Bladder Contents Under Pressure

By Michael Prymula

Published on Jun 6, 2024



Disclaimer-I do not own any of the TMNT characters nor do I make any money from this story

(Author's Note: This fic is based on the TMNT 1987 Season 2 episode "It Came From Beneath The Sewers, the two kids weren't given names in the show so I came up with my own names for them, some of the dialogue is taken from the episode though the events differ later on)

It was a bright and sunny day at the local carnival and two young boys-Jake and Blake were both tremendously excited for this day, it was the first day of spring break and they'd been looking forward to this carnival for weeks having saved up as much of their allowance as they could for food, drink and tickets to rides and whatnot. Jake was a pale kid with messy orange hair(he'd been in such a rush to get the carnival today he hadn't bothered brushing his hair after getting up, and that wasn't the only thing he'd forgotten to do before leaving the house...) wearing yellow sneakers a yellow tank top and has favorite pair of blue polyester gym shorts that felt extra good against his legs today in the warm humidity, he was also wearing a cool pair of shades. His best friend Blake was a tan kid with jet black hair wearing blue sneakers, a blue t-shirt with a white stripe going across it and his favorite pair of red nylon gym shorts that felt so good against his legs they gave him goosebumps. Both boys lived in the same apartment building and they'd been friends for as long as they could remember and they lived nothing more than having fun together whenever they had a day off school. Both boys had been so excited for the carnival they didn't even think to pee before leaving their houses and they'd both had large glasses of orange juice and big bowls of cereal for breakfast too. Both boys were already feeling twinges of desperation in their bladders when they arrived but they took one look at the long bathroom lines for the port a potties and immediately decided they didn't want to waste time waiting in line for the bathroom when there was fun to be had, besides neither Jake nor Blake liked having to use port a john's due to their putrid smell except as a last resort, many times they'd opted to hold their pee until real bathrooms were available, the few times they had resorted to using those portable toilets the foul stench nearly made them faint and when they left they almost vomited in disgust, they could already smell the stench all the way from the back of the line and neither one wanted to brave going inside those disgusting cesspits unless they had no other choice and right now neither boy was remotely desperate enough to even consider that as an option.

So Jake and Blake ignored the lines and immediately started spending their allowance on tickets for the rides along with some food and drinks, both kids had large tall glasses of lemonade that tasted incredibly good in the hot sun and then got on the bumper cars, every hit they took from another car gave them a jolt in their bladders but they were having too much fun to care. Next they got large smoothies and got on the tilt-a-whirl and as they were swaying around both boys felt the contents of their bladders sloshing around, finally the ride ended and they got off dazed and feeling pretty full and desperate but still not yet at the point where they would consider using a chemical toilet. Next they grabbed some cones of shaved ice and enjoyed the cool refreshing taste in the warm breeze despite knowing what it would do to their bladders and then used the last of their tickets to take a ride on the merry-go-round, as the mechanical horses rose up and down both boys felt their bladders throbbing in desperation and squirmed as a result. After the ride ended both boys jumped off. "Oh that was fun, wanna go again?" Blake asked eagerly. "I can't, i'm all out of tickets" Jake responded dejectedly. "Hey Look!" Blake replied, spotting a crystal lying on the ground nearby. "Wow!, you think it's a diamond?!" Jake asked in an excited tone as Blake picked up the valuable looking object. "If it is, we can trade it for lots more rides!" Blake exclaimed excitedly.

Both boys walked off in search of rich-looking adults who would pay them handsomely for such a precious gem and they suddenly heard a female voice calling for them, they turned around to see a beautiful looking young woman wearing a yellow jumpsuit, something about her made Jake and Blake's wee-wees both feel funny(they were at that age where they still thought little girls had cooties but they found themselves crushing on teen girls and adult women)she introduced herself as TV reporter April O'Neil for Channel 6 news and said she really needed that crystal, both boys got excited as they'd spotted April on the news when their parents were watching and they'd sometimes had dreams about her, both figured April must have a decent amount of money and be willing to pay them a fair amount for this priceless object. Unfortunately she was only carrying around three dollars which the boys both found to be an insulting offer for an object this precious and turned her down. "But three dollars is all i've got!" April protested, "Won't you please sell me that thing?!" she asked desperately. As pretty as the boys found April neither were moved by her begging, they weren't about to give up a lucky find like this for chump change. "Three dollars? That won't buy diddily nowadays" Blake scoffed derisively. "Yeah we're children of the 80s remember?" Jake said smugly. "Hhow about a credit card?" April pleaded pulling out her card, "Forget it we don't take plastic" Blake said dismissively, both boys were smart enough to know a credit card wouldn't do either one of them any good as it was unlikely April would be foolish enough to give out her pin number and would probably cancel the card and get a new one as soon as she could, besides two young boys walking around with a credit card would attract suspicion and possibly get them in trouble either with the authorities or their parents. "Don't go away, i'll be right back!" April said frantically as she rushed off. " Oh maybe we should've taken the three dollars" Blake remarked not sure if April was actually going to come back or not and beginning to consider seeing if he could look to relieve his bladder somewhere other then the filthy toilets. Jake however was more confident she would be back with how desperately she seemed to want that crystal, "Man, you'll never get anywhere with that attitude" Jake replied derisively.

