
By edward peters

Published on Nov 11, 2006



It was his eighteenth birthday and at forty-seven I was old enough to be his father. As I looked at him now I wondered if he was being totally truthful about which birthday he was actually celebrating. He was quite tall and as thin as a rake, his hair was covered in gel and the fringe was covering his eyes in the style that was fashionable with young men today and with his pretty boy, almost girly looks I was still having doubts about his true age. The tight, t-shirt he was wearing and the skin tight jeans only emphasised his skinny physique and unkempt look which most teenage guys liked to adopt these days. He was here for his birthday present and he knew I couldn't refuse him anything he wanted. He stood there on my doorstep, smiling knowingly and I had no choice but to invite him into my house.

We stood in the hallway and his over confident manner made me feel ill at ease as he stared at me, with a big grin on his face

" You didn't think I was going to go through with this did you?" he asked, his voice sounding very girlish.

" Look I can give you some money if you like" I offered, desperately trying for an alternative

" Oh I don't want your money I want something else and you know exactly what it is"

We both knew exactly what it was he had come for and it began to dawn on me that I had no choice but to go along with his wishes.

" Look I know you are gay so why the worried look, you might even enjoy this" He said, grinning broadly once again.

" So if I agree to go through with this, you won't tell anyone what you know about me?" I asked, resigning myself to the fact that I was totally under his control.

" Well it depends how naughty you will be for me" he said, laughing in my face.

The way he was acting, laughing at me because he knew he had the means to expose my secret life to my friends and family, was something I just couldn't bear to think about so I invited him into the lounge, prepared now to do anything he desired, as long as my secret remained that way.

" I loved watching you on the film, especially seeing how much you were enjoying that guy's huge cock" he said, as he sat down on the sofa.

The film he was referring to was the reason I was now in this situation and when he contacted me by phone telling me he had watched the film, that was when he threatened to expose me if I didn't do as he asked, which was why he was now sitting on my sofa, looking like the cat who had got the cream.

" So how did you get hold of the film and more to the point how did you get my telephone number?" I asked.

" Craig" he said

As soon as he said the name, everything started to fit into place as Craig was a guy who I had being having sex with for almost a year and we had become quite close. It was also at Craig's flat that we had decided to film the group session that had taken place a few weeks ago.

" So I take it Craig is a friend of yours?" I asked.

" Yes Craig was my first gay lover when I was sixteen and we've been fucking each other ever since "

" So Craig told you about me?" I asked.

" Oh yes he told me all about you, how he rings you up anytime of the day for sex and how you come running like his lapdog, because you just can't get enough of Craig's young body"

The more he revealed to me, the more desperate my predicament became and I just wished I could have turned the clock back and never got involved in making that damn film. Craig had obviously told this young guy enough about me and that really spooked me.

" OK you now know where I live and you've seen me in the film at Craig's house and that's all, what can you do if I refuse to submit to your blackmail?" I asked.

" Well I'm sure some of your neighbours would be a little shocked if they saw a copy of the film and not to mention your work colleagues"

" Craig doesn't know where I work" I countered.

" Oh yes he does Craig knows more about you than you realise. You really should be more careful you know".

He then said the name of the place where I work and confirmed my fears.

" Well I think that's enough chat for now, time to get down to more important matters" he said.

He got up off the sofa and immediately started to undress.

" Sit down and try not to enjoy this too much" he said, laughing loudly.

I sat on the sofa and watched as he peeled the tight t-shirt up over his head and threw it onto the floor. The sight of his totally hairless, thin naked torso was having a very strange affect on me. I was trying to fight against my desire, willing myself not to get aroused but as he undid his jeans and let them fall around his ankles I knew I was fighting a losing battle. My cock became erect, very quickly as I stared at his bulging, tight briefs. His revealing white briefs were nothing more than a posing pouch and by the look of the substantial sized bulge I could see that this young guy had a fairly big cock.

" Am I making you horny?" he asked, knowing full well that he was, but I couldn't make myself answer his question.

I continued to stare at his lovely slim, smooth body as he kicked off his trainers and stepped out of his jeans which were still bundled around his ankles and then he took a couple of steps towards me, so that his bulging, posing pouch was literally inches away from me and level with my face. The shape of his cock, tightly packed inside the pouch looked absolutely gorgeous and all I wanted was to press my face against his bulge, but as he was supposed to be in control I thought it best not to seem as if I was enjoying this too much and to just do as he said.

" I need stimulating to get me nice and hard, so you know what to do don't you?" He said,

I responded by raising my hand and placing it onto his big, tight cock bulge, but he grabbed hold of my wrist and moved my hand away.

" You know exactly what I mean, do what you do for Craig" he demanded.

