Blackstone House

Published on Feb 29, 2012


Blackstone House 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

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The rest of the voyage was a great success. My own loss of control while skewered on Tony's cock was deeply embarrassing to me. Anders enjoyed seeing me lose control. He saw me as a free spirit and a guide. I showed him how to enjoy sex fully.

The Captain was much more of a guide than I was. While he appeared to be in full control, his own sexual capacity was great. Given his forceful personality, he seemed to invite and encourage sexual openness and enjoyment. He was a good top, but he loved the bottom. He possessed a tight ass that seemed to have elastic properties. It could stretch to accommodate any cock. His hole opened to allow a cock in, then clamped tight, grasping the trapped organ.

I found out a little later that Anders had never fully impaled his monster in an ass before. He told me he had never gotten more than half into an ass before. It was too painful for the bottom. He was not experienced and obviously hadn't experimented enough to find a suitable playmate.

The Captain didn't just take his cock; he wanted it. Anders was surprised to find the Captain wanted and enjoyed it. All assholes were tight for Anders, but he didn't expect the Captain to clamp tight and try to keep his cock lodged deep in his rectum.

Anders sexual relations with Reggie were poor, and my experiences were limited and circumscribed. Captain Hawkins' approach was low key, but gently eased Anders into more intense sexual activity. I exclusively had sucked him to an orgasm and then gobbled up every drop of his man seed.

With Hawkins and Tony sex ended with quivering sperm filled assholes and dripping cocks. It wasn't neat and under control. Hawkins was obviously used to that level of sexual excitement and intimacy and Anders went along, carried away by the enthusiasm.

Like most men, we were embarrassed at our sexual urges and desires. Intellectually I know that all humans are sexual creatures and sex is essential for human survival. I know that statistically 90% of men masturbate regularly, yet still I am embarrassed and would never admit that.

I also know a good portion of the men and women in the world have had sexual experiences with the same sex at one time or another. The sex drive is universal. Sex is exciting regardless of one's playmates.

Hawkins and Tony weren't embarrassed at all. Sex was a part of their lives. They were comfortable enjoying sex. That was good for Anders and me. Actually, it was good for me, but great for Anders. He found a man who could fully enjoy him sexually. Anders struck me as a passive man. This was incorrect. Anders was mild mannered and shy. This, combined with his tendency to be very polite, gave the impression of passivity.

Unlike the medieval Lord of the Manor, Anders would not force himself on others. He didn't feel he was due sexual favors because of his rank. He temperamentally couldn't use other persons for his sexual pleasure. He could only enjoy sex only when his partner enjoyed it too.

This was different from Lord Philip. He overtly enjoyed sex and assumed most of those he came into contact with also enjoyed it, and would enjoy it with him. Given his wealth and attractiveness, that was mostly true. Philip was 90% a top. That wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but Philip possessed average equipment; his organ was thin. Even if you weren't that partial to being a bottom, it wasn't a problem.

Philip liked young, handsome men. He was also generous. That combination made him popular. Philip liked variety, so favorites rarely lasted for more than six months. The favorite would often go off to a University or to a good job after a stint in his Lordship's bed.

That was an open invitation to treasure hunters and users, but the Butler, Williams, took care of that problem. I was not young or handsome enough to attract Philip's eye. One or two men tried to blackmail Philip, but soon realized the errors of their ways and left Blackstone House, never to be seen again. I never found out Williams' technique for disposing of the undesirables and never asked what it was. Whatever he did, it was 100% effective.

A storm blew up at the end of our cruise. It wasn't a bad storm, but the Capitan stayed at the bridge throughout. Anders wasn't subject to seasickness, but had hoped for a last night with the Captain before we returned to Blackstone House. The storm also occupied Tony and he sent another man to serve his Lordship, Rowley. Rowley wasn't a steward; he was a seaman.

Tony told me, "Rowley likes them big." That was nice to know, but I have no abilities as a matchmaker. Some people like to set up situations to get people together. I have no abilities in that direction.

