
By NakedscribeKC

Published on Oct 22, 2020


Author's Disclaimer: The author has created fictitious persons in an effort to tell a story and as such does not reflect any actual person real or fake, living or dead. As always feel free to submit fan mail and constructive criticism to the provided e-mail address. You can now follow me on Twitter: @TheScribeXXX

A single tear fell from Ignacio's face as his father hiked his pants down. It was his Dieciocheñero, the ritual that had been created by Hispanics all throughout the USA, long ago. It was on this day that Ignacio would take his first steps into manhood by doing away with his clothes. His three favorite outfits from his youth had been selected to be burned, symbolizing the loss of the freedom his youth gave him and making way for adulthood. He turned towards the bonfire watching the shirt his father had tossed merely seconds ago burn in the flames. "Papa," he mournfully asked as his lower lip quivered, "must I really give up all of my clothes?"

His naked father nodded, "this is our tradition and it has been this way since shortly after the laws were changed all those years ago."

"But can't I just keep my underwear on?"

Ignacio's father ruefully shook his head, "I'm afraid not me niño; the law is very clear: upon their eighteenth birthday all blacklisted males must be rid of all textiles that cover their bodies from their ankles to their jaws. It was that way for me when I was not much older than you."

"You had a Dieciocheñero, too?" Ignacio watched as the last of his clothes burned in the blaze and leaving with a puff of smoke.

"No my son; when the laws went into effect, I was but nineteen years of age. My best friend was forced to watch me get gang raped in the local mall by a group of overly horny rednecks. They brutally sodomized my virgin-tight hole for hours. Eventually my friend rescued me and took me to a hospital. Ever since then, I've been repeatedly victimized because I am very attractive. Day in, and day out for the past twenty years I have been forced to endure other men's lustful urges, satiating their most passionate and carnal desires...just as you will have to do."

"You mean men will force themselves upon me, also?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so. That is our lot in life that we, as Blacklisters, all must bear. Any man at any point may take us and have his way with us, and if we are truly unlucky, will be forced into a marriage against our will."

"Do the Non-Blacklisters hate us?"

"No...they all want us, they desire us for our beauty. We turn them on simply because we exist. Anytime we breathe, or our heart beats, we arouse men and as such they have every right to make us into their personal sexual play things."

"What was it like before the Blacklist Laws?"

"You know...I can't remember. They say that we were savages...raping and molesting anyone that got into our field of vision. That is why our clothes were taken from we could be raped and molested before we had the chance to do the same to them."

"But papa...I don't wanna rape anyone."

"I know me niño... I don't want to either, but the law is the law and complaining that won't change a thing. Now, go hug momma, and give her your biggest smile."

Ignacio bounded over to his mother, who was in the corner of the backyard, near the cake and decorations bawling her eyes out. "Ay Dios mío," she wailed, "my little nené is all grown up."

The now nude Latino leaned in and gave his mother a big hug. "Don't worry Mama," he consoled her as best as he could, "I will always be your little nené. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." His father came over and sat in a lawn chair picking up a beer from the cooler along the way. Ignacio's dad took a big swig before consoling his wife. Ignacio turned to his little brother to play soccer for the rest of the evening.

The next morning, the naked youth was awoken by an all too common tight sensation between his legs. He pulled back the covers and stared down at the one eyed cyclops that almost looked to be winking a greeting at him. He eagerly pumped some lotion from the bottle on his night stand into his hand, picked up the crusty jizz rag from the ground below, and started his daily morning routine. Ignacio coated his thick boy toy in the warm loving embrace of the hand lotion making sure to leave no part of the head or shaft under soaked. He moaned quietly to himself as he pictured his favorite boy band, in the nude, bouncing feverishly up on stage and singing him an alternate rendition of Happy Birthday. He massaged his lightly brown penis head and darker shaft to the rhythm of the melody in his head as he "watched" their penises bouncing so erotically up and down as they danced to the music. After the boys finished their imaginary number, he then pretended that his favorite one asked him to mount his tight, white butt. The other three just watched and jerked off as Ignacio rammed his imaginary love staff deep in the performers guts, trying to think of how tight and warm it would be. As his panting crescendoed in his mind, so too did it crescendo in real life. Sticky globs of man-sauce pummeled his face, smearing him in the juices of his self love. The young man cleaned himself off before heading downstairs using his crusty rag before tossing it into the trash can.

"We got a special surprise for you both," his father announced as Ignacio sat down at the breakfast table. He grabbed for the shake can as his little brother called out a tiny "yay!"

"Oh Luis," his mother stopped his father, "let me tell them. I really wanna see the looks on their faces."

"Of course me cariña"

"We're going to White Rapids water park to celebrate Ignacio's birthday!"

Another "yay" came from his three year old brother as the kid flung his hands up in the air just like his favorite stuffed frog from the TV would do. Ignacio wrinkled his nose, "wasn't my birthday over with yesterday?"

"That may be true," Luis replied, "but that doesn't mean we all can't still celebrate it. Now go grab a new jizz rag, and some tanning oil so we can leave as soon as we are done eating." Ignacio ran to get the items, as well as a neck-wallet so he could finish eating.

A couple of hours later, the family arrived at the prestigious water park and it wouldn't be long before Ignacio would have his first taste of skinny-dipping. He climbed out of the side of the minivan when his dad took him aside, leaving his mom to deal with his baby brother. "Ignacio, listen to me," he said quietly so as not to upset his wife, "if any man takes you and mounts you, just let them. Don't struggle, don't scream, and most importantly - whatever you do - don't react to anything. Your mom and I can't protect you anymore. You're a man now and that means you have to take it like a man. Just because other men will see you as a walking cum dumpster doesn't mean you have to give them the satisfaction of reacting to their carnal desires. They will have their fill of you and leave you alone if you just let them finish; ok niño?"

"Sure thing dad," Ignacio nodded in agreement as his naked father gave him a hug.

"One more thing," Luis let his son go after a moment, "you can now jerk off anytime, anywhere; never forget that either." Ignacio nodded his head as the family left the car parked in a spot and made their way towards the main gate.

