Blacks Beach Memories

By jim.boski

Published on Oct 10, 2021


"I came to Black's Beach almost every day that summer and I never did see the Stud again. He took my virginity and changed my life forever and I never even got a kiss or his name. I did see the old man again, in fact A LOT. That fucker had the libido of teenager!

Well I hope you enjoyed my last installment of Black's Beach Memories, I certainly enjoyed recalling those moments that changed me forever!"

I got so much encouragement to continue the series that I thought I'd write about how I spent the rest of the summer of `79 trying to fill the gaping hole that Stud left behind.

Pun absolutely intended!

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August 1979 San Diego, CA. I'm a 19 year old college student in the peak of my sexual prime and yesterday I was deflowered by an anonymous Stud with a pornstar cock in broad daylight, in front of a gallery of leering men. I've been absolutely basking in all the attention I've been receiving by older, Alpha males, but I'm also a little frightened at what a slut I've become. Today, I will find that Stud and I'm going to tell him how much I want and need him and that beautiful Cock of his. I'm up before the sun and put in a good hour of stretching and cardio before douching my man pussy and showering. I decide to shave my pubes down, leaving just a happy trail from my belly button leading to a little patch of thick curly hair just above my cock. I shave my balls and taint smooth and all the hair around my sweet little hole. By this time, I have a raging hardon but I want to save my stamina for the Beach. I check myself in the mirror and think "damn I'm pretty hot!" with my surfer's tan, shoulder length curly black hair and toned abs. I turn my white ass towards the mirror and say " you're going to be nice and tan by the end of this summer!"I grab a tube of lube and work a couple of fingers into my tight hole to make sure I'm ready for whatever may "cum" my way. I have to stop myself before I get too carried away; after all, I want the Stud to get 100% of my attention today. I pulled into the Torrey Pines Glider port parking lot, the entry point for Blacks Beach, and was surprised to find several cars already there. My heart beat a little faster, as I imagined one of the parked cars belonged to the Stud who was here to reclaim my deflowered ass as his and his alone. More likely the empty vehicles belonged to surfers who were already in the ocean below, catching morning glass. I hurried down the sandstone cliffs, trying not to slip as the closer I got to the beach, the more my heart raced. Once I reached the sand at the bottom of the cliffs, I broke into a jog and headed north, towards the "gay" section of Blacks Beach. It was still early morning with a heavy grey marine layer that almost felt like rain and I immediately regretted not bringing a sweatshirt or light jacket. I ran past a lone couple snuggling with a blanket wrapped around them as they drank coffee. When the sun comes out, they'll be laying around or playing volleyball in the nude along with hundreds of others. They gave me a knowing grin as I jogged on towards the north end of the beach. As I came into sight of the infamous bushes, I slowed to a walk and scouted around for a good spot to set up. I wanted to be close enough to the entrance of the "gay maze" to be able to distinguish features but not so close that I looked obvious. There was a row of towels closer to the water I assumed belonged to a group of surfers who were currently shredding up the waves directly in front of me. They're probably not gay at all, they just want to take advantage of the awesome break that's there. I walked a little bit south and moved closer towards the cliffs but still with a good view of the bushes. The jog had kept me warm but as I laid out my towel, the damp marine air made me shiver. I rolled myself up in the big beach towel and scanned the beach, hoping to see the Stud running towards me in slow motion, his big schlong bouncing in time with his steps. Instead, I saw in the distance, a very large, hairy man in a Speedo trudging through the sand heading north towards me and the maze. He was breathing heavily from the effort of climbing down the slippery cliffs and the long walk north through the sand, but he looked determined to make it to the bushes without stopping. As he got closer, I could see he must have slipped on the cliffs, because he had skinned his arms and legs in several places. I also noticed a quite substantial bulge in his Speedos. I tried to avoid eye contact but he had already caught me staring at his package and grinned like the Cheshire Cat. He looked at me shivering in my towel and said " you heading over there soon? " indicating with his double chin the opening to the gay bush maze. " Nahhh, I'm gonna warm up a little first, maybe I'll catch you later" "Well suit yourself, I'm already overheated from the hike just to get here." With that he trotted off, leaving me to gawk at his hairy backside stuffed into those tiny Speedos. No wonder he's not cold at all, with all that fur!! I pulled the towel around me tighter as I turned my attention to the surfers in the water. They were really ripping it up out there and I thought maybe I should have brought my board and joined them. They were wearing spring wetsuits which keep them