
By NakedscribeKC

Published on Jul 8, 2021


I am submitting my next piece for publication as it is the next installment in the series.

Author's Disclaimer: The author has created fictitious persons in an effort to tell a story and as such does not reflect any actual person real or fake, living or dead. As always feel free to submit fan mail and constructive criticism to the provided e-mail address. You can now follow me on Twitter: @TheScribeXXX

Follow me on Twitter @TheScribexxx Remember to support; without your donations, my work wouldn't be published.

Doberman's right hand flew up and down his raging erection as he stood near the potted plant. His moaning and panting had subtly, almost imperceptibly, increased as he inched closer and closer to the desired goal. His only thought was of a lovely man staring back at him, dressed only in a smile, his skin pale and hair looking like it was made from the embers of a well lit fire. He continued on his delightful, raunchy task knowing full well that what was about to happen was as natural as breathing the air around him. "That's it baby," he whispered to his imaginary lover, "big D likes it when you wear nothing other than your beautiful smile." A churning sensation started building in his loins as the moment grew nearer and nearer, his pace quickening. Just as the pressure became too much for his hormone laden brain to take in, the dam that had been holding his juices back broke and let out all of his affections onto the potted plant. "OH, OH, OH GOD," he cried as spurts of his man custard bathed the office greenery in a opalescent color, "OH MY SWEET ALLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He could do nothing but stand there for a solid ninety seconds as soon his sweet sauce flooded the potted plant, and pouring out onto the floor. He jumped with a brief knife of anxiety as the door to the office he was in popped shut. He turned, embarrassed by the mess he had just made, "I'm sorry - I'm so sorry! I'll clean it up!"

"Nonsense," his agent assured him, "hey man, I gotta drain those nuts all the time or you'll go mad with lust, and we here at City Beats don't want that."

Doberman sheepishly smiled as he moved to sit on the couch, "thanks for understanding."

"No prob - anything for our top selling client! So are you ready for your meeting with the execs, then?"

Doberman sat on the couch, his legs spread apart, placing his genitalia proudly on full display for the world to see. It wasn't just the pride he took in being a sexual, lustful man but also the fact that this was his natural, comfortable position. "Yeah," he affirmed, "I'm ready!"

"Alright - COME ON IN, FELLAS!"

Two men filed into the room wearing the most expensive business suits that Doberman had ever seen. The tallest one, a blonde balding fifty-seven year old, carried himself with all of the attitude that one might expect from a CEO. His gate was strong, and moved with the confidence of a lion stalking its prey. The short one, a pudgy balding brunette that had just started graying out on the sides, entered right behind him. His movements were a little less confident than the first guy, but felt as though he might take up a room with his image. The first one broke the silence, "hey D-man, how ya doin'?"

"Good," Doberman spoke with an almost imperceptible accent while watching the short man grabbed some chairs for everyone to sit in. The one in charge took up a business casual position, while his shorter companion and Doberman's agent occupied a more professional and free form position respectively. The nude Pakistani immigrant's hands started massaging his crotch meat as he tried to maintain an air of distinct nonchalance. It was as if he were softly pushing out his anxiety out through his favorite toy in an effort to hide the fact that his heart was racing under his well defined brown chest.

"That's good... that's real good. So here's the thing: we want to give you a new image... an overhaul of your entire public identity. We here at City Beats want to capitalize on the shift in our culture here in the USA by tapping into your sexuality. You ooze sexual desire, and men eighteen and older find you more desirable now that you embraced the new laws that were enacted over three months ago."

"OK, but how exactly?"

"Well..." the pudgy short man pushed up his glasses as he pulled out a laptop from his bag. "For starters we've been testing out new stage names for you and have found that Doberjism to be way more popular than your current stage name or any other options that our team could come up with."

"Doberjism," Doberman crinkled his nose while massaging his mighty brown snausage. "Yeahhhhh... that's kinda hot I guess. It does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it Phil?"

His agent nodded his head, "oh absolutely big dog! I am loving the Doberjism name! My fifteen year old will go crazy for it."

"Good, good," the short man concurred as he fiddled with the laptop. "We also want you to be the poster man for a new ad campaign that the Black List Council has officially sanctioned."

"Oh really," Doberjism raised an eyebrow as he looked at the pudgy man with an expression of concern and curiosity. "Just what sort of ad campaign are they wanting us to run?"

The CEO stopped his assistant before he could speak, "they want to run an ad campaign expounding on the virtues of the Blacklist Laws. According to their research, most Americans are starting to rethink their stance on these laws. The Council wants you to do an ad campaign reaffirming their data, and giving a face to their cause. Seeing as you are one of the biggest blacklisted celebrity names out there, being our top selling rap artist of all time, they elected you to be the spokesman for their campaign.

"Oh wow," Doberjism's eyes widened as the idea seeped into his psyche of all the possibilities of mass advertising at twice the scale to what he was used to. With any luck, he might actually find a husband who would love him enough to never stop putting out for him, unlike his three ex-wives.

"Although Juan Padillo has done a lot to allay the fears that people are not following the regulations behind closed doors, as well as Blacklisters being hating the new laws, the Council has found that some have begun to question it. They reached out to us in hopes that we could find someone popular enough to use in their new ad campaign and we chose you."

"Wow, I'm flattered, buuuuuuttt..."

"But nothing, the contract you signed states that we can use your image, likeness, and brand however we see fit until the day we decide otherwise. Besides, it won't all be bad... it might increase the chances of you finding that husband you've been itching about. Everyone should have a chance for love at our company! We want to be one big happy family!"

"I suppose, but I'd still like to see what it is I am getting into."

"Sure, of course - FRANK" the CEO barked, "show the nice rap artist the ad that is already being printed."

The pudgy fellow finally had the laptop loaded with one of the images that would soon be plastered across billboards and websites everywhere, in addition to printed media. There on the screen of the man's computer, Doberjism's face sat with the following words hovering above it:

This man ejaculates 15 - 20 times daily.

Alone, he's raped over 30 different men & women in just one week alone, prior to the Blacklist Laws being enacted.

Would you trust him to hide his intentions behind textiles if given the opportunity?

Do you think he wouldn't do it all again if given half the chance?

Yeah, us neither!

Stay safe... sexualize them... support the Backlist Laws this November!

It's the American thing to do!

Doberjism's jaw dropped, "I'll be ruined! I'll NEVER be able to show my face in public ever again! They'll murder me!"