Once they were through the gates, Ignacio stared in awe at all the people that were playing in the pools of liquid crystal, laughing and just having a good time all around. His mother turned to his father and said, "I'm gonna join the other house-moms in the kiddy corner. We can all meet up at Valhalla Gardens for lunch...say 1:30/1:45pm?"

Ignacio nodded politely to his mother; "sounds good dear," his father concurred. Just like that, Ignacio was off like a bolt of lightning towards the Seem Splitter, the largest water slide the park had to offer. As he ran towards the starting point of the line, he couldn't help but wonder if his dad would already be making his way to Valhalla Gardens to start drinking as early as he possibly could. Although the young Blacklister was loathe to admit it, he knew his father used alcohol as a coping mechanism when dealing with the daily trauma of being every man's sex receptacle. He wasn't sure what he himself would be like after twenty years of getting daily gang rapes, come-ons, and other sex-based shenanigans. The young man jogged past a group of young Blacklisters surrounding an older Non-Blacklister who were shooting their loads onto his face. It was quite a common fashion practice that had cropped up a year or two after the Blacklist Laws had come into effect: men would wear the jizz of another man on their body. He sort of remembered reading how a certain blacklisted designer had premiered it on the runway of a New York or Los Angeles fashion show and it took off, almost overnight. Blacklisters were sought after for their excessive virility in helping to maintain this fashion trend. Men everywhere would sport creamy facials to every major and minor social event in the first year it started. With the second year, it soon became even more widespread and common practice to wear the fresh jizz of some fellow to work or to college or wherever. Celebrity cum sessions would go into the thousands with A-listers costing millions. Despite the fact that the trend had somewhat fallen out of near universal popularity, it was still not unheard of for men in the USA to sport man-goo on their faces...usually when they weren't swimming though."He must be getting ready to leave," Ignacio thought, "and just wanted a touch up."

The Latino twink finally settled in line for the large water slide that snaked up all the way to the top. He looked over at the sign: one hour wait from this point on; his stomach growled as he checked the time on his wrist watch: 11:30am. His family would wait a bit before giving up on him and eating lunch without him. "Just one go at it," he thought to himself, "and then I'll go meet up with Mom and Dad." As he waited in line, he couldn't help but notice several couples had chosen to idle away their time by going at it. He could feel his young meat start to harden as he wished that he could find a guy to do that with. After ten minutes the line had moved forward, getting him closer and closer to his ultimate goal, but did little to relieve his sexual frustrations. A couple of Non-Blacklisters walked by, laughing and giggling to themselves as they pointed at his enraged member. His penis leaked out an ample amount of prejuice while he blushed from embarrassment.

"Whatsamatter, Blacklister," one of them jeered, "your penis too hard from all the real men surrounding you?"

"Yeah," the other one chimed in, "you gonna jerk it while you wait? Don't mind us...just pretend we're not even here!"

Ignacio didn't want to give the Non-Blacklisters the smug satisfaction of watching him beat his meat. He struggled and tried to focus on non-sexual thoughts, but no matter how hard he tried, somewhere in the back of his mind, the idea of these boys teasing him was a huge turn-on. He finally submitted to the sweet siren's song of his loins and started stroking himself. He could feel his stiff member slide between his fingers and his palm as he caressed his flesh. Back and forth his right hand went as his left hand started jiggling his meaty testicles. Over and over he stroked his cinnamon staff as he only moved when the line forced him to. He could see the boys pointing and laughing at him, driving him further and further to the point of ejaculation. "Ewwwww," a girl cried out, "that's nasty!" Ignacio had long since stopped caring what girls had thought of him, focusing all of his attention on the two boys as they continued to mock him relentlessly. After twelve minutes of this embarrassing situation, he shot his cock-snot all over a bush that was below him after having moved up a level or two.

"Dammmnnnn dude," the first boy cried out, "that Blacklister sure packs a wallop!"

"Yeah man," the other agreed as the pair walked away, "no wonder they are always so horny. I'm glad the Blacklist Laws were enacted! Those things are definitely worth it to keep guys like him in check!"

Once at the top, another blacklisted youth turned to him and smiled, "this is my first time going down the slide. They say that when the water splashes across your junk, it instantly hardens your dick. I hope so...I wanna emerge with a hard-on...then maybe some guy will wanna blow me!"

Ignacio politely smiled to the fellow, "cool."

"My name is Jake and I'm biracial; what about you?"

"Ignacio and both of my parents are from El Salvador. They met on a blacklisted friendly website, although my dad says that there were several NBs on the site posing as women. He was raped thirteen times while using that site before he met my mom."

"Really - thirteen? He's so unlucky! My dad was sodomized like fifty times before he met my mom...probably more."

"Yeah well, that was only from guys on the site. He gets raped by his boss daily when he's at work; not to mention the construction workers next to his work place. They're expanding the building and putting in a new cafeteria."

"Wow - he must be really attractive then!"

Ignacio shrugged, "I guess...I never really thought about it." He could see that his new companion had started to chub up at the idea of his father.

"Does he work out?"

"Yeah, he's got big arms, but an even bigger torso...kinda blobby."

"Oh sweet; he sounds like a total DILF! Does he like younger guys?"

"I don't know...he never really talks about guys all that much. I think it has to do with getting gang raped when he was nineteen by some burly rednecks."

"Was that before or after meeting your mom?"


"Niiiiiiccccceeee," Jake turned to the tunnel just before leaving Ignacio's sight, "well it's been fun - I'll see you on the other side."

"Sure, I'd like that," Ignacio smiled at having made a new friend that was in the same situation as he was in.