Rowley wasn't a sophisticate. He had obviously been scrubbed and cleaned for his service in his Lordship's suite. He was short, barely five feet, and scrawny. While he was bald, he had a bushy, salt and pepper goatee that might have been half of his body weight. He was the ship's maintenance man, and an electrician. The ship was heaving and swaying, but Rowley was sure footed, and he reminded me of one of those Mountain Goats that appear to be able to walk up sheer cliffs.

Rowley wasn't differential, but he was polite and helpful. He had been on ships for most of his life and he knew how deal with the ship's movement. Anders appreciated the helpful hints. After he cleared away dinner, Rowley said the whirlpool would be a bad choice for after dinner relaxation, but the sauna would be fine.

Anders asked if he would like to join us in the sauna. "I'm just a seaman, Sir," Rowley said. That was exactly the right thing to say.

"Your foul weather advice has been helpful," Anders said. "I'd like to continue the conversation." Rowley agreed to visit the sauna. I turned on the sauna and we stripped. Rowley's resemblance to a mountain goat became more pronounced as he stripped. He was hairy, but possessed incredible, low hanging balls. His cock seemed average.

Rowley wore his towel around his neck, insuring that his equipment was exposed. While he talked about storms, he fixed his eyes on Anders' genitals. Rowley was a good storyteller, but his eyes were telling another story. Anders was flattered.

During a lull in the conversations, Anders made a comment. "I hope you won't think me forward, but your balls look like something you might see in a medical museum."

"They are nice, aren't they," Rowley replied. "My Dad said everything God forgot to give me in height, he made up in my balls."

"Your father was a philosopher," Anders said while laughing.

"He said I inherited them from an uncle," Rowley said.

"Do they produce that standard issue cream?" I asked.

"Well as far as I know the cream is standard, the amount of cream is a different matter," Rowley explained. "I make on hell of a mess when I pop. An American friend of mine said it reminded him of the 4th of July fireworks display."

"Do you put on this display often?" Anders asked.

"To be frank, a short hairy guy with goat-like balls isn't to everybody's taste," Rowley replied. "There is another problem. For a really good display, my turbo charge button is in my ass."

We all laughed. "Does that make you popular among the crew?" I asked.

"Well, it doesn't hurt," he answered. "The bigger the cock in my ass the more I shoot."

"You are a small man," Anders said. "Do the big ones hurt?"

"I guess you could say, I'm not a shrinking violet sexually speaking," Rowley said. "I took a big one on a dare once and it was great. I've been looking for big ones ever since." Rowley was still staring at Anders cock. He made no effort to hide his interest.

"I may be speaking out of turn, but Travis, my valet, has a taste for sperm. With a little encouragement he could tell you if your cream has any special qualities," Anders said.

"Is there any way I could encourage you to prime the pump?" Rowley asked.

"If you are willing, I would be willing to give it a try," his lordship replied.

"Let me show you something," Rowley said. "This sauna is fitted out to be a playroom." He went to a cabinet and pulled out a leather and chrome chain contraption. A minute later, he had snapped the chains onto hooks on the ceiling. It was a sling. Anders had never seen one before.

Rowley jumped in it and I attached the leg and arm ties. The cabinet also included lubricant and poppers. I adjusted the height of the sling so Rowley's ass was at Anders' cock height. The yacht was rolling on the waves, but there were straps on the ceiling allowing Anders to steady himself as the ship moved.

"Your hole looks so small!" Anders whispered.

"Let me worry about that," Rowley said. I coated Anders cock and the hole. Rowley told me to give him a snort of poppers a snort of poppers. Rowley knew his limits. There was no problem entering the ass. The cock was halfway into the ass when the ship lurched. Rowley swung away, and then onto the huge organ. He was fully impaled and happy as a lark.

While Rowley's balls were magnificent, his cock had seemed average. As the last inch of Ander's meat vanished in his ass, the cock seemed to enlarge, as if inflated. It was good. Anders was worried his cock was too big, but Rowley's enhanced cock made it clear there was no problem. Cocks don't lie.

The rolling ship and the sling formed a fucking machine. Anders merely had to stand still, and the stormy North Sea did the rest. While the Captain had been direct in his response to Anders fucking, Rowley was wildly appreciative. He loved it

Rowley's obvious enjoyment gave Anders permission to let his hair down and use his cock. Since there was nothing Rowley didn't enjoy, Anders was free to experiment.