"Uhhhhh," Frank responded, "our test audiences show that eighty-six percent find you more attractive now than ever before. They love the idea that you have such virility to the point that you aren't in control of your actions."

Doberjism's dick stiffened at the idea of being popular, "re-really?" Frank only nodded his head as the blacklisted rapper continued, "well then, I suppose as long as we have the right fellows guarding me at all times then it should be OK. I just don't want people to hate me is all."

"Yeah that's the spirit Doberjism," Phil tried to encourage the Blacklister, "we can get some of the strongest, most robust men in the industry protecting all of your assets at all times."

"Then it's settled, starting tomorrow we'll beef up your security," the CEO announced as Doberjism's dick twitched at the prospect of beefy men hanging around him at all times.

"Guys, I think our Doberman here needs a few minutes alone," Phil suggested as he ushered the other two out of the room.

"You mean Doberjism," Frank corrected the agent as they vacated the room.


"No thanks," the CEO wrested himself free of the Phil's grasp, "I'm good. I wanna watch my guy go to town. After all, I own this office just like I own him."

Phil rolled his eyes as he shut the office door, "fine... I'll be back later."

The blonde man turned and faced his tawdry client carefully massaging his rock hard man-toy. "Now, where were we?"

The stack of muscle shrugged, "I don't know... I thought you were leaving until you weren't." His dick twitched in his hand, as a bead of precum oozed down his smooth brown shaft. His gaze never once faltering or breaking from his engorged appendage as the other man circled around to him.

"You know, you'd be way more attractive if you were to put out more."

"What," Doberjism watched as another bead of precum rolled down the length of his penis. "I put out for guys lots of times. That's the main reason I stopped having sex with women. They just don't get into it as much as men do. Men want me, they want to please me, they worship me and my hardened bod." The nude rapper flexed his free arm completely unaware that his boss had started viewing him as a piece of meat that was about to be ripped apart rather than a man.

"Would you consider letting me fuck you though?" The CEO had unzipped his pants, and hiked his pants and undergarments around his ankles. A throbbing seven inches stood at full salute as it eyed the nude stud.

"Sure why not," the buff Pakistani positioned himself to allow the blonde man easier access to his taut bubble butt. The man tottered over to his client's hairless body before stopping himself mere inches from the tight hole.

"Would you give me head first?"

The beefcake once again shrugged his shoulders before moving his face into the CEO's crotch. His mouth went down on the man's head and shaft, enveloping it in one of the silkiest wettest mouths that had ever graced the CEO's tool. The business suited fellow let out a cry of pleasure as he was transported to one of the most magical places he had ever experienced. The image of fauns and satyrs danced in his mind's eye as the bearded hunk went to town on the man's pecker. Each new slurp of his cock brought with it a new level of ecstasy. Never had he ever suspected that another man could ever make him feel this way. The CEO rarely received a blowjob and only then it came from a female streetwalker on his birthday. He decided from this moment on that no woman would ever go near his genitals ever again. The waves of pleasure resonated through his body as he let himself go. Right before he was about to pop, he suddenly realized that Doberjism had a second hole that he could use. "Okayyyyyy, now I wanna fuck you," he stated.

The deep cinnamon stud moved back into a missionary position and tossed his legs over the man's shoulders. He awaited the CEO's cock to find its way into his back-nine, guiding it carefully to its destination. Finally the pale man shoved into the blacklisted stud's warm hole, this time forcing Doberjism to cry out, not in pleasure, but in a wave of cruel intense pain. "No, please," he begged as the CEO held his own eyes shut lost in pleasure, "it hurts! It hurts so bad! The pai-aaaayyyyyyyyyy!" The naked rap artist's words were cut short as the man rammed his diamond cutter deep into the rapper's cavern. The CEO jostled the ripped rapper with all of the froce that he could muster as it sent waves of pleasure throughout his body, not caring that tears started rolling off Doberjism's face. "NO - NO PLEASE DON'T! PLEASE DON'T! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Blood started trickling out his rectal cavity as the rape continued. The man grew more fervent in his poundings as he ignored the Blacklister's shrieks of agony. The rapper flailed his arms about before realizing that he could try and force his attacker off his glistening body.

"Oh yeah," the CEO moaned, "that's it! Daddy like! I'm gonna impregnate you so hard you won't know what hit you!" The man was lost in pleasure as he grappled instinctively with his victim's hands trying to offset the pushback he was being given. "I UH-UH-UH UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Spurts of white stuff decorated the interior of Doberjism's love cave as his boss unloaded several heart pounding rounds. It didn't take much effort to cause the muscle stud to ejaculate either as he could feel it rocket out of his dick and splash across his face. Luckily he managed to squeeze his eyes shut before the sauce painted his canvas with spooge. It took his own dick another ninety seconds before it finished unloading its contents across his bare body and after his boss had yanked his rape stick from deep within his once willing victim. He stared down at the blood soaked member, "oh fuck man! How am I supposed to get this shit off me? If my wife sees this, she's gonna kill me - LITERALLY!"

Dobjerjism laid on the couch as his rectal cavity ached and bled all over the cushions. Tears continued to flow out his eyes as he tried desperately recover from the ordeal. The trauma had become a bit overwhelming as he moved to get up, a little trail of blood forming in his wake. "Oh for fucks-sake man, you're getting blood all over the place! This is coming out of your paycheck you know!" The beefcake walked out of the room, dazed by what had just happened. The place span as he wobbled down the hall, bumping and banging into the walls before finally coming upon his agent.

Phil grabbed his client as the man collapsed in his arms. "Hey, hey," the agent called out to his client, "are you OK? What did he do to you?"

Doberjism started babbling incoherently in his native Pakistani tongue, unable to form words in English. Phil set the brown muscled hunk gently onto the ground before storming back into the office. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HIM," he roared as the others on the floor below jumped in their chairs.

"What," the CEO looked around at the mess that was splattered on his carpet. "What do - oh yeah, we just had sex... that's all! Look, he was into it and everything... I mean he was practically begging me for it, saying that I was gonna feel amazing and that his ass was soooooo tight. What was I to do? I'm a powerful man and people are just naturally attracted to me. Wait -" the CEO gazed into Phil's bloodlust filled eyes, "are you in love with him? Don't tell me that you actually care for that - that piece of raw meat out there! FUCK MAN - what's rule one in every guy's play book? DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR TRICK!"