It was finally the newly eighteen year old's time to go down the slide. He gathered up all his courage, got into the tube, and gave himself a gentle push. Water cascaded over his bare flesh like a gentle rain as he twisted and turned through the plastic pipe. At one point there was a transparent point in the tube showing that it went out past the fence on the property and almost into the parking lot. After a few seconds, Ignacio splashed down into the deep end of the wading pool, water enveloping himself from head to toe. He pulled himself to the surface once more and as air flooded his lungs, he could feel a tightness between his legs. "Jake was right," he gazed down at the rager he was sporting, "the splash does make you hard! Well, I better be heading to Valhalla Gardens so I can meet up with Mom and Dad. I'll take care of this erection, later." Just as he got out of the pool, he felt as though someone was watching him. He searched the crowd, and on the opposite side of the pool was a fat, slimey, creepy old geezer. The man had the worst comb-over the twink had ever seen. It horridly tried to cover the exposed scalp on top of his head. A cold chill traveled down to the base of the spine as he gave a polite nod and the most courteous smiles he could muster. The man just waved back, not changing a single expression on his face. It was almost like he wasn't real; the man looked like every serial killer the twink had ever seen in every cop drama. Ignacio's stiffy dropped immediately as he jogged away from the pool and over to the food court.

Upon entering the sheltered Gardens, he immediately saw his mother sitting in the corner with his little brother, feeding him a diced hotdog that she had prepared. "Hey Mom, where's Dad," he inquired as he approached her.

His mom looked up, "oh he's somewhere I suppose...maybe getting another beer. Try looking over by the order window."

"Ok, thanks," he said before making his way out of sight and around the corner of the tent. It didn't take him long before he realized what was happening. He could hear the sounds of growling coming from another area as he approached the open air window. There he saw his own father laying ass up on a table as another man his about his age was waist deep in his father's innards.

Ignacio quieted his breathing as he intently listened, "I saw the way you were looking at me," the unknown assailant growled. "You were checking my ass out so you could rape me, weren't you?"

"No, no, I promise I wasn't," his father cried.

"Well I turned the tables on you, you sick fuck!"

"Yeah Dad - get him," that voice...that all too familiar was one of the boys that had watched Ignacio jerk off.

"It's men like you who are ruining this great country of ours by whacking off all the time. You lust after our masculine bodies and think perverted thoughts about what we look like in the shower. You play with yourselves every chance you get and picture what our faces look like when we orgasm. WE'RE SICK OF IT! QUIT WALKING AROUND NAKED ALL THE TIME!"

"Yeah, we're sick of it!"

"I'm sorry...I never think any of that," tears rolled down Luis's cheeks as the man pulled his rape stick from deep inside. "Please, please just let me goooo-AHHHHHHHHH!" The other man rammed his tool deep into Luis's chubby tight cakes as he screamed out in pain.

The man laughed as he went to town on Luis's lust cavern, getting some sick, depraved joy from the Blacklister's suffering. "That's it Blacklister," he jeered, "scream for help! No one gives a fuck about a sick pervert like you! If you don't like it here, you can take your tight hole and get the FUCK OU-OWWWWWWWW-UHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The man flooded his pervert with wave upon wave of sticky bliss, sending shivers through the hapless beast. Luis's penis, not wanting to be left out of the fun, started exploding pearl jam all over the place like a broken fire hose. After a few seconds, the man withdrew his dick, and walked away, "sick perverted old beaner." Luis lay there sobbing, feeling his member soften as he held his body in an attempt to comfort himself. Ignacio strolled quietly over to where his father lay, taking great care as not to surprise the blubbering mess.

His father could barely look his son in the eye, "I'm sorry son," he could only mouth.

"It's ok Dad," Ignacio smiled back trying to console the broken shell of a man. "I know that none of this is your fault, just like it's not really any of our faults."

Luis found his voice after he started wiping the tears from his face. "It is our fault - it's all of our faults! If we didn't turn them on, then none of this would happen. Don't you see? THEY aren't responsible for what we force them to do. I shouldn't have stared at his arousing body."

Ignacio shook his head, "no Dad...none of this was your, mine, or any of our faults. We did NOTHING!"

"YES - yes we did," Luis's voice got deeper and sterner, "we turn them all on and as a result they rape us! They can't help it! If we wore clothes and weren't so attractive, then they wouldn't do all of this stuff to us! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANY ARGUMENTS FROM YOU - GOT IT?" His father practically roared the last sentence at Ignacio as his son nodded in agreement, lowering his head in shame. "Now where is your mother," he queried as the young Blacklister pointed back to where he had come from. Ignacio raised his head back up as he once again felt that familiar piercing sensation creep upon his being. He quickly scanned the crowd only to find that same disgusting old man staring at him. The eighteen year old shudder as once again his blood ran cold. He could feel the man's gaze tracing every inch of his smooth, supple, tender young flesh. Despite the fear that gripped his heart tightly, his pepe-le-spew stiffened at the idea of being checked out. The man let out a smile before the kid hurried back to his family.

His father tossed him a bottle of baby oil and a jizz rag, "take care of that thing, would you?"

Ignacio set the items gently on the ground, "no thanks, I'm good."

"Fine, but you're gonna stroke off before you go back into the pool. And for god-sakes, do it in front of the first Non-Blacklister that you see, no matter who it may be!"


"What," his father curtly responded.

"I think someone may be after me."

"Oh really? You think some man wants a pervert like you?"

"LUIS-" his mother dropped the spoon she had been using to feed the three year old with. "My son has his first stalker and all you can say is he is a pervert?"

"Well cariña, he is! We all are!"

"NOT ME," she objected, shaking her index finger at the pair of nudists, "I'm not some depraved old bull like you are and he is!" She turned to her son, excitement building, "so what's his name? What does he do? What does he look like? Is he still here?"

"Moooooommm," the naked young male replied, "aren't you the least bit concerned that someone will take me and do unspeakable things to me?"

"Oh pish-tosh me nené! You men-folk are all the same: always thinking with the head between your legs instead of the head on your shoulders!"

"That's not what I meant-"

"Well where is he then? Can you still see him?"

Ignacio scanned the crowd before replying, "no, I don't see him anymore. Maybe I should report him to the staff or something."

"Fine," she let out a disappointed sigh, "you do what you want...I won't stop you. Just remember, if he proposes, you HAVE to invite us to the wedding." With all that out of the way, Ignacio's mom went back to feeding and cooing to his little brother. The child let out another giggle as Ignacio shrugged his shoulders, before sitting down to eat.

