a ride. I wasn't scared or nuthin'. I figured I was a hot shit and maybe with my hot body that I felt I had, I could maybe make it on my own.

I strolled along the freeway, hiding when the state troopers came by as it was illegal to hitch, The grass was kind of tall so I could hide in it. I heard a semi coming and stood up, thumb in the air and surprisingly, the truck stopped! I ran toward it and almost lost my flip flop in the process. When I got to to the truck, the guy opened the passenger door and asked where I was headed. Fuck. I had no idea, so I just said Houston. He said he could take me a ways and asked if I wanted a ride. My hairy pits, at least I thought they were hairy, were dripping, so I said yes an politely thanked the guy and climbed in, dropping my pillowcase of stuff at my feet. He told me his name was Joe. He was maybe in his mid twenties, kind of young for the over the road trucker but he explained he worked for his dad's company and they let him work once licensed . I nodded and we went along , me introducing myself as just Blake.

He didn't ask for a last name so I didn't explain. We rode along and he told me stuff about himself and I more or less just replied not telling him much about me. He said he had a girlfriend back in Oklahoma but he got horny. He then asked if I wanted to earn some cash. I knew I had to do that as I only had a few bucks with me. I asked him what he wanted me to do. He smiled and reached his hand over and touched my bare leg. He told me I had a good body for a kid. I was a bit miffed that he called me a kid but, well, that's true really. He rubbed his fingers along my leg and said it felt real nice. I had some hair there but it was still light. I wasn't like some of the guys I had met who had real men' hair on their legs. It made me think that I had a bit of hair around my asshole that had just strated and my pit hair which I was proud of and a decent as yet untrimmed bush around my cock. My balls were mostly hairless.

His touching felt nice too and I moved a bit closer. I guess that was the sign that O was a boy whore and I just stayed there opening my legs a bit. Yes, he was a pervert as he let his hand drift to my crotch and began to feel my there. Damn it felt good too. After about a half hour of this playful stuff and I just looked at him and smiled, he made his move by telling me to take off the shorts as it was hot in the cab. I looked at him and said I didn't have underwear on and he laughed and said go ahead now and do it." I know what you need, boy and I know what you want. Maybe you can earn some bucks helping me out some." I knew what he meant and slid my shorts down to my ankles kicking off my flips as I did. I was naked now as I had lost my shirt before finding him along the road. He looked over and whistled and said holy crap. "You're kinda hung ain't ya boy?" I nodded and smiled as he took my cock in the hand he wasn't d using to drive the truck. He told me there was a truck stop ahead and maybe we should stop and take a break. I nodded and he signaled that he was moving into the truck stop lane.

When we got here, he moved to a back end away from some other trucks and parked. He asked me if I sucked. I didn't want to miss my chance to make money and it was true, so I said yes. He asked if I swallowed and of course I nodded yes. He turned in his seat and motioned for me to get up in the sleeper part of the truck. I turned and saw it and climbed up there naked leaving my shorts on the seat. He was right behind me and he quickly lay down and pulled down his shorts. He was commando too and I saw the biggest cock I had seen yet. Mostly I did boys and a few older guys but this guy a hard 8 or so inches and thick too. He had a big bush and I could see the hair trailed down between his legs. I wondered if I would get that way and develop what one guy said was a hairy trench. He pulled me on top and said my smooth skin felt real nice. He played with my chest and rubbed my sensitive nipples. I moaned. He chuckled and said I had a nice body. I kinda mumbled thanks. He said how old are you boy. I told him I was 15. It wasn't to big a lie as I was only a month away. It reminded me that now I wouldn't get a cake or nuthin'. Fuck. His body felt so nice I could feel my cock chub. He had a slight amount of hair that I really liked. He had some around his big nipples and a small patch on his chest. I could feel the big bush in his pits. Nice. I wanted that for me. He finally laughed again and said for 15 , you're pretty hot. I like my boys younger. When he picked `em up on the road, he said he always went for younger. I wasn't sure why until he said they're always more willing and gullible. I felt a bit stupid for a minute. My body betrayed me as I knewI was leaking. I wanted this. I owed the guy for picking me up and saving my feet and legs and he had promised me some money. Big money for me. I think he said $20.00! Damn this would be easy cash and when I got somewhere, I could go so it was no biggie.

He told me to flip around so he could play with my ass as I sucked. I played with my ass some too sticking a carrot or other item like it in my hole as I pumped one out. Yep, no biggie.