Phil stood there dumbstruck at the accusation: had he really fallen for his client? What did this mean? Would his client ever be interested in a guy like him? He hadn't really devoted any effort in looking for a new mate ever since his wife walked out on him with their nanny. His whole life had been centered around taking care of Doberjism and his children equally. Had he really been using them as an excuse not to date or did his client mean more to him? He shook his head, "na-na no! Don't change the subject! Don't you ever assault my client EVER again! If you so much as look at him funny, I'll cut your junk off myself and toss you into the river- GOT IT?"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, man," the CEO chuckled. "I may be a rapist, but at least I never fell for some common street trash. Those men clearly can't keep it in their pants - not literally of course. They have no pants anymore; well you know what I mean - they can't stay soft or whatever. Now, get out before I call security and I'll consider overlooking everything you just said to me."

Phil left the office defeated but grumbling, being sure to throw one of Doberjism's arms over his shoulder as helped the Blacklister get off the floor. The two staggered their way out the hall, into the elevator, and out of the building. Phil wasn't sure where to take his client so that he could recover, reaching into his pocket, and phoning for a ride. It wasn't long before a limo came barreling around corner, and the two of them were inside of it. "Where to, mac," the driver queried.

"First and east thirty seventh," the thirty year old instructed. It took over an hour for them to cross through traffic and get to the newly constructed luxury apartment complex that he had moved into last year after Doberjism went triple platinum.

Just as they reached the entrance to the complex, the brawny Blacklister started fluttering his eyes, "Phil? Wha-where am I? What happened?"

"It's OK man," Phil started as his head was abuzz with the words that his boss had said to him. "You had an accident and you fell, but you're OK."

"The last thing that I remember was you and Frank and the label owner were leaving the office so I could relax after the meeting. Are we at your apartment?"

"Yes, yes we are; I decided to take you back here in case you needed more time to recover so I could make sure you didn't have a concussion or anything."

"Oh, why didn't we just go to the ER?"

"This was closer, and the fall wasn't that severe or anything. Besides, I didn't want your insurance rates to sky rocket or anything."

"Oh, OK then I suppose. Are Jack and Suzie home yet?"

The two got out of the limo as Doberjism tossed an arm over his agent's shoulder. "No, not yet; they are gonna be so pumped to see you here, though. You know Jack... he's your biggest fan. And Suzie... well, she's just be pleased that someone so famous will be under the same roof as her. She's gonna post so many photos of you online, you'll swear she's a group of twenty paparazzi."

It wasn't until they had both gotten to Phil's door when Doberjism had fully sobered up, "listen man, I wanna thank you for all of your help today, but I don't wanna cause a commotion with my exposed state and all." Phil took out the key to his apartment and opened the door waiting for his client to cross the threshold first.

"What? You'll be fine... both of them have gotten used to the idea that you aren't wearing clothes anymore. I promise you, when they come home from school, they'll still treat you with the same respect that they would have treated you before you surrendered your wardrobe."

Doberjism smiled as he entered the apartment of his agent. The place was spacious with large sealed casement windows that allowed for the daylight to stream in as the sun began to set in the west. It was three in the afternoon when they had arrived and it wouldn't be long before the kids would be arriving home from school. The Blacklister sat down on the couch, his cock hanging low, as his nuts hung slightly lower still. "So, what would you like," Phil called from the kitchen.

"Huh," Doberjism called back.



Phil walked back into the room with the icy cold beverage in hand, "we do have non-alcoholic drinks as well; I have two children you know."

"Yeah, I remember... but I am good with water for now."

Before the brown beefcake could take a sip of water, the door to the apartment was flung open once more. Phil's two kids had come home from school still humming with energy from the events that had unfolded earlier at school that day. "Daddy's home," announced twelve year old Suzie as came bounding into the living room.

"Heyyyyyy sweetie; how was school today?" Phil always took time to invest in his children's lives making sure to put on a big smile and his best foot forward when dealing with them. Ever since the divorce two years ago, things had been a little different between him and his son, but for some odd reason, Suzie took it all quite well. It may have been due to the fact that his wife called almost every week to see how her daughter was doing. They seemed to have a close relationship and were always texting one another. Jack on the other hand checked out more or less after the paperwork was settled, electing to focus on more artistic endeavours like his music and video games. Then of course there was Chuck, the male nanny that Phil hired after his wife, Angela, left him for Megan, their kids' first nanny. After the pair had separated, Phil swore that he would never hire another woman to look after his kids ever again, and had started to slowly lose trust in most women overall.

"Becky and Jenny got into a fight about who had the cuter outfit on and -" she stopped mid-sentence as she saw Doberjism turn his head around. "Is that Doberman!"

"Why yes," her father smugly affirmed, "I believe it is."


"What," Jack jogged into the apartment through the doorway, "what is it?" He looked around and saw the bearded beefcake waving at him from the couch. His eyes widened as his jaw dropped to the floor; he couldn't believe what it was he was seeing. There, no more than ten feet away sat one of his favorite rappers of all time. He was floored and immediately raced over to where his idol sat. "NO WAY! NO WAY! DAD SAID THAT HE KNEW YOU, BUT I JUST THOUGHT THAT HE WAS LYING TO IMPRESS US OR SOMETHING!"

Doberjism chuckled, "well he does, and I know him. He's been with me ever since I made my first album."

"Woooooow - that is so cool! I can't believe you're here, naked and on my couch... in MY living room! This is the best day ever!" Jack turned to his father and smiled at him for the first time in a long time, "thanks dad," he stated hugging him. "Can he stay for dinner?"

"Well, I think that should be his decision," Phil replied as Chuck walked in, eyeing the new guy on the couch.

"Who's this," a look of concern made its way across Chuck's face, "some piece of street flotsam you happen to hit with your car?"

"No, no," Phil tried to hide his ire from his nanny, "this is my client Doberm - Doberjism."

"Doberjism, what is that like a porn name or something?" Chuck corssed his arms, trying to remain cool in the face of this adverse development.

"No man," the lusty rapper stood inches away, "I'm a performer - a rap star - triple platinum as of last year."

Suzie poked the bare Pakistani on the hip, "will you stay Doberman... pretty, pretty, please?"

Doberjism turned and smile, "sure, anything for my number one fans."

"Awesome," she replied, "I think we'll have a ton of fun."