He devoured his shake, starved beyond all other feelings that still lingered in his mind. "Burrrrp" the youthful Blacklister let out after chugging down the soda his mom had bought, "con permiso...may I please be excused? I want to go find Jake!"

"Oh," his mother feigned interest, "and just who is this Jake? Is he that nice man that has his eye on you?"

"No mom, he's just another Blacklister like me and Dad."

"Bien, you may leave; just meet us at the main gate before the park closes. We don't wanna have to pay a fine to get you out of jail."

Ignacio gulped as he thought about what might happen to him in jail, "I won't."

"Hey chico," his father piped up, "you gonna do like I asked and play with yourself?"

"I'm not hard anymore, Dad"

His father scanned his son's virile brown body, "ok, just so long as you beat off any time you get a hard-on. DON'T FORGET TO DO IT IN FRONT OF A NON-BLACKLISTER!" His father had to practically yell across the large crowd as he ducked out of sight. Ignacio started a makeshift search pattern for his friend from earlier hoping that he hadn't left yet. He darted in and out of the throngs of people, being careful as to not bump into anyone. The twink didn't have to search for long before he remembered that his new buddy had expressed interest in getting laid. He made his way over to the sex station nearby to see if he was there. It was there that he found Jake fucking the living daylights out of some seventy year old Non-Blacklisted man.

"Hey Iggs," he cheerfully panted, "what up?" Jake slammed hard into the old geezer as the man let out a moan of approval. The old man was bent over one of the fuck tables as Jake kept his pace steady.

"Hey Jake," Ignacio solemnly replied, "I think I have a stalker and my parents couldn't care less."

"No shit?"

Another groan escaped the older man's mouth.

"Yeah, Mom thinks it's the best thing ever and Dad just wants me to play with myself...maybe for the dude."

"Man I wish I had parents like yours! My mom walked out on my dad the day I turned eighteen. Said it just wasn't worth it any more. It's ok, she never really cared for me anyway and used my dad only to get know how women are. Once they pop out a kid, they all but stop caring. You're so lucky you got a stalker also; wish I had a stalker."


Jake turned to his fuck toy ramming harder into the old coot, "you gonna stalk me, huh old man? Yeah - you gonna get my number, call me at home, and tell me you want my tender young body all for yourself!" The old man gasped once more as Jake slammed into the dude's wrinkly old ass. "That's what I fucking thought! You want some kid that's a third your age all for yourself! You're gonna parade me around that retirement home of yours, tell everyone I'm your grandson, and then give me head in front of all the other old coots - ain't ya!" The seventy year old nodded in agreement as he moaned again, louder than before. "OH FUCK GRAND-DADDY - HERE IT COMES!" Jake shoved his young staff deep into his lover's guts as it pumped them full of his spooge. The geezer could do nothing but howl himself as he leaked droplets of gunk from the tip of his penis. The biracial Blacklister removed his fuck stick from his lover's rectum, watching the juices come pouring out for a brief second before turning his attention back to Ignacio. "Like I was saying," he resumed the conversation that he was having, "stalkers are AWESOME! They shower you with gifts and money and stuff! My best friend from high school got himself a stalker the day he graduated and the dude gave him a new car six months later! He was sooooo lucky!"

"Yeah, but I don't think he wants to give me least he hasn't."

"Well, give him a chance; you never know until you try."

"I'm not so sure...I just get this bad feeling every time I see him."

"I don't know what to say then...other than go up and talk to him. Again, you never know what can happen until you do. Meanwhile, we should go swimming some're a hot commodity if you really do have a stalker and that could make me look a little more desirable."

Ignacio thought it over before giving his response, "sure, we should definitely do just that."

"Alright, awesome! Thanks man - you don't know what this means to me."

"Same here," Ignacio muttered under his breath.

The Salvadoran followed his new buddy over to Layman's River to take time to relax and unwind. Maybe if he had a few minutes of relaxation and sunbathing he could forget about his stalker. They took the winding cement path that led to the attraction, never really stopping, but always making sure to stay below the radar of any Non-Blacklisters. Ignacio was especially adept at dodging and darting his way through a crowd so as not to bump into anyone. He had the skill and grace of a ballet dancer mixed with a ninja and blended just as well as any soldier in the field. The twink nearly stumbled into a group of men sitting crossed legged, knee to knee, on the ground in a bate circle. The fellows paid him no heed as they continued with their libidinous activity, lost in a sea of carnal pleasure. He stood there, watching them beat their meats virulently, each one moaning and panting in an orchestra of passion. Up and down their hands went over their disparately sized genitals each one tending to it as though they were a baker kneading the finest dough that had ever been made. Precum sloughed down their thick vein-rich shafts, getting caught in their raven black pubic hair. They held their heads back to the warm, life-giving sun, eyes shut as they focused on the task literally at hand. Finally one broke from the group, "oh, oh, ohhhhh, I'm gonna - uhuhhhhhhhhh - ahhuhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh!" Fountains of pleasure burst forth from the tip of the rebel's tip, spraying out and over the other thirty to forty year olds.

The second and third group members followed suit as they too pumped out their own love stew all over the place. The fourth Blacklister opened his eyes, and ran his free hand across the pectorals of the second, lapping up the love juices from his now frosted fingers. It wasn't until after the fifth man orgasmed that the fourth one shot his load over the group. "Oh man," the third group member broke their new collective silence, "I soooooo fucking needed that!"

"Agreed," the second one piped up, "all these hotties walking around, making me chub up so hard...fuck! I'll probably have to do this again in half an hour."

"Yeah man," the first affirmed, "we all will probably have to do that again. Isn't it awesome?"

"Hey kid," the third one finally noticed Ignacio standing around, "you know if you wanted to, you could have joined us. We are always on the lookout for younger members to join our little club."

"Club," the twink was confused, "what kind of club?"

