
By NakedscribeKC

Published on Sep 19, 2020


Author's Disclaimer: The author has created fictitious persons in an effort to tell a story and as such does not reflect any actual person real or fake, living or dead. As always feel free to submit fan mail and constructive criticism to the provided e-mail address. You can now follow me on Twitter: @TheScribeXXX

The cool October breeze nipped at Josh's bare rippling muscles. He was already wishing that he had taken the new service walkways that were integrated into the ivy league campus's design. "No time for that," he thought as he jogged over to the on-campus café that he frequented daily for his iced frappuccino. He stood in line waiting his turn like he did every morning, ignoring the man's hands as they kneaded his perfectly round exposed butt cheeks. His donkey dick inflated like balloon being filled with helium as his nervous system responded to the unexpected stimulation. He wished that life could go back to the way it was three years ago...back before the Blacklist Laws came into effect...back before the Great Revelation; he was thirty back then and full of hope. The Barista winked at him like he always did as the guy handed him his drink once again writing his phone number on the side of the cup. The biracial amateur bodybuilder simply rolled his eyes as he walked away, pulling off a sticky note that was decked out in his harasser's contact info: "call me xoxo" it read. He tossed the paper in a nearby garbage can as he headed out the doors and down the steps leading into the quad.

As he reached the outdoor patio furniture, he was less than surprised to find the remedial calculus professor, doctor Huberston, and eighteen year old freshman, Lorenzo Santos, in a heated exchange. "Please sir," the rising soccer star pleaded, "please don't kick me out of your class. I need this class to stay in school as a math class is a requisite for my core curriculum."

"Believe me," the professor reponded, "if I had any alternative, I would let you stay. But you see, your actions have consequences: if you are gonna sit in my class all day without a stitch of clothing on then you are gonna have to think about what it does to me. It's very distracting what with that smooth, tight body of yours. I can't concentrate when I can see your tender, young meat dangling between your legs. I mean if you are gonna workout all the time, the least you could do is jerk off for me and let me lick your salty spooge."

A little quiver rose in the young Brazilian's voice, "but sir, it feels so wrong when men watch me."

"I understand that, I do...tell you what: how about instead of jerking it, I just fuck you before and after class. That way it won't feel wrong, and I can concentrate better. Does that sound fair?"

"I don't think so..." the twink's eyes darted around before they landed on Josh. He gave the muscular anthropology teacher a begging look as he tried to relay his fears to the man. Josh just stood there locked in place by a surge of overwhelming terror, hesitant to get involved as he knew it could cost him his job or worse.

"Well if you won't put out willingly, then I suppose that you've left me with only one option: I'll have to take what I want by force." The teacher grabbed the panic stricken student moving him on top of the wiry patio table before unzipping his fly. His seven and a half by five inch ice-pick-hard dick popping out like a jack-in-the-box that had been wound too tightly. He spread his students thin, firm thighs and rammed into the kid's backside love door.

"PLEASE NOOOOOO!" the twink yelled as the creepy looking older man plundered his delectable, hairless rectum. "IT HURTS! IT HURTS! YOU'RE TARING ME - UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tears had started forming in his bulging eyes as his mouth hung agape in agony.

"See baby? This is what you made me do," the professor snarled at his student. "You just sit there all the time in my class, your young tenders jiggling anytime your hand goes up and it just drives me wild. You are always so eager to learn; I've never had a student like you before."

"Please, let me go," the twink sobbed, "I promise not to jiggle anymore and I'll never raise my hand again...I swear!"

"Shhhhhh, sweet thing; Professor Daddy will make you feel so good." The man tore his cock back out of his student's guts before thrusting it back in. The kid shrieked again as the man went to town on his student's hole. He leaned into the kid's face and started kissing him tenderly as Lorenzo tried to turn away in sickening revulsion.

Josh was still frozen in place as look of pure horror and loathing started to fill him for the man that he once respected. He wanted to run, to flee, to get help, or to stop what was happening, but could only stand there as he watched the professor brutally sodomize one of the youths he once took an oath never to harm. He watched as the offspring of two Brazilian immigrants tried to use what little strength he had to push away the oaf that held him in place as the man repeatedly blamed him for the feelings that he had towards the student. Anytime Josh thought Lorenzo was about to break free, Hubertson would double down in his attack and would pound even harder. "OH GOOOOOOO - AHHHHHHHHHH!" the soccer boy's eyes bulged out once again, seemingly further than before; Josh wondered how that was even possible. It didn't take long before the old man's pace quickened as he moved closer to the edge of undeniable bliss.