"So," Jack asked the rapper, "why did my dad mess your name up like that? I thought your name was Doberman - NOT whatever he said."

"Well actually," Doberjism replied, "it was decided in a meeting earlier today that I was going to change up my image and part of that was a rename: Doberjism."

"Doberjism," Suzie wrinkled her nose.

Jack nodded, pretending to be in deep thought, "I like it; it has a nice ring to it."

"WELL I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENED - HE CAN'T STAY!" Chuck's voice put a stop to any more discussion of image changes that Doberjism had gone through. The other two men had migrated into the kitchen while the kids were distracted with their questions.

"MY HOUSE! MY RULES! MY MONEY! YOU'RE EITHER ON BOARD WITH THIS OR YOU CAN LEAVE," Phil shouted back as Chuck came storming out.

"Come on kids," Chuck grabbed for the door that he had closed only moments ago, "let's go out for dinner, whatja say?"

"No thanks... I'm good," Suzie replied as she put down her bright magenta backpack on the ground near the door.

"Yeah, we're gonna stay," Jack instinctively backed away from Chuck and closer to the nude idol.

"Fine - whatever - have fun with the freak!" Chuck slammed the door behind him as best as he could.

"You're not a freak, not to me at least," Suzie smiled as she looked into the brown eyes of the Blacklister.

"Sorry about that," Phil came out from the kitchen with a half smile, "he's not normally like this. I think he's just freaked that the kids took an instant shine to you."

"No sweat," the brown skinned stud smiled at Phil, "uhhhhh, do you mind if I use your bathroom right quick?"

"Not a problem"

Doberjism excused himself as he been trying to ignore a subtle tingle that had started when the breeze from the door swept across his junk. He dipped into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door when he heard Phil's voice only seconds later, "is everything OK in there?"

"Yeah I'm fine," he called out, "just gotta take care of some business." The Pakistani rap star watched as his dick went from zero to diamond cutter in three seconds flat. He lifted the toilet seat as he considered using the flushing sound as a cover for his libidinous act when all was done. He grabbed his thick semi-conical man meat, and started sliding his hand all over the shaft as he got lost in his fantasy. A fantasy in which Chuck grabbed his mighty phallus with his big beefy arms and gave it a friendly, but rough tug. Doberjism wasn't normally attracted to guys that hated him, but for some reason Chuck was different. The idea of his big meaty arms taking control of the rapper's naked muscular but malleable flesh excited him. The Pakistani man imagined Chuck bending him over a table and pounding him mercilessly... huffing and panting like a wild boar in heat. The Blacklister felt a pressure and tingle on his heavy, meaty balls as it wouldn't be long before he would finish his lustful chore. As the image of Chuck wrapping his thick bulging arms around his shredded abs popped into his mind, the rap artist blasted searing hot spooge into the cooling waters of the toilet. Wave after endless wave rocketed out from the head of his penis, slpashing into the crystal clear liquid as if he were somehow urinating out his sludge. Thirty seconds passed as he tried to steady himself and keep from crying out. Another half-a-minute came and went with no end in sight; panic setting in. It wasn't until the last thirty seconds when he could start to feel the end of his monstrous orgasm peter itself out. Relieved, he wiped the tip of his deflating man toy and flushed the fruits from his loins down the drain. Another ten seconds came and went before he exited the bathroom, joining the family for dinner.

Midnight approached as the kids had talked the rapper into staying over for the night, after all, Phil and his client had been recruited for a press conference the next afternoon. The beefcake having spent most of the evening hanging out with the kids, taking waist up selfies with Suzie, and answering even the silliest questions that Zack came up with, had fallen asleep on the couch. It wasn't until he heard the door click back into place that his eyes flew open to see an impossibly muscular shadow standing over him in the dark. He reached up to the end table, and tuned the lamp on, his eyes straining against the light trying to identify what or who it was that was standing there. Chuck looked down at the naked man who had only a light blanket on top of him. He smiled, "IIIIIII ju-just don't gettttt it," his words slurred as he staggered around to the beefcake's feet. "I mean, huh-here I am giving - making - helping him raise his goddamn ki-ki-childs-es-zzzeezzzzes and you just waltz in like you're the king of the fucking walk and - BOOM - ya know? Yeah, you know what - no! No to all of that!" Doberjism, pulled the blanket up as his eyes darted nervously around the room.

"Uhhh, what are you talking about," the nervous hunk questioned. The gears in the Blacklisters head started turning, trying to figure out what this drunkard was babbling on about.

"Ohhhh I get it! Thisssssss isss what you're reallllllllly after," Chuck grinned as put his head up under Doberjism's blanket. The rap artist felt a warming sensation as Chuck's mouth enveloped the stud's member with a smooth silkieness that he craved.

It was everything that he imagined it to be, "oh god - yes, yes," he cried out in a hushed tone. He could feel the male nanny bob up and down on his now stiffened flesh rod. Every bob of the man's head brought a delight to the now erect Blacklister as he lay there, a prisoner of his own lusty urges. He carved release as the drunkard continued on with his carnal task, bringing about a fruitful and voluminous conclusion. Doberjism moaned and panted being careful not to wake everyone in the house while trying to move closer and closer to fulfilling his needs. Minutes wasted away like water going through a broken drain pipe as the rap star got more and more into what was happening to him. It was all he wanted: to shoot deep into Chuck's warm inviting gullet, flooding the man's stomach with his salty and spicy man batter. As half past midnight approached so would his orgasm - until Chuck stopped, and pulled his head out.

"Waiiiiitttt, I-I-I got a better plannnnn," he smirked at the brawny slab of lust laiden man cake. He flipped Doberjism on his stomach as the rappers heartbeat quickened. Everything the rapper wanted in that moment was about to happen; all his wishes, all his desires were meant to be fulfilled. Chuck unzipped his fly and rammed his fuck stick deep within the bowels of the Blacklister. Doberjism let out a muffeled cry as one one of the fattest, thickest tools ripped his sphincter wide open. Pain flayed his mind as the once gentle love making now took a very dark and violent turn. Chuck let out a muted chuckle, "what'sssss amatter sexy? Can't handle my tiny little friend? All he wants is your affections!" Tears started racing out of the nude man's face, getting soaked into the porous fabrics beneath his bare flesh. "Huh? Huh? Stud muffin? What was that," with each question he taunted, he would also slam his rape staff deeper into the bowels of his victim. "I didn't quite catch that! Would you mind repeating it?" Another couple of slams brought new levels of pain to the blacklisted performer as his guts were rearranged into new shapes. "Do you think he'd really be into a guy like you, huh street trash? Guys like you are a dime-a-dozen! I could walk down any fucking street and get five of you for a fucking nickel! You don't deserve to even be in the same room as him... breathe the same air that he does... even think about him! You should apologize for existing!"