The two boys walked for a little longer, with both secretly wondering to themselves if there was a place where they could slip behind something and discreetly relieve themselves just in case it came down to it but they had no luck. "I wonder where that lady with the three dollars went?" Blake remarked inquisitively. "Yeah, this thing's starting to get heavy" Jake replied, the weight of the object certainly wasn't helping him with his bladder as he wasn't able to hold his crotch with both of his hands occupied and since his shorts had no pockets he had nowhere to stash it. Suddenly his train of thought was interrupted by a loud gruff voice remarking "i'll be glad to take it off your hands" suddenly Jake felt himself getting grabbed which nearly startled him into squirting pee into his boxers, he turned around to find himself staring at a tall man that looked like a third-rate version of the Tin Man with spiked metal gauntlets on his arms and a dorky-looking purple cape. "Hey! where'd you come from?" Jake protested as the man grabbed the crystal out of his hands. "If you must know, from Dimension X in a far off galaxy" the man answered. Both boys were wondering what this wacko's deal was, was he part of the carnival show or just some random strange weirdo? Both kids had been warned about stranger danger in films they had to watch in school and this guy definitely fit the profile and they weren't about to be bullied out of their lucky find by this big jerk, it was after all the law of finders keepers so both boys firmly stood their ground. "You don't scare us mister!, we've seen every episode of Star Trek!" Jake proclaimed defiantly. "That's right, now give that thing back!" Blake demanded harshly and he stepped forward and jumped onto the foot of that big bully causing him to yelp in pain and drop the crystal which the boys both quickly snatched up and grabbed they frantically ran off as fast as their little legs could carry them all the while trying to keep their bladders in check, they knew they were taking a big risk here but they were taught by school and their parents to stand up to bullies and they certainly weren't about to let this strange man ruin their fun day, after ducking through some tents they were eventually able to lose the Tin Man wannabe only to come across April again. "Oh thank goodness I found you, here's all the money I could get!" April exclaimed excitedly pulling out several 20 dollar bills along with the three bucks she had earlier. The boys eagerly handed over the crystal and took the money and ran off excited to buy more tickets for more rides and of course more food and drinks regardless of how much their bladders protested.

There was a total of 83 dollars, more than enough for several more tickets and all the food and drink both boys could stomach. They wasted little time in spending about half the money on a couple of dozen tickets for rides each with both deciding to save the rest for refreshments. Jake and Blake quickly grabbed themselves two massive cups of soda that they eagerly drank in great gulps to wash down their nachos and pretzels, their bladders were really starting to make their fullness by now and the boys could see them bulging above their shorts but they still had money left and they still hadn't found a solution to relieving themselves yet so off they went on more rides(including the ferris wheel which actually got stuck for a bit while they were on top further torturing their bladders) and played some carnival games and downed large slushies, shakes and malts along with some frozen watermelon slices, their bladders were stretched beyond their limits now yet the boys still couldn't help themselves, there were was something exciting about holding so much liquid inside them. Finally they were both down to their last few dollars and they decided to spend them to enter a watermelon eating contest with some other kids, whoever could finish their melon the fastest would win first place. Both boys devoured their melons like their lives depended on it, as they bit into the juicy fruit they felt it going to their bladders which felt like they were going to explode any second, both boys had their legs tightly crossed with their hands clutching their crotches while burying their faces in their melons, other kids dropped out quick until it was down to Jake and Blake, amazingly both managed to finish their melons at the exact same time so both boys decided to share the first place ribbon by splitting it in half. Now that they were out of money and tickets they decided to go relieve themselves before they completely exploded, they were in awe at how far both of their stomachs were stretched out, now they were seriously considering even braving those nasty toilets when they heard sounds from a battle going on in front of them, the boys glanced over by the chemical toilets just in time to see four men in what looked to be turtle costumes knocking Tin Man wannabe and some weird man scientist guy into said toilets causing them to fall over and spill crap everywhere, everyone was leaving in a panic as the battle went on, the boys looked in horror, how were they going to relieve themselves now? The carnival was emptying out and there was seemingly no safe place they could relieve themselves without being seen, thinking fast both kids ducked inside a tent and saw a pool of water in the center beneath a diving board. Jake and Blake glanced at one another recognizing what they had to do, they waddled over towards the pool of water quick as they could with their hands tightly clutching their crotches and feeling pee already leaking into their boxers and starting to seep through to their shorts, they got closer and closer but finally they could hold it no longer and the dam burst with their shorts getting drenched with piss in seconds, glad for the pain to finally be over both boys sighed and relaxed enjoying their sweet relief, finally after what felt like ages their streams tapered off, both boys quickly rushed over to the pool and dove in headfirst to cover up their wetting. Both were turned on by how good it had felt to wet themselves and soon Jake and Blake were both stroking themselves in the water until they were both hit by epic orgasms that almost knocked them out old making them feel like they'd been hit by a piledriver as their massive globs of jizzed spewed into their shorts and mixed in with the water, finally after what felt like ages their orgasms ended up and both boys decided to get out and get some before the battle going on got any more crazy.

With all of their money gone taking a cab was out of the question so they had to walk back home, fortunately the warm sunny weather dried off their clothes and soon all evidence of their accidents was erased. One thing was for sure, Jake and Blake were definitely determined to do this for the rest of spring break and beyond.

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