When they say good things come in small packages, they were describing Rowley. A half hour later, both men were drained, both physically and emotionally. Rowley returned to his cabin and Anders fell asleep.

I served Anders his breakfast the next morning. The storm was over and the sea was calm. Anders was in a talkative mood.

"What did you think of Rowley?" Anders asked.

"He is a bit of a character," I said smiling. "I'm not sure he has a future as a personal servant, but he seems be a good man to have nearby. Captain Hawkins told me he is a wonder when it comes to electrical and mechanical problems. Did you enjoy him?"

Anders looked uneasy. "I did, do you think that is a problem?"

"Why would I think that would be a problem?" I asked.

"I don't want you to think I'm snooty, but Rowley rather puts the common in common man," he answered.

I laughed. "I'm not sure I take him on an outing to the Royal Opera House," I replied. "He strikes me as a good man."

"Do you think he enjoyed it as much as he seemed to?" Anders asked. "Was he just being polite or differential?"

"I don't know him, but there was something about him that suggests he wouldn't know how to be differential." I said. "If you don't object to me being frank, given the size of your cock and his small hole, I'm not too sure there is any way he could pretend to enjoy you. I have a feeling you would rip a normal man in half. I'm quite sure his reactions were genuine."

"Am I that big?"

"I've seen bigger in pictures, but never in the flesh," I said.

"I worry about that. My cock isn't normal," he said. "My old friends said I was a freak."

"I think it would be more correct to say your cock is better than normal," I responded. "I am not too sure your old friend was a real friend, and I can definitely say he had poor judgment. Most men are more like Rowley. Large cocks excite them. They admire a well hung man."

"Are you sure about that?" he asked. Anders looked at me and smiled.


"Do you think I am becoming a libertine?" he asked. "I have had more sexual experiences on this lot that I norm ally would have in a year or two at the University."

"As far as I can tell, the residents of Blackstone House are hoping you are a libertine," I replied. "You do realize you are the goose that lays the golden egg? They have good lives based on your happiness. You are the latest of a long line of gay lords of the manor. Through the years, Blackstone House had attracted men who find that particularly appealing. As far as they are concerned, if you are happy, they are happy."

"I have heard Lord Philip was a randy gentleman?"

"Lord Philip was like a little boy in a candy shop," I said. "He was a good man who was ready, willing and able at any moment. You are a very different man. That is good too."

"How do you mean?"

"You are quiet, scholarly gentleman, modest in his ways and considerate," I said. "Lord Philip was a loud, vulgar and flamboyant man with a heat of gold. Let me say sex with you is entirely different. Lord Philip liked quickies. He was modestly endowed and had a hair trigger. I guess you could say he was like one of those signs I saw on billboards next to American Interstates, "easy on and off." That wasn't bad in a way. His former valet told me he could take him his breakfast, get fucked and be back in the kitchen ten minutes later in time for his own breakfast!"

Anders laughed.

"Sex with you is more time consuming, physically challenging and more intense," I added.

"Oh dear," his lordship replied. Anders seemed to take all comments as a criticism.

"I think most men see that as an asset, not a problem. I know I do."

"You are being kind," he murmured.

"Your cock is a gift, not a curse," I explained. "It's easy to say I love you. Protestations of love and affection may or may not be genuine. Cocks can't lie. When you worked your cock into the Captain or Rowley's ass, they were still hard and drooling. You can fake that."

"That isn't love," Anders said.

"Of course not, but it is a sign of real sexual pleasure," I said. "They were feeling intense sexual excitement. They loved it and they enjoyed you. Love and sex aren't the same thing. Occasionally you may win the Irish Sweepstakes and find great sex in a man you love, but that is rare. It's good to share sex with another man, with or without love."

"You don't think it's tawdry?"

"It is natural," I answered. "The entire animal kingdom does it. That includes cat and dogs, elephants and mice. Somehow I suspect we are the only part of the animal kingdom that is worried if out hair looks a fright, of if we are dignified and proper."

He smiled. "You do have a point there, a rather good point. It's difficult for me to see things that way."

"I think if you relax and enjoy yourself, you will find yourself enjoying it more," I observed.