Doberjism sobbed into the couch cushion, "please stop! It hurts! It hurts!" Blood oozed out of his backside and down into the couch cushion. "I'm sorrrrrryyyyyyyyyy, plllleassee just stopppppppp! NO, NO, NOOOOOOHHH-AHHHAHHHAHHH!"

The overhead light came on as Phil dreamily stepped out of short hall and into his living room. His eyes widened with horror as he watched for a brief second at what was happpening to his client. "Daddy," Suzie called out half asleep as Jack walked with her, "what's going on?"

"JACK, get your sister into your room and lock the door just like we practiced," Phil barked as he lunged towards Chuck like a mother-bear attacking a wolf with her cub in it's mouth. Jack obeyed... he pulled his sister into the master bedroom, and locked the door, his heart beating through his chest. Phil pushed the nanny off his victim and onto his back, as Doberjism just curled into the fetal position. Phil's fists flew as the man punched Chuck repeatedly in the face, his rage taking control of every fiber of his being. Soon the caregiver's face ran red with ruby streaks of blood as bruises soon joined in on the man's suffering. It took only a matter of seconds before it was all over, and Chuck laid there in a small pool of his own blood, barely conscious. Phil picked up the blistered man, as he dragged him to the front door. He opened the door while only a few gurgles came from the injured man as he was still too dazed by the pummeling he had taken. Phil tossed his overly muscular nanny into the hall, making sure to lock the front door with the deadbolt. He turned his attentions back to his client as he attempted to sooth the man of his dreams. "Hey," he softly whispered to his beefcake, "it's OK... it's all over, big guy; he's never coming back."

Doberjism lay there, whimpering and sobbing into the pillow as his agent softly stroked his skin in a desperate attempt to calm the stud. Phil's children finally came out of the room after a few minutes, with both of them looking genuinely distressed. "Dad," Jack finally broke the silence, "what happened?"

Without missing a beat Phil replied, "someone broke into the apartment and attacked Dober -" he swallowed hard, "my client. You called the police right?"

"Yes sir, I did sir."

"Good boy, now help me get Doberman into my bedroom for the rest of the night. I'm gonna stay out here and sleep on the couch after the cops leave." After helping the traumatized stud into the bedroom, he shut the door, allowing the man a modicum of peace.

It didn't take long before a loud pounding startled everyone in the apartment who was still awake, "POLICE, OPEN UP!"

"JUST A SECOND," Phil called out, "I GOTTA RELEASE THE DEADBOLT! I'M UNARMED!" The father of two turned to his kids, "go check on Mr. Doberman for me, please and make sure he's ok." Jack and Suzie ran back into their father's bedroom before he opened the door.

Phil opened the apartment's front door, revealing two nude Hispanic men that looked like they had just popped out of some sort of gay rag stood in the hall staring back at the apartment owner. Their erections dripped ever so slightly as beads of precum languished down their veiny shafts. Their members had engorged themselves past their belt buckles as thick veins popped from their watermelon sized arms. Their pitch-black hair was hidden underneath black police caps that held badges with their respective names, and numbers. Each officer had a nice substantial sized pair of nuts nestled between their legs. The pubes on the man on the left had been shaven completely off revealing nothing but smooth skin while the one on the right had only a trimmed dusting. On each of their massive, hulking pecs sat a pair of nipples, none of which were bigger than a penny. "May we come in," the one on the left had a deep baritone voice that was oddly smooth, and dripped with sensuality.

"Sha-sha-sure," Phil gulped as the two ripped men entered his domicile.

"We got reports of a break-in and a struggle from this address: a one mister Jack Carrington. Is he here now?"

"Heeeeee's my son... he c-c-c-called you-you h-h-here," Phil had a bit of trouble forming words. Never in his life had he seen such powerful alphas as the ones that stood before him. He was so enamoured that he was half-tempted to proposition himself to the two studs.

"How old ish heee," the second man questioned, his voice somewhat thick with an indeterminate South American accent.

"He's only fifteen"

"238 to base," the first one picked up a small box from a strap that hung off his left shoulder.

"Go ahead," came the reply of a woman.

"We are on site, and haven't located the perp. We are speaking with the father of the boy who made the call, over."

"Understood; do you recquire backup?"

"Negative - not at present; further instructions to follow in ten minutes; over and out."

"You didn't see him?" Phil looked at the eyes of the second man as the first one placed the box back onto its strap.

"No, I'm afraid he fled the scene before we arrived."

"Jweee will look for him; jweee prahmiss," the second one put his massive paw onto Phil's shoulder. Neither man's erection seemed to quit, and just stood at full attention, taunting the apartment owner with tantalizing promises of pleasure. The image of the two cops laughing and spit roasting him flashed briefly in his head as he felt a tightening in his silk boxers. He turned his gaze back towards the first officer, hoping that somehow his eyes might quell his desires. Instead, he only found the man's chiseled jaw with a slight five o'clock shadow, and two pouty pink lips that practically begged to be kissed.

He was just about to lean in for a kiss when the man unwittingly stopped him, "so tell us everything that happened."

"Oh right - yeah - well we were all asleep when I heard my client crying out. I raced out in boxers and found my soon-to-be ex-nanny attacking him."

"Was he sexually assaulting the fellow?"

"No, no, I don't believe so," Phil swallowed nervously at the first of many lies that were about to be uttered.

"Dis ex-nahnny, deed shee have uh name," the second one questioned.

"No, yes, no"

"I'm sorry what," the first one was puzzled.

"It was a he - HE was a he, and his name was Chuck. He had been helping me with my kids starting about two years ago after my ex-wife left me."

"OK, how did he get in?" The first one started to massage his rock hard cock as he attempted to sooth its longings. Another tear of goo slipped out, and down his twelve inch shaft before dropping carelessly onto the carpet.