reasonably warm in the chilly water but leave their muscular arms and calves exposed for freedom of movement. They were really carving up the waves and I thought "man, I can't hang with these pros". They're probably fiercely territorial about this break any way. But I might just work up the nerve to talk to them anyway. Who knows, they could be surfing here because they're all gay! The sun hadn't broken through the haze yet but I could feel it warming slightly, so I unrolled myself from the towel and lay on my stomach and scanned the beach from the bushes to the south. Way off in the distance, I could see people coming down the cliffs like a trail of ants. I could see little clusters of people staking their spot on the beach, some already nude. It was still a little chilly to me but I took my shirt off anyway. My nipples were hard from the cold and I tightened my abs, admiring the ridges of muscle I had developed through hard work and play. I kept my board shorts on, waiting to see what the surfers would do when they finally got out of the water. They were really working the morning "glass", but as the sun started to finally peak through, the wind picked up and the waves got a little more choppy. I got butterflies in my stomach, as I knew they would be coming in soon. I wondered if they would stay in their board shorts or strip nude, which was totally legal on this beach and something I eagerly anticipated. I looked south again and could see the beach was really filling up with all kinds of people now, carrying coolers, beach umbrellas and volleyball nets and you could guess where the "straight" beach ended and the "gay" beach began by the amount of men wearing Speedos or thongs versus board shorts. Guys were walking singly and in pairs towards the bush maze and my pulse started racing as I expected to see the Stud with his massive tool walking towards me any second. I tried not to stare at the crotches of all the guys walking towards me and the bush maze, but I know I would recognize the Stud more by his Cock than by his face and I had to look at them all to find him. Needless to say, I was receiving a lot of lusty grins and winks back as I scanned all the packages, desperately hoping to find the Stud who took my cherry. I glanced back at the ocean just in time to see the four surfers emerging out of the water looking like Greek gods as they set down their boards and stripped off their wetsuits. I was pleasantly surprised as they also stripped off their board shorts, revealing ample packages surrounded by thick pubic bushes. I couldn't let this new distraction keep me from my true mission to find the Cock that now owned my every waking thought. I turned back to my original task of scoping every package that walked towards me. Some were in Speedos but the really confident guys shucked their suits and strutted like roosters with their manhood swaying with every step. Damn I thought to myself, I probably look like a stray dog in a sausage shop! This is going to be impossible to spot him without looking like a total psychopath. Who knows, just maybe the Stud realized what a fine piece of ass he got yesterday and he just has to hit it again. He could be looking for me! As I was contemplating that possible theory, the sweet aroma of burning marijuana wafted over to me and I watched as the four surfers passed a fat joint back and forth. That's it! I'll meander over there and ask for a hit and we'll talk about the waves and I'll find out if they're gay or not. I got up and smoothed out the semi in my trunks, making sure I didn't have any telltale precum wet spots and confidently strode up to them. "Hey bros, could I get a hit of that? I'm downwind and that smells like some good shit" "Fuck off faggot! Haha just kidding bro, grab your towel and come sit by us. My name's Reggie and that there's Al, Roger and Pete. Where the fuck's your board dude?" "Hey I'm Bobby, I heard this break was sweet but it's a hassle coming down the cliffs with a board and all, so I thought I'd just check it out and chill. I'll for sure bring it down next time." Thank God he could tell I was a surfer by looking at my physique. "Chill??? Nobody comes to the north end of Blacks just to chill. If you're not surfing, you came here to get your cock sucked in them bushes over there didn't you?" He indicated with a nod of his head towards the gay bush maze. OMG, he thinks I'm a Top! " Yea shit. I guess my secret's out. It's just that my girlfriend, she wants to save herself for marriage and a guy's got needs" "Fuck that! Shit go down to TJ and get yourself a $20 blow job! Bro, letting a dude suck you off makes you gay!" "Bullshit Al! Don't knock it till you tried it. It ain't gay if the faggot sucks you off, ain't that right Bobby?" My ears were turning red but I kept up the charade. " Fuck yea, faggots know just what you need to nut....AND they swallow!" We passed the fat joint around till Roger burned his fingers and lit up a fresh one. "Damn this is some good shit" " Yeah, it fucking makes me horny as all fuck bro, let's go hunt some cocksuckers Bobby" Reggie said grabbing his junk. " You bitches can stay here and watch our shit while me and Bobby get some damn good head. Cmon Bobby, let's go hunt us some cocksuckers"

To be continued

Next: Chapter 9: Blacks Beach Memories the Aftermath 2

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