"We call ourselves Bators United. We're a group of guys who like to get together about once a week and jerk off. We'd love it if you gave us a chance some time." The third guy reached out handing a small business card to the flustered youth. "We're one of the few clubs that promote openness, honesty, and support. We promote an `anti-rape' lifestyle and even can give you tips and tricks to reduce the chances of being sodomized, or worse." Ignacio grabbed the card hurriedly before Jake called out to him. "Just something for you to consider...ya case you get lonely."

"Uhhh, thanks," and with that Ignacio made a mad dash towards his pal. He shoved the card into his neck-wallet as he dodged and dipped through the crowd moving like a rabbit. Just as he was about to meet up with his buddy, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck go up, and a chill run down his spine. He stopped dead in his tracks, and hurriedly scanned the masses as they went about their day. Off to his right, about sixty paces or so away, was him: the man whom he had seen at almost every place that he had been to that day. The sweaty, slimy creep gave him an unnerving smile and waved at him causing Igancio to grimace once more. He nervously waved back, gulping in a breath right as a park attendant walked by out of the corner of his eye. "Hey," he called out as he hurried to catch up to the beach clad twenty something, "excuse me - miss?"

"Yes sir, what can I help you with," she smiled as she turned to face the naked youngster.

"I - I - I," Ignacio stammered as he felt the man's gaze locked onto his smooth, supple, young flesh.

"It's ok, you can tell me. I've seen it all; your genitals don't bother me in the slightest. I'm studying to be a doctor."

"Well here's the thing," he finally blurted out, "there's this guy and I - I think he's been f-following me all day. I don't know what he wants or if he wants to kill me or what. You gotta help me, PLEASE!"

"Is that all," she spoke with a condescending tone as though he was only five. "Well if that's the case then he's well within his rights to do so. You are a Blacklister and are of legal age, so there's nothing you can really do unless he tries to harm you. Even then you'd need three consenting witnesses and a court order and that could take months with how the legal system is and all."

"What? I just told you that there's a man who most likely wants to rape me!"

"Oh well, in that case, he's still well within his legal rights to do so and frankly I don't blame him. In fact, I'd say that you're asking for it by walking around and not wearing clothes and just letting it all hang out. Looks to me like you are just asking to get raped."

"Can't you do anything?"

"Nooooo, but you can stop teasing him. I mean look at you: you're naked! And look at me: I'm fully clothed! Sorry little man, this is all on you."

Just then Jake came jogging up, "hey buddy, what's the hold up?"

"Your friend here was telling me that he has a stalker that wants to rape him. I was just reminding him that it was perfectly legal for his stalker to do that and was about to tell him the history of the rulings."

"Oh my...I'm so sorry that he wasted your time like that. He hasn't jerked off in hours."

"Yeah, well see that he does and soon," she pointed sternly to Ignacio, "a young man like you has to properly clean out your vas deferens quite frequently or you'll go mad."

Jake nodded as the naked Salvadoran stood there dumb founded. The young woman turned, and left the pair while she was muttering something under her breath to the effect of "fucking crazy Blacklisters" that neither one heard.

Jake turned to his friend, "dude, you gotta cut that shit out or you'll get fined or worse. Look if you wanna get rid of your stalker that badly, I suppose I could try and seduce him."

Ignacio's eyes widened, "I don't think that would be a good idea, though."

"It's OK dude, I've seduced hundreds of guys since I turned eighteen. It's really easy; all you gotta do is just point him out to me." Ignacio scanned the area once more looking for his stalker, only to find the man had vanished into the crowd again. The youth was uncertain if this was a good or bad thing that the man had disappeared. "Look, I suggest finding a nice, quiet corner somewhere, and beating off. That usually helps me whenever I'm stressed."

"Yeah, I guess you're right; I could try and jerk off. I'm gonna head on over to behind the bathrooms over there and just beat it for a few hours. I'll catch up with you later man," Ignacio turned and jogged towards the bathrooms, leaving his friend to make his way to the Lay Man's River. As he passed by, he spotted three older blacklisted gentlemen pissing into the mouth of a young Non-Blacklister only mere inches to the entrance of the main bathroom. Ignacio chubbed up at the sight of this activity, and was mentally preparing to use it as bate material when he turned the corner.

His gaze lingered as he watched the trio making out with one another up until an icy, cold, almost sinister voice interrupted his lustful glances. "Hey sexy," Ignacio's blood froze as he turned his head to face the one person he dreaded most. "I see you've been checking me out," the Latino's heart raced as he stared into the eyes of the creep. Words escaped him as the man continued, "yeah, I have that effect on men...especially the young ones. You know, you are way more gorgeous up close." The man slurped and licked his lips as his evil, almost soulless eyes ran their way up and down the gorgeous young stud's body. "You know, you'd be a lot sexier if you smiled for even better if you were hard." Ignacio looked down at his crotch; he hadn't really noticed that the blood had drained out of his lust-muscle.

He was just about to scurry away when the man's beefy paw sprang out and grabbed tightly onto his now flaccid tenders. He let out a scream with a mixture of fear and pain, tears bursting forth from his eyes like little water falls. "Please pant please yelp," an immeasurable pain wrought his genitals, cutting off any more words that he might produce.

"Please? Please what? Please squeeze harder? Well, only if you insist." The slimy old middle-aged man clamped down with all his might forcing Ignacio to let out a blood curdling scream. It felt as though his two precious, life giving testicles were going to pop out of his nut sack and into the man's hands. "You're not going anywhere baby! You're daddy's boytoy now! I'm gonna take you home and show you to all of my friends. Everyone will be so jealous that I bagged a husband as gorgeous as you!"

Somewhere in the depths of Ignacio's psyche a thought bubbled up over the pain, "husband? Did he just say husband?"

"I'm old fashioned like that," he continued, almost as if the sickening creep could read his new toy's thoughts. "I like to wait until we're in a long-term, committed relationship before we do the deed," the man leaned into the pain stricken youth, saliva oozing from his lips.