"OH FUCK BABY," the teacher called out, "YOU WANNA GET - UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The maths teacher shot his warm sticky frosting deep into his young charge's cinnamon buns. He lay atop the crying kid, awash in the glow of the moment. "What's amatter baby? Didn't you like Daddy giving you his affections?" Lorenzo sniffled and snorted as goo oozed from his once virginal hole. His attacker leaned in, "there, there, sweet thing; Daddy will kiss you and make you feel better. Just remember: don't turn Daddy on ever again or else this will keep happening; OK?"

Josh started to dry heave as he bent to the ground. Professor Hubertson turned to him, "well good day to you Doctor Owens. I didn't see you there. Just teaching my student here the way the world works is all."

"I think - I think - bleggghh" Josh puked onto the chilly cement sidewalk as he tried to regain his composure. "As I was saying, I think what you did was the most hideous and repugnant thing that you could do to a student - nay - person, EVER!"

Professor Hubertson look genuinely confused, "whatever do you mean? I did nothing wrong." The professor had somehow managed to miss the fact that his student had seized the opportunity to get away, leaving a trail of pinkish ooze in his wake. "I's not like he wasn't asking for it. If he really wanted to stop it, young men's bodies have ways of stopping this from happening."

"You - you're a sick, perverted old man, and I hope you rot in hell!"

"Now, now, don't make me file a report against you!" The ire in the professor's voice rose as he zipped his fly back up. "There are rules against this kind of behavior, you know!"


"That's it - I'm contacting your department's head as soon as I get back to my office! You can't treat people like this!" With that, doctor Huberston stormed off, leaving the beset biracial hunk to stew in his own rage and fury. Josh tried to catch up with the young Blacklister, but had to forego the chase so that he could prepare for his first lecture of the day.

"So as you can see, it was not only the Visigoths that contributed to the fall of Rome," he continued in his lecture, "but also a myriad of other smaller factors too. The Visigoths were just the catalyst that would set things in motion. In other words, they were the straw that broke the camel's back." A hand from the crowd in the lecture hall shot up, "yes, Mr. Banks?"

"Can I play with your thick straw, Doctor Owens?" Mr Banks teased as the other boys in the class laughed at the crudeness of their classmate's humor. The girls just bowed their heads and shielded their eyes as they let out a collective groan.

"No Mr. Banks, you know as well as all of my other students that I have a strict hands off policy when it comes to student-teacher relations. Does anyone else have a question?" Five more hands went up, "on the subject of Rome and NOT my body." All the hands immediately went down as an alarm on the hunk's phone went off. "OK, so for tomorrow I want all of you to read chapters twelve and thirteen as we will be discussing the Byzantine Empire next and how it was similar to the Roman Empire; dismissed!"

The students gathered up all of their belongings as they vacated the lecture hall. The sound of Blacklisters' asses being slapped echoed throughout the room as the other students took advantage of their classmates nudity. It was noon now, and the thirty three year old knew that the lunch room would be filled with hungry freshman...not all of them only craving food. Some of them would be busy stuffing each other, filling each other's guts with the natural male chowder that their loins could so readily produce. "Ahhhh...the vigors of youth," he thought as he remember back to when he was that age and the roommate he had a crush on back in his day. His monstrous member arose from its slumber atop his meatball sized testicles, as he recalled fondly how his roommate would always come into their shared dorm in nothing but a towel at around six everyday. He often wished that the fellow would mount him without provocation and make passionate, angry love to his backside as the fellow would steal his virginity like his roommate had done to so many of the opposite sex.

As Josh's penis started to hurt once more, he made sure that he was completely alone before vigorously making love to himself. His hands slid back and forth across his enraged beast trying earnestly to soothe its pangs. Every blood vessel was swollen to their breaking points as he stood there giving in to his more basic desires. He loved the feel of heft that it made in his hands and watched with delight as it leaked out its white juices. He used the fluid as a makeshift lube coating the ass ripper to make it easier to shoot. The thing pulsated again in his hand as more and more of the substance just oozed out. His was long clocking in at about eleven inches long and a good six inches round. It didn't matter how big his thing was, just so long as he could pleasure himself, and pleasure himself he did. He kneaded it, petted it...hell he even bounced it against his chiseled abs as he worked himself to orgasm. The Blacklister could feel the rush of bliss as he shot his spunk over the table in which his lecture notes sat, coating them in the viscous liquid. "Oh fuck," he said aloud as he saw it was all too late to stop the mess that he just made.