I moved around . It was a bit uncomfortable for me but as the suckee for casah, I couldn't argue. He had me get up on my knees which I did . It was maybe easier to get his cock in my mouth. I moved my head down and saw he was leaking like a faucet. I licked all over the big . I felt his finger at my hole. He said "hey boy, you got some cum in you already. You like to fuck". He was cut like me so I had a great view of his whole manhood. I kind of whispered that I hadn't done it much but my friend had fucked me. I didn't say I fucked him too although not as well as I wanted. His finger went in and moved around. Oh, it felt so good! I just opened my jaw as wide as I could and he lifted a bit and pushed in. I was licking and suckig as best I could. I wanted that $20.00. He stopped playing with my hole as he moaned as I sucked and licked. I felt his cock thicken and I figured I was doing real good. He kind of sat up pushing my head down. I could smell my sweaty ass on his fingers but we were close so I kept on going. Suddenly, he kind of roared and I felt the first shot of his cum in my mouth and just kept shooting. My whole mouth was filled. I tried to swallow but it was tough. I finally felt it go down my throat. It wasn't bad. I started to get up and off and he pushed my down more. I was a bit shocked. "Thought you said you swallowed?' I knid of nodded and said I just did but he held my head in place and suddenly, I felt a small dribble from his cock. Was he coming again? I got your real treat now and all of a sudden he just pissed in my mouth. I chocked a bit losing some of it but he held my head in place and let go and a blast of hot piss filled my mouth. He wasn't letting go and just pissed away. I had never drunk piss before and I wasn't sure I ever wanted to He pissed his whole load in my mouth which I swallowed. He slowed to a drip and began to release my head and pulled me up. "Damn boy, you drank most all of it. You can lick the sheet there and get it all." I didn't want to but he made me so I did.

My curly blond hair was now a bit damp and a mess. I had always had curly hair and saw some porn and pictures of surfer boys and thought it was a cool look so I just kept it that way. He pulled me up so we were face to face and pulled me close and kissed me with tongue. It felt really good. I always thought it would be fun to kiss girls that way but, well, it hadn't happened. I let him explore my pissy mouth.

"I love a boy who sucks and swallows and drinks his man's piss. Only had tow other boys who did that."

I was a bit of a mess and after a long passionate kiss, I realized I had to piss too. I hadn't since before he picked me up. I told him my need and he laughed.

"So get up boy, I'll let you piss and maybe let you drink that too.' He laughed but told me to get out of the bed. I slid back to the seat. I asked him where I could piss and he laughed.

"Your such a whore and slut, I want you to get outside and piss." I looked at his in a strange way. He jumped out of the truck pilling on his shorts commando and ran around the front and opened the door and pulled me out naked. "Now get down on all fours, lift your leg and piss. I looked at him but had to go bad so I did as he asked. He grabbed his phone out of the truck and took pictures of me, face and all as I pissed like a dog with my leg lifted high to avoid getting any on me.

"Damn fine job boy. You're a real whore. I better keep you awhile. He reached into the truck and grabbed my shorts and pillowcase full of stuff and heaved it all into the tall brush. I couldn't see it. I looked at him shocked and he said you won't need this stuff anymore. I got a place I'm taking you too. You'll be happy there and I know you'll be kept just fine for a boy like you." He reached into his shorts pocket and pulled out some cash. " He threw a twenty at me and said I promised you some cash but I doubt you'll spend it . Get back in now or I'll leave you here for the animals." I was scared and realizing he wasn't the nice guy I thought he was. I grabbed the crumpled money and as I had no pockets or clothes for that matter, climbed into the truck.

I was afraid. My mouth tasted like piss and there I was sitting naked in his truck. I like my body but damn how could I go anywhere with nothing on? I sat closer to the door , away from him until he was back in and pulled me close. "I got big plans for you boy. It's just right for you and we're close enough.

He drove off. I got tears in my eyes. I was afraid and alone and helpless. Maybe momma was right. I was just a whore!

WE drove for a bit with him pulling me close and playing with my dick. It betrayed me and got hard and was dripping. "See, I told ya. You're just the kind of boy who could make me money, but I love ya and don't plan to let you go too easy. I had no idea what he meant

We drove along and he stopped at a diner and went in and got us both burgers and fires. He got ahake too but said he had plenty for me to drink. I figured out quickly I was getting more piss. I ate the burger as I was famished. And drove another hour or so where we dropped the trailer as a warehouse. He did some paperwork as I sat naked. Once the trailer was left, we drove with just the cab.

WE went about another few miles and entered a small town. I had no idea where I was but he just maneuvered the truck though some streets to the edge of town where we pulled up in front of a house. It was pretty decent looking considering the neighborhood was a dump.

He looked at me and told me he was leaving me at this house. He said it was a halfway house for teen boys. "Well, most of them are. Some of the boys are runaways like you and others sent by the county for foster care. You'll like big Momma and her boy and maybe some of the others. I may be back soon or later to pick you up. Depends on the cash offered. If you're still here when I get back, I'll spend some good time with you. And then again...." He didn't finish what he was saying. "See, big momma makes a nice profit from the government of Texas and in other services she sells here. Real popular place She also has her boys do all the work and with the money she makes, can afford to keep it nice.' He chuckled and said he knew about it for sometime and big momma liked him and knew he always brought her quality.