"He used the key I gave him and I must've forgot to set the deadbolt," Phil tried to ignore the man playing with himself as he turned his attention to the man's partner. The second cop squeezed the tip of his cock-head forcing another bubble of precum to seep out of his piss slit causing it to flutter only to have it bounce halfway down. Phil swallowed hard as the first one touched the top of his penis while licking another nugget of premilk off of his index finger.

"OK, before we go," the first one stated, "can you give us a brief description of the attacker, please?"

"Sha-sure," Phil stuttered, "he's about five-eight, light brown hair, hazel eyes, arms the size of a cantaloupe. Very, very shredded, but obviously not as cut as the two of you. He's wearing clothes, and I think he might still be drunk."

"He was drunk when all of this took place?"

"Ye-yes - yes he most certainly was - was!"

"OK, we'll update you if need be. I advise you to come to the station in the morning and file a full report."

"Will do - will most certainly do!" Phil gave the men a thumbs up as he watched their tight, bubbly asses return to the hall. He quickly shut the door, reapplying the deadbolt before letting out a sigh of relief. He headed back into his bedroom, exhausted by everything that had taken place, and found his kids passed out in a chair next to his bed. He gathered a blanket, and threw it over his children as he climbed into his bed, spooning Doberjism in an effort to comfort the fellow. He started thinking about all of the things that his boss had said to him, and all the times he had prioritized his work over his wife. Maybe that was why Angela had walked out on him: he was in love with another person... not a woman, but a man. The only thing that he wanted now more than anything in the world was to protect this man, and make him happy. All of these thoughts danced in his head as he was lulled into a soft, but deeply refreshing sleep.

The alarm woke everyone but Doberjism, who was still deep asleep, "holy shit! Kids, you're gonna be late for school!" Phil was caught off-guard for such an intrusion into the dream that he had been having, but knew that he had to prepare his children for the day ahead. The pair scrambled to their feet, hoping that they weren't going to miss their bus. Jack raced to his room, and put on a fresh set of clothes haphazardly while searching for things that he would need for the day. Suzie bounded into her room, searching frantically for hair pins and other knickknacks to hide the fact that she didn't have time to fix her hair like she usually did. As the two youths scrambled to the front door of the apartment, their father each handed them a twenty and made sure that they shoved in a place where it wouldn't fall out. The trio then whizzed out the apartment, down the elevator, and out to the stoop of the complex as fast as their legs would carry them. Phil waved goodbye to his children as the hopped onto the bus and rode out of sight. Relieved he turned his attention back to heading upstairs to his apartment forgetting for a moment that he was still in his bathrobe from earlier that morning.

The smell of bacon and eggs woke Doberjism from his deep slumber, the nude beefcake yawned and stretched before casually running his hands across his smooth but chiseled body. He felt the gnawing tug of his morning woody, straining to release the spunk that had backed up during his nightly slumber. He gave his cock-head a good squeeze shifting it upwards towards the ceiling while he watched the juices slough out of the tip. The beads slid down to the base of the the head where, just a little bit, they hung off the tip forming a stringy connection to the bed sheets below. His eyes darted around the room before settling on a dishrag that was now hanging off the arm of the chair in the corner. He suspected that it had not been there last night when he entered the room with the aid of Jack and Phil. He leapt out of bed and onto the floor qickly making his way to grab the clean dishrag. He sat back on the edge of the right side of the bed, focusing on the task literally at hand. His right hand started dancing across his dark brown, inflamed schlong as he did his best to sooth its rage. With his left hand caressing his chest and girthy scrotal nodes intermittently he got lost in the dream he had last night of a man holding him and caressing him, while whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Minutes now seemed like hours as time seemed to come to a grinding halt as he was enveloped in his dream world. How he wish he knew who it was that comforted him in his dream and pictured a strong godlike figure that he had once seen in books on Renaissance art. He felt the coming tightness that he had grown accustomed to as he inched ever so closely to the precipice of release. The bare Pakistani felt a tingling sensation arise from deep within his loins before gushing out with all the ferocity of an animal in heat. His ejaculation was intense as the goo vacated his body... in fact it felt as though he had touch the face of his fantasy love god. With just a little more focus and perseverance he felt as though he could see through the mists of time and see his dream lover's face. Suddenly as he was about to pull back the curtain, he felt the abrupt end to his ninety second orgasm. The blacklisted rap artist let out a sigh of defeat and did his best to clean his mess before joining his PR agent at the breakfast table.

"So I hope your self-meeting went well," Phil said as he read his tablet, cheking his emails.

"Yeah," Doberjism replied, "sorry about that; that's how I get after waking up."

Phil smiled, "you're fine."

"Also," Doberjism reached for his special meal replacement shake, "I may have left a larger mess on your bedroom carpet than I anticipated."

"Don't worry, I'll call the cleaners and they can come by to get it up. We gotta leave for our 11:30 am press conference soon. I don't want us to be late."

"I thought that was scheduled for 12.30 pm"

"It is, but I realllly don't want us to be late. Better early than late, I say."

Doberjism finished his shake before putting on his shoes and heading out the door. His PR specialist rang for the limo, and the pair rode off to the City Beats headquarters for the second time this week, and for the first time together. Midtown traffic soon came into clear view, and along with it came a recurring issue for the rap artist: a raging boner. All he wanted to do was to jerk off and release the tension that was building in his loins. He started to whimper uncontrollably as he felt like a caged animal at the zoo not wanting to jerk off in front of Phil and make his agent uncomfortable. "Hey," Phil put his head briefly out the window before pulling it back in and speaking to the driver, "is there anyway we can find a faster routed? My client and I have a meeting at twelve sharp that we don't want to be late for."

"I'm sorry sir," the driver cooley replied, "it seems that the repaving of the road is causing us to be bumper-to-bumper. I may be able to find another route via GPS if you give me a bit."

"Sure, whatever," Phil was disappointed. He was hoping to blow everyone away by arriving early to what was sure to be a momentous occasion. He turned to Doberjism, "how you holding up buddy?"

"Ummmmm..." the bare ass rap star swallowed hard, "uhhhh... things have become a bit harder it seems."

Phil looked down between his client's legs and saw his client's lust monster twitching with delight from being acknowledged. "Here, let me help," he moved his head right over the dark brown shaft in order to envelope the shimmering caramel head.

"No, please," Doberjism objected as Phil stopped and looked up towards his client's face.

"Why not?"

"Because... because I don't want you to debase yourself for me. I don't want you to feel compelled to sexually satisfy me and have it ruin our friendship."