He scrambled trying to clean the mess that he had made as his thick sticky goo dripped off the pages of his notes. "What the fuck am I gonna do," the panic mounting in his voice. "There is no fucking way that any of this will dry in time for my next lecture! And I don't wanna miss my window for lunch!" He tossed the notes into the small garbage pail that sat by the door to the lecture hall as his mind raced to find a solution. Luckily his spooge had only managed to coat the cover of his instructor's text book and not the pages. He picked it up and used some of the least coated pages of his notes as makeshift paper towels. His jizz rolled almost effortlessly onto the ground as he continued to clean his mess. Once the panic had subsided, Josh realized that he could go to a student computer lab in the building next door and reprint some of what he had lost. He shoved his textbook into his duffel and raced out the door, down the stairs, and through the doors.

Outside he breezed past a couple of Blacklisted students locked in a passionate pound session, writhing in ecstasy. He used every ounce of willpower as he passed the boys, their moaning and panting calling to him like a siren's song. As the sounds of their love making grew louder, he knew what was coming next and desperately wanted to watch. He forced himself to rush past them, catching a peripheral glance of the top grabbing onto the bottom's hair, yanking it harshly back. As the doors to the next building sealed shut, he could hear the two youths call out to God. He dashed past another Blacklister on his haunched over, jerking it in the stairwell, his back facing out as he shot off into a corner. The young man took no notice of the muscular professor instead focusing on the orgasm itself. Josh could only guess how many loads that student had produced as he saw white sticky fluid dripping off the cornered walls.

The biracial, blacklisted hunk waived his badge as the scanner bleeped signifying that he had entered the computer lab. "Hey doctor Owens," the cherubic, chubby little Blacklister beamed, "looking good today. Computer four should be open soon." One of the jizz janitors had just finished cleaning the station as Josh sat down. Two seats down, a chubby Asian was receiving a blowjob from another young Blacklister that was nestled underneath the station, furiously sucking away and slobbering all over the kid's nob. Moans of passion rang out as the two ignored the stares and giggles from the other students. As he logged into his cloud account that the ivy league school provided, Josh looked over at the student working the booth. The hairless youth was busy fapping his little heart out, watching the other two that were engaging in their erotic act. He wondered if the boy would like to join the couple and was about to suggest that he join them when he suddenly remembered why he was here. He quickly printed off his day's archived notes, and left for the main cafeteria.

Josh arrived in the cafeteria that was brimming with faculty and students engaging in acts of passionate love making as well as meeting. The sounds of moaning almost drowning out the sounds of flesh slapping against one another as he scanned the populace in hopes that doctor Huberston would not be there. He wasn't particularly keen on another run-in with the man, and wanted to do his best to steer clear of the situation. A poster for the latest Doberjism concert hung outside the ivy league school's food court. He was thinking back to the last concert that the rap artist had when an all too familiar scream tore through the cafeteria like a bolt of lightening.

He made his way over to an entrance to a small dining enclave that was off to the side of the main area. It was there he arrived in time to see a group of frat boys had started gang raping one of his colleagues, professor Mendez, holding his legs up in a missionary position. "That's it professor," one of the boys snarled, "scream like you mean it! Your old ass is so fucking tight...way tighter than my girlfriend's pussy!"

"NO, PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO - AHHHHHHHHH!" the professor shrieked as the boys laughed.

"Oh but professor, aren't you supposed to be putting out for all your students? Now tell me, how do you say I'm a piece of gang-rape-bait in Spanish?"

"IT HURTS, PLEASE," tears streamed from the proud man's face as his student rammed his rape tool deep into his teacher's love cavern.

"Not until you teach me how to say `I'm a piece of gang-rape-bait' in Spanish."

"I sniffle I don't kn-kn-know!"

"En español professor," the rapist thrust hard back inside the Blacklisted teacher.

Josh could only stand there hoping that would never be him. It was a miracle that he had somehow managed to avoid getting gang raped by his students for the past few years. Most days he would bring his lunch with him to the office, opting to lock the door while ate in the darkness and silence. Today, as it just so happened, he had left his soybean shake at home on the counter as he raced out the door. He continued to monitor the gang rape as the first boy let out a deep guttural groan before allowing one of his companions a go at the Spanish teacher's brown buns. Professor Mendez's beer belly quaked in fear as the next student started positioning himself against the man's legs being held aloft by two other frat boys. One of the students was a Blacklister himself, stroking off to the screams of pain and fear the teacher was making.