I had no idea what he was talking about. AS he spoke, I looked out the window and saw two boys who appeared to be Latino. One was maybe 17 and the other was maybe my age or younger. They both sat on the porch step. They both got up. The older guy was barefoot but wore basketball shorts similar to mine. The younger one was shirtless and had on tiny shorts a few sizes to small that were slit in the leg all the way to the elastic waste band. He was barefoot too. They both approached the truck. The older one was smiling and he waved at the trucker guy who waved back. The guy jumped out of the truck. No way was I getting out naked. I didn't even know where my flips were by now.

The older guy opened the cab door as the truck guy came around. "I hear you brought us a new one," he said. The truck guy smiled and said simply "primo'.

The older teen opened the door and said oh wow, ready too! Damn! He spoke with a slight Latino accent which I knew from where I lived. He looked at me smiling and said "get on out boy. You're home now!" I was scared and reluctant to get out as I was. "NO worries. Most of our boys get used to the way you're dressed, or shall I say undressed. Hot in there and Momma likes it that way. She'll be real glad you came to see us tonight, Tom." I now knew the drivers name. They both looked to me and said "by the way boy, what is your name?" I quietly choked out an answer. Blake was all I said. "Well, well, welcome Blake. I'm Joaquin and this here is Jose. We'll take good care of you here for our man Tom. He is quite the finder. Come on in and meet Momma." I just stood there naked as could be but close to the truck. I wasn't glad I was here. Hell, I had no idea where `here' even was!

I looked at Joaquin . He was beautiful. He was hairy in all the right places. As he reached up to scratch his head, I saw he had a big bush in his pits. A treasure trail led from his innie navel to down in to his pants. He had hairy legs. He had a very short hair, typical of Latino boys and gorgeous brown eyes His skin was a nice mocca color. The other younger boy had the same skin but little hair and only a smaller clump in his pits. He had just a little black hair on his lower legs but I could see by the way his shorts were cut, that he must have had a decent cock. Joaquin's cock was hidden. Joaquin put his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm going to be your big brother now just like Jose here. I'll take fine care of you. You got a fine white boy body and I see you got yourself some big man hair too. Nice!"

His arm which surprised me, was hairless. He pulled me close and rubbed my ass. Hey, this boy got something up his ass. You been trying him out Tom?" Tom and Joaquin laughed and Jose smiled. No problem. Good to check them out completely. He any good?"

Tom nodded and then Joaquin and Jose led us both to the house. By then the door was open and a large woman was standing there. "Well, my stars, I'm so glad you're here Tom. You brought me another boy and looks like a fine one too. MMM." Tom replied that it was good to see her too. I was surprised as shewas a big black woman. It appeared she had huge breasts and was no slouch in her large body size. She moved away. I'm momma. We be glad you're hear. I bet you met Joaquin and Jose here. Joaquin is my adopted boy. Jose here is like you but. They be real close. Joaquin replied" Momma! Don't say such things about me!"

She laughed and we went inside. There in the large living room sat a group of teen boys. Some were black, some were Latino and a few whites. All were dressed in either just little underpants or the older ones were in jocks. They appeared to be somewhere between 10 and 18. I was a bit shocked. Only Momma had on a big loose fitting dress of some kind and she had shoes. The boys did not. Joaquin had on shorts but they way his cock moved, nothing else.

"I supoose you want some cash, Tom. How much this gonna cost us? I looked at Tom. Had he sold me! "Well, this boy seems experienced and I suspect with his white fine skin and such, he'll be worth some down the road. I would say I take 1500 for now. Once I'm back, with the pictures I took, they may ask for more."

"Damn, that be a lot but I can do it. I knew you was coming soon so I got enough. This boy been fed? `cause I done closed up the kitchen. They all been fed. Tom explained he bought me a burger and fries so I should be good until morning. " That's good. Joaquin take him back to show him whre to put his stuff. Oh wait, he ain't got any and no clothes either. What you been up to Tom?' Before he could answere she told Jose to get me some pants.' Oh finally, I thought as I felt stupid being naked. Of course the other boys wore little either. Jose ran off someplace and returned with a small jock. It was like I wore in junior high. It was pink too which didn't make me happy. He handed it to me and said we all wore tha one when we got here. You got to earn pants. Try as I could, it hardly fit. My pubes stuck out and it didn't cover much.

"He look just fine. I'll get to know him later after Joaquin explains the rules to him.'

She looked at me and said you must obey Joaquin. He's the man in this house and you do as you're told." The smile returned to her face and she said welcome to me.

Tom rubbed my ass a few times making me start to chub. My dick poked out of the top of my mini jock.. He sure appears healthy. She pulled a bunch of cash out of her dress from between her breasts. He also asked me where the ten was. I told him in the truck. I had forgotten to take it off the seat. "That's good. Momma will care for you so you don't need it anyway. He laughed and hugged Momma and was out the door.

Momma waved. I just stood there in disbelief. What had happened to me? Joaqin took my hand and pulled me close. I'll teach you the rules and give momma a report. After we're done, you can get to know her better and maybe for the whole night. I wondered what that meant. I would soon find out.

Next: Chapter 2

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