The stalker smiled as Ignacio forced himself to gaze into his new husband's cold, uncaring eyes. "No, they weren't uncaring," the youth forced a closer look as thoughts swirled his mind, "he wants this. It's as if this is the only thing that makes him happy. Bringing pain and suffering to someone so young was his way of feeling powerful and desirable." Just then another squeeze of his tenders interrupted his train of thought as bolts of agony tore through every nerve ending in his body. He shrieked again, wailing in pain and torment, "this man is trying to kill me!" The man only laughed with a sinister joy as he watched this tender boy struggle against his might.

"Oh baby," the slimeball sneered, "where are you going? You can't escape my love for you." Ignacio desperately wanted to be anywhere but here at this moment, but the man's chubby, oozy, hairy digits were firmly wrapped around his genitals. As much as he wanted to be free of this brutish man's claws, he wanted to keep his reproductive organs only slightly more...but just barely. The stalker finally loosened his grip on the kid's jibblies as Ignacio collapsed to the ground, doubled over in pain. He looked down through the tears and sniffles at his junk, and watched their normal color return. Gazing back up at the man, he was asked, "My name is Jerry; what's yours?"

Ignacio tried to steel himself against the pain, "ig-ig-Ignacio," he sputtered. The helpless twink tried petting his agonizing bangers and mash in hopes that would lessen the pain, only to convulse and making it worse.

"Well Ignacio," the man smiled again, "those are probably gonna hurt for a while. You probably don't wanna touch them until our wedding ceremony"

"Wedding ceremony," his gaze once again met the sadist as he bent down to the boy's level.

The man pushed up on his pervy looking spectacles, "yeah, I was serious about that; remember? Unlike you kids today with your this pods' and that trend-mees,' I wait until there's a ring on both of our fingers to make sweet, sweet love to your tight booty. Now come on, we gotta get down to the courthouse before it closes."

"Wait - my parents -"

"I guess they can come too...along with baby brother. You gotta have your family with you on your big day. I know it's sudden, but the connection that you and I have for one another transcends all things. I know that you feel as deeply in love with me as I do with you." The man picked up the twink, and tossed him over the shoulder as a new pain blasted its way through Ignacio's soft caramel body. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried his best not to resist like his father told him to do in hopes that the man might lose interest. He bounced up and down on the man's shoulder as he was carried through the park.

"Dude," he heard a familiar voice draped in a hushed tone as his eyelids fluttered open, "is this your stalker?" He could barely nod out a confirmation to Jake as his buddy locked step. "Oh fuck man, you take him. He's just so gross and ugly! I don't get with dudes who have comb-overs; `just accept the loss and deal with it' I say." Jake shrugged his shoulders as he came to a stop, "sorry man, you're on your own."

As they made their way across the park, he saw his father hunched over slightly, furiously stroking his member surrounded by a group of Non-Blacklisted men. His stalker stopped so he could witness what was happening and invite his dad to the event. "Yeah that's it slut," one of them jeered, "jerk that chorizo for us! Blast your spicy Mexi cream all over the pavement! We wanna watch a slut-bomb doing what he does best: shooting his stew!"

"YEAH WHORE," another one yelled, "you like it when real men tell you what to do, don't you fucking spic!" The men spat on his father as he just kept himself stationary playing with himself.


"OH GOD," Luis cried, "I'M GONNA CUM - I'M GONNA CUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMM!" Blasts of white hot man chowder soon washed across the pavement as the older man orgasmed. His pants and groans reached a fevered pitch as the last of his dick-snot petered out. He collapsed to the ground panting out, "thank you, thank you! You're all too kind!" As the group left the show, having seen what they wanted, Luis looked up at the couple now overshadowing him.

"Ignacio," he questioned as the men's loogies dripped from his shimmering dad body.

"Pleased to meet you sir! I'm Jerry, and I want your son's hand in marriage," the stalker's voice had changed from a fiery need to torture to one of utmost respect. "Do you consent?"

"Well sure, but I don't see what you need my permission for. After all, you are well within your legal rights to take him."

"That may be true sir, but as I told your son, I am old fashioned like that. I won't marry the fruit of anyone's loins without both parents' approval."

"Oh his mother will be so pleased. When's the wedding date?"

"Oh I'd say an hour or so from now, depending on traffic between here and the courthouse."

"Well do I have time to call my wife?"

"Sure, five more minutes isn't that big of a stretch for me. Especially when it comes to the mother of the husband-to-be."

Luis reached for the phone that was dangling from his neck in the same case that he kept his credit cards in. "Rosa," the thirty-nine year old called out after his wife picked up. "Rosa, honey, I've got big news: our son's getting married!" Ignacio winced as his mom screeched with joy into her phone while his father pulled back the device from his ear. "'s happening today! Get to the main gate and we'll follow the happy couple."

The trio made their way to the main gate, and stood around for what felt like an eternity as they awaited Luis's wife to meet up with them. Just as they started to wonder if she had gotten lost, Luis spotted his wife bounding towards the group with her little son in her arms. "Momma," the trio could hear the boy whine, "momma I wanna go back and play more."

"Not now mijo, your brother is getting married today," she told her little one, "Hi I'm Rosa - are you the man that my son has been talking non-stop about?"

"Why yes ma'am I sure am. My name is Jerry and he and I are gonna go to the courthouse today and get hitched."

"Qué perfecto - may we follow you?"

"Only if I have your permission to marry your son. Do I have your permission?"

"Why yes, of course," Rosa responded as she turned to her saliva covered husband, "so polite, I like him!"

"Thank you ma'am! I try my best!"

"Hey," Igancio finally piped up, "what about me? Don't I get a say in any of this?"

"Hush now," his mother replied, "if you didn't want to be married you should have said otherwise. Besides, I've been waiting for this day since the day you turned two."

"But Mom, I'm saying something now - I DON'T WANNA MARRY THIS MAN!"

"Oh can't you just behave and stop thinking with your genitals for once? The bonds of holy matrimony transcends all hookups that you could ever desire. Love is an eternal flame!"

"That's true ma'am and my flame burns brightest for your oldest son."

"Qué hermoso - I can't wait to call my sister ee rub it in her face! None of her three daughters have a husband yet!"