"NO - NO - PLEASE - I'M BEGGING YOU! PLEA-AHHHHHHHH!" the second student penetrated the prostrated teacher as another pang of agony blared out from his mouth. The boys laughed cruelly once more as they watched the staff member getting pummeled by the blonde twink.

"You guys are right," the second one said, "he is tighter than any chick's pussy even after Derek tore through him." He leaned in, and pressed his lips over the old man's gasping mouth. Little droplets of blood oozed out of the teacher's backdoor as the student slammed into the staff member. Josh remembered how every man that had been raped had posted that after at least eight hours of rest and not being penetrated, they would feel like it was their first time when they next got mounted again. The Blacklisted hunk started spasming once more as bile started to rise up from his stomach. He wanted to be anywhere else at this moment, but his legs refused to respond. Instead, he hacked and coughed as the victim of the boy's lustful urges screamed once more.

"OH GOD! OH GOD! I DON'T KNOOOOOOOOOOW!" The second attacker soon sped his pace up as his panting soon followed suit. The faster the kid went, the louder the man would scream.

Finally the blonde twink joined him, "OH GOD! OH GOD! JESUS FFUUUUUUUUCK -!" The kid orgasmed into the helpless man's backside as little splotches of goo oozed out. He pulled back after the last of his fluids had been spent. Turning to the young Blacklister he said, "your turn dude."

The twink looked hesitantly at the tearful fellow Blacklister who could only mournfully mouth the words "don't do it, please."

The blonde caught on, "if you are for real gonna join our frat, then you need to understand all Blacklisters exist for the taking."

"What about me," he turned to the group worried about the future.

"As long as we have a steady stream of ass, we won't be tapping yours," the first one responded. "Besides you gotta unload somehow; we can all see you leaking."

The young Blacklister thrust his member into the teacher's battered hole, causing another wail to blast the walls. "DON'T DO THIS! WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER," the teacher managed to plead before his words melted into an indistinct screech. The naked youth ruefully sodomized the man thrusting deeper and deeper into the facutly member's backdoor.

"Yeah that's it," a non-Blacklister egged him on.

"Take his manhood," barked another.

"Show him that he's meant to be nothing more than a cum dumpster for us to break!" instructed another. The young Blacklister started panting as he gave way to the passions that compelled his loins. His thrusts becoming more and more forceful as the pair of dude-bros holding the man's legs above his head high-fived one another. The teacher continued his agonizing cries, a little more despondently than before. The kid blocked out all the torment he inflicted on his fellow Blacklister as he focused on the pleasure the man's ass felt as he pounded even more passionately than before. The twink increased his rhythm, his balls slapping against the teacher's ass like a man might discipline a youth. Josh watched as the boy's balls tightened before he let out a deep moan of his own, thanking God for the orgasm. His fellow companions painted the teacher with a load of their own after letting go of the staff member's legs.

Professor Mendez lay on the table that had been used to support his back through the entire endeavour, huddled in a sideways fetal position. The rapists' collective loads oozed out his spent anal sphincter mewing and sobbing in pain. Josh finally managed to duck behind a wall out of sight as the boys fist pounded one another busy congratulating the newest recruit while leaving the scene. After they had gotten out of earshot of the two men, Josh went to work tending to Professor Mendez. "Professor," Josh whispered, "professor's me Josh Owens."

The forty year old only recoiled to the man's touch, "no - no - not again!" Professor Mendez's voice had become faint and hollow as he lay sobbing. Josh looked over the professor's naked form, trying his best not to touch him as he examined the flabby fellow. The older Blacklister lay there, a broken mess of a man, remaining in the fetal position and trying to hold onto what remained of his sanity.

"I'm gonna go get help," Josh announced to his fellow Blacklister. A hand darted out, grasping onto the stud's left forearm as he tried to leave.

"NO! Don't go," the teacher wailed.

"I have to go get someone to treat you," Josh struggled to loosen the other man's grasp without inflicting further injury. "You are in a state of shock and if you don't get someone to treat you, it may only worsen your condition."

"I'm - I'm so scared! Can't you take me with you?" Josh could see the terror in the Spanish teacher's puffy eyes. "What if they come back?"