"Shhhh... it's OK; nothing will be ruined, I promise! I want to do this for you. This is my choice, and I want to do this of my own free will and volition. OK?"

Doberjism nodded as Phil proceeded to suck on his client's magnificent staff. Phil slid his mouth down to the horse hung Mideastern love tool swathing it in a blanket of unrequited pleasure. The nude Pakistani let out a deep, guttural moan as his cock-head hit the back of his agent's throat before Phil repositioned himself to account for the rest of the beast. Doberjism relaxed for the first time since getting into the car, allowing the ecstasy of the act to transport him into an everglade of delight. Meanwhile, Phil was busying himself with the task of sucking the jism straight out of the Blacklister's nuts as forcefully as he could. He slobbered, wetted, and slurped with all the expertise of the most expensive prostitute one could afford. It wasn't long before the nude celebrity's testicles started to tighten as his love sauce began to churn and writhe inside his meaty orbs. Little by little he moved closer and closer to the precipice of satisfaction not by force, but by passion, longing, and desire. Before Doberjism knew it, he was flooding Phil's silky mouth with his masculine juices. It took a solid two minutes of Phil swallowing every last drop before Doberjism was finally spent; panting as he tried to recoop some of his spent energy.

The rapper smiled and giggled, "sorry man... that's never happened before; it was so fucking lit!" Phil could only smile as little bits of his client's goo leaked out from behind his lips as he swallowed the remainder of his crush's seed. It took another twenty minutes before the limo arrived at the building giving Phil plenty of time to clean the final bits of cum-dribble off.

"Come on," Phil said as gingerly as he could be, "we don't wanna be any later than we already are."

"I'm coming baby," Doberjism instinctively replied without even realizing what he had said. Phil smiled to himself as he was elated to hear the new pet name that he had just been given.

Everyone was in the room waiting on the rapper to arrive, turning to face the nude Pakistani with eager eyes. Reporters from all across the country collectively held their breath as the Blacklister strolled up to the conference table that had been setup and a podium placed in the center. Behind the podium stood the same CEO that had raped Doberjism not more than twenty-four hours ago, beaming with delight. "Ahhhhh, Mr Doberman," he sarcastically jibed, "so nice of you to grace us with your Augustan presence. Please, won't you have a seat?"

"Sorry we were late everyone," Phil shot daggers at the CEO, still enraged by the audacity of the man, "midtown traffic is not something to be toyed with." Everyone but the CEO and Doberjism let out a little chuckle as they understood perfectly well of the going-ons of the transit system in the city.

The pair sat next to each other as the CEO continued, "ladies, and gentlemen (especially the gentlemen) it is with our esteemed pleasure that we present you with the face of the Blacklist Laws campaign: our great and most talented rap artist, Doberjism!"

"Don't you mean Doberman," a male voice called out.

"Well, about that... in an effort to appeal to a much more modern and hip image, Doberman is rebranding himself to be Doberjism: everyone's favorite convicted sexual offender."

"Really, he's a sexual offender," another voice questioned.

"Yes, he really is. This man here has raped more men and women in a month than any other Blacklister to date, and we will go on record to corroborate his convictions. However, don't take my word for it... he can attest to his convictions."

Doberjism fidgeted nervously for a second as his eyes darted madly about the room. "I am a hardcore serial rapist," the mic echoed his words flawlessly as the presses' eyes widened. "I have raped so many people that I have lost count. I hope you all can forgive me as I fully endorse the Blacklist Laws wholeheartedly. I am one of many men in this country that have committed crimes of lust like that. I prefer mounting men at a moment's notice, and forcing my hard enraged penis deep within their rectal cavities until I achieve orgasm and ejaculate deep within them. When I am not raping men or women, I am busy masturbating to the idea of rape and sodomy. The Blacklist Laws are the only thing that are keeping me and my kind in check and if you vote to keep them enacted this November, I promise: I, nor anyone else like me, will never have the opportunity to brutally rape anyone ever again."

"Doberjism, Doberjism," a man stood up, "over here! Dai Lee, New York City Times; how often do you masturbate a day, exactly?"

Doberjism blasted air from his mouth, "about twenty to thirty times a day, depending on how many men I can get my hands on."

"So are women safe from your urges," a female reporter asked.

"No... I only go after them if I get bored with men or if a woman is closer to me."

"So you're an opportunity rapist, is that right?"

"Pretty much... I'll fuck almost anyone that crosses into my field of vision."

Another male reporter stood up nervously, "would you rape me?"

Doberjism licked his lips, "come up here and find out, you sexy beast." A collective gasp rang out before the man sat back down.

"OK, OK," the CEO interrupted, "we have more. Not only does Doberjism voice his support these new laws that have graced our great land, but he will also be the poster-figure for the Blacklist Laws. Ladies, and gentlemen: I present the new Blacklist Laws campaign poster." He rolled out the previously cited printed campaign ads showing if off after having fished it out from the poster tube that was behind the table. Flashes of light blasted the poster as cameramen snapped up image after image of what lay before them. "Now as you can plainly see we are pulling no punches in making his previous criminal record known far and wide to the public. Furthermore, we are also disclosing as much info that we can muster on his masturbatory habits, and any other relevant statistics before the November voting season. We want the public to be fully aware of what these awful, loathsome men are capable if given half the chance to go after innocent citizens."

"Excuse me," another female voice called out, "Jane Epsly, Washington Post; are we really to believe all of this?"

"Well it is the truth, little lady. If you choose to ignore these facts, then you'll have no one to blame but yourself when the Blacklist Laws are repealed this November and well... let's not even entertain the wider consequences of your in-action."

"Jason Vortman, KC Star: is Doberjism the only man that will be a participant in this ad campaign?"

Another man in a well tailored suit spoke up, cutting off the CEO, "it is the Council's hope that when other Blacklisters see this brave man come forward, it will encourage more of his kind to open up and get the proper treatment to their rape addiction. Once they admit to their problem, then they can move forward, and start the healing process. Who knows - maybe one day there won't be a need for the Blacklist Laws to be maintained, and maybe they'll be repealed? In the meantime, we will publicize more celebrity faces as the need arises, but for now, Doberjism here has a monopoly on our campaign advertisements."

"And you arrrrrree?"

"Why just your friendly neighbourhood citizen serving the interests of this great country of ours. Really, I'm not that important."