"That's because they're lesbian astrophysicists, Mama," Ignacio huffed as he still hung off the man's shoulder.

"Silencio mijo - don't ruin this for your mama!" Rosa reached into her purse to fish out her mobile phone as they made their way out to their respective vehicles. She pressed a single button on her phone and brought the phone to her ear. "Marisol, es mee, Rosa," she gloated, "I got big news: little Ignacio es getting married!" She pulled her phone away from her ear as the group split off. Ignacio could hear the screech from his aunt as his mom, dad, and little brother went to the family car. Meanwhile, the fat slob unlocked his `39 pick up truck and threw the nude youngster into the passenger's seat. He fished out a bit of rope from the backseat and tied the kid's hands up as tight as he could.

"Hey that hurts," Igancio complained.

"I'll show you real pain on the honeymoon tonight, dear," the stalker grinned from ear-to-ear as his eyes flickered with the slightest hint of a demonic perversion. The twink gulped as the man shut his passenger door. It suddenly felt as though Ignacio had just been sealed into a coffin, smelling of rotten eggs and day old tuna, as he breathed rapidly, taking heaving shallow breaths. The pasty skinned slob jogged around to the driver's seat, as his gooey flabs bounced and jiggled with each step. The man got in, closed his door and started his truck up before looking over at Ignacio. "Ready to start the first day of the rest of our lives, sexy?"

"P-p-" the naked Blacklister stuttered as fear held an icy tight grip around his throat and tongue. "Please don't...don't kill me! I'll be good, I promise!"

A look of genuine confusion fell across Jerry's face, "why would I ever do that? I love you!"

"But you said that you were gonna hurt me," the bare twink argued.

"Love is pain, babe, and I just love you so much that it hurts! I want you to know how I feel from the depths of my soul! You were the first man to ever be so nice and kind to me, and I just want to spend the rest of my life repaying you for that kindness."

In a weird twisted way that seemed so sweet to Ignacio that for the briefest of moments he had forgotten all the horrors that this man wrought and would continue to force upon him. He quickly came to his senses and started banging on the window in hopes that someone would let him out. As the man drove off, he jiggled the door handle without any luck. "Don't worry baby, I got you. You are completely safe as I always leave the childproof locks turned on." Ignacio leaned his head against the window in defeat as he contemplated the future that was being thrust upon him. How long would they be together? Would he still have friends? What were his plans for the long term? Hell, what were his plans for tonight? All of these thoughts and more raced through his mind as he watched the blur of the world whizzing by him as they raced down the highway.

It took an hour before they arrived at the courthouse. His parents were busy trying to find a parking place having just arrived moments after they parked. Jerry got out and came around to the passenger's side of the vehicle, opening it up to retrieve his new fiancée, only to stop and wait for his new in-laws. Ignacio looked annoyed as he was being slung over the man's shoulder while he watched his parents come up from behind the pair. "What's wrong mijo," his mother cooed, "you should be happy. This is your big day!"

"I'm being forced to marry a man that I don't know, maybe," his rhetorical question oozed snark and discontent. The group made their way to the front doors of the courthouse and entered without a single moment of fanfare, despite his mother beaming with joy at her son's change in fortune. Luis on the other hand hardened as a breeze from the swinging door brushed across his genitals. The man let out the slightest of moans as his member almost doubled in size once more. He knew that the pull of erotic passions would soon beset his hormone addled brain, and he would have to flush out his seminal vesicles via his vas deferens no matter what was happening at any given moment.

The line for the marriage license had only three other couples waiting in line while a fourth Non-Blacklisted couple stood behind a counter. Of the four only one pair consisted of a fully blacklisted couple while another were similar to Ignacio and Jerry, but instead the Non-Blacklister had his dick buried to the hilt in his fiancée's rectum. The pair moaned and groaned in a delicious dance of pure bliss, eager to start their new life together. Jerry turned to Rosa seeing that she had started to cry, and asked, "what's wrong mommy?"

"Oh I'm just so pleased that you and my nené are gonna be so happy like that couple ahead of us," she pointed to the couple as they writhed with ecstasy. "I hope you plan on having children of your own some day so you too can know the joys of parenthood."

"We'll discuss it, I promise," Jerry smiled to his soon-to-be mother-in-law. She continued to beam with the image of her son smiling in her head.

Meanwhile Luis was starting to feel a pain that he both loved and hated feeling as he watched the couple go at it with one another. His penis ached and throbbed, desperate to join the happy couple in their publicly romantic tryst. Each lecherous moan, pant, and groan invaded his ear drums like a platoon of sex crazed Romans ransacking a village. Soon his member pulsated to the rhythm of the couple's love making, sending shivers of lust up and down his spine. He wanted to lunge across the room and mount the Blacklister, and make furious, angry love to the young man. Sticky, warm fluid slimed its way down his enraged homo erectus, dripping from his large, meaty cum spheres. He absentmindedly began playing with himself as he stood there. His hand slid back and forth across his dangle that had stiffened to an almost ninety degree angle. The sensations of pleasure overtook his senses as he imagined his soon-to-be son-in-law mounting him as they waited. There was some sort of ethereal quality to the fifty-five year old that made Luis leak harder than he had ever thought possible. He pictured the man brutally and viciously taring his hole asunder leaving nothing but a blood-red mess behind as though his ass was nothing more than a piece of wet tissue paper. Jealousy had crept in and taken it's cruel, evil hold on his desires as he wished it was him who was being married off to the fat, slimy, pasty skinned, balding man. As the mental movie of his son-in-law brushing his bristly mustache across his soft gentle crotch meat began playing out in his head, blasts of his man batter soon painted the glistening white floor. "Next in line please," the words cut through his reverie like a sharp hot knife through butter.

The real world came careening back to him as Luis realized where he was and what was really happening. "Ay Dios mío," he thought, "that's right, my son is getting married." He could feel a warmth rising up through his body as a small, quiet rage of jealousy assailed his sex addled brain.