Josh shook his head, "not likely. I think they've had their fill of you at this point." Professor Mendez loosened his grip allowing Josh to go get the Blacklist certified school nurse. Josh jogged off as tenders slapped and bounced violently against his immodest caramel colored flesh. Just as he rounded the corner he could hear the man scream out once more. Josh's heart sank as he knew that he had doomed the man to any passersby who would want to use him as their personal play toy.

He made his way out to the quad, and across the campus before coming to the nurse's station. Once inside, he was able to see one of the medics that were always on call, "please. My friend has just been gang raped and he's in shock! You have to help him!"

"Sir," the woman crisply responded from her chair behind the counter, "I would love to assist you, but I haven't received the necessary training for Blacklisted clients."

"What? What do you mean? Can't you just treat his condition? I mean shock for a Blacklister should be the same as a non-Blacklister."

The woman popped her gum, pointed to a sign on the wall telling people what time the Blacklist specialist would return from lunch. "I can't legally do that sir. We have one appointed Blacklist service provider and she is on lunch."

"You mean HE is on lunch."

The woman glared at the towering slab of beefcake, "no, I mean SHE is on lunch. Just `cause she is a woman doesn't mean that she knows any less than her male counterparts."

Josh looked at his watch, before running his hand anxiously across his bald head. Only fifteen more minutes before the medic was due back, and even then they would both have to go across the campus to reach Professor Mendez. As the biracial hunk stood there, he could feel the breeze of the heaters waft across his large package. "Oh fuck," he thought, "not now! Not this!" His beast once again roused from its slumber, gyrating and pulsating to life. He could feel it grow and hardened as he tried to think unappetizing thoughts without any luck. It wasn't long before his mighty cyclops was at full attention and yearning for care. The stud's face flushed as he was left with little recourse but to attend to his own needs. "Do - do you mind if...if I just...ya know..." Josh stammered from embarrassment at his predicament.

The woman stood up, leaned over the counter, and saw what the amateur bodybuilder was hinting at. She rolled her eyes as she popped her gum once more, "only if you must," she sighed.

"Thanks," he jeered sarcastically, "you're a real pal. Anyone ever tell you that your bedside manner could use improvement?" She ignored the remark, and went back to the magazine that she had been reading. Josh took control of his donkey dick, placing his dominant right hand back onto the massive stiffy. He massaged the tender, swollen mass carefully so as not to garner too much friction. The mighty stallion loosened his grip and chose to slide his hand over his loins, giving them the lightest of touches. It felt as if someone had taken several small delicate feathers to his angered boner in hopes of soothing his unruly monster. He carefully and methodically traced every inch of his engorged lump, losing himself in the ecstasy of the moment. Everything else melted away into a pool of passion as waves of desire crashed on the shores of delight. He moaned and panted taking his left hand and squeezing his nipple trying to tease an imaginary lover. "Oh yeah baby," he gasped, "just like that." His testicles churned and stirred in preparation for the raucous conclusion that he was inching closer and closer too. Josh's pace quickened as he started getting closer to his big, voluminous finish. All he could think about was that sweet, delicious release that was about to befall him and nothing more. "UH - UH - UH," he yelled as his man pole spat out its sticky white substance. Blasts of cream ejected themselves out of his mighty vas deferens and all across the stark white linoleum. When all was said and done, he must have ejaculated over half a cup of his sauce on the floor.

The sound of a high-heeled foot tapping against the floor brought him out of his daze. "Is there something with which I can help you with," the woman glared menacingly at the once again embarrassed man.

"Sorry, there was a breeze and I - I..." Josh voiced flustered as he tried to explain the reason why he was here. "My friend has been repeatedly gang raped and needs help."

"And you thought it was a good idea to jerk it instead of coming to find me; yeah that makes sooooooo much sense."

"Well I didn't know where you were and there was a breeze - LOOK - can you help my friend or not!"

"Fine, take me to him," the Blacklister medic sighed. "Fucking men," she muttered under her breath, "always thinking with their penises and NOT with their brains." She turned to the other nurse, "Janet, get a J.J. in here so they can clean this mess up. I don't want any of that stuff to harden while I'm gone."

"Not your secretary," she replied before looking over at the stud's leftovers, "but for both of our sake, I'll do it." With all that said, both Josh and the Blacklist medic left the station in favour of the primary commissary.