"Truthfully speaking, I'm not sure I could have enjoyed myself more," Anders said.

We talked more. For an educated and intelligent man, Anders was limited. He wasn't a naturally a social man. He had spent much of his life with ancient manuscripts and documents. That covered his basic shyness. At age sixty, he was exploring sexuality for the first time. Most men do that as teenagers or in their 20s and 30s.

Oddly, he accepted certain popular cultural images and attitudes without question. He assumed Brad Pitt and Leonardo DeCaprio were beautiful people, and thus he, a middle-aged man, wasn't.

I saw him as a distinguished looking professorial type who happened to be hung like King Kong. He was manly rather than boyish. Being kind, considerate and intelligent is not necessary to be a pop star. Indeed, it seems that being rude, nasty and stupid are the traits the tabloids like. Anders was exactly what we wanted at Blackstone House.

Ander had to return to St. Andrews for a few days to help some students who were completing their dissertations. He went alone, so I had some time off. I went to Edinburgh and saw some old friends. The weather was poor and the trip wasn't a success.

When I returned to Blackstone House, his Lordship had also returned. He had an unexpected trip to Vienna to speak at a conference on Early Medieval Literature. A former colleague of his from St. Andrews had been scheduled to speak, but had been taken sick. Anders was to fill his spot. I didn't know anything about the subject matter, but Ander's apparently had several unpublished papers that were suitable for the conference.

His colleague, Professor Derby, had helped Anders in the past with a similar situation, so Ander's could hardly refuse him. I had never been to Vienna before, indeed, I had little experience with continental travel, but I do like to travel. The event included two days of presenting papers as well as a final banquet.

I ha visualized this as professors presenting papers to assembled students, but the event was more formal than that especially the final banquet. The patrons were most distinguished and included several upper tier bankers and businesspersons. The event was high prestige, and St. Andrews participation apparently was rather a coup.

The event took place in former palace in Vienna and we were to be the houseguests of a Count Ernst Von Babenburg. Anders was in a state getting his paper ready on short notice. He was far too busy to worry about what he would wear or where he would stay. That was my job. I discovered when Ander's became engaged in his academic pursuits. He tended to neglect all other aspects of his life. That included packing, getting tickets and eating.

His business secretary, Henry, the butler and I took care of all of that, and we were on a plane to Vienna on time Wednesday morning. Count Ernst had a car waiting for us that took us to his home on the edge of Vienna. Then house was quiet luxurious done in the modern Art Nouveau style of the early twentieth century. It wasn't particularly large, but had been recently renovated and the baths was distinctly modern and grand.

The count was at the conference site making arrangements, but his butler, Karl spoke English and was most helpful. I discovered Austrians were most impressed by academics, and by English lords. His lordship, Herr Professor Anders was a most important person in their view.

The chauffeur was with the count but Karl was assigned to be our driver. He gave us a tour of the city. Anders was always polite and courteous and spoke fluent German. He had not been to Vienna before and was interested in everything we say. In the afternoon, he had a chance to polish up his presentation and then he was to have dinner with the Count. The first session of conference was the next morning.

The Count was to have a dinner for the speakers the next night at the count's house. This would be 26 persons at a formal dinner so the Count's staff was busy. Since Anders wanted solitude as he prepared, I offered to help. I had served at many formal dinners and always did my part. The count's staff was small, compared to Blackstone House and I polished silver and helped get the tables ready.

I helped Anders dress and he went off with the count for dinner. I ate in the kitchen with the staff. Several servants spoke English and it was a pleasant group. That I had helped them and that Anders wasn't at all demanding made it a good evening. I got along well with Karl.

The cook and housekeeper lived in the house near the kitchen. The maids were all day labor. Karl and the chauffeur, Eric, lived above the garage. I was bunking with the chauffeur. The bedrooms were small, but the bathroom and the shower were luxurious by Scottish standards. The rooms were also well heated, unlike most of Blackstone House. I took a shower and was surprised when Eric and Karl joined me.

At first, it was just a shower, but I became a little excited. Eric became a little more excited, and then Karl became more excited still. Soon Eric dropped to his knees and my cock vanished in his throat. All was well.

Next: Chapter 3

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