"Yes, hi..." Jerry's voice boomed, "I'd like to obtain one Blacklisted Marriage License, please."

"Names," the middle aged woman sat behind the desk, her expression deadpan from years of service.

"Jerry Smithson, and..." Jerry turned to in-laws, "I'm sorry what was your son's names again?"

"Ignacio Montoya-Rodriguez," Rosa replied, eager to start the proceedings.

"Ignacio Montoya-Rodriguez," Jerry finished turning back to the file clerk.

"Ok so the license and barcode tattoo are $50 U.S. and for $25 more you can get a full service ceremony in our chapel complete with a holo-photo and recording for family and friends. How will you be paying?"

"We'll take it all," Rosa cutout Jerry's response before he even had time to complete a thought. "Now," she turned to the fat pasty brute, "don't worry about the cost. This will be our wedding gift to you both."

"Thank you Mrs. Montoya-Rodriguez"

"Please, you call me Momma or Mommy"

"Sure thing Mommy"

"Oooooo," she tensed with joy, "I'm just so happy for the two of you that I could pop!" She turned to Luis, "honey, pay the woman already!" Luis reached into the black billfold that hung from his neck and handed the woman their credit card. After receiving the piece of plastic, she swiped it through the machine before handing it back to him. The group proceeded to the impromptu chapel where several men sat in various outfits and states of dress. Some were adorned with tribal markings or jewelry being proudly brandished over their naked forms while others were decked out in other religious garb. A naked Latino man that looked to be a Catholic priest was busy whacking his meaty staff while one of the tribal adorned men was doing the same. The two stood mere inches from one another, and had yet to take notice of the family as they entered the sanctuary. "Oh yeah, that's it stud," said the Latino, "I want your big load all over my bare flesh."

"Sure thing, papicito," the tribal man replied.

"Ay fuck - I'M GONNA - UHHHHHHHHH!" White blasts of sauce rocketed out the naked Latino's piss slit, soaking the tattooed man with his spicy jizz. The tribal Blacklister soon splattered his cream all over the Latino; by the end, both had been thoroughly soaked. The Latino smiled at his partner just before he turned to the family, "so who is the lucky couple?"

"Uhhhh, we are," Jerry piped up. He had been standing there in a daze watching the now spooge soaked man blast his sauce all over his buddy.

"Oh my...felicitations and blessings on you both. What faith are you both?"

"I was agnostic up until I met my fiancée," he turned to his mother-in-law in a low whisper, "what faith are you again?"

Ignacio rolled his eyes, "we're Roman Catholic, idiota!"

Jerry slapped his partner's rump before responding to the nude preacher, "Roman Catholic - he's Roman Catholic, and I'm willing to convert to be with him."

The cream slid slowly down the blacklisted preacher's bare body, "oh how wonderful! Let it never be said that God does not welcome all into his flock, regardless how they may find His love. So is this a two or more person marriage," the preacher eyed Luis over.

"Nawww, this is a twosome all the way. I'm old fashioned like's just gonna be the two of us for many a year to come (emphasis on the cum)."

"How wonderful! Now, normally we ask that you convert beforehand, but since you two are so much in love and what with me being the hopeless romantic type, I'll make an exception!"

Ignacio's mother let out a gleeful cry as everyone covered their ears. "With all that being said," the preacher announced, "let's get started. Do you - I'm sorry what was your name?"

The pasty old blob replied, "Jerry - Jerry Smithson."

"Do you Jerry Smithson take - name?"

"Ignacio Montoya-Rodriguez," replied Rosa.

"Take Ignacio Montoya-Rodriguez to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health...for better or for worse...for as long as you both live?"

"Yes, yes I certainly do!"

"Do you Mrs. Montoya-Rodriguez give up your son to be his lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health...for better or for worse...for as the both live?"

"Si, mucho!"

"Well then by the power vested in me by God himself and the state marriage licensing board, I now pronounce you both husbands. You may now kiss your husband."

Jerry released Ignacio onto the ground before he knelt down to make out with his new husband. The Salvadoran twink shuddered as the blob of a man pressed his gut wrenching mouth to his perfectly pink, plump lips. He could feel the weight of the man that was now his husband bearing down upon him, slowly crushing the life from his body. Air slowly slipped out of his lungs as each inhale became more of a struggle than the previous one. He turned his head as he watched his parents take his little brother with them from the room, leaving him alone with this brute. Jerry's warm breath moistened the smooth, tight young throat of his newly married husband. "Come on babe," he whispered into his lover's ear, "let's not keep the rest of our lives waiting. Your mom slipped me a credit card with a note attached saying that it was your college fund and that we should use it for the honeymoon." A single tear rolled down Ignacio's face as he resigned himself to the new life that was being forced upon him. Not a single person alive cared what it was that he wanted, and no one would ever care again.


It had been ten brutal, grueling years since their wedding day, and Ignacio hated his life even more now than he did back then. Everyday brought a new horror, and every night revisited a common, repetitive torment. It was like being stuck in a never-ending-nightmare in which he could not escape. His husband hunted him through the small house his parents had given the couple as a wedding present when they returned from their honeymoon in Hawaii. When the Latino was finally caught, his ass would be torn to shreds as his husband laughed with maniacal delight. It seemed to the Blacklister that the man delighted in finding new agonizing ways to torture him. The only reprieve he got was when his husband went to work or was watching his favourite reality show: Hunk Island. If he didn't have the house cleaned, dinner cooked and on the table by the time the show came on, he wasn't allowed out of his chastity cage for the five minutes that he was afforded to ejaculate. If Jerry was feeling extra sadistic, then he would snap electrodes to the metal and fry the kid's cock. His pain was never ending and the problem was compounded by the fact that each morning he awoke renewed and refreshed as though the previous days' torments had never happened allowing only the memories to linger. Nothing ever changed, nothing ever got better...the only thing that Ignacio could hope for was that his husband would die suddenly of a heart attack or some other sudden life-threatening event would occur. That thought, and that thought alone was the only thing that kept him going through all of pain, torment, and rapes.

Next: Chapter 9: Doberjism

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