The pair arrived in the dining hall having breezed past a two young men urinating into the open mouth of a Blaclisted student. Ever since the public urination amendment passed about a year or so ago, more and more Blacklisters were experimenting with drinking urine. The two clothed youths gleefully relieved themselves as they called "oh god" and "this feels amazing!" The Blacklister sat there cross-legged on the ground, devouring each drop like a parched man that had been trapped in the desert for three days. Josh wish he could watch the young men experimenting with watersports, but now was not the time as his coworker could get raped again at any moment.

The medic and the hunk made there way through the main entrance, and past the sounds of students banging on each other, to the side enclave that held the battered teacher. "Sir, sir," the medic called out but to no avail. The teacher had seemingly vanished into thin air, leaving only a pool of scooge where he had once been. Josh searched frantically but couldn't find any clues as to what had happened.

The medic stood fuming as she watched the nude bodybuilder move frantically around the room. "I don't understand," Josh was puzzled by the lack of evidence in the enclave, "he was right here half an hour ago. It's not like he just got up and walked off."

"Look," the medic tapped her black stiletto on the marble flooring, "if you are gonna falsify a medical emergency, the least you could do is have someone here waiting on you." She turned and exited in a huff leaving Josh to ruminate on the whereabouts of professor Mendez. Just as his frustration was about to level up, his phone pinged: "Your afternoon classes have been cancelled! Please report to room 204 at Venetian Hall IMMEDIATELY!" Josh's stomach dropped as he concluded that this could only mean one thing: Professor Hubertson had indeed levied his complaint against him. The stud grabbed his bag that he had dropped during his investigation and started to saunter over to the building on the other side of the campus.

Outside the doors, the three boys had been replaced by a couple locked in a physical entanglement. Moans and pants filled the October air as the Blacklister pounded his buddy with the brute force of a freight train. The muscle god wanted to join the duo in their antics, but once again stopped himself. He had boundaries that needed to be maintained and humping students would be akin to rape for him. He continued his trek over the vast field that made up the student campus, witnessing varying degrees of sexual deviations unfold around him. As he passed Colinwood Hall a group of boys slithered and writhed in ecstasy as they humped and throbbed in small orgy. Up ahead, two Blacklisters were peeing into one of the small fenced off trees, while a non-Blacklister filmed it with his phone. The two were laughing and smiling as though it was the most natural thing in the world to them. As he approached the public wash station, he saw the team's quarterback drenched in suds. He was being scrubbed down by the art department head, and looked to be enjoying it. He kissed the seventy year old firmly on the lips as the faculty member tenderly grasped his soap covered erection. Josh could once again feel his own loins stirring once more as everywhere he looked he saw men in different states of sexual trysts.

He entered into Venetian Hall, his body tingling with both anxiety and rapture as he ascended the staircase once more. A Blacklisted student was having his pole smoked by another Blacklisted student, his pants and whimpers filling the cement cavern with opera of passion. Josh's own member hardened as he was unable to block out the sounds the heavyset student made. The stud recognized the younger male: it was the student from the computer lab that he had been in earlier. "Good for him," he thought, "seems like anyone will do anyone and that's a good thing." He smiled as turned the corner, his own penis hard and leaking with a longing of its own. He exited the stairwell and entered the hall as he spied two more Blacklisters...this time, walking down the hall.

Once he arrived at room 204 he gave it four polite knocks. "Enter," a distinctly masculine voice called from the other side, ushering Josh into the room. Several of his superiors were gathered in the small but lavish conference room. The Blacklister sat down, his engorged wang grazing the table's edge as he leaned back to give it breathing room. "Ahhhh, Doctor Owens...perfect timing," the same voice that had greeted him now came from the department head at the end of the table. "Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice."

"It's no problem really," Josh gave his most charming smile as he feigned ignorance at what was about to take place.

"It's come to our attention that there have been reports of some issues that aren't being addressed."

Josh gulped nervously, "well, you see, here's the thing -"

"We honestly don't care what your reasons are, Doctor Owens, we just want results."

"Results," Josh was genuinely confused by the choice of their words, "results in regards to what?"

"Yes, with your students."

"What about my students," he inquired as a wave of relief washed over the nude hunk while he relaxed in the chair.

"Well according to the comment cards we have been receiving, you aren't having an affair with any of them."

"So - I mean - isn't that a good thing?"

"Well, frankly, no - it isn't. You see we want to foster an atmosphere of trust and understanding between staff and faculty."

