Blacks Beach Memories

By jim.boski

Published on May 16, 2021


This is the first installment of my memories from the late 70's of a hot cruising spot called Black's Beach.It's my first attempt at writing and I welcome feedback and comments to

It was my sophomore year in college and I just transferred from a school in SF area to sunny San Diego. I had gotten a steady diet of cock meat thanks to the glory holes at my old school and was eager for similar action at my new school.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any at the school, I had no gay friends and I was too young to get in to gay bars. Somewhere I read about a nude beach that had a "gay" section and I found it! It was quite a scary hike down sandstone cliffs but well worth the effort. The first part of the nude beach was mostly older saggy people but as I walked on, I started to see guys with speedos and mustaches like Mark Spitz. I felt a little out of place with my baggy surf trunks, long hair and clean shaven face. Actually, I still didn't have much facial hair yet. I stripped off my trunks and laid down on my towel and started to rub in sunscreen. Damn it was hot and I had a boner that just wouldn't quit! I noticed not too many of the guys around were nude and I could see there was an area of bushes and low trees they all seemed to be coming in and out of. It also appeared that had someone posted as a look out. I knew right then what was going on and I ran out in to the water to try to cool off my throbbing dick. I dried off and put my trunks on and marched into the bushes. The lookout greeted me with a knowing grin as I went deeper in to the bushes...

Next: Chapter 2

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