I felt my cock stiffen some more as I knew what he was suggesting which was what I was dying to do as soon as I saw him stripped. I sat on the edge of the sofa and reached around behind him and cupped his smooth bum cheeks. I could feel the thin string part of the pouch, tightly nestled in the crack of his bum and I felt myself becoming more aroused as I squeezed his lovely smooth bum. I moved my head forwards and pressed my face into the big bulge, sniffing the lovely, musky aroma of his cock through the cotton pouch. I started to lick his cock through the pouch and almost instantly it began to stiffen and as I continued to lick all the way up to the tip he was soon fully erect, which was when he pulled away from me and stepped back. It was a wonderful sight seeing his hard, big cock pushing the pouch outwards in a very inviting bulge and this young guy was certainly well hung.

" Oh yes now you really have got me horny" he said in his camp, girly voice.

He pulled the pouch to one side, releasing his big cock and I stifled a gasp of lust as I stared at his lovely, thick, cock sticking upwards a good few inches past his navel.

" You want to suck my lovely, young cock don't you?" he asked.

I looked up at him, at his pretty, smiling face but didn't answer.

" Don't you?" he shouted.

" Yes" I finally answered.

He started wanking himself in front of me and I really wanted to sink to my knees in front of him and take his lovely big cock into my mouth and when he stepped in closer to me I thought I was going to get what I wanted.

" Close your mouth you aren't having it yet" he teased.

He turned around and bent over and thrust out his lovely smooth bum towards me, hitting me in the face.

" But you can tongue my tight arse now" he ordered.

I pulled the string from between his bum cheeks and watched as he moved his feet wider apart, spreading his cheeks invitingly in front of me. I placed my lips between his spread bum cheeks and starting kissing and licking his smooth bum hole, probing with my tongue inside, which he seemed to like, judging by the loud moaning sound he was making. I was by now past the point of fretting over the situation I was in, and instead succumbed to the totally arousing experience.

" Yes lick my tight hole" he moaned.

I continued tonguing his young, smooth arse and his moaning and groaning got louder and louder. He kept me doing this for what must have been about ten minutes when he let out a loud gasp which sounded like he was coming.

" Oh you've made me pee myself" he said, moving away from my face and turning around to face me. His cock was still fully erect and I could see wetness on his stomach and also the pouch he was wearing looked damp too.

" Look what you've made me do now" he said, looking down at his damp pouch.

He stepped forward and thrust his cock against my face and I could smell the stale pee smell which was actually quite intoxicating and arousing. He pressed his cock against my lips and I inhaled the lovely smell which was really turning me on.

" OK open your mouth " he said

I needed no persuasion to do as he asked and opened my mouth and felt the rush of pleasure as he slid his cock inside my mouth. The wet, smooth head stretched my lips wide and I could taste the tangy taste of his pee combined with the precome that was also coating his cockhead. I felt his hands on my head and he began to thrust his hips hard, fucking my mouth with his lovely big cock.

" Now wouldn't you just love it if I spurted my hot come down your throat" he asked.

He was so right and I mumbled a moan in response to tell him I would like him to come.

" Yes I thought you would but that would be too easy" he said and after a few more thrusts into my mouth he withdrew his big cock from between my stretched lips.

He stepped back away from me and his rock hard cock glistened with precome which I just wanted to lick and taste some more, but obviously he was in charge and had other ideas.

" Get your trousers off and your briefs and kneel on the sofa I want to see your smooth arse which Craig likes to fuck" he ordered.

I quickly did as he said and as I removed my trousers and pants I was relieved that I had cleaned myself out and given myself an enema earlier as it looked like this young guy intended to fuck my arse.I got up on my knees on the sofa and waited for him.

" Oh yes Craig was right you do have a nice, smooth hole don't you?" he asked.

Then I felt him grab my hips and his wet, hard cock nuzzled against my hole. I felt him pushing against me, so I relaxed my arse muscle and pushed back against his cock. I stifled a moan as I felt him entering me and I was passed caring that he hadn't put a condom on and there was no need for lube as the amount of precome on his cock was enough to let him slide in easily. He pushed into me in one hard thrust which felt amazing and when he started to move his cock in and out in long deep strokes I had to stop myself from moaning from the sheer pleasure.

" Fuck yes that is so hot and tight" he groaned .

It wasn't long, maybe about five minutes of hard fucking before he started to show signs that he was close to coming.I heard his heavy breathing get louder and his thrusting speeded up until he let out a loud gasp and stopped pumping into me and I felt his cock swell inside me, before it jerked suddenly spurting his hot come deep inside my arse. He seemed to come for ages and I just wanted the moment to last forever. Eventually his cock began to soften and he withdrew it from my well fucked arse and as soon as he slipped out I felt his spent come start to leak from my arse.

" Well I think you have satisfied my needs for today, but there will be plenty more requests which I want you to comply with" he said.

I flopped out on the sofa and watched him get dressed and then he started to leave.

" I will be in touch when I want your services again" he said and he left.

I heard him exiting through the front door and I thought to myself that maybe being blackmailed by this young, sexy guy wasn't going to be so bad after all.

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