"Well you could start by adopting a `no rape' policy for all Blacklisters while on campus."

The clothed men chuckled at the absurdity of the notion, "no, but seriously, we want you to take on multiple sexual affairs with students, most notably with non-Blacklisters."

"We feel that this will strengthen the bonds between faculty and students while they attend our illustrious institution of higher learning," another finally chimed in.

"Guys," Josh leaned in, "I'm not sleeping with any of my students, male or otherwise, and there is nothing that you can say that will change that."

"Let's cut the crap," a third one spoke up more sternly than the first two, "you either start putting out for your students or you can find another job; end of discussion!"

The stud mulled it over a bit before giving his response, "fine...but I pick the students."

"Deal," the first one looked over the papers that sat on the table, "one more thing before you go..."


"A Doctor Hubertson levied a complaint at mistreatment of his well being at your hands."

"Ok, about that -"

"No need...we assured him that you were not in the right frame of mind when you made your statements. We advise you to orgasm more frequently and in plain view of at least two persons at all times. If you do this, we will overlook the outburst from this morning; don't let it happen again."

The Blacklisted stud hung his head in defeat; he knew that he had been beaten. "You can start by addressing the rager you have and jerk off for us," the second one instructed.

Shame and humiliation began to fill Josh's being as he tried to protest. The group's leader shushed him, by placing his finger to his lips, before a single sound could escape his mouth. His erection had been leaking this entire time and only pulsed at the idea of performing for these powerful men. "Get up on the table," the third man ordered. Begrudgingly Josh climbed up on top of the table, adopting a kneeling position in front of the spectators trying to keep himself from crying from humiliation. "That's it baby," the third one cooed, "show your daddies some love." The biracial hunk placed his right hand on his thigh while grasping his stiff donkey dick with his left hand. He felt the leering eyes of the department admins as he slowly and almost surreptitiously played with himself. His humiliation grew when one of them whistled forcing a shudder of revulsion throughout his body. Josh wished that he had never mouthed off to the mathematics professor and that this was some horrific dream that he was having, but the sensations that soon took over proved otherwise.

His left hand slid up and down massaging his throbber with all the gentle finesse of smooth criminal trying to break into a bank. Up and down...up and down...his uncut cock strained against his against his masculine palm. He did his best to hold back the tears as one of the other admins urged him on, "that's it sexy; big boy has got to empty his thick, meaty sack or else he's gonna have an ow-y soon." The other men chuckled as they watched Josh squeeze his eyes shut, trying to block out his all too eager audience. Was this what was truly meant to be his life from here on? Having to jerk it in front of total strangers who only saw him as a cheap piece of meat?

Just then he felt something splatter across his perfectly chiseled torso, and opened his eyes. Looking down he discovered that one of the administrators had blasted his brown body with large glob of baby oil. He looked up, and saw the first admin grinning ear-to-ear. "That's it stud," the first admin hissed, "use it to make things a little easier on you." The trio had become fixated on his hands as he started spreading the moisturizing grease all over his exposed form. They licked their lips and dropped their tongues like dogs watching a piece of raw meat dangling in front of them. He could hear their panting as Josh slid his left hand on his meat stick and his right across his chest.

"Now," the second one instructed, "flex for us."

Josh moved his right arm into a capital L position as best as he could, making his bicep as big and hard as he could possibly get it. He hadn't noticed until that exact moment that the three admins had been playing with themselves beneath the desk too. Their moans and pants overtook the silence in the room as Josh held the pose that he had last been ordered to take. "That's it sexy," the group leader spoke, "keep it up. Keep up that exact pose until your love muscle explodes with all of its big sloppy juices." His bicep glistened under the fluorescent lighting as the trio furiously stroked to his tawdry form.

Josh felt an all too familiar churning sensation signaling that it was nearly time to climax. His breathing hastened, "oh god - I'm gonna cum - I'm gonna c-uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Blasts of white hot man lava flowed forth from his piss slit arching across the conference table and landing in the hair of the first admin. This sent the trio of admins over the edge as they too shot their wads on the underside of the wooden surface. Spent, the foursome bathed in the afterglow of their carnal desires, smiling up at the ceiling, heads hanging back, relaxing as best as they could.

"Thank you Doctor Owens, that will be all," the third one dismissed him, as the first and second remained stationary in their chairs.

Next: Chapter 8: Ignacio

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