"Uh-huh," the man turned his nose down at him in a visual statement of suspicion.

"Now, if you will please excuse us," the CEO had taken control of the situation once more, "we have to get back to work on Doberjism's next album which we hope will be out by the holiday season. If you want further details go to which has just gone live, with links to his new social media accounts, and a link to the Blacklist Council's website. Thank you for coming!"

Another man raised his hand before speaking without being addressed, "just one more thing, Doberjism, can we get a record of you masturbating onto the poster?" A collective "yeah" erupted from the small crowd.

"Sure he can," the man in the suit affirmed, "we can sell it on Ebay, and have the proceeds go to a rape victim recovery charity. Go ahead, Doberjism, and give the crowd what the desire."

The Pakistani rose from his seat as the crowd leaned in eager to watch the man humiliate himself on camera for the whole world to see. The idea of so many people seeing him spill his seed had caused him to harden in front of the masses. He made his way over to the poster so as to position himself for maximum exposure. A little bit of precum dribbled its way from his piss slit, and down onto the image of him naked, playing with himself. Doberjism grabbed his angry member and started tugging on it, thinking about how his PR agent had gone down on him during the drive over to the press conference. As his right hand stroked and petted his massive meat, he pictured the two of them making out on the ride back, ignoring all of the men salivating at the site of him pleasuring himself. He gave his nipples a twist each with his left hand pretending it was Phil gnawing on them. How he wished Phil would just lunge at him right this second, mount him like the dog he knew himself to be, and ride him passionately off into the sunset. He licked his index, middle, and ring fingers before ramming them deep into his sphincter imaging that Phil had rammed his cock deep within his love door fervently thrusting deeply in and out... in and out. The Blacklister could feel the churning of the tidal wave that was about to burst forth, and bring him to a happy ending. He moaned and panted increasing the rhythm at which he was fingering himself. Finally in a dance of delight his lustful urges reached a crescendo as he erupted like a volcano. Spurts of his love fountain drenched the poster, leaving him spent and ready to leave.

"Will you at least sign it before you go," the same male reporter questioned. The wide-eyed CEO handed the bulging Pakistani a sharpie as the man bent at an angle showing off his tight bubble butt. He quickly jotted his name onto the parchment, being sure to jiggle his brown ass the entire time.

"Now, if there are no more questions at this time, this press conference is adjourned," the CEO announced. The older man turned to his star and in a hushed tone said, "you were great out there. I especially loved the way you signed your name."

Doberjism grimaced at the idea of the man who held his livelihood in the palm of his hand becoming aroused with desire at his actions. He wasn't ready to accept a rape session at the hands of this coot when Phil came charging to his rescue like a shining knight on a white horse, "we'll ALL be leaving now!" The CEO backed away knowing that today would not be the day he would emerge victorious in this fight. "Come on, let's get us a limo and go home," the PR agent suggested as he watched his boss leave before turning to his client to reassure him.

Doberjism looked deep into his man's eyes, "I'd like that a lot. Why don't you go outside and make sure it's still waiting on us while I wait here so the press won't get any funny ideas?"

"What if he comes back?"

"Don't worry, I think you scared him off; he won't be coming back."

"OK, handsome," Phil smiled as Doberjism stared into the two beautiful blue pools that were the agent's eyes. Phil left the nude man standing alone in the hallway as he walked outside.

"Hey man," a baritone masculine voice interrupted the rapper's reverie after everyone had left, "I'm such a huge fan of yours. Now that I know you like guys, why don't we go catch a movie or maybe share a couple of drinks sometime?"

"No thanks," Doberjism said dreamily.

"Come on man, please? I promise to make it worth your while," the man promised, ending the statement in a sing-song fashion. He reached over to the rapper's bare ass and gave it a good caress trying to entice the clecrity into another erection. Doberjism felt a slight buckle in his knees as a tickle ran up his spine and into his brain. "Come on you sexy gorgeous beast, let me just play with your bull balls and have my fun. No one has to know - especially not your boyfriend." Doberjism spun around only to find that his attacker had unzipped his fly revealing a red hot rod dripping with pre-snot staring back it him. "That's not the end I want," the man slipped around to the Blacklister's backside before ramming his rape stick deep within his bare ass forcing a high-pitched scream out of his lips. He howled as little drops of blood trickled out his near virgin tight hole. The rapist grabbed both of his shoulder blades as tightly as the little man could while shoving his cock deeper into the rap star's rectum. "Oh yeah, you slut," the rapist growled, "you are so much tighter than I ever imagined. Is this why you don't wear clothes, huh slut? You want real men to take you for their own? Huh? You walk around nude all the fucking time just so we can use you the way you wish you could use us? Yeahhhhhh...that's right!" In and out the man's sex tool slid, taring up the beefcake's hole making a mockery of the love making that Doberjism had imagined he would have with Phil.

Tears started streaming down his face, "please stop - YOU'RE HURTING ME! I'm begging you, no more! AHHHHHHH-HA-HA!" The man only seemed to be emboldened by the suffering he was causing his victim as he thrust harder into the hunky rap artist's anus.

"That's it whore! Whore is so fucking tight! How can any man not rape a stallion like you twenty-four seven is beyond me," the man taunted the Blacklister. "I! Am! Gonna! Fucking! Ruin! You!" With each word he spoke came another angry, hate filled slam into Doberjism's guts. It felt as though the four and half foot demon was ravaging his organs, turning them into mince meat. The slab of muscle wished that he was anywhere but here at this moment as the man hastened his assault. "OH THAT'S IT -THAT IS SOOOOOO FUCKING IT," the man started to increase his volume moving closer to a violent conclusion. "I'M GONNA - I'M GONNA C-UHHHHHHHHHHHH," the little man shot round after round deep within the naked stud's innards right before he was punched in the left eye, sending him careening to the ground. He looked up with his other eye, "what the he-" his sentence was cut short as a tornado of fists pummeled him. With his face now smashed beyond recognition, barely clinging to life, he couldn't fight the impending darkness that would soon envelope his field of vision.

Phil picked up the broken hunk from the ground as gently as he could while trying not to exacerbate the trauma further. "There, there my angel," the smartly dressed man cooed, "I'll take you home and make sure no one ever hurts you again." Phil smiled as Doberjism leaned into his broad chest sobbing into his clothes and soaking them with his brokenS tears.

Next: Chapter 10: Tom

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